Monday, October 31, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #61 Mon 10/31/11 Maripaz is the Only One Getting Treats for Her Tricks

I’ve still got family in town from my nephew’s wedding this past weekend. This recap is pretty bare bones with little commentary from me and no vocabulary. Lo siento.
Pop-up doll Maripaz lies, denies, and then justifies her theft of her grandmother’s jewelry. Lucrazya doesn’t give a damn about MP’s reasons, she just wants to know who she sold the jewels to.

Ivan tries to sell Alex on the idea of moving to the States. The pluses are Ivan’s love, Bruno, and new grandpa Tony.

Lucrazya confirms MP’s lie to the jeweler, but says she wants to keep the jewels in the family. She wants to buy them back, but it turns out the one piece has already been sold, and the pearls are worth a LOT of money. He’ll sell it back to her for 700,000 pesos ($53,000). It’s a very unique piece and this is a special price for the Curiels. He could actually sell the necklace for more.

Alex runs to Caro crying and hugs her. He tells her about moving to the States, but also says he will be strong/brave about it. Antolin encourages this brave attitude and tries to get him excited about the adventures he will have. He also says Ivan has a big house with lots of rooms, and he and Caro will come visit him. Alex asks Caro if they’ll actually come to visit him. Caro is too sad to answer.

Lucrazya knows that with the value of the jewels she was just quoted, MP must have gotten quite a lot of money for them—more than she needed for a lawyer. She wants MP to write her a check for the remaining money or she will tell Ivan that she’s a thief as well as a murderer. MP gets her checkbook.

Lucrazya updates Lucia and shows her MP’s check. It’s still not enough to buy back the necklace, so Lucia contemplates selling her car. Lucrezia thinks it’s a lost cause and suggests using some of the loan money or having Lucia talk to Tony or Ivan. Lucia refuses and suggests that Lucrazya ask JJ. They hush up when Carlota comes in, but then tell her the truth. They only need an additional 450,000 pesos, but Carly refuses to let them get into more complications to get the rest of the money. “Forget it!”

Lucia ignores a call from Ivan. He leaves a message. He needs her help with Alex. He asks her to call him back. Unfortunately, it’s MP who calls him. She wants them to plan their big church wedding. Ivan refuses to have anything but a small civil wedding. MP is happy to hear they are going directly to the U.S. after the wedding.

Anto looks for Saul at the pool hall. The barkeep reports on Saul looking for Gordo, and on Gordo’s new-found wealth.

Celia and Camilo come to Casa Lomeli, just as Gerry and Caro are arguing about Ivan taking Alex away. Celia has something important she wants to speak to Caro about.

Saul and Gordo drink like fish at a bar as Anto watches them. They discuss some shady business Gordo wants to pull Saul into. The work is dangerous, involves crossing the border, and Gordo has the contacts. Saul is unsure. “Take make money, you have to take risks.”

Celia assures Gerry that Anto isn’t a bad person, he just went down a bad path. Gerry wants to know how he got enough cash to pay for Caro’s surgery. Celia doesn’t know, but she’s sure it was shady. What’s really got her worried is the possibility of Anto killing Saul because he knocked up Carmen and hasn’t taken responsibility for the child. She wants Caro to use her influence to convince Anto not to do anything to Saul. Gerry doesn’t think the Anto they know would do anything like that, but Camilo tells him there’s another side to Anto- a vengeful and violent side.

Anto waits and watches as drunk Saul stumbles out of the bar. His phone is off and he doesn’t get the call from Camilo. Gordo gives Saul his car keys and sends him for the car.

Celia cries that she doesn’t want her son to go to jail. Caro promises to call him the next day and beg him if needed. Celia thanks her, kisses her, and leaves with Camilo.

Saul sees a scary looking Antolin staring at him through his car rear view mirror. He takes off with Anto hot on his tail. Another car approaches, which causes Saul to spin out and crash into a small structure. The car bursts into flames. Anto hopes that he dies and drives off.

Unfortunately for us and for Anto, someone has gotten Saul to a hospital. His family is called, David arrives at the hospital. Saul has some contusions, burns, and multiple leg fractures. Drat! Even David seems disappointed. He’ll have some scars and will need some surgery on his leg and knee. David reports to the weeping Mondragon women. There will surely be charges brought against Saul since he was driving drunk and the news will be in the papers. They worry about how to tell JJ. They know JJ will need another right hand man to help run the ranch and the Association. David isn’t interested and doesn’t think Camilo will be either. What JJ needs is someone who’ll be his puppet, and neither David nor Camilo fits the bill.

