Friday, September 02, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #22 Thu 09/01/11 La Fuerza de Ivan's sexi sexi kisses

Carmen happily announces to her mom that instead of being ordered around, she'll be the one in charge! Everyone is happy for her, and she's happy for Camilo for driving around in a nice truck. As Celia goes into the kitchen to serve up lunch, Carmen asks Camilo what's up with Ivan and Maripaz…"Cause when I got there she was acting pretty bitchy!" ("sangrona"). Camilo is glad she didn't mention it to Ivan and tells her to just mind her own business. Celia tells Carmen to call her daughter to come eat. "Lichita! A comer!" (Little Alicia! To eat! "Licha" is the nickname for "Alicia", think "A-li-cha"; "ita" makes everything little, so Little Alicia is "Lichita")

Ivan apologizes to Lucia and says it was a conversation they needed to have. Wait, did he just say he's sorry for throwing their lunch on the floor and kissing her like there's no tomorrow? Cause I'm pretty sure she was already finished with lunch, and she didn't look like she minded the kissing so much. He's going to call her tonight after he talks to Maripaz, but they're going to keep it from her that they're…together? item? scenes from adult films in his as-yet-decorated kitchen? And she lets him know that she's planning to meet David after class, just so there are no misunderstandings. So I guess she's going to play amateur sexologist after all.

Maripaz and Judith are looking through decorating mags. Maripaz is definitely a "form over function" gal. She points something out to Judith, who says "What makes you think that man would like a piece of furniture like that? And besides it looks uncomfortable!" ("mueble": piece of furniture) "But it's pretty." Just for that, I hope Judith makes her own proposal, independent of Maripaz, and Toni likes hers better and she sets up her own interior design firm and moves out of her dad's house. Judith is tired. They've been at this all day, and I'm guessing all day Maripaz has been making ridiculous suggestions. Maripaz tells Judith to just pick out whatever she likes while Maripaz calls Ivan. Now Judith is pissed at being treated like a secretary. Ivan isn't happy she's calling his cell instead of leaving a message with the hotel like he asked her to. Maripaz tells him not to be so "gruñon"(grumpy). She wants to meet him at 9 at a bar, but he'd rather meet earlier and somewhere less "concurrido" (busy, popular) so that people won't see them. She asks why he doesn't want to be seen with her…"Do you have a girlfriend?" Ivan gives up and agrees to meet her at the bar. I bet he's giving serious consideration to getting a new cell phone. With a different number. In Antarctica. Maripaz turns her attention back to Judith.

Celia tells Camilo that his sister went to go give her notice at work. Before he can leave to go back to work, she calls him back to ask him if it's true that Ivan is getting back together with Maripaz. Camilo says she tried her best, but he thinks "a el se le cayó la venda de los ojos y la vio tal cual es" (the bandage fell off his eyes and he saw her just as she is). Celia is glad. Not that she listens to gossip about those shady, shady rich people, but she certainly hasn't heard anything good about Maripaz! Camilo says she's kinda nuts and she's already divorcing David Mondragon. Celia wonders if it's because of Ivan. Camilo doesn’t think Ivan cares--he's into Lucia now. Camilo agrees she's good looking. He tells his mom that he knows because Antolín told him…and he told him about the fight yesterday too. Celia thinks JJ is gonna flip. Camilo thinks Ivan is protected by Toni's money and by his unfortunate relation to JJ.

Camilo has nothing to report to Toni on the Maripaz front. He and Ivan haven't had a lot of time to sit around chatting. Camilo isn't worried, though, because he doesn't think Ivan is stupid. Ivan walks in and Toni and Camilo start talking to him about hiring employees. Speaking of which, Ivan asks Camilo to help him find a good administrator for the Curiel ranch. He tells them he talked to Lucia about it and Toni laughs. The problem, according to Camilo is not finding a "good" administrator, but finding an "honorable" one. He's willing to help finding one, though. Camilo shows Ivan resumes for the employees he has in mind and tells him that he and Toni would like to hire women to work in the packing plant since they're more efficient. In the stack of resumes is David Mondragon's, which surprises Ivan. "Doesn't he work with his dad?" Ivan is willing to hire him as long as Camilo and Toni agree. Camilo just worries about JJ getting upset, but to Ivan that's not so much a problem as a bonus!

