Saturday, October 15, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, week of October 17: Discuss amongst yourselves

¡Hola a todos! Hope you’re all enjoying the weekend. We have another glorious, sunny fall day – my favorite time of the year.

La Casa de al lado – viernes

Okay. I admit it. I was faked out by Thursday’s teaser scene of Ignacia waiting in the shadows of her taller for ... Ismael! Well it turns out that he’s stringing her along just as he was doing with Carola. She’s not so much his accomplice as his groupie. Don’t fail me, she begs him. He’s her last hope. Will he help rescue her family from ruin? Will he help save the house?

Rebeca, gagged and bound securely hand and foot, languishes in the sótano of the isolated house. And then with some effort she twists herself around and she sees it ... the body of the too trusting realtor, Ximena, hangs from the rafters! A creaking of a door, footfalls on the stairs ... Gonzaki, killer face in place, dumps the contents of Rebeca’s purse on the floor and removes her gag:
¿Dónde está? ¿Dónde está la maldita foto que encontraste en el banco?
Rebeca doesn’t know – maybe it fell to the floor in the bank vault. And after seeing Ximena’s body, she has lost all hope:
¡Mátame, te ruego Gonzalo, mátame!
And the monster replies:
No te voy a dar ese gusto.
Gonzaki cuts down Ximena’s body and carries it away. He leaves Rebeca to scream all she wants. No one will hear her.

Nibaldo begs Karen to let him spend one more night hiding in the Ruiz house.

Across the way at Casa Conde:
Despite Ignacia’s indifference, Emilio begins to tell her about Carola’s birth mother – she shouldn’t meet her! But before he can go any further, Hilda interrupts the conversation. She has agreed to take care of Diego over the weekend and she wants to say goodbye to Emilio before leaving the house. Emilio asks her to say goodbye to the baby too, but Hilda refuses to do so. She doesn’t say anything to Yolanda either.

Omar is still in the hospital and still in very bad shape but at least he can talk. And he repeats to his friend Sebastián what he told Carola: that he was attacked deliberately. The intended target was Sebastián himself.

The Ruiz family, minus Diego, is having one of their angry family dinners. Andrea gets banished from the table for asking where Diego is. (Is that why she’s such a skinny marink?) Pilar stands her ground. Her son is somewhere safe, she says. Dare to put a finger on Diego, she tells Javier the Jorrible, and I’ll kill you!

Javier heads to Gonzalo’s apartment where he has guessed, correctly, that Diego is hiding. Perhaps Hilda hesitates to open the door. But then she remembers she’s in a telenovela and that’s what she has to do.

So Javier strides right in and spewing soul-killing sarcasm, he heads right for Diego. Diego runs away and locks himself in a bedroom. But now Hilda remembers she’s there to protect Pilar’s boy and that’s what she’s gonna do. She gets right in Javier’s face and tells him to leave or she’ll call the police. (Go Hilda!) And leave he does.

Hilda’s image is further rehabilitated when we overhear a conversation back at the Casa Conde. Carola tells Emilio that the baby is fussy because she senses Hilda’s absence – their daughter needs Hilda and so does Emilio.

Gonzalo is back in the office. Priscilla, the clerk who attended Rebeca in the bank, wants to return something Rebeca dropped on the floor. Gonzalo, Rebeca’s trusted associate, is happy to accept the envelope on her behalf.

Once the bank clerk is gone, Gonzalo opens the envelope and discovers the missing photo inside – the three brothers! Oh man. Did Rebeca’s luck just run out?

Ignacia interrupts Gonzo’s reverie. She wonders if they should look for Adolfo – maybe he could help save the Conde house. (Has Ignacia ever told the truth? To anyone?) Gonzalo explodes at her: He forbids her to look for Adolfo – why he’s at the root of all the Condes’ problems!

Sebastián catches up with Pilar to share his suspicions: Javier was behind the attack meant for him that left his friend fighting for his life in a hospital bed. Pilar is unsurprised (and not all that sympathetic). Besides, she has her own tsuris: her sister Rebeca has disappeared. What? Sebastián just saw her yesterday with Gonzalo in the office:
Rebeca got a phone call; Gonzalo got upset and followed her; and Sebastián heard snatches of Rebeca’s conversation about “una prueba concreta” at precisely 2:30. He’s sure of the time because he was talking to Omar on his own cell at that moment.

Renato meets his fake son, Iñaki, and insists he wants to introduce him to the family. Fake Iñaki can’t lie his way out of this and calls Mabel to tell her things are spinning out of control.

Emilio realizes he left his phone at the home of Carmen, Carola’s birth mother. He calls and arranges to come by and pick it up. Carmen’s not happy about this – she’d much rather get Emilio’s address and deliver the phone in person. But Emilio leaves her no choice. He shows up a while later, claims his phone and leaves. He doesn’t notice that Carmen follows him...

Carola has started thinking again about looking for her birth parents but now she can’t find the information she got from the adoption agency. Ignacia, quite meanly, tells Carola that she should ask Emilio. He’s already located Carola’s mother and talked to her. Says Ignacia oh so innocently: He really didn’t say anything to you?

Pilar gets a call informing her that Rebeca’s car was found in front of the bank. She calls Gonzalo to tell him about it. He, naturally, wants to take charge of things. Against his wishes, Pilar heads to the bank, as does Gonzalo. Once again, he tries to get rid of her, saying he can deflect questions about Rebeca’s criminal activity.

Gonzalo is even unhappier when Sebastián shows up, especially when Sebastián proposes they study the security tapes -- maybe they can see what was actually in the safe deposit box.

Gonzalo gnashes his teeth as everyone peers at the grainy footage. They see Rebeca removing a paper. The time stamp reads 2:45.

Back at Casa Conde:
Yolanda is in the kitchen preparing lunch and catching an episode of “Mi Corazón Insiste” when she has an unexpected visitor: Karen. Karen thinks maybe Yolanda and Nibaldo shouldn’t throw away twenty years of marriage just like that. (I hope Yolanda tells her “no backsies”.)

Carola is furious with Emilio for going to find her birth mother without her permission. But before Emilio has a chance to defend himself, the lady herself shows her face: I’m the woman who brought you into this world, Carmen tells Carola. I’m your mother.

Another Adolfo – Ignacia tryst in the taller. Ignacia repeats the story that master criminal Rebeca has left the country. Adolfo wants Ig to find out exactly what she did before leaving. Ig agrees on one condition: she wants Adolfo to give her a child. (The old-fashioned way? Hard to say with looneytunes Ig).

And back at the bank:
Gonzo runs out and Pilar pursues him. She wants to know two things: Who called Rebeca? And more importantly: why didn’t Gonzo mention the call?

Bueno, ¡te toca a ti!

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Most of Friday's episode took place in the hospital with the worst security in the world!

Vicki is back in LA. She manages to steal the id and scrubs of an OR nurse and get into Débora's room. [It was quite amusing that they were playing the inflate/deflate sounds of a respirator but Débora wasn't on a respirator. This enabled her to appear to almost be able to speak, which she couldn't have done if she was intubated.]

The medical opinion seems to be that Débora won't make it.

Lola continues her attacks on Diana including a 'mujer a mujer' conversation outside. Same old, same old - stay away from my man; I see your game, etc., etc.

Ángel ids Vicki in the hospital and is able to hold her at gunpoint without anyone noticing. He takes her back to where Soledad is. He tells Felix to kill her but she begs for her life pointing out that they need someone to take care of Soledad and swears that she will not try and escape again - she has no money and nowhere to go. Ángel decides to let her live for the time being.

Camilo and Sofía decide to be friends.

The first time Rodrigo goes in to see Débora, he is so insistent that she tell him where Soledad is that she goes into cardiac arrest.

Andres can't understand why Camilo doesn't like Diana. Camilo asks Andres whether he wants to trust the woman he has known and loved all his life or this 'too perfect' woman who suddenly turned up. Rodrigo tells him the same thing but Andres still isn't buying.

Then Ángel gets into Débora's room. He is about to kill her when Rodrigo comes in. Rodrigo is naturally suspicious and Ángel tells him that he was Débora's business associate and is worried about her.

Andres goes into Débora's room and says that he always would have been there for her like the best of friends if she could have accepted that he couldn't love her. He says that whatever happened in the past, she has the opportunity to do something good now and he begs her, in the name of the baby she wanted so much and now cannot have, to give him any clue about Soledad's whereabouts.


another great recap. tnx!

I liked the basement sequence. it was interesting how cold-bloodedly Gonzaki took the body of the realtor out and left Rebeca screaming!

Carola goes to Ismael to ruin her family and Ignacia goes to him to save her family!

Sebastian is making big troubles for the murderer. is he going to be the next victim? but we'll need him for the final wedding of our telenovela! lol

LA CASA -- viernes

Carola goes to Ismael to ruin her family and Ignacia goes to him to save her family!

Great point, Alex! I dislike Ignacia so much that I didn't even pay attention to this crucial difference. (Even so, I think Ig is less interested in saving her family than she is in saving their wealth and position and therefore her own.)

Mi Corazon
Thanks Jean for the great recap! You are right about hospital security, people are allowed to walk in and out, shouting, threatening and whatever. Poor Deborah's eyes were really bulging out with fear when Angel walked in; I wonder if she is paralyzed, or maybe had a stroke?
J in Oregon


Thanks, Jean, excellent recap. As for the hospital security, I was thinking, don't all the nurses on the same floor usually know each other? And don't the doctors usually know the nurses attending their operations? Not one person gave Vicki a second look in her clever disguise, even though she was also acting suspiciously.