Camilo reaches Anto via phone early the next morning. Anto says he did nothing to Saul (technically true), but divine justice exists. Carmen is surprised to hear that Anto planned to do something to Saul. Lechita wants to know if Alex is coming to the ranch today.

Lucia calls Ivan back. He tells her the go back to the States plan, in order to put distance between the two of them. He doesn’t want to hurt her or himself by being in the same town/country. Lucia promises to speak to Alex but hangs up crying when Ivan starts with the love talk. She remembers the good times. Ivan breaks down into a puddle of tears. Tony advises Ivan to register his marriage in the States as soon as they get back. He’s sure MP will be up to her old tricks in no time and the U.S. will not be as much in her favor as in Mexico. Then he can divorce her right away, get full parental rights, and come back to marry Lucia. He tells Ivan to keep mum about this plan.

MP whines to Lucrazya about Ivan putting the kibosh on the big wedding plans. Lucrazy tells her she’s lucky he’s marrying her at all since he hates her. They gossip about Saul getting run out of his house.

JJ reads about Saul’s drunk driving accident in the papers and blusters at Esther. This will ruin his (JJ’s) reputation! JJ doesn’t care if Saul lives or dies. He calls his lawyer.

Bruno continues to hate on Camilo. Tony tells Camilo about his and Ivan’s plan to return to L.A. They want to leave Camilo in charge of the Mexico business. Camilo is flattered and grateful. Tony also thinks Camilo should take advantage of their loans to invest in his lands and diversify his crops. Camilo accepts.

Carly tells Gloria it was MP who stole the jewels and they don’t suspect her (Gloria). Lucia feels really bad about the necklace and they’re both sad about the move. Lucia thinks Carly’s such a good person for not turning MP in. Carly says she’s not good. Her family is all she has and she’ll protect them. Even though she may get mad and yell and threaten, she would never do anything to harm them. Lucia feels that same. Carly tells her this isn’t always good because people will take advantage of her.

Camilo thanks Ivan for the promotion and tells him about the ranch loan. Ivan is too down in the dumps to get excited about it all. He begs Camilo not to abandon Lucia. The black crow of misery reminds us that this is not a good thing. Inside the plant, Ivan and Camilo check on production.

Lucia and Alex take a walk and talk. Alex loves Ivan, but doesn’t want to leave his Papa Gerry or Tia Carolina. Lucia tells him, that’s life. It’s normal for kids to move around with their parents because of their work, and kids can’t stay back alone. She assures him they’ll video-chat and they’ll all stay in touch with him wherever he goes because they love him.

Anto swears to Caro that he went to bed early. He swears to God that he did nothing to Saul (technically true). He says he’s leaving it up to divine justice.

The Mondragon women visit Saul in the hospital and reel back in horror at the sight of him. He’s got burns over much of his torso and left arm, up to his chin, and one leg in a cast. (OK, I guess his injuries were pretty bad, but when fully clothed, no one will be able to see most of the scars.)

JJ complains to his lawyer about having to pay for Saul. He doesn’t give a darn about Saul’s health.

The Mondragon women fret that Saul needs surgery so that he won’t be horribly scarred for life and an invalid, but JJ won’t pay for it.

Lucia drops Alex off at Ivan’s house. Camilo shows up just in time to offer his plaid shoulder to cry on.

Bruno gets pampered by Alex. Ivan is sad to hear Lucia dropped Alex off and left.

Lucia tells Camilo about the necklace theft by MP, and how much the necklace meant to her grandma. Even if she sold her car, it wouldn’t be enough to buy it back. Camilo finds out from her which jeweler has the necklace.

Lucia still can’t find a job. Carly is sure they’ll be alright for money soon, since Camilo is doing such a great job with the ranch. Tony calls and gives Lucia his condolences for all the crap going down between her and Ivan. He speaks to Carly and invites her to the big upcoming Ag Association meeting. Lucia indicates she will not go and Carly tries to beg off too. Tony insists and says she will be his special guest.

Camilo shows up at the jeweler’s, asks for the pearl necklace, and says he’s come on behalf of Lucia. “Did they tell you how much it costs?” “Yes.” (Is anybody going to actually use Ranch Socorro loan money to invest in the ranch?)

