Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #30 Wed 11/16/11 talk amongst yourselves

I made stuffed cabbage rolls and chocolate cake for some young people tonight and we sat around after dinner and played music. So, no recap. Have at it, friends, and if any of you would like to take a wednesday night slot, that would be peachy!


Thank you CHF for the header. I loved the almost kiss between Monica and "Mechanico". So sweet. Poor Ana to fall for Freddy blech!Poor Pina. I really feel sorry for her. I wonder if Candy is really falling for Vince or is it really her vengence plan against Vince?


Mmmm...sounds delicious! Also sounds like it was a fun evening.

Not a ton happened last night. Pancho takes Rebe for some delicious looking street food after having an argument with Vicente about Candy. He turns his phone off, so when the family calls him about the day care center/school for the neighborhood kids being shut down, he can't be located. When he gets home Chela goes off the rails again, accusing him of changing, not being there for them, etc., but mainly because she's ticked he was with Rebe. Pancho is ticked off right back at her, but worried she's right. The magic candle in front of his dead wife's pic tells him he's on the right path though.

Pancho tries to figure out what is really going on between Candy and Vince from Candy. She claims it's just revenge, but that kiss Pancho saw says different. They don't come to agreement over this.

Monica admits to Enzo that she doesn't love Freddy and likely does not want to marry him. He later hears her have a flirty conversation on the phone with her beloved "mecanico", and looks worried.

Pancho's youngest son tries out for Pequeno Gigantes.

Every time Chela or someone else in the family accuse Pancho of changing and making their life worse, I have to scratch my head. What is different? What is worse? The only difference is where they sleep at night. Most of them still spend most of their free time in the old hood. They accuse Pancho of not spending as much time with them as before. But before he had to be up before dawn to make his deliveries and was out all day doing that. With this 9-5 job he's at the breakfast table with them every morning, and even had dinner with them each evening before going to his etiquette lessons with Rebe. He's there anytime any of them needs to talk, and misses important work meetings to deal with stuff like getting Candy out of her contract or going to give Tomas a good talking to about hurting his daughter.

The only negative I see is the schools the kids have to go to. They don't seem happy at their new fancy schools. But tough noogies! It's a better education and they'll be better off in the long run because of it. Suck it up Lopez Family!

Cabbage rolls and chocolate cake, yum!! What lucky guests. Sounds like a fun time.

Vivi, thank you for the recap. I thoroughly enjoyed your observations at the end about Pancho spending time with his family. I guess from their point of view the big change in Pancho is that he is probably not mentally "with them" as much as he was before. To which I say well duh, he is now the CEO of an international company. In his prior job they likely at least knew his routine, where to find him, etc. On the other hand, it's not like he is inaccessible to them since they feel fine about bursting in on him at work any time. So yeah, tough noogie and suck it up! Candy's got her diverstion, the kids have theirs, now Chela needs one.

Hooray for Monica for telling daddy how she really feels! Fast Freddy doesn't have a quarter of the charisma that El Mechanico has.

Temo had Popeye with him at the try out didn't he? Wouldn't it be funny if Popeye landed a role in Pequeno Gigantes?

Enjoying the show and the comments. I'm fed up with Chela. Does she think she can guilt-trip Pancho into being in love with her? So glad when Pancho silenced her. Enough already, especially in front of the kids.

I don't think Ana and Freddy have even exchanged two words. Maybe if Ana gets to know him, her eyes will open to what a jerk he is. Strange that two sisters with a good father as a role model have such lousy taste in men.

Did I hear Monica call Pepe "MecaNACO"? That was funny. I liked the almost-kiss. Clever, that mecanaco.

Chela is nuts. Pancho has to work, and he's allowed to have a life. Maybe he should have left his phone on, but what could he have done if he'd been reachable? Sat around and moaned and wailed with them all evening?

How long does anyone think Tomas will last sitting around holding Lupita's hand before he's tomcatting again?

Just until he feels he's out of the dog house Julia.

Gracias todos,

¡Tomas no más!

except in another novela with better hair & attitude.


I think Tomas will be true to Lupita until he gets distracted. He's one of those people who says "I think only of you forever and...oh look at the sparkly light." Or maybe insert "chi chis" in place of sparkly light.

Yeah, I think Tomas will be faithful until Betty shows up.

Here's what I'm wondering: If Freddy had to choose between giving Monica moral support in a crisis vs. keeping a date with Elena so she can shoot him down again, which would he pick?

Thanks to the invention of the cell phone, it's no longer permissible for anyone to ever have a moment off the grid. Not even the president of a company. Why does Chela think that the president of Avon has special power to prevent an unlicensed daycare center from getting shut down?

I thought it was a good sign that Enzo heard Mo's conversation with Pepe but didn't say anything about it to her. He said he wanted her to marry Freddy because they owe Vince so much... I'm surprised he didn't try to sell her to the sheik.

Vivi, thanks for your funny little recap! Tough noogies indeed!

Julia, yes Monica sometimes does call Pepe "mecaninaco" or "mechinaco." He loves it. :-)

I wish I could read/recap/comment more, but I have no free time any more. :( But on the bright side I kinda like my job.

Much as I enjoyed last night's episode, I would have enjoyed cabbage rolls and chocolate cake more.

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