Monday, November 21, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #76 Mon 11/21/11 The Bitch is Back!

The show started 12 minutes after the hour, so let’s not waste time and go right to where we left off.

MP has just made an unwelcome return to the homestead, to the surprise of Lucrezia and Carlota. Lucrezia and MP are the only ones happy about it. Carly wants to know why she’s here. Well, she just decided to change her ticket to Europe to a ticket to Mexico on the spur of the moment. Carly’s not keen on her staying in the house (considering she DID kick her out of her house the last time they spoke), but Lucrezia won’t have her favorite daughter stay in a hotel. She’ll stay in Lucia’s room from before. “Before what?” MP wants to know. Lucrezia gives her the 411 on Lucia’s marriage to Camilo. “Does Ivan know?” She’s happy that Ivan’s dreams of marrying Lucia are frustrated.

In her bedroom, Lucia is lying in bed, moping and crying. (What’s new?) Shirtless Camilo enters and looks in on Perla. (Since he’s been such an ass lately, his six pack has the same effect on me as it does Luica…meaning, no effect.) He begs her forgiveness and says he’ll go back to being the Camilo from before. (Uh huh) He begs her to help him, and she turns into his embrace. He tries to kiss away her tears.

In the dining room, Carly wants to know what MP’s plan is—to bother (fastidiar) her sister, or to pursue Ivan? MP denies it and claims she worried about them after hearing about the hurricane. She’s going to stay a while (una temporada) and see her friends. She even offers to help pay the hacienda expenses (with Ivan’s money), but Carly refuses on Camilo’s behalf. Lucrezia takes her demon seed off to gossip, and Carly holds her head from the gigantic MP induced headache that she already feels coming on.

All alone in his mud-colored cave, JJ sips his forbidden tequila and mopes. Judith enters and tries to get him to stop drinking. It’s now her job to care for his health now that her mom is gone. JJ uses this as an opportunity to try to bully Judith into asking her mom to come back. She refuses, so he tells her to butt out. She knows where the door is.

The next morning, Ivan and Tony get ready to head off to visit the other ag associations in the other zones. Alex will hang out with Benito and visit his peeps like Gerry and Carolina. He also wants to visit Lucia again, but Ivan says Lucia is too busy with her husband and baby. Alex is not happy about it. He hugs Ivan and Tony goodbye.

Camilo gets dressed, while Lucia holds adorable Perlita on the bed. She’s going to see her professor to schedule her final exam to get her degree. Camilo slyly slips in that if she intends to leave, to please let him know (me avisas). He’s got ranch biz and insurance biz to take care of.

Camilo runs into MP on the inside patio walkway. He is also unpleasantly surprised to see her. She is wearing a short robe, insists that he hug her, and then pulls him towards her for a very un-sister-in-law-like kiss. (I think we’ve found out what mischief she’s decided to cause.) Camilo is left speechless, and vaguely guilty looking. Outside, he runs into Celia and Carmen, who have just arrived. He begs Celia not to tell Lucia what they spoke about the night before (when he was having one of his “why can’t she love me the way she loves Ivan” tantrums).

Celia greets Perlita and brings her a pink and white sweater she knitted. Celia offers to bathe Perlita, but wonders of wonders, Carmen actually takes her nanny job seriously and says she will do it! She then picks up the baby and gets really affectionate with her after Lucia leaves. (Did we judge Carmen too harshly?)

Hey, it’s an ad for La Que no Podia Amar, and it looks like it will replace Fuerza.

MP is telling Lucrezia that she has a right to visit her son since the judge gave her twice a month visits. She doesn’t care that she won’t be well received in Casa McGuire. She also comments that Camilo is looking mighty fine these days… Lucrezia slaps her hand and tells her not to start! (And if she does, I am sure Lucrezia will do NOTHING about it, as usual.) “I was just saying Mama.” She wheedles the use of the SUV out of Lucrezia. Lucrezia says that Lucia won’t be pleased to see MP in the house. “This is my house too, isn’t it mama?”