At the bar that night, Maripaz tries to deny telling the ENTIRE WORLD that she slept with Ivan. He tells her to quit bullshitting…he knows she told her mom. "Well, fine, I did it so she'd leave me alone. So she'd understand that she can't keep you and I from being together! Because we've got a serious thing, here!" "Do you really think I could have something serious with you after everything you've done? You didn't just look down on me when we were kids, you also used me. And then when we saw each other again, you lied to me--telling me my son was dead when you knew full well he'd been kidnapped and you didn't do anything to try to find him!" He cuts her off before she can tell him any more lies. She tries to whine and pout and blame Lucia, but Ivan tells her to leave Lucia out of it. Maripaz blames Lucia for getting between them. Ivan tells her she's the only one responsible for him not loving her anymore. "If I ever loved you, now I regret it. There's nothing between us and there never will be, so quit shouting to the four winds that we're engaged and we're going to get married." Maripaz blames Lucia again and gulps her drink, calling Lucia a bad sister and a traitor. Ivan tells her it's over and she starts blubbering and begging. He takes her drink away and tells her he's taking her home. Maripaz won't go. She swears he'll regret treating her like that. OMG, I just got a look at her dress! Who is perpetrating these crimes against fashion? No, wait, she just bought a bunch of that stretch sequin trim and wrapped three different colors of it around herself, right? Right? Please tell me that dress is not sold in stores! Ivan wants to get her a taxi instead of letting her drive home, but she takes off. Well, if she walks home I'm sure she'll be very, very visible!

She runs into Antolín outside and he walks her to his car as she whines that no one can help her.

Lucia gets to David's place and asks her driver to wait, saying it won't be long.

Judith gets home, finally. She tells her mom Maripaz is nuts and gets a foot rub for her trouble. She tells her mom that she's helping decorate the McGuire house. But no worries, her dad can't get mad at her for having a job since she's doing it for free. "Besides, you know how he keeps trying to get in good with them." She complains about how they walked all over the place today.

Maripaz whines that she only accepted Antolín's offer of help because he's a friend of her ex-brother-in-law. Antolín asks the whining drunk what the hell Maripaz wanted if she didn't want to be married. Maripaz tells him most of her history with Ivan and Antolín pretends to be surprised that Ivan is a hometown boy. Maripaz whines that Ivan doesn't care about her anymore now that her sister has gone after him. "I'm sure she'll even sleep with him to get her hooks into him!" Antolín tells her any man would give her anything to be with her. Now she spills the rest of the frijoles and tells him about the baby. "You had a kid?!"

So, basically, yes, David is aroused by women, he's capable of having an erection, but he…um…okay, so he can call Congress into session and, um, assemble the, ah, Congress, but he can't bang the gavel…yeah, that's it. This is awkward for Lucia, as well, because she actually knows him. She'd really rather he go to a specialist, but he's too embarrassed. "WTF, dude, this is your sex life, here, what's a little embarrassment compared to that?!" She clarifies that although any woman would be happy to have him, neither she nor her sister is into him. And no she doesn't prefer Saul cause he's not terribly understanding or much of a companion. Plus she's not submissive, like his mom.

Submissive Mom herself at least has enough of a brain to have figured out that Maripaz is using Judith to try to get closer to Ivan. Judith knows it's true, and it's been true for years! Esther dismisses the maid so she can hear the gossip. Ivan is, in fact, Ivan. Oh, and BTW, Maripaz knocked boots with him back in the day. "Did Lucrezia know?" "Who knows?"

Maripaz continues telling Antolín about the baby. Antolín now realizes that's the reason Lucrezia ordered Ivan to be beaten. Maripaz whines some more about Lucia stealing her baby daddy! Antolin grins like he's figured out some way to make money out of this knowledge.

