Tuesday, December 27, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #101 Mon 12/26/11 Confessions, revelations, incantations, invocations, and declarations. La Fuerza del Fraternidad, Amor, y Hierbas

Recap by Urban Anthropologist

La Fuerza del Destino Gran Especial Lunes 12/26/11: Los Mejores Momentos

Ivan Crossing the Desert: If he had walked to San Diego we wouldn't have this shot.

Alicia Arriving at Casa Curiel and meeting with Carlota for the first time. Not a comfortable encounter for either, but particularly for Carlota.

Teen Ivan meets Juan Jeil-Me or just bite me.

Ivan asks Alicia about his father and we hold our breath.

Alicia reveals Ivan to JJ as his son and JJ gets insulting, as usual.

Alicia asks JJ for help only to get sexual harassment in return and young Ivan takes a fall defending her.

Young adult Ivan plays with Pipo the Doberman showing us he can raise a loving dog. That usually scores with chicks.

Maripaz flirts with Ivan and coerces a kiss from him as young Lucia looks on and walks away crying. Ivan tells her that he and Maripaz have a thing for each other. Little does he know it won't last.

Maripaz tells Ivan she doesn't want the baby. We knew the second she said the “A” word she would come to no good.

Alicia has the illegal abortion. She didn't deserve this hell.

Lucrazia tells Ivan to get out. Little does she know.

Arcelia gives Ivan the bad news about his mother dying. On her deathbed Alicia tells Ivan she doesn't want him to get revenge for anything. She gives him the crucifix she wears and makes him promise to be a good and honorable man. He kisses her goodbye and she dies.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar..

Lucrazia sics the ranch hands on Ivan and Antolin kills one defending him; the others run off.

Antolin talks to Camilo about not telling anyone who really did the killing. And we wonder about his character.

Antolin convinces Ivan to leave Mexico because he will be accused of the murder. Not that he has to be, as we know.

Maripaz tells Lucia she's going to get an abortion, trying to say that Ivan is a bad person. Lucia isn't buying this. This scene looks even more ominous in retrospect.

Ivan places flowers on Alicia's grave, knocking over the ones left by Gerry.

Camilo and Antolin talk again about the killing, with Antolin telling him to be quiet about what really happened. This is the most selfish we have ever seen him, since he seemed to think himself above the law.

Ivan crosses the desert. He looks both strong and vulnerable here.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for ¡Feliz 2012!.

Ivan meets Benito in California.

Ivan works in the produce field.

Alex is born. Of those receiving the news from the doctor only Lucrezia is miserable.

Ivan saves Tony's life. Their first conversation is in English.

Baby Alex is home, but only for a moment. We knew that would happen.

Tony expresses his gratitude to Ivan.

Tony adopts Ivan.

JJ hears about McGuire and Sons.

Tony and Ivan look over Alamos and Ivan wants to know about Maripaz. Boy, will you ever change your mind about her.

Lucrzeia and Maripaz talk about her pending marriage to David. The anvil was being hoisted and how many of us knew that?

Ivan and Camilo reunite. Maripaz interrupts this meeting and everyone else's lives.

Commercial Break

Ivan and Maripaz talk about loving each other. But he is already on to her in a way he doesn't recognize.

Ivan and Alex meet for the first time as we wonder how Ivan didn't recognize him immediately as his son.

Maripaz accuses Lucia of stealing Ivan and Carlota makes her first threat at tossing Maripaz out on her ramera ass.

The fan and the doves. I think this was somebody's fantasy.

The dolphin pool scene. One of my favorites in the series.

Amusement park scene

Tony and Ivan talk about his feelings.

Maripaz tells Gerry she will get custody of Alex And why didn't Gerry take action here?

The judge gives custody to Maripaz. proving that good men can make bad decisions.

In LA Ivan tells Maripaz like it is and we knew havoc would reign for a while.

In Alamos Alex and Ivan encounter Lucia, Camilo, and baby Perla. and Lucia looked like she wanted to disappear.

Ivan and Camilo fight over Lucia. Maripaz catches a punch and we laughed.

Maripaz in the hospital to donate her kidney to Lucrezia. The last time Alex has to see her alive.

The doctor announces Maripaz' death. Carlota, Lucia, JJ, and the viewers son impactados.

Saul and El Gordo talk about their plot to kidnap Alex. Stupid crooks are biting off more than they can chew.

El Gordo shows up in his clown get-up. We never want to see another clown again.

Commercial Break leading with the promo for the finale.

Antolin fills Tony in on Saul and El Gordo. They discuss Bruno's ability to help and next steps.

El Gordo and Fausto talk about ditching Saul.. El Gordo disables the tracking device in his cell phone.

Ivan calls Lucia. The last call before his dangerous trek into the woods.

Camilo waits outside in his car and El Gordo calls Ivan just after sunrise with instructions.

Camilo watches Ivan's departure and starts to follow him out.

Antolin and Tony discuss next steps

Lucia and Carlota talk over breakfast.

El Gordo calls Ivan and tells him where to go. He and Fausto laugh and talk about meeting half an hour after El Gordo gets the money.

Antolin figures out what the kidnappers are up to and talks to Tony. Bruno is paying attention.

El Gordo calls Ivan who is still walking.

El Gordo walks out of the barn and mention is made of the rich guy with the yacht. Fausto looks like he's going to turn Saul against El Gordo, but that's possibly a trick.

Antolin, Tony, and Bruno rescue Alex and we get the satisfaction of seeing Antolin take Saul down. The second bullet could have shattered the femur.

Alex comes home to the maternal women who love him as everyone worries about Ivan and Camilo.

<b>La Fuerza del Destino Capitulo #101 El Gran Final,  Lunes,  12/26/11:   Confessions, revelations, incantations, invocations, and declarations.  La Fuerza del Fraternidad, Amor, y Hierbas</b>

Please provide any missing details. Gracias.


The kidnap, the plans, Alex's near-escape, the goading, the shootout, and Fausto's temporary getaway with the money and Camilo's cell phone.


Near the edge of the woods, after sunrise. A native mother and her teen daughter find Camilo lying across Ivan. The mother determines that both are alive (although barely) and sends the daughter to get her brother. El Gordo is dismissed as dead. Nobody's sorry about that.

Shack: The native mother – hereafter referred to as La Curandera – sterilizes a knife in a candle flame. Her son is paranoid about being accused of shooting the two white men, but his mother points out that he doesn't have a firearm. She gets her daughter to pour cold water, then gets Ivan to drink it. The woman chants as she removes the bullet from Ivan's stomach . [panza] Ivan screams out his pain.

Alamos Police Station: Commandante Aguilar informs Antolin and Tony that Saul has been found in Hermosillo. He mentions the three bullet wounds. Antolin said he had to do it and Tony backs him up.

Shack: The curandera's son isn't happy that Ivan and Camilo are there. Camilo has a high fever.

Hacienda Curiel: Tony tells Carlota what they found out from Saul. Alex's doctor has told them that nothing had happened to him (i.e., he hasn't been abused). Lucia is worried about Ivan and Camilo.

Casa McGuire: Tony comforts Alex without telling him what's really happening. He tells Alex that Ivan is on a business trip. I wonder how Alex will react when he learns the truth.

Casa Galvan: Arcelia prays to la Virgencita as Carmen sits at the table crying.

Shore: The curandera's children argue about what will happen when the police get there. Apparently they have been exiled because of something that happened on the Isla de Tiburón. The brother expresses the wish that the two injured men die.

Shack:: The curandera chants and uses maggots (ewww!) to help Ivan, and that they may have to gather more. The maggots [gusanos] will eat any dessicating flesh but may not work for everyone.

