Thursday, September 08, 2011

Teresa Thu 9/8/11 #134 Fernando is falling into a shark tank, and that's mighty uncomfortable

In our refresher from ayer, viewerville is reminded that Maurora is an hecho.
CHEZ FERNANDO: Luisa, Fer, Ter, and Art are gathered to celebrate the Luna Turquesa victory. Ter points out that Fer is a better socio than the previous nido de vibores (nest of vipers), and Art toasts him, calling him brother and friend (ever so subtle foreshadowing).
ZACATECAS. Quite the montage of Maurora and the young doofus newlyweds (THP and Johnny) being turistos. Head doof Johnny does his head scratching best with the modern art. I notice that Mariano has developed the Aurora-novio-turtleneck disease.
CASA FERNANDO: Ter kvetches to Luisa about Lucia, who is doing some actual work with Art in the other room. Ter, on the other hand, is heading up to Zacatecas for her Madrina’s boda right away. Luisa is bummed that Ter won’t be there to see her soon-to-arrive wedding dress, but Ter’s gotta go. Luisa confides to Ter about Fer being super mean last night. Ter advises Luisa to give Fer his space—just like she is doing with Art and Lucia. She thinks Luisa shouldn’t ask him about where he’s going or with whom (hmmm, wonder why?). Fer enters and Ter takes off. Conveniently some new maid has a pressing question for Luisa, so Fer is free to follow Ter up to her former bedroom. He wants to know if Ter talked to Art about the divorce yet. She tells him she can’t talk now; he should come to the apartment later. Fer steals a kiss as Ter hustles him out the door. After he leaves, Tiburon gives herself a little props for her handiwork.
NIDO DE VIBORES: Aeeeeeeda y Roots seethe over Ter’s LQ surprise victory. Aida comes up with a sabotage plan—they will spread the rumor that they all sold their shares because they found out that there was something wrong with the construction or some such.
Aida then asks Roots what happened btwn her and Maira. Roots says that Maira is just mad because Roots is supporting Aida’s vengeance plan, of which Maira does not approve. Suuuuuure; nothing to do with all that getting down Roots has been doing with the bigote. But Aida buys it.
TER’S ROOM/CASA FERNANDO: Art comes in and Ter almost blows her cover with a flip remark aimed at Fernando, but she recovers. She is stoked about LQ and has grand plans to make it work. These plans just happen to involve Fer investing more cash, which Art isn’t keen on. Art gets suspicious of Ter’s obsession with getting their money back. She gets her back up, and he caves. Then he says he can’t go with her to Zacatecas for the wedding because of work obligations. She says she will go alone. At first, Art is suspicious, but Ter gets all victimy about how hard it will be for her to be at such an important event without her marido. He begs her to understand that he has to get the work done since the germans are so key to their economic recovery. She grants him leave, but hopes he won’t live to regret his decision (more subtle foreshadowing, I suppose).
DOWNSTAIRS: Luisa is headed for heartache. She is giddily chatting about he boda preparations, whilst Fer imagines he is kissing Ter instead of Luisa. Oh dear.
ZACATECAS: Aurora is coolio with Juana marrying Cutberto. She’s still an hija for Juana.
DEPARTEMENTO: Fer is desperate to know if Ter is going to divorce Art. Ter is just so, sigh, confused. It’s just so hard for her to see Fer with Luisa. Fer gets T onto the couch and thinks he’s rounding the bases, but our girl is still rolling her eyes while he’s distracted. Viewerville gets a commercial break to cool off, but I don’t suppose Fer has such luck.
Nope. He’s still trying. Ter begs “not to be tempted” and gets up. She’s off to Zacatecas for Juana’s wedding, but also to be …..”solas”. She claims that she needs to get away from him before something happens, but he looks like he’s getting ideas about her little stag trip. Fer leaves and Ter gloats about having him eating out of her palm.
HOSPITAL: Roddie is finally out of the incubator, and crying just in time for Rube to come in and harass Espe and Hernan. Rube needles Hernan about Espe still wanting him, and Hernan finally starts to show a chink in his good guy armor. He has had to put up with a lot, to be fair.
