Monday, December 19, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #96 Mon 12/19/11 Wayward Daughters Find Their Way Home, But Will They Disappoint Again?

Carolina has just broken the happy news to Antolín that she has a bun in the oven and he needs to chill out with all the twirling he’s doing with her in his arms. He is sure that any baby of his will be big and strong, and able to take a few whirls. They are both over the moon and celebrate with kisses (and hopefully more).

At Rancho Curiel, Ivan has come to visit Lucia to come clean about the conversation he had with Camilo about his intentions towards Lucia. Ivan initiated the conversation because he wants to be friends with Camilo again. He tells Lucia that Cam has accepted that Lucia is not for him, but admitted that he is still really in love with her. Ivan’s hoping that Cam will get over it. Lucia isn’t so sure it’s that easy. Either way, Ivan knows this situation is none of their faults; it’s just life. He apologizes for getting jealous. He trusts her and she’s free to do what she wants and befriend whom she wants. He was just being stupid.

MP interrupts them to report on Lucrezia’s continued weakened condition and vomiting. She asks Ivan if she can come see Alex that day, but he will be at Caro’s. MP gets permission to visit him tomorrow instead. She does all of this politely and then immediately leaves, to all of Viewerville’s surprise. Lucia seems to be softening too, because she tells Ivan of MP’s seemingly sincere desperate need for Alex to start loving her. Ivan doesn’t know what to do because Alex is scared of her. “We each reap what we sow”, says Lucia. (Cada quien cosecha lo que siembra.) Ivan tells Lucia about Carmen and Lichita’s disappearance.

Camilo and Anto have met up at a restaurant to discuss the same thing. They’ve had no luck with their inquiries of taxi drivers. They are sure Carmen went chasing after Saul, and if they are together they are probably hatching some plan to get money, like kidnapping someone. Anto thinks Cam could be a potential target (with his new job and all) so he should get his hands on a gun for protection.

JJ meets with a lawyer to see about formally acknowledging Carmen as his son’s woman and Lil’ Alicia as his grandchild. The lawyer wants him to be careful of this young woman living with him and asking for money. And on top of it, she’s Antolin’s sister! It all might just be a scheme to get money out of JJ.

In their new bedroom, Carmen has more important things to do, like watching her telenovela and filing her nails, than listening to her daughter. Lichita wants to go to school, instead of being cooped up in a room all day. Carmen ignores a call from Celia and Lichita questions why she hung up. She lies to Lichita that it wasn’t her grams and tells her to shut up. (Mother of the Year material, that one.)

Ivan visits Celia and tries to assure her that Carmen wouldn’t do something stupid (ha!), and is probably just with friends. The Galvan boys return home with no news.

At Casa Less-Meandragon, JJ has brought back a bag of new toys for Lichita. She’s initially pleased, but then complains that she already has plenty of dolls. What she wants is a toy dish/tea set (vajilla). JJ says he’ll get on it. He then orders Carmen off her lazy butt to the kitchen to help the maid prepare dinner. He actually does it fairly politely (for JJ), but there’s no doubt it’s an order. Carmen is still in enough doubt about her position in the Mondragon house to agree and hops to it.

Anto gives Celia something to be happy about by sharing the pregnancy news. Hugs all around from his mom, brother and Ivan. They all think that Carmen is a grown woman (mujer hecha y derecha) and can do what she wants, but Lichita is the real concern. Ivan wonders if she has a galan elsewhere. Celia thinks it’s her fault Carmen left because of their last big fight. She’ll check Lichita’s school tomorrow to see if Carmen has taken her.

MP cuddles her mom in bed and whines about how no one loves her, and how Lucia and Tony are saying things against her to Alex. Lucrezia urges patience. MP swears she’s sorry for the things she’s done, but now SHE needs love/affection (cariño). She NEEDS people to love her. The love of Lucrezia, who has always loved her no matter what, is not enough. Lucrezia advises her to behave and do good deeds. Having never attempted good deeds, MP even needs advice on what those could be. Lucrezia shakes her head.

Gordo and Saul get together in a bar in Hermosillo and discuss the addition of Gordo’s cousin to the plan. Soon, Saul will be able to leave his little rat buddies behind and live in luxury. They discuss the kidnapping plan. Gordo thinks Alex staying with blind Caro (guess he doesn’t know about the surgery) so often is the key to getting their hands on the kid.