I'm guessing Debora will not survive, but will say something to Andres like "Angel". This would make Andres suspect Angel more. But of course, everyone else would think he's just jealous, and that Debora could say anything, and was a liar. Or I could be completely off base. I hope Debora does survive. And since we still have about 4 weeks left, the case can't be solved yet.


NovelaMaven, this was a wonderful recap, lots of good spanish (and yiddish, I think) phrases, lots of humor, and lots of things happened in just that one episode!

My prediction of Hilda as heroine got some support with her actions in the episode. I also think Yolanda is a heroine. I'm really hoping Rebeca survives. I'm not too hopeful for Sebastian, who keeps p'o-ing both Javier and Gonzalo.

Ignacia is such a nut. The other day, Renato said to her "Ignacia, I'm really getting worried about you. You're even starting to believe your OWN lies." NM, you're right that Adolfo is stringing her along just as he did with Carola. And you also correctly predicted Carmen would follow the money. And Alex made a great point about Ignacia and Carola's interaction with Adolfo.

I don't think anything is going to convince Pilar that Gonzalo is bad. She's the queen of denial (think how long it took with Javier). It'll probably not be until the final week that she finally realizes the truth, and by then, it may be too late.

If the Conde family is just about to get ruined, they should get Ignacia or Eva to write out some of those million dollar checks ASAP :)


Novelera, I agree with you about Sacramento and really to me looking like a fool all giddy and smiling at the alter when you consider what's happened. I mean, Amanda did hear a gunshot to Pablo's head at point blank range not even 10 ft away. Can't see this girl even functioning yet, pero buenoooo

The scene of Ana's initiation with! This dude is further off than I thought. Some serious evil in this guy and then he just turns it off and delicately explains to her the technique...and then changes roles again!

Got a feeling Cat is gonna end up experiencing the bad side of this guy too....The actor is perfect for this character, really good.


Well, the wedding was NOT interrupted by Cat or anyone else. I'm wondering if this scene is where the title of Laura Restrepo's book came from: La Novia Oscura (The Dark Bride). No one had every seen a bride dressed in black.

Presumably the Gov did his mojo since Rafa is out of jail with fire in his eyes, accompanied by Rufino, his evil sidekick. Mariano is lining up protection for the hacienda.

Cat rightfully lights into Sacto in the church, saying he should have told her he was getting married. She tells him she offered him everything. And, you didn't speak this way when you made love to me! This greatly upsets the priest. Another curse! Cat tells them they won't ever be happy together. And "How could you bring this prostitute into the House of God?"

José María bids farewell to his parents. He can hardly stand to be around his father, but manages to give him a stiff embrace.

Can't remember which of you suspected this, but Tío Pancho is having Piru get all Enrique's paintings out of Nueva Esperanza to cover up his ever having been in this town, sullying the family name.

Just as José M is about to leave, all the P's show up for medical examinations. Doesn't look like he's going after all.

Piruetas, more repulsive than ever, is asking a fortune for Enrique's paintings. Tío looks at him like he's a roach, but agrees to pay.

Flor tells Sacto that she's marrying him and leaving NE (tired of typing Nueva Esperanza) for the girls because her life now means nothing to her. Sacto looks alarmed, and the grin is wiped off his face. He seems to be getting a clue that he hasn't won the lottery after all.

Sacto, Flor, Susana and Beba are in the boat preparing to leave, when Sacto spots Urrieta standing up in the bow of another boat heading for NE. They all get down and hide.

Rafa rides into town. (How did he get that horse without visiting the hacienda?) screaming for Flor to come out. All the P's are in JM's clinic. He finds Ana, who tells him Flor went to get baptized.

Zahra tells Rafa where she's gone. She married Sacto, and they must be consummating their marriage right about now. Rafa says she couldn't have married that useless guy. Zahra is really giving it to him: ¿Que pensaste? ¿Que matando a su único amor, ya tenías segura y que no te abandonaría? Mira que rápido te buscó un sustituto.

Urrieta drags Zahra to a post in the Calle de Consuelos and tells her that in this spot he was going to burn Flor Salvaje, but since she's on her honeymoon, he'll substitute Zahra. He's crazed with rage and jealousy, saying he'll burn the entire 4P bar and the women's houses.

Why, oh why did Sacto and his little family go to Timotes? Why oh why didn't they just cross the river and keep on going? Why are they settled into a pensión in Timotes? Because this is a telenovela, that's why!

Mariano is keeping watch with Cat at the hacienda. He says Sacto is an imbecile for having passed up the chance to take the place of Urrieta in Cat's hacienda.

The flames rise up around Zahra, and Olga charges in to free her, badly burning her hands. Zahra doesn't appear to even have a scorch mark on her dress.

Piruetas tells Pancho he got all the paintings, but we saw that he missed a smallish one behind a door.

Zahra talks about the three aspects of this woman: Flor Salvaje, the legend of NE who obsessed Rafa; Amanda, the sad woman who married Sacramento; and the real woman, who is an innocent child who fell in love with Pablo.

Rafa shows up at the hacienda. Cat shows him the Power of Attorney that was signed by a judge and tells him to get off her property. He's pretty impactado for a moment, but then tells her she's dreaming if she thought he'd end up in the street. He has bought property all these years. She snarls at him that it was HER money. But in any case, he has them.

Off topic, I saw the Cristina show tonight featuring actors from Mi Corazon.
Fashion update for Hombre de Misterio: Ana Layevska ("Deborah") was charming in a flirty little black dress and black gloves, also X-treme long drapey earring like she wore in the show for awhile. "Lola" had on a salmon colored strapless number--she used a booster pillow to sit on so her undies wouldn't show. :o)
J in Oregon


One of the things that is interesting to me is the character of Rafael Urrieta.

I'd love to see a flashback of what happened in his life to make him the way he is. They've said that he came with practically nothing to work (I think) on Cat's father's hacienda. From what they've said, it seems as if he cold-bloodedly got her to fall in love with him. Then, once he had gotten that Power of Attorney, he neglected her. Early on she said this was why she had the affair with Alirio.

He seemed to sense that he needed something in his life besides getting richer and dominating everyone. This is why he asked Zahra to find a virgin to be only his woman.

After he began his relationship with Flor, and especially after Pablo disappointed her, he felt that he might be loved. Taking Zahra's advice, he bought her a horse. He began to be kinder to everyone around him. He confronted Mariano about Rocío and went to the Governor to get M to back off.

At that point I had the feeling that maybe the novela would end with Zahra and Rafa together.

But his behavior after discovering Flor loved someone else and had been unfaithful pretty much sealed his doom, I think. After his attempt to burn Zahra alive, I don't think he can be redeemed.

The truly evil one, who doubtless will have to die, is Mariano. But now Rafa looks to be headed for the same finish.

FLOR SALVAJE - Interesting analysis, Novelera. You didn't mention his relationship with Zahra, which presumably was after he married Catalina. We know that Zahra loved him and she believed that he had feelings for her. We know that she got pregnant and he forced her to have an abortion.

It seems like as long as things are going his way, Rafa isn't a bad guy. As you said, when he thinks he can win Flor's affections, he is a reasonably civilized guy but when he's been betrayed, he just turns into a vicious animal.

Maybe his relationship with Zahra ended because he believed that she had gotten pregnant on purpose, betraying his relationship with her.

I don't think he wants love. I don't think he even knows what it is.

I tend to find Mariano more interesting. Unlike Rafa, he has to answer to voters, the Governor and his wife. I am intrigued by the game he is playing with Rafa now that they aren't allies.

But I agree with you that they are both deaders.


Jean, I don't remember exactly when it happened, but Zahra told someone (Olga?) that she started sleeping with Rafa right after his wedding, maybe even on his wedding night. This indicated to me that marrying Cat was only ever a move to get money and power.

Quite a while back, when he and Zahra had some pretty hot sex, he admits that she's an amazing lover. You may be right - that he's incapable of love - and this is why he disappointed Zahra. He may have been afraid that, if she gave birth to their child, Cat would revoke the power of attorney. Presumably Cat was free to move around at that point.

But I think he loves Flor Salvaje as much as he can love anyone.

MI CORAZON - lunes
Andres continues where he left on Friday trying to get Debora to give him any clue about Soledad's whereabouts. He is very gentle and sweet, reminding her of when they first met as children. Unfortunately, Debora wastes what little breath and time that she has asking Andres for forgiveness and then saying that she loves him before she dies. I predict that we will miss her wacky wickedness in the remainder of this novela.

Andres comes out of Debora's room and tells Lola that Debora is dead. Angel is standing with his back to them but we see his expression of relief that the 'loca' is out of his hair.

With no help from Debora, it's back to square one for the police. They reinterview the secrertary who got he boss killed and conclude that Debora was afraid of someone. Yuh think?? Why else would she leave documents and CD's with a lawyer to be sent to the police if something happened to her or her family?

Rodrigo flashes back to his strange enounter with Angel in Debora's hospital room. He decides to get all the information he can on Angel. He tells his boss that something is not right with that guy.

