Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #173 Thursday 12/22/11 If I could work my will...[Augustin] should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart!*

*Apologies to Charles Dickens

Well folks, things are moving right along, although never as fast as we'd like them to. Let's take a break from our holiday prep and enjoy tonight's adventures. Last night we left off with Augustin calling someone to make the airport video of Jero’s (in truth, Saul’s) departure disappear.

Tonight we open with Alison being a major mope because of Anibal who is still stuck outside. Laz jumps up surprised, Shoot! He forgot about Anibal. She just wants to know if Laz will employ him or not. He proposes that Ani can spend the night and they’ll discuss it tomorrow. Judging by her reaction I’d say Super Outburst Lazaro has met his match in the young Alison.

Regina brings Renata a cup of tea before bedtime. Renata is contrite and apologizes for her earlier behavior. Regina shushes her, anyone in her position would behave the same way. They bond with the admission that neither of them really thought Jero left Renata. Regina tells her to keep faith and Renata thanks Regina for always being there for her, she’s lucky to have a friend like her. Regina corrects her, Regina is her daughter, if not of blood then certainly of soul. More bonding, hugging, tears and thanks. They are really hitting us over the head with this one, although I like it. They conclude by agreeing that Jeronimo is alive, and the famous CME split screen confirms it as we see Sabina caring for Jero.

Next morning Ines and Regina are going over the box of photos. Regina tells Ines that even though Roberta is her daughter she gets the feeling she’s continuing her alliance with Pepa. Ines suggests Regina speak up to Gonzo about it but Gina demurs, how can she renounce her own daughter when she should be protecting her? Ines says Pepa’s influence over Roberta has been very’s the Call Of The Blood! Oh dang, Ines is quoting telenovela law now! She tells Regina she sees nothing of Roberta in her. They check out the photos and wonder why Pepa/Fina sent the picture of Roberta and said it was Renata.

Gonzo makes a timely arrival and Regina tells him they found a photo and don’t know if it’s Renata or Roberta. Will he be able to tell? Gonzo verifies that it’s Roberta, he’s completely sure. Regina presses, she thought it was Renata. Nopis, it’s definitely Roberta.

Gonzo asks for an explanation and they explain that the photo that Pepa sent when she was blackmailing Regina was of Renata, not of Roberta. Regina can’t understand why Pepa/Fina would switch the pics. There’s no doubt that Berta is her daughter because she did the DNA analysis. Gonzo and Gina can’t figure out why. Ines says she thinks she knows why (duh) but she can't tell them now. GAH! She wants them to come to her house that afternoon, trust her. Gina’s all ready to go right now but Inez says she needs to get something important from Isidro first. Great, lots of time for Ines or Isidro to get anvilized before they can spill the soup.

Marina has gone to talk to Saul’s ex-hospital to try to get information on his whereabouts. Dr. Escalante tells Marina that unfortunately Saul continued to be a compulsive gambler (jugador empedernido). He was screwing up at work and his patients lost confidence in him. Saul left in the nick of time, he was about to get fired anyway. Marina’s cogs and sprockets start chugging away. My theory is that she can breathe again now that she's not wearing that yellow 8 year old's jacket.

Ines strolls along a sidewalk talking to Isidro on the phone. She had to change their plans of revelation because poor Regina is in too much anguish.  He doesn’t have the results of Nata’s fingerprints yet but he’ll figure something out and meet up with her later. Am I the only one who thought for sure a big rock or piano was going to fall down on her?

Germy takes Gema to lunch to tell her he’s made plans to go away for a business weekend. She’s thrilled that she’ll be able to join him. Oops, he thought she was going to visit their son this weekend. Nopis, she can do it Monday because they need to get away together. He tries the “it’s a boy’s weekend with lots of golf, cigars, burping and farting; you’d hate it.” Nopis again, she’ll enjoy spa days and then they can hook up after his business. He suggests maybe it would be better for them to go to Miami the following weekend to visit their son together. She’s surprised, she thought he didn’t want to see their son who shunned the world of business to become a pansy-a$$ artist. Germy’s one cool-blooded snake; he says he’s changed his attitude about the kid and gives a reptilian smile as Gema sighs and accepts his proposal.

Marina asks Doc Escalante if he has any idea where Saul might have fled. “Ooh, Las Vegas,” he suggests, “ain’t no place for a poor boy like Saul.” Yep, even though the crystal city makes a wreck out of Saul she just might find him there. Only Las Vegas gives Saul the adrenaline rush he craves.

Gina and Gonzo loudly discuss what they might learn at Ines and Isidro’s while Berta joins them. She doesn’t notice what they are discussing, nor does she notice the big photo box on the table because she’s all smiles about going with Licenciado Ibarrola to close a contract muy importante. She wraps herself in the warm lie of what she wishes were true, that her “mother and father” are proud of her and that she’s got a galán who actually cares about her.

