Monday, December 19, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #170 Monday 12/19/11 What’s Black & White & Red All Over? A Dark Plot with Teeny Rays of Hope, but Still We Are Served a Big RED Herring

It was a dark and snowy night with icicles everywhere and roads blocked, but hey, that’s real life in New Mexico and old news. Let’s get on with our review of the last CME: Honorio gets the news in his office that Constanza will be released due to the confession of Corina. He promises to take care of Beth’s complaint about sleazy Germy’s proposition as soon as he gets Consta sprung. At La Bonita, Antonio questions Regina if she has ever doubted that Roberta is her daughter. You never ask anything for no reason, what are you getting at? Renata brings the box of pictures and papers into Jero’s office and shows Regina that they are Roberta’s not hers although she is is some of the pictures. Antonio pockets the real birth certificate with Roberta’s name on it proving she is Fina’s evil spawn.

The crib scene, mystery suit puts mobiles up with Maritata saying how much her twins will love this bedroom with the balloon mural and the matching cribs with mobile arms over them. But we don’t see who it is. This is a very mean, very nasty, very cruel, very RED HERRING in a black suit jacket! And Red Herrings never, never look as good in a suit jacket as Jeronimo does. But at least we know where the Tata is hanging these days.

At the police station, the nylon coifed Corina spills that the director of the manicomio hired her to pose with the Trojan baby and it was for money (anyone surprised?) She further reveals that his office attendants were inmates named Blanca and Fina who prompted her to present the baby at the Centro Regina and to roll in the Trojan stroller to leave with Constanza. Honorio tells the lawyer that he will go give good news to Consta while the paperwork is cleared up. After his cell phone call, Gonzo tells that Blanca’s body was found at bottom of a bridge but with ligatures around her neck so they know she was strangled. And, Fina’s teeth don’t sync with any of the bodies found so Fina is still missing. Gonzo and Hon compare notes that they are all in danger if Fina is at large. They both know that with all she has done she is capable of anything. Gonzo fears that Renata‘s newly revealed heart condition make it necessary to hide news of Fina from her until the appropriate time. Hon realizes that Renata’s heart condition is too much of a coincidence. In parallel discoveries, Augie and Roberta talk about the same thing. Augie is sure he knows the truth, he already knew Renata had heart problems when he sniffed her unconscious body at his hacienda after her accident. Remember that sickening scene? Roberta lies anyway maintaining her public image as Regina’s daughter. Something in this estupida tells her not to totally trust Augie’s invitation to tell him everything. Augie admits he would rather have a jailed Fina be his mother-in-law than Regina who is too honest for his taste and a great friend of Jeronimo’s. She would cause more problems in the long run.

Padre Severino at La Bonita in the chemical room, gets the truth from Carlos that PrissyPants kissed him, you know how women are he says with more irony than he realizes. It seems it was momentarily exciting but she is a part of my past while only Matilde is part of my future he swears. Matilde overhears and grins behind the door. Finally she has heard a complete sentence of truth.

Anibal shows up at La Bonita with his wounded paw which Alison notices. Anibal says at first, oh it’s nothing, then tells how badly Augie hurt him when he discovered the computer hacking. They both decide it is time to tell Renata the truth. Augie decides with Melecio that it is also time to move forward with his next step. He demands that Melecio find out who at La Bonita knew that the vines were taken to Cruz Sin Amor.

Matilde tells her side of the story to a confused Padre. She doesn’t think the wedding is off. So she takes Padre in hand to go talk to Carlos out in the chem room. We draw a quick breath before they appear as Prissypants shows up and tries to woman handle her Charlie. Now she is wearing alluring dresses with frilly décolletage. Finally, for crying out loud, Carlos backs away without an audience to impress and when Matilde arrives moments later she confronts him sweetly, Padre says that we are not going to get married! Carlos, did you say that? Of course, he stumbles and stutters, I still want to marry you. They play back and forth with who feels what all the while, PPants is listening outside the door. Carlos finally gets on bended knee to ask her to marry him once again. This time Matilde is the one getting kisses while the green PPants looks on and finally leaves in a pouty huff as Matilde and Carlos squeal with delight and kiss in front of the Padre.

The seeds of doubt are in Regina’s talk with Antonio about her bad feelings about her daughter Roberta. She believes she is her daughter but is haunted by Panchita’s story of seeing Roberta and Fina outside of the house handing off that box. So she still has only drops of doubt, but Antonio says casually well, let’s show the photos to Gonzo because he will know which girl is which. He lived with them from the time they were nine.

Matilde gets to show Carlos love and kisses in front of her rival. But Ppants thinks a lot of her pants and swears this gata will not get over on her. We will see who will win this she says as she stomps off.

Anibal shows his hurt hand and reveals his fears of Augie. Padre thinks Anibal must stay away from Augie who is clearly dangerous. Marina must be found then she can tell them whether she left town with Jero or not.

Augie has a sword fight with himself and that menacing sword in a steel arm on the wall, as he swears vengeance is his. He threatens to rid all those against him especially now this means Anibal better find a new place to sleep. Well, who is going to win this match? Augie is talking to himself way too much.

Renata is sad in her room in such a real way, this is hard to watch. She remembers so many loving moments between her and Jero, in jail, on the beach, around the hacienda. We hear him say she is the only woman he will love for the rest of his life. As the lyrics repeat, no me abandones accompanies raucous laughter, rending of clothes and fun wrestling on the bed. It still doesn’t add up. She cries on Adriana’s shoulder who reminds her that it isn’t time to jump to conclusions.

Carlos is getting smarter by the minute now that his head seems to have cleared. At his side, Bitchybritches points out that Matilde is voluble (voluable) and not to be trusted. She argues her point of superiority with Carlos, sometimes we lose ourselves and we are so crazy in love we forget who we are says Bitchybritches suggesting Carlos needs a high class piece of pants like her?

Back to the hysterical scene with Adriana trying to get Renata to await final judgment since they don’t know really what happened. He may not have left, he might have been kidnapped. Renata anguishes but he might have had an accident then Adri begs her to calm herself and think of the health of her baby when she is so upset herself.