Maripaz squees with her grandma that she just luuuuuuuurves Ivan. Carlota is thrilled. Lucia is a little worried, though, that he hasn't forgotten Maripaz completely. Carlota says he may be bitter because of all the crap he's lived through, but he's also a smart guy. He's not going to tell her he loves her without meaning it. Lucia knows this is gonna suck when her mom and her sister find out, but at least grandma is on her side! Ivan calls her…from bed! Grandma gets the hell out of there ASAP. "Where are you?" "In my bedroom." "All the more reason for me to want to be there!" "Ivan!" "Aw, come on, just so we can cuddle and maybe kiss a little…." "I want to too, but…ni modo…" (nothing to be done about it). She changes the topic to Maripaz. Damn, Lucia! I feel like you just dumped a bucket of ice over my head! I don't wanna talk about Maripaz! I want more sexy Ivan in bed with his hands out of the frame! What? I didn't shoot the scene! Go complain to them! Ivan says it wasn't pleasant. He told her to quit saying they're engaged and she can just imagine how Maripaz took it, considering she'd already been drinking. "Did you tell her about me?" Ivan says she tried to imply it, but he shut her down. He's made his decision. "I love you and I'm convinced of my love for you and whatever everyone else thinks or doesn't think or does doesn't matter to me!" "I love you too. You know I've always loved you. Although now I love you just a little bit more."

Antolín gets Maripaz to her front gate, but he has to ring the bell since she can't find her keys. Cleto comes to let her in and Antolín jokes that she's had just a few "cucharadas" (spoonfuls) too many. Antolín hands her off to Cleto and tells him where to find her car tomorrow. Well, that's awfully decent of him…I mean, as far as I can tell he talked to her, cheered her up, got her home safely, and let someone know where her car was. Other than what he's planning to do with the information, and assuming he didn't shag her in her drunken state, he's been a perfect gentleman.

So now Antolín goes over to The 9 Ball to meet up with "Gordo," who's been waiting for him for hours. Antolín says he got some really good info off a gal…not that he'll say who…except that he does say…it was Maripaz and she had the baby of a servant's son. Antolín's just waiting for the family to actually have money before he blackmails them. That's sound business sense.

Maripaz comes into Lucia's room and confronts her about Ivan. She claims Ivan was eating out of her hand and they even "made love." Then she turns right around and says he dumped her and it's all Lucia's fault. She grabs Lucia by her injured shoulder and makes me scream at the TV. Lucia's screams bring Lucrezia running. She screams at both of her daughters for acting like bitches in heat. Carlota is sick of Lucrezia's screaming and her granddaughters fighting with each other. Lucrezia throws Maripaz out of the room, then turns on Lucia, but Carlota says it's time they talked. "What about? The shame that's fallen over our house?" Carlota tells Lucrezia to wait for her in the "estancia" (the great room) and Lucrezia complies without arguing. Carlota asks Lucia if she was hurt and says they'll take her to get checked out by the doctor tomorrow, despite Lucia's protests. And if Lucia won't go to the doctor, she's at least going to call the school and tell them she's not coming in to work. Lucia starts to whine, but like a good grandma, Carlota says "You're not going!" and tells her to get in bed and go to sleep.

