Saturday, December 31, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #64-65 Fri 12/30/11 Does Big Mix Own This Show????

Vice arrives at Pancho's, apparently at Pancho's request. "You didn't think I'd find out what you were up to!" He's not going to let Vice's business mess with the company any more. Pancho reviews the whole racket (chanchullo) with him, and I admit I don't get all of it, but basically Vice and Enzo are controlling the availability of ingredients that Avon really needs. (Kickbacks were mentioned the previous night.)

Vice says his Aunty Fernanda knows all about the imports and is okay with it. (Indeed, in the first few weeks, she did make some vague statements to Enzo about the way he and Vice had been taking advantage of their positions in the company for some kind of side business, but she probably thought it was limited to modest commissions on imports and and did not realize the scope of their manipulation.) Pancho's putting an end to that, just like their expense accounts. Their little goldmine is closed!

Rebeca arrives, unnoticed by Vice. Vice brags that his involvement was somehow good for the company. Pancho continues to lecture about how it would have hurt the families of 120 workers. After some trash talk and empty threats, Vice finally leaves.

Pepe tires to warn Fraud about the fraud before the race begins, but can't get to him on time. Fraud is entertaining delusions of grandeur when Champi's engine begins to cough and sputter and finally gives out. The other guy wins. Pepe doesn't feel good about it. From afar, Lupe notices his unhappy face and thinks it's odd. Fraud, the sore loser, flings Champi's keys at the winner and runs away. Pepe tells the winning driver about the cheat. The winner doesn't care, and cheers victory with Tomás.

Next morning, Pina looks at a magazine and comments that Prince William is okay, but he's not as fine as her Frauddie. Fraud whines to Pina about losing the race. She tells him that Daddy will buy him a new car. He admits that "that mechanic" made a great car, but something went wrong and he's going to find out what.

Tomás is worried that if Pepe tells the truth, he'll lose the plumbing job again. He thinks Pepe should at least get back the money Fraud owes him. Fraud's an idiot, but he'll know that something happened. Pepe's going to tell the truth because that's what his dad taught him.

Elena and Lupe speculate that Pepe must've done something to rig the race. They share their suspicions with Pancho. Pancho says Pepe wouldn't do that... or would he?

Pina says Daddy will buy Fraud 20 new cars 1000 times better than the one he lost, and thinks Fraud is just sore because his girlfriend preferred the greengrocer's son with the corn-colored locks (cornilocks, pelos de elote). She urges him to let it go, not stoop to Pepe's level, because there are thousands, millions, of girls who deserve him more.

Vince and Enzo bicker. Arnoldo points out that Pancho is using a divide-and-conquer strategy on them. (He isn't, really; it's just that they're stupid.) They gotta stick together. All for one and one for all.

Vince gripes again about Enzo's failed plan involving the imports. Arnold has another idea: "everyone has a past," he hints. Enzo slyly asks, what's your past? "If only you knew the truth," Arnold replies in a thought bubble. He thinks they can get Pancho in trouble with Fernanda for violating his contract, specifically the clause that forbids relationships, because he's having a thing with Rebeca. And luckily, there's a guy in the Legal department who likes him!

Pepe tries to give Champi's keys back to Fraud and tell him the truth about the race, but Fraud is too busy insulting Pepe to listen. He tells him to keep the car! (I have to say, Pepe didn't try very hard. But it was still Fraud's choice not to listen!)

Pancho and Rebeca are making out in his office. She warns him they should be more careful. She corrects his vocabulary (turbulencia vs. truculencia), and he says he loves it when she corrects him and asks her to do it again. Just when I think she's going to spank him, Chacho and Nico bust in. These conversations are seldom worth relating. This one is no exception.

Vince calls Candy. She continues to give him the cold shoulder and tells him to read his poems to Sandy. Enzo rolls his eyes and sympathetically pets Vince's head like a dog's. (Speaking of which, whatever happened to Unbeja?)

Arnold takes a deep breath and tells himself, "it's all for the cause." He flirts painfully with the guy in Legal and coquettishly asks for a copy of Pancho's contract. No one will know. The guy agrees to give Arnold the contract, but only if Arnold will ask him out on a date. ("You won't stand me up, will you?") Arnold silently asks God to forgive him and repeats to himself that he's doing it for Vince.

Outside, Pancho is greeted with signs and cheers by the workers whose jobs he saved. The media is there too. Pancho stands on top of La Burra and gives a gracious speech. He tells the assembly that Fernanda put him in charge, and he won't let her down. Enzo and Vince come out of the building, the crowd harasses them, and they fear for their lives. Pancho tells the crowd that those two aren't worth breaking the law for. Enzo tells Vince, "now we owe our lives to the greengrocer!" (Let's see how far that gratitude goes. My guess is that what happens on the third step of the Avon main entrance, stays on the third step.) Vince disagrees.