CASA FERNANDO: Odiana and Art talk about Fer’s weird behavior. Art promises to help him out. Odiana then points out how much better and classier Lucia is than Teresa. Art warns O not to bad mouth Ter at the boda. O says she won’t have to—everyone will talk about how horrid Ter is without O having to say word one. Lovely. On her way out, Odiana runs into Lucia and takes the opportunity for one of her classic “muy directa” conversations. I love how she thinks this excuses her incredible rudeness. Anyway, she asks if Lucia likes Arturo, and basically encourages Lucia to go after Art (if you ask me). Lucia is quite rightly put off by the conversation and says that Art is married, and she’s not in the market anyway, so good day, if you don’t mind. This Lucia seems to have a surprisingly good head on her shoulders.
ZACATECAS: Ter walks in on Mar finishing an interview and congratulates him on his success. Ter hopes that they will have a good time together at the boda, but Mar quickly disabuses her of that notion, since he will be going with Aurora--who walks up and plants a big fat wet kiss on Mar’s lips and they declare their noviazgo to Teresa. Mariano leaves and Aurora explains to a very thunderstruck Teresa how Mar won her over. She aggressively says that she supposes Ter is happy, after all the times she says she would be if they got together. Ter tries to pull it together to feign happiness, but Aur stops her mid-feign. Aurora lays it all out—she knows that Ter is not pleased, and won’t be part of her little game anymore. They aren’t enemies, but it would best if they stayed away from one another from now on. She wants to be very clear—Mariano is HER novio, and Ter better butt out. Looks like that friendship is over. Not sure where Aurora found her pantalones, but she sure has them in spades this morning.
CASA FERNANDO: Lucia and Art talk shop. Art needs to get in with some guy to finish some business stuff, and her dad just happens to be playing golf with him this afternoon—they could go by and run into them “coincidentally”. See how helpful it is when Art is with a woman of his proper social standing. Now that is what I call a good match. Oops, sorry folks, I was momentarily possessed by Odiana. Anyways, Lucia is about to say something else to Art but stops herself. Who knows what that’s about.
VECINDAD: Armando is back on the job hunt. Feel like we’ve heard this before. Oh, that’s because we have.
CASA FERNANDO: Well, well, well. Fer suddenly has to go on a “business trip” to check out some “companies” from his new inheritance. Suuuuuuure. Of course, Luisa doesn’t ask any deets because of Ter’s advice about giving Fer his space. How convenient. Art comes down on his way to the golf, and Luisa invites him to stay over since both of their partners will be out of town.
ZACATECAS: Ter y Juana stroll and chat. Juana is happy that Ter is there to share her bodajoy, but Tiburoncita makes sure to clarify that she is there for her madrina, but still wishes she would have chosen Hector. Juana brushes it off and brings up Maurora, and says how happy she is for them. In what (to me) was one of the more ‘real’ moments in their relationship, she tells Ter very kindly but firmly that she is also happy for her (Ter), because now Art won’t ever have to worry again about Mar being in love with Ter. This doesn’t bring the joy to the Tiburonojos, and Juana wipes away the tears.
CASA ESPE/HERNAN: Hernan expresses his worries about the depth of Espe’s love for him. She was so mesmerized by the bigote, and he worries now that the bigote is a single man and will be around bcz of Roddie. Espe reassures H of her love with both words and besos.
TER ON PHONE WITH REFU. Boring. Boda blah blah blah, Armando looking for work, Ter not thrilled with Art. Oooooh, check this—Ter gives her mom the gong because she gets another call, and guess who it is? That’s right Fer is in Zacatecas. Who would’ve guessed?
CASA FERNANDO: Odiana and Luisa talk about Fer leaving and how he is acting weird of late. Luisa’s dress arrives, and they get all giddy. It is a Vera Chang? No, apparently, O recommended some Spanish designer.
