Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #152 Tuesday 11/22/11 Of Snakes and Spiders: Two snakes slither in intent on seduction, two kids are lost & found

By ElnaJune

The Title was too long to fit the end should say "and a mad widow in black bites a Priest."

D.F. Empresa offices
Laz and Kari are still watching the kids. Ezekiel did have sex with Roberta—Ezekiel confessed to him.

We open our episode with Roberta seated in her office apparently working. At the least she has her butt seated in an office chair and is reading something in a blue file folder. German slithers in, asks if she needs any help and begins wrapping himself around her. His intention is to be closer. Boy, this guy is bold. They share a sloppy kiss—which Roberta seems to really enjoy—but then she abruptly breaks off the kiss and rushes from her office.

Matias is in Adriana’s office when Julieta walks in. A three way conversation ensues about the in and outs of maintaining the “lie-til-he-dies” polite fiction that Adri is Chema’s novio. She mentions the difficulties they faced in a recent running encounter with Matias’ Aunt Constanza.

Roberta, wandering by Adri’s office overhears the conversation. She is slyly delighted to have caught the “good kids” in a lying scheme and thought bubbles, “You guys agreed to lie” and “there may not be a scandal now but our roles will change”. I guess in Roberta’s twisted little mind a chance to slime her stepbrother (and former-fiancé) as a liar just can’t be passed up.

Hacienda La Bonita, Ensenada

Meanwhile back at La Bonita, Matilde and Carlos are spatting over newbie wine wonder woman Priscila. Matilde is jealous of Carlos’ old friend and work-mate. Carlos tries to soothe Mati by saying he “only has eyes for” her. But Mati is not so sure. She stomps her petite little foot in yet another display of her emotional maturity. Priscilla, whom I suspect IS indeed scheming on Carlos (because she is conveniently listening at their door) sniffs at Matilde as her competition. She never expected her competition for “Charlie”—to be a maid (sirvienta). Oooweeee, this Prescila broad is t-r-o-u-b-l-e AND she has class issues.

In the MASTER bedroom, Renata is helping Jero pack their matchy-matchy orange and red maletas as they get ready to go to DF for the new 2G (Gina plus Gonzolo) wedding. I hope they have packed matching Kevlar outfits as well. They enjoy a few well-deserved light romantic moments, when in knocks and then walks Manuela. As usual, she is wringing her hands. The crisis du moment is that she has not seen her granddaughter or Anibal for some time. Lazaro looked for them but it did not seem that they were to be found at La Bonita and a car is gone. “And you all think that the kids took it”, says Renata. Manuela shrugs helplessly.

Jero, Renata, Carlos, Lazaro and Manuela gather in the living room for the run down on the "missing" teenagers. Laz thinks the kids took the car and Manuela worries that neither of the kids knows the area and could be lost. Jero sends Super Laz out to look for the wayward teens while Renata reminds Manuela to calm down. Jero reacts somewhat hysterically himself and wants to immediately call the police. Now Renata tries to talk HIM off the ledge. An aside…Will someone please get that man a prescription for Xanax? Remember what they used to say in commercials about chewing tobacco, "jest a little pinch between you cheek and gum,"...One of those nice little blue pills under your tongue, Jerome, my man, and you will calm right down. Tranquilistete, Jero. You can buy it in a bottle if you can’t find it within.

Before the action can escalate, Laz walks right back in to say the kids have been found--they are with Señor Dunant, QTH...? And right on cue in strolls Augustin offering a toothless-but-wolfy smile and his best deep-voiced "Buenos Noches". Both Renata and Jero look very uncomfortable and Augustin looks like the cat that just swallowed the proverbial canary. It turns out the kids have taken a car to go sightseeing in the Valle and were found and returned by Augie after they ran out of gas.

Manuela takes the teens—Alison and Anibal—outside and chews them out for disappearing and taking the car without permission—that is stealing, she says. Using the triple threat of guilt, shame and fear she makes them feel bad for worrying her, reminds them that this is where she WORKS and tells Alison that she is at La Bonita on sufferance and could be at a clinic or—heaven forefend!!—back with Mom and Dad. After a little sass, Alison apologizes to her grandmother. She chastises Aninbal saying that the Linares’ opened the doors of their house to him on trust and this is how he repays them? Anibal hangs his heads at this but sticks up for his girl Alison and says it is entirely his fault. This is most noble and quite untrue since we know that Alison drove the car.

In the main house the conversation continues between Jero, Nata, and Augustin about the lost and found teens. Alison says it happened because they were bored. To prevent any more shenanigans it is decided that Anibal will leave La Bonita and go to stay with his putative dad. Anibal makes sure he gets to take his motorcycle.

D.F. Empresa Monterubio

German telephones Roberta. He’s moving in on her like a boa constrictor on his way to lunch after a three week fast. Roberta is particularly animated and sparkly after helping Augustin pull off the con on Ezekiel & Co. She smiles coyly at her phone when she sees German’s name come up and doesn't answer.

Really, Roberta? I think she is seriously into this creep. But our Roberta deserves some comeuppance, dear viewer. Her behavior has been particularly reprehensible of late.