Pancho runs into Jess at the market. She scolds him for being snotty to his old friends and wearing fancy new clothes and not being in love with Chela. He says he's grateful to Chela for her sacrifices, but doesn't want to give her false hope. (Chacho keeps interrupting because he wants to buy a creepy Grim Reaper statue.) Then he takes off his fancy jacket to help someone who dropped a crate of vegetables. See! He's still the same old Pancho. Apparently that's all it takes for Jess to forgive him.

Evening. Vince and Candy flirt on the phone. He wants to see her. She says she'll check her agenda and get back to him. (He correctly interprets this as a yes.)

Lupita tells Pancho that she's happy for him and Rebeca, but she's sad for Chela. There's no worse pain than unrequited love, but she wishes him luck with Rebeca. She asks if she can go to the university party with Alex. Pancho says sure, but come home early. Oh boy!!

Enzo isn't as excited about Vice's date with Candy as Vice is. Anyway, heeeeeeere's Arnold, and he has the contract!

Vince picks up Candy for their date and then gets paranoid that Pina will catch them.

Ana asks to come along on Lupita's date with Alex. She's very lucky to have the only sister in the world who would agree to such a thing. Lupita knows it's just to get near Fraud and says they're going to need to talk about that, but meantime, sure, just get yourself fixed up... Ana says she already is.

Pancho and Rebe are at a nice club. He hints around for the 100th time about his "namesake." It turns out that this "namesake" is Famous Cuban Singer Francisco Céspedes, who sings a song for Pancho and Rebeca. (Trivia: I sometimes, rarely, use Dragon, the voice-recognition software, to read my handwritten notes to the computer instead of typing them. Dragon doesn't know Vince, Pancho, Chela, Ana, or a lot of other names; but apparently it does know Francisco Céspedes.)

Pepe runs into Mónica on her way to the big bash at the university. No, they didn't officially have a date, but now they will.

Lupita admits to Alex that she isn't comfortable around all these fresas (present company excluded, of course). The party is apparently being sponsored by the snack mix that's advertised on the back of La Burra, because it's EVERYWHERE. (Hilariously, each open bag is so full that the chips are poking out of the top. When's the last time you opened a junk food bag that was completely full all the way to the top?) Fraud gets two bags, gives one to Alex, and then rudely says he didn't notice Lupita and Ana. Lupe tells him to buy some eyeglasses.

Fraud and Alex both hold their snack bags awkwardly so we can see the brand name, LOL. Lupita pulls Ana aside and tells her her that Fraud is a slime and a liver. (I've never heard "hígado" used that way before, but I guess there are worse organs she could call him.) Ana says she can't help who she falls in love with and anyway, he's a handsome liver! Ana just wants Lupe to keep her crush a secret. Again, Lupe doesn't tell Ana what really happened in Brazil.

Pepe is hanging around with Mónica and Karina. He doesn't want to dance to the techno music. Moni spots his sisters. Pepe is really surprised to see Ana here.

Oh my stars, what a coincidence! Vince and Candy are at the same club as Pancho and Rebeca! What were the odds?? Vince for some reason hides his wristwatch. Candy visits the restroom and meets an obnoxious drunk on her way in.

Rebeca and Pancho chat with the Famous Singer for a while and then are interrupted in mid-smooch by Vince, who can hardly believe his luck. He says it's a violation of ethics for these champions of ethics to be having an affair. (Seriously, Vince? Do you really want to go there?) Rebeca and Pancho remind Vince of some of his ethical breaches. (Candy comes out of the restroom, sees what's going on, and retreats.) Vince threatens to tell his Aunty Fernanda. Rebeca tells him Fernanda already knows. They all hiss at one another. Pancho accuses him of being jealous and says it'd be more productive to argue with Popeye. He and Rebeca leave.

At the party, Ana and Pepe decide that the techno music needs to be replaced. Fortunately, Ana has her mp3 player. They commandeer the DJ booth. (Mónica asks Karina to give Pepe a little more space, or else.) Fraud, who I think has been drinking, annoys Mo. Pepe and Ana announce that they're going to make the party more fun. Pepe starts dancing with a random girl. Fraud makes faces.

At the club, Vice tries to pump Candy for info about Pancho's relationship with Rebeca. It doen't work. She wants to dance. Vince refuses, so she goes up to the dance floor by herself. The obnoxious drunk bothers her again. Vince knocks him down and then punches him out.

