Saturday, October 15, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #49 Fri 10/14/11 A Battle of Wits With Twits, But With a Twist!

We return to Alamos as Maripaz flounces in for a quickie visit with Gerardo and Carolina, and just in time to see her give it to them right between the eyes:  she knows they’ve got her son!

Yes, she knows that “the boy” is the child she and Ivan had ten years ago and who was supposedly kidnapped.  Who would have known or suspected that it was Daddy who’d taken him?  No matter!  She’s going to take him and is planning to fight for legal custody.  (Viewerville notes that Maripaz doesn’t even mention him by name.) “—Y-y-you?” Gerry can’t help but stutter.  Sure, says MP.  “--I’m his mother and I have more legal right than Ivan!”  Caro wants to know who told her he was hers.  Merry Piece looks down her nose at Caro.  “--A little birdie.”  Caro asks why she wants him.  MP answers her dismissively.  “—Because I’m his mother!”  She turns to her daddy and tells him she’s seen a lawyer who says they can do this discreetly enough, and avoid jail by claiming to the judge that she was opposed to taking him to some orphanage and wanted him to take him without anyone realizing “it” was hers.  

Gerry finally gets over the initial shock and finds his mouth is still in working condition. He tells MP that her lifestyle is…er…rather liberal and that a child is a difficult and involved [comprometido] business.  Caro jumps in and suggests that Maripaz might just consider leaving him with them and simply come over to visit him whenever she wants to.  MP has the upper hand here and knows it.  “—Perhaps.” 

At the same time, Lucia and Ivan are discussing how Alex has warmed up to him and how much he cares for him.  Lucia reminds him it’s not the same as fatherly affection.  The boy only thinks of him as a great friend.  Breaking the news about him actually being his father would really mess Alex up mentally.  That will have to wait till much later.  Besides, listen to him!  He’s only thinking of himself, not of Alex or his needs!  Van puts his foot down.  He’s not about to wait years for the kid to learn he’s his father!

Back in Alamos, Saul tells Merry Piece that she handled it all wrong, coming to an agreement with Gerry.  Once Ivan finds out that she’s left the boy with Daddy, he’ll be all over her legally claiming she has no emotional interest in the kid.  Ok, says MP.  I’ll tell Daddy I’ve changed my mind and he’s coming to live with me.  Problem solved!

At Gerry’s, the problem continues, though.  He’s still worried if what he agreed to isn’t still considered a crime or not.  Carolina sees it as the only way to keep Alex with them.  She hopes they can ask MP to avoid telling Alex she’s his mother.  Gerry doesn’t think either Carlota or Lucrecia are going to believe it and Lucia will be furious with them.  Besides, Alex now is such great friends with Ivan and Ivan loves the boy unconditionally.  He won’t agree to any of this.  Well, says Caro, then get ready to go to jail, because she’s certain what they did was criminal [penal] and that they’ll go to jail.   Gerardo says he is certain that MP only doing all of this to irritate Ivan.  In all the time he’s been back she hasn’t hardly said two words to him, hardly even stepped foot in his house or come for a visit.  When she got married to that Mondragon boy she didn’t even bother to invite him and Alex to the wedding!!  Now she comes with this “eternal motherly love” stuff and says she’s going to fight for legal custody??  No, if she leaves him with us she’s doing this to irritate the heck out of Ivan!  Caro is more practical than emotional here.  “—It’s the only way we get to keep Alex, though!”

Across town, Juan Jaime stops in over at the McGuires’ to chat with David.  The maid allows him over the threshold and Meandragon can’t help but sneak a lascivious gander at the young gal’s backside while she’s attempting to shut the huge wooden gate behind him. 