Vicki is destrozada when she learns about Debora's death. Soledad tries to comfort her. Vicki says that the way Debora turned out was her and Ramon's fault. Soledad suggests that there was probably some underlying mental illness as well.

When Diana returns home from the hospital, she swears that she will get Andres for herself. She gets a mysterious telephone call in which she tells the caller to just do his/her job and leave her alone.

Daniel comes to Lola's house ostensibly to visit Chabelita but we know it is to see Adela. Adela scoots out of the room immediately and Daniel has to address Pepe's hostility.

Meanwhile, the baby is discovered to have a fever. Ever helpful Angel is there to take Lola and the baby to the hospital (doesn't she have a pediatrician?) with an irritated Andres in tow. The baby has an ear infection.

On the way back from the hospital we get more of the same argument between Andres and Lola. Lola tells Andres to go ahead had sleep with Diana if he wants to.

Andres goes home and flashes back to Diana shooting Debora at the Exportex office and afterwards. Is he beginning to doubt Diana? Apparently not because Diana calls him saying that she has insomnia. When Andres says that he can't sleep either, she invites him over.

Angel watches Andres enter the building.

Andres appears to succumb to Diana's plea that he make love to her. What a dope!

Angel scurries over to Lola's to tell her that Andres has betrayed her.

Part 1 of 2

This is not a good day for Pilar:
She’s upset that Gonzalo didn’t tell her about Rebeca’s mysterious phone call and angrily dismisses his repeated assertion that her sister is a thief. (Sebastián buzzes around the two of them like a pesky fly waiting to be swatted.)

She is furious when she finds Diego cowering in Gonzalo’s apartment and hears about Javier’s latest bullying attack on the boy; she marches straight to the police station and accuses Javier of domestic violence. And who is her advocate of choice in the case? That’s right – Gonzalo!

And finally she is frantic when she learns that a strange man has abducted Diego (the viewer knows it was Ricardo Merino, a very strange man indeed) and left Hilda bruised and unconscious on the floor. Now it’s Javier’s turn to call the police – time is gold in these cases, he tells them – while Gonzo, Pilar, Emilio and Hilda look on stupidly.

This is not a good day for Carola:
Her bio-ma, Carmen, casts a frankly appraising eye around the Conde house and puts on her best I give a damn face for Carola. But she miscalculates when she spits out the story of Carola’s origin – Carmen was raped by some lowlife(s?) in the neighborhood at the tender age of 16! Carola can’t listen to any more and runs upstairs – to Eva’s waiting arms! -- and Emilo has to escort Carmen to the street, presumably before she can start stuffing silverware into her pants.

A little later it is Carmen’s turn to be startled by her angry daughter who shows up on bio-ma’s turf demanding to be taken to her father. She knows the tipo lives nearby. As these two stare each other down, the viewer is left musing about the triumph of nature over nurture.

But this is the end of days for Priscilla, the bank clerk
The poor girl has just learned that Rebeca is missing and realizes that she has key information that Pilar is looking for. Won’t Gonzalo tell her how to reach her? He’ll do better than that – he’ll take her right to her and Priscilla can explain about the photo in the safe deposit box, the one showing Gonzalo and two other men...

The trusting Priscilla is taken to the killing house where she choked by Gonzalo’s black-gloved hands, then tossed on the basement floor beside Rebeca. When the girl comes to – he hasn’t killed her, only stunned her – Gonzo makes a show of burning the incriminating photo before the horrified gaze of both women. Then he coolly shots Priscilla and walks back upstairs while Rebeca screams hysterically – Gonzalo, noooooo!

La Casa Part 2 of 2

Ignacia and Ismael have some laughs

Ismael likes the idea of fathering a little Ismael. He doesn’t understand why Ig wants to save the Condes – look how they deceived her all these years about her origin – but he giddily agrees at last to buy the Conde house for her (and presumably for her family) when the bank auctions it off after foreclosure (in the show’s absurdly accelerated timeframe of financial events – oh well, a little beanie tightening wouldn’t be amiss right now.)

Karen and Yolanda do a commercial for Dish Latino and a plug for Mi corazon insiste. Bottom line: La señora Pilar has guided Yolanda through her ‘five stages’ and now she is happy as a clam without Nibaldo; Karen can’t wait to get her bed back all to herself; and Renato doesn’t need a manservant/stooge anymore. And with Dish Latino, you get free HD.

Fake Iñaki meets up with Mabel and begs her to put an end to the farce. (Be careful what you wish for, fake Iñaki.)

Javier can’t save the house
The familia Conde has 48 hours to clear out. See beanie adjustment advice above. Where will they go? (I hear there’s a big empty house in the country and the price is right ...)

Ricardo Merino holds Diego captive in what looks like the same old house so it shouldn’t be long before Diego gets rescued. Meanwhile Ricardo is trying to convince the kid to eat a sandwich para que te engordas – estás muy flaco..

Rebeca’s not going down without a fight
She slithers painfully over to a metal support post in the cellar. She tries to cut the ropes that bind her hands behind her back by rubbing them repeatedly against the metal...


More murder and mayhem. Helpful bank employee Priscilla runs into Gonzalo outside the bank. She has some important information that could be helpful for Pilar. She remembers what Rebeca found that had her so upset - a photo, with two men, and you, sir (pointing to Gonzalo). She needs to tell Pilar immediately. Gonzalo get that "look", convinces Priscilla that he can take her personally to see Pilar, she grudgingly agrees to get in his car, and the next thing you know, she's in that new house, and he chokes her.

Rebeca wakes up to see another barefoot woman on the floor next to her. Is she dead? No, but Gonzalo waits until Priscilla sits up, and in full view of Rebeca, shoots Priscilla dead. Gonzalo then takes out the incriminating photo, burns it to ashes in front of a mortified Rebeca, and states "that's the last piece of evidence". He leaves Rebeca horrified beyond belief, but alive. After he leaves, Rebeca tries to rub the rope on a metal post to get free.

Adolfo/Ismael tells Ignacia he will give her a child, sure, why not? But she has to help him, because the the Condes have to PAY. Okay, squeaks Igna, but do they have to SUFFER? Dream on, girl. Adolfo doesn't believe that Rebeca left the country, tells Igna about the bank stuff, and she's to find out what happened. She later quizzes Gonzalo, who tells her nothing. Somehow, she's not too suspicious of him, although he's suspicious of her, where did she hear about this stuff?

Karen tells Yolanda, who's watching Mi Corazon Insiste, she can have Nibaldo back. Yolanda doesn't want him, he's yours. Karen says not only am I younger than you, but our house has Dish Latino, where you get HD free for life? This pretty much shuts up Yolanda, since the Conde house apparently only has basic cable. Later, Yolanda sees Karen's bosses TV, and is wowed again by how great that Dish Latino is. She does tell Karen that she has 20 years of marriage to show for, Karen has zero. Touche. When Nibaldo comes back to Yolanda, she kicks him out, since she's already finished her 5 steps, and is happier than ever, on her own. Nibaldo later tells Renato he's sorry, but he's ready to come back to work now. Renato tells him, sorry, but we have no need of you now.

LA CASA - continued

Hilda calls Pilar to tell her how Javier terrorized Diego, who's locked himself in his room. Pilar rushes over, talks Diego into opening the door, and comforts him. That's the last straw, she says. I'm filing against Javier for domestic abuse immediately, which she does. Gonzalo is going to help her with the legal stuff. She still doesn't really suspect him of anything concerning Rebeca, although she has a mild inkling, and she's not too happy Gonzo keeps saying Rebeca's a robber, which Pilar won't believe without proof.

After Pilar leaves, there's another knock on the door, and Hilda opens, thinking it's Pilar. But it's Ricardo Merino, who immediately punches Hilda in the face, knocking her out! We later see that he "sedated" Diego (there's that chloroform again), and brought him to his house to live happily ever after. Diego immediately tries to look for an escape plan.

Despite Emilio's efforts, Carmen succeeds in getting into the big house, and tells Carola the truth. Carola's destroyed that she was the product of rape. She later goes to Carmen's house, demanding to know where her "father" is (presumably to kill him, although I thought Carmen didn't even know which guy was the father). No one has gotten around to telling Carmen that the rich Conde family has no money now.

Javier tells Renato he has 48 hours to leave the house, and then there's the foreclosure auction. Now, whatever happened to our new procedures to give people more time to save their houses? And has anyone considered a Chapter 13 bankruptcy? No, these little details would mess up our convenient plot, that the Conde's are now ruined overnight.

Ignacia heard this, and asks Adolfo what they can do. No problem, says Adolfo. I'LL buy the house (with what money? He used all the money from Carola to pay the arsonist). What fun!


NovelaMaven, it must have been a good episode, since we both posted long recaps at the same time!


Thanks for the recap Jean. I missed when Andres went to the apartment.

After Deborah "died" we heard her thoughts, so I am wondering if she is going to appear to Lola like her aunt did? How many weeks are left on this TN?

Andres is an idiot, his little brother is now smarter than him, probably the doorknob is smarter than him.


Jean, thanks for the fine recap. This show is getting a little annoying, although I still like to watch it for the eye candy. I know there's zero chance of this, but since they like to bring back ghosts, wouldn't it be fun if Debora came back as a ghost to help Vicki?

