Monday, November 21, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #33 Mon 11/21/11 a whole lot of broncas...

Pancho still denies he's in love with the bombon. Blah, blah, blah - you realize they have to stretch this out over many, many months! That's why Chela and Pancho have to have the same conversation 1,000 times ("you are abandoning the family!" "No, don't worry") and Chela and Candy have to have THEIR conversation 1,000 times ("Irabien is dangerous." "I know what I'm doing.")

Pancho's advisors plan to get revenge for Pancho when Candy visits Vince tonight.

Vince watches through his telescope while Candy dresses langorously for their date. Pina interrupts his ogling; he tells her Freddy broke up with Moni, then leaves. Pina looks through the telescope (fixed on Candy) and says, "oh noes! surely my friend can't be his new love!!"

Candy tells Chela she can't believe Pepe would want that fresa Monica - "he likes the rude, lusty girls of the barrio." Swearing all to secrecy, Candy sneaks out of the house. Chacho follows her taxi!

I'm liking this word bronca they use so often. It means a squabble; armar or montar una bronca = to kick up a fuss, create a ruckus; buscar broncas = to look for trouble. A bronca can be a racket, scolding, telling somebody off. Está con una bronca = he's in a foul mood; me da mucha bronca = it really bugs me; tenerle broncas = to have it in for somebody.

Blah, blah, Nico likes both of the maids and asked the thinner one to the movies. Blah, blah, Tomas says "I love you Lupita, I'll never do it again! I respect you and will wait till we marry!"

Telephone rings at la casa de las Lopez: it's Pina asking for Candela! Chela's flustered inventions rouse Pancho's suspicions: "Your nose is growing, Chela, where is she?" He guesses the truth, that she's out with Iracheta (Vince).

Chacho borrows his taxi-driver's hat to get into the fufufura restaurant where Vince and Candy are nose-to-nose. Vince: "I should have treated you like a princess. I'm demented for you!" She's ambivalent; she likes his wife and doesn't want to betray their friendship, but she wants Vince! She also considers the fact that Vince keeps trying to destroy her brother!

Vince stops her inner monologue with kisses - that Chacho manages to photograph! Vince hears the camera. "The papparazzi are always after me," Candy glows.

Monica has a slow motion romantic dream about Pepe, but then Pepe morphs into Freddy, then Vince and Enzo show up to shoot Pepe! Nightmare! At school at first she doesn't want to talk to Pepe but then admits she broke up with Freddy and accepts his really wonderful kiss, I wish I could get one like that. Then she pushes him away; he says he'll wait till she's ready.

At Vince's house, Adoracion brings in an envelope Chacho slipped under the door - the photos of Vince kissing Candy - with a note made of pasted magazine letters that reads "Leave Pancho in peace or else!" (Chacho gloats: "Just like in the movies.")

Pancho yells at Candy some more - she sort of admits she was with Vince "but it was to help you." Across the grass, Pina doesn't get a look at the photos ("they wouldn't interest you"). Vince rushes out...

... and storms into Pancho's house and yells at him, thinking the blackmail was Pancho's idea. They brag and threaten each other. (Vince: They called me dirty Harry at school, Pancho: they called me Jarrito de ?? missed it) Vince keens: "And you Candy, you deceived me. Encubridora (accessory after the fact)!"

Julia was able to fill in the missing word above and here's the joke. He said "They called me Jarrito de Tlaquepaque" - you can google that - 'Hay un dicho en Jalisco que dice que los mexicanos somos como “Jarritos de Tlaquepaque”…chaparros, cafés, gordos y muuuy delicaditos.' (There's a saying in Jalisco that Mexicans are like the jars from Tlaquepaque [which are made of the local mud and not of very good quality] - short/squat, brown, fat, and verrry delicate.)

also: según la opinión de la mayoría, los jarritos de Tlaquepaque son FEOS, CORRIENTES Y DELICADOS (ugly, low-class and delicate)

and therefore: De hecho esta frase se una como sarcazmo cuando alguien se ofende por lo que le dices. (Used sarcastically when somebody offends you.)

There are a million jokes like that in this show and I don't have time to look any of them up!

Leaving, Vince yells: "It's thermonuclear war!" He throws the photos at Pancho, who is muy impactado! Candy: "What's a little kiss?" Pancho: "Those kisses remind me of the snakes that eat rats whole." Candy: "I want him to fall in love with me so I can hit him where it hurts." Pancho: "You'll kill his dog?"

Pina tells her buddy her husband is obsessed: "Vince never stops talking about that illiterate family. But Candy is different, she is so interesting - Candy could never betray me. He must be having an affair with - Chela!"

Rebe calls Pancho to remind him there's a meeting in half an hour. He says he's in a storm at home. Rebe knows the problem must include Vince because he, too, is AWOL from Avon.

Finally: Lupe comes to see Tomas but his sister Elena says he's not home, and then tells Lupe "I've changed my name to Hellen." Hellen/Elena is very nervous; Lupe hears Tomas giggling with - somebody - Hellen covers for him, but it's no use, because bursting out of the back room bounce Tomas and Beatriz, half nude. Beatriz sneers: "We've been doing this for years, I give him what you won't. We are friends with rights." Lupe is in tears again. Wise up!


Melinama, thank you for the details in tonight's recap. I was on a conference call, kinda watching live, not realizing that the DVR wasn't recording. I did, however, notice Monica's dream and then real-life kiss with Pepe. Ay ay ay, that boy is insuring his place on the panoply of great kissers.