ZACATECAS: The fellas (Mar, Doofus, Butts, and Tio-Butts) are drinkin it up for Butt’s bachelor night. Like all men when they get together and drink at a bar, they discuss how Mariano can get Aurora to the altar. Mar says he will be patient. Butts’ uncle extols the romantic effects of Z-town.
HOTEL BALCONY; ZACATECAS: Fer and Ter are alone at last. Fer admits that he came to Ztown to see her—he can’t live without her. Ter says that she came to forget him, because she can’t live without him either. He encourages her to divorce Artie-boy. And now, Ter gets down to some serious shark business. She is affronted—does he just want to not feel guilty about Art? Is that why she should get divorced?
CASA FERNANDO. Lucia and Art return from an apparent golf success. Art invites Lucia to stay for dinner—with Luisa, claro. Luisa appears to gush over the dress, and Lucia runs up the stairs to see it. She is totally supplanting Teresa in all roles now. Better help at the office, better maid of honor. She probably has a higher quality boob job, even.
BACK TO TER AND FER: Ter says she has gotten lots of offers to be a kept woman, but she is not interested in being someone’s lover. She wants Fer bad, but doesn’t want to be another on his lista de conquistas. She tells him they cannot be, and she is resigned to stay with Artie, even though it brings her to tears as she says it.
Fer doesn’t think it’s fair to Ter to stay with Art. Ooh, she gets a “mi amor” out of him as he begs her to forget about everything else for now. He is totally going for broke here, but Ter can resist—it’s really what she does best, after all. Fer even tries to use complimenting her on her history of inner strength to somehow bolster his case towards the bedroom, but I don’t think that’s gonna fly either. (I guess the logic is that she’s too strong of a person to resign herself to be with Arturo, so she should shag Fer now?)
Ter says she has reached her limit, strengthwise. Fer urges her to get a divorce, which she says she might do---after he is married to Luisa and far enough away not to tempt her anymore. She demonstrates the temptation with muchos besos—and even goes so far as to say “te amo”!! Woah, she’s really playing for all she’s worth here. Fer clearly sees the third base coach signaling him to go for it, and he picks Ter up as they smooch and heads in a bedroomerly direction. “no, no, no, no” says Teresa. Not while he’s still with Luisa. Oh snap!
HOSPITAL: Aida has brought some dispensario papers by and gets the 411 from Hector—Aurora is in Ztown with Mariano. Aida finds out that Aur is in Z town. Aida is pissed and Hector puts her in her place at first, then totally agrees that Mariano should stay away from Aurora. Then Aida finds out that esa rrrrrrrrrata de vecindad is in Ztown too, and that’s just too much. She doesn’t buy the Juana-boda excuse at all.
BACK TO TER AND FER: Fer says he can’t leave Luisa so close to the wedding (but cheating seems to be just fine by him). Teresa reminds him that she originally wanted to stay apart out of respect for Art and Luisa, but also because she knew him—i.e. that he was a mujeriego, and used to everyone surrendering to him (se rindan ante ti). She says him being in Ztown shows he never loved Luisa.
CASA FERNANDO: Meanwhile, bask in the DF, poor sweet, naïve Luisa is trying on her wedding dress. It looks hideous to me, so I guess it’s a good thing that the wedding might be off now. Odiana points out that Lucia makes a much better match for Arturo than Teresa. Luisa defends Ter. O pretty much just states as fact that Ter is a big fat liar and traitor, and someday Luisa will see it. It’s like she has some sort of mean old lady psychic power.
Because BACK IN ZACATECAS: Fer explains that his feelings for Luisa and Teresa are totally separate issues. If that’s the case, Ter says he shouldn’t have come, because all she wants is to be with him forever. He doesn’t understand why that doesn’t logically lead them to the cama. But Ter wants to do it “bien”. She’s gotta leave Art, and he’s gotta break it off with Luisa. With that, she breaks away from his embrace, and leaves him looking like he is literally going to explode on the balcony.
And that, my friends, is what I believe they call “the big play”.