Renata joins them and Berta’s face falls as all eyes are once again on Nata. Probably because she greets Regina and Gonzo with a kiss, unlike Roberta. Gonzo tries to grab the mystery orange beverage to pour a glass for Renata and Berta manages to steal it away in the nick of time. No way is sis going to have HER juice! Gonzo tells her there is no word yet from his investigator about the airport tapes. Nata is killing herself with worry and Gina advises her to relax. Gonzo and Gina insist her health is at stake. Renata has another melt-down and, rushing from the room, leaves Gina and Gonzo concerned and Berta shifty-eyed and fidgety.

The birdies tweet cheerfully outside Cruz sin Amor but inside the mood is dark and evil as Augustin gets the latest airport update. The investigator checked the tapes and found nothing.

Over at La Bonita Ani comes clean to Laz and Carlos about his ma being dead and why he came to seek his father. Laz is still reluctant to hire him, their distrust of Augustin is just too great. Ali pleads Ani’s case, Augi never believed Anibal, never loved him and Ani has proof. He whips out the letter that Augustin wrote to his mother so many years ago asking her to abort. “Infeliz!” Laz explodes. Ali explains that Anibal came hoping his father would meet him and have a change of heart but it wasn’t so. Furthermore Augustin attacked him. Super Laz and Carlos relent and say he can stay there for the time being. Hooray! A grateful Anibal promises they won’t regret it.

Mati unhappily informs the kitchen klatch that once again she and Carlos have decided to postpone the wedding, this time until they get word of El Hermoso.

Padre Seve arrives and asks Laz and Kari if there are any updates on Jero’s disappearance? They share what they know and Padre reveals it was Saul who lied about Jero flying to the DF. “Desgraciado!”, exclaims Laz, “that imbecile deceived all of us!”

Regina and Renata (lightly skipping down the stairs in spike heels!) are leaving for Nata’s doctor appointment when Tony and Marina show up. They have no news about Jero but some new info about Saul. It’s likely he’s hightailed it to Las Vegas so maybe the investigator should give it a shot. Nata is all over that, tries to call Gonzo, and tells Tony all their technology is at his disposal to try to locate Saul.

Regina reminds Nata about her appointment and tries to bring her back to earth. Nata keeps rolling with the “gotta call dad and investigator” but Regina is firm. “Daughter, if you are healthy then everything will go easier FOR THE BABY.” She gives the I’m-the-mom-pulling-rank glare. Nata acquiesces and Tony hides a smile.

They leave but Nata will keep trying to call Dad, Antonio will use the office to investigate, and Marina will go back to Saul’s old office to snoop around.

Padre tells Laz and Kari there is another issue that worries him. He went to see Alvaro in jail who told Padre something that he needs to share with them. Alvaro thinks Zeke didn’t commit suicide, he believes Augustin is behind his death. “I knew it!” shouts Laz, “Zeke loved his life, his family and his country too much.” Kari asks what if Alvaro’s right, what can they do about it?

Over at Empresas Monterrubio Hons tells Matias and Adri he doesn’t want to tell Gonzo yet about Berta and Germy, not until they have evidence. Adri suggests they follow Roberta, get proof, and give her a taste of her own chocolate.

Fina is bored and calls Berta to whine. As Germy eavesdrops, Berta whines back that she’s got no more news from La Casa de los Monterrubios. “Mamacita, stop calling to bother me!!”  Germy slithers in and comments on her ugly tone of voice. Are things that bad at home? Berta claims she wasn’t actually talking to her mom. Germy asks well then who is mamacita? She sidetracks him by giving him a cleavage close-up and planning their escape for the weekend.

Sabina is caring for Jero, leafy poultice on his head, when the young guy (wish I knew his name) rushes in telling her she has an important phone call. Sabina tells the guy to keep holding the tossed salad on Jero’s head while she sees who’s calling.

Padre sees Anibal and asks what he is doing at La B. Ani tells him that Augustin kicked him out and Laz and Carlos are helping him. Padre advises him if the people at La Bonita are helping Ani then Ani should help them by telling them all he knows about Augustin. Maybe it will help with Jero’s disappearance. Ani is shocked, Jero is missing? Yep, Saul lied, Jero never left with Marina, and Anibal should tell them everything he knows.

Sabina’s mystery caller is Matilde. Mati tells her that they have to postpone their wedding AGAIN because the owner of the hacienda is missing. El Hermoso disappeared a week ago and everyone is terribly worried. They can’t get married until the nice Hermoso shows up.

Inside, Jero starts muttering “Renata, Renata mi amor”.  Dang, bad time for Sabina to step outside. The young man frets while Jero feverishly mumbles about Renata, she’s waiting for him at La Bonita to get married. Sabina returns and tells the guy that Jero’s reaction is a good sign and a step toward recovery. He says their mystery man called for his love Renata waiting at LA BONITA. Sabina thinks that’s good because love will give him something to fight for. Lady, start putting 2 and 2 together.