Hacienda Curiel: Tony tells the ladies that El Gordo has been found dead and Camilo's rented car has been found. When Lucia leaves the room Tony tells Carlota that there was other blood at the scene.

Casa Carolina: Antolin is trying not to lose it when Carolina asks about what's happening. She sounds more and more like a little girl.

Shore: We find out that the curandera's son killed someone defending his sister and he's afraid someone will find out. The curandera tries to make her son understand that his violent tendencies aren't good. Her daughter comes out to tell her that Ivan's fever is going down. Ivan wakes up and asks about Camilo. The curandera tells him that Camilo is alive but unconscious. She and the girl try to help Camilo as Ivan starts asking about Alex.

Casa McGuire: Alex talks about what happened to him. The kidnappers held him for ransom, they gave him food, and did not sexually abuse him. Lucia is on board with Tony about telling him that Ivan is on a business trip. Alex had a nightmare about a dark place. Later she tells Tony and Carlota that she thinks Alex will get over this with time. Carlota says that what the kidnappers did is unforgivable. Tony had gotten no news yet about Ivan and Camilo.

Casa Galvan: Antolin has heard about El Gordo's death, but that there was blood from two other people at the scene. That this means that Ivan and Camilo are alive but injured. He tells his mother and Carmen he will go to find out what he can. Arcelia cries as she blesses him and he tells her to take care of Carolina. Uh oh.

Hacienda Curiel: It's been four days and Lucia is starting to panic. Carlota and Lucrezia try to get her to calm down.

Police Station: Antolin argues with Aguilar. He wants to join the search party in Hermosillo but Aguilar tells him the local police don't allow civilians to do this.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar.and tonight's cast reunion show on Don Francisco Presenta.

Casa Mondragon: Esther and David arrive to find JJ drinking tequila. He's in a sarcastic mood.

JJ: Ah, the traitors. Have you come to get more money out of me after leaving me in la miseria? Why have you come?
David: Have you heard much about Saul?
JJ: No. The newspapers and TV don't have much to say. Now I have a son who is a kidnapper of children besides being a rapist. Now I can't set foot outside the house.
Esther: Juan Jaime, David and I think that if you can use your influence –
JJ: What influence? I don't influence, money. Nothing. Where is this imbecile?
David: In the prison hospital.
JJ: I hope he dies. That will wipe out the family shame.
David: I agree that my brother is the worst. But if you talk to the governor, perhaps –
JJ: I thought I taught him to be smart, worthy of my name. But he's turned out a porqueria. Delinquent of the worst kind. Imbecile. I don't want to know any more about him. Damn Saul. OK. Are you going to defend him?
David: Let's go, Mama.
JJ: Go. Leave me alone. I want to be alone.

David and Esther leave. We know JJ is in for lots of solitary time.

Casa McGuire: Alex is having trouble sleeping. Tony tries to tell him Ivan is on a business trip in L.A. He reads to him from the pirate story book.

Shack: Ivan and Camilo are alive. The curandera's daughter talks about getting them to a hospital where the doctors can help.

Casa Carolina: She doesn't want to let Antolin go to resolve this. But he can't sit around with crossed arms because he can't sleep and his mother won't stop crying.

Prison Infirmary, the next day: Esther and David visit Saul, who knows he will face 40 to 60 years in prison. He hopes that Ivan died in the desert and ridicules his mother praying to God. Pendejo. God will get you for that.

Casa McGuire: Still no news. Tony is preparing to go out and search. Antolin will go with him. Alex talks to Carolina on the phone, telling her that he will be going back to school in a few days. Tony asks him if he wants to spend a few days with the Curiels.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucia insists on accompanying Tony. He agrees. Carlota assures Lucia that Perlita will be well cared-for. Lucrezia looks forward to Alex staying with them.

Shack: Ivan is awake and struggling to get up.

Ivan: Camilo, brother, it's me. Camilo, open your eyes. Camilo... listen to me.
Camilo: Ivan, I thought I was lost.
Ivan: No.
Camilo: Where are we?

La curandera and her daughter return with plants and roots.

Ivan: The house of a native healer. She took the bullets out of both of us.
Camilo: I don't remember. Alex?
Ivan: I don't know. I don't know where he is. (tries to get up, but slumps back in pain)
Curandera: Don't move.
Ivan: Where is my cell phone?
Girl (helping him lie down): We didn't find one. Just your clothes.
Ivan: I need to make a phone call. My friend is dying. Is there a town near here?
Curandera: It's very far.
Ivan: How far is Hermosillo?
Curandera: Many hours' walk.
Ivan: Señora, I can't let my friend die. I can't let that happen. You have family. Mother, siblings. You know how that is, don't you?
Curandera: Yes, we know.
Ivan: Besides, I have a lost child. A little boy. Help me, please. Help me.

The woman's son throws something down on the floor and exits. She notices.

Curandera: Yes. I will help you. (pats daughter's shoulder to get her attention) Take care of him. (exits and talks to her son) Hijo, I want you to go to the authorities to help these men.
Hijo: Ay, Madre. I will not go. (gets up and walks away)
Curandera: If you don't, I will.
Ivan: Save yourself, brother. Aunque la cueste la vida.
Camilo: No. Your life is worth a lot. You have a woman, a child –
Ivan: You have your mother, Camilo. You have a life ahead of you.
Camilo: An empty life. With nothing.
Ivan: Camilo, we've both made mistakes. I abandoned Lucia and you dreamed of her. That was for the best if I had never returned.
Camilo: She married me but kept loving you. I didn't count for anything. It's better this way. (The wise woman enters and listens.) I suffered my whole life for her love.
Ivan: You're thinking like that because you're weak, Camilo. You aren't thinking of other possibilities. You have to live, Camilo. You have to live to find them.
Camilo: I don't want to.

The music swells.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar.

Hermosillo: Tony sends Antolin and Lucia into the hotel to register while he talks to the police chief, who gives advice about dealing with the local natives.

Hotel Room: Tony shows a map to Antolin, Lucia, and Benito, pointing out where El Gordo's body was found. He lays out the plan. Antolin and Benito will go on foot in that area while he and Lucia will take the copter.

Hacienda Curiel: Carlota and Lucia talk on the phone. Lucrezia is playing with Alex. Lucia tells her they will search in the morning. Carlota tells her to have faith. If Ivan could survive days in the desert in the US he's got a strong spirit. Lucia todavia is worried.

Shack: La curandera chants over Ivan, then tells him he has a strong spirit. She points out to Ivan that his bullet came out easily but that she had to work hard to get the two bullets out of Camilo's back and that he's lost a lot of blood. She is sure that Camilo can't be saved because he doesn't want to live and that nobody can save him because of that. She leaves the two alone. Ivan crawls over to Camilo and props himself up.

Ivan: Camilo, listen to me. You want to live, don't you? Camilo.
Camilo: I'm too tired. Leave me.
Ivan: Think of your mother, your people.
Camilo: I've lost them.
Ivan: You have to live for them.
Camilo: Ivan, when you went to the US, I got your letters, but I tore them up.
Ivan: Why?
Camilo: Because I felt guilty. [something about Antolin] When you came back rich and powerful I was envious.
Ivan: That's in the past, Camilo. It's over.
Camilo: It's over for you. But not me. It always stayed in my soul, this guilt.
Ivan: Don't say that. Things like this are part of destiny.
Camilo: On top of everything, you have Lucia.
Ivan: It's better not to talk, Camilo. You're too weak.
Camilo: But I want to tell you because I may not have another opportunity. Ivan, I won't get out of this.
Ivan: Don't say that, Camilo. We will. Do you hear me? We will both get out of this.