I know i've been MIA in the comments lately--work has been super busy, and i've been getting behind on the show. i've definitely been relying on my fellow recappers more than usual, so i hope you all enjoy my contribution!
these "ultimos capitulos" are certainly bringing it!

Great recap!

Ter rolling her eyes while Fer was on full mack was too funny, I kept hoping he'd open his eyes too and catch her looking all bored.

Love how Aurora handled Ter, and did I see a teardrop roll?

Thanks to Hector we were spared much screeching from Aida.

I love the scenes from Zacatecas, makes me want to go visit...un dia.

I was expecting a much nicer dress for Luisa, the mantilla over her head didn't help any. From the previews Juana's dress looked a lot nicer.

Also from the avances looks like Johnny spots Fer and Ter and Mar confronts Ter about it.

Does anyone else think that Oriana had a lot of input in the selection of the wedding dress?

I have a question for our male members: What the hell is so fascinating about sharks like Teresa?

Can't wait to see what Johnny does with what he's going to witness. My guess is he will go to Teresa's parents first.

Thank you so much, Kristoise!!! Super recap!

I just loved...absolutely LOVED how Aurora FINALLY got the strength and courage to be HERSELF! Oh my...did she handle Teresa or what?!

UA: When I saw Luisa's dress, my first thought was that La Odiosa picked it without even asking Luisa for input. Somehow, I don't think that was the dress Luisa would have picked, but I could be dead wrong on that count. I was happy that Luisa was excited, though. She is sweetness personified.

I, too, am loving the scenes in Zacatecas! I would love to visit. It is so nice to see that Mariano and Aurora seem so genuinely happy. I think they are one of the few as that SLIME Rubigote is now trying to mess with Espe and her doctor. That is so upsetting to see.

I do hope that Johnny speaks with Refusio and Armando. That would surely force them to get a grip, wouldn't it? Maybe dear Mariano can put Teresa in her place re this business with No Neck Fer.

You know that little moment when the maid asked Luisa if she could speak with her. It actually made me a little nervous as I wondered right then if said maid had seen Fer and Teresa talking in the house. What happened to Reina? Who is this new maid? I think she appeared for a reason.

Gracias, Kristoise!!!


Kristoise - great job!! I love your style, you're so smooth and cool, you know, for a chick.

Like all men when they get together and drink at a bar, they discuss how Mariano can get Aurora to the altar.

Yes, that's right. That's the kind of stuff we talk about. Yep. Nothing else goes on; just innocent discussions of how we can get the women we love to marry us. Uh-huh. Yes sir-eee.

She is totally supplanting Teresa ...She probably has a higher quality boob job...

According to my expert analysis, it's a tie, they both have excellent boob jobs. Your welcome.

I guess the logic is that she’s too strong of a person to resign herself to be with Arturo, so she should shag Fer now?

Makes perfect sense to me, but pretty much anything that ends with "we should shag now" is going to make sense to a guy.


Hey Kristoise, thank you for the fun recap. This was a heck of an episode what with all Tere's eye-rolling and sneaky behavior. Fer is acting like such a schmuck it's hard to believe he was a player. What an amateur he is compared to Teresa!

Aurora absolutely rocked in this episode. You go girl!!

"Mariano has developed the Aurora-novio-turtleneck disease", hee, very funny!!

Thanks again Kris. You sound super busy but I hope you enjoyed writing your recap half as much as I enjoyed reading it.

Tee hee, as well, to "Mariano has developed the Aurora-novio-turtleneck disease." Thanks for the great recap, Kristoise.

I thought perhaps the entire city of Z would spot Tere and Fer making out on the balcony. Guess they were lucky until Johnny spots them again. I think he saw them a bit too close back when he was hiding out in the high rise.

The wedding dress was a bit too heavy and old fashioned looking looking for Luisa. The veil was weighing down Luisa's hair unless she wears it up I think Fer said he couldn't back out of the wedding to Luisa because it was too close to the wedding date. So Teresa may not be able to upgrade after all but she'll keep trying. Maybe she has a Plan C.


Great recap kristoise, I loved your comment on the Mariano turtleneck disease ! I was thinking the same thing, I hope he's not stuck wearing them the rest of this TN !!

I seem to remember obnoxious Oriana making a comment when she first appeared that she was happy Fer was marrying luisa, because so many women were trying to snag him. And she would prevent him from getting his money if she didn't approve of his choice.

Does anyone else remember that conversation?

I am surprised that luisa is all BFF with Lucia, weren't they friends way back in grammar school ? I think her looks are sleezier than Teresa, like other posters I also dislike her hair. If u put her side by side Tere, Lucia looks much more ghettofabulous. I hope she doesn't end up with Art.

I read that Angelique Boyer is dating the shows 50 year old producer, I hope it's just crazy gossip !

*You* are certainly bringing it, Kristoise! Awesome recap!

Thanks Kristoise. I can certainly appreciate the super busy work!! You're an abolsute trooper putting this together for us.
THanks to all the recappers this week! I was able after long days of meetings to enjoy the recaps, wonderful comments and keep up with the shows.

I'm sure I'll see a re-shot of Luisa's dress. But I agree that if it came from Spain, it was probably Oriana induced...her idea of a society acceptable gown. (Yeah, like she's great shakes at style.) If anyone has needed to grow a spine in this TN, it was Luisa. But alas, those opening credits with the tears rolling pretty much sum up her character.