Avances: Ivan and Lucia give into their passion. A very drunk MP announces during a public event that she and Ivan are getting married because they had a child together 10 years ago.


Good stuff, Vivi. Thanks for doing this in the midst of it all.

Marrying Maripaz is the worst decision Ivan could have made. He will have to keep her on a very short leash so she doesn't steal his entire fortune. Tony's plan actually sounds pretty good because Maripaz will get enough rope to hang herself in L.A.

Is Camilo going to sell his lands to buy back the pearls? Equally stupid. Lucrazia should take the remaining 250,000 pesos out of Maripaz' hide.

Saul's "accident" was no surprise, but JJ's reaction is.

Perfect recap Vivi! No apologies needed.

I'm still seething...about everything. Camilo is getting slimier and slimier in my opinion.

I could not believe DWMMB and her whining about the kibosh Ivan put on the wedding. She's just delusional.

Ivan is an idiot for taking her to the States.

Morning all! I rushed through watching the show while writing up the recap and didn't really have time to process what was happening.

I wonder if Anto could actually get in trouble for causing Saul's accident? Technically it was Saul who ran through the intersection without stopping/looking, nearly crashing into another car. Even if he "thought" he was being chased by Anto, he made that poor decision to outrun him, plus he was drunk. But I wonder if he'll say anything to the cops about Anto.

I really don't like where they are going with Camilo. David seemed really sure that Camilo wouldn't be interested in being JJ's right hand man, but we did see that Cam was intrigued by the idea of someday becoming the Ag Association president. What better way to assure that than by working side by side with JJ? So now he'll be in charge of McGuire Inc Mexico, have a successful ranch, be on the fast track to presidency at the Ag Association, and possibly have Lucia Curiel on his arm. And Mr. Perfect Ivan will be back in the States. All he could ever want/desire is all within reach now.

Urban- I also think the "take MP to the States and watch her quickly self destruct and take away her parental rights" plan could work.

Maripaz' shameless announcement in the avances is guaranteed gossip fodder in Alamos. In my youth we'd call this "Dirt for days."

I suspect Saul was drunk enough to not remember seeing Antolin when he finally wakes up.

Word verification: ickupe, which is what one feels when Merry Piece is at work.

Since Antolin's sins have to start coming out at some point I wonder if Saul is meant to be the trigger for it if/when he comes out of his whatever, even if his involvement with Antolin at this point is fairly peripheral. (And there's Carmen and Lechita as well, so...)

And on one level I can't say I'm that surprised J3 basically blew off Saul's accident. His level of self-absorption is just as high as it's-all-about-Me-ripaz's, but he isn't bogged down by delusions about it--he's a manipulative SOB, but he owns it.

And while it obviously won't happen I love UA's idea about Maripaz ending up in the States and TMZ-ing herself out of the picture. ("Developer's wife outed in drunken orgy scandal!")

Vivi, thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule for writing this recap.

Who would believe anything Saul had to say? He is also afraid of Antolin so if does remember anything I am sure he will keep it to himself.

After last night, we now know why we see the crow with Camilo. The worst thing Ivan ever did was make his not-my-best-friend a landowner.

I don't even like Lucia at this point. Why would anyone listen to her advice? She can't even stand up for self.

Is Lucrazy starting on her road to redemption? Her knock down of MP sure seems to be setting it up.

MP needs to die! That is the only way anyone of them will have any peace. She is just an accident waiting to happen.


Vivi thanks for a great recap even in the midst of family activities.

I had to laugh at Lucia crying on Camilo's blue plaid shoulder...ha!ha!

While you like to slap the hell out of MP, I think she is doing a great job acting out her part.


Death would be too easy a punishment for MP. She needs to be disfigured and paralyzed, but with all her mental faculties intact. This is a fate that would feel like hell to her.

Nice job, Vivi. Thank you.

About Camilo and the pearls --
I have my hopes up that he isn't at the jeweler's to buy back the necklace; he intends to pressure or bully the jeweler into returning the pearls to the ladies since he obtained them in a legally suspect way. (The corpse of Iván and Lucía's romance isn't cold yet and Camilo is already asserting himself as THE MAN of the Curiel family, standing up to bullies on their behalf.)

I doubt that a reputable dealer is allowed to buy jewels without the seller providing some documentation. Whatever he says, we know, he knows and Camilo knows that the pearls were stolen -- otherwise the DWMB wouldn't have sold them for a fraction of their worth.

