Monday, December 05, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #42 Mon 12/5/11 Unruly Pilgrims at the Cathedral of Merengue

Candi is strolling home through the park at night, and the tinkling synth-xylophone immediately tells us she's being followed by a bumbling perp. Turns out it's Vins in a huge zoot-suit style hat and jacket, and sunglasses, trotting in a most amusing fashion. She ducks behind some trees, waits for her tail to catch up, and pounces, pinning Vins to the ground. They have a cute moment, and Vins complains that first he couldn't be with her, then he couldn't spy on her through closed-circuit cameras, and now he can't even follow her through the park. Seriously, he asks, why couldn't he have just one tiny camera in the little bathroom in her little room? She demands to be treated like a lady.

Pancho has finally managed to convince Rebe to go out with him. They're all dressed up, meeting at the office, and he's brought a few outfits for her approval.

Candi barges into Pancho's daughter's rehearsal and whisks her away to talk about Vins. I like this daughter. She tells her band to "take a chorus, boys, I'll be back soon." The daughter makes Candi call Vins and says she needs to be tough... "tell him the shop is closing."

Back at Pina's place, the pregnant Pomeranian is way depressed. Apparently she's even on meds for depression. Vins is sneaking off to meet Candi, but Pina makes him console the dog and bring her along.

Back to the annoying teens. Monica told Pepe that it was over (on account of her dad), and now she's crying and being consoled by her friend. Her Dad walks in and tells her Freddy has arrived.

Pancho and Rebe stroll into the "center of shows and disco" for their "not-a-date." He's wearing an awful shirt with a huge collar hugely unbuttoned (which would be fitting if there were any actual disco going on here). He informs her that this is a true "cathedral of Merengue," and introduces her to his buddy Ramon, who is either the MC or a singer with the band. He dedicates a song to the two.

Now Candi and Vins have their illicit meeting. Vins pushes a button and a door swings open in their weird garage. More silly spy music as Pina shows up in the yard, dressed in a weird burlap sack of a skirt, looking for Vins, who is busily trying to make up for lost time with Candi.

At the cathedral: Chela walks in with Pancho's bald friend, and locks eyes with Rebe. Rebe: "Cristo resucitado."

Candi and Vins and the Pomeranian are still holed up in the garage, trying not to make much noise, but making tons of noise in the process. They kiss a lot. Candi: "this has to stop. We can't keep kissing like fifteen-year-olds in a garage."

Things are heating up at the cathedral. Pancho had told Chela he was going to work. This is clearly not work. Problem. Pancho watches the girls fight, makes a half-assed effort to stop them, and then Rebe storms off to the ladies' room. Chela shortly does the same, but the two don't even make it to the potty before they're at it again.

Freddy is pretending to apologize to Monica. She tells him he needs to win her back after what's happened (but the word she uses is "reconquistada," which seems to mean something else entirely).

Vins manages to get himself back into the house without getting caught, but Pina smells a rat. Specifically, she smells cheap perfume on the Pomeranian. Vins' eyes roll hilariously as he struggles to come up with an explanation, but his heart isn't in it. He says some random lady picked up the dog and kissed it while they were on the walk. Hmmm. Pina calls the maid, whose face is so green from whatever she's put on it that an already nervous Vins just about jumps out of his shoes. He asks if those are boogers on her face, and then Pina demands that she wash that tramp's smell off of the dog.

With the girls off fighting, Pancho and his friend finally start to have a fun evening. But look out, says the bald friend, here comes the bonbon! Chela follows soon behind, and yanks her date away from the table to dance. Beca and Pancho leave. Oh well, at least the music was good (by the way, we didn't actually see any real dancing).

Now we are treated to an awfully boring montage of Pepe and Monica pining for one another. Barf.

Freddy reveals his plans to a tut-tutting friend (who he calls "mister intense"): he will re-woo Monica to spite the mechanic as he gets his "wave" with Elena.

Pancho comes home, alone, only to be ambushed by a weeping Chela, who tells him the same old story. She wishes it could be like it used to be, and promises that no matter what she'll always make him ham on mondays and tuesdays. Huh?

Pina rehashes Vins' dog story with a friend as they stretch, and also reveals that Vins has bought A Bag, presumably for one of his girlfriends.

Candi is reading Vins the riot act for his inappropriate behavior, but then she sees the bag he bought her. She momentarily reconsiders, than casts the bag on the floor and stomps out.

Ahh, back to the internet cafe/sandwich shop. Still no customers. Elena is gushing about Freddy, who has apparently gotten her a passport and arranged a trip to Brasil.

Freddy's friend wants him to "leave that poor girl in peace," but it's not clear which girl he means. Tomas, who is doing his plumber job in the house (there are no girls present, so he's got a shirt on) overhears the world Elena, at the very least, and almost gets in a fight. Freddy is a jerk, and throws a pillow at him as he leaves.

The miserable accountant is making a presentation for Rebe and Pancho. Still no good news. He refuses to make the numbers happier, and Pancho says "don't start with the Titanic again."

Pancho and Rebe, yet again, go out on an almost-kiss. They were discussing the Japanese investors, she wanted him to learn how to eat sushi, he boasted about having once eaten an entire octopus, and then told her he'd eat *anything*, spikes and all, for her. They go out on that romantic note.