Have you noticed that almost every time we are in the La B kitchen they are cutting squash? Now it’s Kari’s turn, and while she preps the squash she tells Alfonsina about Alvaro’s suspicions, that Ezequiel’s death was very convenient for Augustin. Alvaro said that Ezequiel is the only one who knew all the dirty deeds that Augi committed. Alf is stunned and insists she’s got to investigate and get to the bottom of this, not only for herself but for the kids. Kari tells her Laz also wants to investigate but how are they going to discover the truth?

Ani shares with Ali the conversation he had with Padre S, that he should tell all he knows about his papa. He wants to but he’s scared about what Augustin would do to him. He reveals that Augi threatened him and what he would do if Ani goes against him. Augi wanted Ani dead once, why not now?

Renata and Regina get home after a successful visit to the doc. The baby is doing fine and Regina was right that Renata needs to remain calm. They pretty much have the same conversation they had earlier, about believing Jero is alive, keeping the faith, and very soon they will find him. Nata prays to the Virgincita to bring Jero back to her. We get to see a few happy flashbacks and she cries she misses him so much.

Doc Escalante opens Saul’s office so Marina can go in and investigate. She and the helpful nurse start going through his papers.

Tony has nothing new to report to Renata. Also, Gonzo calls her with the bad news that they could see nothing on the airport videos. The archives were erased. Nata can’t believe it and Gonzo admits it’s too strange. Something is very wrong and they’re going to get to the bottom of it.

Isidro tells his bank guy he needs the irrefutable proof now. Bank guy says Isidro is putting him in an awkward position because he doesn’t have the report yet, but he’ll do his best and give Isidro a call soon.

Renata makes a phone call and asks, in pretty good English, if there is a Saul Guardiola staying there. No? Thank you. She tells her baby that everything will be all right. Papa will be back soon and their awesome vineyard lives will continue. The phone rings and Renata rolls her eyes. It’s freakin' Augustin and she admits things aren’t going well. Apparently Jero did not go with Marina and he has disappeared. “How is it possible he disappeared?” asks Augi, smiling wickedly. He asks what he can do to help. Renata tells him she’s slightly busy and preoccupied, she’ll see him later, and hangs up. “Oh you’ll see me sooner,” he smirks, “like tomorrow. Because I’m going to be sniffing around every aspect of your life...mi amor.”

Jero is still moaning Renata’s name. Sabina tells him to fight for his life and she wonders who this Renata is. Our ever helpful Jero provides more clues as he mutters to Carlos and Lazaro to take care of Renata. He mutters Matilde’s name and Sabine’s all QUE??? “I said, LAZARO AND MATILDE,” he groans. Sabina’s light bulb switches on. No puede ser!

  Hippy Huladaze Everyone!!!!! 


Avances: Tony has shocking news for Regina. Marina has shocking news for Renata. Germy and Roberta are shocked by a camera. Gema shocks Germy with a slap in the face.


Sylvia: typing this on my phone. Still not used to it so will be brief. Loved the recap, especially the tossed salad remark.

Loved the scene with Nata and Regina with Gina insisting about the doctor's appointment.

Glad Jero was naming names

Avnances: Glad Tonio will be giving Gina the news. Looks like someone is stalking Nata.


You nailed another one Sylvia. Love your Dickens title. Everyone is so close to sharing what they know -- and if they would all just do that we could wrap this us and spend a week or so enjoying our happy couples all back together and everyone married. thye could even give us a couple of days of torturing Auggie & Fina.

I thought Sabina was never going to make the connection but it looks like she may just be seeing the light.

"Great, lots of time for Ines or Isidro to get anvilized before they can spill the soup." My thoughts exactly. and I was very nervous as Ines walked along that street talking on the phone. I keep expecting something to happen to her & Isidro before they can spill the beans -- just to drag things out.

Aníbal, please tell everyone everything you know!

"Saul left in the nick of time, he was about to get fired anyway. Marina’s cogs and sprockets start chugging away. -- I hope one of the things which will set those cogs & sprockets in motion is the news Dr. E gave her about how just before he left Saul had hit it big and had paid off all his debts. Think, Marina, Think. Where could he have got all that money????

Guess we're left with no CME until after Christmas. Enjoy the holiday everyone.


Sylvia thanks for your great recap. ITA w/your title as well. His smirk will probably fade quickly when he sees how much Renata loves Jero and will grow to hate him and his stalkerish (and completely psycho) nature.

I am enjoying how the story lines are coming together and ticked with have to wait until Tuesday to see the next episode. Yeah Sabrina realized tonight who her poor patient is!

The preview look very promising with Regina (perhaps) getting closer to the truth. Roberta and Germy getting caught (and the start of her downfall).

Since Augie will be stalking Renata, Ani can share his knowledge with the LaB crew and we know Super Laz et al will protect him. The great thing about the "find Jero" story is it simultaneously has all these people investigating and eventually finding out the Augie is at the bottom of it all. And this time Renata will believe.

Ahoy my friends. How nice to find some comments before I turn in for the night.

