Friday, September 09, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #25 Thu 09/08/11 La Fuerza de Ivan's rage.

Carlota fills Toni in on her checkered past. You go, grandma! Toni's not all that shocked or impressed, but he's onto Maripaz's game. He thinks she's bluffing, though, cause she'd look just as "bad" as the rest of them. Well, Carlota's willing to air all the dirty laundry if it means Lucia and Ivan can be together. Toni brushes that off and says there's got to be some other way to shut that "endemoniada" (be-demoned, posessed, evil ho-bag) Maripaz up. You go, Toni! Carlota refuses his apologies--she knows full well what Maripaz is like. Toni hopes she won't take it the wrong way, but he offers to buy Maripaz's silence…does Carlota think she will take it?

Lucia finishes a session with one of her students in tears. I wonder if it's physical or emotional pain. She lets loose once he leaves the room, then tries to pull herself together. That metiche principal comes in. Lucia was just about to go tell her she needs to leave because her shoulder is hurting. The principal gives permission.

Ivan watches a telenovela at an electronics store and flashes back to him and Lucia on the beach. I LOVE those butterfly earrings she's wearing. I will not rest until I find some! The TV is on sale, by the way. "Promición" (promotion; special promotion; on sale). Benito is asleep in the SUV when Lucia comes home in the taxi. She rings the bell for Cleto to let her in and Ivan catches up to her, but she won't talk to him.

Carlota tells Toni that when Ivan finds out, he'll hate her and Lucrezia. Toni doesn't think so. Toni's way too optimistic.

Ivan tells Lucia he saw Maripaz last night.

Carlota brings up the deed to the ranch and says it's time to end the lies. Ivan and Lucia come in and Ivan is yelling at Lucia that he doesn't want to be with Maripaz, he wants to be with her! Carlota is glad they're both here, because she has something to tell all three of them. She's done with shameful (vergonzoso) secrets. "Later your father will give you the details, but I want you to know that Lucrezia and I committed a crime. A shameful crime. In my dead husband's will, it's written that one third of Rancho el Socorro is for his illegitimate daughter, Alicia Villagomez." Dun, dun, dun! "And we, out of greed, and with the complicity of the clerk, always hid it." Dun, dun, dun! "Since your mother died, you are her heir." Ivan is shocked. He asks how Carlota could condemn his mother to be a maid and how her daughter could try to have him killed knowing that he's the grandson of her father. "Calm down? These…women…have committed a crime." Carlota says that Lucia didn't break up with him to hide this--she's just now finding out. "She broke up with you to defend my honor." Ivan takes exception to her using the word "honor." Toni won't let Carlota be insulted. He reminds Ivan again that without all the mess that happened, he never would have come to the States and he wouldn't be Toni's son. "Or do you regret that?" Well, of course not, but he can't help thinking of his mother and all the crap he put up with from people in this house. Toni shouts him down and Ivan leaves without saying another word. Toni asks Lucia and Carlota to give him some time to digest. He knows it won't be easy, but Ivan is a good man. "Yes," agrees Carlota, "but he loved his mother above all things and we hurt her a lot." Toni tells Lucia that if she's still interested in Ivan, she needs to not lose hope. "He really loves you." Lucia says she has no hope left. Toni thanks Carlota for her honesty and trust and assures her he won't say anything. With respect to Maripaz, he'll take care of it. "You and I understand each other," he says to Carlota. Lucia cries and says she's lost Ivan forever, but Carlota says love is stronger than anything.

Toni comes out and asks Benito where Ivan went. He thinks he's gone to the square.

Actually, he's gone to see his mom. He cries to his mom about what she could have had if not for those people, who have done who knows what with his son.

Carlota explains to Lucia that they never told Alicia because they didn't want to get busted for fraud and that Alicia died before they could recover their losses and return her third of the ranch to her. And then when she was dead, Ivan was gone. "I could give you lots of reasons. I also wanted to keep my family together. And then I thought that by giving Alicia a job and paying for Ivan's school, I could compensate her somehow." Lucia says that Carlota and her mother committed a serious crime and that the ranch belongs more to Ivan and his mother than to her. "But there's nothing to be done!" Lucia insists that there is--they have to give Ivan what is rightfully his. "Yes, but that won't erase the harm we did him." Lucia agrees, but says it's still something.