Hacienda La Bonita

Back at the velorio Alfonsina is one mad widow in black. After throwing a conniption fit, tearing up flowers, overturning furniture and preventing anyone else from mourning ‘Zeke, she returns for a quiet moment on her own with the casket containing the body of Zeke and REALLY lets him have it. She was cheated, betrayed. All her worst fears have been realized. What kind of man would do this to her and their children? Furthermore, knowing he cheated on her with Renata’s sister, who knows how many others there have been? In a rage, she tells Ezekiel that his whole life was a lie. A damn lie. Wow. Hard scene to watch.

Kind Kari is caring for her children so Alfonsina can rage all over ‘Zeke’s lifeless body. Hopefully, she will remember soon that she is a mother and that her kids still need her. Hopefully, Alfie will be able to forgive ‘Zeke when she discovers he wasn’t quite the villain she imagines and that Don Augustine of the white windbreaker had her man murdered in cold blood.

At the priest’s house POOR PREGNANT Marina is in bed wanting to know how Alfonsina is doing. This thing is horrible for Alfonsina and everyone she loves. Antonio is there visiting and he listens and is sympathetic. He advises Marina be patient and be concerned about her unborn babies. (Blech).

Back at The Cruz, Augustin shows Anibal his new bedroom in the hacienda and asks the boy how the room seems to him. The room is fine, says Anibal. Augie says, “Just do me one favor”. Anibal agrees. “Do not tell anyone you are my bastard”. —Did he really say that??? Please correct me if I heard that wrong! Anibal says, “No”, he will not tell anyone and Augustin leaves the room with an, “I hope not”.

In the aftermath of the missing teens episode, Manuela, once again twisting her fingers, approaches Jero to ask if (even after this trouble) her granddaughter can stay at La Bonita. Jero naturally says “Yes, if Alison can behave in a mature manner,”—heroic Jero once again. I personally am not sure just how generous this is, as it appears they could easily house all of the former ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protestors at La Bonita.

Next Morning, Hacienda La Bonita

“Mi Charlie”. That is how Pricilla the oenologist continually refers to Carlos as she breakfasts with Renata, Jero, and Carlos. At only her second meeting with her new employers this girl is winding herself around Carlos like the serpent in the tree in the Garden of Eden. She leans on him, she tilts her head coyly, she refers to their shared past, she touches his hair—they were novios in España—at breakfast with the Bosses. Renata seems less amused than Jero by this display—she is in a hurry to get to the airport to fly to D.F. Jero tells Prescila that Renata is the love of his life.

Naturally, Matilde overhears and observes Precila’s behavior with Carlos and is tortured by it. Naturally, the writers give us more of Mati and Carlos fighting over Prescila. Naturally, we in Viewerville think that Carlos is a dolt for thinking he could bring an ex to work alongside him and not have it bother his fiancé, Mati, who appears to have the emotional IQ of a 13 year old. And Matilde may have something to worry about. I predict that Pricilla has an AGENDA, and it ain’t about making sure that La Bonita wine wins gold medals.

D.F., Empresa Office

German walks into Roberto's office. Roberta is reading something in a red file folder today. Why did you leave, he asks? Roberta says that maybe some folks are ok with pursuing such a situation such as theirs but SHE is different. “You are a friend of my father and you are married”. Right. Now Adri, who we remember is already suspicious of those two, walks in on this ‘moment’ and raises her eyebrows at German and Roberta’s chemistry.

Hon assures Gonz that all will be good at Empresa while he is on his honeymoon. Don’t worry about anything. Right…If Gonzolo comes back into his body for anything we hope it will be his honeymoon.


Padre Severino comes home to Antonio and Marina. Yawn.

At Hacienda Cruz we are now treated to the first demonstration of Augustin’s fine parenting style. While wandering around the house Anibal tries a door and ends up in a wide-open room with lots of mirrors. He picks up a fencing sabre (foil, epée? Anybody out there a fencer? Please correct my terminology) that just happens to be lying around. Augustin comes in and father and son cross swords. After a somewhat barbed exchange in which Anibal LIKES Renata Augustin ruthlessly uses his foil to disarm his son, holding—for just a minute too long—the sabre to his son’s carotid artery. We in Viewerville consider this to be a very menacing scene. If poor Anibal had seen what we have seen—the practiced way Augustin stabs his lovely leather desk blotter with a knife-like letter opener—he would hightail it out of La Cruz like a jackrabbit with a coyote on its heels.

At La Bonita Laz sees Jero alone. He checks in about the ‘Zeke/Roberta pairing—yes, they did hook up, Laz confirms, but Zeke would never assault Roberta. He is also not buying the story that ‘Zeke’s death was suicide.

Time is compressed and Renata quickly arrives in Mexico City and is at Daddy and Regina’s mini-palace in-a-telenovela-second. After a sweet hug and greeting between Regina and Renata, Gina can’t wait to give Nata the family news flash—Roberta is working at Empresa! Nata cannot believe it. They discuss Gina’s honeymoon and the upcoming boda de sangre (oops, did I say that? Sometimes a wedding is just a wedding, as they say.)