One might think that the police will find out something to connect Angel with Tiberio. Who paid for his law school, for example? But knowing this show, that won't work. It's more likely some character will overhear something, such as Andres overhearing Diana talking to her mystery accomplice, or see some number on her phone.

As cool and calculated as Angel seems, he probably has a weakness, just like his godfather. Although his goal seems to be to woo Lola, so he can marry her, and then kill her to get her money, I think he sort of really loves her, in a similarly sick way that Tiberio loved Soledad. So he won't be able to complete his mission, even if she does marry him. I know, there hasn't been any talk of his marrying her. But if Andres really sleeps with Diana, won't Lola want revenge again? What better way than to get married to the guy Angel hates. That'll teach him!


Nellie, we BOTH thought of Debora as a ghost! Let's hope!


So true, Hombre:) You've done a wonderful job, as always. I almost deleted mine but decided to keep it posted because you and I always look at things from slightly different angles and that keeps it interesting, don't you think?

One thing I didn't include -- Emilio's slow and steady pilgrimage toward the light. He started out as a complete jerk in this story and now he is Mr. Empathy. I wonder what fate the writers have planned for him...


Yes, NovelaMaven, definitely keep your recap up. I enjoy the way you summarize each character's trajectory.


wow! so interesting to read and compare your recaps and views :) tnx.

can't wait to see what will happen to Rebeca. she's put Gonzaki in a strange situation he had never experienced before. it's the first time he hesitates to kill someone. how long will it last this way?


can't wait to see what will happen to Rebeca. she's put Gonzaki in a strange situation he had never experienced before. it's the first time he hesitates to kill someone. how long will it last this way?

Alex, if the writers follow Alguien -- and I suspect they might -- Rebeca may be kept around long enough to hear Gonzaki's self-serving explanation for everything he has done, including stuff the viewer has, until now, heard nothing about.

Rebeca, like the policewoman Eva in Alguien, is smart, beautiful and sympathetic and killing her would disturb the viewer far more than anything Gonzaki has done so far. But having Rebeca's ghost around to haunt Gonzaki might make up -- at least in part -- for the loss of the actual Rebeca.


Rafa is at the hacienda behaving in a very high-handed manner. Mariano tells him he’s a murder suspect and to respect the law. Rafa says he’s staying at the hacienda because Cat and he are not yet divorced, so he has every right to be there.

Enrique is very frightened that something has happened to Alicia. He embraces her when he sees she’s all right. She tells him it was Urrieta who started the fire. But she begs him not to write about it. He snarks about her relationship with Piru, but she tells him at least Piru isn’t engaged. She does tell him that Tío Pancho and Piru plan to burn his paintings.

Rafa throws a tantrum because Cat has moved his stuff out of his room. Cat tells Luisa to put it back, but don’t change the sheets, so he can smell her fragrance.

Mariano tells Cat that, since Rafa is going to be there, he’s going to stay at the hacienda to protect her. It’s looking to me as if Mariano is planning to dump Lourdes in favor of a bigger heiress.

Amanda has gone out into Timotes and Sacto is very concerned that she’s out and about. Susana reminds him that Amanda doesn’t love him; didn’t he see how unhappy she was during the wedding. What she’s gone to do is try to call Ana, but the fire has apparently burned up the phone lines.

Gabriel, Correcaminos’ son, arrives on the train and CC has gotten him. The kid looks very distant and uncomfortable.

José María tells Olga that she has 2nd degree burns on her hands. They will probably end up scarred, but she should regain use of her hands. She’s worried about being able to continue to sew the P’s costumes.

Ana is VERY upset. The flames that set fire to the Calle de Consuelos reminded her of when her mother burned herself up.

Rafa gets physical with Peter, furious that Cat will be on the board. Peter tells him that it was because of his behavior that they decided to go with Cat. And she has the same rights as Rafa.

Flor has been recognized by some miserable guys who want to sleep with the famous Flor Salvaje. Sacto rescues her and begins to give her a lecture. She tells him he didn’t treat her this way before; he replies that she wasn’t his wife before Uh oh! She tells him that she doesn’t want to think she’s made a mistake marrying him.

Alicia gets right in Piru’s face (about time!) and asks him where he was during the fire and where are her paintings. Piru confesses that he took the paintings and whips out some money to give her half.

Mariano goes to see the P’s and orders them to tell him what happened. La Mina says they won’t tell him a thing because he’s treated them like garbage. Mariano says he’ll put Rafa in jail if they are witnesses to what he did. Zahra says: “Why? He’ll be out in three days and kill us all”. He grabs Ana to try to get his way. Rocío is right in his face. “Do you think we have amnesia? You said in your campaign speech that you were going to close the 4P. We aren’t going to vote for you and we aren’t going to give any declarations.”

Rafa is trying to work but he continues to be tormented by memories of Flor. He calls Rufino in and tells him to find her and bring her to him – alive.

Sacto wanders all over Timotes, but he can’t find any work.

After hearing about the fire from Enrique, Tío Francisco rushes to make sure Zahra is all right. Zahra tells him to go back to the capital.

Alicia confesses the whole thing to Enrique, that his uncle gave her money to stay away from him, that Piru took his paintings, and that they plan to burn them.

Gabriel is behaving very badly toward Correcominos. She tries to give him something to eat, but he wants silverware and a napkin (for a sandwich!). He tells her he hates her and runs out.

Sacto is out of money. Flor offers to work, and Sacto tells her she can no longer work at “that”. I don’t think she meant prostitution and that he’s insulted her, but we don’t see her reaction yet.

FLOR SALVAJE - Thanks for the excellent recap, Novelera. I enjoyed last night's episode.

I like CC's solemn little kid. What is he, 7 or 8 years old? That's a long time for CC to be hooking and still look so good but it doesn't seem like the 4P prostitutes do that much actual sex work. They only seem to do one client a night if that.

Anyway, it would be hard for the poor little kid to suddenly lose everything he knew and be shunted off to live with the mother he's never seen. It's understandable if he is difficult at first.

It was interesting that Ana was so affected by the fire.

I liked the scene were Mariano was interrogating the 4P chicas about the fire. You could really hear Mina's Argentine accent and she was using the voseo, the alternative to the the 'tu' form of the verb that they use in Argentina.

It looks like Sacto's and Flor's marriage is on the rocks before it really begins.

La Casa

It just occurred to me -- while I'm curious to see what happens next and I'm enjoying the twists and turns of the plot, there is no edge of the chair suspense for me. I mean none at all. Nada.

I thought something interesting was going to happen a couple of episodes back when Ismael met Ignacia in her studio but that was just a tease.

I'm interested in Rebeca's fate but I'm not biting my nails over it. Hmmm.


I agree 100%, NovelaMaven. I keep watching, but I don't really care what happens to these people.

Carola is completely nuts. She wants to find her rapist daddy? For what? I didn't think she really bonded with Carmen, the rapee, so it doesn't seem like she'd want to get even for what he did to Carmen.

The people on Telemundo World think this is going to last until January. Apparently it was supposed to be 130 episodes, but has been extended, always the death knell for these TNs


I don't really think Andrés is going to bed Diana, but Ángel will convince her that he has done so. These jealous antics are really wearing on me.

And, if Lola meant so very much to Andrés, why would he not give Diana a nice severance package and send her on her way? He's already scolded her for accosting him in the office. And he's so dense that he believes it's a safe move to go to her apartment late at night? Bah!


actually I don't care about anything out of the main storyline. the secondary characters are interesting to me only when involved in the main storyline. otherwise they would be some stuff to enlarge the volume of the story - and not to amplify it's content (mass!). though volume-enlarging tricks are telenovela conventions and professional telenovela-viewers are adopted to them :)

"Rebeca, is smart, beautiful and sympathetic and killing her would disturb the viewer far more than anything..."
totally true. many viewers say they won't watch the novela if she dies.
but, if keeping Rebeca alive is only for the viewers' interest it would be just a tease to let her caught by Gonzaki! Rebeca's fate MUST reflect the main character's dimensions. otherwise the whole Rebeca story is playing with nerves of the viewers.
when Gonzaki shot Rebeca he said "why did you make me do this" and seemed to be unhappy about it. so I hope this Rebeca story is not just a tease! LOL


This was a bummer of an episode! Andres did shack up with Diana. Ángel did go and tell Lola and she staked out Diana's apartment and had the first of two knock-down, drag-out screaming matches in the episode with Andres in the lobby.

Soledad tried to give Vicki a reason to go on living.

We still don't know who Diana is texting/calling about her progress with Andres.

The police investigation of Ángel came up squeaky clean so no progress there. Rodrigo still trusts his instincts and we had to see all the flashbacks to Ángel's suspcious behavior again.

Andres gets the same advice from Camilo and Rodrigo about his relationship with DIana and Lola and he continues to ignore it.

Andres goes to Lola's house where they have the second screaming match. Andres isn't helping his cause by continually asking Lola who told her about him and Diana. Each of them goes through the bad things that they have endured at the hands of the other, they agree that they will never be happy together and it is over between them. Right.

No ghost of Débora. We can hope. That would be great.

Diana continue to wear ostensibly 'professional' clothes that feature incredibly short skits and her boobs falling out the front. I hope you are enjoying that, Hombre.

I iiked the incredibly short and practically see- through nigthie in which Lola received Ángel.