Then she goes to deal with Lucrezia. "I know what you're going to say--that Ivan is Teodoro's grandson." "No. The only thing I'm going to say is that if you won't put this house in order, I will." Lucrezia laughs, saying both girls have become "alebrestadas" (overexcited) and "encaprichadas" (crushing on)…Carlota is sick of her calling Ivan the son of a servant. He's Teodoro's grandson. "I know the song, mom!" Carlota begs her to realize that Maripaz is an alcoholic. She's doing things she shouldn't. Getting divorced just a few weeks after getting married, going after her sister while she's injured…. But Lucrezia doesn't know what to do. Carlota says there are institutions. I'm screaming at the TV again when Lucrezia is more concerned about "everyone" finding out her daughter's an alcoholic than anything else. "You think the people who see her at the nightclubs don't know it?" Grandma's right. Lucrezia says she's always tried to be strong and in charge, but she realizes everything has gotten out of her hands. Carlota acknowledges it's been a tough job and she admires Lucrezia, but it's time to leave her pride and snobbery aside…"If you think I'm going to let one of my daughters get involved with the son of that bastard…." "See?! That's what I'm referring to! Ivan and Lucia are in love." Lucrezia won't hear it, but Carlota says she'll keep saying it until the last day of her life. "Now let's talk in your terms. No one knows that Ivan is the son of a servant, much less that he's your father's grandson." "You told Maripaz." "I don't think she'll tell anyone. But let's talk about business, since that's what interests you. Antoni would love for Ivan to marry Lucia. The kids are in love. And if that love is formalized and they get married, with even more reason Antoni will help us get the ranch back on its feet. Toni adores Ivan and he'd never leave Lucia's family unprotected, no matter how much Ivan dislikes us." Lucrezia starts to feel the pull of the pesos.

At the hotel, Camilo, Benito, and Toni have dinner. Benito tries to make friends with Camilo's dinner, then cuts the joking and says he doesn't really know much about Camilo. Camilo says he was married, but his wife left him when he lost his job. Benito says he'll find another girl soon, as handsome as he is. Ivan joins them and they all joke about Benito's hearty appetite. Toni is glad to see Ivan happy. Ivan says he's ready to get married…to Lucia. He's not interested in Maripaz anymore. Toni is happy for him, but wants him to take his time. Camilo asks what happened with Lucia and Saul. Ivan grins and rubs his nose.

Lucia stayed home from school after all, and she's agreed to go to the hospital. The driver is going to take Lucia and her grandmother, and he agrees not to tell Ivan.

Lucrezia and JJ go hang out Lucrezia's ranch. He brings up the way her girls are making his sons look less manly than he'd like. He tells Lucrezia that she owes him. He wants her to talk to Lucia and convince her to convince Ivan to install the hydroponics in Lucrezia's and JJ's ranches. He says they don't have the money to do it in all the ranches, but they certainly have enough to do it in just two. And she'll do this why? Oh, because if she does maybe one day he'll owe her a favor. Whatever, loser. Can't she see he's just grasping at straws here? Lucrezia says she'll think about it and JJ cautions her not to think too long. "If Ivan likes your daughter so much, I'm sure he'll accept."

Camilo lets Ivan know that they're ready to start interviewing employees. Ivan is worried that Lucia isn't returning his calls and her phone is saying that it's off. He calls the school and the gossipy principal tells him that Lucia is taking a sick day. Ivan gets even more worried and ends up at the hospital, yelling at the driver about not telling him she came to the hospital. He tells Ivan that her shoulder is hurting and Ivan tells him that from now on, he's to be kept informed.

Ivan goes into the hospital and sees Carlota in the waiting area. She tells him to chill, the doc is checking out her shoulder. Before he can find out how she got hurt, Lucia comes in and tells Ivan it was just a checkup. The doctor says she's fine, but she really needs to quit bumping into furniture or the injury won't heal properly and she could have serious consequences. Ivan asks what piece of furniture she bumped into and Lucia just says it was just something…in the bedroom. He wants her to stay home until she's completely healed, but Lucia won't agree. Ivan goes to pay for the visit, but Lucia doesn't want him to. "Do you really want us to argue here?" He goes to pay and Lucia gripes to Carlota that he's being high-handed. Carlota thinks he's just showing he loves her and she needs to quit being so "quisquillosa" (fussy) about it. I agree with Lucia. He is being high-handed. But unlike Saul, I think if she points out his behavior he might actually calm down and quit acting like a caveman.

Olga the Gossipy Principal calls Esther to tell her about the phone call from Ivan. "I don't get it! Now it looks like the guy's after Lucia! He calls her every day!"