Anibal and Alison are eating in the kitchen when Alison becomes almost as disgusting of Bbritches as she spits food into her napkin then drops the filth on the floor. Anibal sees her do it and says well you are not eating and she protests that she can’t eat because she is ugly, fat and unworthy. He thinks she is sick and so do I This is another hard scene to watch. I am not so interested in teen angst and realize the psychologists will have a field day with this important public announcement but it makes me feel dizzy. Let’s get on with the detective work, please.

Back at the only jail cell in Ensenada, Hon explains Corina’s testimony to Constanza and that Blanca has been found but when she asks about Fina, he says no, neither Fina nor her remains have been found. They have to assume she is still out there threatening the peace.

Fina steps into a cab in her new hairdo and clothes. Gonzo alerts a surprised Roberta that Fina is loose and all of them have to be on guard. She plays dumb surprise with real energy. He brings up the Germy trip to finish his project. Roberta plays kitten, gee Pa is it important that I go with Germy? Gonzo thinks that she will learn a lot about the business (Germy will give her the business). She says what ever you like, Pa. I wlll go if you think I should. Gonzo hands her her alibi: It may be safer for you to be out of town for a few days with that wicked Fina lurking about.

Fina in her little fur shawl enters the post office where she retrieves two huge envelopes both filled with lots of pesos, dollars and euros. She grins and counts and grins and sniffs right at the boxes which seems stupid but no one else is watching her and she does look over her shoulder often but grins more than we have seen for along time.

Constanza is popped out uf the slammer and hugs her husband and brother with relief and joy. She wants to go home and find clean pink clothes and a pink bubble bath, well at least a bath. She tells the lawyer who says all the paper work is finished and she is free to go. She asks him that if he talks to the baby’s parents, they will know now that she was not at fault, but they should also know that she took excellent care of their baby while she was with her.

Padre Sev comes home with Antonio whom he asks to go to D.F. to look for Marina. He has to know she arrived safely but he has been out of the parish for so much time with his illness so he wants him to go soon. Antonio agrees to go at the end of the week. Padre goes to get a drink of water while Antonio opens the purloined birth certificate.

Renata and Matias and Adrina eat while discussing that Julieta saw Roberta kissing Germy down the hall from her apartment. Renata is surprised but Adriana pushes on with the news that they doubt if she was raped by Zeke when he took her back to Augie’s after the Padre’s party. This is a pure lie, insists Adriana while Kari listens intently outside the door.

Regina hears by phone from Gonzo that Constanza is finally free. Everything is returning to normal she declares. Well not everything say Gonzo. Fina has disappeared so they have to all be alert. (Something tells me that with this much insisting they are not going to be alert..) They decide that Renata must be told about Fina but Gonzo wants to tell her in person. Regina then asks him does he think he can tell Roberta and Renata apart in photos when they were children. Of course he can.

Antonio reads the birth certificate with satisfaction then calls Isidro to discuss that Renata is the true daughter. Antonio wants to tell Regina right away but Isidro wants to get the other proofs together to present all the evidence to Regina and the authorities at one time. Antonio says, she is coming to DF tomorrow so we need to get everything together quickly. Isidro gets off the line to update Inez and they laugh that the proof is finally clear. The birth certificate made a day or two after Roberta was born was made out with Fina as Mom and Roberto as Pa It was her original name and has finger prints too. So Fina must have changed baby Regina’s name to Renata. She later passed Roberta off as Regina’s daughter so she could get close to the inheritance and all will be revealed now they are now sure they have solved the mystery. At least someone is laughing tonight.

Antonio tells Padre he will go to DF tomorrow on the first flight. Why not the weekend like you planned? Well I have other things to do. Padre writes out Tata’s address in the city so Antonio can go look for her.

We get more bittersweet romantic scenes in Renata’s memory of kissing, laughing and again, Jero’s and her words at the jail that nothing else will ever separate us again. Jero keeps swearing his eternal love, even all the way back to the heart carved into the tree. A few bad moments are revealed of Jero’s rejection, but mostly lovely ones fill the screen. He teases her freckles that he can’t do with out. She grips her stomach and remembers. She sinks onto the bed of so many passionate scenes, candles but only has pillows to hug. She looks longingly at the door as though he will suddenly appear through it.

Next time or so: Constanza joyfully learns Renata is pregnant. Fina at last has money. She seems joyful too. Antonio reaches Marina de Tatas’ house. She swears that Jero did not leave on the plane with her. So Antonio asks the question we all have, if he didn’t come with you, where did he go? And I want to know, who Augie paid off to falsify the manifest of passengers then?


I got this up as insurance in case my internet goes down too. I hope not since I was without it for two days last weekend but it isn't connected to the satellite dish but comes through telephone wires. Somebody please tell me what happens! I will post after the 8PM (MST) showing if I get it.

Hi Cheryl:

So sorry about your weather snafu. How annoying. We'll soldier on, m'dear.

Stay warm, Cheryl.


Cheryl--You didn't miss a thing. Not a thang--dang! We got to see mystery man in Maritata's nursery ONE MORE time without so much as a camera pan up to his face. Methinks he is definitely unnecessary to the advancement of the story--or should I say to the termination of the story.

Meanwhile, Renata is beginning to disbelieve the "Jero me dejo" story in favor of the something has happened to him version. She's still doing a lot of anguished crying and a lot of backflashing. Adri is still doing a lot of comforting.

Most everyone now knows that Fina is loose. She made it to the Post Office and retrieved two fat packages with all the money. Didn't know the P.O. would leave uncollected mail in the boxes for that long, but anyway.

Roberta is SHOCKED that Malamama is alive and on the run. She's grateful to Gonzo for putting on the guard detail again.

Then she can't wait to go call Augie and relate all the goings on. He doesn't care one whit whether she is Fina or Regina's daughter, but it does complicate things for his (forcible) reconquest of Renata if it is Regina who is Nata's real mother. (Remember, she's just too sweet and Jero's longtime friend, so she may have some influence with Nata against him.)

Ani and Ali rendezvous at La Bonita and shmooze. He catches her spitting out her food and when she says she's too fat, Ali is all over her with no, you're not, I quiero you just the way you are and I'll help you see yourself that way.

Augie lets of steam in the epee room. That robot arm he's fencing with is not getting the better of him. He swears that Ani is now superfluous and his time at La Twisted Cruz as his son is limited--to the next few minutes.