Inside the “compound”, Camilo takes JJ and David into the conference room “to talk bidnez.”  Juan Jeil-me says he’s decided to smooth things over [limar asperezas] with the McGuires.  Dave and Cam share a wary glance over at each other and listen to what Dave’s daddy has to say.  The McGuires need their packing plant at full capacity and he can get his group of farmers to help out in that regard.  “—Basically we’re all working towards the same end, so we can help each other and join forces.”  Dave says they’ll have to speak with Ivan and Anthony first.  He knows, tho’, says wiley Juan Jeil-me, that Ivan listens favorably to whatever advice they give him and so he hopes they’ll support him.  Tony is a businessman who understands there’s strength in numbers, but Ivan isn’t that kind of businessman, he continues.  He isn’t that fond of ol’ JJ and he mixes personal with business.  He’s not so sure Ivan will agree to it unless they put in a good word and convince him otherwise. 

Cam says that’s to be expected considering the rotten way JJ treated his bastard son while he was growing up.  That’s all water under the bridge now, says JJ.  He likes Ivan and is proud of what he’s done with his life.  Really.  Additionally, Juan Jeil-me is happy to learn that Cam is dating his daughter.   Both Dave and Cam are WTF-impactado when JJ comes out with that one!

Back to “sex on the beach”—or what passes for it with Carly and Tony (Z-z-z-z-z-z). it seems she’s so relaxed, he comments.  She must have gotten the problem with Maripaz taken care of and fixed.  Oh, yes, says Carly, that’s yesterday’s news.  Carly tells Tony that it’s been great with them there, but she’s ready to get back home.  All good things must come to an end, ya know.  Sure, and there’s no place like home, he says congenially.  Truth be told, says Carly, she’s had a hankerin’ to move into the old homestead, the ranch, where she and Teodoro first lived when they were newlyweds.  It’s run down since no one’s lived there in years, but she’s half a mind to fix it up and move in.  Oh, he had no idea, says Tony.  The idea is to sell her city house and move to the country.  She could get a good sum and start paying him back the debt she owes him.  “--And would Lucrazia (and the others) agree to it?”  Well, perhaps,  says Carly, but Lucia will be getting married and there’s no reason for a town house just for Maripaz, now is there?  He tells her not to worry about the money she owes.   Of course she must!  Besides, what happens if the harvest is poor?  Sure she has to save some back for her debt to make sure she stays in his good graces.

Meanwhile, JJ’s left and Cam is hopping mad!  He’s not sure he wants anything to do with JJ and he’s only gone out with Dave’s sis as friends.  He doesn’t know where JJ came up with this bit about their dating seriously, but he’s going to find out!  Cam tells Dave what he suspects is JJ’s plan.  He’s offered him membership in the Association and his daughter’s hand to firm up Cam’s voting for him to keep him as president there.  He’s bartered his daughter’s future for the post and it’s not fair to Judith!  Dave offers to intercede with his sis and explain Cam’s embarrassing predicament.  Cam says no, it’s his place and he’ll explain it to her.  He likes her and perhaps she won’t mind if he’s up front about being in love with somebody else.  (Ri-i-i-i-i-ght!  Just what another woman always loves to hear.  “Marry me, Babe, but remember you’re only playing second fiddle to the other woman I’d rather have pulling my strings in the bedroom.”  Who knows, Judith’s desperate enough to accept anything provided she can escape from Daddy Meandragon's lair!)  

Tony lays his cards on the table and straight out asks Carly if with all the money he gave her she doesn’t have enough to fix up the ranch and then some?  Isn’t it more like she’s had to use the money to get Maripaz out of some stupid scrape or other [burrada]?  “Hey!  I am the leader of the pride [de la manada= herd, pack, pride] and I take care of my kittens [cachorros= cubs, kittens, puppies]!”  Yeah, he says, but after a while they have to learn to take care of themselves!  But, she says, what if they fail to mature?  “--Do we abandon them or do we defend them [entrar al quite= lit. enter the bullring and face down the bull]?”  Tony follows through with the metaphor and asks what do you do with a kitten that repeatedly does the wrong thing and never learns?  What if that one then starts eating the others?  Carly says she’d separate it from the others, but she’d never abandon it!  Tony says not to forget the old adage about the rotten apple in the bunch.  She says she hasn’t. 

Meanwhile, the young lovers enjoy their time on the beach smooching, and then of course, splashing in the ocean with Alex and Bruno.