Clearly Pina does not want to believe what is in front of her face. She keeps making excuses. Candy is making her own excuses.

Finally Lupita is forced to believe the obvious. I hope she finally drops that skank Tomas once and for all.

Thanks Melinama! Who knew that broncas had so many meanings, and good for you for noticing and sharing all those meanings. That's great stuff.

Wow, great recap Melinama! So you like Pepe(LOL!)?

Too bad I missed Pepe & Monica's kiss. I really like them together.

I'm so glad Lupita caught Tomas in flagrante. With Beatriz yelling their history. (I did catch this part - awesome!) Sometimes that's the only way a woman will get past the endless excuses/lies. Ooooh - Ellen is in trouble!


Oh, yeah - definitely thanks for the broncas lesson. That was great!


Thanks mucho! Great recap and useful vocab lesson. Pancho said "jarrito de Tlaquepaque." Tlaquepaque is an artsy town adjacent to Guadalajara but beyond that I don't get the joke.

So glad Lupita caught Tomas again. Basta ya.

That smooch was smokin'. Go Pepe.

Julia, thanks so much for filling in the missing word. I googled the phrase and added it to the recap above. I'm frustrated that there are so many good quips in this show that go whizzing right by us.

Thanks so much for explaining "broncas." I've been trying to decipher that one for literally years. No wonder I couldn't get it - it means practically everything!

Also thanks Julia for explaining the jarritos thing!

Pepe Pepe Pepe! Pepe is awesome! Moni has doubts, but I don't! That boy's got a future! If the mechanic thing doesn't work out, there's always the kissing booth!

Candy: "I want him to fall in love with me so I can hit him where it hurts." Pancho: "You'll kill his dog?" Hahahaha!!

Thanks to Univision's odd schedule I missed that last scene with Tomas and Betty. UGH. I hope we get to see it again tonight. Or do I? I don't think I can take much more of Lupita's super-sad face. She looks miserable even when she shouldn't. :-(

Thanks so much Melinama. And for the unraveling of the word bronca.

Yay! Tomas has been outed! And Elena too. I hope Lupita lays into her for being such a bad friend and helping cover for her brother while he makes a fool of her. Dump them both already!

I also enjoyed Pepe's kiss. What is Monica waiting for? Go for it aleady girl. But Pepe played it perfectly saying he'll wait till she's ready, after giving her a sample of the merchandise.

Oh well done on the jarrito explanation! Great translating by Julia and sleuthing by Melinama. It drives me nuts knowing I'm missing ninety percent of the jokes, however at least I'm getting a few thanks to you guys.

Vivi, I hope Lupita drops both Tomas and Elena. They are crummy friends and both rather annoying. I wouldn't mind seeing less of Elena. I gather we might be seeing more of half-clad Tomas and I'm OK with that as long as he leaves Lupita alone.

I'd like to see how Chela blames the problems between Tomas and Lupita on Pancho's new job. That should make for some interesting logic since the cheating started before they left the hood, and he cheated on her with a fellow hoodrat. Is this the kind of skank she and Candy want to see Pepe with? Hmmm? Moni may be a fresa, but she's loyal to friends and family.

Okay..this is absolutely my favorite kind of recap...full of interesting phrases and vocabulary and cultural information....and funny and entertaining as well.

Mil gracias...I'm a little bit smarter today thanks to you,Melinama and Julia, and that's all to the good!

I wasn't going to watch this telenovela; I was really going to cut back to two, but now I'm thinking I need to watch this intently just for the more advanced language lesson. They talk so fast and use so many zippy phrases and jokes.

Someone also used one of my favorite phrases last night: "Siempre ves moros con tranchetes" - you always see Moors with daggers; i.e. you see threats where they don't exist.

Thanks for sleuthing that out, Melinama. I thought of trying to do it but I was using my phone and it's tedious to type and search on.

Monica's nightmare was so funny. I love dream and fantasy scenes because they get to really ham it up without making the "real" action too cheesy, plus it's so revealing about how the characters see things. In Moni's dream, Freddy was a smarmy poser who ran and clung to Daddy like a toddler when things took a turn. She's got his number.

The funniest/saddest part of that last scene in the hood was how gloating Beatriz was...lording it over Lupita that she's been Tomas's unacknowledged piece on the side for years, so HA! 'Cause she'll do whatever Tomas wants and ask nothing in return! Yeah, Beatriz, you're the real winner here...

Just FWIW (adding to cultural lessons):

I like to translate "Moros con tranchetes" as "Moors with scimitars". Tranchete refers to a curved blade, and the curved blades the Moors used when attacking Spain are called scimitars.


Now I've learned even more! Thanks, Audrey. In my unsophisticated mind, stabby slicey things were all more or less the same. Now I'll know that it's a scimitar.

Melinama, gracias for a fun recap and all about "bronca." At last, I have a handle on that word. Julia, gracias for the lowdown on "Jarrito de Tlaquepaque."

I'm so glad Tomas' skank couldn't pass up the opportunity to brag like an idiot. Now Lupita has no choice but to dump his sorry a$$. I just hope Lupita can summon a good slap when Tomas comes up with his stupid excuses.

Me too! Loved the background in the jarritos de Tlaquepaque!

I'm getting way too much credit here. I only heard the word. Melinama did all the research!

I haven't been watching really closely, but has no one suggested to Pina that she could get sponsors/a station to pick up her show, and not have to rely on Avon to fund it?

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