Melesio goes away with a strange look on his face after a confrontation with Augie. Apparently he was told not to think for himself, but to do as Augie tells him. (Not sure what he wanted Melesio to investigate.)

Antonio plants the teeniest tiny seed of doubt in Renata over whether Roberta is really her daughter. She admits that she doesn't entirely trust her--she has lied before and Inez essentially told her the same thing.

Antonio calls Isidro after re-reading Roberta's birth certificate. He wants to go to Regina right away, but Isidro asks him to esperar until he has all the documents together (little anvil or big anvil?). Antonio says he'll deliver it personally tomorrow.

He'll be coming to DF to look for Marina--for the Padre and Renata (although she doesn't know it's for her). Again, we see Marina opening the door and there stands Antonio. (Hey, it's not February, so we can't be watching Groundhog Day on SYFY).

Hmm, sorry this is all out of order, I'm just recalling scenes as I go. Part 1.


Part 2.

Oh, Mati overhears Carlos telling the Padre that, yes, when Pris came back he thought he felt something for her, but when SHE kissed him--and he swears that's how it happened--he knows for sure that she belongs in the past, and that Mati is his present and his future.

Mati runs into the Padre in the living room, brings him back to the oenology mixing room to "confront" Carlos. In a lovely little scene, after they make up, Carlos gets back down on one knee and asks Mati to marry him. This time it is Prissypants who overhears this, but vows to never let that happen (my words).

She snipes that Mati can't make up her mind. First she hates him, then she loves him, then she breaks up with him, then she makes up with him--maybe she's unstable? Ya, in your dreams, Missy.

A tantalizing little snippet. Fina, in her new hairdo and fancy black duds (looking better than I have seen her in a long time), comes sashaying out the front steps of the departamento, JUST as Julieta is going in. There is not one iota of recognition between the two of them.

Oh, yeah, Corinna finishes her declaracion, Con is reunited with Hon and Gon and everyone is happy. She wants a bath and to change her clothes. I did notice that the uniformed guardia roughed her up a bit--maybe he's sad to see the only occupant of his jail go free. OTOH, Corinna is about to register as a huesped real soon.

I'm sure I missed something. Maybe Vivi will step in and rearrange the paragraphs and add her own delectable morsels to the fun.

In the Ani and Ali scene, I meant Ani is all over her (verbally, of course).

Yikes, I'd better stay away from trying to recap. (Either that or proofread better).

I meant the seed of doubt was planted in Regina.

Prissy does her sniping to Carlos back in the chemistry classroom.

Theat robot fencing arm was just so wild! And I think Augie got the better of it - anyways old Lisardo really put on quite a show there! It would have been a lot more effective at the end pointing his épée at the camera if he hadn't already bent the heck out of it LOL!


Yay, looks like Ceryl's got her signal back! This was a fun episode.

NOK, you should be a regular recapper!! Thanks for giving us a head start on tonight's episode. You got most of the major points for sure. How annoying that mystery man wasn't revealed. At least we know he's not Tony since he is still stuck at La Bonita stashing birth certificates in his jacket.

I think Melesia is having second thoughts about being nut-job Augustin's main guy.

Looks like Cheryl got her reception back and will be able to do her thing soon.

I only saw about 10 minutes before I had to go out to a holiday party. my Serbian neighbor invited us over to celebrate "Slava" -- Thanksgiving on the date of the family's Feast day. Their Saint is St. Nicolas -- the feast of St. Nicolas is Dec 6th but in the Serbian Orthodox Church they follow the orthodox calendar -- so today IS December 6th. Lots of goodies, including a mixture of grain, nuts & sugar which each guest must taste with a spoon when they first arrive as a way of giving "Slava"

In those first 10 minutes though I got to see the glow on Mati's face when she overheard a GOOD conversation for a change. (Notice that she didn't leave before the end this time. I can't wait to see Miss Prissypants' reaction.

So they keep on teasing us with the mysterious man in the black suit. I had hoped that by the end of tonight we would see who it is.


I just thought of something. Jero didn't go with Marina, we're all pretty sure. Wouldn't Auggie have realized that someone would eventually track Marina down and when she tells them Jero isn't with her, Nata is going to know something happened to him? It's two ways with her, either he's with Marina or something happened to him. There's no way she's going to think he just ran away.

Nata also needs to calm down or she's going to lose that baby.



LOL. Lisardo WAS pretty impressive tonight. I agree with all who have warned Augie that those who live by the sword will die by the sword. But who will do the deed?

Robey: I agree with you about Jero. In the avances we saw that Jero is NOT with Marina. Where is he being held? Does Melesio have him tied in some shed? What has Gonzolo's private eye discovered? Kidnappings do happen, especially to really rich men? I know Renata is tired and emotionally worn but you have got resources, girl. Use them to find your man!

Cheryl, we look forward to your recap and hope the storm isn't too bad in Northern New Mexico. On TV they just showed you guys getting a pile of snow.


Mil gracias a NOK for her wonderful mini recap to start out the evening. I agree with Sylvia that we need to recruit you into regular recapping! You've done this before, right? Good flow.

This was a frustrating dribble of high points among the doldrums of depression. Thank you, thank you Carlos for finally wising up. Even if you had to be told what was happeinng at least now you are on board that you need to save your relationship to Matilde. Next lesson: Get a one way ticket for BitchyBritches to go home. Sheeesh!

Guera, your neighbors Feast of Saint Nicolas sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Robey, Elna June, Audrey and Sylvia as well as NOK for adding your sage comments as we slowly crawl to the revealing of the many mysteries.

The storm has slowed and Willa got a chance to chase big snow flakes as she spun in circles. We needed it so badly as we are still 5 inches or so short on precipitation this year with two weeks to go.

Well, I am having little trouble believing that Jero has simply vanished into the ether, that Augie somehow has friends who will fake passenger manifestos, that nobody notices barely-disguised escapee Fina, or cualquier cosa, thanks to my fancy new Emilia brand beanie. It works wonders! And it looks fabulous, too.

Cheryl, I'm glad you got your feed back! This is too, too funny. Bitchibritches...good one! Also "a high class piece of pants." I'm getting a real sense of your feelings for Prissy.

NOK, thanks for telling the story as well! You are a natural recapper. It's fun to read it from two perspectives.