But I am loving the new and improved Aurora, my heroine of this TN. I would actually like Aeeedddaaaa to show up and see Mar gushing all over Aur. Maybe then she'll lay off. Thought she was going to walk away if she wasn't the chosen one...yeah, like any of us really believed that.

Can we have Rube smacked, ala Paloma? I just hate this slime ball and the way he is now causing problems between Espe and Hernan.

Back to work. Can't wait for this weekend.

Hi Gang,
Sorry to bother you with this but I thought I would post it one last time hoping someone (anyone, anyone... Sharkbyte... :-) ) might be able to help out..
Fun reading your redcaps! Thank you,

Hi All,
I have a very crazy request... I am looking for a good image (screen shot) of the painting in Mariano's office. It has a lot of red and I think it is squares and circles or half-circles. If you have or can get an image, please let me know at:

I am trying to find a print of this painting to surprise a very good friend (She means a lot to me).
Thank you!

Kristoise- Thanks so much for giving us a fabulous recap, despite the crazy schedule. We understand.

Surely, there must be some other hot babe out there that can fulfill Fer's need to have an exciting affair, who'll actually, you know, PUT OUT! Surely he must see how he is being toyed with by this point. What wasted time, effort and angst.

I didn't like the dress either, but Luisa really did. It's not like she hated it and was too timid to tell Oriana, so I don't see where she needs to grow a spine. Luisa is not a yeller/screecher. She's never going to be. She has a sweet nature and her first instict is to find compromise and to make peace between everyone. That's good. But she never backs down when it comes to defending a friend or a loved one. All you have to do is look at all the times she stood up to someone to protect Arturo (remember how she went after Paloma and even Teresa at first?), or Teresa. She hasn't buckled under Oriana's pressure to keep Teresa out of the wedding. She stands up for Teresa to Oriana each and every time. I just don't think all the wedding stuff is THAT important to her that she wants to have control of every single detail, so she's cool with handing off stuff to Ori to keep the old witch happy. She will be her MIL afterall. I think being married is more important to Luisa than the wedding-- as it should be. Too bad the man she's marrying is a weak louse, and the wedding may never happen.

Go Aurora! I loved that scene and when she blocked Teresa's fake hug-- which would have surely been Teresa rolling her eyes behind Aurora's back as they embraced. Someone commented the other day that Aurora was being a hypocrite when she said she'd give Teresa a piece of her mind if she decided to start something up with Mariano. This was the talk she wanted to have. It wasn't about getting on Teresa for toying with Mariano while married to Art (althoguh I still don't think it's the same as the Aurora-Martin-Mariano situation). It was about the game playing Teresa has done with her (Aurora) all these years. Last night she put all her cards on the table, and she let Ter know clearly that she's not playing games or falling for them any more.

I don't think we'll have to worry that Mariano has come down with the turtleneck disease. It seems to be cold in Zacatecas and all the D.F. people are bundled up, except Fer with his open necked shirt. But we all know why HE'S so hot...

Brian- Do you remember what episode you saw it in? I could do a screen shot for you.

I love the new Aurora..."Mariano es MI novio...estamos?"...shooting daggers out of her little dimples.

What needs to happen now is for Fernando to get blitzed in the local watering hole and talk to a bunch of dudes who will point out exactly what Tiburoncita is doing to him.

"She's playing you, dude. How many times has she left you with cojones de azul?"

"She's married to whom? Is one shag worth losing your best friend? And he's a lawyer, too?"

"Yo mama keeps using the 'I' word. Can she keep yo dad's cash from you?"

"That's your novia? Man, are you loco?"

Hi Vivi!

Thank you so much! In Episode #118 (Aug 17) of the recaps, the 5th screen shoot shows a piece of the picture so that episode likely has the whole picture at some point. Almost any sceen in Mariano's office should have a shot of it though (I think) :-)

I would get it myself but I no longer get the show :-( so it is fun to read all your recaps. I honestly don't see what everyone sees in Teresa! She is over-the-top "high maintenance" and while attractive, is far too plastic to be beautiful. Aurora, on the other hand, is really something! Mariano, you are one lucky guy! Lol...

Thanks again Vivi! And thank you everyone for your fun recaps!

Great recap, Kristoise, loved your channeling of Odiosa's approval of the best woman for Art. It didn't seem that Lucia would want Odiosa for a mother in law even hypothetically.
I don't think the actual wedding dress was so bad, it was the veil.
Urban, love your watering hole conversation. I think Fer is only interested in sex with Tere...