Judith comes home and for the first time meets Lichita, who is having a fine time playing cards with her abuelo. (It’s kind of cute actually. Never thought I’d say that about a scene with JJ.)

Judith is even more shocked to see Carmen emerge from the kitchen decked in an apron and announcing that dinner is ready. JJ tells Judith that the house won’t feel so lonely anymore and bids them all to go to the dining room to eat.

David is just as shocked to hear this news from Judith later on the phone. Ditto Esther, when he passes the news on to her. Esther wonders if JJ is messing around with Carmen, but even David thinks that would be going too far for JJ to get involved with his son’s woman. He thinks it’s more likely that Carmen is holding something over JJ to blackmail him. Esther agrees that he sure as heck is NOT doing it out of the goodness (bondad) of his heart. (They both are underestimating the power of loneliness.)

Camilo tries to calm her, but Celia can’t sleep because of her worry about her daughter and granddaughter. David pays them a late night house call to break the news about Carmen and Lichita being the newest additions to the Mondragon household. They all think Carmen must have done something or is holding something over JJ to convince him to take her and Lichita in. Camilo takes off immediately with David to bring them back home. Celia insists on going too.

Ivan and Lucia have a pre-bedtime phone call, exchange love talk, talk of marriage, and gossip about Anto and Caro having a baby. Lucia asks Ivan if he’ll make any distinctions between Perla and Alex and any children they may have together. Of course not! Ivan is all for making their own version of “Yours, Mine and Ours”.

JJ’s peaceful night is disturbed by Camilo and Celia barging their way into his home and starting a screaming match with Carmen. Both Camilo and David start interrogating him about his reasons for letting Carmen and Lichita live with him. He says he doesn’t have to give them explanations. (I agree with him. Carmen’s a grown woman and Lichita’s his grandchild.) Celia says that Carmen DOES have to give her an explanation. Carmen says she’s tired of being treated like a second class citizen at home. (I don’t think she’ll like being treated like a servant and the nanny of his grandchild by JJ either.) She refuses Celia’s and Cam’s demands and pleas for her to return with them. JJ tells them to get out and pulls a gun on them all! Celia yells at him to shoot (dispare)! Shoot so that he can be hauled off to prison! Lichita is awakened by all this noise and wanders into the living room. She looks on in terror when she sees her new grandpa holding a gun to her beloved grandma.

Saul and Gordo sarcastically toast to a long life for JJ. (Anvil alert?)

JJ immediately lowers the gun under Lichita’s fearful gaze, and says he only wanted a better life for the little girl and to fix Saul’s error. Celia doesn’t think the way to do it is by buying her off with gifts and toys, but not with love and affection, which he’ll never be able to give her. Camilo insists they are taking Lichita with them. Carmen begs JJ to let her stay on her own, but his only interest was Lichita. He tells her to pack her stuff and go with her family. He says farewell to Lichita and tells her to behave. Carmen continues to beg, but Lichita is ready to go home and also encourages her mom to pack their stuff. (You know you’re acting a fool when a six year old is acting more mature than you are.) Lichita hugs her uncle and grandma, and Camilo thanks David for his help. After they leave, David and Judith wonder what JJ could have been thinking. Judith thinks it’s loneliness and mentions JJ’s request that she and Carlos live with him. David says he offered him the same thing with Bernie.

In Casa Galvan, Lichita says JJ is a good guy, but she wanted to return home. She says goodnight to Celia and Camilo, who tells her he NEVER wants her to leave this house. Lichita drags her wayward mommy off to bed. Celia asks Cam what they are going to do with Carmen. Cam doesn’t know. She can do what she pleases, but they sure as heck won’t let her take Lichita with her again. Celia can’t help but be worried about them both. Cam decides to call Anto with the news so that he can stop worrying and just enjoy the news of his baby with his wife.

