Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #138 Tuesday 11/1/11 Everyone Else is Sickened by PepaFina’s Dastardly Deeds, But It’s Berta Who Gets (Retail) Therapy

Amigos- It’s been over a week since we’ve heard from Jules. Jules, we hope you’re ok. Please check in and let us know you’re well.

Jules may still surprise us today with one of her great recaps. In the meantime, here’s one of my 10 minute recaps from memory. Please fill in anything I might have forgotten.

Matias reacts reasonably well to Adri’s plan to pretend to be Chema’s girlfriend until he kicks the bucket. He tries to convince her it’s folly and that Chema should know the truth, plus they won’t be able to keep the truth from him forever. Adri knows, but she wants to make him as happy as possible for as long as possible. They’ll cross the Truth Bridge when they get to it. Matias is weepy, but he understands why Adri wants to do it. They both dissolve into tears and hug.

Jero returns from his talk with Obispo Juan Cristobal and meets Nata at the hospital. She greets him with a kiss (wiping away the lipgloss she leaves on him), and they chat about what a blessing JC (the obispo, not Jesus) has been in their lives. His story and words of wisdom have brought them both peace. They smooch some more. Luckily, Berta isn’t lurking around the corner with a scowl this time.

The next day, Fina’s trial begins. Berta begs off attending (she’s such a delicate flower you see) and gets the royal stink eye from Hon&Con. Everyone else attends. In the first row sits Isidro, Inez, Regina, Renata, and Jero. In the next row sits Matias, Adriana, Honorio, Connie and Antonio. They are later joined by the private detective. Fina is behind bars directly in front of them, and behind the judge’s back. She stares at the crowd with disdain and gives them an evil half smile. The charges are read one at a time. The list is long.

-The kidnapping of Regina Jr. (Gina flashes back to the empty stroller and her panic.)
-The death of Roberto. Fina’s lawyer says there’s no proof. It’s Gina’s word against Fina’s and Roberto’s death was ruled as a natural death by heart attack. (Gina flashes back to Roberto on his death bed trying to tell her Pepa did it.)
-THREE attempts to murder Regina. The peanut gallery is shocked. Fina thought bubbles that she can’t believe she failed so many times to kill Gina.
-The murder of Rafael.

Jero gets up and leaves the room and Nata follows. He can barely contain himself and can’t stay in the room to hear the details of Rafa’s murder while staring at Fina’s ugly mug. Nata understands and says he can go home and she’ll see him there later. She tells him she’s sorry. Jero wants to stay and support her. They hug, kiss, and go back to the room arm in arm. When they get back inside, Gina asks if they’re alright and calls Nata “hija”. Nata tells her she loves to hear Gina call her that, and they hold hands and send each other waves of love and support.

Meanwhile, Berta takes the cash Fina extorted from Gina, which she got from Jero, and shops till she nearly drops.

Chema takes his dad produce shopping and talks about his work with the center. Dad is proud of him. Chema talks about his great girlfriend Adriana. They run into Hit n’ Run Sister, aka Julieta, who has come to buy ingredients to make a friend’s birthday cake. Chema offers to make the cake for her and she accepts. Chema then passes out in the market. A while later, he’s sitting and drinking juice. He is now sure something is wrong with him and remembers he has to go to the doctor to get his test results. Since the doc told Chema’s dad that he WOULD tell Chema the truth if he came to him, Chema’s dad stalls him by saying he’ll pick up Chema’s results and talk to the doctor. He assures Chema he likely just has a vitamin deficiency.

Later, in Chema’s apartment, he’s tucked into bed, and Dad talks with Julieta. Julieta, like everyone else, tells Chema’s dad that he shouldn’t keep the truth from Chema and he’ll figure it out soon enough anyway. Dad is determined to keep up the ruse for as long as possible. And with the drugs the doc gave him, which he has started to give to Chema, these fainting spells should diminish.

In the wine country, everyone is excited about the upcoming wedding of Laz and Kari.

Leon (Alvaro’s spy) gets more info from Mati about who’s getting married and when. (She brings him fresh lemonade and affectionately calls him chiquitito. How can he betray these sweet people?!) He reports to Alvaro. Alvaro gets Doc Tumor to use his contacts and money to get him two fake passports for him and Kari. He wants to take her to the States. It’s only after he gets the passports that he tells Doc Tumor that he’s a fugitive on the run. Doc Tumor does NOT want the cops on his trail, so he tells Alvaro to get out and not to come back.

Augie returns to Cruz de Amor and gets the wedding details from Zeke (so that he can start to make his evil plans). He wonders why such a religious woman like Kari, who is a widow, is not getting married in the Church. Zeke dances around the subject without giving away the fact that Doc Nasty is still alive. After he leaves, Augie channels Doc Nasty by saying if Nata can’t be his, she can’t be anyone’s.