Corina brings the Trojan Baby to Constanza and spins a yarn that Amparo is very sick. Coni, once again, takes charge of Corina and bebe and they leave immediately to get help for the bebe.

Black Widow at La Bonita

At the former velorio Padre Severino returns to his pastoral duties and tries to talk Alfonsina out of her rage. He brings her a letter of condolence from Marina. He has a hard time believing Zeke did these things. “He did it”, she intones. She thinks her kids are better off without Ezekiel and he will not even be mentioned from now on. She bites the Padre’s head off and sends him packing after he reminds her of the obvious, that Zeke was the father of her children.

In the wine cellars of La Cruz Augustin pours Anibal glass of wine. Anibal says he prefers beer. Augustin says if the boy likes beer he will like wine too. O Anibal! Be very careful! Watch what you drink at Hacienda La Cruz. Augustin asks Anibal just what his mother told him about Dunant. Anibal says it was his grandma who gave him his dad’s name.

Empresa Offices

We cut to German sliding in for the seduction again, this time in HIS office. Now he tells Roberta that he has many problems with his marriage and has considered divorce. (Pobrecito). “But you are not a free man and I don’t want to be the ‘other woman’”. says our ever-needy purple-eyed Roberta. German implies that he might be tempted into leaving his wife. Since he met Roberta everything is different. ¿”De verdad”? She asks. “Yes”, and he covers her hand with kisses.

After Roberta’s machinations in yesterday’s capitulo, your recapper believes that these two deserve each other. Writers, bring on Sra German Ibarrola Moneybags and let the fun begin.

Finalmente, back at La Bonita Jero is just leaving the house to join Renata in D.F. when he is confronted by the police and arrested for conspiring in the supposed death of Dr. Nesme!

* I did not catch the avances. Please correct or fill in missing details as you like.


Remember this is recapped by Elna June!

Oops. Found several typos after Cheryl kindly posted this for me but one in particular MUST be clarified as follows:
this sentence should read...
"After a somewhat barbed exchange in which Anibal notes that Augie LIKES Renata, Augustin ruthlessly uses his foil to disarm his son, holding—for just a minute too long—the sabre to his son’s carotid artery.


Details, details. The end of the Title reads, "one mad widow in black bites a priest".


Elna June, I can correct the barbed exchange comment but the title cuts off at some point and cannot be extended. If you want to reword it email me or tell me here and I will fix it.

Not to worry, your recap is wonderful and I am about to finish reading so I can comment more.

Oh man, I was waiting all evening for your recap and as soon as I poured myself a glass of wine, hunkered down and uploaded your recap I got a long, involved telephone call. Pests!

EJ, you haven't lost any of your pizazz, in fact I think you've been holding it in for way too long. Naturally there are way too many scathingly brilliant quips to quote all of them, but I'll note some of my favorites...

"He’s moving in on her like a boa constrictor on his way to lunch after a three week fast." Zing, you nailed it.

"wine wonder woman", yep, just ask her.

"If Gonzolo comes back into his body for anything we hope it will be his honeymoon." Hee, I hope for Regina's sake it is so. Judging by his grin it shall be so.

I think when Augustin asked Anibal for a "favor", he requested that Ani not "borrow" anything from him. It certainly did sound like he asked Ani not to tell anyone he was his bastard though. Anyone else hear that bit and want to weigh in?

Yikes, Anibal sure knows how to get under Augustin's skin, doesn't he? Dad's got an epee/foil/whatever (I don't know) at his throat and the kid is still needling him. You are so right, if Anibal had any sort of clue at all he would "hightail it out of La Cruz like a jackrabbit with a coyote on its heels."

OK, I'm only partway through and I've gotten another phone call. DRAT!! More later...

Oh, and thank you Elna June for recapping tonight. What a treat for us! Cheryl, thank you for posting.

Thanks so much Cheryl. I shouldn't have written such a long title!


I just love Renata's reaction when Regina told here that Berta is "working" at EM. To me that was extremely realistic and natural.

Alfonsina, you IDIOT. I can't believe how rude she was to Padre S. It's his first task after coming back to work and she totally shuts him down. No "Hey Padre we totally missed you thank goodness you're back." I hope she accidentally puts her pants in the dryer, shrinks them, and then keels over dead from being internally squashed when she puts them back on.

Whoa, Jero got arrested? I sure didn't see that coming. For conspiring in the supposed death of Nasty N? That's going to be one crowded jail. He hardly acted alone.

I don't think I can help much with the avances, lots of gnashing of teeth at Jero's arrest. A couple of seedy-looking guys I didn't recognize. It looks like Augustin arranged the arrest and/or he is generally working to sabotage Jeronimo.

Thanks again EJ, you got a very busy episode. Well done!

Elna June! What a terrific recap! "You can buy it in a bottle if you can't find it within." Haha, that really cracked me up. While he's at it, he should get a really big bottle and slip a bunch into Augie's wine.

I heard the same thing you did, Sylvia...Augie asked Anibal not to "borrow" anything like he did the car at La Bonita.