Celia and Lucia are sitting outside, enjoying the peaceful (for the moment) view and talking about what Lucia will do once she receives her professional degree (título). Lucia does intend to work, but for the moment only part-time because she doesn’t want to be away from Perlita too much. Celia admits she’s never worked outside of the house. But she did take in ironing after her husband died, even though the boys provided for her. They give each other compliments and Celia says Lucia is neither common nor ordinary (común y corriente). (Remember, Lucia said the same about Celia some episodes back to her mother.) Celia asks about MP being back in town and in the house. This is news to Lucia. Just then, the b!tch herself flits by and into the black SUV to head into town.

Gloria brings Carmen a bottle for the baby. Carmen takes the opportunity to ask about Lucrezia going to the market, being that Monday's coming up and that’s when she usually goes. Since MP’s just come into town, Lucrezia’s schedule has likely changed, thinks Gloria. Carmen asks if the Curiel women go out at other times. Surely, being ladies of society, they must go into town regularly to visit friends. Gloria gossips that they are persona non grata since the family fell into disgrace. No one invites them anywhere. Carmen calls up Saul and relates the non-news. He wants more details.

JJ tells Saul he wants him to get a job (chamba) and doesn’t want to see him being lazy (flojo). Saul begs again for the money for the surgeries. Not happening. JJ tells him to get a job as a busboy/waiter (mozo). Saul stares at his broken image and says he hates JJ.

Ivan, Tony and Carlos meet with the new ranchers in the other zones. Looks like they’ve got good products.

Alex visits with Caro, but his Papa Gerardo is off working. The hurricane has been a boon for him. Alex tells Caro how sad he is that his Papa Ivan can’t now marry Lucia. Caro tells him that things aren’t always how we want them to be. But in any case, Lucia still loves him (Alex). She pulls him into a warm embrace. They say how much they’ve missed each other.

MP’s wearing all black, like the black crow of bad luck that she is. Benito spots her entering Casa Lomeli and wonders, what the heck?! Alex is understandably upset and begs Caro to not let MP take him. He huddles more tightly to Caro and gives MP the stink eye as she tries out a few “mi amors” on him. “Leave me alone.” She says she wants to take him to get a burger. She claims she has a right, since the judge said she can visit him every 15 days. (She neglects to mention that she is required to be in Casa McGuire, and in the company of another adult, during that visit.) She insults Caro and Benito when they refuse to let Alex go with her. It looks like she’s about to get her way, when Antolín enters and tells her he doesn’t give a damn about a judge’s order and to beat it. She does. Anto can’t believe that Benito was going to let her take Alex. She may be Alex’s mother, but she’s a hateful slut. (Tell it Anto!) “She only slept with Ivan because she was horny (por calentura)!” “Antolín!” Caro is horrified that he just spoke so openly in front of Alex. Anto looks horrified at himself too.

That night, as Ivan is tucking him into bed, Alex innocently asks what is “calentura?” Ivan thinks he means it literally so he explains what having a temperature means (also calentura).
Alex: Anto said you slept with my mom “por calentura”. Were you sick?
Ivan: Well, Alex. It’s a way of saying when one person likes/cares about (querer) another person, and feels really attracted to them, even if you don’t love them.
Alex: So you cared about my mom?
Ivan: Yes, I cared for her (la quería), but I didn’t love her (no la amaba). I cared for her because she was really pretty, nice, daring (atrevida), and really attractive. There were a lot of things that I liked about her. But there was one missing ingredient. It’s best that you be in love when you have a relationship with a woman.
Alex: I’m not going to have a girlfriend unless I love her.

Ivan asks why Antolin said this, so Alex reveals the Wicked Witch of Alamos is back and tried to take him out with her that day. Ivan looks as happy with this news as we would expect.

Benito is at that moment updating Tony of the day’s events. He thinks the only way she’ll leave Ivan and Alex alone is if she’s put in the nut house. Ivan joins the conversation. Ivan wants to know WHY she’s here. Tony is sure it was just to cause problems between him and Lucia since he intended to come win her back. Tony is sure she’s happy with the news of Lucia’s marriage. Ivan wants her to just go away already. Will he never be free of that p…(starts with p, ends with erra)?! He catches himself and says, woman.