So glad Carlos is rediscovering his brain. This whole gang needs a trip to see the Wizard...Carlos could get a brain, Mati could get some maturity, Prissy could get a lobotomy...

Gonzo talking about being alert... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!

Wow, Julia, your new beanie is lovely. It really suits you. Whata good job once again, Emilia. You will eventually achieve a beanie on every head or at least of the CarayCaray community.

Wild weather cannot stop our Cheryl. Thanks for a wonderful recap, and to you NOK for the details as well.

Despite last night definitely being a "filler" type episode, after a week away from our gang, it was nice to actually view an episode.

"She wants to go home and find clean pink clothes and a pink bubble bath". So glad this plot line is over and done.Now maybe Coni can reactivate her brain cells and get into sleuthing action like she use to.

Fencing scene with Augie and the "arm"--sorry, but one of the funniest things ever. But one thought came to my mind watching that-- those who play by the sword, die by the sword. Augie shish-ka-bob---I could go with that. My money is now on Jero to do the honors. Ani is too unskilled yet.

Fina however deserves something so much worse. In the meantime, her penchant for spending the cash might trip her up? I'm thinking she'll go after Gina first...can't wait for her next hair-brained scheme.

Sylvia has the most realistic, heart-breaking cry. I was reaching for kleenex myself. You're right Cheryl--mean, nasty red herring on the crib man. (And I'm not so sure about the quality of those cribs--yish). Probably the delivery guy. So our dapper hero must be waylaid someplace against his will--a week is enough already. He needs to surface!! (Any bets his hair will be perfect and he'll look like a million bucks? Just saying...)

Take care out there in that snow! Our forecast went back to the liquid variety. So much for a white Christmas at this point.

Cheryl: "...A Dark Plot with Teeny Rays of Hope...". Indeed! Another masterful, all-encompassing summary. "nylon coifed Corina" , "in parallel discoveries", "drops of doubt" and "woman handle" along with "bitchybritches" were a few of my favorites.

As you so eloquently noted: "As the lyrics repeat, no me abandones accompanies raucous laughter, rending of clothes and fun wrestling on the bed. It still doesn’t add up". It doesn't add up to Renata, nor to us. daisy, SN does have a heart-wrenching cry -too realistic.

NOK: What a fun mini-cap! "Roberta is SHOCKED that Malamama is alive and on the run" had me smiling but I also enjoyed your serious comments especially "He doesn't care one whit whether she is Fina or Regina's daughter, but it does complicate things for his (forcible) reconquest of Renata if it is Regina who is Nata's real mother". Well done.

As many have been speculating, Jero must be injured and/or tied up somewhere becoming rat kibble.

Elna June, Lisardo was on his game, for sure. But as Cheryl noted he "is talking to himself way too much." I think he is poised to go off the deep end. Which can't happen too quickly for me by the way.

Anibal is showing remarkable maturity. After all, his father has phycially harmed him and threatened to kill him. Not exactly father of the year material.

I'm glad that Kari was listening to Adri's statement that Zeke raping Roberta was a lie. Zeke's name needs to be cleared and his murder and murderer discovered. I realize I'm spending way too much time on Augie here. Blech.

Antonio has certainly turned out to be a blessing. But, will it be his undoing?


Cheryl- You are a SuperRecapper! And I'm not just talking about your writing skills, which are brilliant, but your ability to get us a recap despite snow, wind, and downed cable lines. Many thanks for working so hard to get us a recap. I LOVE the title too. Made me chuckle.

And thank you NOK for stepping in to help while Cheryl was out of commission for a little while.

Robey- I agree that Nata is going to do her and the baby some real harm if she doesn't relax. She's gone like a week with no sleep, with lots of tears, and a mild heart attack in between. Thing is when she lets herself believe that Jero left her for Marina, she at least puts on a brave face and resigns herself to move forward. But when she goes with her gut instincts that something has happened to Jero, she totally loses it. And no one lets her explore that path of thought. Adri, Matias and Gonzo are quick to believe that Jero just went back to his old lying, deceiving ways. But at least Gonzo hired the detective, which is what Nata initially wanted anyway. Now with Tony on the case, I'm sure Nata will soon know that Jero did not leave her. I don't think this will bring her more peace of mind though.

Julia- Love your beannie pic! Time is running out on this little group, so I'm thinking I'm going to have to post my beannie pic soon too. I'll see if someone at work can take a pic of me in it today, otherwise I'll do a self pic tonight. :)

I thought one of the memories Nata had of Jero was quite poignant. It was after she revealed to him that Marina is pregnant and she's sitting on the couch. He tells her to trust in their love. That's the thought she needs to hold on to to know that he wouldn't leave her like this. That, and everything else they have experienced and said to each other since they got back together, just like she pointed out to Adri.

Thank you Cheryl and NOK for the recap information. I was busy last night and came in and out of the TN so I missed some scenes, but I knew I could just come here today and read what I missed.

Someone mentioned Jero and Augustine having a duel. I wouldn't be surprised if that's how it ends. I remember a scene earlier in the TN where Jero does sword fight, so I know he knows how to do it. Maybe the winner takes Renata. (just kidding)

I wish they would not rush through the endings on TN's. We are finally at the moments we have been waiting for months and they rush through these best parts and we don't get time to savor the victories of our favorite characters. I want a few weeks of seeing Roberta being found out and everyone talking about what a horrible person she is. I want a few days to see Augustine and Fina spending time in jail and see them suffer a little, no a lot. Is that too much to ask after we devoted months each night to follow this?

Diana/Vivi - Isn't it rather funny that Antonio, he of the expressionless face that we couldn't wait to get rid of at the beginning, is now integral to getting the truth out and we're cheering his every move.

And Cathy, I'm with you. I would like to see Berta hung out to dry a bit for all the sheningans she's pulled. Little cold shoulder and bitter disappointment action from all concerned like Teresa got in her TN. I'm guessing though to heighten the excitement, as always, Fina and Auggie won't get theirs until the bitter end.

Speaking of Teresa, does anyone know if this finale is a two hour deal as well?

Thinks Cheryl. What an awesome job with all the difficulties you faced. My favorite line:

"...he already knew Renata had heart problems when he sniffed her unconscious body at his hacienda..."

Vividly put.