Back to the real world.  Cam calls Jud and asks her out for coffee again and to talk over something serious with him.  Ester hears her making plans with him and forbids her to go out with that low class bum of a Galvan.  Jud says sorry, but Dad’s fine with it and since he’s got a great job, is polite and well-mannered, and is handsome to boot, she’s going whether Mama likes it or not!  He’s the first guy to look at her in ages and if Mama thinks she’s going to stay a wall-flower the rest of her life just because he’s from the wrong class, then she’s got another think coming!  She’s going out with him and hopefully will get married and be able to raise a family and escape this hell-house once and for all!  Judith races off to meet Cam and leaves Mama screaming at the top of her lungs at her.

At Casa de las Curiel, Lucre-zia is on the phone with her greasy (and muy shady-looking) real estate agent.  She can’t believe the crummy price he’s quoted her as to what they can expect to sell the town house for.  He explains that times are hard and the market is down.  They’ll have to lower their expectations to match [acordes], especially since she wants a quick sale.  Sure, she says, but try harder to get something more for it, at least!  Click.  Merry Piece doesn’t see the problem—as usual.  Lucrae--zia is disgusted at the price and blames (rightly so) Maripaz for the grief she’s going through.  She’s irresponsible, careless, tempermental!  MP swallows her bite of apple and blames her troubles on Mama’s raising her that way.  (Uhhuhhh.  She can’t he’p ‘t she came out the way she is!  Spare me!)  Mama keeps up the tirade about how she’s fallen to such depths!  Everyone in town knows what a whore she is!  That’s where MP draws the line.  She tells Mama that soon she’ll be sorry for treating her this way and calling her names!  MP may be a nobody now, but she will be rich and powerful for real! 

Cleto comes in and says there’s somebody outside waiting on MP.  Something to do with Dave getting his car fixed for her, she tells Mama.

Cam and Judith meet at the coffe shop.  He tells her he invited her out the other day to have somebody to talk to.  He tells Jud that he doesn’t want to have a formal relatiohship—at least not yet.  She smiles then and agrees.  Sure, they hardly know each other.   He asks if she told her daddy that they are dating seriously?  She says absolutely not.  If he said that then it must be that her daddy likes him is all. 

Outside in the yard, Dave is steaming mad and asks MP what the heck happened to the car.  She lies and says with that “who me?” look on her mug that she simply went shopping and left it parked. When she came out the car was already like that.  Some absent-minded scatterbrain [despistado] must have hit her and driven off.  He says it looks more like something (or somebody) fell on top of it!  She doesn’t know anything about cars and it might look like a wreck, but Cleto’s nephew wants to buy it so he could do her a favor and sign the title or something, right?   No!  It wasn’t a gift! But, didn’t he give it to her?  No, she just took for herself, he corrects her.  He’s giving her back hers and will have to fix it.  She acts pissed and stomps off.    “Whatever!!” 

In the driveway, David asks Cleto if Merry Piece told him how the accident happened.  He tells Davy that MP told him she’d run over a dog.  Cleto snickers and adds it had to be the size of a donkey with the size dent it left! 

Back at the coffee shop, Cam remembers his chat with Juan Jeil-me about joining the association and his possibly being president of it himself some day.  He thinks better about how he phrases what he’s got to say to Jud.  Jud smiles over at him.  What was he about to tell her?  He says that he isn’t eager to formally date anyone just yet since he’s just gone through a nasty divorce.  However, he suggests they begin going out and see what happens.  (Shades of Carmen?)  Judith (and Viewerville) notes the evil glint in Cam’s eyes. He’s looking lustily at her alright, but it’s not  Jud he’s hot for—more like the power of the Association presidency her pappy has promised to deliver to him in the future. 

Elsewhere in town, Carmen is pissed cuz she's been cooling her heels,  waiting for Saul to show up.    When he does, she insists he better stop dragging his feet about that child support she asked for and getting her that apartment.  If not, she’s going straight to Ivan and those snooty Curiel babes and telling them that he knows all about Merry Piece’s having a bastard baby with Ivan and how he’s planned to take advantage of them!! He whines that it’s not as easy as she might think arranging for all of that.  If she can just be a bit more patient she’ll have more than just a simple apartment and a monthly pittance.  Before she can tell him to talk to the hand, Antolin drives up and asks them what they’re doing together. 