Mr. and Mrs. Galvan also chat about MP’s arrival. Lucia does not feel comfortable having MP under the same roof. Camilo takes this as an opportunity to suggest they move into their own house, but Lucia points out they don’t have the money for the added expense of rent right now. “We could live with my mom. She’d welcome us with open arms.” Lucia doesn’t think that THEY should be the ones scurrying away like rats. She’s determined NOT to give into MP like she’s done her whole life.

Saul and Gordo discuss their harebrained scheme. Considering that they still don’t know much about Lucrezia’s schedule, and she usually goes to the market with the servant, Gordo is beginning to think they need some more time and planning and more help. Saul wants to keep it simple, and he doesn’t want any killing. “Then, why did we take Anto’s gun?” Saul says they’ll use it to fire at the car and such.

Lucia’s in bed on her phone and seems to wrap up plans to see the person on the other line tomorrow. She ends the call sending kisses. Camilo cautiously asks who she was speaking with. (Asshole! If she was talking to Ivan, she wouldn’t be so open about it when you could enter at any moment.) She explains she and Berenice are meeting their professor tomorrow about setting up their final exam. He offers to go with her and wait for her in the parking lot. (Creepy.) Lucia says it’s not needed, then quickly turns away and turns off the lights before Camilo can get frisky.

The next morning, she’s driving the road from the ranch to Alamos when one of her tires goes flat (se ponchó una llanta). She gets out and flags down an approaching car to help change the tire. Who should appear in his big old SUV, but Ivan. He gets out wearing sunglasses and a blazer and looking every bit in control. Lucia finds it hard to hide her nervousness, but tells him what the problem is. He gets her jack and spare tire out of her trunk. He wants to use the opportunity to talk. She claims she’s got nothing to talk about with him. “Well I do.”

Berenice is waiting at the university and calls Lucia. Lucia won’t make it on time, so Bernie will let the prof know what happened. Ivan finishes up the tire change. Since he heard she missed her appointment, he knows she now has time to chat.

Ivan: Why did you get married so soon Lucia? Why?
Lucia: Because...just because.
I: That’s not an answer Lucia. Let’s go someplace and talk, and we can have someone come for your car and take it back to Socorro.
L: No, no. Camilo will find out.
I: And what? Are you scared of him?
L: No, no. It’s not that. But he’s jealous and I don’t want problems.
I: Is he a jealous husband?
L: Only when it comes to you.
I: Lucia, this isn’t right.

He says her name over and over and hugs her close. They both start to cry. She asks, “Why did you leave me?”
I: I told you that I would come back for you.
L: It’s too late.
I: No. It’s NEVER too late.

He leans in for the kiss and doesn’t eat her face off this time. It’s actually a decent kiss. He calls her his life, his love. Lucia can’t take it anymore. They’ve taken different paths and it’s best that they forget. She thanks him, gets in her car, and leaves sad Ivan by the side of the road.

Lucia’s moped and cried all the way home. She finds Carly in the living room and grabs hold of her. “Abuela, I miss him. I can’t forget him. He was the love of my life and still is.”

Camilo arrives at the ag association to speak to JJ. The secretary lets him pass. JJ tries to bullshit him, but Camilo gets right to business. He wants to see the insurance documents. JJ tries out his new lie, that the error was the cause of the secretary’s mistake. The farmers are covered 90%. His coverage being 100% was the error of the insurance agent and he’s working to fix it right now. He’s going to pay and get the same as everyone else. He shows Camilo the new (backdated) paperwork. The ranchers can come by starting tomorrow to receive their payments. Does Camilo still want to replace him as president? Camilo claims not, but is stony-faced through the whole discussion. He wants JJ to clarify things with everyone during the upcoming meeting. He leaves, and JJ curses him. He’d rather be dead than let Camilo take his job. Actually, it would be better if Camilo were the one who was dead...

MP is telling Lucrezia that she wants to buy herself a new car. In the meantime, she wants to use Lucrezia’s car again. They continue to gossip. This time about Esther leaving JJ. MP thinks it’s the perfect opportunity for Lucrezia to marry JJ. Lu fakes shock and changes the subject when Gerry walks up. Surprisingly, Gerry seems pleased to see her. MP immediately starts spinning some tale about how Ivan hired some guy to falsely testify that he was her lover so that he could get rid of her and keep Alex. Gerry and Lucrezia don’t look like they believe one word of this, and Gerry is telling her exactly that as they enter the house.