Pure speculation -- and I'm almost always wrong about this stuff. We'll see tonight.:)

I wonder how much of a profit that jeweler could make on a necklace like that. He must have bought the other one for less than Don Teodoro paid for it in the first place and sold it for double Don Teodoro's purchase price. Even allowing for 35 years that might be excessive.

NovelaMaven- The problem with going back and saying the necklaces were stolen now is that Lucrezia went and confirmed MP's story to the jeweler. And Carly would never actually turn MP in. She admitted as much. But I think you're right about Camilo carving his place as the MAN in the Curiel family.

As always wonderful recap Vivi!

I just don't like any of the Curiel women; neither one inspire positive feelings.

Lucia, the good and moral one, has no backbone to stand on -- they should be a TN law if the damsel is too wimpy then the galan should end up solo or find a stronger woman

Lucrazy -- too concerned about appearances that she's forgotten how to proper care for her family

Maripaz -- a delusional drunken slut (I simply loathe her)--Laisha is really doing a superb job with this character

Carly - the matriach - makes too many compromising concessions to protect her family -- she should never agree to hide Maripaz drunk driving manslaughter(that really bothers me big time)

Once Ivan gains sole custody of Alex, he should stay far away from the Curiel because they sure will ruin his life again; especially with Camillo salivating to be the next Curiel in line -- I'm predicting Camillo the new vilain -- and we're all going to suffer seeing Ivan pining away for Lucia and she ambivalent about her sentiments for Camillo.

I have a feeling that the new focus will be on Camillo and it will be as bad if not not worse than the Maripaz saga that we just survived.

and yes, I'm all for Ivan moving back to the US; if he stays in Alamos there's no way he'll be free from Maripaz, but having her away and defenseless from her family might give him the upper hand for once.


I don't think Camilo is thinking like a lawyer (although Lucrecia has no legal standing here -- the necklace wasn't hers. You're right though that proud old Carlota would likely back up the lie, when pressed.)

I see Camilo on the verge of bringing out his inner Antolín -- realizing that sometimes if you can't get what you want "por las buenas" you can do it "por las malas". These brothers will show us they have more in common than we thought...

And as a related aside: how many episodes does this show have?

Bill- 101 total

Thanks for the recap, Vivi! Not too bare-bones at all. I loved your comment about the black crow of misery.

Why don't the Curiel ladies gather up and sell all of Maripaz's jewelry and fancy handbags and clothes? Does she still have the car David returned to her? Sell that, too. Sell everything that belongs to her. They never let her experience any consequences of her evil deed other than a little yelling.

Does anyone know how the custody arrangement could be affected by moving to the U.S.? Does getting married dissolve the original custody agreement? If they move to L.A. and register the marriage there, and then Ivan files for divorce there, presumably he could get custody, but would he still have custody of Alex if they went back to Mexico?

I think marrying Maripaz is a horrible idea, but moving her to Los Angeles is probably shrewd. She'll have lots of distractions there and can crash and burn without her family protecting her.

You know there's a very interesting cultural thing going on here:

Lucrecia gives the DWMB a pass on the most egregious behavior but becomes absolutely furious at her for stealing from Carlota. Whatever sins we've committed, she shouts at her, we've always protected each other.

Lucía understands this code of loyalty. It makes her uneasy but in the end she accepts it. To Iván, it's a "foreign" way of thinking. In this sense, Lucía and Camilo -- who has never betrayed Antolín, for example -- are more like each other than either is like Iván.

Juan Jaime's total indifference to Saul's fate consigns him to a hotter circle of hell than all the others. He is unscrupulous and unfeeling inside and outside the family. (And so, of course, is the DWMB. In this, she and JJ are soul-less mates.)

Thanks, Vivi. So they have forty episodes left to

a. kill or maim Maripaz;
b. completely humiliate/thwart Juan Jaime, Jerk;
c. either get Antolin a happy ending or some sort of screwball heroic sacrifice for the one person on the planet he actually loves, Carolina;
d. do whatever it is they're going to do with Camilo and Lucia;
e. probably humiliate Lucrezia openly and ruin her social standing.
f. Oh, and kill off Saul and/or Gordo.
g. And what about David, for that matter?