Lupita teaches Alex to dance. Pepe gives dancing lessons to more fresa girls. Fraud gripes to Moni and Kari that it's more naco than drinking out of a juice pouch. He is astonished that they want to dance. He asks if naco is in style or something. They walk away, leaving him forlorn. He remembers Pina saying there are plenty of other girls when Ana catches his eye.

Pancho and Rebeca are at home. He remembers a family getaway to Acapulco years ago, on the cheap. Then something about fishing and getting to know each others' worlds. Then they have a long makeout session.

Vice's knuckles (nudillos) hurt. Candy kisses them, grateful that he defended her (though to be fair, anybody could have knocked that guy out easily).

Pepe asks Karina to dance with him, much to Mo's annoyance. Alex notes that Pepe is the life of the party. Lupe thinks they'd better go home so as not to annoy her father. She goes to fetch Ana. Meanwhile, Fraud gripes to Alex for taking the Lopez kids' side.

FINALLY Pepe asks Mónica, who is looking really sour by now, to dance. She protests that she doesn't know how to dance to this kind of music, but he loosens her up with a few steps.

Rebeca asks Pancho if the kids know about them yet. He says he told Lupita, and hey, where the heck is she now?? He calls her. He tells R that L is okay with their relationship; but Temo and Ana, that's a different sack of flour/kettle of fish, but nothing that can't be solved with a sincere dialog. (Hmm... hasn't he already tried that? Maybe it'll go differently now that we're not just speaking hypothetically.)

Next morning at breakfast, Candy comments on how happy Pepe and Pancho look. They giggle like naughty little boys. But Pancho says he'll feel better when the rest of the family accepts Rebe. "Although I never thought the day would come, the truth is that I'm really in love."

At the office, Rebeca and Bárbara rehash last night, including Vice's confrontation and a declaration similar to Pancho's. Bar is envious.

Chela arrives at Pancho's with Temo and breakfast. Pepe teases Lupita that she's in love with Alex. Noting that Ana hasn't come down for breakfast (I guess she hasn't moved in with Chela yet? I must have missed something), Pancho goes up to see Ana in her room. She doesn't want to talk.

Vice blissfully enjoys Adoración's breakfast, much to Pina's annoyance. Pina still doesn't want to talk to Ado. But Vice's mood is ruined when the newspaper arrives, sporting a gigantic photo of Pancho on the front page.

The Lopez family likes it better. Chela drools over the picture of Pancho on top of La Burra. He tells the family all about it. They plan a big dinner to celebrate.

On page 3, there is a photo of Vice and Enzo surrounded by the angry crowd. Vice unhappily admits that Pancho saved his life.

Enzo goes to Vince's house to be assaulted with a newspaper and rehash the discussion of Pancho's contract. (Pina asks Enzo if he'd like a coffee. "Yes, please." She tells him the coffee's in the kitchen. Ha!) They say everyone's contract has a clause about personal relationships. They're looking for one in Pancho's. Vince says he saw Rebeca and Pancho kissing in a bar. "Who did you go to a bar with?" Pina asks, since Vice's can't use Enzo as his usual alibi.

Pancho officially tells Chela that he and Rebeca are novios. A tear rolls down her cheek.

¡Prospero año nuevo!

Next time:
Chela cries and confronts Rebeca. Pepe finds out about Candy and Vice, and Pancho catches them in a public smooch.


Sorry, everyone - I know I said I'd do this today, but I'm only 2/3rds through and I need to knock off for the night. In my defense, it appears that I have a mild case of shingles. So I'm making up a new rumor: it's good luck to start the new year with shingles. (I gave black-eyed peas a chance, and they didn't do me any good!)

Thank you Julie for the first recap of the two hours and Happy New Year to you too. I am sorry you have the shingles. Take your time please. I love how honest Pepe is. Frauddie is just Frauddie he never listens. I feel sorry for Ana I really hope she doesn't get mixed up with Frauddie.

I wish Candy had still given Vince the cold shoulder. Yeah, no crying Chela for this part.

And Happy New Year to Melinama, Ezra, and Julia the other great recappers for this TN.

Holy mierda Julie, SHINGLES??? No
fun at all.

Maybe higado is something like chicken livered.

Hey Julie, feel better! I think the guy playing Fraud is finally coming into his own - he was stiff and absent in the first episodes but now wriggles, sneers and cocks his eyebrows with gusto. I'm starting to like hiM! I named your episode before I read your recap. Wow, what a #^$^$-load of Big Mix.

I wasn't going to mention the snack mix by name, but really the placement was so prominent it was ridiculous and impossible to miss! LOL! Thanks, Melinama! Maybe Avon should sell a Big Mix Pimple Cream for younger customers.