Edge of the woods: A local man leads Antolin and Benito to the spot where El Gordo, Camilo, and Ivan were found. They talk about what is in which direction. The helicopter hovers overhead.

Shack: Camilo tells Ivan how he came to marry Lucia.

Camilo: Dona Carlota suggested that I propose marriage to Lucia because she was pregnant. It was your child but that didn't matter to me. I was in love with her but she never was mine. She always belonged to you, Ivan.

Ivan hears the helicopter and runs outside.

Ivan (waving): Aqui, aqui! Aqui, por favor!

Of course, anyone with common sense realizes that nobody in a helicopter can hear anyone yelling on the ground because of the motor noise.

Ivan yells at the curandera that Camilo needs help and why doesn't she do something. The woman is amazingly understanding (by TN standards of general behavior).

The helicopter turns back. Both Tony and Lucia have binoculars but they don't seem to be close enough to see.

Hotel: Tony has words with the authorities and talks about going to Isla de Tiburón.

Hacienda Curiel: Arcelia cries about the possibility of losing her sons. Carlota tries to animarla. They embrace as the phone rings. Carlota answers and asks Lucia what's up.

Commercial Break This break includes the news report about the death of Pedro Armendáriz, Jr. Descanses in pax, Don Pedro. We will miss you big time.

Casa Carolina: After some suspense music, Antolin calls to let Carolina know he's alright, but that they aren't giving up.

Shack, a noche: Ivan tells Camilo he needs to get help for him.

Ivan: I need to get help for you. You've lost a lot of blood, but I can't leave you alone either.
Camilo: Why are you doing this for me? Better go. You saw a helicopter which I hope was looking for us. If you save yourself you might save me.
Ivan: I'm saying we're getting out of this together, brother.
Camilo: I don't follow in your footsteps, bro. If you find help you can come back for me. For all that you love, go. Go Ivan. And forgive me. Forgive me for everything I've done.
Ivan: The same has happened to me. We won't talk like this again. I love you, brother. I've always loved you.
Camilo: Go, Ivan. Go. You are our only hope.
Ivan: You're right. (He gets up)

The music swells as the curandera persuades him to stay until morning so she can give him another herbal treatment and get some medicines together to take with him. She tells him her son will accompany him because he knows the way. Furthermore that her son will obey her.

Shore: The curandera's son is paranoid as she tells him to accompany Ivan to the town.

Shack: Sad cello music underscores Ivan's leave-taking.

Ivan: Brother, I'm going.
Camilo: Tell my mother I love her.
Ivan: You will tell her that yourself.
Camilo: Kiss your family for me. Lucia. Perlita. Tell Lucia to forgive my selfishness and lack of understanding.
Ivan: No. She loves you (te quiere). She always did and you know that.

The curandera tells Ivan it's time. Ivan places Alicia's crucifix in Camilo's open right hand.

Ivan: Camilo, promise you'll get up and we'll see each other again. (kisses him and gets up. Camilo's hand closes over the crucifix.)

Outside the curandera and her daughter give the son and Ivan food, water, and herbs for the journey. She assures Ivan that her son is only a wounded soul who will be healed. She blesses him and they leave.

Casa de Vega: Fausto and his wife laugh over the money as the police enter to arrest him.

Police Station: The chief calls Tony to inform him that the leader of the native people has given permission for Tony to go to la Isla de Tiburón. Furthermore that Fausto has been caught.

Edge of desert: Ivan collapses in need of rest. The curandera's son gives him something to drink. Ivan gets him to talk about his behavior. He admits to having killed a man who attempted to rape his sister. Ivan promises he will not turn him in for this. We know Ivan understands him now.

Shack: The curandera chants over Camilo as her daughter enters.

Hija: Will he die?
Curandera: He has a powerful spirit watching over him.

Alamos, en Iglesia: Arcelia prays for her sons, saying she will die if anything happens to them. She also invokes her husband's spirit to look after them and Ivan.

Shore: The curandera and her daughter enter the rowboat.

Edge of desert: Tony's helicopter flies overhead; Ivan tries to get its attention. The boy rejects the idea of starting a fire and they walk on despite the pain Ivan is starting to feel.

Isla de Tiburón: The curandera and her daughter arrive to see El Jefe, who doesn't want to see them. She reminds him that according to their ways a person who takes a life earns a pardon by saving one. She is there about her son.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar..

Isla de Tiburón: The two curanderas argue the points of their ways. El Jefe says that saving white men's lives doesn't count, but the wise woman tells him that all humans are children of Madre Tierra. The helicopter approaches and lands. Tony and Lucia come out and approach.

Shore: Antolin and Benito are headed to the wise woman's shack.

Isla de Tiburón: Tony explains about Ivan's disappearance. La curandera explains the bullet wounds and why they didn't alert the police.

Shack: Antolin and Benito arrive. Camilo's hand opens. He tells Antolin Ivan went for help.

Isla de Tiburón: The curandera tells Lucia that she and Ivan will have many years of happiness and will have children. Antolin calls Tony to tell him that they found Camilo and the ambulance is en route.

Shore: The boy tells Ivan they are near the road (carretera). Ivan starts bleeding again. The boy takes something out, but we can't be sure he can be trusted.

Hospital in Hermosillo: Camilo is rushed into the emergency room. The crucifix hangs from his hand.

Road: How did Ivan and the boy hitch a ride in this isolated area? The boy leaves Ivan in the back of the pick-up as it slowly heads for town.

Hospital: Antolin calls Arcelia to tell her he's found Camilo but that it doesn't look like he will live. Both cry as Arcelia insists on being there. Antolin tells her it's four hours away, but Tony has called David to arrange for his private plane to bring her there. A handsome young doctor enters to tell Tony and Lucia that Ivan has arrived. Also that he's bleeding, the wound is infected, and he has a fever.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucia calls Carlota to tell her that Ivan has been found. She tells the family. Alex is confused about this, but Carlota manages to not reveal much as they hug.

Hospital: The doctor tells Tony and Lucia that both patients are stable, but that Camilo is in very serious condition despite the blood transfusions.

Hospital, Ivan's Room: Lucia and Tony enter.

Lucia: Mi amor! (they kiss)
Ivan: Lucia.
Lucia: Welcome back to life.
Ivan: Alex?
Tony: Alex is saved. He's well. (They clasp hands)
Ivan: Thank God. And Camilo?
Tony: Camilo's condition is grave.
Ivan: Dad, they have to do everything to save him. Save him, save him please. I can't be calm if they don't.

Hospital, Camilo's Room: Ominous music as Arcelia and Antolin enter. Camilo is clutching the crucifix in the same hand.

Antolin: Be calm, mother. Be calm. (They stand at the foot of the bed as a nurse closes the door)
Arcelia: Son, here I am.
Camilo: Mama.
Antolin: Animo, carnal.
Camilo: Energy? I have no energy.
Arcelia: Son, don't say stupid things or I'll hit you. You have so much to live for. You're young, you have your lands, you have a family that loves you, and many people who respect you. Because you are Camilo Galvan. El Señor Camilo Galvan!
Camilo: What good is that without happiness?
Arcelia: Do it. Do it for us. You will get out of here. You know your brother did the impossible to find you.
Camilo: Thanks Antolin. I asked Ivan to forgive me.
Antolin: For what?
Camilo: You know. For envying him. For the way I tried to take Lucia from him.
Antolin: Ivan always loved you.
Camilo: They found him?
Arcelia: Yes.
Camilo: And Alex?
Arcelia: He's home.
Camilo: Therefore it was worth it. (he takes Arcelia's hand in his left). I love you, mother. I love all of you.