Robey you dear thing, even checking in on your phone. They can be so challenging so I appreciate your message. I was afraid somewhat might be after Nata. We have several possibilities, a couple of which could be lethal.

Güera, thank you for pointing out the important detail that Saul had miraculously "hit it big" and paid off all his debts. Like most compulsive gamblers he likely thinks he's on a winning streak.

Karen, the outing of Berta and Germy was my favorite preview. I pretty much loathe them both and want to see them get their just desserts. And I agree that this Jero thing will probably bring everyone back to the wine country for the climax.

It's gonna be hard to wait until Tuesday!

Damn auto spell correct. I meant to say I was afraid some ONE might be after Nata.


Happy Holidays to you and yours, dear Cap'n. This was a really fine recap, as always, and I really appreciated this observation on Roberta:

—She wraps herself in the warm lie of what she wishes were true, that her “mother and father” are proud of her and that she’s got a galán who actually cares about her.—

Wow, I love how you grock this character! She is easy to hate, but when she talks to herself and creates her own private reality she is also pretty scary, como su mamå. Unlike her mother's character, Roberta is not very smart. If we can use her lame attempts at financial shenanigans as any kind of example of her work, she won't last long as an embezzler. What a truly ruined, horrid person CME's writers have given us in Roberta! How will she meet her end? She is wasy beyond redemption at this point, I feel.

Another great relationship summation is one you wrote here:—
"Regina tells her to keep faith and Renata thanks Regina for always being there for her, she’s lucky to have a friend like her. Regina corrects her, Regina is her daughter, if not of blood then certainly of soul. More bonding, hugging, tears and thanks. They are really hitting us over the head with this one, although I like it":—

I like their connection too, but enough with stringing it out already. REVEAL call! I want Renata to start taking care of herself and that baby right now. No more hysteria. Eliminating Fina from her life completely (emotionally) should give her a boost until Jero is found.

Thanks, again, Sylvia for such a good recap of this pivotal episode.


Sylvia, Thank you for this wonderful recap. I love your Dickens tie in and the keen observations we always get from you. I agree with Elna June that you ahve a deep and clear understanidng of Roberta's misguided not so smart thinking.

After Renata and Regina came back from the doc and were walking up the stairs, I loved that Renata suddenly gets the deep horror that Regina endured for 24 years when she has only been losing her mind with grief and unanswered uestions for a couple of weeks. And think back about what personal questions that Roberta asks Regina: mostly can I get the money from Roberto early if we do all the paper work right now? I Regina doesn't figure this out in her heart before the finger print report comes back, I will be deeply disappointed in her. I get that it is so unthinkable that they have all made a big mistake especially since it all hinges on the Fina provided DNA evidence. But then no one has figured out the hair brush of Renata's planted in Roberta's purse. Go Inez, go go Isidro. This line is getting old and thin.

So I saw the first announcement of a January 6 viernes ending and Amy Azul and I both have the Christmas holiday off. I cna't tell if it is a one hour or two hour ending but maybe we can all collaborate on recap/comments etc. as we have done in the past.

Sylvia, I am glad we have your richly worded and thought out recap to mull over for a few days. We can all take a deep breath before making that last dash toward the gran finale.

The many ways in which the writers have Regina & Renata bonding are very touching. I agree that the moment on the stairs when Renata empathizes with Regina over her years of not knowing the whereabouts of her daughter was very touching.

I'm sorry we have to wait until Tuesday -- but leaving us with Sabina's realization lets us breath easier for the four day hiatus.

Jeronimo will soon be back safely in loving hands. But what about Renata? Who is stalking her? Do we have to worry about her safety and that of her baby for the next two weeks?

And what is Fina up to? Surely she doesn't intend to jet off to Switzerland without making another attempt to kill off everyone in the Monterrubio household.

Felices Fiestas a todos.


Sylvia- I so agree that if we have to wait and mull for four days, htis is the perfect recap to mull over. Many thanks and happy holidays amiga!

I also loved Gina pulling mama rank on Nata and making her go to the cardiologist and gyno. She's also a very calming force for Nata, which she needs. By the end, it looked like Nata was trying to calm herself down when she was appologizing to the baby for being so crazy and anxious.

Guera- Thanks for pointing out that the doc said Saul had mysteriously paid off all his debts before taking off. That will surely be an important clue to help them figure out what happened.

Yay! Jero's feverish babbling leads Sabina to the realization of who he is. And yay, the LaB crew are finally digging into what really happened to Zeke.

Boo! Augie is planning on going to D.F. to be Nata's shadow. I love that she hung up on him so quickly.

The previews were promising with the Gina-Nata reveal looking like it's going to happen, and Berta and Germy being caught and photographed in the act!

I have to convince my family next week that we HAVE to be back in my sister's house by 7pm each evening and that they have to leave me alone, or join me, for an hour to watch CME. LOL! I'll be commenting via my phone next week.

Have a very wonderful holiday everyone!