I'd forgotten all about the fencing salle at CdA. Jero is a master fencer as well...can't he challenge Augie to a fight to the death one of these days? Creepy how intensely Augie went after Anibal with the...foil?

Oh that Julieta, such a schemer, telling Matias they have to be really convincing about their relationship so Chema won't catch on. Smooth, chica. Why doesn't she just "break up" with Matias and start putting the moves on Chema? She seems to like him more than she likes Mat; she's just fixated on Mat since she saw him first.

Elna June, this is so fantastic.Thank you again for giving us such a thoughful recap. I love your humorous imagery especially of German as a Boa which he certainly seems to be. You show us how the so called adults variously react to the pure teenage joy ride and how it can be dealt with if it is seen as a theft or as a prank by kids on a lark.

Your characterizations of the main characters is so insightful. I would add that Matilde certainly does have the emotional maturity of a 13 year old and Prilscila has an agenda and class issues but isn't Priscila suffering from arrested development too. Carlos is not entirely blameless because she has arrived thinking she will get him back. I am sure these two will keep ups entertained while the anvils advance on the real villains.

One fact I would add to Jero's arsenal of knowledge is that he is told by Super Laz that Zeke regarded Roberta as Augie's woman! Now we just saw him remember the scene iwht Selene who also told him that Roberta was having an affair with Augie. You can just see the understaniding fall into place but he will have to handle this so carefully with Renata before openly condemning Roberta as a bald faced liar.

What a wonderful way to start my morning -- coffee and an Elna June recap. Your title is terrific ( with or without the missing words) and the whole recap sparkles.

I loved the "new 2G wedding," Augustin, " offering a toothless-but-wolfy smile", Priscilla " winding herself around Carlos like the serpent in the tree in the Garden of Eden" and the aforementioned description the creeps boa constrictor moves on Roberta. Funny stuff.

Yesterday's VCR cut off the tape just at the kiss in the office so tonight is the first I've seen it. Sloppy doesn't begin to describe that disturbing kiss. Yuck!

I agree that in the conversation in the fencing studio Auggie asked Anibal not to "borrow" any of his stuff.

It was obvious that something was going to go wrong when Renata went on alone with Jero to follow --but slapping him in jail was not what I expected. How many times are these two going to be driven apart by what looks like one stood the other up???


Elna June- Amiga, I have missed your recaps. Wonderful imagery and funny insights!

I also heard "prestado" and not bastardo. Anyways, the bastardo cat is already out of the bag and halfway across Ensenada by now. :)

The kid isn't even in his house a few hours before Augi is menacing him with words and swords. Not a good sign of things to come. Run Ani! Run!

After Alison and Manuela left his office, Jero also admitted to "borrowing" a friend's car when he was a teen, so he gave up his Mr. Perfect title to Nata. It was cute. He better get ready for when the twins become teens and learn to take a chill pill. Although I suspect most of his ire was due to the fact that Ani is Augi's kid, and he didn't want him in his house in the first place. It was hilarious how he was fuming in the background as Augi came into his house (AGAIN) and spread himself out on the couch. LOL!

There were a lot of little moments that I enjoyed last night. Jero and Nata canoodling in the bedroom after she told him he should appreciate the woman he has, a woman who had packed his suitcase for him. Then they both said "awww!" and dissolved into kisses and giggles. It's a shame they were interrupted. Also, enjoyed the scene with Nata and Gina. Nata's reaction to Berta working, and her teasing reaction to Gina and Gonzo going on honeymoon.

Carlos needs to tell Pris to keep her wandering hands off him. Nata looked horrified. Plus Pris brings up the whole "My Best Friend's Wedding" stuff. When the Julia Roberts character and her best guy friend promise to marry each other if they don't find someone by age 30 (a promise that she and Carlos supposedly made while drunk and watching the movie). In the movie, the guy character gets engaged and she heads to the wedding with the intention of breaking him and his fiancé up so she can have him for herself. I think she fails in the movie, right? Take note Pris!

I can't even talk about Alfi. She refuses to attend the burial of her husband and father of her kids! I knew her brain wasn't working at all when she told Zeke's coffin that he was hypocritical to make her feel bad about her affair with Doc Nasty when he boinked Berta, and probably countless others. Uhm, if she remembers correctly, after that night that he went off with Berta, he became really nice to her and then they reconciled. If she thought about it, she would understand how guilty he must have felt about his one night with Berta, and that he probably gained more of an understanding about Alfi's transgression. I still think him sleeping once with a woman after he and Alfi were already estranged because of HER affair, is nowhere near as bad as her long-term affair. (I guess I DID talk about Alfi, after all.)

Elna June: You're back - and without skipping a beat. This was fantastic.

I'll chime in that "newbie wine wonder woman", "2G" wand toothless0but-folfy smile" were simply great. You covered all of the details and did so in your always interesting and fun style.

Cheryl, you are so right. Carlos "Charlie" definitely has some culpability for bringing Pris into the mix. Listening at the door already? I am kind of looking forward to her verbal sparring with Mati (am I a bad person??). Cat fight for sure.

As much as I tried to defend Roberta earlier on (although half-heartedly), I am getting more upset with her at each passing episode. What is she going to do to cause even more misery to the Chema storyline?? Blech.