He flatlines as Arcelia keeps crying his name. The doctors rush in as Antolin restrains her.

Commercial Break

Isla de Tiburón: El Jefe pardons the boy and his family and they can return to their community.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucrezia and Carlota look at bridal magazines to plan Lucia's wedding. Carlota mentions that Lucia and Ivan are visiting Carolina and her baby girl in the hospital. We must have skipped six months without being told.

Hospital: Carolina and Antolin admire their baby girl. They agree that Ivan and Lucia will be her godparents. Lucia and Ivan come to visit, bringing a medallion of the Virgen as a gift. Antolin mentions being in the delivery room. Fatherhood looks good on him. All appear to be happy.

Prison: Ominous music plays as Saul prepares a noose. Excellent close-up showing a single tear falling from his right eye. He hangs himself. Good riddance.

Casa Mondragon: JJ looks at family photos as he takes a call from the prison. There must be an edit in here because the next part is too quick. He then calls David to tell him.

David: Yes, Papa. Tell me.
JJ (voice breaking and he starts to cry in the middle of the next line): I'm calling to tell you that your brother committed suicide in prison.
David: How did he do it?
JJ: Hanged himself. [colgar]
David: My god.
JJ: Call your mother and make the arrangements for the burial. I can't do it.
David: Yes, Papa.

JJ ends the call and we get shots of both men crying. JJ looks at formal family photos on the table while David stands still with his cell phone in hand.

Casa McGuire: Benito tells JJ he will get Ivan.

Ivan: What can I offer you?
JJ: Saul committed suicide. Hanged himself in the prison.
Ivan: I'm sorry.
JJ: It's my fault. I didn't know how to raise my children. I treated my wife worse than an animal. So they all left me. And you know what? That was just as well. I deceived and stole; the whole world knows I ruined my own family name. I've lost everything. I'm paying for everything I've done. You believe it's possible to start over? I don't. I know you're about to get married.
Ivan: Yes. In a few days.
JJ: I know you will be happy. Treat your wife and children well. (turns to leave, but changes his mind) A few days ago I visited your mother. I asked her forgiveness. It didn't help. How do they say it? Ask the son? And for what, really? (turns to leave)
Ivan: Señor Mondragon? (JJ stops and turns) Yo lo perdono.

JJ exits with a slightly ironic smile. Tony enters; he and Ivan embrace.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for Don Francisco Presenta. The cast reunion show.

Iglesia: Ivan (suited in white) is escorted down the aisle by Arcelia, who looks very upscale dressed to the nines. Camilo awaits as best man and they do the man-hug. Lucia walks down the aisle in a strapless gown with a train. She and Ivan kneel before the priest.

Casa Mondragon: JJ sits alone looking at the photos. The maid tells him that Ivan and Lucia are being married.

Maid: They didn't invite you?
JJ: No.

The maid exits and JJ pours himself a shot of tequila.

JJ (raising the glass): To your happiness, son.

Iglesia: Ivan and Lucia kiss and walk back down the aisle to the Mendelssohn recessional and the applause of all their guests. Quick shots of some of the couples.

Wedding Reception: Everyone dances. Camilo holds Lichita. Lucrezia holds Perla, who looks bigger than when we last saw her. Alex is with them. Antolin dances with Carolina. David dances with Berenice, Judith with Carlos and without her bangs; Carlos proposes and Judith accepts. Carmen and Ezekiel encounter each other. It looks like she will get him. Tony dances with Carlota and they talk about taking a long trip. Benito with a plump lady whom we think is his wife. Camilo finally looks up and approaches an attractive woman with light brown hair. They introduce themselves to each other; she works for the McGuires. Yes, Camilo; there is a woman for you!

Shore: La curandera gives a prayer of thanks to her spirits for her son's salvation and the happiness of the others. To heal others is a great gift but the greatest of all gifts is love. Love and forgiveness are life itself. Did this speech come from an old episode of La Rosa de Guadalupe?

Another shore: Ivan and Lucia look out over the ocean.

Lucia: I never thought this day would come.
Ivan: But it did. We were destined for each other since a long time ago.
Lucia: You think it was destiny?
Ivan: Call it what you want. I love you. I desire you. I need you.
Lucia: I want to start every day of my life in your arms.

El beso final.


We break the fourth wall with production shots with the last time we hear this great theme song.


carnal mate, buddy
carretera highway
colgar to hang
gusano maggot
panza belly, paunch

Thus ends my stint on this series. It's been a pleasure and a privilege and I hope you guys want me back for La Que No Podia Amar


Fabulous recap! Thanks for putting in the extra time to do the Especial and the 2 hour finale.

I'm a little sad it's all over.

Am I the only one who wishes Alex was part of the wedding somehow?

You're welcome.

I know I will miss our dear boy -- which is saying a lot because I normally prefer not to see children acting. And other things about this series. I will do a set of comments in a little while.

Nobody on Don Francisco Presenta said anything particularly noteworthy or unexpected. I am playing it back now in case I missed anything.

It was a good ending. Most of it didn't feel too rushed like the endings sometimes do, except for the Camilo part. Didn't it seem like he died? They never showed him getting better until he suddenly showed up at the wedding and I had to wonder if he was really there or only in spirit. They've acknowledged spirits before, so who's to know what's real unless they hint at it?

We've sommented on the characters being more complex than usual so cheers to the writers, but the folks over in editing need work.

That said, I'm happy Camilo didn't have to die. And how great did Arcelia look? I wasn't sure it was her at first.

Has anyone heard about the next one, La que no podia amar? I tried watching it on the Tijuana station but the sound fades in and out so I couldn't get a good feel for it. Not sure I can watch two again, unless of course I get hooked and can't help myself.

Sr. Anthony, que descanse en paz. Sad.


The final was okay, nothing spectacular. Although I was surprised that Camilo survived.

What did piss me off was that during the Don Francisco special David Zepeda never once mentioned Pedro Armendariz. He gave credit to all the other "primer actores", but not Pedro Armendariz. At the time Don Francisco was taped, Sr. Armendariz was already in the hospital with cancer. I just found it odd and extremely rude on Zepeda's part.

Thank you so much Urban. You did fantastic work as usual!

This finale was all about Camilo, and I'm glad that the writers decided to go the surprise route and let Camilo live. Everyone looked like they were having a great time at the wedding. I felt a little sad for JJ, but you just have to remember how he treated his family to realize that he deserves this end. There is still time to improve his relationship with his kids and to forge a relationship with his grandkids. This is not the end for him. But thank goodness it was the end of Saul. That guy was a waste of oxygen.

The curandera was Monica Miguel, who has been the writer on many tns (an I think on this tn too) and was of course the loyal native servant/companion of the villainess in Alborada. And the chief is the actor playing Isidro right now on CME and has been in a ton of tns.

Perhaps Pedro did not want people talking about his illness, or it was just too painful for the actors to speak about and that's why they didn't bring him up on the Don Fernando show. His shows always get on my nerves since he insists on asking the actors to answer their questions in character. I would be pretty annoyed. Especially if I had stopped playing that character months ago and was already in the middle of playing another character.

I just sent in the DF wrap up and I have to say that Cristina did this much better. I remember some of the ones from the past when actors talked about the difficulties or challenges of their roles or series. My take on Don F is that most actors probably would prefer this approach to him getting intrusively personal with his questions.

On another note, it may also be that in this show they were respecting Don Pedro's wishes to not say anything about his illness.

Maybe I'm wrong about this but I sometimes think Don F envies handsome, talented guys like this show's three musketeers and the trio of hunks from FELS.