Really enjoyed the recap Sylvia, Thanks! I haven't been able to watch CME since Monday nite! :(

My Dad's place doesn't have cable or satellite, so I am SOL through the holidays. 7 pm is dinnertime, so I can't sneak off to the motorhome sat TV to watch. I'm not totally destitute as I did watch ahead early summer when I expected I would miss a lot of CME during our late summer travels. The final 10 or so episodes on-line had several missing chunks so I have missed some good bits.

The recaps are bringing a lot of the memories back. I really enjoyed all the recaps this week!

I am going to treat myself on Jan 6th though. I didn't watch the final episode. Marking it on my calendar!


A few quiet morning moments to myself and all I wanted to do was jump into Caray and check out your recap Sylvia. Stellar as always. And I love that title!!!

Add me to the group that was worried as Inex was walking down the street. I kept expecting Fina to jump out or a car to come out of nowehere. These writers sure know how to keep us on the edge if our seats.

Next week looks so good. I'm like you Vivi, the 7:00 hour is mine on the TV!! Though my sons are pretty use to that by now. They just smile. I like that Gina learns the truth, but I can't wait to see Berta's reaction when she realizes the scam is up. Fun stuff.

So we wait for Tuesday. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and my very best wishes for a Merry Christmas to everyone!!

Sylvia, what a treat! I really hooted at your suggestion that Ines might be squished by a falling piano! I wouldn't put anything past the writers. Betcha they are kicking themselves for not thinking of it!!

Mike and I were concerned when Renata stood at the top of the staircase of death - in her spike heal boots. Just standing there, back to the stairs, not caring that viewerville was having a collective heart attack. Back to single story La Bonita with you!

Before I read everyone's comments, there were 2 thinks you wrote that made me laugh out loud.

The comment about the yellow 8 year old's jacket.
And the comment about them always cutting squash in the kitchen at La Bonita. I never paid attention to what they were actually doing. It's easy to have too much squash. The prop person may have grown it in his garden and needed to get rid of it.

I don't think that when we're this close to the end that they would kill off any of the main characters that we like. They might hurt them, but not get rid of them.

I'm looking forward to Regina getting caught with German at the retreat.

Still no advances of Renata and Regina being told the truth about their relationship, but I keep hoping it will be in the next episode.

Too bad Augustine couldn't realize that his perfect mate is actually Roberta. They would have been perfect for each other.

Bravo Sylvia! Great episode! Great recap! Yep, I though for sure if not a rock or a piano, that the ground would open up on Ines: that camera angle was just too menacing! Oh, things are starting to gel and the moment I have been waiting for cometh: the unmasking of the skank!

I hope all of you are having a warm, wonderful holiday. . .I know many of you are busy, as am I. . I look forward to a break later to read comments. Thanks, Cap'n!


Dear Everyone:

Well that was quite an exciting episode. Thanks for great recap - I am so glued to watching expressions, I miss stuff like squash-only kitchen stuff - and for the life of me, I've still never seen the great balls in Casa Monetrubio.

As far as the Nata stalking - I missed that completely. Can someone please fill me in on why you think she's being stalked. Did I miss the explanation in the recap??

I can't believe there's no show until next week - gee maybe I'll actually get some baking/wrapping done BEFORE Christmas!!

I want to wish all of you the happiest of Christmases - to you and yours and God's abundant blessings on you for 2012.

Love, Mary

Good morning all. It sounds like almost everyone is busy busy busy this weekend and into next week. I do feel bad for those of us who cannot watch because I just know that the next two weeks are going to be exciting.

Mary, the stalking of Renata was barely hinted at in the previews. You know how they just flash by so it may or may not happen. But with Augustin sniffing (yes and I do mean SNIFFING) around and with Fina all bored and dying to wreak havoc...well anything could happen.

cathyx, I so totally agree with you that Augustin overlooked his soul mate in Roberta. They could have made each other delightfully miserable for years to come instead of meeting their demises within the next two weeks. However they would have made rotten neighbors for La Bonita so it's just as well we can get rid of them both. Anibal will make a much better neighbor.

Funny comment about growing the excess squash. It is that Mexican zucchini variety (calabacitas as they call it the grocery) so they probably have it coming out of their ears. It looks plump and delicious. And the bunches of cilantro they have are huge.

Cheryl and others, yep the deep horror of missing a loved one is yet another thing that Regina and Renata now have in common. Regina is the only one who truly gets how Renata feels. Interesting.

Emilia, the staircase of death always gives me the heebie jeebies. I wouldn't mind seeing Roberta take another tumble down them though, and maybe crack her head on the giant balls at the bottom.

OK, I'm off to buy ingredients to make toffee. Mexican squash would be a lot healthier but nobody wants to get a bag of calabacitas for their holiday treat.

Sylvia: wonderful recap and so many shocking things about to happen lol.