Vivi: ITA re Aurora's wonderful conversation with Teresa. She was strong and definite about what she wanted, but what I loved most was the way she stopped Teresa's phony hug. That action alone made it to Teresa's brain more than any words could.

Can you imagine...someone denying Miss "Ser o no Ser" a hug?!



Is Zacatecas in a different climate than Mexico City? Because the Zacatecas crew was in sweaters and jackets while the Mexico City crew was sleeveless.

Lucia looks like the secretary but she's from the "right" family so...

Looks like Aida will hightail it down to Zacatecas, now that she knows Mariano, Aurora AND Teresa are down there. However, I still think she will be on Team Aurora once she sees how Mariano/Aurora is killing Teresa.

Armando & Refugio have a point that if Teresa/Arturo divorce, he will probably be out of a job (although I highly doubt Arturo would fire him). But maybe he should have found another job FIRST before quitting.

Luisa's dress was butt ugly (ESPECIALLY with the mantilla---too much lace going on) and I am 2000% sure Oriana picked it out for her.

Johnny needs to runteldat about Fer/Ter to somebody(other than Super Mariano)

Aurora broke it down, she finally grew up and put the claws out. I also notice she isn't wearing the sparkly gold eyeshadow anymore, she's wearing a smoky plum. Hmm.

Kristoise thanks for your fun recap. We really appreciate it especially since you are so busy. I'm with you and Anon207 about Luisa's wedding dress being selected by Oriana; it was a dated looking dress.

Yay Aurora. I too noticed her darker eye shadow. I was going to ask Sharkbyte (and thank him for his recap) if he thinks there is something different about her appearance. She has always been very attractive but over these last few episodes she has looked radiant and elegant.

When I watch Ter & Fer its like a horror movie for me; I cover my eyes or just change channels. I think I'll cry (yes I know its a TN) if Art or Luisa catch them.

Since I enjoy Luisa and Martin so much, in my version of this TN they get together. They also remind me of Jane and Bingley from "Pride and Prejudice."

It's like watching a train wreck, isn't it? I think from now on I'll be channeling Jo's grandmother: "SUUUUUUCIA!!!" (Can you say that about boys, too?)

Great recap Kristoise! Teresa and Fernando are surely playing with fire.

I didn't think the dress was that bad. The veil made it look old but if Luisa wears her hair up it would look much better.

Also great recap and pics yesterday SharkByte.

I've been very busy because I'm getting close to exams and work has been busy too.

By the way Elle, that was just gossip.


Kristoise: your recaps are always great fun! Thanls!

I know Tere's done her hubby wrong, but after the way he dragged her back to the vecindad, lied to her about their finances for purposes of getting-even-with-her, abused her physically (as well as fiscally!), and has stayed in cahoots with Oriana about his further, furtive treatment of her --especially after the way La Odiosa mocked her so cruelly when she was totally invalided and then with Aida at the vecindad apartment--I want ringside seats and popcorn to see how Teresa takes sonny boy to the cleaners emotionally as well as financially--and Odiosa also!! Yep, ringside seats and a ginormous bucket of buttery popcorn!!

Elle, et al: per Melinama's rules, there should be no gossip outside of what pertains to the telenovela and its production. Personal lives of the actors are not to be discussed. Please folks, try to remember this. Thanks.

Anon: Yes, Zacatecas would be cold for people from Mexico City at the time they shot those scenes. It even snows a little in the winter.


Super fun, Kristoise. Bien hecho. My favorite phrase was "bedroomerly direction." Somehow I suspect that's where Fer's GPS is always set!

Okay, totally rude to make out right in front of other people, but since it was Mariano and Aurora playing tongue twister in front of our shocked shark, I only wished it had gone on longer. I love Aurora's new assertiveness.

Ah, the turtlenecks...personally, I prefer scarves, but I gathered from the TdA comments that I am in a minority amongst CC society.

Brian, I have no idea what that painting is (though I'm also curious to know), but if anyone has connections to find out about art in telenovelas, I would LOVE to know about two paintings that were on the wall of the family room at the mansion in Nina de mi Corazon. I used to pause scenes all the time to look at them.

I like Lucia. She's smart, talented, and not crazy. Her hair doesn't bother me. I have a friend with hair just like that--hers is naturally curly and to try to force it to do anything else is a LOT of work. It's pretty much a choice between putting product on to at least keep it polished-looking, or let it turn into a huge frizzy mess.