Saul pretends he ran in to Carmen on the street and was offering her a lift home.  Antolin barks at Carmen to get in and gives Saul the evil eye.  He shrinks away and Anto asks what she’s really got going with Saul Meandragon.  Not a thing, she swears! 

It doesn’t stop when they get home either.  She tries racing off to her room but he tells her to stay put.  “—I want the truth about him!  Is Saul Lichita’s father or what?”  She swears he’s got it all wrong!  “—You tell me the truth or I swear I’ll beat it out of him!”  (I’d pay top peso for a ringside seat to that one!)  Just then his phone rings.  He growls at Carmen to stay put.  On the phone it’s Carolina with news that the hospital’s got a cornea ready for her.   Anto hangs up and tells his sister that he’s got to leave town, but when he gets back he wants to know what there is or was between her and Meandragon or else!  Carmen doesn’t look like she’s got any easy answer this time for her big bro.

Inside at the dinner table, that evening, Arcelia asks who Cam was out with earlier.  He explains about Jud and her daddy’s asking his support to remain president of the Association.  Celia doesn’t like him using his daughter just to keep his post as president.  Carmen flounces in just then.  Mama wants to know if she found a job yet or not.  More or less, says Carmen.  Celia frowns.  (So does Viewerville.)  Lichita’s down with a cold, so Carmen galumphs off to see her daughter.  Celia tells Cam he shouldn’t marry just to gain a position of power.  He can do well with his own efforts and get ahead.  Sure, says Cam, but Jud’s a decent gal and he’s got to forget Lucia somehow.  Why not with Judith? 

Celia says it may not work out and even if it does, they’re hoity-toity and she’s certain the family will make him feel small and act nasty towards the rest of them.  Cam will eventually push his own family away out of shame.  He should wait and eventually he’ll fall in love again with a different woman.  Cam objects and says he’d never be ashamed of them.  Anyway, look at Ivan!  He’s marrying into the Curiel family and he was a servant’s son!  Well, says Mama, he’s got lots of money now.  Cam insists he’ll have loads of money also!  Ok, says Mama.  You’re big enough to decide for yourself.  Just be sure that this time he marries for love and not for money.  It went badly the last time around.  Why keep knocking his head against the wall like that?  She’s sure that if his daddy were still around he’d tell him exactly the same thing.

Across town, Anto has raced over to Gerry’s to fly Caro up to Mexico City.  They have to get there ASAP and yes, he has the cash to spare.  Gerry is excited and tries cheering her up about coming back and being able to see Alex for reals.  He warns her, though, not to tell Anto about their problems with Maripaz and she agrees.      

Back in paradise, it’s raining.  Ivan reminds Lucia that it’ll be quite a while once they get back home before they’ll be able to be alone with each other again.  He wants to fool around.  So does she.  Romance and raindrops.  They get busy.  FF>>

The next morning, Tony and the gang head for home.  FF>>

Anto and Caro arrive at the hospital.  She’s extremely nervous. Don’t forget he’s there for her.  He kisses her cares away and tells her how much he loves her.  Caro smiles and says she loves him too. (Definitely a much more interesting couple!)  They walk to the surgery area together.

Back in Alamos, Lucia and Ivan bring a very excited and happy Alex back home.  Gerry tells Alex that Caro’s in Mexico City for her eye operation.  Alex needs to take  a bio break [hacerse pe-pe –-which is Mexico’s idea of reality t.v.  I’m surprised we don’t see him actually taking the leak and flushing like they do in Jollywood nowadays!!  Totally superfluous to the scene, and the storyline.  Dunno.  Suppose   it’s considered art veritas and I’m too obtuse to appreciate it!] Anyway, Gerry takes the opportunity to tell Ivan and Lucia that Merry Piece knows about Alex and now wants custody. 

At the hospital in Mexico City, Antolin kisses Carolina and wishes her luck as they roll her into the operating room.  He prays afterwards that Dios will let her have her sight back.   