I thought I had a flashback to junior high in last night's episode, but I must say Lola and Andres were high school sweethearts weren't they? I guess someone forgot to give them their diploma. I feel sorry for their daughter, I hope she becomes the parent in the group.

I was hoping this TN would not repeat the same plot I expected Adela to call Andres and warn him, now that would have been something different. How many times are they going to repeat this plotline? Who is the next nutty girl to appear, will she be a redhead next time.

Seriously, Lola is going to a beatdown with Andres and the new nutty girl of the TN, and she wore that dress??? What was she going to do flash her private parts at nutty girl and say I can wear it shorter than you.

Geez, bring back Deborah and Tiberio PLEASE. Imagine Deborah doing all she can (with horns) to stop Andres and Lola, and Tiberio (trying to get his wings in white) blocking her. Wow, I would love to see that.


Good comments and summary. I agree that they keep recycling the same storyline. Now, they should have Diana get pregnant, Andres marry her, and Lola marry Angel for revenge. Yes, unlikely, but what else are they going to do for the next 3-4 weeks? Marcelo is dead, Tiberio is dead, Ramon is dead, Debora is dead. They're sort of running out of bad guys. Which makes me think that maybe Diana's accomplice is not Angel, but some new guy, although I can't begin to figure out how some new person could be connected to all this.

In the meantime, yes, I'm enjoying Diana's, Adelita's and Lola's outfits!


Rebeca does manage to break free of her bonds by rubbing the ropes on the metal bar. Her legs fell asleep, but she manages to get up the stairs only to find the door locked. She hears Gonzalo return and searches for a weapon, finding Priscilla's ball point pen on the floor. She pretends to be tied up again, and when Gonzalo kneels next to her, she JAMS the pen in his arm! She runs out, but Gonzo is able to follow, pulls out his gun (too bad she jabbed the left arm), and shoots her! She falls down, and we later see she's alive, he shot her leg, and he ties her up again, in excruciating pain, leg bleeding. Gonzo tourniquets his own arm, and goes back to help out the family. What a guy.

Carola gets the address of her father from Carmen, knocks on the door, and hits him, breaking his nose. The guy playing the father often plays doctors, priests, etc., and he doesn't say anything, but his expressive face shows the shock. Carola leaves, after telling him she was his daughter. Carola also went to visit Omar in the hospital, gave him a gentle kiss, and they looked into each other's eyes.

EVERYBODY wants to buy the house. Yesterday we had Adolfo. Today, Gonzalo tells Renato HE'LL buy the house. Mabel tells Eva SHE'LL buy the house. Does she actually have money? Next thing you know Karen will be buying the house. THAT would be fun. Meanwhile, Javier has gotten an APARTMENT for them to live in. Horrors!

Nibaldo tells Renato he'll stay, even without pay. Yolanda is impressed by this. Does she now take Nibaldo back? Nope.

Diego works on various escape plans. The window made too much noise. He considers conking Ricardo with a vase. Then he sees a cell phone, and calls his Mom. He confirms that Ricardo Merino has him, but doesn't know where he is, only that Ricardo said he grew up in this house (maybe it's a different one from the one we saw before).

Adolfo isn't happy with the info Ignacia has so far, so tells her, no info, no baby. Igna tries to get some news from Pilar about the bank. Pilar wonders where Igna heard this.

Pilar is able to send the bank surveillance dvd to Sebastian, who plays it, realizes that the bank employee knows what was in the box. Unfortunately, when he goes to the bank, they say Priscilla has disappeared, it's almost as if the earth swallowed her up.

Pilar continues to defy Javier, saying she'll see him in court, and although he acts pompous in her presence, in private he's hurting (good!!).

Thanks, Hombre.

EVERYBODY wants to buy the house. Yesterday we had Adolfo. Today, Gonzalo tells Renato HE'LL buy the house. Mabel tells Eva SHE'LL buy the house. Does she actually have money? Next thing you know Karen will be buying the house. THAT would be fun

Hah! But really, do ANY of them actually have any money? If they do, it was probably stolen from Renato.
It took Pilar long enough to realize that it must have been Ricardo Merino who took Diego. Let's hope the kid gets back to his mother tonight (although I'm mildly curious to see whether at some point Diego starts to wonder whether this crazy Merino guy might not actually be his father...)
My dear Novelera, I hope your friends at Telemundo World are mistaken about any plans to extend this novela. That would mean betraying the story arc, such as it is, and admitting that this is just a sort of episodic adventure story peopled by nasty sorts doing creepy things rather than the stylish, taut thriller we were promised. If that's the case, I'm not sure I'll be sticking around for the end.


I agree with you, NM. This show was in "phase 3" according to the way it worked with Alguien. Phase One, nobody knew who the bad guy(s) were, Phase Two (we know, but the characters don't), Phase Three, they know, but they can't stop them. Of course, not all the characters know Gonzalo is bad, some who did were killed, and Rebeca knows, but everyone knows Adolfo is bad (are the police even looking for him?). So normally, I'd think this show would be in final weeks, just like Corazon, which started around the same time. But if it gets extended, they may have to alter the arc, as you say, which could certainly diminish the power of the novela.


Rafael is being an absolute ass at the hacienda. He is treating the staff there horribly. He calls the black servant that we haven't seen before mulata and threatens her life. And to top things off, he deliberately breaks a valuable Chinese vase that belonged to Cat's parents.

As I was sure was the case, Flor volunteered to work to help out, not to hook. Sacto is not behaving well.

Enrique is chewing Alicia out. Me dejaste por dinero y después actostaste con un idiota para ganar un personaje en un radionovela. All true, but she hasn't told him how Tío and Piru worked on her mind, convincing her the rich family would scorn her.

Zahra is half in love with Tío, but she realistically tells Olga that he's a passing fancy. (Good!)

Alicia tells Tío she wants to buy back all Enrique's paintings and will give him all the money he had formerly given her to leave Enrique alone.

CC commiserates with La Mina about how miserable Gabriel is and that he wouldn't even eat the food she prepared. He went to bed in his traveling clothes.

While Alicia and Tío are discussing her buying back the paintings, with Enrique looking on, Piruetas goes ahead and lights the fire. I HATE this guy. While Tío tries to tell Enrique everything was for his own good, Enrique punches him in the jaw.

Mariano has an interesting conversation with Cat in which he said she was partially responsible for creating the monster that is Urrieta by being unfaithful to him. We get a scene of Rafa out on his horse and he remembers coming home and finding Cat in bed with Alirio. Hard to tell if he cared about her or if only his machismo was injured.

Mariano gets more and more obvious coming on to Cat. He sneaks up and opens the bathroom door while she's taking a bath. Later on he plants a kiss on her and gets a sock in the jaw for it. Good for Cat! No girly slaps for her; she uses the closed fist message.

Rafa demonstrates brass cojones and shows up to taunt Zahra and to bed Zahra, after having tried to burn her alive. He tells her she's condemned to always love him. This is a great scene for both actors. Zahra tells him she hates him and when he makes his move on her body, she pulls a knife on him. Good! I could not have borne her sleeping with him after what he did.

Enrique is not going to forgive Alicia and leaves town. Before he goes he ironically thanks Tío for showing him that the woman he loved would sell their love. Tío looks like he thinks he may have ruined something.

Sacto discovers that Flor is sleeping with a slip of paper that has Pablo's former address on it. He's very unhappy. This marriage is a disaster. He told her he'd take her as she was, knowing she loved someone else. But he's not sticking to the bargain.

Alicia takes all the money out of hers and Piru's joint account and gives it to Tío.

Zahra at first says she'll close the bar, but Rocío convinces her and the rest of the P's that they need to fight Mariano Guerrero by influencing the petroleros and getting Tío (by Zahra's wiles) to get good newspaper coverage of Rocío's campaign.

Rafa has gone to Timotes with Rufino and they are going pensión to pensión looking for Flor. Flor has gone out to buy empanadas and is not in their room. But Rafa finds Sacto in the street and pulls a gun on him.


since the filming of the next novela (FISICO O QUIMICA) has not begun yet I guess Novelera's friend is right, and I won't mind! I think they have enough stuff to do it (Renato/Inaki/the fake Inaki, Sebastian/Inaki, Ismael/Mabel/Inaki, Mabel/Renato/Eva, Ignacia/Ismael/Inaki, Rebaca/Inaki, Pilar/Gonzalo/Inaki). though it will be difficult if they are not going to recycle the same storylines. I hope they will do the difficult job!

FLOR SALVAJE- Thanks for the recap, Novelera. Didn't enjoy this episode as much as yesterday's. I'm getting sort of tired of Rafa just being a complete a**hole to everyone. Is there a character he hasn't pulled a gun on and threatened? It's getting old. We need to move on.

I hoped Enrique and Malicia would get back together and I'm sure they will but we have to have more heartache and misunderstanding first.

The most interesting characters on this show are the ones who have already gone over the Rainbow Bridge. I agree with Nellie, and it would be fun to see a "ghost-only" episode with Chabela, Tiberio, Dr Rugeles, Deborah, etc.
J in Oregon

Mi Corazon:

J in Oregon, I too caught the Cristina show and noticed Carmen Villalobos folding her hands to the side facing the camera as if to hide her "dainties" as my brother dubbed lingerie. She also prances very carefully as if afraid that her glued-on dinner napkin "dresses" will ride up to reveal her "dainties". Roberto Mateos looked irresistible -- I hope he gets cast in bigger parts.