I don't know how important it is but I thought Augie told Melesio to investigate whether Jerry's absence had affected La Bonita's progress in developing its own blend of wine using the San Rafael variety of grapes.

Maybe since Pris is helping with this, when Augie finds out it will put her in danger... OH NO!

Well we can all rest easy, Aníbal is going to cure Alison's anorexia.


Cheryl, great recap as always, and thanks also to your wingman NOC. I just love how you put these together

Well, our detectives are beginning to share info, so Augie's comeupance can't be too far away. For myself, I hope it comes before Nata leaves wine country.

Loved Augie's gnarled epee. I think if he thrust it into something hard it would bend back on him and put his eye out.

Cheryl, several episodes ago you surmised that Jero must have inherited his business empire because he doesn't seem to have the smarts to build one on his own. I thought that was a great insight. He also doesn't seem to spend much time checking with managers, etc. like you would think he would have to.


Welcome back Daisyinjay!. I always hate to miss episodes and it was close with this one.

Diana, I think we are watching Augie unravel with each episode. He doesn't seem to have loving thoughts of anyone, not his own son, certainly not a Jero spawn or even his Prize Renata with his wishes to conquer her but will he take out the garbage and pick up his socks later? Me thinks not.

Thanks for stopping by again Vivi! Although the memory scenes did not have a lot of dialog, they were a thorough review of the highlights of this dynamic romance. It is touching and proves the attraction between them is so deep. Marina never had a chance with her single act desk dance.

Good catch Cathyx, we did see Jero fence with some skill. It looks like Anibal is too injured and Augie has to use the swords to intimidate his only son, not teach him. That would require him to set his double wide ego aside. I' not banking on it either.

Thanks for coming through in spite of all your difficulties, Cheryl. It's a great recap. And thanks NOK for stepping in when it looked like we might be without recap

So many good lines in this one. One of my faves --Red Herrings never, never look as good in a suit jacket as Jeronimo does.

I also liked --nylon coifed Corina , Ppants thinks a lot of her pants, pouty huff.

I have a thought about Auggie's demise. Maybe in a shouting, pushing match in the fencing studio Auggie menacing everyone with his epee in hand stumbles and is impaled on his fencing robot arm which continues to thrust and parry so that Auggie bounces around like a rag doll.


Carlos, Thank you for the detail on the Augie/Melecio conversation. I stand corrected, you are so right. If Augie is wondering how Jero's absence is effecting the wine blending operation, then David's memory serves him well since it may not make a lot of difference if the CEO is missing in action. Ouch! And Carlos has certainly not had time to make much progress unless BB/PP actually knows what she is doing besides trying to take her clothes off in the ChemRoom and snare Carlos.

She should quit whle she is ahead. Although she is attractive, she can't compete with the beauty of our impish Matilde who better quit looking like a new age hippy and find her groove. Oh please don't let wardrobe make her wear a headband with her wedding dress!

Güera, I love your epee ending version. That fencing arm could come in handy if we don't find Jero in good shape when they finally discover where he went.

I am wondering if the La Bonita staff will be suspicious when Melecio shows up to sniff around. Either Laz or Carlos may have some bad memory of him hanging around with Augie. I donk't remember who Zeke hired to beat up Carlos at the ver ybeginning but Carlos might remember if it included Melecio.

Oh I just loved it when Mati saw Pris out of the corner of her eye and started making out with Carlos to stick it to PButt. Turnaround is fair play. Like many a spare girl before her, Pris needs to pack up her tatas, lipgloss, and sexy hair and go. She and Marina, Arely and Julieta can start a club.

What did you all think of Nata caressing her wine glass, smelling the wine, holding it to her lips (remembering Jero's kisses), and staring at it, but not drinking it (now that she knows she’s pregnant)? It was a nice touch I thought.

Cheryl thanks for your recap. I really enjoyed your title as I too feel the audience is being yanked around. Not only do we have "suit guy" but then (if I'm correct and someone please let me know if I'm not) in the preview for tonight its being frame as is Marina lying about whether or not Jero is with her. While we all appreciate a good mystery, lets consider for a moment if Jero did indeed run off with Marina. (I'm amusing myself with this rant as I'm not even a big Jero fan) Bottom line is we could not want Renata to be with someone that cruel. Since we know Augie is psycho, that would leave our pregnant heroine all alone.

Thanks NOK for your mini cap. You really should consider recapping in the future!

Now that we know Marina is safe, my concern moves to other innocent people who could get knocked off as our TN comes to a close. Basically anyone who is in on the reveal of Fina/Roberta such as Isidro or Antonio. TNs have a bad habit of killing off good people. And add me to the list of those who want Zeke exonerated and the villains having some time to consider all the evil they've done (though since Augie and Fina have not conscience this may be pointless and leave only Roberta).

Vivi, there have been an unusual bevy of spare girls on this show. I hate to say that our long lashed Chema was a spare guy. Then Antonio was a spare guy that remade himself to do a come back as helpful friend and detective.

Gonzo (Rene Casados) is going to be featured on the morning program "Hoy" in a few minutes here. I was jsut watching the program whre they were stuffing chicken breast with "romeritos" I need to go look that up.


I just re-read the recap—Thank you, thank you. Last night showed your mad recapping skills as you got 'er up under pressure and in super fast time.

Your red herring theme is great. "This is a very mean, very nasty, very cruel, very RED HERRING in a black suit jacket! And Red Herrings never, never look as good in a suit jacket as Jeronimo does". So true. The writers are taking this missing Jero theme too far for my viewer comfort, I think. And then to tease us with the red herring in THE SUIT, well, that stunk like week-old red herring!(Hahaha)

I LOVE your treatment of Prescila. "Prissypants shows up and tries to woman handle her Charlie", and "But Ppants thinks a lot of her pants and swears this gata will not get over on her". Cheryl, you were ruthless with Prissybutt! Remind me to stay on your good side.

Diana: I think Augie's really teetering on the edge. Hurting Anibal was a BAD idea strategically, and his lack of impulse control could be the thing that finally does him in.

Daisynjay, great call on Antonio's transformation.


O my! I just had a thought. What about Antonio's sword skills? In real life, Capetillo is s pro with a sword. I wonder if the writers will use that???

Vivi, I loved Sylvia with the wine glass. Great scene.