Thank you for the wonderful recap Ezra. I feel so sorry for Rebe and Pancho, everytime they get close to kissing a commerical is always waiting in the wings, and when they are having a good time Chela interrupts. Maybe Monica's friend will help her meet Pepe secretly. Freddy is such a jerk, and it didn't look like Alex agreed with him about Elena either.Alex knows that Elena is a friend of Pepe's. Did he mention that? Plus Freddy knows that Elena is the sister of Tomas. I wonder what she will tell Tomas about going to Brasil? I know she told Lupita something about the trip didn't she?


Thanks for the recap, Ezra. I'll read it more thoroughly tomorrow and savor it all.

For now, though, here's the colorful language:

amar a dios en tierra de indios - to suffer in a place you don't belong; to be on your own

catalejo - telescope

zancadilla - a trip (as in falling over)

zancadillar - to trip someone up

estribillo - chorus, refrain

caño - pipe, faucet

tirar el rollo - to have a fling

juanetes - bunions

mustiez - either two-facedness or sad moodiness?

desaguisado - a mess (looks like an adjective, but is a noun)

agarrarse de chongo - to scratch each other's eyes out

guaje - sucker; gullible fool

burda - coarse, blatant, crude

tina - bathtub

chafísima - super trashy, junky

a destajo - by the piece (how Tomás gets paid, as opposed to by the hour)

Ha hahahahah! You are really hitting your stride, I am PROUD to have dragged you into my crazy Caray Caray! community! Isn't he peachy, friends? Thanks Ez, I snorted several times reading this recap!

Thanks so much Ezra! This was fabulous. I am so happy you've joined us as a recapper. Did you get enough "data" for your project? I counted during one episode of Familia during the party the other night. After only half an hour, I had counted over 200 hand gestures! Most of those were Pina alone. But I have not had a chance to watch an American comedy to compare it with yet.

I was really hoping for some more music and dancing. Darn Chela for always throwing agua on Pancho's fiesta!

Muchísimas gracias Ezra,
Julia, love the vocab.
We need a Familia vocabulary list to refer to.

I think Sergio is the best one in this TN. Who knew he could be so funny? Hope he wins a premio. He reminds me of Peter Sellers, funny but not slapstick. He would be great as the Mex inspector Clouseau.


Ezra, somehow I am getting the impression you don't like Pepe and Monica as much as I do. Your brusque mentions of their scenes crack me up. As do the rest of your comments. Well done!

I loved the scene with all the kids lounging and chatting on the bed. So cozy.

Madelaine, Alex did tell Freddy that since Pepe is best friends with Elena's brother Tomás, Monica would definitely find out about his fling with Elena. Alex does NOT approve of Freddy's behavior, either the tomcatting around in the first place, or his brainlessness in believing there will be no consequences. Freddy, of course, pompously pooh-poohed his concerns.

Lupita knows about Elena's relationship with Freddy, so if she finds out that Freddy is trying to get back with Monica she might say something, too.

Chela's a moron. Whine, yell, crab, sulk, pick fights, be a total aquafiestas and ruin Pancho's evening. Yeah, that'll make him fall in love with you for sure. Never fails.

I loved the club and the music! I want to go there. I would have a WAY better time than these fools, no doubt.

I'm assembling all the vocabulary in one document; one of these days I will get around to posting it somewhere so we can all refer to the whole list any time.

Julia- The vocab list from this show is great. Most are new words for me. Thanks for compiling for us.

Ezra, thank you for the terrific recap. I learned long ago to set down the cup of tea before reading lest I snort accidentally while guffawing.

Good grief, Chela is a terminal wet blanket! I've taken to fast forwarding through her dreary pity parties. Boo frickin' hoo.

I'm enjoying how Freddy keeps building himself up. It's going to make for a long hard fall flat on his rump I hope. Imagine the nerve of him toasting to himself and his exploits. I don't understand why Alex is still his friend.

I also love Sergio Sendel in this. He seems to truly adore the doggie. So cute.

Julia, your list is simply marvelous. You have a good ear for pulling out the best words and phrases.

Thanks Ez, you rock! I'm so glad you decided to recap regularly.

Forgot to say, your title is a hoot.

As much as I hate Chela's nastiness, her insults were pretty amusing. She called Rebeca a pregnant ostrich, a crippled hippopotamus, and a spiny chicken that I recall (in regards to her dancing skillz). And the funny thing was, Rebe was actually dancing better than Chela was! She was at least making an effort and staying on the beat and didn't look too bad, whereas when Chela finally agreed to dance she was barely doing a halfhearted swaying.

Ezra, love your sense of humor that shines through with the recap.

I too am enjoying Sendel, he should always do comedy, he has his character nailed.


Ezra, I missed the show yesterday but thanks to your vivid recap I feel like I saw it.

Julie, thanks for Monday's recap. Loved the jokes.

Ez, I can't believe I'm only getting to read your recap now while tonight's ep is almost half done. I wish I had a lot more time to lavish on the show and on these recaps and comments.

Well, whatever - good work and thank you! I hope you'll consider it a very high compliment that when I was reading it, I thought it was Melinama! (At least until I got to the part where you didn't care about Monica and Pepe! LOL!)

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