Gerry explains how Maripaz threatened him over Alex and what her lawyer told her about what he needs to say and do to avoid being sent to jail for kidnapping.  Van is totally against giving an inch to that …er…crafty wench [zorra]!  He’ll be damned if he lets her get custody of his son, he says and storms out to the car to wait for Lucia.  Gerry tells Lucia that her sister must have a good reason for wanting Alex and he’s certain it’s got to do with money!  Lucia can’t let him go to jail, though!  Just then Alex returns and they say their good-byes and Gerry distracts Alex by having him tell all about his trip.

Outside, Ivan swears to Lucia that he’s never going to give up Alex, but Lucia reminds him that they can only prevent her dad from going to jail if Maripaz tells the courts she agreed to have her dad adopt him.  Ivan says he’ll get his own lawyer and see what he has to say about it!

Across the way at las Curiel, Carlota is getting the lowdown on how they fixed the problem with Maripaz.  Turns out, says Lucrazia, that they spent 5 million pesos on the blackmailer and the house is only valued at 5 ½ million.  Now they’ve got expenses for irrigation pipes and pesticide that’s going to cost 4 million for the rat-infested rancho.  Lucrezia adds that she’s not so sure, anyway, that the pesticide is necessary.  She thinks Cam is thinking of pocketing the difference for himself!  No, says Carly.  She trusts the young man.  Lucrazy tells her she doesn’t know sh!t from Shinola about it.  Just then Lucia and Ivan show up. 

Ivan’s not for small talk.  He tells Lulu he’s got problems with MP and asks if Lucrazia told her the truth about Alex.  Lulu swears to Ivan that she never said a word to her daughter about it!  “--Please don’t lie about it, Sra!”  Lulu yells back that she’s not lying!  Lucia explains to Carly that MP threatened sending their father to jail for kidnapping if they don’t go along with what she wants.  Ivan asks if she’s around.  Lucrazy says no, she let her out of the house after being cooped up for so long –but of course she swore that she wasn’t going to drink a drop of alcohol! “--Oh,  and you believed her?”  Well, replies Lulu, everyone deserves a second chance!  “--Yeah, but it just so happens that she’s planning the worst of her wicked deeds yet! She’s gotten in touch with a lawyer and is going to fight for legal custody of Alex!!” 

Cam and Tony embrace.  Tony is elated at the way Alex and Ivan got on together.  So now, what’s been happening around there while he was away, he asks Cam.  Nothing much, says Cam, except something he was intrigued by at the ranch.  Yeah, says Tony.  Carly told him that Lucre-zia doesn’t want to spend money on pesticides for the crops.  They agree it’s being penny-wise and pound foolish and Cam can’t understand it cuz with the money she got from Tony there's more than enough to cover it. It would seem, though, he says that they’re using the cash to pay off some debt of Maripaz’s.  He thinks it is why Carly seems to be selling her townhouse.  She doesn’t want to use his loan for that.  Well, says Cam, let’s hope she can sell it quick because otherwise, she’s in danger of losing her crops if she doesn’t!  How much have they invested so far?  4 million pesos, says Cam.  They gave her ten, so she could buy a private plane with what she’d have left still, even after dealing with Maripaz’s problem!

Back at Circo de Curiel, Lucrazy yells at Carly that MP’s gone totally bonkers with this plan of hers and she’s driving Lulu over the edge as well.  Lucia comes back in from saying good-bye to Ivan and tells the others he’s angry and worried as all get out.  Alex was just coming to accept him! Carly feels that Ivan can win the legal battle against MP.  All they have to do is allege her disregard for the boy, her loose behavior—!  No, says Lucrazia, cuz if they go to court then everyone will know what happened and Gerry will end up in jail for kidnapping! She suggests that the best thing is that Ivan forget about Alex and let Gerry keep him!  He’s not going to want to do that, Carly insists!  They’ll just have to resign themselves to facing the scandal.