Toni goes back to the hotel, but Ivan isn't back yet. There are a buttload of files from the Ag association, though. He asks to have them sent to the suite.

Lucrezia Borgia reacts predictably. Carlota agrees that she may well be senile, but she did what was fair! "Now we're going to have to give him the part of the lands that belong to him…and that's the least of it! How are we going to explain this to people?!" Carlota doesn't give a rat's ass about "people" ("la gente me vale un sorbete"; "people" are worth a sorbet to me). What she care s about is Lucia. Because of all these secrets and Maripaz's "mala leche" (bad milk, literally; nastiness) Lucia has lost the love of her life. "What do I care if he's the love of her life or not! She'll find another one!" screams Lucrezia Borgia. Carlota cares. "She's the only decent one in this family. The only one who's worth a damn!" Awww, Carlota, I think you're worth a damn too! Lucrezia is still worried about people looking down on them. Well, like Carlota said, she doesn't care about "estas mamarrachadas" (that crap; that BS). She's tired of stupid prejudices and living by what other people think of them. They don't feed or house them or pay their bills! Lucrezia says Toni isn't going to give them a cent. "We'll have to sell the house, go live on the ranch, and work the land." Carlota says that's a good idea! "You'd better fix this, because I'm not going to be the laughingstock of half of Alamos!" Carlota screams after her that it won't be half, it will be ALL of Alamos.

Toni reviews the paperwork and calls JJ. JJ tries to finagle a copy of the deed to the Curiel's ranch since Carlota was going to give it directly to Toni. Toni brushes off the request and says the checks will be handed out tomorrow. "So we'll see each other at 11 here at my hotel?" JJ agrees.

Toni calls David, who has just finished signing his contract. Toni asks him to come over at 4, because he wants his advice about the loans. David is flattered to finally have someone treat him like an actual person possessed of some competence. He's practically glowing.

Lucrezia gets a phone call from JJ, but she refuses to take it, even though he told the maid it was urgent. The poor woman has to endure his wrath as she tells him that Lucrezia isn't home. JJ says to pass on the message that if she doesn't call him the project of the "hidroponia" (hydroponics) is going to go to the devil! The maid has no idea what word he used.

She goes to complain to Cleto about getting yelled at. He thinks strange things are afoot. He tells her he saw the shouting, and that Ivan was angry and Carlota and Lucia were crying. He figures the family's got a proper enemy now. "What do you mean who? Young mister Ivan! He's not the same poor kid as before, he's got tons of money now!"

Ivan looks down on Alamos from Makeout Point. Toni calls his cell, but Ivan doesn't take the call.

Maripaz comes smarming and smirking into the dining room, whining about getting all dusty out at the ranch. Carlota says she'll have to get used to it. "After that stupid stunt you pulled, threatening Lucia, you won't have anything left to do but put your boots on and go to the ranch every day." Maripaz plays dumb. Carlota threatens to smack her again. "You know what? Get out of my sight!" Maripaz asks why Carlota hates her so much. "Because you're not a good person." She sits there noisly munching on her apple. "You're always thinking the worst of me." "You've earned it." "Well, I don't care. Hopefully the day I can finally leave this house will arrive! I can't stand your scolding anymore. Or my mother and her bad humor. And much less that bore Lucia. I don't like the three of you." She leaves her half-eaten apple on the table and walks out. The maid comes in to announce that JJ is there to talk to Lucrezia because she wouldn't talk to him. Carlota says she'll deal with him and asks her to take the apple away.

Toni calls Camilo and tells him he's worried about Ivan and Ivan won't answer his phone. Camilo says that Ivan's SUV is parked in front of his house. Toni asks him to let Ivan know that he needs to talk to him and that he needs both of them at the hotel at 4 to meet with David and go over the loans.