I come here bringing Televisa's Christmas video for 2011, where some of the CME actors appear:

Nuevos Recuerdos


Jarocha, that was so cool! Thank you. I especially liked when the older actors were holding pictures of their younger selves. That really shows how telenovelas span the generations.

Greetings from not too afar. I'm temporarily connected. My son dutifully made a DVD of last night's episode and I watched it today.

Sylvia--your recap was magnificent. Wish I could have put the recap up as the CC's.

I spit coffee at your description of Sabina telling the guy to keep the salad on Jero's head.

Glad Renata has calmed down. I didn't think either she nor Regina were going to tumble down the staircase, but it certainly did remind us all of Roberta's so long ago.

Thank goodness we don't have any real cliff-hangers (well, Jero already fell off the cliff) until next week. Maybe it wasn't intentional, but it gives us a break from worrying--especially poor Mary.

Emilia--what would you say if you knew I kept all the word verifications ever since RLO suggested it. They are hysterical. Maybe after I empty the Emporium, I'll put them up.

Again--Happy Holidays to all our fellow tn sufferers. FWIW, I'm going to stay with the 7 pm show after CME ends. I want to see Blanca Soto again. She was such a natural actress in Eva Luna (not the same caliber as Silvia Navarro, I'll be quick to say), but with great potential.

Sylvia- That's my favorite part of the video too. As well as spotting all our favorite stars. I paused it a lot to get a look at all the faces.

Sylvia, wonderful recap full of your usual irreverent humor (I love it!).

Great comment about the healing salad. I wonder if it is the salad itself that has such omnipotent healing powers, or perhaps the salad dressing. Whatever it is, we need to get some to Dr. Carlos so he can be treating trauma victims on this side of the border.

I too thought Inez was going to be injured/squashed/abducted. I wonder if the writers are really that good to inject that kind of uncertainty.

Mike and Emilia, glad you're back after your family stress. By the way, anyone who doesn't take Emilia up on a beanie is missing a great chance. They are beautiful.

Our house is filling up with grandboys, grandgirls and all our kids except 2nd son who is a FedEx aircraft mechanic (if you haven't had a FedEx cargo plane fall on you, you can thank him).

Hope you all have a blessed and happy Christmas.


Sylvia, terrific recap, thank you so much.

Jarocha, thanks for the link, I love it. Televisa's Christmas videos should be posted on the sidebar, they are great and worth viewing more than once.

Is that Maite Perroni singing?

Rosemary #1

Rosemary#1: The song is by the band Jesse y Joy.

I also like the parts with the older actors and I always like to see the news anchors in these videos because these videos becuae you can see them have fun on screen.

I also liked how some of the scenaries are so specific with the people they chose for them and others are so random.


Revisiting Tuesday....

EJ! We need to have a new shortcut: EJOMG

Your re-cap was fantastic! How is it I had to look up Raymond Chandler? How have I not read The Last Goodbye? I just ordered it on my Kindle and will get to it as soon as I finish Stephen King's Bag of Bones.

But, even though I haven't read the book yet, I LOVED the references. How fitting for our little CME world! I love reading older pieces of work and feeling how relevant they are to today. Vonnegut does that to me continually.

Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Did you think of this book as you were watching CME or did you read the book and think of CME?

Sorry if I laughed at Guera's jewel typo. Evidently R la O's humor can run on the crude side.

Thanks again, EJOMG!

Rosemary la Otra

another great recap, Sylvia!

and just stopped to read recap and comments and wish everyone a happy holiday and lots of health and happiness in 2012!! Felicidades!!

Great recap, Sylvia. Poor delusional Roberta, thinking Germy (perfect name for him) is her "galan". He's a little "mature" to be her galan, plus he's married. She is really not smart, unlike Fina, who knew to leverage affairs for money or whatever she wanted.

Loved the Las Vegas song lyrics in the Saul section. I heard the whole song in my head - thank you Gram (qepd) and Emmylou.

I was bummed that there wasn't an episode tonight, when I can finally sit down and watch the whole thing at one time. Was hoping for an early Christmas present of Jero goin' home!

I think Marina and Antonio should get together. I never bought his wanting to be a priest, anyhow.

Happy whatever holiday you celebrate to all!

Now about Wednesday....

Marta - you have once again magically given me the power to understand what was going on here. Some of it would have been hard without your words to follow. Are they talking faster these days?

The tissue throw was such a great moment. I don't think it was planned as Gonzo's flinch seemed so real.

Ouch about Jero's nose. They had to have added putty to it, wouldn't you say? I don't remember it ever looking like THAT. It really did look swollen. Sorry, Juan Soler, if you are reading this and all they added to your nose was some makeup.

Emilia - What are you saying about missing this when it's over? Won't we just move on juntos? You still have 3 bags of yarn to use up before you can even begin to think about saying Adios. We still have to hash and re-hash that guy on the horse who can sing who Sylvia raves about.

Anya - it wasn't til I read your comment just now that I knew we didn't have an episode tonight. And here I sent my husband out to a movie by himself so I could catch up on my telenovela.