Lucia is in the living room bottle feeding Perlita. Perlita looks content and ready for that bottle to be placed back in her mouth, but first she is greeted by grandpa Gerry. MP cuts to the chase and asks how old Perla is. When Lucrezia says she was premature, MP crosses her arms and says the baby looks very healthy and non-premie like to her. She wonders if Lucia was getting it on (comer la torta) with Camilo before they married. Lucia keeps her cool and leaves the room.

Gerry wonders why MP always has to pick on her sister. MP plays innocent, but then wonders out loud if Lucia wasn’t cheating on Ivan with his best friend. Gerry gets pissed. He doesn’t want to hear her say anything like that again! He leaves; then Lucrezia starts laying into her. If she’s going to continue to say these ugly things, then best get herself to a hotel! And no one believes that crap about Ivan hiring someone to lie about being her lover.

In the kitchen, loose lipped Gloria gossips about MP with Carmen and all the trouble she used to cause in the old house. Lucrezia interrupts the gossip session. She wants Gloria to prepare the grocery list, considering the things that MP will also want. The vodka MP wanted will NOT make it to the list. Lucrezia decides she will indeed go to the market on Monday. Carmen then finds out from Gloria the hour Lucrezia usually goes to the market (10-11 am), and then fishes for more gossip about MP’s drinking habits. Gloria doesn’t think MP’s changed at all.

Carmen excuses herself and calls Saul with the update. He’s waiting at the ag association and signs off calling her “mi reina” (my queen), just as Anto walks up. He wants to know who is this “reina.” He doesn’t care who it is, as long as it’s not his sister. He stares a hole through Saul until he’s made it through the other side of his father’s office door. The secretary brings Anto the list of ranchers to call about assembling to discuss the insurance update.

JJ is telling Saul that he’s useless to him in this state, and calls him stupid. Saul’s had enough. “Why do you hate me so much?”
JJ: Because you were my pride (orgullo). My eldest son. An alright guy, bold, clever…you had it all to make it in life. But you preferred to become a drunkard, a womanizer, and who knows what else.
S: And what? You weren’t a womanizer (mujeriego)? You going to say you didn’t like to drink (tomar un trago)?
JJ: Well, yeah. But I knew how to handle my adventures. And I can count the number of times that I’ve gotten drunk and become idiotic like you. And look at how things have turned out. Your brother, who I always thought was a fag, has turned out much better (than you).

He tells Saul that Esther has abandoned them and wants a divorce. He proposes a deal. If Saul gathers his siblings and they convince their mother to come back, then he’ll pay for Saul’s surgeries. Saul agrees.

Gerry shares with Caro what went down with MP at the ranch. He seems to be shocked at what an egotistical witch MP is. (Where’s he been this whole telenovela?) “Where did I go wrong?” Caro thinks she learned well from Lucrezia. Gerry thinks she’s worse. Caro is scared for Lucia and the baby with MP in the same house. Gerry doesn’t think MP would go THAT far. Caro doesn’t trust that demon.

Berenice visits Lucia. The prof is cool with rescheduling their meeting. Lucia tells Bernie that it was Ivan who helped her change the tire. MP is listening at the door. Lucia actually gets up and closes the door and locks it before getting into more detail, but it’s too late. MP already has enough info to do damage. Lucia continues to tell Bernie that she still loves Ivan. Bernie finally has the nerve to ask who is Perla’s real daddy. Not sure why she looks so shocked when Lucia admits it’s Ivan.

Ivan’s looking at beach pics of Lucia in his bedroom. Unfortunately, his t-shirt is on. (I guess he broke up with the wall, because he’s looking at hard copies, and not caressing the slide show on the wall.) Tony comes in and they chat about the ranchers they met with. Ivan tells Tony about the flat tire incident. He saw in her eyes that she still loves him. He’s done the math, and he’s certain she was pregnant when she got married. He sure as hell knows Lucia wasn’t cheating on him; she’s not that kind of person. That baby is HIS! “OK. Supposing she is. And???” Ivan sees this as a continuation of the failure of his mission in returning to Alamos in the first place. Sometimes he feels so unhappy. What would Tony do? Tony says he would steal Lucia away and take her to the ends of the Earth. “If only it were so easy.” “Then why did you ask me?”