Lucia is angrier than we’ve ever seen before.  She tells them it’s not fair!  Ivan is really expecting to get his son back and if that madwoman [demente] goes ahead with what she’s planning then Daddy is going to end up in jail as a kidnapper!  Can’t you just see it now?  Alex going to live with a promiscuous lush—ah, yeah, and now a murderer!!  Lulu is quick to interject a correction here.  “—that was just an accident is all!”  “—Because she was drunk out of her mind, Mom!!”  “—Just calm down a minute here! Sit down Lucia.  Sit. Down!”  Lucia does.  Lucrazia states the obvious.  They have to think things through carefully now.  Carly agrees and says she’s certain that Ivan will find a proper solution to this.  Lucia gets up and moans.  Good lord, you two!

Back at Tony’s place, Cam asks if it’s a done deal then, Ivan marrying Lucia.  Yep, says Tony, and they’d planned to announce it at their grand-opening celebration, and of course they’ll invite Meandragon.  Always good to smooth things over with folks, he advises Cam.  Iv walks in at that point with the bad news about MP’s attempting to get custody of Alex.  How did she find out?  Who knows?  It wasn’t her mother, he sure of that.  Tony says he’s sure MP could care less about that kid.  It’s got to be something else, probably money.  Ivan will have to discuss it with their lawyer.  Iv explains that if they go to court how Gerry will end up in jail for kidnapping.  Lucia would never forgive him for that EVER!  Cam suggests a way of possibly settling things amicably and he and Iv go off to discuss it.

Caro comes out of the operation with flying colors. Dr. Cuellar tells them that they have to be especially careful for a while about any harsh moves or upsetting occurrences.  Flying back home is out of the question. Ok, says Antolin.  He’s got to drive her back.  They decide to take a bus back home to Alamos.  FF>>

Merry Piece comes to the gate and Cleto tells her that David had mechanics pick up the car to take it to the shop for repairs.  That puts her in excellent spirits. 

Carly says she thinks that Merry Piece is simply looking for money from Ivan.  Lucrazy says of course, and if she wants money she won’t stop until she has has his whole fortune!  Carly says she’s got to see what kind of straits she’s got her whole family in!  Lucrazy is exhausted already.  “--Get real, Mom!  It doesn’t matter in the least to her.”   

A minute later Merry Piece comes strutting in the living room and cheerily greets the family.  Lucia gives MP what for and how to over her attempt to steal Alex away from his father and to risk sending Gerry to jail for kidnapping!  “—Oh, so Daddy’s told you and you’ve come gossiping to the others.  So, tell me!  Does Ivan know everything also?”  Carly gets up and hisses back that she’s heartless to do what she plans.  MP raises a supercilious eyebrow and pretends to be the long-suffering mother.  “So now that I want my son with me it turns out that I am cruel-hearted?”   Lucia spits back that she couldn’t care less about anybody else!  Well, as the brat’s mother, says MP, she has more right than anyone to have him!  Sure, says Lucia, but she’s not fooling anybody!  They all know it’s not because she gives one whit about her child, it’s only because she wants money out of Ivan! 

Maripaz says she doesn’t give a rat’s patoot about what anyone else thinks, but even so, she’s going to fight for custody of the boy.   And, she swears, she’ll win once and for all if she goes ahead.  Carly pleads for Ivan.  Oh, pouts Maripaz, she feels so sorry for him!  Lucia comes at her again.  She’s not fooling anybody with this act and everyone knows her father did her a favor taking the child, and now she repays him by threatening to throw him in jail for kidnapping!  Maripaz has an answer ready for that.  “--Ivan? He didn’t do any great shakes for his son!  He ran off and abandoned us!”  Lucia’s just as quick on the trigger.  “--Only because he had to leave to avoid being blamed for a murder he didn’t commit!  He always had a whole in his heart over his son!”  “—Oh, yes.  How touching.  Well, I always felt an emptiness in my heart as well.  Tee-hee!”  Carly yells at her for being so jaded.  MP sneers back at her grandmother and says she doesn’t care what the old broad says anymore.  Lucia jumps in and plays her final hand.  “Well, not so fast, dear sister!”    If she insists on going through with this lunacy, Lucia threatens to report her to the police for running over a person in the street and killing her!  Now Lucia has finally gotten snippity sister Maripaz’s attention!


