Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #49 Wed 12/14/11 Why did Vince sit on a nest?

This is actually Ezra's recap. Thanks, Ez!

Why did Vince sit on a nest? He's hatching a plot!

Vins meets the Japanese boss' wife at the airport. She's in full kimono and hair-chopsticks, but speaks 100% Mexican Spanish. Vins is clearly straining to maintain the charade of being Pancho, even making up some stuff about vegetables to sell it some more. She is fascinated with everything Mexican and says so, prompting Vins to step it up with his Pancho-isms (mainly just saying "chido" a lot).

In an impressive display of cultural literacy, an erhu plays traditional Chinese music in the background as they part ways (but they'll have dinner later).

Tomas is trying to console a moaning Lena. She thinks Fred is still after Moni. Tomas frowns, and is clearly thinking about juicing him some tangerine, but decides to stay with her, promising, somewhat ominously, that he will "fix" the situation. She cheers up a bit, even giggles.

We had a lot of dull, whiny, awful-child-acting-y scenes with Pancho and Chela and Temo rehashing the same old routine. Nothing new. Temo asks Pancho why he won't marry Chela. At some point Fers shows up, wearing a lot of makeup (my mom points out) for someone who basically hangs around all day at home.

Pina is wearing that gray sack of a dress-skirt. The doorbell rings, and the maid shrieks like one of those dogs who only barks at visitors who ring the bell. It's Candy, who came at Pina's request. They'll have Tequilas, or at least that's what they think. The maid drinks it all before it makes it to P and C. Basically, Pina will bow to the focus group and bring Candy on the show, but makes a hilarious show of emphasizing that it's STILL HER SHOW (hugging herself as she delivers these words) and she'll be the boss.

Beca, in Guanajuato and wearing some seriously crazy shoulderpads, ignores Pancho's call.

Ana gushes about Manuel... she really was excited about him, but she's still thinking about Freddy. She's concerned about Lupe, and tears out of the room to go see her.

Now that Vins and Pina know what Freddy was really doing in Brazil, they call to bug him. Pina is mad, Vins plays it cool (knowing that he has an interest in supporting infidelity). He says he'll give Pina the phone. Freddy says NO! I FORBID IT! but gets an earful from Pina anyway.

Ahh, Chela slips on the old apron, but insists for Pancho that she's cooking for Temo and Temo only. there is some mention of "lolo's guitar..." what's that mean? anyway, she flounces off and Pancho sniffs the food saying that there's nothing like "sazon de chela..." yum/ew.

Lena is back to moaning, this time with Pepe. She's convinced that he'll go back to Monica, but Pepe doesn't want to believe that, for obvious reasons.

On to a cute scene with Pina and Vins. Vins is primping for his dinner-date(poorly) as Pina holds a mirror up to help him (poorly). The yuriko/yuri [the singer] pun is sorely belabored. There's some excellent physical humor with the mirror and the perfume and stuff, and Pina reminds him that they're not done discussing "the hug" and "the bag." We always think she lets him off the hook for his lame excuses, but she doesn't forget. Then she suggests that she come to the dinner, and Vins tries to bolt. BUT guess who shows up? Pancho! Now Pancho wants to come to dinner, and Vins, playing the gentleman for once, insists that he'll take care of this dull business and let Pancho go home to his sick kid. They go back and forth for a bit, slap each other jovially on the shoulders, and then do like 5 rounds of cheek-kissing. Best moment of the show.

Pina is quizzical about this display, and Vins, virtually twisting his Snidely-Whiplash [villain from Rocky and Bullwinkle, often found either waxing his moustache, tying Nell to the railroad tracks, or serving as foil to Dudley Do-right] moustache-tips, explains that he's got a hot plot in his hands that he can't explain right now. Soon, Pancho will be dethroned.

Pancho's buds take a breather from hitting on the maids to inform him that Vins is clearly up to some machinations in that twisted brain of his. To drive home the point, they growl and make lion noises. Pancho looks nervous.

Dinner with Yuri: Vins is trying to psych himself into the Pancho role. Fortunately, she needs little convincing. Turns out, she's really into "Mexican folklore," by which she means poor brown people and the way Vins is trying waay too hard to imitate them. She invites him up to her room and commences to pounce (despite his protestations). Nice to see the tables turned on him for once!