I would like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and hope that you get to spend it with those you love. I am grateful for many things, Caray's recappers and commenters certainly high on my list.


Let me join in the chorus E.J...you've been gone too long, both as a commenter and a drop-in recapper...So glad you're back and we get to enjoy your humor and wisdom again.

I loved all the lines everyone quoted (You're hot stuff on snake imagery) but my favorite was your opening line about Roberta appearing to be working....

ät least she has her butt seated in an office chair and is reading something in a blue folder"

Yep, that's about the extent of the "work" that our little Roberta will be doing there. Blech.

Always love "heaven forfend" as well. Has such a Forsythe saga ring to it.

Allison continues to leave me cold. Hated the way she sassed her granny and didn't like her dishonesty when Anibal took all the blame for the escapade. She's neither honest nor respectful.

Thanks so much EJ and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Elna June, this is simply delightful. How wonderful it is not only to have your saucy comments to enjoy once again, but also this sassy recap to remind us of what we've been missing. Excellent!

While Nata seems genuinely distressed, Jerry is all too comfortable watching Carlos squirm as, meanwhile, Matilde panics.

He's had his laugh, now it's time to come to his friend's rescue.

The kiss between Roberta and Germán looked downright painful. Certainly not the work of a skilled womanizer and an experienced vixen.


Good morning, Elna June and all my Caray friends! Love it EJ! Totally love it! Got lots of faves but here's my laugh out loud one: "Right…If Gonzolo comes back into his body for anything we hope it will be his honeymoon." Maybe that's what will bring the poor dear back!

Oh, it's heating up! Augustin beginning his seduction into eeeevil of Anibal--Anibal, you will surely learn before this is over to listen to your mother!) and putting his turn Jero to Zero plan into action! I'm beyond tired of Alfie. And would somebody return poor Zeke's earthly remains TO the earth for the love of. . .

EJ, this recap is emblematic of what I love about Caray Caray! I learn so much here: "oenologist", and besides that full of snark, spark and snap! Thank you!


"And would somebody return poor Zeke's earthly remains TO the earth for the love of. . ."

LOL Lila! The burial is tomorrow, but Alfie refuses to go. That's why Padre was so ticked. I bet he wishes he was back in the hospital.

EJ this was fantastic. Busy morning -1/2 day work and then the boys are coming home for the weekend. Let the cooking and laundry commence!!! So not much time to comment, except to say how awesome this recap was and to wish everyone a wonderful holiday weekend!!!

Good morning, Elna June and friends of CME! It is so fun to see all the delighted reactions to your return to recapping Elna June. It will warm all of us on a frosty morning before Thanksgiving.

I added the missing words of the title to the first lines of the body of the recap. I love all the reptilian and insect imagery too.

I'm with you Vivi. Carlos should long ago have told Miss Pris to keep her hands at home. Mati was at fault for his not having the chance to inform her beforehand about Priscilla and their past. Then there was the bad timing of her arrival during the velorio. Still he should have set Priscilla straight from the first. He's been
wa-a-ay too receptive to her cloying "Mi Charlie" manhandling.

I too am left cold by snitty little Alison. Of course she wouldn't be sent away by her parents if she weren't at least a bit of a trouble maker. I guess we can count on her being sweetened up by her Abuela's sugar. But for now I'm not enjoying her company.

Once again Elna June -- this was a real winner.


Elana June, a great job. Covered all the events and added just the right wit, and wonderful comments by all!

I have to go watch the twins today, so don't have much time, but wanted to share with you all that we aren't going to need a DNA test on Anibal after all - because he WEARS HIS JACKET ALL THE TIME!

I can just imagine him just after birth in the incubator wearing a smart fleece-lined B-17 bomber jacket.


Thanks EJ for the great recap. I have been out of town and was able to catch up thanks to all of the great recappers.

I can't belief Alfie's attitude considering she was sleeping with creepy Doc in the
First place. I guess anger is part of grieving but she has some nerve.

Roberta as always is a snake. I think they should have made Renata and Roberta a little older in this TN. I know I would have never given Greman or Augie a second glance when I was 24. It makes it very hard to believe. I think if German would have kissed me I would have needed a shower immediately. Yukk!

I'm very tired of the lying to Chema story. It's a little boring at this point. I guess I missed the Doc death. Why is Jero involved?

Well thanks again to all the recappers and have a great Thanksgiving.

EJ! Nicely done! Sylvia wasn't joking when she described you with "Pizazz". "Mad Widow in Black" is just phenomenal. I love the play on words. Your WHOLE title is amazing and should NOT be shortened.

So many pizazzy comments, but I'll go with your one on un calmante para Jero - "You can buy it in a bottle if you can't find it within" as my favorite, followed by "could house all the Occupy Wall Street protestors" and "matching kevlar". lol

Sylvia - so many phone call interruptions - you don't actually chat with solicitors, do you?

Gag... my DVR also cut out early on Monday so I didn't have to see the sloppy kiss til today. Gross. You know who else kisses like that is Selene. Maybe she'll end up kissing German and we can be so disgusted we can't look away.