Esther talks to the McGuire family lawyer, who I guess is now her lawyer, about her divorce case outside the judge’s chambers. JJ arrives for the appointment. He doesn’t bring a lawyer, but asks for some time alone with Esther. JJ admits that he learned too late what he was losing. He accepts that he was a blockhead (torpe). She doesn’t let him off the hook and reminds him how he continued his old ways, even after she came back to care for him. And to top it off, he was willing to frame her for his fraud! It’s better that it ends this way. She asks him to not make it more difficult. “Our relationship (lo nuestro) is over forever.” JJ accepts this as the last word and goes with her and her lawyer into the judge’s chambers.

Saul and Gordo discuss how to avoid a run-in with Anto when they attempt to kidnap Alex. They both want to get rid of him. They figure that he must be working regular office hours at the Ag Association now that his brother is the president. They decide they need to contact Carmen to get the inside scoop.

Lucia hangs out with Alex in his room and asks him to give MP a chance- tell her his stuff, share his music with her, and such. Ivan comes in to tell Alex MP has arrived. Alex agrees to chat with her for only a bit (un ratito). Once he’s out of the room, Lucia and Ivan discuss the situation. Ivan adored his mother because she was good and loving. But Lucia also loves her mother, who is anything but those things. They chuckle about this. Lucia loves her mom because they’ve shared some good moments, and Lucia understands her faults (defectos). Plus, she’s her mother. Ivan doesn’t think it’s good for Alex to be afraid of his mother. If he can get over that, he will be better off for it.

In the living room, MP is asking Alex if Tony or Lucia have been badmouthing her. She presses him when he denies it and asks if he’s lying. “I don’t lie!” (A trait he did NOT inherit from her. Actually, his looks are the only thing he inherited from her.) MP tells him she regrets the things she did and wants him to love her, because she’s his mother. “And that’s the only reason why I should love you?” “All kids love their mothers!”

Ivan waits nervously with Lucia in Alex’s room for the MP-Alex session to end. He finds the picture MP gave Alex of herself, turned face down on his shelves. In the living room, things are going a bit better, as Alex has taken Lucia’s advice to share about his favorite things with MP. He wonders why she doesn’t like Bruno. Because, he’s an animal. “Bruno is not an animal; he’s my friend!” MP is not impressed by friendships with perros. You would think she would be, considering she’s a perra. (Oops! Did I just say that out loud?) Tony interrupts before this argument can escalate. He has Alex take Bruno for a walk and sits down to chat with MP. She immediately starts accusing them of badmouthing her, and that’s why Alex won’t warm up to her. She’ll show them all that she’s BETTER than Lucia! As she’s leaving, Tony freaks her out by pretending Bruno has wandered back into the room. MP jumps half a foot in the air, causing Tony, and most of Viewerville, to chuckle.

Gordo stuffs his face as usual while he keeps an eye on Casa Galvan. Also as usual, Celia is cooking up something delicious in the kitchen. Camilo kisses her goodbye, and Carmen gives her plenty of sass before going out. Gordo follows her. She’s not happy to see him or to know anything about that good for nothing rapist Saul, but Gordo tells her it wasn’t like that.

MP is cuddling her mommy and whining, AGAIN. Lucrezia tells her to resign herself (resignate) to the situation, but MP refuses to let Lucia “win.” Everyone sees Lucia as being “buena, noble, generosa” and MP is sure she can be those things too. Lucrezia wonders what it is she wants—to win Ivan back by winning the heart of Alex? No, she just wants people to think she has changed and that she’s not a bad person. Lucrezia says she never thought she was a bad person. She just thought she was a bit wayward (descarriada) and different/odd (rara). She kisses her favorite child on the top of her head as they cuddle.

Speaking of wayward daughters, Carmen has decided to believe Gordo and Saul, of all people, above Lucia’s version of events. She knew Lucia offered herself up! She complains about how hard her life is and then readily offers up gossip about her brothers. This includes the news that Anto is married, that Caro now has sight, and Anto is working on Camilo’s ranch.

Gloria can’t lure Lucrezia out of bed nor tempt her with Jello and chicken soup. Just as Gloria is taking the tray of food away, Lucrezia cries out in excruciating pain and clutches her side while writhing on the bed. Lucia and MP come running. Lucia goes to call an ambulance as Carly comes in on the upsetting scene.