Update from Ezra's mom: Here is a painting of "la guitarra de Lolo." Lolo is a member of the pop band Miranda and the quote «Es un solo/¡Es la guitarra de Lolo!» is from a very noisy song called Don, which became their biggest hit although they (according to Wikipedia) don't like it. For some reason this phrase became a meme. Anybody know why?


Thank you Melinama for the fast and funny recap. I missed most of this tonight. I would have loved to have seen Vins trying to be Pancho. lol.

I did see some of the Pepe and Lena conversation. He is really a nice guy, and I'm glad he's helping her.

I couldn't stand Tomas for what he did to Lupita, but he is a good brother for Elena. I hope he does squeeze some tangerine from Freddy. Freddy is a true jerk.

I really enjoyed this episode. Sergio and Arath are a scream together! And when Vince (Sergio) was imitating Pancho's naco accent I thought I would fall off my chair laughing. Great stuff.

Vince was very funny with his libido-laden customer of the perfect Mexican accent. Of course there was that typical telenovela non-PC stuff where Vince kept calling the Japanese customer a dhina, but oh well, we will get more of that and worse in the week to come I'm sure.

Thanks Melinama.

Hee, did I say dhina? I meant China of course.

I'm disliking Chela more and more. I hate the way she's emotionally manipulating her nieces and nephews by leaving the mansion the way she did, and emotionally blackmailing by expecting Pancho to declare romantic love for her that he just doesn't have so that she will quit playing with his children's emotions.

Little Temo has been super annoying lately, but a lot of that is Chela's fault because of her manipulation.

Was this Melinama or Ezra? It reads like Ezra. Very funny. Great title. And I agree, Tommy Boy is welcome to make some tangerine juice any time; I think we're all in the mood for some.

I thought the physical comedy in this episode was much better than the plot or dialogue. Vince and Pina are a hoot. I still don't know why they are married since he can't stand her.

Still no Alex. Yoo-hoooooo! Alex!

There is a song called "La Guitarra de Lolo." I'm not sure I entirely understand the joke, except maybe it was a reference to being alone? That's my best guess.

Words fer nerds:

gañan - boor

tomar el pelo - to tease

botar - to dump, throw out

no echas en saco roto - don't act in vain

¡ponte buzo! - get with it! smarten up!

inenarrable - indescribable

no da paso sin huarache - look before you leap

and one of Vince's folksy jokes: he asked Yuri if she wanted to go for "chulos con chocolate." Most people would have churros, but Vince says chulo, which has several meanings, among them "flashy type" and "pimp." Would you want to go out for chulos con chocolate?

Thanks Ez, you made me snort at 6 am with this funny recap! Julia, thanks as always for the wonderful vocab. I think Vince thinks he'll abuse the boss's wife under Pancho's name and thus engineer his downfall, but it looks like the wife's going to do him in, instead.

Thanks Ezra and Julia! Fun read and wonderful vocab.

Ezra- Those scenes with Pina and Vince really are hilarious. These two actors are having lots of fun.

That was a shameless display of emotional manipulation and blackmail that Chela was exhibiting with Temo. She basically made Temo believe that evil Rebeca will be marrying his dad soon and is driving Chela out. Bad Chela!

Tomas was at his best last night. He's bad boyfriend material, but he is a caring brother. And speaking of brothers, how is it that Elena has never had a crush on Pepe? All these years this hottie has been free and single, available for snuggling, and her brother's bff, and she's never thrown her eye his way?! But then her head gets turned by Freddy?! She and Ana are alike. I'm glad that Ana admitted that she did feel something after Manuel's kiss. Good start.

I don't understand why Candy is shocked that Pina is being cold towards her. Pina's a lot of things, but not stupid. She knows something is up with Vince and Candy. In her mind Candy might be able to convince herself that just because she and Vince haven't done the deed, means they aren't having an affair. But, THEY ARE. Kissing, heavy flirting, phone calls, dates, gifts, and love letters. That's an affair Candy. Fina has every right to be a cold b!tch towards her. And I actually like Candy! Just think in this case she's just wrong, wrong, wrong.

Did I say Fina? I meant Pina. Although she and our villainess in CME do share the same first name, Josefina.

I agree about Chela, shame on her. And why is nobody mentioning Rebeca's extremely unprofessional behavior in not answering the phone when her boss calls and she's out of town? In fact, she should know the Japanese visitor has arrived. Rebe, get it together.