Manuela invites Alfie to the wedding, and to be a witness, on behalf of Kari. Alfie is pleasantly surprised, but Manuela tells her Kari has forgotten all about the past so Alfie should too.

New character alert! Manuela has received a disturbing call from her son in the States. He and his wife are trying to send their teenage (15-16) daughter Alison to an eating disorder clinic, but she refuses to go. Manuela wants to bring Alison to La Bonita to stay with her instead. If after being around Manuela’s delicious cooking for a while, Alison still can’t kick her disorder, then she’ll be sent to the clinic. Since they don’t know how Jero and Nata will feel about another person in La Bonita, Kari offers to have Alison stay with her and Laz in their new house.

Mati and Carlos are super cute and loving, but sad that with the Padre out of commission, their wedding will continue to be delayed.

Kari and Laz get frisky and talk about starting to make lots of babies. Kari makes Luz Maria’s baptism gown and loves being a godmother for the first time.

Luz Maria is doing so well and has grown so much that she doesn’t need the heat lamp anymore or Marina’s daily check-ups. Alfie says she will miss seeing Doc Marina each day (they’ve become good friends). She tells the doc about Jero coming back for the wedding and wonders if she’ll attend. She doesn’t know if Nata is coming back too. Doc Marina looks excited at the prospect of Jero returning alone.

Avances: I can’t remember much, but I did see another avance later in the evening that was different and looked like they were previews for the rest of the week. I won’t give it away if no one else saw it. I will say that there is a huge surprise in store for the Nata-Jero-Marina triangle!


Thanks, Vivi. I hope Jules is just super-busy with something awesome, and not something bad.

It was hilarious when the court official said "we'll start by reading the list of charges" and Isidro muttered "this will take daaaaaays."

Looks like we're in for some eating disorder PSAs...yes, Manuela and Kari, I'm sure the reason this girl is starving herself is that the food isn't tasty enough. Living with newlyweds is bound to help, though...

Vivi, terrific recap, loved the title and "(the obispo, not Jesus" and "(she’s such a delicate flower you see)" had me laughing out loud.

I keep thinking that there may be a change of heart(s) due to the Chema storyline. So many ruses - so little time. Or not. There was some powerful chemistry between Chema and Adri once, might there be time to rekindle the flame? I also think Matias has better chemistry with Julieta.

Jules, I also hope you are well.


Vivi, thanks once again for stepping up to the plate and doing a recap, I appreciate it.

The Chema storyline is very sad. It was great to see Matias and Adriana working out this little bump in the road. It was also good to see Chema's dad "doing the right thing". I have a feeling Chema is not long for this world. Something similar happened to my cousin and I think he lasted all of two weeks from the first time he blacked out.

Will Kari and Laz even notice someone else in their home? I bet she spends more time with her grandmother in her awesome kitchen.


Thanks, Vivi. You have an amazing memory and an incredibly orderly mind to knock out such a nifty recap without warning or prior preparation. I'll bet that you were a whiz with pop quizzes.

"Matias is weepy"

He's gifted at that.

Once again Jerry managed to underwhelm me with his brave stand in the courtroom. He could take lessons in manhood from Renata.

Do we really need Alison right now? OK, maybe she can babysit Luz or perhaps the neglected Gitana will nudge her in the proper direction.

Jules, I certainly hope that all is well with you.


Vivi: I missed last night's ep. Thanks for the quick recap. Now I know what parts I can FF through. So there's a new character coming who might be trouble. You are driving me crazy with the Nata/Jero/Marina avances hint. Though totally understand why you don't want to say more. ;)

Diana: I agree re: the chemistry between Chema and Adri and Matias and Julieta.

Also hope Jules is OK.


Thanks, Vivi, for stepping in otra vez. I haven't had a chance to watch last night's yet, so I'll hold off on comments, except that I wanted Julia to know that I got in last on the comment board from her re-cap, and I didn't want her to miss my appreciation. Thanks, Julia and Vivi.

Rosemary la Otra

Thank you Vivi for the recap. And thank you Julia, for the comment on eating disorders and their genesis. Lousy cooking, NOT.

Carlos, I have to agree with you about Jero. He's so NOT jeroic. Why do the TNs write the men as sooo histrionic?

I was glad to be spared a lot of the good Dr. Marina's drama last night. How surprising can it be for her as a physician when, after a shag or two, she turn up expecting? Writers, just let the baby be healthy. Chema's impending doom and the mad Doc on the loose story is enough anvil and gloom for me for now.