At the hospital, the Curiel women, minus Lucrezia, and with Ivan, meet with the doctor. It’s not good news. The treatment is no longer effective, her kidneys have totally failed, and a transplant is needed as soon as possible. Carly offers hers up. The doctor rules her out because of her age. Ivan and Lucia next offer their kidneys. MP seems to feel the peer pressure and hesitantly offers to donate hers. The doctor asks if she’s married or planning on having kids. Nope. Since Lucia does plan to marry and have more kids, the doctor warns her about all the dangers having one kidney poses on a pregnant woman. He warns her to think about it carefully. Ivan says they can also find other potential donors. They’ll begin to test everyone for compatibility. The ladies go in to see Lucrezia and Ivan gives Lucia a kiss for luck.

Lucrezia is in bed and on pain meds. When they tell her about the need for the transplant, she says she doesn’t want them sacrificing a kidney for her, given what a bad mother she’s been. Lucia says she’s made mistakes like everyone else, but she’s not a bad mother. (Lucia is a far nicer person than I.) MP says she has nothing to complain about. (Very true.) Lucia says they love her and they’re family. Lucrezia’s having a real redemption moment now. She is tearful and feeling very unworthy, especially considering how she tried to manipulate their lives. Lucia reminds her that she gave them life and stayed by their sides. MP says they need her. Carly urges her to be strong and fight. She’s important to all of them. She kisses her only daughter on her head and strokes her face.

Ivan accompanies Lucia and MP home. They will go do the compatibility studies tomorrow. If he’s a match, Ivan would much rather donate so that Lucia can be healthy to have children in the future. He’s sure Camilo and Antolin would also be willing. He knows she has the last word, and he’ll support whatever choice she makes. It doesn’t change their love for each other. They already have two kids anyway- Alex and Perlita.

Gordo reports on the conversation with Carmen to Saul. The fact that Anto is now living with his wife Caro, and therefore sleeping in the house at night, complicates things. Anto might recognize him, even if he’s masked. Considering his girth, Saul doesn’t think this would be so difficult for anyone. Saul thinks they should just kill anyone who gets in the way, and just be done with it. They think about what a good time they’ll have with lots of women (viejas) once they have their money.

Ivan discusses his desire to have a baby with Lucia with Tony; it’s his dream. To have a child with the woman you love is a blessing. But he is also pleased with the children they already have- Alex who is his, and Perla who is Lucia’s. “And like they say, what’s yours is mine.” Tony points out how he lost both his only child and the woman he loved, but look at him now. He has the son he chose. If all fathers could choose their sons, Tony bets JJ wouldn’t choose Saul. Benito announces Camilo. Ivan called him over to ask him something important. First, Cam tells him where they found Carmen.

Carly asks MP about her hesitation in offering to donate her kidney. She’s pretty sure Lucia is going to be the one ending up donating hers. MP gets offended. “Lucia, Lucia, always Lucia!” Doesn’t Carly think she’s capable of doing something so noble (digno)? “Well, are you?” MP wants to show the whole world that she can be better than Lucia. Carly doesn’t understand this obsession with competing with Lucia when Lucia has always loved MP. MP says it’s not true; Lucia has always envied her! She took her man and her child! “Ay Maripaz, Maripaz.”

Camilo accepts getting tested for compatibility; Tony’s age and heart condition prohibit him. Camilo is concerned for how much Lucia must be suffering.

Well folks, time has passed, and the results are in! (Drum roll please…) And the lone compatible person is…..Maripaz Lomeli!! Come on down!!!!! Oh wait, MP’s face does NOT look like someone who has won a coveted prize. She looks downright terrified, in fact. Lucia asks about her own compatibility, but she is not a match. Ivan offers himself, Camilo and Antolin, but MP seems resigned to her fate. They’ll get started on the paperwork right away.

Carly checks in on Lucrezia and gives her the news about MP’s compatibility. Lucrezia starts to cry. She would prefer to die than have her daughter go through that. Carly gives her a pep talk. She and MP will be fine soon, but of course they will then have to take certain precautions. MP will give Lucrezia life, just like Lucrezia gave her life. “It’s not fair mama. It’s not fair.”