Aha! romeritos is rosemary. It looked like fresh sprigs in a bowl then creme cheese was added and they were piped into a pocket made by slicing in the center of the chicken breast. Looked delicious but rich.

Gracias, todos for the kudos, but Cheryl is our Head Writer for spinning glorious tales of action and non-action we all buy into.

Thanks, Cheryl, I needed your recap, too--amazing what one can forget in 10 minutes, just moving from TV to computer.

Julia--I love your beanie--you carry sunshine wherever you go.

Flash it possible that the directors switched the scene of the Man in Black in the nursery with the scene of Antonio knocking on the door--just to torment us? And it is Tony helping hang the mobiles. Can't remember if Maritata is wearing the same thing in both scenes, so it's probably not the case.

Güera--I just love your ending for Augustin--he deserves a ridiculous end--a great put down for his snobby, superior, better-than-thou attitude. Actually, he and Prissy would make a good pair, if he weren't so far gone in his delusions over Renata.

Cheryl, so funny--"he's talking to himself way too much." But how otherwise will WE know what's going on--he has no confidants left that he hasn't killed, put in jail or run off. Poor Melesio--I don't think he has the brains to remember anything longer than 10 minutes. (Ooops, kinda sounds like me!)

Is Jarocha in the CME house?

If you are, Jarocha, would you comment a bit on how Sylvia Navarro is perceived in Mexico? I think she is the most talented 30-ish actress working in the world today. She continues to knock my socks off. ¡Guau!

Cheryl, gracias amiga for going above and beyond tonight. You are more reliable than the Pony Express! Thanks for hanging in there for us and thanks again to NOK for whetting our appetites so keenly.

As a Scandahoovian I do love me some herring, but RED Herring is currently not my favorite. Bah!

Funniest scene of the night, Angry Augi fighting with the boingy mechanical arm. Audrey, the bent sword cracked me up too.

Bitchybritches, LOL!! I love it.

Daisynjay, yep Jero's hair more permanent than a Ken doll's.

Diana, the answer to your question will be, I fear, YES.

Carlos, I also thought Augustin told Melesio to check on the LaB wine blending progress. I think that's why Mel looked so ticked off, because he's not sure how to go about it and it involves THINKING and skulking as opposed to brainless brawn.

Wow, look at all the comments I missed while I was watching the second half of last night's show, enjoying Cheryl's masterpiece and adding my own 2 pesos.

Güera, I wanted to say your party sounded like a lot of fun. Also, your ending for Augustin is brilliant. I second the vote for this being his demise.

Julia, LOVE the beanie!

What a fun way to enjoy the morning and my cup of strong, black tea...reading Cheryl's hard-fought recap and then reading everyone's hilarious comments.

Like y'all I certainly enjoyed the final scene showcasing SN's considerable talent. I'm glad the director appreciates her.

So Rene Casados is to be a priest again: Padre Lupe in a new telenovela El Abysmo de Pasión. Wow, heavy title. He sang a few bars of Feliz Navidad and of curse has a beautiful singing voice too. I always like his speaking voice. His hair looks great and less messy as it has here on CME.

The CME Emporium is getting full. I posted some late over the weekend. Here are some more items from our clever Carayers:

> I love the puppy for Constanza idea, maybe that could be a t-shirt theme too

> For Sale—50% off: Augie’s little black bag of abduction tricks (includes “snatch ‘n sniff” handcuffs, duct tape, chloroform and blindfolds)

> FOR LILA--The Secret Book of Tips for Successful Recaps

> FROM LILA – Thanks, I’m sending it back, didn’t need it

> Trash Pickers’ Delight-—rummage through an exclusive collection of plus-size, designer clothing tossed out of Fina’s closet

> I think you guys better order your "Zeke was here, but now he's gone Shirts."

> A complete set of giant 3-D letters which can be artfully placed around haciendas, water bodies and capitals (as if we don’t know where we are)

> A bandwagon [full] of felicitaciones (lovingly hand dipped by Hija de Lila), each one different.

> A tasty collection of Mexican besos (an alternative to Hershey’s Kisses), for those who can afford them.

> The Alfonsina Method of Easy to Learn Knitting instructions, needles & yarn

> Looks like the market for locks and dogs in Mexico is still wide open. Wasn't it Julia who during LldA was contemplating setting up a lock franchise in Mexico?

> I have a nice big bottle of aged, smoky Mezcal so I think I'm good to go.

> Discarded SpongeBob SquarePants outfits, having been found guilty of crimes against fashion

> As for tonight, no Mezcal on hand. York Mint Patties will have to do

> Garlic bulbs ready for planting around the grounds of Monterubio Mansion

> for me it will be Hershey's Kisses, tea, and a hanky

> I say lay in a good supply of Hershey's kisses just in case

> I guess I need to get in line for an I Miss Ezeke t-shirt (still in xtra large, drat)

> New line of dark-haired Chatty Matti dolls

> The “I Miss Ezequiel!! En pas descanse,” in fashion color Wine Country Burgundy (man-sized). Taking orders immediately.

> Having no mezcal or Hershey's kisses I will settle for a glass of Joseph Phelps Reserve Cab, from 2003

> Sign me up for one of those Ezequel shirts

> Love the t-shirt. there a cape coming for Lazaro?

> Super Laz cape - I wonder if there is a cape designing site like those t-shirt designing sites.

> Carayers special cyber hug for Sylvia for having to recap Ezequiel’s unfortunate demise: (((((((((((((S)))))))))))))))))))

> Please sign me up for the Zeke shirt! We need to start a CarayCaray gift shop, then we'll be able to identify Caraymates walking down the street (or crying in the airport... I still laugh at Daisy doing that in her I Heart Chema shirt). ROSEMARY la OTRA—SEE WE TOOK YOUR SUGGESTION

> Emilia said: Can't make t-shirts, but I'm happy to crochet a beanie for whoever wants one. Mine certainly came in handy last night! I have plenty of yarn, probably for a beanie the size of a Volkswagen

NOK, Sales Manager

NOK and Cheryl: Two great recaps for the price of one.

Cheryl: Fav line: “(Something tells me that with this much insisting they are not going to be alert..)” Thanks for clearing up the Kari scene. That’s definitely important.

Daisynjay: Chuckle moment: “(Any bets his hair will be perfect and he'll look like a million bucks? Just saying...)”