Loved the recap Kristoise. So Aurora told Teresa they are not friends anymore and that Mariano is her man. That's what Teresa used to do to her all the time. Doesn't feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot.

Meanwhile, Teresa is trying to get Fernando to cancel the wedding. In a way, she's doing Luisa a favor since Fernando is a dog. She's better off without him and maybe she and Martin will meet.

I'm surprised no one saw them on the balcony with all that foreplay action going on.

In the previews, Johnny sees them and Mariano confronts Teresa about it. I wonder will anyone tell Arturo.

Oriana doesn't know how right she is but she doesn't know yet that it's her son that Teresa is betraying Luisa with. Of course, she thinks Lucia is a better match for Arturo.

Thank you for the fun recap, Kristoise and Sharkbyte yesterday!

Jardinera, "ringside seats and popcorn" for an Oriana takedown. ITA. I can only hope!

Jardinera, "ringside seats and popcorn" for an Oriana takedown. ITA. I can only hope!

ITA on Lucia's hair Julia. Love the curls. I looked at pics of the actress online, and in most of them her hair is curly, so I think it's natural. I promote embracing curls over using chemicals or heat to keep hair straight all the time.

Does anyone wonder if the twist about Lucia might be that she bats for the other team?

Yeah, I don't understand what's so bad about Lucía's hair either. I like the curls.


Hmmm, there's a thought. Come to think of it, we haven't had any gay characters in this telenovela yet.

And speaking of characters we haven't seen, WHERE is Arturo and Paloma's kid? I refuse to believe that child actually died.

Well I’ve got my priorities right, short of time, do I watch the episode or read the recap and comments? I went straight to the recap and comments. Kris, you’ve outdone yourself! My two favorites lines out of many......“She probably has a higher quality boob job” and “Fer clearly sees the third base coach signaling him to go for it.” Your recap was hilarious, thanks for all your very valuable time. I'll watch the episode someday!

Zacatecas and all of colonial Mexico are INCREDIBLE. What we sometimes don’t realize is that colonial Mexico was built starting around the early 1600’s with growth continuing through the late 1800’s. Places that Cortez inhabited are still standing.

Unlike the US, the vast majority of early colonial Mexican structures are still there and in good form, no bulldozers for them. The architecture of Mexico is a North American treasure!

OK, I’ll get off my soapbox now and let others discuss Teresa!

Jar, on Arturo...."-I want ringside seats and popcorn to see how Teresa takes sonny boy to the cleaners emotionally as well as financially--and Odiosa also!! Yep, ringside seats and a ginormous bucket of buttery popcorn!!" Yes, be my guest in Nashville, I'll furnish the popcorn and a big bottle of tequila.......Arturo is NO saint.

Having said that....what's wrong with curly hair? We curly-ishious gals and guys keep the "product" companies in business!

Wonderful recap Kris! Love the "nido de viboras" -- along with "rrrrata pack" from the other day.

My votes for wedding gown and hair: Don't like either Lucia's or Luisa's hair. I think it's too dated.

Don't like the wedding gown but I do like the veil if she were to wear her hair up. I'm assuming this is all Spanish style because Oriana's involved. But Luisa's not Spanish I think a dress by a Mexican designer or in a traditional Mexican design would be more appropriate.

I'll join you all with a ginormous bowl of buttery popcorn and we should all join in a raucous chorus of "suuuuuuuucia"!!!!

I also think Luisa's gown is awful. It just hung on her and while I like a Mantilla(? is that correct) it just was too much lace with the gown also of lace. I agree it would have looked better with her hair up and one of those combs in her hair.

And I think their hair is too, too curly.

Z makes me think of NYC in the beginning of October. You see pictures of people in short sleeves and some in jackets and sweaters; they always make you wonder a lot about the temperature in the city. I noticed Juana was in a short sleeved dress and Aurora had on a rather heavy sweater and also a coat on.

Thanks Kris for taking the time out from a busy schedule to write a snappy and fun recap.


I know it's really late, but I have to add my kudos too.

Kris, that was an AWESOME recap of a really disgusting episode (the Ter and Fer part, that is). You made it so much more palatable with you truly great snark - particularly with respect to the kinds of signals Fer was reading.

thanks amiga!


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