As for the security-free hospital, I'm more amazed at these dozen or so characters who keep the hospital in business by taking turns getting shot-up, blown-up, knocked-up, beaten-up, drugged-up, or spooked-out every day, if not twice a day. Hope they have good insurance.

Regarding Diana's mystery partner, there haven't been any give-away knowing looks between her and Angel, but she could have been another protege of Tiberio. She did pump an Exportex secretary for info on Andres. The secretary seems to be too minor a character, so I don't suspect her. I didn't follow the show closely in the beginning, so I'm wondering if the accomplice could be someone from Andres' amnesia past. Didn't he have a snaky female boss? And did Andres ever find out that Debra slept with Tiberio? Could that betrayal make him want to sleep with her killer, Diana? Andres' sudden cheating on Lola now that he's free doesn't make sense even if he buys into Diana's petulant pleadings. And speaking of sleeping with the spouse's killer, maybe Vicky and Felix the mousse head will get something going.

I miss all the wicked dead ones -- let's not leave out psychopath Marcelo, the sourpuss cop (forgot his name already!) who hated Rodrigo, narcissist Apollo, and maneater Veronica. The devils certainly outnumber the angels, Chabela, Fulgencio and Laura. Picture Rugeles, Debra and Apollo peeping on Lola, and Chabela pushing them away. Meanwhile, Tiberio might be plotting divine or devilish revenge on Angel.

One match-up I would love to see at the end would be Pepe and Etelvina (after a makeover from Lola -- but minus Lola's "dainty cover-ups" -- any non-black suit would do).


MI CORAZON - miércoles

I only have time for a quickie recap not that there's that much new to report.

Ángel obligingly tells Andres that he was the one who told Lola that Andres was with Diana. Andres, who never misses an opportunity to do something stupid, finds Ángel in a parking garage and beats him up.

Lola goes to see Ángel and finds him nursing his injuries. Ángel pretends to be reluctant to put the finger on Andres but, of course, he does so.

Lola is furious. She goes home and tells her staff that Andres is not permitted to be in her house and can't see his daughter. Andres comes over to see Chabelita during this briefing and what do we get - another screaming match. This time Lola does most of the screaming but Andres swears that Lola will not keep him from his daughter.

Lola tells Adela that she is thinking of removing her salamander tattoo. Adela gives her some good advice that she ignores.

Daniel moves into Andres' house and paints a heart with 'I love you Adelita" in it on a wall facing Lola's house. Etelvina is amused; Pepe not so much.

Camilo and Sofía have a nice meal together until Camilo is called away to deal with Andres' fury about Lola's decision to keep him away from Chabelita.

The dead lawyer's secretary identifies the guy to whom she blabbed about Débora. The police arrest the guy. He denies being involved in the murder and the cops tell him that he'd better talk about who did kill the lawyer or he will go down for the murder.

Felix is going crazy shut up with the two "viejas" - Vicky and Soledad. Ángel tells him that they are keeping Soledad around in case Lola won't marry Ángel voluntarily in which case, he will use Soledad to force her to marry him.

Lola goes to the police station to ignore good advice from Rodrigo. She is poking around there and finds a dossier on Ángel and wonders why the police are interested in him.


Mary I have to say your post has made me rethink a lot of things. Yes I remember Andres' first boss, how amazing if she or her rich hubby reappeared that would be interesting.

Great recap. Camillo's maturity was a shining light yesterday, it was badly needed. I would love to see Vicki and Soledad seduce Felix, maybe that will make him go straight?

I still hope Tiberio and Deborah will reappear.

Does anyone know how much longer for this TN, I think I saw them announce a new one coming soon. This is the only TN I get to see and then telemundo breaks up on my tv. LOL I wonder if cablevision is being paid by a competitor to do this. LOL


Great recap, Jean. Mary, your list of the dear departed is a revealing and a little scary. Not only are they keeping that hospital in business, but the funeral home must be happy, too.

Adela said to Lola, if you remove that salamander tatoo, would you replace it with an angel? I know she won't, but if she did and later found out how bad Angel was, she'd begin to realize how dumb and shortsighted she is. Of course, Andres is just as bad.

I also think Etelvina and Pepe will get together in the end. I think there have been some looks between them, or hints about this. Hopefully, we'll also have Camilo and Sofia, Soledad and Rodrigo, Adelita and Daniel, along with our main characters. I heard the show was ending around November 14th, so that's a little more than 3 more weeks.


After Ricardo grabs the phone from Diego and yells at him, Diego continues to try to escape. He does clock Ricardo with a vase, drawing blood, but Ricardo is too strong to pass out. Then Diego kicks him where it counts, scrambles out the window, and starts to run. Meanwhile, Javier screams at Pilar to remember, from her treatment of Ricardo, where he grew up. She does, Key Biscayne.

Diego runs onto a beach, sees a lighthouse, and runs to the top, Ricardo in hot pursuit. Pilar, Javier and the cops arrive to see Ricardo threatening Diego at the top. Pilar yells to him that she forgives him, that they can all be together, as a family, he, her and Diego. She wants to come up to hug him. She grabs a policeman's gun and runs up. At the top, she asks for her hug, Diego rushes away, and Pilar shoots Ricardo, twice, and he falls off the lighthouse, plummeting to his death. Pilar thinks she has saved the day, and is shocked when she is arrested for murder.

Later, she realizes Javier will try to keep her in jail in their custody fight. She can't reach Gonzalo, but reaches Sebastian, who also can't reach Gonzalo, and seems to get her to agree to let HIM help her.

Gonzalo checks on Rebeca, and she's unconscious and sweating profusely. He gets a doctor friend of his to come over. The doc says he can remove the bullet, but Gonzalo will have to care for Rebeca a lot, changing the dressings three times a day, or she'll die. Gonzo isn't too happy about this, but has to do it (I'm not sure exactly why he has to keep her alive, he told her it had something to do with the robbery and leaving the US story, but oh well).

Carola does say he's sorry to Omar, who accepts the apology, but doesn't want her to help him get his job back at AA.

Javier takes a look at Gonzalo, realizes the best defense is a good offense, and tells Renato that just maybe Gonzalo and Rebeca are accomplices, that Rebeca stole the money, but Gonzalo helped her disappear. Renato is doubtful, but Ignacia overhears this, and based on what Adolfo told her (that HE didn't help Rebeca disappear, she DOES have doubts about Gonzalo).

Hilda again almost feels like going back to her baby. She's definitely waffling.

And the big foreclosure auction (subasta, or remate) is today. Who's going to buy the house? Gonzalo? Adolfo (who sends a proxy)? Mabel? Well, no. The auction was called off. A private buyer already bought the house. We'll have to wait until tonight to find out who!

LA CASA -- miércoles

Great job, Hombre! With Javier supposedly on her side, Carola languished in jail for several months -- and she was completely innocent! Imagine the magic Javier will be able to work on Pilar now that he's working for the prosecution -- witnesses, dead body, murder weapon. Who cares that Ricardo Merino was threatening to hurl Diego (and himself) into the abyss and it was Pilar who saved her son's life? Well maybe Pilar will relent and allow Sebastián to find her a competent attorney.

I just looked at the Wikipedia entry for this show and it says 163 episodes are projected. That is twenty or thirty more than were 'projected' a week or so back. I suppose that's good news for Telemundo -- it suggests La Casa has a fan base that wants it to keep on keeping on. But for me, it's disappointing -- it suggests new, crazy plotlines while current storylines get dragged out needlessly. The promised noirish, stylized thriller is just about gone and so is my interest in writing about the show. I may watch it from time to time and will be reading your always intriguing comments but I doubt I'll be writing any more recaps.


OK, the writers are now ruining things, at least for me. I was wrong. I thought Andrés would have almost done the deed with Diana, but would have come to his senses in time. No such luck. And the maraschino cherry on the sundae was Lola spitefully refusing to let Andrés see Chabelita. Even when he was living with Débora, once she admitted the child was his, she saw the importance of Andrés' relationship with Chabelita. Now she's behaving like the evil ex-wife from a Lifetime Channel movie. And Andrés is planning to sue for custody.

One interesting reveal last night was Ángel's plans. According to Félix, things aren't going too well in what's left of Tiberio's evil empire, so Ángel needs an infusion of cash. He thinks he's going to get it by marrying Lola. That in itself is dumb. This isn't Saudi Arabia here. A woman keeps her property after she gets married. But, if Lola isn't willing to let him get his hands on the dinero, he'll use the fact that he has Soledad prisoner to convince her. Of course, assuming it plays out that way, he'd have to eventually kill both Lola and Soledad because Lola would never go along with being his wife and letting him use Tiberio's money to keep the white slavery racket going.


Since Wednesday night is my Spanish Literature class, I don't get home until 10:00. So Wednesday is a bad night for me to do any recaps. But this is what I remember.

I will say that the writers have turned Rafael Urrieta almost into one of those evil characters that pop up in horror flicks, chasing the teenagers down alleys, etc. He tries to get Rufino to force Sacto into a car, but Sacto gets away. He chases him all over Timotes firing his pistol in the middle of crowds of people. Sacto gets back to Flor and her sisters and they hurriedly pack and leave the pensión. Something is a bit odd about the money situation. Flor didn't have money to buy any food, but somehow Sacto has enough to rent a house for a month in the very worst part of Timotes.