"Liver" is sometimes used generically for "innards" (along with a host of other words signifying guts, intestines, etc.). AndI've heard "burn someone's liver" to mean "make someone angry." Just never heard someone actually call someone a liver before. Such a valuable organ deserves more respect, IMO, but on the other hand we also have "chopped liver" in English and maybe that's more what Lupita meant.

I'm nowhere near liking Fraud yet, but I'll admit the actor does seem to be getting more into the role, especially as his and Ana's story is finally developing.

Oh Julie...sorry to hear you're starting off the New Year with shingles, but will be happy to see it as a "good luck thing" if you'll get medication for it. The medicine really helps. And I'm with you on black-eyed peas...I eat a lot of beans but NEVER those.

OK, the recap is done. Wheee and happy new year again!

Judy - actually I don't mind black-eyed peas, it's just that there's a superstition saying that they're good luck to eat on New Year's day. So far, I have a perfect record of BAD years that start off with a batch of Hoppin' John, so I'm skipping that little custom from now on!

Julie- I'm sad to hear you're starting off 2012 sick. Feel better and many thanks for getting us this super recap despite illness!

I just watched my recording of these two episodes. I'm going to skip my recordings from the rest of last week. Your, Melinama's and Julia's recaps covered it perfectly anyway.

I was also confused about Ana still being at the house since I read she had moved out with Temo. Maybe she can't bear to be too far from Frauddie. Blech! Still can't figure out why she has a crush on Frauddie. I refuse to call it love as she does, since she hasn't even said two words to the creep.

And Rebe's place is already in good enough shape for her and Pancho to hang out and make out?

I wanted to see more of Anna and Alex. But am glad that this relationship is developing, although slowly.

I am amazed how Chela acuses Pancho and Rebe of splitting up the family when she is the one who has single-handedly done so and taken Pancho's youngest children from him.

What was Pepe playing at dancing with every other woman before asking Moni to dance? Saving the best for last?

When I was in D.F. a couple of years ago, I went to a great salsa club. It is thought to be a bit low class, but salsa dancing tends to attract a great mix of people from different economic levels, as well as people who are from or have traveled to other places. I think the popularity is growing in Mexico.

Julie, thanks for the link to the characters for this show......I am still connecting the dots here and still getting to understand the roles of each character.

But my initial thoughts lead me to think that Poncho and , Rebe will have and off and on relationship.....with Chela being the ultimate winner. Poncho already admits feeling sorry for the mother of his children.

Candy and Vince won't make it either....Lust don't have much shelf life......once he scores a couple times, it's a rap.

Julie, take care of yourself. I eat my blackeyes on New Years Eve, leaving all the bad stuff in last year.
Anyway, don't play around with shingles.

JudyB, Rebe looks a little pale compared to Paula ("Juan Queridon") maybe she is now leary of tanning salons.

Thanks for the second recap Julie. Yeah I thought Ana moved in with Chela too. Maybe she spent the night cause she went out with Lupita and Alex, plus if Ana is that into Frauddie, he lives right next door lol.

I thought we would miss one episode of Chela crying. I am glad Pancho told her he and Rebe are novios. Now she is clear on this and something should be clicking in her brain.

Yes, I'm pretty sure Big Mix does own this show. I predict it will appear at nearly every party, no matter how fancy, the way everyone munched Bimbo white bread at any and all gatherings on CCEA.

Sorry to hear that you're feeling under the weather and/or wanting to crawl out of your skin! I hope you're not lying and it really is a mild case. Either way, get better soon and collect some good luck! Thanks so much for braving the two-hour show overload in spite of it all.

I assume Ana just stomped off to Chela's for the night to make a bratty point to Pancho, then slunk right back so she'd be closer to the action and to Frauddie. No matter how much she loves Chela, living in the big house has got to be more fun than hanging around giving Chela a shoulder to cry and cry and cry on.

I was amused and befoozled that Vins would bring up the ethics or lack thereof of workplace romances. REALLY, VICE? You want to start getting people fired for that? Just show yourself to the door.

Nice of Pepe and Ana to tell the DJs their music sucked and throw them out and take over the party. I mean, they weren't wrong, it was way more fun with their dancing, but still.