Lucia is trying to talk to Ivan about his behavior. Ivan is trying to defend himself. He begs to see her later and says if he takes her for a ride, she can still rest. They hear Lucrezia Borgia coming home and Lucia rolls her eyes expecting the worst. Lucrezia comes in with a big smile on her face for Ivan and I nearly gag. Ivan is civil to her and Lucrezia invites him into the living room.

Toni and Benito are going over some paperwork when David arrives. Benito goes to keep watch on the door. Toni reviews David's sparse resume and compliments David on his grades. Toni's like a crazy cat lady, except with grown men in need of a father figure.

Back in the bizarro world, Lucrezia pretends to care how Lucia is feeling and offers Ivan a drink. She coos over how Ivan and Toni have been sooo nice to them! "I don't know how to repay such kindness!" "And we don't have anything to repay you with, so we'll just have to do it with thankfulness." Carlota cracks me up! Her delivery of that line, the way she mocked Lucrezia…just priceless! Ivan takes advantage of the situation to announce his engagement to Lucia and ask for permission to visit her at the house. Lucrezia starts to complain about how Lucia was engaged to Saul just a minute and a half ago and damn these kids these days move fast. Lucia defends her decision to break it off with Saul. Ivan tells Lucrezia that Toni likes Lucia, but this is a decision for him and Lucia. Lucrezia nearly breaks her face grinning at them, then switches into desperation mode. "Are you thinking of getting married soon?"

Lucia finds her mother's behavior suspicious. Ivan agrees, but he doesn't think there's anything she can do but accept it. Lucia thinks she's working an angle, but Ivan reassures her that he and Toni were planning to help them, regardless. No, Toni was planning to help them…you were plotting revenge. Lucia can't believe they're engaged already. Ivan wants the whole world to know! Smoochies in between talking about what a wonderful, enchanting, stubborn woman! "Is this about the hospital?" "Well, I just didn't want to get into an argument there. Besides, the doctor said you have to rest." Lucia tries to insist that going to school doesn't tire her. Ivan tells her she has to follow doctor's orders, and besides, it's just for a week. "Fine, but when we're married, you're not going to forbid me from working, are you?" He hesitates for comic effect, then says he could never fobid her anything. Smoochies! Damn, they do that well!

Lucrezia plays innocent to Carlota. She fills her in on her meeting with JJ…or at least the first part. Oh, never mind, she spills all the frijoles. They both realize they don't know where Maripaz is or why her car isn't outside, but they go right back to talking about JJ. Carlota can't figure out why JJ would think the McGuire's would agree to install the hydroponic equipment at Rancho Soledad AND on his own ranch. Lucrezia says that's JJ for you--trying to get whatever he can.

Lucia walks Ivan to the door. Ivan's going to take the driver, since Lucia's not planning to go out. Cleto sees them and Ivan asks how he is. "Oh, I'm fine. I won't ask how you're doing…I can see you're doing really well!" Ivan kisses Lucia goodbye and she stays to talk to Cleto. He hasn't had a chance to tell anyone, but last night Maripaz came home late and a friend brought her home. Lucia goes to tell her mom and grandma and lets them know that Maripaz's car is still at the bar. Lucrezia goes to yell at a presumably badly hung over Maripaz. Carlota tells Lucia that Maripaz drinks too much. "Do you think it's my fault?" Carlota says of course not.

Maripaz is still asleep. She doesn't remember leaving her car out at the bar. Lucrezia swears if Maripaz comes home late and drunk again, she's going to tell Cleto not to open the gate for her and Maripaz can consider herself kicked out of the house. That doesn't even make a dent. Lucrezia tells her to go shower and go get her car. "My heeeeead," Maripaz whines.

Toni and David have moved from the formal part of the interview to talking about David's personal life--crappy dad, crappy wife, divorce. Toni doesn't really want to hear about it. David keeeeeps talking. Toni cuts him off again, but agrees that his dad is an ass. He's going to hire him as "Gerente Administrativo" (Administrative Manager…I think it's really more like Operations Manager), not just because he has the requisite education, but because Toni likes him. David is concerned about his dad's reaction, but Toni says his dad's not an idiot, and he'll talk to him. "Do you think Ivan will object?" "Why would he?" "Well, I've heard he's interested in Maripaz." "Well, he's not, and even if he was, we don't mix business and personal, so consider yourself hired!" David is grateful.