Saul and Gordo meet over beers. Saul isn’t so sure he needs to continue with the kidnap Lucrezia plan since his dad may now pay for the surgeries. Gordo is ticked. Saul can’t leave him holding the bag. He’s already contracted the guys. “We are going to continue with this till its ultimate consequences!”

Camilo is enjoying a cool glass of lemonade and trying to unwind after a long day, when in sashays MP ready to spread her poison. She asks why he won’t buy his wife a new car. It’s just some advice, so that if her car breaks down (descompuestar), SOMEONE ELSE doesn't help her.
C: Her car broke down?
MP: Yep. But luckily a gentleman came by and helped her.
C: Why didn’t she call me?
MP: Why? If the person who came to help her was Ivan?

Yes indeed folks, the bitch is back!

Avances: Camilo goes crazy with jealousy and goes to physically confront Ivan. Lucia says she’s had enough. Ivan begs Lucia to tell him the truth. Camilo asks Lucia if she’s leaving him, with tears in his eyes.


Good work, Vivi!

We had to know that Merry Piece would start more trouble as soon as possible. And while Lucrazia doesn't seem to be fooled by her anymore she is doing nothing to protect Lucia and Perla.

Camilo can take care of himself. In fact, wouldn't it be ironic if Merry Piece got him into a compromising position and Lucia uses it as grounds for divorce? But that would be too easy.

I would love Benito's solution, but Merry Piece isn't crazy' she's just evil.

Wow, Vivi, awesome! Great title! I'm glad you caught the program delay.

It kinda feels like we are right back where we started, with Saul planning bad things with el Gordo, Maripaz spreading lies and pissing on everybody, and Ivan trying to figure out what happened to his kid!

The actress playing Maripaz is just way too skinny! When she walked out to her car in that black dress, in profile she looked like a toothpick in high heels! She looks like she is turning into a skeleton!


Wonderful recap, Vivi, thank you. I fell asleep during the episode much against my will, and just didn't have time to play the recording.
It still mystifies me that they want to kidnap Lucrezia. ??
Urban, I was wondering also if MP would save the day unintentionally.

Emarie, she would so deserve that little piece of irony. However, it's not the tone of this series.

And Camilo is wise to her. I don't think he knows all of her crimes against the law and her family, but that wouldn't be necessary to realize what she is about.

Maripaz is a narcissist and a sociopath. This is a psychological nightmare but people with these disorders never believe there is anything wrong with them, the biggest barrier to treatment. The majority of them that are seen by shrinks are probably the ones who commit murder and end up in the prison system.

It is also not unusual for one to have a normal sibling from the same two parents.

Carlota should toss her out on her skinny behind.

Thanks Vivi! I loved the commentary about the wall. I think the wall is going to be out break-out surprise performer in this one (much like Livia Brito in TdA.)

MP is back and up to the same ol' tricks. What a surprise.

For less than thirty episodes, it seems like they have a lot to wrap up:
*Caro's transplant which means ...
*Someone's demise (for the corneas)
*Anto's fate (which I hope is to marry Caro)
*JJ's punishment
*Judith getting out from dadddy's power and getting with Carlos
*Lucia's graduation (well, *I* hope they show it...)
*MPs demise/disfigurement/ imprisionment
*Carmen's comeuppance
*Lucrazy's comeuppance
*The possible rape?

Thank you, Vivi. My DVR stopped at 10 so I'm specially happy to have the last few minutes and the previews.

Is it me or did the tire-changing kiss have some chemistry behind it?
I found myself wanting them very much to be together, like you are supposed to at this point in a novela.

Benito is a wonderful character! I get a kick out of his relationship with Mister (Tony).

MP is the worst, but Laisha has done a great job with the role.

Kidnapping Lucrezia. Sounds like the proverbial Ransom of Red Chief.