Julia, married couples have shared custody of their child(ren) in the US (I believe the same apply in Mexico). Once married, Maripaz automatically lost all her crazy power and threat potential against Ivan and since he is the saner parent, I could see him keep Alex at arms' lenght from Maripaz.

The upside in moving in the US is that both Ivan and Tony can give Maripaz enough rope to hang herself and since she's delusional enough; before she could utter the word divorce; Ivan will have her hide in court. Also not having her family worrying about scandalous this and that might help Ivan.

The only thing I'm worried about is Ivan sleeping with Maripaz out of desperation because Lucia is giving him the cold shoulder for leaving her.


Plan Los Angeles isn't the worst idea they've had, but I sure hope they don't use this to jump the story ahead a few years. I can see them using this as a way to get Lucia to marry Camilo, who would raise the future baby as his own. Then when Ivan gets back, something happens and he finds out the baby is really his and we go through the whole custody, who's your daddy thing again. Please don't let this be the case.

It'd be better for Flubberbutt (MP) to die and donate her eyes to Carolina. That's really the only way she'd be useful.

I was thinking that in the U.S. Ivan would have a better chance of getting sole custody, not just shared, because he could probably get a judge to listen to witnesses and prove that Maripaz is an unfit parent. But if he then went back to Mexico, would that custody order be enforceable given that it's a different country, or would he have to get a new custody order from a Mexican judge? I assume the marriage would negate the existing order.

Tks Vivi,
We know that unless you are married in the church (last episode of all novelas) it doesn't really count in a TN. This s/b one of the more interesting weddings.

I think something will happen to prevent the move to LA, after all, most of our characters are in Mex.

Too bad MP wasn't with Saul. I don't see how Antolín could be in any trouble for that one. I'm still worried about the Romeo & Juliet thing with he and Carolina.

Juan Jaime is SUCH a caring father. He doesn't give a mierda for anyone but himself.


Ivan might have US citizenship; Maripaz definitely doesn't. Between that and anything he could present in court Ivan should have no trouble getting sole custody... and a restraining order.

Last week someone suggested that Ivan should have made MP the following offer: cross the border illegally and if she survives for a year she gets $1 million US. I would add to that rule that she can't earn the money on her back and she can't be arrested for anything.

JJ will burn for his sins. Carlota is having her hell right now, as is Carolina.

Camilo is about to earn a trip there himself. Pursuing Lucia after Ivan gave him land that will make him rich definitely qualifies.

Well, after reading the comments I guess I'm not as annoyed by the decision to go to LA. DWMB will definitely dig her own grave there.

What if MP gets involved in drugs in LA and even more as a result of it and Ivan finds out. In order that she not go to jail Ivan gets her to give up custody of Alex. Or something of that nature.


If she goes to jail she loses custody. That is full of Win.

Vivi, loved your recap. Especially love the "plaid shoulder" remark.

Thank you for the fast and quick recap. That's just how I wanted it that day.

To Kelly - I like the idea of Maripaz dying and donating her eyes to Carolina. After all, Carolina was for all intents and purposes performed the role of surrogate mother. That beech owes her.

I'm going out on a limb here and start my own little Camilo fan club. I hate that the novela positions him next a dumb crow every chance they get. He is not Ivan's nemesis. Camilo been the one of the most honest men in this novela. He's has a hard life but full of dignity. He does not steal, cheat, or abuse women. He loves and supports his momma, his dumb sister and his niece. He does not condone Antoline's behavior but he tells him off when he has to.

I was very happy when Ivan and stupid Lucia got together but endless idiotic moves and decisions on both their parts have left made me frustrated and irritated in their union. I now call it Camp Stupid. If those two fools can't get it together, well tough sh*t.

I disagree with folks' assessment that Camilo is getting more and more slimy or underhanded. He is a smart guy who had a run of bad luck. He is now a guy who is getting opportunities he never had before and is trying to make the best of them. That shows ambition not a greedy search for power. As far as I can remember, he has never made an attempt to steal Lucia or proposition her before. He has tried to be her friend and can you blame him for getting excited that a pretty girl is paying him some attention? I think not. Most sane men would try to get in on with Lucia or attempt to date her. She is nice, educated, and not promiscuous, etc. She has been acting totally DUMB but as far as I can see it does not reduce her level of attractiveness to men in general.

Maybe losing Lucia to a decent man will make Ivan realize what an idiot he is turning out to be.

Less-Vitriolic Quazi

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