And tomorrow: I don't know because my DVR cut off during the credits.


RL update: 1 audition since last week, no new gigs, no concrete rehearsal schedule for the play that opens in October, and I have 2 more weeks from today to work on Beethoven's 9th before the first Symphony concert this season. Ay Caramba!

Good night all :D

Dear 5 FT,

First, thanks for this delicious recap, fully of juicy, funny tidbits.

And best of luck with all in your professional life. We all benefit sooo much from the arts and don't support them enough.

Worth the price of admission: Antolin's face while Maripaz spilled the beans. The combination of shock and the wheels turning about how to get something out of it was fabulous.

Pobre de Carmelo, always in someone's shadow and clearly his mother's "sensible" child and now Toni's stable helper. A tough role.

Love your account of David's therapeutic meeting with Lucia.

Did David Zapata look better (doesn't look bad here!) in Soy Tu Duena? Maybe he's a bit thinner now. Also, I thought that his chemistry was better with Maripaz in the early days of their relationship than it is with Lucia. Sandra is in the "good girl" role so that may change as their relationship deepens.

Theme last night seemed to be that all the worrying about what people will think can be thrown over pretty quickly when times are grim. Lucrezia as the kind, welcoming suegra to be was pretty unbelievable.

Kat- I just love your recaps because I know they will always have me laughing out loud at your wit. Thank you amiga. I am sure that will have some great new gigs soon.

No time to comment now. Be back later.

Rotflmao @ "Toni's like a crazy cat lady, except with grown men in need of a father figure. " Great!

Everything now seems a little too tranquil. Definitely the calm before the storm as several peeps have wheels turning in their heads. Maripaz and Antolin look to be the biggest catalysts for different storylines.

I don't remember all the avances but one part where Lucia hears Ivan is her cousin but Carlota sets things straight, much to Lucrecia's dismay (and screechiness, we now know where Maripaz gets the dramatics from).

Thanks, 5ft., and good luck on your career ventures. Geez...enough with the yelling. I've about had it with the screech matches between Lucrazia, Maripaz, and Carlota. It's like a contest...loudest person wins. I am not a fan of the yelling. Maripaz is starting down a spillery slope, and it just got slipperier after she shared her dirty laundry with sly Antolin. Marcelo plays this character with a very cunning, foxlike style. When Ant smiles, you can almost see those sharp little teeth ready to rip into someone as the little wheels in his head start turning as he searches a way to use something said or done to his own advantage. He seems to view the folks around him as a big gameboard. He finds all these people and their problems very amusing. I thought of a new nickname for our Maripaz...Martinipaz...because she does like her cocktails. She didn't stop sucking on that straw even as Ivan burst her last bubble. Uh-oh , Girl, maybe school might have been a good idea after all.

Tks 5ft, funny as always.

So unnovela like. Iván tells Lucía that he was meeting Maripaz, the usual is not to tell & someone lurking around spies them. Also Lucía tells Iván that she is meeting David. When have we ever seen this in a novela? So refreshing.

What devious plan is Antólin hatching? I think he enjoys other peoples misfortunes like Saul, and is an instigator.

David is embarrassed to tell someone about his problem!!!!!!! WTF, but he telling his SIL, that's the last person anyone would tell sth like that to.


Well the whole town knows about David's Erectile Dysfunction, the Mondragon family sat around the dinner table table talking about it, might as well tell Lucia too.

Kat, thanks so much for your great recap. I've recently started this TN and have missed your style. All the best, with your work. Your analogy of Tony as a crazy cat lady but young men in need of father figures was great!

I think David senses sympathetic people (like Tony and Lucia) and because of his years of abuse and his father having no boundaries, David spills it all. Perhaps with help, he'll establish his own boundaries in addition to getting his own plumping together.