"All alone in his mud-colored cave..." Well done, Vivi...and it makes me think that if anybody is certain to die on this show it's J3, since he's driven nearly everybody in his life away (it's only a matter of time for Judith, and Saul's nearly beyond help in a completely different way) and he's not in the best of health to begin with. Plus all that karma recycling he has to do for Ivan, Alicia, etc. So his dying alone, probably grumbling all the way, makes sense.

As for MP...would they actually kill her or just drive her (officially, that is) crazy somehow?

If anyone saw Abrazame Muy Fuerte Ignacio Guadalupe also played a character named Benito there. He looks like he hasn't changed.

In terms of what else requires resolution:

-- Antolin needs to pay for his sins, which means that somebody has to find out that he was the blackmailer about the hit-and-run
-- Carlota and Tony need to settle their relationship
-- Berenice and David should marry
-- Gerry should find love (a nice widow with teen kids)
-- Benito should bring his family to live with him. I'm shocked this hasn't already happened.
-- We should meet Bruno's novia!

Morning all! Other than Lucia and Ivan ending up together by the end, I have to say I have no idea how the writers are going to wrap up everyone else's fate.

I feel like, because she refuses to grow, change and leave people in peace, AND because she killed someone, MP has to die.

The only other person who has killed someone is Anto. (Yes, this tn has had a low body count, but many souls have been killed.)

But Anto killed defending Ivan, he isn't a "bad" person (just a bad boy), he has grown and matured, he gives and receives love, and his dying would break Caro's and his mother's hearts. I really want him to live, and I think most of the audience does too. The writers would be ticking off a lot of people if they killed him.

No one else has taken a life (yet), so on the karma scale they don't deserve death. Rape is pretty high up there to me, but Saul is already partially paying for that. I hope his stupid scheme lands him in jail too. That would be the cherry on top of him being left crippled and burned. JJ also should be put in jail for all his fraud over the years. Maybe the two can share a cell (with no mirror), forever and ever!

Lucrezia and Camilo? Not sure. I want Camilo to go back to being a good person, free of this jealousy for Ivan finally. But it just looks like he's letting in jealousy take him further down a dark path. Other than nearly having Ivan killed, Lucrezia doesn't deserve to be on the death list either. Her personality is an unchanging one, no matter how low life brings her, she will always remain haughty. I never see Carly abandoning her, nor Lucia. Hmmm...Perhaps losing MP will be enough to snap some sense into her?

Vivi, great recap!

Since Saul and Gordo are not the smartest guys in town, they will nab the wrong Curiel driving the black SUV. There must be reason for all of the drivel about a car for MP.

Poor Alex cannot go anywhere without having a run-in with his crazy mama.


MP definitely has to be out of the way permanently so that Ivan and Lucia can raise Alex, but that doesn't necessarily equal dead. Since she and J3 are the head villains of the piece, though, tradition demands that at least one of them must bite it by the end of the show. And to contradict my earlier statement: J3 dying at this point actually wouldn't affect that much--buuuut he's definitely the most hateful old bat in the place (sorry, Lucrezia) and it'd be...somewhat satisfying, IMO...for him to go.

Albeit not remotely as satisfying as Maria Paz Curiel's inevitable comeuppance should be--unless they pull a Triunfo del Amor, in which case I may have to fly to Mexico and clock somebody with a brick.

Alex should never be anywhere alone without a trusted adult. Not until Maripaz meets Karmageddon. I suspect there will be a Lassie moment for Bruno before this story ends.

I agree with Vivi about everyone else. Lucrazia hasn't caused anyone's death, but she has enabled Maripaz all this time. Here's a possibility: Maripaz ends up crippled and disfigured and Lucrazia ends up having to take care of her.

JJ has killed a lot of spirits, but that doesn't merit physical death. Since he is diabetic I suggest that impotence is a good beginning for his end, which will start with full alienation from his entire family. I don't think that suicide is his way of dealing with anything, but he does deserve prison time for his fraud.

Maripaz should pull a Rubi, true...and making Lucrezia her keeper would be a rather fitting bonus. Good one, UA. :)

As for J3...yeah, at the very least his miscellaneous scams need to be outed, which should dump him in jail, before he can die. (By extension: how many folks are aware of what he's done, apart from his insurance agent? I'm thinking a parting shot from someone close to him...)