All Prescila has to do is make one of her "class issues" comments to Carlos to completely turn him off. Of course, his mama will love her even more. As soon as she said that I decided that I dislike her more than I was looking forward to Matilde being tormented. And her possessive behavior at the table was so inappropriate.

Notice Dr. YellowRobe has not had any visitors. I guess they all think she is an energy sucker too.

Hmmm.... could Augustin be looking at Death by Epee at the hands of Anibal? Sounds swell to me. Please, please, please Anibal, don't fall for Augie's charms like we did back in the day.

Rosemary la Otra

R la O, talk to solicitors? Oh heavens no! I don't even answer my land line. I was conferencing in with some folks in a different time zone (Hawaii) is all.

Yes I noticed Doc MeMe doesn't have many visitors. Only Alfonsina. Alfonsina doesn't have many friends either. That explains a lot I think.

Death at the hands of Anibal? I thought the same thing! The moment they squared off that thought rushed through my brain. I wouldn't wish such a thing on the poor lad, but still...

EJ, you have such an incredibly poetic way of writing. It is pure joy reading your recap. Your alliteration, rhyming words, plays on words, it's simply smashing.

David, I had a total ROFLMAO moment at your comment that Anibal WEARS HIS JACKET ALL THE TIME! You are so right.

Buenos dias!

Thanks you to all for your most kind comments.

Thanks for adding the info about Ezekiel perceiving Roberta as Augie's mujer. Very important plot point for Jero, no? Also, ITA with you about Carlos. He is far from blameless in this situation. He's had way too many blond moments for my taste and he is a coward with women. His mommy bullies/coddles him, Mati bullies/entraces him and now we will see how Prescila will work on his evident weaknesses. This should be one wild ride!

Sylvia, I appreciate your kind comments and your correction about what Augustin said to Anibal. Whew! I am so glad I heard and reported that incorrectly! What I thought I heard was so RUDE and, as Vivi pointed out, Anibal's parentage is old news by now. I loved your comment, "Yep, just ask her". I giggled at that. So sorry you were interrupted by people while you were doing the important business of reading a RECAP. Hello? Who calls while you are trying to read a new RECAP? Will people never learn...HAHAHAHA

Julia, thanks for chiming in on the previously mentioned correction. And to have your praise (you are such a master recapper) is very sweet indeed. Julieta is a little schemer all right. I suspect the reason she doesn't just choose Chema is because...He has a terminal disease but... his daddy is NOT bucks up with a bullet in his brain like Matias' daddy Gonzo. OOO how cynical of me.


Elna June thanks for the great recap. As others have noted you should do this more often as your wit is amusing and well aimed at those who cause woe.

Poor Anibal. I wish characters could read our warnings so they live or not get traumatized. David great comment about the jacket. Where in IN do you live?

Sylvia loved your comment about Doc Tatas and Alfie having few friends. As the TN continues the become worse.

David I also fell off my chair over your comment about Ani needing no dna to prove who his father is because he always wears a jacket.

Güera: Gracias for your comments. Like you, I was shocked by Jero's arrest. As you said, just when Renata and Jero are enjoying some sweet time together they are separated again??? Arghh, ultimas semanas are rough, como no?

Dear Vivi, fab recapper and mistress of memory, I love your advise to Ani, Run.
You are so clever to catch the allusions to the movie, "My Best Friend's Wedding". That whole thing sailed right over my head. ITA 100% about Carlos setting boundaries with the pretty serpent (Pres) in the vineyards. He is acting totally clueless about the situation, but in attempting to avoid conflict by not telling Matilde about his previous relationship with Pres he has set up a perfect roller coaster for their relationship. ¿Quien sabe? Maybe lovely Matilde will grow up and develop some emotional skills. One can only hope...


JudyB and Carlos: It is lovely to ba back with my amigos from Gancho, MEPS, ENDA et al. I truly appreciate your welcoming back the prodigal commenter/recapper. Smile. This is such a warm and generous community and although it seems improbable, I feel that many of you have become genuine friends. Gracias and again, to receive praise from the masters is praise indeed.

100% ITA about Jero watching Carlos squirm. Carlos acts the part of the fool in this teleplay, but he is Jero's fool and utterly loyal and well intentioned. This situation screams for Jero to rescue "Charlie" with a few words to Pres about professionalism in the workplace, which might also stiffen Carlos' spine.

Diana, so nice to hear from you. no, you are not a bad person! Matilde has a lot of suffering to do before she evens out the bad karma caused by her BIG mouth.



Alison looks to me like a very hostile problem child. Cute as they are together I am not sure she is worthy of Anibal's sweetness and teenage valour.

Lila and Vivi: Can you believe Alfonsina? For her crimes against her children I am not sure she can be redeemed. Now she won't go to the burial??? Poor Padre S, just trying to do his job.

My word verification is CHEERS! And cheers to you, Elna June for your great recap. Loved, loved the title.

Am I the only one who likes Alison? She was just tossed out by her parents, probably after years of nagging about her eating (or lack thereof). I'd be a little testy also, especially at that age. The joy ride? Not smart but at least they weren't driving in the DF...