Mariano is a bit late to his press conference and big campaign speech. He arrives with Cat, infuriating Lourdes. In the middle of his speech, Rocío arrives, along with the rest of the P's. They brandish signs saying "Vote for Rocío" and shout campaign slogans. The press is all over this story. Mariano has the cops grab up the girls, but Rocío manages to jump up on the stage, grab a microphone and announce that Mariano is trampling over the rights of citizens, and she won't do it. Back at the police station, the television people are filming the fact that the P's are being detained. Mariano has to let them go. A further crimp in his plans is when Cat cozies up to Lourdes. She announces that Lourdes is ALSO coming to stay with her at the hacienda. Love it.

It looks like José María is starting to have patients besides the P's. Frigida is throwing a hissy fit in his office, and JM tells her to stop insulting his patients and leave his office. Yeah!

Flor almost catches Sacto in the shower, then turns away embarrassed. He tells her he's her husband and there's nothing bad about her seeing him nude. He comes out with a towel around his middle and they start to kiss passionately. I'm surprised!

Obsessed Rafa tells Rufino not to come back to the hacienda without Sacto and Flor.


A question: For those of you watching this novela, do you think Ángel has any feelings for Lola at all? Or is it all about getting Tiberio's money?

La Casa

NovelaMaven, Hombre thanks for your recaps and comments. My TV seems to capture only a few minutes of this. I can't imagine why they extended this.

I have noticed that they seem to linger on Carola's face staring into the camera, she just stares, does not speak. Telemundo seems to do that alot in its TNs, I used to get annoyed when they did that with another actress who is now appearing on a competitor network. I wish they would stop it.

Mi Corazon Insiste:


Here's what I wrote earlier this week:

As cool and calculated as Angel seems, he probably has a weakness, just like his godfather. Although his goal seems to be to woo Lola, so he can marry her, and then kill her to get her money, I think he sort of really loves her, in a similarly sick way that Tiberio loved Soledad. So he won't be able to complete his mission, even if she does marry him. I know, there hasn't been any talk of his marrying her. But if Andres really sleeps with Diana, won't Lola want revenge again? What better way than to get married to the guy Angel hates. That'll teach him!


I think you're right, Hombre. Ángel is a cold-hearted, self-serving SOB. But I think he admires Lola for how feisty she is. He may think: "Why not have my cake and eat it too?" That is, get his hands on Tiberio's money while getting into bed with a total babe! But I don't think he's capable of love, as I would define it. If it comes to choosing between what's good for Ángel and Lola's well-being, look out Lola!

Mi Corazon:

Could Diana be another secret daughter of Tiberio and one of his "queens" that Soledad didn't know about? And Diana became disinherited when Tiberio turned on Diana's mother? Or could Diana be Angel's sister? We also know nothing about Tiberio's own parents and siblings. And of all the gym joints in LA, it's too coincidental that Diana picked Lola's gym and immediately revealed her scheme to seduce her new boss, Lola's love!


MI CORAZON - jueves

Another dreadful episode with infantile behavior by almost everyone.

When Lola sees the police file on Angel, she concludes that Andres got Rodrigo interested in Angel after the brawl in the parking garage. Rodrigo tells her that police investigations are confidential.

Andres tells Diana about Lola's decision not to let him see his daughter. She suggests a classmate of hers who does family law.

The lawyer turns out to be a real go-getter. He goes to Lola's house and tells her that unless she lets Andres see the baby, she might lose custody altogether.

Lola calls Camilo for help. He says that he will give her advice this once but he can't get involved in this case because he is friends with both parties.

In a big driveway confrontation, Andres is with Lola when Camilo comes over. Then Andres and Diana show up. Lola ups the ante by ostentatiously kissing Angel in front of Andres.

Adelita is sort of flattered by Daniel's love grafitti but she tells him that she is still carrying the torch for the dead Fulgencio.

After the driveway fracas, Angel wants to pick up where he left off kissing Lola but she tells him that now isn't a good time. She does tell him that the police have a file on him.

Vicki seems to have decided to be as b*tchy as possible to Felix and make his like a misery. Soledad advises her to mellow out a little.

Rodrigo goes to see Angel and tells him that he knows that he is dirty and if he does anything to Andres, Rodrigo will kill Angel himself.

Finally, Lola gets a court order to have a DNA sample taken from her and the baby.

There might have been more but that is what I remember.


Mary, your ideas are intriguing. I certainly can't think of anyone else Diana could be working with than Angel, and if he's her brother, that would make sense.

Jean, thanks for the recap. I agree, the show is getting infantile. I sort of think that with the earlier hour of this show, it is aimed for a younger or less sophisticated audience than LA CASA, so they put in this teen like behavior on purpose.

Why would Lola have to give a DNA sample? Who else's baby could it be? This is obviously stupid, but put in to pretend that Andres is trying to make her life miserable. Also, when the lawyer Sanchez said if you don't let Andres see the baby, he'll file for custody, why didn't Lola say, okay he can see the baby? And is refusal to allow someone to see the baby grounds for loss of custody? That seems to be a stretch. But it works for our plot.

I did like the fact that Sofia was backing Daniel, and is smiling these days. Camilo is right to stay out of the battle.

Daniel could tell that Adelita sort of liked the graffiti, even though she didn't admit it. She then said Andres should stop what he's doing to Lola. Daniel sort of defended Andres, but if he wanted to make points with Adelita, he should have said he would talk to Andres to convince him to see Lola's side.

I liked Vicky's latest request. Just some gloves, since all her nails are shot from doing manual labor! She's a society lady, for heaven's sake! :)


I left out one thing in yesterday's summary - when Ignacia and Ismael started to "make the baby" in Ismael's new warehouse home, she inadvertently called out "Javier" in the midst of passion. So much for that, as Adolfo is royally po-ed.

We start this new episode with Renato hopeful that Gonzalo has bought the house. Turns out this is wrong. Javier announces that HE has bought the house, and everyone has 1 hour to get out. Make that 45 minutes! he gloats. They grudgingly leave. Javier offers Nibaldo double his old salary to be his personal assistant and chauffeur. Nibaldo hasn't told Yolanda, but he does tell Karen, cryptically, that he might soon be her "boss".

Sebastian never reached Gonzalo on the phone, and Pilar finally agrees to let him help her. But none of his lawyer friends will take the case against the powerful Javier Ruiz. Later, Andrea finally reaches Gonzalo, who rushes to the jail to help Pilar. She says to him, "Can I trust you? Have you ever lied to me?" He looks right into her eyes and says "You can trust me, Pilar". We note he doesn't mention the lying thing.

Mario, Carola's supposed bio-father, comes to Carmen's place and trashes it. Carola finds out, and Carmen doesn't want her to go back to cause more trouble. She seems to be still hoping for money from the family, although she doesn't know how bad the family money situation is.

They had to move into an apartment! This is humiliating, although Eva does eventually start polishing her silver settings, which she plans to sell to help the family. Emilio is going to get a job. Could it be that this event will actually HELP the family out of their snobby and lazy ways?

Gonzo sees Rebeca still unconscious in the basement, and sighs about the treatment he has to give to keep her alive (and he'll have to keep coming back to this house several times daily).

Omar is out of the hospital (Carola went to see him, but he left without calling her). He goes to live with Sebastian, at least for now.

Hilda has to hold the baby for a bit, and once again, her tough exterior may be cracking.

Back at the mansion, now vacant, we have the funniest scene I've seen in quite some time. Javier is tickled pink to be the new owner. He kisses the walls. He caresses the banister. He does a little dance. He starts channeling John Travolta's disco moves. He takes off his shoes, and slides across the polished wood floor. Yesssss! He's ridin' high. But wait. Someone's here. It's Ignacia, who announces that she will live here with Javier, since they love each other. Isn't it wonderful? Javi's horse halts.


thanks for the recap Jean you give it more life than the actual TN. The only thing I found outstanding was Camillo, I mean he really just gave it to Lola last night, and to Anhell. He gave it to Andres the night before and now Lola. The only good thing in this TN.

It's the first time I had a dread that Lola is not going to come out of this unscathed. Her constantly charging in, and then last night telling Anhell that they have a file on him, somehow when all comes to light, will she too follow her mom and go into a depression?


tnx Hombre.

He looks right into her eyes and says "You can trust me, Pilar". We note he doesn't mention the lying thing.
great point! I hadn't noticed it.

Gonzo sighs about the treatment he has to give to keep her alive.
hmm... I wonder what Gonzo really feels about Rebeca.

Could it be that this event will actually HELP the family out of their snobby and lazy ways
it seems so, of course Ignacia being excepted!

Javier's ridin' high scene was funny indeed! I always enjoy watching Varoni's performance.


Yep, at this point I fear that Chabelita will have to be in Special Ed, based on the DNA she inherited from these two.

Andrés HAD cooled off a bit and wanted to wait for Lola to cool off as well. But, as usual, Diana kept droning on until he agreed to the lawyer.

And, Andrés had instructed the lawyer to go easy on Lola and see if they could reach a compromise. But the guy accentuated the punitive part of what could happen. Also, Lola didn't even hear the part the lawyer said about perhaps working something out to avoid a custody battle. She goes on to tell everyone Andrés IS suing for custody.