JJ comes in asking to speak to Lucrezia. Carlota insists she's not there. "I just saw her car!" Well, Carlota amends it to "She's not here for you." "Tomorrow MacGuire is going to hand out the loans. I would advise Lucrezia not to accept the money to plant in earth, but to insist they install the hydroponics." Carlota says she won't be able to. JJ knows about the broken engagement, but since he knows Toni and Carlota get along well, well…. Carlota says her friendship with Toni isn't about business. JJ says it would be good for them--it's the current technology. Installation is expensive, but later on the cost of the labor is minimal. "What do you care? How do you benefit if at El Socorro they put in that hydroponic stuff?" "Well, I asked Lucrezia to plead my case as well." "Well, that's not going to happen. First of all, Toni told the Association that hydroponics were out. And besides, I don't want to. So there." JJ says she doesn't know anything about growing or ranches. Carlota doesn’t care. It's HER ranch. Lucrezia has been managing it, but she won't own it until Carlota dies. Her answer is NO and she's not going to take advantage of Toni, much less ask for favors for JJ. JJ wonders what he did to her. "Pues, fijate que me cáes gordo. No te parece suficiente?" (Well, see, I just don't like you. Don't you think that's enough?) JJ says if that's how things are going to be, she won't find him an easy enemy to deal with. Carlota doesn't care--"perro que ladra no muerde!" (a dog that barks doesn't bite; your bark is worse than your bite). JJ says he can bite. "Well, you'll have to vaccinate yourself against 'la rabia'" (double meaning: rage, or rabies).

Ivan cries to Celia. "I swear I didn't know! When you got here…" she flashes back. She was surprised to hear that Alicia already had a job lead. Sure enough, Alicia got the job and Ivan was even allowed to live there. But as for an inheritance and Don Teodoro being her father…Celia had no idea. Camilo comes in and asks what's going on. Ivan says quite a lot has happened.

Camilo and Ivan head back to the hotel. Camilo has now been filled in and laughs over the irony of treating Ivan to ice cream when all that time Ivan was an heir. Ivan figures his mom never told him because Carlota must have forbidden it. Ivan says it was a "canallada" (a rotten thing to do), and more for his mom than for him.

Toni lets David know that Ivan and Camilo are on their way. David says it's important to take into account the type of crop to help calculate the amount of the loans. And no, he doesn't need to consult his dad. He already knows what everyone is growing. David asks if Toni has already spoken to JJ. Toni claims JJ didn't say anything. "He didn't tell you I'm an imbecile and a good-for-nothing?" Toni says what JJ says isn't important. He has a good education, the job is his, that's the end of it. David thanks him for his trust. Toni says we'll see about that. Camilo and Ivan arrive. Toni shakes Ivan's hand and introduces Camilo and David. Toni reviews that he and David were talking about acreage and crop type to determine the loan amounts and Camilo agrees and says he can help with that too. Toni wants to hand out checks tomorrow and Ivan says he hopes the Curiels are off the list. Toni insists they are and takes Ivan off to another room to discuss things. David is left confused and Camilo claims not to know what's going on.

Ivan reminds Toni that he's the one who suggested that Ivan come home. Toni's sorry he did it, but Ivan says now he knows the Curiel's suck. Toni calls Ivan on his use of "immoral" and asks if he wasn't being "immoral" in getting Maripaz's hopes up and convincing her to get divorced. "Well, um, she was gonna do it anyway! I just sped the process along." The topic changes to Lucia, but Ivan won't talk about her. All he wants to talk about is what those two "viejas infelices" (mean old bitches) did to him and his mother. Toni begs him to try to understand where Lucrezia was coming from--being prejudiced because she's lived in this town her whole life . Not that he wants to justify her behavior, he just wants Ivan as an intelligent person, to try to understand her. Ivan doesn't want to, nor does he want to forgive her for trying to have him killed. He doesn't want to justify Carlota taking his mother's inheritance from her just to hide her husband's sin. "You're no one to judge!" Ivan says he does judge and he blames her for his mother dying. "Everything that happened was because she was poor! Maybe if she had gotten her inheritance she would still be here by my side!" Toni says just like if he hadn't given a sports car to his son and his son hadn't invited his mother along for a ride they'd still be there, alive. Ivan says that's different! It was an accident and it could have happened to anyone. Toni calls a halt to the discussion.

