Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #11 Wed 10/19/11 Popeye and Abejita meet cute.

  • Mrs. "I'm so alone" Pina has a special guest on her show: Mariano Osorio, musician and radio personality. His theme: everything is better in the family. ??
  • Lupita is a wet blanket all night, she doesn't want to leave the kids of the barrio and is afraid.

    Candy, on the other hand, is quite ready to never mend clothes again. She reassures Lupita: Pancho will be making so much money, they can feed everybody in the barrio - and still buy leopard-skin skirts!

    Lupita tells the kids she'll be there every day (Elena will take over otherwise). Tomás shows up to ask her forgivenness but she doesn't want anything to do with him.
  • Pepe takes three buses to go see Monica because she asked him to. She wants him to plead with Pancho to un-fire Enzo (her dad). He says ok, but "we are cuadernos - cuates - amigos" now (I guess cuadernos hang out on the street corner together - like homies).

    Pepe does ask his dad to reconsider: "Dad, you said you wouldn't change and look, you're already acting like an emperor. You'll ruin his life - and he has a daughter, did you think of that?"
  • Vince is adapting to new circumstances - he's wearing a sloppy track suit with a t-shirt hanging out instead of his customary natty tie, and he is trying out eastern religions. "In Tibet they say nothing is important, everything passes. Let us enjoy nature, Abejita."

    His calm is rattled by the very noisy arrival of Poncho's truck, full of family. They pile out and refer to Beverly Hills (hillbillies being implied). Pancho runs over to say hi to Vince and cheerfully invite him over for some cold ones and comida tipica but Vince thinks that's too greasy even for his dog and might give her taxoplasmosis. Pancho: "You named your dog for an insect??" Popeye and Abejita make eyes at each other, as predicted.

    Vince goes to tell his wife about their new proletarian neighbors. Pina opines silently: "When Fer dies, we'll be out in the street and my secret will be worth nothing."
  • Mo's dad forbids her to see or talk about el mecánico ese. He also says she can't work at Avon any more.
  • I'm sure you don't need me to describe Pancho's family romping through the mansion, jumping on beds, criticizing the art (Joan Miro) and nearly breaking a Ming Vase. They ask the servants to use tu with them. Chela enjoys the kitchen and she and the cook plan to get along splendidly (this is not what would happen in real life).

    The yard is huge. Ana is very happy and tells Lupita to take off her rotten egg face. Candy's delighted to see leopard skins everywhere and is even more delighted to hear she can take the cheslong (chaise longue) into her room. "I am an authentic diva now!"
  • Rebeca comes to see how the move is going. Pancho says the house is so big he needs a GPS. She has more clauses to talk about! Pancho complains: "You didn't tell me the nephew would be our neighbor. And Fer told me she had nobody! That was another of her lies!" "He's a hypocrite, just out for her money."

    She tells him Pepe, Lupita and Ana are already signed up for (pre-paid) university and that Temo will be going to private school (ditto). All this paternalistic benevolence rankles Pancho but he admits he slept through the fine print so he has nobody but himself to blame.

    Rebeca is afraid Pancho is going to try to fire Vince too. But, instead: "Am I in charge, or am I a puppet?" He says since he's in charge he will now use his power to: make Vince president!

    Rebeca quickly quells this rebellion, pointing out that he promised to be president, and that it's time for him to start doing what he promised: running the company.
  • Pepe comes up to the Avon receptionist and asks for Monica's office. Her dad shows up and takes him up - Monica isn't there.
  • Alex calls Lupita (who's looking to move into the guest room because it's not as huge as the other bedrooms) and she hangs up on him, but it turns out he's on her balcony and he nags her to be his friend.
Tomorrow: Vince discovers that his beloved masseuse Catreaux ("those legs!") lives next door!


So do Vince and Pina have a Closed Circuit TV into Fernanda's house? Creepy!

Vince certainly was calm during the noisy arrival of the hillbillies. I was surprised he didn't get angry. He was a little miffed maybe, but not angry. And he even shook Pancho's hand.

Thanks Melinama. This was a fun recap. They're not making us wait long for Vince to discover his beloved Catreaux. That'll perk him up.

Tks so much Melinama.
Appreciate your clearing up some of the humor that I can't understand. At least there is enough visual nonsense, that it is fun.

I am really enjoying the silliness of this novela & can't wait for tonight. Vicente is giving me more laughs than anyone else. Sergio is giving a fantastic performance.


Thanks, Melinama. "Pina opines silently" - hah - I bet that doesn't happen very often!

I think the point of Mariano's family speech was to contrast how miserable and lonely Pina is. She and Vince haven't been intimate in a long time; Freddy doesn't have time for her; even the dog seems to prefer Vince. The maid seems to be her only friend, and Pina's not even very nice to her most of the time.

Vince seemed awfully relaxed when Pancho arrived, but that's probably due to a good massage from Arnold and a stiff drink. And probably a lot of Xanax, the way he was babbling and quoting Buddha just moments before. That doesn't seem much like Vince!

Oh - and thank you for explaining "cuaderno." I thought that meant notebook - that didn't make any sense!! And thanks for pointing out the Miro - that completely escaped my notice.

I wonder if Abeja really belongs to Sergio Sendel, since she is so happy with him. I thought the same with Isabel (Alborda) & her cat.


Variopinta - I would have figured him as more the Doberman/Rottweiler type, but he really seems to like that dog, and it seems to be mutual.

If she's not his dog already, maybe she will be when this TN is over. ;-)

I think "cuaderno" is just a play on words, since the first syllable is "cua" like "cuate". They seem to do this a lot in Mexican slang.... add different endings to the first syllable of a known word. Like "na" for for "nada" which then becomes "naranja" but still means "nothing".

I can only watch about 20 minutes of this before the sing-song gets to me but Melinama and Julie's recaps are top-notch!

Thanks for the detail and the vocab. I was surprised too that Vicente was so civil to Pancho, but then Pancho does have the power to fire him.

Ahhh! Niecie, I think you nailed it. I obviously wasn't thinking when I suggested the Xanax. Vicente sucked up to Fernanda for years, thinking it would earn him the presidency. Let's see how long he can keep it up with Pancho just to hold onto the job he has!

So is it strange that Vince is obsessed with a dog (Abeja) and a cat (Candela)?

Ha ha! Very good.

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