What a great recap, full of funny commentary. And thanks to Urban Anthropologist and 5Ft. earlier this week -- I read but never posted. A crazy week!

The love scenes were both more explicit than is often the case, and more labored. Sometimes less is more, especially when the chemistry isn't there. Just a touch between Antolin and Carolina is far more interesting and steamy than what we saw last night between Ivan and Lucia,IMHO.

I think that Ivan has some distance to go as a Dad or a cuate. In his rage, he neglected to say "goodbye" to Alex, who noted it. Maybe I'm asking a lot, but Ivan does indeed have real threats to his quest but he also needs to put feelings first. He's a hot head.

I liked Tony's advice to Carlota about throwing good money and emotional energy after bad. It's time to leave the lioness attachment to one of her granddaughters aside and to embrace sanity. The shouting among these women is unbelievable; I keep expecting another heart attack!

One of the themes seems to be bad parenting (JJ, Esther and Lucrezia), with the good parenting of Gerardo mixed up with deception. I may be alone but I cringe every time that Camilo's mother (Arcelia?) sits down to give him more motherly advice. No wonder he's such a dim and disloyal mess.

Good episode. Lots of passion and action.

I wonder if we're at the point where things pick up again. I haven't noticed much of a slow down. Looks like lots of excitement immediately ahead.

Great recap, Jardinera, well put together with apt title, as usual. I didn't get a chance to post last week for your recap, but it was wonderful as well.
In spite of the weird relationships and slight miscasting of a couple of the (main) characters the story is moving along and seems to be keeping us interested.
Did Caro get her cornea without Antolin providing it?

I watched the capítulo after your recap, Jardinera, ya know, that is a really good way to do it. Very helpful.
It's funny about Ivan and Lucia, they are both visually stunning. But together, ? Lucia doesn't seem to be enjoying the love scenes, it's like she flinches a little when he touches her.
I love watching Antolin and Carolina, they are relaxed together. Not sure why.
All the recappers are so talented, I feel very lucky to be getting these recaps. I mean, no one gets paid for this, and everyone is so dedicated.

Thanks, both of you! Your both kind to say so! : ? )

Jardinera- The recap was wonderful from beginning (the title) to end. Maripaz really is starting to come into her own as a villain. Wow! She really does not care about her family, who have made so many sacrifices for her. It's time for Carly to take Tony's advice. Why is she letting MP bring down the rest of the family? Time to cut her loses and kick the cub/kitten/chick out of the nest.

I am so glad that Lucia countered MP's threats with the threat to send her to jail for killing that woman. But I bet Carly and Lucrezia try to talk her out of it.

Ivan and Lucia were so pretty to look at while they both sat talking on the beach. Too bad they have no sexual chemistry. But I agree Traveling Lady that they are making these love scenes too complicated. I am loving the simple/realistic love scenes in CME. But I know some people wish those scenes were more romantic, so to each their own.

Love the chemistry between Caro and Anto.

Monday looks like it's going to be an ugly episode, and I get to recap it. Yipee!

Good work, Jardinera. I may rewatch the episode for some of the dialogue I didn't previously understand and for all the confrontations.

Not quite OT, but one of the things that annoys the daylights out of me about the abridged DVDs is that the confrontations are edited out. If they release this one I'd rather they left those in and edit out the love scenes.

Maybe Sandra Echeverria doesn't like doing these kind of scenes. She's no Edith Gonzalese but I don't think she's a bad actress, so that's the only conclusion I can come to.

Merry Piece has sunk to a new low. She really doesn't care about anyone but herself and how much money she can con out of anyone.

NOW... Paging Jarocha for info about how a Mexican court would handle this situation. Gerry is Alex's grandfather, not some random stranger. He was preventing the boy ending up in an orphanage and lost to his relations forever. Ivan was not in a position to do anything when Alex was born. Maripaz is a promiscuous alcoholic with no source of income. Ivan is wealthy, engaged to be married, and eager to be the father Alex deserves. Or is there something that would still award custody to the worthless Maripaz?

No matter which way it goes, I suspect most judges would make Gerry do some time for fraud or pay a hefty fine.