So, Sylvia, I may put your's on hold until after I get a few more things checked off my to-do list. I'll get back to you later tonight.

R la O

And I thought EATING salad was the way to stay healthy. What a dope! I'll strap it on my head with a Mati-style headband and take care of this cold once and for all.

And what's with Sabina not recognizing that the guy she found a week ago might be the Hermoso that went missing, coincidently, a week ago. I think she was starting to get it at the end, so let's hope that phone is still working.

Happy Whatever Holiday You Chose to Celebrate to all!


Kellly, I love your new cold remedy: face salad. I actually thought that she was making a sandwich and Jero's face looked like the baked ham, ewwww, sorry.

Isn't it nice that Maritatas isn't crazed anymore. Now she make actually help solve the remaining mysteries. And Isidro needs to get over his mania to stage everything and just spill what he knows.

Jarocha, Thanks for the link to televisa's end of year youtube. It is pretty spectacular and now I can play it over and over. I love the actors holding their own younger portraits too. and the floors and floor s of scenes with great props.

What an episode! What a re-cap! Muchas gracias, Sylvia. Lots of fun lines and lots of info that would have totally gone over my head.

Renata "lightly skipping down" with her spiked heels gave me a flashback to Roberta's tumble to the Bottom Steps de Balls. I must say I held my breath until she arrived on the main floor safely.

Could Berta have been banging and clattering her OJ any louder? What a brat.

Lila - Did you just give us your much awaited "Roberta Revealed Title"? Is it "Unmasking of the Skank"? Regardless, it's terrific!

LOL, Sylvia, did Laz really say that Zeke loved his country too much to commit suicide? If so, that can explain the affair with Berta. Hey, if Newt can use it as an excuse, so can Zeke.

Your tossed salad comment was splendid, and Kelly throwing in that she thought she was supposed to EAT the salad to be healthy was a hoot.

Thanks for pointing out Renata speaking English. I would have missed that. She has a sweet voice.

I loved the 8 year old's jacket comment. Too funny and too true. Every time I see her in that I think of my favorite of our given nicknames for her: Dr. Yellowjacket.

I've said this before, but I want to say again that given different circumstances, I think Renata and Tatas could have become good friends. Hopefully they still will.

Jarocha - Thanks for the Nuevos Recuerdos link. Truly enjoyable.

NOK - No cliff hangers (well, Jero already fell off the cliff). LOL!

Cheryl - Funny you'd say that about Isidro needing to get over his mania to stage everything. When I saw in the previews Antonio telling Regina about Roberta/Renata I thought "Oooh, I bet Isidro will be peeved."

Sylvia, your toffee sounds delicious. Please send mine to 1313 Mockingbird Lane.

Happy Holidays to All. I had a sweet life before I met you, but now it is so much funner! Thank you!

Word verification: rialat - We've sure had a rialat of good times with CME!

R la O

As if that last comment from me was not long enough, I have a couple of things I forgot to add. (Oh God, am I one of those people who loves the sound of her own voice?)

Sylvia - that was so funny when you said there is lots of time for Ines or Isidro to be anvilized and that you were waiting for a piano to drop on Ines when she was on the sidewalk.

What I think I heard, and what I thought was sweet was when Regina brought the tea into Renata and Renata told Regina how lucky Roberta is to have her as a mom, and Regina so lovingly said "Now, do I have to get angry? You know I think of you as mi hija."

I, for one, really like Gema. I wish she was in our Circle of Blogfriends. They need to can Germy from EM and hire on Gema. Then she can have a consensual fling with Sexy P.I. (cuz he likes women mine and Gema's age, I've decided).

Okay, she who was at WalMart at 5 a.m. today (me) was nicely rewarded with a CME marathon catching up on 3 episodes. There will be no Christmas letdown for us this year, knowing we get going again on Tuesday.

R la Off to Bed

Just one more thing..... Did you notice Priss is now wearing Coni's pink?

David, you're too funny. I wish I would have thought of your salad dressing wisecrack for the recap. Thank goodness you commenters always come through with your scathingly brilliant comments. I DO thank your son that a FedEx aircraft never fell on me. We are always thanking your kids; they deserve it.

Kelly, if David's theory is correct then maybe just washing your hair in dressing will do the trick.

Cheryl, one word...EWWWWWWW!

R la O, I'm amazed you can find time to read the recaps, etc. amidst all your preparations. That's funny about your husband. And yes, Laz said that about Ezequiel. Specifically he said Ez loved his "tierras" which is really his lands or earth. Hey, you didn't tell us that your last name is Munster!! Nope, I did not notice Pris in Pink but I will from now on. Finally, did you have a double espresso today??

The Holiday video, I also liked the pirate ship, but of course I would.

Played Santa last night and brought over a new giant flat screen tv to my dad. Today, Christmas Eve, is his birthday, and the man loves his sports. I think he almost got teary. I am very tempted to start dropping by my parents' house in the evenings to watch my tns...:) Imagine all the details I'd catch!