Thank you recappers, especially for pointing out a lot of the interesting details (fashion, music, language, etc,). (I hope this doesn't post twice, had a little confusion with the submission)

I did laugh a lot during last night's episode, especially the scene in Vince's house with Vince and Pancho saying good-bye.

Cue the Beach Boys -- "Oh I wish they all could be cute little promiscuous Spanish-speaking Japanese girls!"

Pepe deserves the iron man award for the way he gracefully handled (er, rather, didn't) the despondent Elena rolling all over him in bed.

Cry Chela, cry! savor every last drop of sweet fatalistic sadness, and then, when you're completely empty, and there are no more tears to be found, and everything becomes clear, and there's nowhere to go but up -- rise -- rise like the angel you are and, with renewed commitment and passion, shelter your family beneath your loving wings -- or -- start your own catering and event planning business and rise to the top of the Mexico City business world by winning the "Best of Mexico City 2012" award and getting your face on the cover of "Mexico City Today" magazine. Then you can marry some cad local businessman with whom you have children before he breaks your heart by having an affair with some cualquiera empanada-hawking trepadora street vendor whose catering business he finances and who becomes your bitter rival! All of which results in -- your own telenovela! in which you are the embittered and embattled dragon lady of the gritty Mexico City catering world, casting aside like table scraps lovers who are only interested in your money, ruining rivals, and manipulating the lives of your children, all to ensure your legacy and the integrity of your fortune -- it could be called "La Comida del Corazon," or "El Corazon Roto Nunca Come"! Ay! Chelita! Your life is only just beginning!

I score the fembot Rebe a point for maintaining her distance from Pancho. He seems to have a pretty short attention span (she obviously thinks so if she imagines him behaving like a restless child at the opera). If she stays where she is for a couple more episodes he'll probably forget all about her and take notice of Chela. If it's an important call he can leave a message (maybe she was in the bathroom or in a hazard suit doing some product testing on bunnies for all he knows). If he's just going to make a very unprofessional/unethical call from a male boss to a female subordinate and do the naco whine about missing her then she's right to let it go. Point: fembot.

Time to do some work...
-- JR

Tks Ezra

So surprised by the japonesa making a play for Vicente, but very funny. I just love Vicente, can't wait for his plots, which always fail.


JR, are you a guy? (Don't be insulted if you aren't) It's just that you write so snarky (and hella funny) like this guy SharkByte who would comment on Teresa. If you are a guy it is refreshing to get the male point of view on these caps!

Varopinta, Surprised the Japanese lady went for "Pancho"?
Ooooh, with Vince as Pancho I'd go for him. He's the best looking guy on this show. And funny too. She thinks he's a widower, and I bet her husband is some short fat bald guy.
Alone in a foreign country with that hunk of man in front of her..... Anyway.


Julia, thanks for the words for nerds. Great vocabulary. I'm glad you caught Vince's malapropism, very funny.

Now with illustrations, and an explanation of the song! I love it! Thanks for adding that.

Vivi, I'm amazed that Elena's never fallen for Pepe, too. How could she not?

JR, I like your proposal for Chela's plotline and sequel.

Ezra and Melinama, thanks for a fun recap. I appreciate all the background you provided – made it even funnier. Vince and the Japanese executive’s wife, Vince and Pina, Vince and Pancho. lol That’s why I watch.

I like that Pepe is confident in how Monica feels about him. Plus Monica is too smart for Freddy; she’s dated him all this time but never slept with him. Elena, sorry you fell for Freddy’s weak lines but don’t rain on Pepe’s parade.
Can’t wait to see how Tomas will “fix” things. I don’t know which is worse: Freddy bedding Elena without any feeling whatsoever, or Freddy bringing her all the way to a vibrant country like Brazil and never taking her ANYWHERE.

I love that Pancho’s buds always have his back. Pancho should’ve had them follow Vince.

Julia, love the vocabs.

Not surprised that someone would go for Vicente, me included, just surprised that the japonesa was so forward.


Maybe this is just the Japanese investor's test...he sends a woman in advance playing the role of his wife (may even be his wife) to try to seduce the potential business partners and see how they react. This way he can check out how ethical they are and whether they are likely to screw him over.

Good point Julia, never thought of that.


Eek! Ezra, I'm posting so late, I hope you see this - I just wanted to let you know I thought this was your best recap so far. Awesome job.

Julia, I'm still cracking up over "chulos con chocolate." I assume that this is also a joke on the supposed inability of the Japanese to pronounce the letter R.

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