Lola kissing Ángel in the doorway was el colmo. In the first place, even if they WERE lovers, who kisses the other guy when the father of your child has shown up to discuss visitation rights?

I DID enjoy Rodrigo's scene with Ángel. He told him definitively that he knows he's a fraud. And that there will be deadly consequences if he harms Andrés.

Bah! I'm really tired of this phase of the novela, so common in all of them. The two "criminal masterminds" constantly manipulate our dull-witted hero and heroine. I suppose this will last until the big reveal and Ángel for certain and maybe Diana buy the farm in a shoot-out. And Lola and Andrés apologize profusely to each other. FIN.


This novela reminds me so much of Doña Bárbara. It has the same almost sepia toned cinematography. It also feels like it's in another era. You're almost shocked when you see a car or truck.

I'm very disappointed in La Mina. She appears to be only thinking of herself. She wants Rafa to keep the bar (and her income stream) open. She appears to agree to find out where Flor and Sacramento are staying and tell him, in return for his not closing the 4P's Bar. I HOPE she's just playing with him. Speaking of playing with him, she tries seduction, but The Stud of Nueva Esperanza has ED problems.

Sacto realizes that Flor isn't really feeling the same degree of passion that he is. She tells him that, if she were willing to bed Rafa, whom she hates, why not with him, who's such a good man. He struggles to get himself under control and tells her that being with him for pity is the same as being with him for money. He only wants her if she feels the same degree of passion that he does.

Rafa is still having memories of making love with Flor, and they torture him.

Rocío is more and more coming into her own. She looks right at José María and tells him the main reason she went forward with the medical exam and brought the P's was that she didn't want him to leave. He's too conflicted and runs away from her obvious declaration.

La Mina is NOT keeping quiet about Rafa's "little problem". She tells CC all about it.

Full of himself as usual, Tío Francisco comes to praise Zahra for having "renovated" him and to say goodbye. She tells him she made a mistake with him, being involved from the waist up.

When Luisa and the other servant have prepared Rafa's breakfast, he thinks they are poisoning him and stuffs some of the food into the other girl's mouth. I wish they'd say her name.

There's a really big article in the paper about Rocío's candidacy and her speech at Mariano's campaign appearance.

Alicia finds the smallish painting of her that Piruetas missed. Meanwhile he has gone to the bank and discovered that she took out Tío's bribe money. The canalla comes to ask for his half. Alicia is taking no prisoners. She tells him she made ALL the sacrifices for that money and that she gave it back to Tío. He tells her he was the one who "arranged the business" and deserves his cut. Piru looks like he's ready to swallow his tongue, and tells her she's NOT going to be in his radionovela.

Cat has spent the night at Lourdes' hacienda. While she's gone Rafa fills her room with hay.

Rocío's campaign slogan is: "Cuida tu vida y ponte el condon; vota for Rocío, es la salvación." Hmmmm. I'm not sure I'd emphasize my former occupation so much.

Enrique is at home having breakfast with his mother on the terrrace. The mother seems nice, but he looks completely miserable.

Flor decides to snap out of it. She takes off her black dress and puts on some "regular clothes". This consists of short shorts and a low-cut blouse. She has almost no makeup on. She finds a school for Susana and Beba after meeting with a kindly nun. She finds out that they have classes to teach adults to read.

Meanwhile Sacto has found work, hard work, on a construction site. Flor decides to show up, bringing his lunch. Predictably the construction guys go nuts. Sacto again behaves like an a**, accusing her of trying to look for clients. She replies that these are the only clothes she has and that she tried to learn to cook in order to bring him his lunch. She throws it at him. He's very apologetic. But she tells him HE'S the one who can't let what she did before be in the past.

Rafa is brooding in the 4P bar. Ana, all done up as a P, approaches him to try to cheer him up. He tells Zahra he's chosen Ana for that night. This guy is SO horrible!

FLOR SALVAJE: Thanks for the great recap, Novelera. This novela does remind me of DB. I liked DB more. I am watching some of it again as it repeats on TM in the afternoon.

At least in DB, we had the main storyines: DB getting revenge on her rapists and the DB/Marisela/Santos love triangle surrounded by all the other wonderful characters. Here it's hard to see what the main storyline is.

I just fast forwarded through last night's episode since I got back late from my spanish class where we saw a depressing (but well done) film about the displacement of afro-Columbians during the civil war.


Jean, your comment was interesting. I like this novela at least as well as Doña Bárbara. I like all the different story lines. We don't get Rafa constantly being a jerk. And we don't get Sacto constantly trying to get Flor to fall in love with him. Instead we get Mariano/Cat/Lourdes. We get Alicia/Enrique/Piruetas. We get Rocío simultaneously falling for the town doctor with the awful mother and running a pretty canny campaign. We get Correcaminos trying to be a mother. And we get the fabulous character of Zahra. The actress lights up every scene she's in.

I get the feeling, at least from TN blogs, that not that many people are watching it. Maybe this is good news. Maybe they won't try to tack on another month to ruin the whole thing.

LA CASA-Thursday
Well I'm finally caught up reading all the comments and recaps (thanks!!) for the time I was away- but am a bit confused.

Why is Gonzalo invested in keeping Rebeca alive? Is it because she's Pilar's sister? Is it some sadistic thing? What gives??

While Varoni the actor was amusing, I felt like killing the character. What a back stabber --although it is hard to believe how ingenous Renato Conde is. In addition, does he have no feeling about Pilar being in prison, his children traumatized, etc. I would like to see a shootout where he and Gonzalo kill each other. At least Gonzalo seems like a psychopath who gets out of control. Javier is just a totally immoral, abusive person.

Disappointed that Nibaldo didn't tell him to shove his job. Another self-interested phony!

It looks like the Conde apartment is going to be big enough for Eva after all --when Emilio and Hilda reconcile and get their own place, when Carolaand Omar get together (is she going to live with Carmen now?), and Ignacia is going to live with Javier --ugh, ugh, ugh. What a bunch of terrible people.

By the way, is Catherine Siachoque pregnant. If not, she certainly has the worst costumes for someone with such a great body.

Disappointed that Novelamaven has lost interest. Her comments and recaps were always fabulous.

LA CASA-Thursday
Well I'm finally caught up reading all the comments and recaps (thanks!!) for the time I was away- but am a bit confused.

Why is Gonzalo invested in keeping Rebeca alive? Is it because she's Pilar's sister? Is it some sadistic thing? What gives??

While Varoni the actor was amusing, I felt like killing the character. What a back stabber --although it is hard to believe how ingenous Renato Conde is. In addition, does he have no feeling about Pilar being in prison, his children traumatized, etc. I would like to see a shootout where he and Gonzalo kill each other. At least Gonzalo seems like a psychopath who gets out of control. Javier is just a totally immoral, abusive person.

Disappointed that Nibaldo didn't tell him to shove his job. Another self-interested phony!

It looks like the Conde apartment is going to be big enough for Eva after all --when Emilio and Hilda reconcile and get their own place, when Carolaand Omar get together (is she going to live with Carmen now?), and Ignacia is going to live with Javier --ugh, ugh, ugh. What a bunch of terrible people.

By the way, is Catherine Siachoque pregnant. If not, she certainly has the worst costumes for someone with such a great body.

Disappointed that Novelamaven has lost interest. Her comments and recaps were always fabulous.

LA CASA-Thursday
Well I'm finally caught up reading all the comments and recaps (thanks!!) for the time I was away- but am a bit confused.

Why is Gonzalo invested in keeping Rebeca alive? Is it because she's Pilar's sister? Is it some sadistic thing? What gives??

While Varoni the actor was amusing, I felt like killing the character. What a back stabber --although it is hard to believe how ingenous Renato Conde is. In addition, does he have no feeling about Pilar being in prison, his children traumatized, etc. I would like to see a shootout where he and Gonzalo kill each other. At least Gonzalo seems like a psychopath who gets out of control. Javier is just a totally immoral, abusive person.

Disappointed that Nibaldo didn't tell him to shove his job. Another self-interested phony!

It looks like the Conde apartment is going to be big enough for Eva after all --when Emilio and Hilda reconcile and get their own place, when Carolaand Omar get together (is she going to live with Carmen now?), and Ignacia is going to live with Javier --ugh, ugh, ugh. What a bunch of terrible people.

By the way, is Catherine Siachoque pregnant. If not, she certainly has the worst costumes for someone with such a great body.

Disappointed that Novelamaven has lost interest. Her comments and recaps were always fabulous.

Mary, you come up with some interesting scenarios...I, also, was wondering if Diana might turn out to be another child of Tiberio's, but obviously not one that he knew about. There was a suggestion that she is someone from Andres' amnesia past, also verrry interesting. BTW, whatever happened to those two chumps who befriended him in NY and then followed him out to LA?
J in Oregon

Thanks, J, I wondered about those two NY chumps too, and since I didn't watch closely in the beginning, I got them confused with Andres' LA friends. I have a lot to say about Andres, but I'll save it for the new thread.


nj, Gonzaki seems to have some feelings for Rebeca. maybe because she was his only friend.

apparently NovelaMaven is still angry about extending of the show :-( I wish he will comeback soon. I love his recaps & comments.

Mabel showed a new side of herself in last episode. I guess next week must be hers.


Hope a new thread for October 21-27 gets posted soon. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's opinions and recaps for Friday the 21st.


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