Thanks, 5ft - like I always say, better read than viewing.

susanlynn: you hit that nail right on the head about Antolin/ Marcelo; I like him so far. ugh - and those 2screechers are like nails on a chalkboard. that Maripaz talks like she's got marbles in her mouth, too.

I actually thought a couple of episodes ago that David went to the pharmacy to get some advice from the pharmacist and that the champú, deodorant and etc. was merely a pretext. I imagined him shuffling his feet and trying to muster the courage to ask for some help in the Viagra department, but no. They only did that to show that his credit cards had been cut off.

Gracias Kat, I am continually impressed by your multiple talents, of which recapping is not the least. Do you sing solo in the Beethoven or are you in the chorus. A glorious piece any way you slice it.

Lucrazia is faking this enthusiasm. She can't afford to offend Tony.

The viciousness that happens between sisters in TNs makes me very happy to never have had one.

Thanks for the recap, Kat. Good luck with all your RL endeavors!

I loved "the pull of the peso"

Ixv--I had the same thought about the botica scene.

I think there is a lot of chemistry between Lucia and Ivan....but I"m coming off of "Max and Maria the wonderdummies duo."

Antolin became the defacto priest last night. Mari-spaz confessed and he is going to keep mum for a while methinks.

No Fuerza until Tues, that silly Pequeños gigantes is on tonight & Mon


Great recap 5ft!

I think David must be one of those people who are only comfortable around those he already knows, that's the only reason I could think for him to want to discuss his sexual issues with his now ex-sister in law instead of a more specialized doctor.

Vivi: About northern and southern accents. There are actually more than just two, the northern has its variations depending on the state but it's basically adding more force to the last syllable of the last word of the sentence if the words are short or the penultimate syllable if the words are long: "Por quee", "Estás bien acompañaaado". The most noticeables are the Regio accent (from Monterrey) which sounds quite harsh and is therefore unmistakeable and the Chihuahueño since they pronounce the Ch like an Sh (instead of saying Chihuahua, they say Shihuahua).

There's the chilango accent that is the easiest to recognize since most novelas are set in Mexico City where this accent is from.

The bajío accent from the Bajío area (Guanajuato and Querétaro mostly but also parts of Michoacán and Jalisco) is extremely fast, it's like they are competing to see who gets more words per minute and the only word that gets accented is the last one, it doesn't matter how many sentences they said: "MañanateníapensadoiralaplazaperohedecididoquemejormevoyairapintarelpeloporquemehablómimamáquequiereiraunaFIESTA"

There's the costeño accent which you can find in Veracruz, Tabasco and Guerrero, mostly, which has the characteristic of being fast and changing the S sound for an "H" sound (a soft or Spanish sounding J or in Tabasco only a very strong J): "Eh que me ehtaban diciendo..."

The Yucateco accent (from Yucatán) is the most different one of all. You hear a person from there with a very noticeable accent and they probably won't sound Mexican to you (but they are). They basically pronounce every single syllable in a strong manner but especially the second one so the words sound odd, as if they were saying three words instead of one: "Ha-bEER QUE Es-tAA Pa-sAAN-do".

Something of notice is that only the northern accents are spoken by all those living up north, the social standing or age or the place they live can't avoid them from having the accent and it is extremely hard for them to let them go. There are northern people I've met here in Mexico City who have been away from the north for years and have an excellent education (master's degrees and PhD's) but their accent is still in place and it is extremely noticeable. The funny thing is that if you go one week only over there you come back speaking like them lol.

In the rest of the country the accents tend to be used mostly by older people or people from low social classes. There are also some places in every state where the accent is more noticeable than others but it mostly dies on those who get the chance to have an education.


Wow Shallowgal, I've actually always thought Laisha Wilkins had a good enunciation. That's an interesting observation.

In fact, I think this novela has mostly good enunciation from its actors. Only Gabriel Soto tends to bother me sometimes but that's mostly his voice I think, because I can understand perfectly well what he is saying.