I don't know what to say about DZ never mentioning PA. Did any of the other actors mention him? Did Carlota? I do know that DZ tweeted about PA yesterday. DZ & DC could have mentioned PA but it could have been edited out...we just don't know. DZ's always tweeting extra super sweet positive tweets, so I can't imagine he would be like Pedro Armendariz Who?

I totally forgot DZ & GS & MC (also AT) were in Sortilegio together (DZ/Bruno; GS/Fernando; MC/Roberto; AT/Samuel)

I'm glad Camilo didn't die but I figured he hadn't when the program came back on after the commercial break and everyone was totally happy. I guess we never found out what Antolin & Carolina named their daughter?

Why would the maid think Ivan/Lucia would invite JJ to the wedding?

As I've mentioned before, I don't think JJ will have a relationship with Alex (Ivan) or Perla (Saul) but perhaps he can have a relationship with Lichita (Saul) and the children of David & Judith. Neither David or Judith are vengeful people and I doubt Berenice or Carlos would put up with JJ abusing their children.

I wonder if Camilo was originally supposed to die but viewers liked him too much so they kept him alive? I also wonder if Antolin & Carolina were supposed to die but viewers liked THEM too much & they kept them alive? We all know Ivan & Lucia would survive & thrive since the show is called "The story of Ivan & Lucia."

Saul's suicide was like "oh well, BYE" to me because again he took the easy way out. David left the house & JJ's abuse with literally nothing more than the clothes on his back but worked himself up to be a successful employee of the McGuires, taking over Camilo's old head position. Judith defied JJ by getting a job and doing something productive with herself.

But Saul was lazy & greedy, and instead of taking responsibility for himself and making something out of himself, resorted to easy criminal schemes to get by. And decided to kill himself instead of spending 50 years in jail for his crimes.

I was ready to chuck Shack Boy into the ocean.

I liked when Cristina hosted the elenco of an ending TN, it was fun and the guests and audience had fun.But Don Francisco was awful. It was a total waste. He rarely called them by their real name, just their characters name. It basically was rehash of each character, nothing fun or enlightening. I thought Carolta went overboard with the eye makeup. And why was nothing mentioned of Pedro/Tony. Even something little added at the end. I won't bother with DF again.

On a better note, muchas gracias a todo for great recaps and comments - and feliz ano nuevo!

My problems with the Don Francisco show:

1) Half the cast members interviewed were in Mexico, not in the studio.

2) Many of the key characters were not there. Where was Lucia?* The show was entitled "The story of Ivan and LUCIA." It's hard to remember the story of Ivan & Lucia when Lucia is not there to reminisce.

Where was JJ and/or his family? I would have liked to hear from the Saul, David & Judith actors too. What about Alex? Gerardo?

3) Don Francisco is boring and the actors looked bored too. Whereas on the Cristina show, the actors were being silly, having a good time etc. It's not the actors, it's Don Francisco b/c the Teresa reunion show was boring too.

*I know Lucia/SE is under contract with Telemundo and that's why she probably didn't come. But it's still strange to have a reunion for "LFDD: The story of Ivan & Lucia" when Lucia doesn't show up. That's like having a Soy Tu Duena reunion and Lucero doesn't show up.

Then again, to me, this show was LFDD: The story of Ivan, Camilo & Alex. But that's just me.

Side note: I'm still mad Carmen never got any punishment and gets the Curiel foreman too (who told her she seemed too ambitious for him, lol).

Thank you so much UA for the splendid recap. I loved this final episode. They wrapped everything up and didn't really leave anything hanging.

Saul committing suicide! I didn't expect that. I thought he would be killed by someone else in prison.

I am glad Camilo survived, he looked really happy at the wedding.

Juan Jiel Me will always be alone with Lucrazy as his only friend. I loved Lucrazy with her grandchildren Alex and Perlita. She finally looked happy.

Loved Tony and Carlota dancing. May Don Pedro rest in peace.

And thank you UA for all the great recaps for this TN and the vocabulary, it helps my Spanish comprehension. Also sending you and all the recappers Happy New Year wishes and I hope all of you looking for a job find what you are looking for in the coming year.

The number of actors who appear in a wrap show is rarely more than this. Cristina did a two-parter for FELS because it had six protagonists and some interesting supporting characters and she wanted to do it justice.

We will shortly see whether Don F can do any better for CME than he did for this. But I doubt it.

Urban wonderful recap final. Sí, sí, sí, por favor, come back for Podía!!

I had non-glycerin tears in my eyes during most of this.

Monica Miguel, what can you say, she is wonderful in these parts.
Did you notice that she sewed up Iván with a hair that she pulled from her hija's head?

Why didn't they use Bruno again, he did well rescuing Alex.

Iván lays wounded for at least 4 days & no beard?????

Where is the puppy that Sául was petting, did he eat it?

I have to admit that i felt sorry for Juan Jaime, he is so alone. Juan Ferrara is fantastic with facial expressions.


I do not like Don Franciso at all & it seems he is on ALL the time. Dónde está Cristina? What a mistake getting rid of her.

I only watched last night because of the guests.

I thought that PA's death was not known at this taping. Don't you think it was taped when it ended in Mex?


A couple months ago, my money would've been on Saul to turn good. But after he was revealed to be the rapist and this whole kidnapping thing, I wouldn't put puppy eating past the rat bastard. (As the actor goes though, I wouldn't mind seeing him around again. And Antolin of course, drroooollll).

Feliz ano nuevo a todos (pretend there's a squigly thing over that n in ano).


Urban this was a great recap, and so difficult with two hours and many loose ends to tie up.
I do think they tied up the loose ends well.

I think it was sloppy of the editors/writers? to cut out 6 mos from the time Camilo straightlined to the birth of Antolin's child. Where is the missing footage??

I heard Carolina call the child Camila. It could have been my fevered imagination because I still thought Cam had died.

This was the story of Ivan, Antolin and Camilo, so right, Anon207.

The DF special was the typical wrap show, which are always so boring because the cast are pretty much in character-it would be so much more interesting instead of regurgitating the plot they would talk about what it was like filming it, quirks of the cast, etc. Don't get why their audience base likes this.

I have to get this out before anything else. I thought Camilo died and it was his spirit that was at the wedding. I did think that the meeting a pretty woman at the reception was odd, but still. Now that I read the recap, I guess he did live?!? I went through half a box of tissues on that guy. I'm so glad he did live, but sheesh, they could have made it a little more obvious for us slower people.

I think Lucrecia, Carolina. Laisha were in Miami & DZ, Soto, Carota, Antolín were in Mex DF


I didn't even recognize Celia, she looked very pretty at the wedding & Carmen looked beautiful.


Ok, now that I got that said, that was a great recap UA. I just love your thoroughness. I'm glad you were able to recap this last episode.

I thought for an ending show, it was pretty good. I loved the suspense during the entire show of not knowing Camilo's fate. That kept me on the edge of my seat.

Everyone looked so good at the wedding, I hardly recognized Arcelia, Carmen, and especially Judith. They were all so beautiful.
Not surprised by Saul, or Juan Jaime.

Yes, Anon207, there were a lot of Sortelegio alums in this telenovela.
It must be fun for them to reunite in a different telenovela.

Thanks for the recap UA, I can't wait to read your future ones for LQNPA because I know how much you like Jorge Salinas and that story is crazy.

I thought it was odd how the Seris where introduced in the last episode but it was nice to see Mónica Miguel. She is a director too and has worked in some novelas that the writer of Fuerza, María Zarattini, has written. At the time LFDD was starting preproduction Mónica Miguel was still directing Teresa so I wonder if the producer of Fuerza had thought of her first but she was unavailable. Still, I though Benjamín Caan made a good job with Fuerza and all the simbolisms he added.