Esther is starting to get on my nerves. She has just as much responsibility for Judith's spinster status as JJ and she needs to realize that Judith needs to spread her wings.

Carolina is naive if she thinks that anyone could persuade Merry Piece to keep her mouth shut about Alex being her son. But I'll bet she hasn't seen enough of her antics to realize this.

Another masterful recap, Jardinera, you've outdone yourself again. I am another who usually reads the recap first so that I can have some context when the dialog accelerates. Your details make it possible to follow.

Love "scenes"? They look more like a sequence of directed poses. Definitely FF> material. But I had to laugh when they bothered to blur out the slightest possible hint of side boob.

Well it's about dang time someone gets properly angry at Maripaz. She apparently needs to be reminded that she's a murderer and shouldn't be allowed around children. Hopefully it sticks. Probably won't.

Thanks again, all! Kelly, you get the ITSA award for today! LOL!

The finish was exactly what I would have had Lucia do if I were on the writing team of this series.

However, since this is only the middle of the story there is a long way to go on this particular plotline. I feel bad for that child.

Thank you, Jardinera. I only half paid attention on Friday. I'm going to go back and watch more closely later today.

As I said earlier, the Lucia/Ivan characters seem very flat to me. Someone else mentioned they hope it's the writing and not the acting...I agree. I like DZ and he seemed less flat in STuD. Friday's love scenes just made me giggle and roll my eyes. Very little va va va voom.

But one look or tiny caress from Marcelo (my new boyfriend) and I swoon.

Dare I say Marcelo is quickly catching up to Fernando Colunga on my list of TN Hotties?

Don't know why they've never given Marcelo a true lead in anything. Versatile and virileeeeeeeee.

Jardinera, thanks for your recap. And ITA w/you regarding Marcelo. Since Alborada, many of the Caray, Caray members have been puzzled why he hasn't been given a lead role. Uni is really missing the boat on this.

UA made the call on this a while ago and I feel very sorry for Alex. Finding out MP is your mom could mess you up for life.

Great recap Jardinera.

About Marcelo, I think producers are probably waiting until he turns 45 to have him play a 25 year old guy. Yeah, I'm puzzled as well about why he isn't getting leads.

UA: I don't think Maripaz would have a strong case to take Alex with her unless she bribed the judge.

I think the problem with Iván and Lucía's chemistry is that both of the actors are the type that usually waits for their partner to set the tone of the love scene/kissing scene and since none of them are starting they become very undecisive and technical when playing the love scenes. I agree that it even looks like Sandra flinches a little every now and then. I think, and this is just my perception, that Zepeda had better chemistry with Wilkins at the begining and it was because she is the type that starts the love scenes and her character was more aggresive so he could follow her lead and stop her from time to time and stay in character as the more innocent Iván from back in the day.

I think this Iván makes it harder to play the love scenes for Zepeda because he has to be both a gentleman and a bit of a horn dog so he needs to find a balance but that's getting harder because he is being too cautious with Sandra and she is being too cautious with him too (and I get that Lucía is more the innocent type but she's been inlove with this hot guy for ages, she should throw cautiousness to the wind in those scenes).


Thanks, Jarocha. Women have always had a theoretical advantage in child custody cases, but in the US it takes an extreme situation like this to award custody to the father.

Word verification: bratthoa

We all know what that sounds like: Merry Piece.

Jardinera: Perfect! Your title was amazing. I love the passion that you bring to these recaps and the important conversations you capture: "Gerry finally gets over the initial shock and finds his mouth is still in working condition. He tells MP that her lifestyle is…er…rather liberal and that a child is a difficult and involved [comprometido] business." Beautifully stated.

One of my many favorite lines was "Can’t you just see it now? Alex going to live with a promiscuous lush—ah, yeah, and now a murderer!!". Sigh.

I wish I could read and comment on these recaps daily. I don't read the recap if I can't comment. The recappers deserve no less.

Antolin and Caro are to me the most interesting couple here. I wasn't sure at first he had a heart, but small as it is, he does and it beats for her.

Thanks again Jardinera! It was wonderful.


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