RlaO- You crack me up. Have a very happy holiday.

The behind the scenes of creating the Televisa end of year video:


I'm grateful and happy to be a part of this wonderful group.

Have a safe and happy holidays.


Great recap, Sylvia. Lots of great lines but my favorite is of the contrast of mood without and within:

"The birdies tweet cheerfully outside Cruz sin Amor but inside the mood is dark and evil"

My first encounter with a curandera was as a medical student at UTMB's John Sealy Hospital in Galveston. Making medicine rounds one morning when I was a junior student, our group (Staff Dr. who had only just arrived as new chief of the medicine department from Duke University, the resident, an intern, and five other students) arrived at one of my patient's bedside in the women's ward to find an oddly dressed woman wacking my patient with a handful of weeds and chanting softly as a raw egg floated ominously in a saucer of water on the bedside table.

The only one in our group who had any idea what was going on was our resident physician who was familiar with such things. He lead us all outside and explained. Our new staff Dr. asked if this was common and the resident said, "Only with our Mexican patients."

Lots of great comments, sorry I'm just now joining in. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.


Vivi - Thanks for the behind-the-scenes look at what Jarocha sent us. What a clever montage. The only CME person I saw was SN, unless that was a side shot of Roberta for a split second sitting in a chair. Were there any others that you noticed?

Good story, Carlos! "Only with our Mexican patients" lol. I wonder what she was trying to cure with a floating raw egg and a weed whack? Well, Sabina got your Matilde up and mouthing off again in no time. Hopefully Jero will recover just as quickly.

Cheryl - your ham sandwich comment. On Christmas?

R la O

RlaO- It's incredibly impressive the amount of work Televisa puts into creating these videos. 8 days one of the people said. Plus, it must be quite a feat to get all of their biggest stars together at the same time, in the same place for something like that.

Aside from SN, the other CME people I noticed were Gonzo (Rene C)-he is one of the folks in the photo booth and his hair looks different, it's combed forward, he looks kind of like an older Antonio Banderas; Honorio- he's one of the beauty shop people; and Rafael (Sabastien Zurita).

You may be able to pick out some more people in last year's video. That was SN's first year as a Televisa star and her first year appearing in their end of year video:

Thanks, Vivi. I saw Gonzo (with BANGS... that will take some getting used to), Honorio and Rafael.

On the one from last year, I saw SN looking cute on the stairs, Juan Soler, Hon, and Anibal. Did I see Rafael again? Did I see Fina? Who did I miss?

That is such a fun gift for your dad. If he is a sports guy, like my husband, he will especially love it for the back-to-back-to-back NBA games tomorrow.

I am afraid that if you watched CME on a large screen, Augie's jut jaw would be too close and frightening. Good thing we are not in 3-D given that awful laugh of his that I am sure we'll have to re-watch.

Off to my mom's for Christmas Eve. Let's hope there is no family drama. You know the saying... you can't choose your family, but you can choose your Caraymates. So glad I've got you all.

R la O

Hello! I just came here to wish everybody a Merry Christmas!

I hope everybody is enjoying themselves and that you are getting to spend this time with your loved ones.

¡Felíz Navidad!


Cheryl- Sure glad ham's not on the menu this weekend. I think I'll stick with Honey Nut Cheerios this year.


HAHA! My word verification is Roses!

I hope everyone had a wonderful day. I am ready to pop.

Robey and anyone else who can pull this up on their phone - my wonderful kiddies surprised me with a My Touch smart phone. I was able to pull up our website but could not get past the first paragraph of the re-cap. Anyone know what I need to do?

R la O

R la O. I had problems with accessing the recap from the CME page on my phone, too. I access the recap on the Caray Caray home page. At the end of the cap is a link to the comments. Hope this helps.


Robey - Hmmmm. I can't even access CME from the home page on my computer, let alone my phone. Is that the right address? I always have to go to . Do you remember what you click on after getting to the home page? Is the home page the one with all the ads and related searches?

If I'm not mistaken, one of the shows that many of you watch ends tonight, right? La Fuerza? I hope it's a satisfying ending for you all. Then will Lo Que Amor Matias With Hair start tomorrow? Or do they give viewers a breather?

Off to Park City to watch the Jesus Christ Superstar play that my beautiful niece is in, but first eating at my favorite restaurant up there (as if any of us needs another huge meal today, verdad?)

R la O

RlaO- I'm accessing the site from my phone right now. The page is

You will see the most recent recaps for all the current tns on the same page. Click on comments to read the comments and to comment, or click on permalink to go to the specific recap page and to see the comments. Yes, Fuerza ends tonight, but the new tn doesn't start till after the new year. Instead they will show 2 hours of Familia this week T-F.

R la O: I access it the way Vivi said. Her explanation is much clearer than mine (one of my "problems"--I'm not very good at explaining things.)


Got it! Thank you, Vivi and Robey!

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