Cathy: I’m with you, too. I want to see Nata and Regina bond as “known” mother and daughter. I want to see Auggie and Roberta (now that I pretty sure she won’t be redeemed) suffer. I still think Berta will die of a heart attack.

Carlos: “Well we can all rest easy, Aníbal is going to cure Alison's anorexia.” I hope they don’t trivialize this. It really takes more than one person saying you’re not fat, to make an anorexic believe they’re not fat.

Auggie’s losing it, which means that if it does come to a duel, he’ll certainly lose, even if he is the better sword fighter.

Guera: “I have a thought about Auggie's demise. Maybe in a shouting, pushing match in the fencing studio Auggie menacing everyone with his epee in hand stumbles and is impaled on his fencing robot arm which continues to thrust and parry so that Auggie bounces around like a rag doll.” I’m voting for that end to Auggie!!!!!!

Cheryl: I’m beginning to think Priss is not nearly as attractive as she used to be. Mati has always been cute/pretty, even in her worst moments, but Priss is one of those that gets uglier on the outside as her ugly insides are revealed (all my opinion, of course.)

Vivi: Don’t think it’s fair to Arely and Juliteta to include Priss in their club. Priss will have to start a new spare girl club for skanks. Also, I liked the Nata not drinking scene. I was holding my breath on that one. Hate to see pregnant women drink.

One thing kind of bothers me. Nata was so adamant that Jero know that Marina was pregnant even thought Marina didn’t want him to know and now Nata decides the she doesn’t want Jero to know she’s pregnant. I guess she got to walk a mile in M’s shoes.

I’m going to give each of the new TNs a week’s viewing and then decide which one I want to watch. Heavens!!!! I hope I don’t get hooked on BOTH of them!!!!

I’m envious of all your lovely beanies. I think I need one, too. Especially if I end up watching a TN with a lot of beanie moments. This one kept them to a minimum—or so it seemed to my newbie mind.


NOK, I am ROFLOL! That is truly a fun and hilarious emporium. My favorite:
> New line of dark-haired Chatty Matti doll

And thanks for the cyber hugs. Yes, that was probably one of the more difficult episodes I've ever had to recap because I had to actually watch it. I think you already carry the "Justice For Ezequiel!!" line of products, correct? Might I suggest a baby beanie for baby Luz and kiddie earplugs for Alfonsina's children so they don't have to hear her blubbering about dad?

The Emporium stock list really cracks me up. I'm going to have to compile the whole thing together and keep it handy for whenever I'm having a low moment. I really want some of those giant 3-D letters but first I need to decide what to label.

I'm not really impressed by this portrayal of "anorexia." Alison is too sweet. In my experience, young anorexic girls tend to be super-crabby. Also, they are usually better at hiding the fact that they aren't eating.

NOK, Your list is amazing and growing longer. I would like to request my own set of giant 3-D letters to put on the side of my driveway. If you can do special orders it needs to say: The Villa de Willa. Willa would like that I know.

OMG--This couldn't have come at a better moment. I subscribe to A Word A Day--and here is today's word:


(PROG-nuh-thuhs, prog-NAY-thuhs)

1. Protruding outwards.
2. Having a jaw that protrudes outwards.

From Greek pro- (before) + gnathos (jaw). Ultimately from the Indo-European root genu- (jawbone, chin), which is also the source of chin and Sanskrit hanu (jaw). Hanuman (literally, having a large jaw) was the name of a monkey god in Hindu mythology. Earliest documented use: 1836.

"Nature had given Smith an enormous prognathous jaw. It was wide and heavy, and protruded outward and down until it seemed to rest on his chest."
Jack London; White Fang; Macmillan; 1906.

NOK -- how auggie-propriate is your word of the day.

Julia, I'm also ill at ease with the anorexia plot. First -- Alison is not at all emaciated as often anorexics are and Second -- we are about to have an instant cure b one caring boyfriend and a supportive abuela -- I agree that it trivializes a serious issue. Alison's addition to the cast has been crucial & will probably be more so as she & Anibal unravel clues -- but they should have come up with another reason for her to visit Manuela.

I'm also worried about he fates of Antonio, Isidro, Ines -- not so much Anibal. Auggie is very dagerous to him but he seems to be too important and too young to be offed. (I hope)


Forgot to say Julia -- I love your beanie

I agree. If they're going to do an anorexia plotline, it should be more realistic. Otherwise they should have just said Alison's parents were having to work really long hours or travel or something and they didn't want her left alone.

Although maybe they'll surprise us, and Manuela and Anibal will discover it isn't as easy as just telling her she isn't fat and she's pretty and they love her. Maybe they will actually explore the realm of dysmorphia and control issues and such.

Julia and Güera—Make that three of us who hate the anorexia-lite plot. As Julia and I have discussed before, this one hits a little too close to home for my comfort. The spectrum of eating disorders are actually quite difficult to treat (successfully) professionally, and, with no disrespect to Manuela or Anibal, it takes a little more that a little mole and a little love to create self-esteem for a person with an eating disorder.


I agree with all the comments on the anorexia plotline. To me, Ali has never looked the part--too cute, too well dressed and groomed, too engaged in what's going on. Maybe I'm wrong about the anorexic personality, not knowing anyone with this problem. My problems have been on the other end of the spectrum.

Elna June, Thanks for your words on the anorexia sub-plot. I realize that as an artificial appendage that just doesn't ring true is a big part of why I had so much trouble writing up Alison's unrealistic action last night of dropping the food on the floor and then Anibal practically curing her on the spot with a good dose of "you are beautiful" and Manuela's determination to make her that perfect mole (thnaks for that image EJ) and whappo, flasho and poof! we have a major disorder smacked down. I wish they had not added it in to Alison's characteristics. Someone else said yesterday that many anorexics are ill-humored and cranky and Alison is not much like that eaither. Oh well, most of what the writers have chosen has been so good but certainly not this line which needs to run straight down into a rabbit hole.

I think the big prob with the anorexic storyline is that they introduced it too late in the TN to do it justice.


Wow...tremendous discussions today. Where to start? Okay, first the title. Another winner. Maggie used to be the titlemeister, but I may have to pass that trophy on to you Cheryl.