Lucia tells Carlota "it" has to be done tomorrow. She agrees, but they need to find a different clerk since the old one is dead. Lucrezia comes in and asks what they're talking about. She laughs when they tell her their plan. "What are you going to tell the clerk? That for years we stole from the Villagomez and now that we don't know what to do with the land we'd like to give it back?" She calls Carlota a old woman who "chochea" (is gaga) and does stupid things. Lucia takes offense, but Carlota doesn't care. Lucrezia turns on Lucia and says she doesn't care what Lucia thinks. She asks if they haven't considered what they'll tell people when they find out that Ivan owns a third of the ranch. "We'll tell them he bought it." And what if he tells the truth? Carlota says maybe he won't. Lucrezia is convinced that he will and that he'll try to appropriate his grandfather's name. Carlota laughs and says it's not like they're royalty! There's no title here. Lucia says in these days, no one really cares about a name. "Well, that's your opinion, but I have mine, and I deserve respect! So tell Ivan we'll give him his inheritance, but he'd better keep his mouth shut!" Lucia reminds her that Ivan hates her. "He won't listen to me." "If you were as quick-witted as your sister, he'd listen to you." "What do you want me to do? Sleep with him to convince him?" Lucrezia throws a "hm, not a bad idea" look over her shoulder and Lucia and Carlota exchange shocked looks…though Carlota looks like she's on the verge of giggling and encouraging it herself.

Toni insists on giving the Curiel's the loan. "To a murderess and a prostitute?" That's the last time Toni wants to hear that from Ivan. "Lucrezia isn't a murderess. You're still alive. And with respect to Carlota, don't ever say what you just said again, understand? And I'll remind you of something--I'm the president of this company and I do what I like!" Ivan agrees and says he quits, both as vice president AND his son. He storms out and slams the door, but Toni has had enough and mutters after him "Whatever you want."

Ivan gets as far as the hallway before he feels bad and comes running back. By then, Toni has pitched over onto the floor. Ivan finds him and calls for help. He grabs the phone and demands they get an ambulance there ASAP. Ivan starts blubbering that what he said was stupid and begs for forgiveness.

Lucia and Carlota pick a clerk at random from the phone book and decide to make an appointment early. Lucia says she'll skip school. She calls and says she needs an appointment as soon as possible.

Ivan keeps repeating it's his fault to Benito, Camilo, and David in the hospital waiting room. David tries to comfort him. The doctor comes in and says Toni is still in intensive care. "Did you know he has high blood pressure?" "Yes, but he was taking his pills!" "OK, well…he had a heart attack." It looks like he's going to be fine, but he needs to spend some time in observation, and have some further testing. The doctor says he'll be fine if there are no complications. Ivan asks about taking him to the States. The doctor says not for a few days, but he will be well cared for there. And no, Ivan can't see him, because he's under sedation right now. The doctor agrees to let Ivan know when he can talk to him. Ivan thanks God and the guys encourage him. David reminds him the checks are supposed to go out tomorrow. Ivan tells David to call it off. "Get your dad to take care of it." Camilo offers to talk to JJ, but David says he'll do it. Benito offers Ivan some coffe, but he's not interested. Camilo takes him up on it. Camilo and Ivan are left in the waiting room together and Camilo asks him qué the hell happened. Ivan fills him in. Camilo gripes at him for being so cruel to Toni when Toni loves him like a son. Ivan knows he let his anger get the better of him. Ivan says he'd never forgive himself if Toni died. Toni is the only family he has. Camilo tells Ivan to just forget about everything or he'll get bitter. "Life is too short to waste on anger and vengeance." He knows what they've done, but Ivan still got out ahead, while they sure as hell haven't. "Be generous and learn to forgive, from your heart." Ivan cries.

David calls JJ. JJ gripes that he hopes Toni doesn't die cause he doesn't want to have to deal with Ivan. David says Toni will get better, but the loans will have to be postponed. JJ complains that everyone needs the money. He doesn't care what Ivan ordered, a deal is a deal! David tells him to chill, which surprises JJ. "I'm not saying it as your son, but as the Operations Manager for the MacGuire company. Have some consideration, please." David asks him again to please let everyone know and then I assume they get off the phone.