I thought it was odd how Camilo found the new love of his life, Andrea Legarreta, at the wedding of his ex-wife. I kept waiting for him to die during the whole episode but he just didn't, oh well.


I thought it was odd how the Seris where introduced in the last episode but it was nice to see Mónica Miguel.
I had the same thought. Seemed a little "out of left field" to me.

For the most part, I am happy with this fin, although it occurred to me today that subconsciously this was over for me when the Antolin/Caro and Maripaz stories reached their end. Last night for me was mainly about finding out if Camilo survived or not. And I'm still a little confused by his "death". I also thought he died and was confused by his presence at the wedding.

And I know it's petty, but I was just "meh" on Lucia's wedding dress. Valentina still wore the best TN wedding dress (but I admit to not seeing more than a handful of TN weddings.)

I'm so disappointed with myself. I fell asleep at 7:00 pm on Friday and didn't wake up until 9:50 pm!!!
I saw the very end.

Does anyone know if they will repeat the two hour special again??


La Fuerza del Destino.

Final Remarks

I. Writing

This novela was full of surprises without being too outrageous. It went to a few places where writers didn't go before such as:

– Lucia's rape resulting in a child. I don't recall seeing that before.
– Antolin getting away with blackmail.

New novela viewers would not have recognized the absence of a few obvious clichés that foreshadow other events.

- Llamada de la sangre: Lucia and Ivan should have both experienced it upon meeting Alex.
- When Camilo flatlined and there was no white light or Mozart Requiem (like when Gerry died) I knew he would live. The crows that were associated with him didn't have to be harbingers of death but of intelligence: Crows apparently rate very high on the avian IQ scale. For example, they have been observed to drop hard-shelled nuts on roads so they will be crushed by the wheels of cars. Some can make tools. And one species in Australia can eat toxic cane toads and survive because it knows where to stab it to death. More on crows here:


Camilo was very smart in how he handled his work. He was both lucky and creative in handling crops and harvests. As to likeability as a character, it certainly is possible that the audience liked Camilo enough for the writers to not sacrifice him. Or Antolin, who presents a tougher moral decision for a Televisa writer.

I also thought that the finale was very well-written because of how it kept us on the edge of our seats about Camilo. They followed the rule about writing oneself into a corner and finding the exit (even if it was almost a deus ex machina). At the end of Friday's episode I kept wondering how in blazes Ivan was going to survive.

The scenes with Camilo and Ivan were like grand opera, Shakespearean tragedy, or a WWII movie. Or all three. Also, because Camilo had the appropriate emotional intelligence because of his experiences he could recover because he knew his family loved and needed him. Great performances in this finale by both actors.

Animal intelligence is always good to see in novelas. Bruno is right up there with Capriccio from FELS. I wish cats would get equal time, though.

The AARP courting scenes of Carlota and Tony were wonderful. Televisa writers definitely know how to remind people that romance is not restricted to people under 40.

La Fuerza del Destino.

Final Remarks

II. Best Performances and Best Moments (no particular order):

Laisha Wilkins gave the most consistent performance as the despicable Maripaz. She had us screaming for her blood. She might have gotten my sympathy at the end when she became afraid of being alone, but her threat to challenge her father's will to steal Carolina's inheritance prevented that.

Marcelo Cordoba made us root for him despite some of the bad things Antolin did. He made him a Robin Hood at heart. His violent acts were in defense of those he cared about. We know from his performance that Antolin will never commit another crime.

David Zepeda in his scenes with Diego Velázquez (Alex): Not only do these two look related, they related well as father and son. Also Ivan's character trajectory was realistic and well-done. With a better leading lady his total performance would have been better.

Gabriel Soto finally had a chance to explore his dark side. Good job.

Diego Velázquez has a great future if he wants to keep acting. Some of his episodes ran the gamut of emotions and he made me believe every one of them. He was also César in Mi Pecado and Martin in Navidad S.A.. If you didn't love his scenes with Bruno or the dolphins, you aren't human.

Juan Ferrara and Rosa Maria Bianchi as the repentant toxic parents were excellent. These were two of the most selfish people ever who were just short of being able to actually control their children, both classic examples of people with frustrated lives. Most toxic parents never see the light, but these two look like they did. When both realized that they lost their firstborns they looked genuinely afraid.

Ferdinando Valencia is so versatile it's hard to believe that this is the same guy we cried over in CME. His Saul is so despicable and so stupid at the same time we're all wondering why the writers let him live as long as he did except as a plot device to delay JJ's repentance until the end.

Delia Casanova and Pedro Armendáriz were wonderful together and both gave great performances as the voices of reason. However, I'm still trying to figure out why the writers made their characters conceal so many secrets for so long.

Bruno is one of the most beautiful canine actors ever. Unlike many others he looks like he truly relates to the human actors in this series and especially with Diego Velázquez and the late Pedro Armendáriz.

III. Music

Great theme song, with a mood conveying the fight for love by not only Ivan and Lucia but all the characters. Suspense music also excellent and the sad passages with solo cello or piano really capture the mood of the scene and/or the emotions of the characters.

IV. Room for Improvement

Actors: Sandra Echeverria is beautiful but needs to go back to acting school. She's not registering adequate passion for a TN. I also thought that she looked a little out of place genetically with regard to the actors playing her relatives.

Writing: There were several serious inconsistencies in the story that have explanations but might have been better handled. Most importantly:

Lucia's rape should have been revealed much sooner, as it is a repeat-offense crime. Without an identifiable suspect at that moment the authorities should have been told in the name of protecting the women of Alamos. Alternatively someone should have realized that Lucia couldn't have driven herself home so her rapist would have driven her car and therefore was someone she knew.
The judge in Alamos should have listened to other witnesses, especially Carlota.

There should have been a regular priest in the story, as it took place in a small town. It's interesting that this series replaced one with a metropolitan location and a protagonist priest (among others).

Finally, Lucia worked out religiously. She should have had a chance to kick some ass.

Thanks UA, I always look forward to your recaps and this one especially. The line-for-line dialog must take a lot of work, but it's so helpful for a learner like me. And also your astute psychological insights: Some novels are more multi-dimensional than others. I think this one was a bit above average and you always give such insightful characterizations.

I confess to skipping the first hour, but the finale was pretty rewarding. The Monica Miguel sequence was a bit of a surprise, and I kind of got into it. It helped to wrap up the spiritual dimension of this fairly agnostic show. Finally a priest! And it added to the suspense about Camilo's survival. I liked the little detail of passing the crucifix from hand to hand. In two hours we'll be jumping on board the next one. (Glad I skipped the Don Francisco; he's not my cup of tea anyway)

I didn't think Lucia was as bad an actress as most commenters here. I thought she did a good job.
But I did think that Ivan was miscast. I loved David Z in everything I saw him do in the past, but he does not play a galan very well. That scene where he jumped over the kitchen island to kiss Lucia for the first time was really bad. He is much better playing the bad guy, or at least the not perfect guy.
They should have stuck to their first casting of Gabriel Soto as Ivan and David as Camilo. Even the coloring would have fit better with Ivan's mom, and Camilo's family.

UA- Nice recap of the series, although I was glad to not have the usual priest. They broke other typical telenovela rules so why not this one? Besides, there were so many out-of-wedlock children, he'd spend all his time preaching anyway and not get anything done.

Thumbs up overall, and I too wish we could've seen more of the actors in the Don F. show rather them talknig only about their characters. We know the characters. I wanted to hear more about making the show or special insights rather than stuff we knew. Although I guess we can be glad that Laisha is nothing like Maripaz. That's the only thing useful info we got from the Don.