Jarocha, eres brillante. Esto es una explicación fantástica. Gracias!

Jarocha-I agree that the enunciation is better in this one. After JuanJo and William "Mushmouth" Levy, these actors are a godsend. I often had trouble with Carmen Salinas and Don Napo, too. I don't know if it was the actors, or because their roles demanded a more "rural" accent.

I also have trouble with Camilo and sometimes Papá Anthony.

¡Y gracias por la explicación!

Oh, and since we have until Tuesday: May I ask you all for a little assistance?

In a couple of weeks I will begin teaching Ud./Uds affirmative/negative commands and Tú affirmative/negative commands.

I would love to generate a list of "Novela" commands. I think the kids would get a kick out of them and may enjoy them more than the "stir the soup" and "chop the onions" type commands the book is using.

These pop into my head first:
No me toques

LOL I like the way Maripaz says MondraGON and I like the way people on the show say MaGUIRE. But especially the MondraGON.

¡callate la boca!
no te vayas
Siéntese por favor



UA - In TNs, it rackets up the drama to have siblings (or friends who consider themselves as siblings) in love with the same person. Though it does happen in real life as well, as someone who has a wonderful younger sister, I always find these story lines disturbing. Many sisters have great relationships and would NEVER fight over a man.

I'll also add this qualifier that as a family we were supportive of one another (of course, not always) so I was a bit sheltered about human nature when I went off to college. (There are just four us - Mom, Dad and the two of us.) I had a rude awakening in college (thank goodness I missed most of this in HS) to how cruel and petty women could be to other women. But I just wanted to let you know that for me having a sister is one of the greatest blessings God gave me in spite of my wanting a little brother. She's my best friend and partner in loads of silliness!


Karen, I've been watching novelas since 1993 and I have noticed that most of the time at least one of the villains is related to one of the protagonists. Toxic parents are probably slightly more common than toxic siblings and Lucia has both. I'm amazed she is as mentally healthy as she is.

Carlota and Gerry may have their flaws, but I think they were good care-givers to Lucia and that helped her become somewhat well-adjusted. Not to mention her close friendship with Ivan. Maripaz spend more time with her toxic mother I bet.

Thanks for the commands!

Would you all consider "piénsalo" a TN command you often hear?

Sara- Haz is another good one. E.g. "Haz me el favor..."

Sorry it took me so long to get back to comment. Yesterday was quite busy. But since we have no show yesterday or Monday, there's plenty of time to comment.

Once again Kat, I wish I could bottle your wit and use it whenever I want to. This was a snarkilicious recap.

I had to laugh out loud at Lucrezia trying to suck up to Ivan, but her smile faltering each time Ivan would say something that annoyed her, like the fact the he and Lucia don't need permission to be novios. And the looks on Ivan and Lucia's faces too. They weren't buying her act for one moment. How long can she keep it up?

It's funny that Antolin's going to wait till the Curiels have money to blackmail them about Maripaz's baby. Isn't that just taking Ivan's money anyway, since that's where their future money will come from? He's such a great character to watch, even if I hate most of the stuff he ends up doing.

Kat- I agree with you and Lucia that Ivan was being highhanded. She's not a kid anymore, and she's not some doll that's going to break. He needs to back off on being so protective.

Jarocha- You are a gem! Thanks for the detailed descriptions of the accents.

My favorite besides No Me Toques is No Puede Ser but it isn't a command unfortunately.

Lucrazy being the sociopath that she is, did almost pull off pretending to be a nice person. LOL at the looks Ivan and Lucia were giving each other.

Antolin has such a calculating and perceptive mind. It's too bad it isn't being used for good.

I really enjoyed your recap 5 ft and I always need help with what's happening when Spanish is going by at such speed.


Thanks for all the commands.

I'm really sad there is no show Monday. *sniff*

Sara: you can't do it without at least a dozen occurrences of "Perdoname, por favor!" :)

5ft: you're an actress and a musician and do this on the side? Mr. 5ft knows how lucky he is, right?

How could I have forgotten????

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