David comes into the waiting room and tells Ivan he needs the list so he can call everyone. "Isn't your father going to do it?" David says he'd rather do it himself, but he isn't sure if he should tell the Curiels since he doesn't know if they were ever told that checks would be handed out in the first place. Ivan doesn't want to talk to them, so Camilo offers to go. Ivan hands David the key to his dad's hotel room. Camilo tells him to buck up and then he and David leave.

Camilo goes over to the Curiel house and rings the bell.

Lucrezia is still trying to figure out how to save face over handing over 1/3 of the land. Same lines as the previous conversation. Cleto comes in, announcing that Camilo Galvan, the General Manager of the MacGuire company is there. Lucrezia agrees to see him, then asks Carlota if that isn't a family member of Alica's comadre. She mocks him for going from "pelafustán" (poor schmuck) to General Manager. Lucia says that's Ivan's best friend she's talking about and goes to attend to him herself. Lucrezia insists that she and Carlota go to the kitchen. Camilo gets a look at Lucia, who smiles at him and shakes his hand. He is instantly smitten. Yep, he's in deep smit. Camilo tells her the meeting that maybe she doesn't know about for tomorrow is now not happening. Lucia asks if it's off for her family or everyone. Camilo rushes to assure her that it's off for everyone because Toni is in the hospital.

Ivan is asleep in the hospital waiting room. JJ walks in and wakes him up. "David told me. How's Toni?" Ivan says he's still in intensive care. JJ asks why he had a heart attack, was he already sick, what happened? Ivan says he has high blood pressure. "Oh. You've gotta be careful with those things. Listen, Ivan, I know now isn't the best time, but I was thinking…instead of giving me a loan to plant in earth, why don't you give me one to finance hydroponics?" Ivan reminds him they already said they weren't going to do that yet. "Sure, but you could make an exception for me." "Why for you and not the others?" "Because I'm your contact. I'm the president of the Association. Besides, your father and I are friends." "When my father gets better, he'll decide." "Do you have something against me? Can I know what it is?" No answer to that for tonight!

And no previews, either, since my DVR cut off!


A lot of yelling and fast dialogue tonight!

Things have been rather crazy in Latinaland, so I haven't had as much time as I would like to read or comment on the recaps from my esteemed colleagues :(

To the person who asked about Beethoven's 9th (and I'm sorry I don't remember who that was), I'm in the chorus, not a soloist, but you're is going to kick my butt all next week!

Thanks so much for giving us such a stellar recap Kat, despite your crazy schedule. Good luck next week!

The funniest moment during last night's episode was Lucrezia throwing that look at Lucia when she asked if she wants her to sleep with Ivan. LOL! You're right. Although Carlota was shocked, she looked more amused, like she didn't think it would be so bad for Lucia to sleep with Ivan (but not to influence him; just because it would be fun).

I'm glad that Toni's illness will force Ivan to not take his anger out on him. It looked like he came to that realization on his own before he found Toni slumped on the floor. But I hope the old guy doesn't have any more of these health incidents. We need him healthy and alive till the end.

Did anyone get around to telling Ivan that Lucrezia is not Teodoro's and THAT's the secret Lucia broke up with him to protect? Because right now it looks like he thinks she broke up with him to protect the secret about his inheritance and her mother/grandma's crimes.

OT: Kat- I watched MA last night and read your recap from Feb. It was a good episode. Rubigote from Teresa, and of course Lucrezia from LFdD. Also, the youngest daughter was played by the sister of the young actor who played teen Ivan in LFdD. You can see the resemblance and they are both very good child actors. Great job on that recap.

Thanks, Kat, for this recap and for redeeming Beethoven's 9th from Guillermo of TdA. That's one of my favorite pieces of classical music.

I don't recall anyone mentioning that Lucrezia isn't a blood relative of Teodoro. That won't take too much longer to hit the fan, though.

Maripaz is some piece of work. Tony should not try to buy her silence because she will try to bleed more and more from him. Unless he makes the payment conditional on her moving out of the area.

Great recap, Kat! Like watching it all over again, every tear and hostile thought-ray.