Here are a lot of words and phrases I've written down over the last week or two:

retorcer el pescueza - to wring someone's neck

nabo - stupid person, yokel (lit. turnip)

salir el tiro por la culata - to backfire

chatarra - scrap metal, heap of junk

empalagosa - cloyingly sweet

insulsa - bland, insipid

me va a haber cocolazos - I'll be in for a beating

le dió un telele - there was something funny about him

echar crema a sus tacos - to boast

temascal - sweat lodge, steam room

hay moros en la costa - someone is watching and listening

hongo - fungus

atolondrado - scatterbrained

desplomar - to collapse

ojos de pescado - corns (on the feet)

no se haga el tarugo - don't clown around

echar limón a la cortada - to rub it in, (put lime in a wound)

albañiles - bricklayers

ni fú ni fá - so-so, neither good nor bad

chiflar a la loma - to whistle in the wind, be left waiting for something that doesn't happen, be stood up

hacer pinole - to break someone's heart

andar de capa caída - to fall into ruin

mezquino - stingy, mean

antropófaga - cannibalistic

guacamayaso - loudmouthed (like a macaw)

me carcomen los celos - I'm riddled/wormeaten with jealousy

chanchullos - rackets, underhanded business schemes

changarro - small store

timón - helm, steering wheel

tocayo - namesake

¡agáchese! - duck!

pijón - posh snob

Wow..great vocabulary list Julia. Thanks. I love "ni fu ni fa" and "echar crema a sus tacos". (is it dinnertime yet?)

Anon, Rebe seems very subdued in this one, not just in coloring. She was too shrieky in Juan Querendon. In this one she just seems stiff and inhibited. Very wooden in her dialogue. But still beautiful of course.

Here's a link again to the whole vocabulary list.

I've tried to include the words others have noted in their recaps as well, but if I miss things or there's something else anyone wants to add, let me know and I'll put it in.

Julie, I love the jokes you managed to include, especially "what happens on the third step of the Avon main entrance, stays on the third step."

JudyB, I agree with your assessment of Rebe, as stiff and wooden. I wonder if the folks at Televisa are that much in tune, to let her complexion match her character's personally........

Oh well it's time for Sunday night football.....
Happy New Year everyone...

Yikes, Vivi - I'd already forgotten that Rebe's place was totally wrecked just a week ago. Even taking the double-episodes into account, they fixed it up crazy fast. It's barely had time to air out with the new carpeting, paint, etc.

Julia - "echar crema a sus tacos" - I've been wondering about that one. They use it a lot. Sometimes it's obvious what these little figures of speech (like "another sack of flour") mean, but other times it's not obvious at all!

I did think it was quite rude of Pepe to kick out the DJs. It's a good thing their music was a hit, or they would have been in big trouble!

I'm as mystified as anyone else by the attraction between Ana and Fraud, which appears to be becoming mutual. I wouldn't put it past Fraud to put the moves on Ana just to annoy Pepe and Monica, though. I hope Ana is smarter than Elena.

(Yes, the shingles really is a mild case. There's this one small patch that is driving me crazy, like getting stung by bees several times per day, but it's in a place on my back I can't reach to scratch it or anything. Arrrgh. But it's practically nothing compared to how bad most people seem to get it. It's just the first few days that were a problem because I felt really lousy and I didn't realize what it was at first.)

Hey, just a thought - I don't think they've actually confirmed that there's a "no dating" clause in Pancho's contract. Even if there were, I doubt that Fernanda would want to enforce it. But we don't know for sure that there even is one. (I would not be surprised if Fernanda deliberately left it out!)

And I'm still curious about Unbeja. Did they ever say what happened to that dog?

Thanks for the recap! I sometimes miss episodes of this show and am determined to catch up!

Shingles, Julie! Oh dear! You take it easy on yourself!

Julie, thanks for a fun recap. So sorry you have to deal with shingles and hope it subsides super pronto. I laughed through your whole recap. Like others, a favorite line was "what happens on the third step," as well as "just when I think she's going to spank him" and "he isn't really; they're just that stupid."

Seems like Frauddie is in need of someone (besides his mom) to stroke his ego and swoony Ana fits the bill. Plus it would be a good way to drive Pepe crazy. Though Ana's gaga for him, I don't think in the end she'll be a pushover.

Now that Jess the psychic has seen that Pancho hasn't changed, I hope she stops pumping up Chela to fight for him.

Julia, thanks a bunch for the running vocab.

I liked that Pepe danced last with Moni. She finally stood up to her pop but she's still been too compliant for me compared with how hard Pepe has been fighting for their relationship. His making her wait made me think of the lyrics "I want you to want me like I want you."

Julie, I just got done watching this episode and enjoying your terrific recap. Thank you for your work, especially with...shingles!?!? You really went above and beyond. Well, Happy New Year and I hope your good luck ailment really does bring you good luck in 2012. I guess going forward it will only get better, eh?

Julia, what a great vocab list. Hay moros en la costa is one of my favorites. I've heard it before and it will be great to have it on a list. Thank you.

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