That's my biggest pet peeve, casting people that dont fit:

JJ was dark. Alicia was fair. Ivan was fair with dark hair/eyes. That fits.

JJ was dark. Esther was fair. We don't know what Saul's mom looked like but she was probably fair based on JJ's preferences. Saul was fair, David was fair, Judith was slighly dark. They fit.

Maripaz was fair. Ivan was fair but with dark hair/eyes and his mom was fair. Alex was fair. That fits.

The two characters who don't fit are Lucia and Camilo. Camilo's parents & siblings had dark hair/dark eyes but Camilo was blond/blue?

Lucia's parents, sister and grandmother were fair but she was dark? Maybe Lucrecia's bio dad was dark.

Kudos to the casting people for teen Ivan, who looked like adult Ivan (dimples and all) and for teen Lucia, who looked like adult Lucia.

Line-for-line dialogue does take some extra time, which varies with my vocabulary and production issues such as music volume or ambient sounds that sometimes drown out voices. I think that Univision's transmission is mostly at fault for the latter.

I felt the finale was going to be more about Camilo and Ivan than anything else, so their scenes were the most important to get this treatment. JJ and his issues also seemed important since he tried to get Ivan to forgive him. I am not sure that I got Ivan's line right at the end of their last scene together. Was it "lo" or "no"? I played it back four times and really am not sure. If nobody else can break this tie, perhaps it was deliberately ambiguous.

It was lo. Ivan forgave him in the end.

UA-Your post show wrap-ups/thoughts are the best. I look forward to them as much as the Gran Final!

Like you, music is something I find important in a TN. It was one of the few redeeming qualities of TdA.

I hope the music for LQNPA is as good as LFDD.

(or El Talisman...I can't decide which one to watch next...)

UA: Excellent recapping of the important moments and emotions. You're later observations and comments all get a check mark from me except regarding Sandra E. I figured she did as much as she could with what she was given. It wasn't much. She can't have helped the lack of on screen chemistry with her lead. Same goes for DZ who I felt was very good and quite believable, but I really think he shines as a villain. Maybe that's only because he's has so much experience at it! LOL!

The older actors were fabulous and QDEP Pedro A. I can see why he was so highly regarded and sought after as an actor. However, I again wanted to stand up and cheer when I realized the curandera was Monica Miguel!! She was terrific as usual and I absolutely love the woman's directing skills. She's able to set the mood and the pacing perectly, and I believe she must have had something to do with not only the beginning but the last few episodios as well, because these were much better quality than expected from my weathered end and a greatly appreciated desenlace.

Also, UNIVISION, IF YOU'RE READING THIS-- GIVE MARCELO CORDOBA A LEAD IN SOMETHING!! IT IS LONG OVERDUE!! I'll watch him in anything because he is Jollywood quality and has the looks to boot, just like Fernando. He kept this telenovela on track and all of us continuing to peek in each night!

UA, you went above and beyond doing the highlights which, I guess, must have come from the first hour. I had to catch all via Ibarramedia's link--and thankfully it worked for me! I called the local Comcast customer service number here and got a message in Spanish about their having problems with Univision's feed and that they were trying to get it fixed asap. So I know the entire Spanish-speaking population must have melted the wires not getting Uni on the night of the grand fin!!! I hope for their sakes that Comcast plays a tape of the fin again especially for them.
Definitely you should entertain us with your version of the facts, ma'am, with LQNPA!! Hopefully, I'll be a compadre once again on that tn.

Jarocha: In case I missed it, could you give us some background on both El Talisman and La Que No Podia Amar?

Thanks in advance, amiga!!

Cathyx: I thought so because of how Tony embraced him after that. Also Ivan looked as though he had just done something very difficult.

I also thought that the casting of the kids was very well-done.

Another request to the music consultants at Televisa: Por favor, find some more requiems/funeral music to use in death scenes. The classical music world has tons of them.

Finally, to the writers: Please stop assuming that the vast majority of gringos can't pronounce Spanish correctly. Thanks to the fact that I'm a big fan of your shows I speak Televisa.

By the gods, I would hate to have been a Comcast employee last night. However, according to my TV listings it will be shown at 1PM EST on New Year's Day and 2AM EST on the 2nd.

UA: I agree with your very well thought out review.

I enjoyed David Zepeda as Iván the most before he got involved with Lucía. I just couldn't get into their love story once he got back from LA and that affected my viewing experience. I thought the begining was fantastic but then it dragged on for me and I think it all has to do with that love story, too bad. Hopefully Zepeda will have better luck with Angelique Boyer because that's a remake of my favorite novela and the chemistry between the three main actors is too important for the story work.


UA thanks a million for the info on the repeat of LFDD.

I've been enjoying all your final remarks and all the back and forth comments.


Could one of you recappers let melinama know fuerza has ended and help her get the info page and call for recappers up. It sounds like we have quite a few recappers already. I'm taking a recapping break but looking forward to reading and commenting!

Jardinera: I can't talk about Talisman because it's a Univision production and you'll get that one before me but it does have super hottie Rafael Novoa who has the most atractive face and a wonderful manly voice. I'd give it a try just for him.

La Que No Podía Amar is a remake of Monte Calvario, a story based in a story by Delia Fiallo (El Privilegio de Amar) called La Mujer Que No Podía Amar. At the begining I didn't like it much because the producer hired the director from TDA and the acting was over the top (as it is his stlyle) but I think after a week or so they toned it down and I got hooked.

The story is crazy at times (as everything from Fiallo usually is) but it works somehow, at least for me it does. I love Jorge Salinas in it but his character can be pretty mean and infuriating and there's lots of shades of grey in every character, even our leading lady has some questionable choices. This one will probably divide the audience because the producer is Jose Alberto Castro (Teresa) and he seems to like throwing curves about who will end up with whom, so probably people will be divided on that front.

I like Ana Brenda as our protagonist, her character will be the complete reverse from Sandra Echeverría's at the begining of the story. While I was annoyed that Lucía was so passive, I think Ana Paula was way too reactive.

I also like Susana González and Fabián Robles as our mean, sort of evil duo with their own conflicting love story.

I'm not fond of José Ron, but I maybe others will be. He has his fans.

Overall, this is a novela with crazy happenings and some ridiculous stuff but its oddly addictive if you stay with it.


I neglected to second a couple of comments before such as:

-- The lack of beard growth on Ivan during the period he was injured. Dark-haired gentlemen tend to have obvious growth by 5 o'clock.

This inconsistency is nothing new. Remember that in FELS Oscar was always clean-shaven regardless of the hour while Franco's constant 5 o'clock shadow was frequently inconsistent relative to the hour.

-- The missing puppy. He should have gone home with Alex.

Jarocha: Thanks for the heads-up. It will be interesting to see Susanna Gonzales as a villana for a change and I know that Jorge Salinas will do a good job on the darker side.

Urban- I really enjoyed your take on this tn. I enjoyed the tn overall and am pleased with how each storylines was resolved and how each character evolved. I think the writers, director and actors did a great job with the characters. I already made my complaint about the main couple chemistry, so will instead now focus on the positive. I thought both SE and DZ did a good job and I look forward to them both continuing to grow as actors.

The biggest disappointment for me was SE, maybe that's why she went to telemundo.

Alex was fantastic, nothing overdone, just typical 10 year old kid.

Laisha did a superb job as did JJ.

Carolina went a little too far but I blame that on the writers/directors.

I'm reserving my opinion of DZ as a good guy until his next TN. He had many good moments. But he has a face that can get such a cruel look.