I love it when Carlota tells people off, or even when she just gives them A Look. I want to make purse-size cards of her Disapproving Looks so I can carry them around and flash them at people as needed. I'd get so much use out of them. She has the best expressions.

Poor Ivan. If there was ever a time he needed Lucia there, being understanding and comforting...but no, she feels she has to stay away. I'm still not he mad at her, too, or did he believe Carlota when she said Lucia had known nothing about this latest revelation?

I'm confused about this hydroponics thing...are they actually talking about growing lettuce and stuff in tanks of water and not in the ground, like hydroponics means here? That seems insanely expensive to do on a large scale. Or do they just mean some new irrigation system, but still growing stuff in the dirt?

Julia- At the scale they are talking about makes it sound more like it's updated irrigation systems, rather than full on hydroponics system. But, then again, maybe they DO mean that, since JJ made the distinction between using the money to plant crops in the soil/dirt, and using the money for the hydroponincs. That WOULD be insanely expensive and it makes total sense that the McGuires would say no to that, as they have.

No need to watch the capitulo, just come on and read your recap; you've captured every single detail perfectly. Es un verdadero placer!

Julia,the hydroponic system does not require soil and yes everything is cultivated at base of water and it costs mucho lana to install which is why JJ can't afford to do so. If you recall when Tony investigated JJ and the Curiel after he had asked Ivan to return to Alamos; one thing they've discovered was that eventhough JJ was not totally broke like the Curiel but he could not update his business to the new system because he lacked the capital necessary to do so. He had asked for a loan and the bank had denied him. So in order for JJ to keep his ranch in operation; he needs to improve it to the hydroponic system or he'll risk bankruptcy.

Ivan is too aware of that fact and that was how he had plan to get even and bring him at his knees.


I wonder when Ivan will reveal himself as JJ's son to him? Will it be tonight? It would be nice if he reached out to David, not just as an employer, but as a brother.

Wouldn't it be interesting if at the end of all this Ivan inherits McGuire, Curiel, AND Mondragon wealth and properties?

Kat- I loved your description of how David glowed as he saw how much trust Toni was putting in him.

Thank you sosososososo much for this recap. Everyone spoke super-fast this episode so had a harder time than usual following the conversations.

The previews for tonight's ep. hint that Alicia's baby daddy secret may come out, but not to whom or to what extent.

Thanks, 5ft.! Much appreciated considering your breakneck schedule. Excelente dialogo (had no time to look it all up).

Bravo, Ms 5 Ft. Latina, another fantastic job. ( And thanks Urban A for yesterday's fine recap.)

With all the secrets and who knows or doesn't know, I am confused. Did Alicia know about her paternity and inheritance before she died? I can't remember.


Sondie- Alicia knew about her paternity, that's why she went specifically to the Curiel house when she came back to Alamos to seek her father out to get his help. Carlota then informed her her father had died 5 years back and then they made the deal about the job and board for Alicia and Ivan. But she did not know about her inheritance.

Secrets and who knows:

1) Alicia was the child of Teodoro and was an heir to his lands: Until the last few episodes it was just Lucrezia and Carlota. Now all of the Curiel women, the McGuires, Celia and Camilo.
2) Ivan is JJ's child: The McGuires, Carlota, Lucrezia, the Galvans, and JJ.
3) This new Ivan is the old Ivan: Everyone in the Curiel household, including the servants, Gerry, Carolina, the Galvans, Judith and Esther. And the McGuires, of course.
4) Maripaz had a baby by Ivan: All the Curiels, Gerry and Carolina, Celia, Camilo, Antolin, and the McGuires.
5) Alex is Ivan and Maripaz's child: Gerry and Carolina.
6) Lechita is Saul's child: Celia, Carmen, and Ivan.
7) Lucrezia was not Teodoro's bio child: Now all the Curiel women, and Toni.

Vivi--thanks for all the clarifications. I will do my best to keep it all straight!


Thanks for the recap, 5ft! I didn't get to see it last night, but I'm about to watch it now. Glad I have some context!

Anyone else notice that when Ivan is in grouchy/angry mode he looks a lot like JJ, but when he's in happy/smiley mode he looks like Teodoro (who is just a softened/older version of himself)?

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