And while you had lots of clever and funner witticisms (especially on the subject of Prissbutt) my favorite line was about "Renata sad in her room in such a real way it was hard to watch". My reaction completely. It was so painful it was practically unbearable.

Like many others, I was in agony watching Renata with that wine glass...don't drink it! don't drink it! think of the message it will send! Whew.

Julie, you look fabulous in your beanie. Strong colors. Perfect. continue to outdo yourself. A mini-recap and another shopping list. The Chatty Mati doll is my favorite.

"Double-wide ego"...oh my, Cheryl, your comments are as good as your recaps.

@Alison..portrayal way off. Yes, way too normal and healthy looking. Shiny glossy hair and smooth skin. Apart from sulky answers to her granny like WHY do I have to help? she's nothing like an anorexic. In addition to the fatigue and irritability, in real life she would have really really bad breath and there'd be no sweet kisses with Anibal. And no instant cure either.

But I assume they're throwing out a soft pitch PSA to teenagers who might be thinking about stringent dieting. There's some alarmingly thin Mexican actress who played the dying young wife in Amor Real and is playing some sort of handicapped person in Fuerza, who would have looked a lot more likely for that role.

Maybe it will turn out that Alison isn't supposed to be actually anorexic, she's just a teenage girl in fairly normal mental health who for some reason has gotten the idea she needs to diet. Maybe the PSA will be about dangerous messages in society and not about actual anorexia. Quite possibly they will never clarify, though.

OK. New pic in my Emilia beannie should show up now. Isn't it lovely?

Great picture, Vivi--Worthy of a Christmas card. Thanks for sharing--and all of you, too, who have an Emilia-designed and hand-crafted beanie! She's a very talented, novela addicted, crocheting queen.

Vivi: Another awesome beanie. Love the flower.


Vivi, that is very chic! I think Emilia has a real talent for crafting just the right beanie for each recipient. And you model it so well!

JudyB, Thanks for the clarifying and sound thoughts on anorexia. Perhaps those that think it is general PSA about too much dieting are closer to the truth. I didn't realize Kika Edgar was anorexic. She is always fragile looking but she is such a good actress who has been around a long time.

Rene Casados was soooooo charming today on Hoy and extremely good looking. Eye candy for those of us who enjoy ALL ages of galans.

Vivi, you are so beautiful in your new Emilia Beanie. It really suits you. My red beanie has a red flower so I will think of you too every time I read mine. I already think of Emilia everytime I pull it on.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Emilia really seems to make just the right beannie for each person. Such a talent! I love all the ones I've seen, but my favorites are the ones for David's grandbabies.

Wow Vivi, I am going to WEAR my beanie not READ it. sheeesh! I'm going to go slow down with another cup of hot tea.

And thanks for Sylvia for jumping over to do a recap on Familia so Ezra and Melinama can enjy their night off. You are such a good elf, Sylvia!

LOL Cheryl! I understood what you meant. I love your flower too. And I love the sunshiny color of Julia's beanie.

Yes, I whole heartedly agree that David's twin nietas have the best beanies on the planet! Now where is Emilia when she should be here enjoying the flood of praise?

Here I am - too late again... Talk about double-wide ego. Y'all have ruined mine!! Thank you for the compliments. These are Telenovela beanies, not Emilia beanies. Cheryl, I think of you whenever I put mine on also.

Vivi and Julia, thanks for showing us your lovely selves, beanies and all. Have I mentioned our Chema-lashed, tall, available, 29 year old son?? (who would be mortified if he knew I was talking about him!)

Cheryl, it is so hard to imagine you under so much snow. It was so warm and wonderful when we were in NM. YOU were warm and wonderful as well, and you still are!

Sorry I have been a lurker recently. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the recaps and comments.

I'll ask again tomorrow, but if anybody else wants a beanie, there is still plenty of yarn just begging for a permanent home. I moved several pounds of yarn from the den to a closet and found a poor orphan beanie. Kinda rust color with a row of yellow and a row of black beads. First one I ever attempted. Send me your address and it is yours.

Ah, 29. Perhaps if I were a cougar, but he is a bit too young for my 36 year old self.

Really Vivi? That's the age difference between me and my honey and we've been going strong for over 20 years. Rowr!! (Yes, I am the elder member of the team.)

Hurray, Emilia for showing up no matter how late. we can continue the silly stuff for days since we are getting such troublesome episodes. We really need the beanies which I will continue to think of as beanies by the famous fashionista Emilia!! Even after the telenovela protecting electronics have been sewn into the linings. That is what is next, right?

Wonderful recap Cheryl! I'm glad to see that you are all enjoying this novela so much now that it's getting close to its finale.

Vivi, Julia and Cheryl: You all look beautiful with your beanies! What a wonderful way to celebrate the hollidays on the blog. Emilia has a great talent.

Elna June: Silvia has been a very popular and respected actress in México since her beginings in novelas. Her projects have always been pretty successful for the most part.

Kika Edgar has denied suffering from anorexia but I remember her from teen novelas and she has always been thin. I think she is a pretty good actress and she could play the part if needed. She was also on Primer Amor with Anahí who had anorexia at the time to the point that she suffered a heart attack (and she was just 15) so I imagine she could draw something for her performance from that time. Fortunately, Anahí appears to be doing well right now and she has become a very active speaker in the campaigns for awareness on eating disorders.


Vivi that doesn't count as cougar territory. I spent 10 years in a relationship with a guy who was that much younger than me. WeRe not together anymore -- but age had nothing to do with it.


OK. I am surrounded by cougars! Perhaps someday I will follow in your foot (paw) steps. ;-)

Vivi, I saw a fridge magnet the other day that said: I'm in that awkward stage between jailbait and cougar!

Hee, that's funny Emilia!

How I love the way that the conversation just slips off the tracks some days and this seems to be one of them. I love the discussion of defining what is and what is not cougarhood. Only for women do they make this silly differentiation.

Jarocha, thanks so much for signing in. I appreciate your fine memory of telenovelas past. I really like Kika and hope she is well. What a frightening story about Anaji and her heart attack as a child. Wow. I imagine just surviving that would make one a crusader. Good for her to become an activists to help other young girls and women. I am not ignoring boys but this is a rather gender specific disorder is it not?

Well, most cases seem to be girls but it does happen to boys as well. However, the spots I've seen with Anahí have been specifically directed to girls for the most part.


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