Carlos is definitely dense. Bringing an ex-girlfriend to 'work' for him?? What was he thinking? (What was he thinking WITH?!) He knows Mati has class issues of her own in addition to immaturity / tantrum problems.

Happy Thanksgiving, all!! I'm so thankful for each of you. What a great bunch of friends!!

Oh, thanks, Vivi, Comcast has been inserting commercials at a pre-designated point regardless of what's going on. These commercials have come mid-word and caused me to miss key points. I could slappem! LOL! indeed! ;D


Wow, R la O: Great comments. I have hope for Anibal the cutest, but I hadn't gotten to the idea that he might take Daddy out with a sword. Very interesting thought, m'dear. Someone (Julia?) mentioned Jero and Augustin having it out with swords. I either did not know or forgot that Jero fenced as well. You know the fencing came up for a reason...


Yeah, Jero, Matias, and Augie all fence as a hobby and are good at it. Jero and Matias already went at it back when Matias was jealous over Nata, and Augie and Matias had a friendly match. But Jero and Augie have yet to have a match. I hope it happen in our less than 30 capitulos to go!

David- Your comment had me chuckling through lunch. LOL!


Have fun with the twins. Your genetics snark on Augustin and Annibal had me ROTFLAMO. I am still chuckling. You are such a great addition to Caray, Caray.

Hi Chuchi, thanks for the comment.

Hugs to Emilia and Mike. Happy Thanksgiving to all.


I haven't decided how I feel about Alison yet, but she is the spittin' image of a really good friend of mine from high school. I will try to find some time this weekend to dig up a picture of her and post it. You'll be amazed at the mirror image.

Alison does seem fairly bright, so I am hoping that if Augie starts to get a hold on Anibal, she will see it for what it is and reel him back in.

That was sure uncomfortable when Augie came into La Hacienda and just kept staring/leering at Renata. That had her, Jero and me squirming.

Emilia - how fun to get CHEERS for you WF! Maybe when NOK gets done with our Nesme nicknames she can compile Great Word Verifications of CME. j/k NOK! But, like you and EJ, I am also thankful for this group. Who here dares to mention that, though, when going around the table saying what you are thankful for? lol It's bad enough that we'll all be wearing our beanies!

R la O


I loved your recent photo with Vivi. You two looked like you were having too much fun.

I can hardly bring myself to comment on Marina. She is so entitled and such a whinger that it's like she doesn't even appear on the screen to me. You are too right, she and Alfi have a LOT in common.


Brava,brava ElnaJune,

I especially loved "...as it appears they could easily house all of the former ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protestors at La Bonita." Yeah, what is THAT about? Just how many more people are they going to squish into that house? Anibel leaves with his Pa and two fiesty broads take his place.

I think I read somewhere that Eleazar Gómez and Zoraida Gómez are sibs.


Ha! Valeena, I never knew that, and you are indeed correct! Just looked it up. Julieta and Anibal are real life siblings. I never connected those two before.

Chuchi, welcome back! It's great to have you commenting again.

Great sleuthing Valeena. I'll be looking for the sibling similarities. Such a good looking family!

EJ: Great recap. I wasn’t fond of this ep, but you made it fun.

I agree that Carlos is an idiot. I don’t think Prissy Hotpants could have made it any clearer what she was about. Nata certainly knew.

David: “…we aren't going to need a DNA test on Anibal after all - because he WEARS HIS JACKET ALL THE TIME! I can just imagine him just after birth in the incubator wearing a smart fleece-lined B-17 bomber jacket.” Cracked me up. Hoosiers have a great sense of humor, don’t you think ;)

R la O and Valeena: "could house all the Occupy Wall Street protestors" I’m with you on that one. This is my fav of all the great lines. Also noticed this too: “That was sure uncomfortable when Augie came into La Hacienda and just kept staring/leering at Renata. That had her, Jero and me squirming.” Me too.

Loved the end of the scene with Regina and Nata and how longingly Regina looked at her as she was going upstairs and how longingly she said her name. That reveal is going to be awesome when it comes.

I’m having a really hard time when I’m reading about Anibal, because the actor who played Anibal in MEPS is in this and I automatically think of him and then none of what I read makes sense. ☺

My first thought when I started watching this was this is the ep of the bitches. Roberta, Pris and Alfie all in one ep, all in total bitch mode.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. After reading IMDb message boards for a couple of my shows, I really appreciate even more the kind, friendly, funny, respectful group that is the Caray, Caray gang.


I'll chime in and defend both Alison and Carlos aka Charlie.

I don't think Alison is very bad. She's a flighty teen, she's a bit sassy, she acts without thinking, but she also apologizes to her abuela when she finally realizes she's been a brat. I think it's just typical teenage acting out...she's annoyed that her parents treat her as a problem child, so she responds by causing problems and acting childish...no, it isn't a good strategy, but that's normal teenage thinking. I think she could turn out to be decent.

Carlos tried to tell Mati about Priscilla, but she refused to let him talk about it. I think in Carlos's mind, he has absolutely no interest in getting back together with Pris, so it's a non-issue. Obviously no one else thinks it's that simple, but how was he to know she was going to be such an octopus? He does neet to have a stern word with her and not sit next to her ever. And Mati needs to grow up and either trust Carlos or dump him.