Yeah, wouldn't that be a riot if Saul and Gordo ended up kidnapping MP? I would just die laughing! I so hope they go there! I'm willing to wade through all the other ridiculous plot developments just to have that gem!

I'm glad and relieved to see Carmen feeling affectionate towards Perla. Yet she still seems to ignore her own daughter?

Laisha is definitely putting on an Oscar worthy performance. But that girl worries me! Her eyes and cheekbones seem to get bigger in her face every week - like the rest of her is shrinking and she is turning into Golum?


One thing too - Saul and El G have contracted someone else to do the actual nabbing, so it's easy to see how they could end up with the wrong dame.

Well, by wearing all black, her thin frame appeared all the more crow-like. Very appropriate.

Traveling Lady- I was rooting for Ivan and Lucia last night too and really felt the hurt and longing during their scene together. When Lucia asked him why did he leave her, they both knew there were logical reasons that they both agreed to. But it really reflected a sense of abandonment, and I think even went back to the first time Ivan left and broke her heart (when he ran off as an illegal to the States). Both times, the person she considered her best friend (aside from her grandmother), betrayed her with her sister and left her. When she asked that question, it seemed to me that it was little girl/teen Lucia asking.

Thanks for the awesome recap!

I, too, thought for the first time that Ivan and Lucia had some chemistry. For once I don't feel the need to mock their smooching. I do think DZ needs to play characters with more of a snarky edge, though. He doesn't really do pining goody-two-shoes choirboy all that well. Total sincerity doesn't suit him.

Ivan should hire Antolin to be Alex's bodyguard. Then Antolin wouldn't have to work for JJ, Caro could hang out with them, and MP would be kept away from the poor kid.

Hey all,

I just came back from a fun extended lunch with Karen from Indy who is in DC visiting her sister. My new pic is of the two of us in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in my neighborhood. I gave her a tour of the Basilica, and we giggled and made all kinds of un-Catholic comments throughout. She is a lovely lady, super smart (a professor of sociology), and also lots of fun.

Great recap Vivi!

I'm so glad you are getting to meet all the people from the blo. I'm sure you and Karen spent a wonderful time together! You girls look so beautiful in you picture.

As for the finales, I might be the odd one here but I hated the Rubi finale. It was so harsh and I didn't think she deserved it.

Audrey, Laisha has said that she was diagnosed with high cholesterol and has to modify her diet which is what made her so skinny but she is now trying to gain weight.


Recap maravilloso Vivi, gracias

I think it's hysterical that Saul & Gordo are going to kidnap Lucrecia, she can out think dumb & dumber, she may be mean but she ain't stupid. Besides she knows Saul, he wont be able to show his face, maybe she gets his gun & shoots him.

I'm looking forward to a MP & Carmen encounter, that s/b be a good one, they are cut from the same cloth.

I just can't imagine what is going to be Camilo's ending, a bad sign is that Bruno doesn't like him.

I loved Iván when he 1st stopped to help Lucía, a very take charge guy, before all their tears.I think he saw FC for kissing lessons.

So much to clear up, so little time & I am still worried about Antolín, as Romeo. Carolina's character is improving, I hope they make it.


Thanks for you great recap Vivi. It was great meeting you and I enjoyed seeing the beautiful Bascilica.

I'm enjoying this speculation. ITA that MP will probably not be w/us at the end of the TN. She's such a mess. I love the idea of Antolin being Alex's bodyguard.

Tony's response to Ivan (stealing Lucia & running away) was funny. And the observations about Lucia & Ivan finally having chemistry I think is true.

Loved your recap Vivi!!! Missed a few which I got cleared up from your recap. It was funny about Anto's remark about MP. Alex was so cute.

About the chemistry between Ivan and Lucia. Do you think somebody from LFDD looks at our remarks and it might have gotten back to the director??? Just wondering. But there was a great improvement.

A great picture of you and Karen. Its so nice to put a face to the name. You ladies are all so pretty... and smart I might add!!!


Aww, thanks Ann!

Karen- So glad you enjoyed the afternoon.

I am really liking this idea that the kidnappers may grab (and maybe snuff out) MP mistakenly.

Jarocha- You started the trend. It is great fun meeting the neat people on this blog.

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