Tuesday, September 20, 2011

La Pola - September 19, 2011 - Discussion Page

Summary: Pedrito succeeds in reaching the Almeida brothers. Vicente thinks Ambrosio is mustering the troops because he is in love with Pola. Sámano goes so far as to visit Pola in jail – she wanted to talk to him. The conversation goes from bad to worse when Sámano sticks his hand in front of Pola and calls her a dirty mestiza, she bites him to the point of drawing blood. This enfuriates him further. María Ignacia makes another visit to Pola to try to convince her to recant. That also goes badly. She then pays a visit to Alejo. In this conversation, Alejo figures out that María Ignacia is the person who ratted Pola out. He tells her he prefers to die with the woman he loves. Lopecito has been on guard duty and convinces Pérez Delgado to turn the next shift over to him. Pérez Delgado gives him the set of keys and warns him not to look for trouble. Lopecito also talks another guard, who wants to leave, to pass his set of keys on to him. Our little weasel, Iglesias, is late – probably at the chicharía. With both sets of keys, Lopecito enters Alejo’s cell, exchanges clothes with him and tells Alejo to go visit Pola. Alejo gets past the first guards, but is stopped by a second pair just outside Pola’s cell. She tells them she wants to spend her last night with the bravest. One of the guards tricks them into a test by fire. He is sure he will win because he has nerve damage in his arm and hand from a war injury. It is now Alejo’s turn to see how long he can keep his hand over the open flame.


Readers: This is not necessarily in chronological order.

Thanks Pasofino. I didn't watch Friday's episode until last night. I must admit that even with impending doom looming, this show is spell-binding.

I can't decide whether I completely detest Maria Ignatia or have sympathy for her profound ignorance and stupidity.

As grave as the situation was, I cracked up over Pola's encounter with the archbishop. Poor arrogant bastard.

It's really going to be difficult watching these last episodes. Thank goodness for lHdM. I think I'm in love with Gabriela (Emiliano's mom), what an elegant loyal mother.


i need to catch up with the dread-inducing action on la pola, who will die and when!?!?!

but if you don't mind the thread hi-jack--
what is with coloso's necklace? i imagine it's charms (a la charm bracelets) from all his amantes??

--mai tai

IMHO, three of the most high-energy and riveting scenes in this great novela were in last night's episode:
1) Pola and Maria Ignauseous in the jail cell having a great discussion about Alejo, honor, class, patriotism, and Alejo; 2) The dust-up btwn Alejo and Maria Ignoramus about the denouncement she made and his wild-eyed, unrepentent choice to die instead of be free under those circumstances; and 3) Samano (the best Snidely Whiplash look yet) and Pola, when she had a sudden hunger pang and found out he had no blue blood! All greatly scripted and acted. My eyes are still stuck on the backside of my eyeglasses after this episode. Cinches bravas, I really will miss this novela...

Carlos and chapateo: Good to hear from you. I love the description of MI as María Ignoramus.

Mai tai: That is a bunch of stuff around Coloso's neck. He periodically picks a piece up and kisses it with a prayer. I think I knew him in high school.

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