Happy Thanksgiving all. Hope the family and food doesn't interupt anyones novela watching, or at least that none of the loved ones mess with the vcr.

I'm still willing to give Alison a chance. She is only a teenager after all, and someone has to be around for Anibal to tell Augie's secrets to. He must be able to get some goods on the guy being in the hacienda, and he'll need someone to find out and come save his life. (I'm assumming he's going to be in trouble as most people within Augie's reach are). It does seem a little funny, Renata calling them "kids" when she's only 24.

This jail thing for Jero will hopefully be taken care of quickly. Wasn't this the idea of the prison guy to save Nesme's life? Jero didn't have anything to do with the planning, and shouldn't the cops know this? Besides, this couple is getting really cute now. Loved when Renata teased him on his not being so perfect (as Augie called him) after he told her he once took a car.


ITA about everything you said about Alison and Carlos Julia. But Carlos DOES need to have that talk with Pris. She's being way more than friendly...

Hear, hear, Julia. I raise a glass to the idea of Mati growing up. Although the actress is darling I have never liked the character. Her state of perpetual adolescence is deeply annoying.

But are you sure Carlos was not a bit flattered as well as flustered by the attention from Pres? He just might remember all the good times and...


For me the jury is out on Alison.

Oh Robey, that really tugged at my heartstrings when Regina said "Renata" and then touched her heart. Where is that "Roberta no es su hija" line? Weeeee're waaaaaiting!

I liked how Renata and Regina laughed about Roberta working. Really, Renata was not alluding to anything Inez had not already said that upset Regina. I guess it's all in the delivery.

One thing that is so remarkable about Renata, but puzzling to me, is her resilience. How do you go from seeing your friend swinging dead from a tree to laughing about packed maletas and Mi Charlie? Each one of Renata's knocks would have me down for days, weeks, months. And there are so many! I would love to emaulate her but fear I don't have the backbone.

The registers shut down at WalMart on Monday just as I was checking out and trying to swipe my card. It took 20 minutes for them to come back up. I wasn't about to leave the $200 worth of groceries already shopped for, checked out and bagged in my canvas bags. As soon as I finally got home I ate ice cream right out of the box. I can not see Renata reacting like that.

R la O

R la O: You are one very funny lady. Who knows how Renata acts when she is away from the cameras??


EJ, I'm so glad you posted your picture. Happy to put a face to the name...

R la O, you waited until you got home to eat the ice cream? I'd say that's showing admirable restraint. I'd probably have smooshed it out like a big ice cream cone and eaten it at the register!

Valeena!! You're back! I was just wondering about you. Have you moved yet? Oh, December, right?

So many fun comments: Prissy Hot Pamts, oh yeah...

Elna June, great picture! You have a fantastic smile. Come to think of it, we all do. Is there such a thing as a bad smile? Uh oh, I feel somehow Mike will find an example somewhere. No smirks or leers allowed.

EJ - nice picture! You look very much like you sound: like someone who would be appalled at the phrase "Don't tell anyone you are my bastard". lol Thanks for adding it to your profile.

Word verification: pture. Somewhere between pubescence and maturity. Ex: Matilde was acting very pture last night.

R la O

Wow, awesome recap EJ!

"You can buy it in a bottle if you can't find it within" was my fav line too! LOL!

Good to see all those beanie caps people are wearing! Glad to know my fellow televidentes are so well armed!!!


It's getting too close to curtain time and I haven't checked in to thank Elna June for her very original title. The recap was masterful and funny. Thanks for all the quotable phrases. I could go on and on, but time is short and it's all been said.

You all know I keep my eye on Jero as much as I can. So, I enjoyed how Augie, once he made himself comfy on the couch started in on Jeronimo about .... jumping to conclusions, as to someone's bad character, as you are won't to do (referring surely to how Jero has badmouthed Augie to Renata). Jero sputtered but could not defend himself--since the kiddies returned at that point. It was cute that he "confessed" Nata about his adolescent escapade. I was sure it was going to be Augie who had that in his background.

WHY DIDN'T THE KIDDIES HAVE CELL PHONES????? All the consequences would have been avoided and Ani could have stayed at La Bonita--just sayin'.

Chuci did anyone answer you? It's not the Doc's actual death, but the intent to hide his supposed death. Doc is safely in the clink. Maybe he and Jero can have a nice man-to-man talk while they are there.

Oh, and David--I tried to visualize little Ani in his sheepskin, 0-6 mos. size jacket. Collar up or down?

Well, I meant, fleece-lined. Same animal, no?

Yes Dear Sylvia, there are only good smiles! Happy Thanksgiving to all our CME and whole Caray Caray family. We are one big lucky group, coming together to suffer together as the subtitles say. And this CME is no exception just think we have had a funeral, tantrums, did any of you see the damage done to the casket? It looked like it had been in a minor car wreck when Alfonsina finished with it. It is so melodramatic that we have also laughed heartily together out doing each other with a boat load of snark.

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