!!Marcelo Córdoba!! as the protagonist, por favor!! I loved him in Pasión, Alborada & Sortilegio, always in a secondary part. Time to be the main guy.

Looking forward to Podía, I think


some one asked about a repeat of the finally. You can actually watch all the shows per the attached link.

In an attempt to work spanish, I stumbled across the show a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving as was intrigued enough to search the internet and found a coupld of sites with all the shows...including primiciatv. I actually spent the week of Thanksgiving thru Dec 20th catching up on the previous episodes.

I did enjoy the series and liked the way it ended..Although, I wouldn't have been upset if something happened to Lucrecia...she spent the entire series being more concerned about what other people thought vs the health of her children. I was particularly upset with how she handled Lucia's rape. So much for mother of the year award.


Before I forget, I also give kudos to the writers for keeping Camilo alive and letting him find another lady love as part of the fin. I too was wondering if he was a ghost or not until he handed back Alicia's chain and especially when he started flirting with the pretty girl from McGuire and Son. He'd been through so much pain and self-doubt. He was honorable to the end and deserved to be happy. As they might say, third wife's the charm!

Thanks, Vivi.

Since you're planning to take a break from recapping, can I switch to Mondays? I see my shrink on Thursdays and would rather not have to rush through the writeups to make it on time to my appointment. Especially with those double-headers.

Don't know how this will work when I get a new job.

On another subject something insanely ironic occurred to me. Pedro Armendariz' Christmas movie debuted in the US this season, was shown again on Christmas Eve, and he died on Christmas Day, the day before this finale.

For anybody who doesn't need the C/C and missed the fin, Univision's site does "Novelas y Series" which allow you to watch the episodios 24 hrs. after they finish airing. Just go to the site and look under telenovelas or "completed episodes".

Vario: Marcelo will play the baddie once again in the new Lucero-Jaime Camil telenovela.


I'll take Marcelo any way I can get him, just give him enough screen time.


I just watched it again. I liked it better this time. The wedding was just perfect.

Juan Jaime's scenes were pretty powerful and very sad for me. He learned to late the importance of love and family. That shot of him alone in the big dark house... so sad.

Another site to watch is

For some strange reason, I get more out of the show online than on TV.


Yay! Gracias, UA. Way to hang in there on a 2-hour ep.

Well, this whole show had its good, bad, and ugly moments, but at least it didn't drag on forever!

I personally prefer most novelas to be about 150 episodes; there has to be a compelling reason for one to be longer than that. I think it was the late, great Eduardo Palomo who said that anything shorter than 65 episodes is considered a mini-series. It's less expensive to produce a 150-episode novela than two 65-episode mini-series.

I am currently watching this morning's episode of Terra Nostra and that had 221 60-minute episodes in Brazil, but was cut to 150 for the international version. I wonder what will be missing from it.

Very good recap UA. Camilo getting better and ending up alive was interesting. The flatlines sure fooled everyone. My ending for Juan Jaime Mondragon would have been during the scene where he is all alone, drinking his tequila then looking at the broken mirror and moments later croaking due to cardiac arrest all alone..... Crawling then just falling completely to the ground dead.

I was surprised that he even cried a bit when he got the news that Saul died. As much as he hated and despised his imbecile of a son and the way Juan Jaime is, that surpised me. Saul hanging himself is fine with me. I actually thought he might hang himself in the farm before the authorities captured him. I could not believe that Ester and David were going to try to ask Juan Jaime to use his influence to get Saul off the hook after all that he had done.


JJ's tears could just as easily be from frustration and anger with himself. For wasting his energy on Saul when he could have appreciated Judith and David. For how he screwed up his entire family life.

I thought last week he was going to check out of the human race, but he is a lot tougher than Saul.

Thank you, UA, for all of this.

While I gave the finale a pass because it did get all the big stuff right, the side story with the Seris seemed to just stop it in its tracks for over half its length. And is it just me or is this the first novela in a long time where the protagonists didn't have a child together?

I would have to think a long time about all the ones I've seen, but ones that come immediately to mind are Corazon Salvaje (any version), Yo Compro Esa Mujer, En Carne Propia, Abrazame Muy Fuerte, and En Nombre del Amor. The latter is because the protagonists are very young and CS just passes because the heroine is first-time pregnant in the last frame.

I am hoping we'll see the day when a novela heroine is allowed to not have a child at all.

Meaning that the heroine is infertile? I think that's been done. I just can't remember the name of the novela.

From this past year, the protagonists of Teresa, Rafaela and Ni Contigo Ni Sin Ti never had children. The protagonist from Esperanza del Corazon had three children with her late husband but not with her love interest. I don't know if most of those where shown in the US though. Dos Hogares, UFCS and LQNPA are still ongoing.

From the year before neither of the leads of Zacatillo nor Mar de Amor had children. I can't remember about Llena de Amor. Niña de Mi Corazón also didn't have any pregnancy for the lead but that was a teen novela.

I'd say each year is pretty even between novelas with leads that have children and leads that don't.


Sorry I wasn't clear about that; I meant a heroine who doesn't want to have children. Thus far this viewpoint seems to be the exclusive property of the villana.

ViviDC One last thankyou for heading up this novela this time around. It's a lot of work and dedication. You did a great job of it IMNSHO!!

Thanks for your great recap UA. This was clearly a labor of love for you and we all thank you for your efforts. Though I don't think I'll be watching the 9 pm TN, I'll definitely stop by and read your 'caps.

Add me to the list of those shocked (in a happy way) that Cam lived. I just knew he wouldn't make it and pleased I was wrong.

The one thing I want writers on TNs to do is remove rape plots.

Gracias to all the recappers for a superb job & to the commenters also. Hope to see you all at Podía.

The medical staff rushed in when Camilo's alarm sounded. Probably they brought him back with a defibrillator.

I'm glad JJ survived, he is alone but where there is life, there is hope. So maybe Lucrecia will still be his friend & he can have some relationship with his nietos. Iván forgave him.


Dear UA and all of the recappers -- many, many thanks!

I enjoyed the whole two hours, but the last seven minutes of this finale were just about perfect IMHO.

I loved Camilo's return, the sweet moments of compassion and truth between him and Ivan and the arrival of Andrea Legarreta at the end!

The wise woman healer was one more older person whose counsel and care contributed to good things for the younger characters (all three great actors here - PA, DC and MM). This novela was a tribute to the ties that bind that are not biological; to love among older people; and to the wisdom of the older characters. (We'll hope that Lucrezia and JJ continue to try to get there!)

I agree with UA's comments almost completely. On another note, I did like Lucia's dress, but thought she should have had her hair up. Reception a nice finishing post-wedding touch.

Sounds like I can skip my DVR of Don Franciso!

Happy New Year to all. See you in the new year with some new novelas.

What a great read.

I have to agree I was hoping for Carmen to get her punishment and she never did. I also thought the actress that Camillo turns to at the end, looked so much older than him.

Arcelia looked beautiful and she can dance, bravo.

Don Francisco, I think someone said it is always about him, the actors who participated looked stiff and informal. Even the ones in Mexico looked uncomfortable to be there, it did not feel like comraderie.

And I have to say Univision you did wrong in not placing some kind of notice either at the end or the beginning about the passing of Mr. Pedro Armendariz.

I am not a fan of Angelique Boyer so will miss David Zepeda in his next turn, but hopefully will have your lovely comments to turn to.

Best wishes to all, Happy New Year.

I agree with those who feel that Carmen got off too easily. Now she'll be a millstone around Ezekiel's neck.

She was duped by Saul in more ways than one; she'd better get out of the gene pool. Now.

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