Beautiful weather here in the Wine country today—crazy warm for November. 76 degrees with clear blue skies. Wow. I am going to enjoy it because tomorrow they say rain is coming.

And she isn't just a doctor, Elna June, she's an OB/GYN.

I think Kari and Manuela are in for a nasty surprise if they think they can just put a nice meal in front of Alison and everything will be fine. I have lived with people with eating disorders, and it is NOT pleasant. The starving, plus the tortured stuff going on in their heads that leads to the starving, can make people really mean and nasty. Food is only a part of the issue.

Doc Marina doesn't seem to be surprised that she ended up pregnant. She keeps saying that she made the choice, knowing full well what the consequences could be. She should be asking herself why she chose to have unprotected sex with a man she knew was in love with someone else-- HIS WIFE!

Julia- Yes, Isidro's sly comment was hilarious. It will take at least two episodes to get through the list of Fina's crimes.

Carlos- You're right. It is the men in this tn who are the delicate flowers.

Not sure yet what purpose Alison could serve, but I have to say every character in this tn has served the purpose of moving the plot forward somehow (except maybe Hit n' Run Sister, but she has time). So I'm sure Alison will shake things up at La Bonita somehow. But yes, Manuela and Kari are in a for a very rude awakening if they think a few of Manuela's finger licking good meals will cure Alison.

Perhaps Alison will get a crush on Carlos and cause a rift between him and Mati because, he's such a nice person and won't know how to nip it in the bud?


Manuela's kitchen is more than a food prep area - it is place of peace, love and lot of good advice.


That would be gross if she's only 16, but a possibility. I'm curious now as to what personality she will have. Troublemaker, or just troubled? I'm a bit nervous about having a fragile young girl around with both Nesme and Augie on the loose.

Very true about Manuela's kitchen Rosemary. That, plus a good therapist, should help Alison a lot. Actually, being away from whatever pressures/stresses are in her everyday life may also help. But it will be a combination of things. I like the idea of her helping to care for Luz too. Alfie was saying she wants to return to work at La Bonita and take Luz with her so that she can nurse her. But she will need someone to watch Luz the rest of the time. I would think taking care of and nuturing a helpless being could also help Alison.

Do we know if Alison's eating disorder is anorexia? We might end up being introduced to a 300 pound teenager with a whole different set of problems...

Yeah, the nurturing environment might help. It depends on how bad the eating disorder is. One of my sisters was anorexic in high school, and she not only limited and strictly controlled her own eating, she also would get ragey if other people were eating. Somehow she had the idea that normal eating was wasting food and making people fat. The rest of us had to basically sneak around her in order to eat without a battle, especially when our parents weren't around to keep her in line. I wouldn't have trusted her to feed a baby.

She's fine now, but I have no idea how she recovered...I was fortunate enough to escape to college and not have to deal with her.

Oh, you may be right, Emilia. I don't remember now exactly what Manuela said...but the way she and Kari were talking about tempting the girl with delicious food, anorexia was implied. But Maneula also said she wasn't really sure what was going on.

Julia: It would be like a kid getting a crush on a teacher. Since she's troubled, he might be extra nice to her which she might misinterpret as his having feelings for her. Wait!!! I think I saw that movie. It didn't end well. :)



Like you, I have personal experience with anorexia; both my youngest sister and my oldest daughter. It was a nightmare in each case, for the person suffering with the disease and for their loved ones.

The lies, the rage, the acting out, the blame. My daughter was finally hospitalized when she weighed 87 pounds. With a lot of unconditional love, therapy and time she finally got well.

I think Emilia has a goo point though (Hi, Emilia!) there are a whole range of eating disorders and all are very difficult to treat.

Vivi, thanks for the clarification re Dr. M. Asking oneself "Why the crazy behavior?" is a lot more healthy than acting bewildered by the natural consequences of our actions. My Spanish is bad enough and I have missed so much of this telenovela that I mis-interpreted Marina's regrets for whinging.

I am still rooting for her bebe. I hope she and Jero have a healthy happy little one. Please, writers, don't make the baby part of the tragedy....


Vivi, thank you again for stepping up and doing the recap.

I really hope Jules is OK and just super busy.

Carlos, "He could take lessons in manhood from Renata", hahahaaa!! You always say something that totally cracks me up.

At Fina's hearing didn't they forget the other two guys she killed? The detective and her old boyfriend the ex-mayor?

I forgot to say I just love the title. Very clever and spot on.

Yes, Vivi, thank you. I too hope Jules is ok, just busy.
Hi Elna June - been awhile. Good to see you back.

Julia and EJ, your experiences with anorexia sound just swful. So glad your loved ones recovered.

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