Avances: MP thinks she’s won the nobility game and gloats to Lucia. MP kisses Alex, who wonders if perhaps she isn’t as bad as he thought, and he visits her in the hospital. MP and Lucrezia hold hands before surgery. Something goes horribly wrong during the procedure and the doctor says we’re losing her! The doctor comes to the waiting room with a grim look on his face. Did one of them not make it? Who could it be?


Well all, this is officially my last LFdD recap. I actually enjoyed this TN. I liked the small town family drama, the themes of blood family vs adopted family , forgiveness and acceptance, and a galan who had to fight for his child. I like that no character was all good and very few were all bad. I loved the couple of Antolin and Caro. My biggest complaint was the lack of chemistry between the lead couple and the overwrought love scenes between those two. But in general I liked the two leads—in real life I would be happy to have them both as friends. And I love that it was a short TN! But the time flew by not just because of the TN’s length, but mainly because of this great group of recappers and commenters. What an intelligent and fun bunch you are!

Urban Anthropologist- Thanks again for taking next Monday’s gran final for me. Remember, it’s a 3 hour extravaganza, starting with a 1 hour special at 7pm, and then the 2 hour finale. (According to my tv listings.)

You're welcome, Vivi. That's going to be a long night and I have a doctor's appointment the following afternoon.

I am wondering if tomorrow night is Lucrezia's exit. It's too soon to finish off Maripaz, who could easily drink herself to death with only one kidney. But she doesn't deserve such a mundane ending.

Noticed that Bruno didn't growl at Camilo when they encountered each other.

Not to mention that Carmen continues to be some piece of work.

Thank you Vivi for all your wonderful recaps on this TN. I loved your title. I think Merry Piece will disappoint again, so I am giving a Mea Culpa. It seems now she is competing with Lucia as to who is more honorable. I think she has always been jealous of Lucia, cause she knew she was always better than her. I am glad she is donating her kidney, but will she learn some humility? I guess it depends on if she makes it thru the surgery. I still give her credit for trying to get closer to Alex, but I don't like the paranoia she has about Ivan, Lucia and Tony talking badly about her.

Gordo and Saul have to be the stupidest kidnappers ever. I hope they get caught trying to kidnap Alex.

My favorite couple is Antolin and Carolina. I hope they make it to the end unscathed.

Carmen will never learn. You would think she would avoid Gordo like the plague, especially the murder of Gerardo. She just keeps talking. I can't beleive she actually believes Saul about the rape, when everyone she knows told her he did it.

Vivi thanks for another (and your final) recap. You and the other recappers have made this TN a fun short ride. And the bonus has been that for the most part, there hasn't been rampant stupidity in the writing of the TN. I did think Lucia and Ivan's chemistry has gotten better in these last episodes. And I think your anvil alert on Saul and Gordo will come to pass.

To those looking for job, I pray you all find something good jobs very soon.

I wonder who won't make it? I feel it might be MP as her motives were not right and then Lucrazy would have to live with her favoritism and mothering mistakes.

Carmen is getting dangerously close to have a very bad anvil hit her. Wouldn't it something if she is the Galvan sibling that doesn't make it to the end?

It would not surprise me if Carmen is the one who doesn't make it to the end. She is a disrespectful brat with a massive sense of entitlement who -- despite having the best mother in this story -- refuses to grow up and accept responsibility. She is useless to her own child who was merely a tool to entrap Saul.

Unlike Maripaz, she lacks initiative.

Of all the evil characters Lucrazia is the most vulnerable to the writers tonight. I don't think she should die, but she might be the first evidence that redemption can come too late. She now knows she hasn't been a good mother. Will she have enough time to realize that she shouldn't give an infinitessimal damn about what everyone is allegedly saying about her and her family?

Ivan is volunteering to donate a kidney to the woman who once tried to have him killed? Is he bucking for sainthood or what?

Vivi, you have been marvelous though this whole TN.
ITA with all the comments about the TN. (Even though they didn't all agree). Liked the TN, it was fun, even if Lucia cringed every time Ivan touched her. Glad it was short. IT'S THE RECAPS THAT MAKE IT ALL SO FUN. Thank you, dedicated recappers and commenters, too.

I have mixed feelings about MP. She's sorry that everyone hates her; but she has an AMAZING lack of insight into her own responsibility for it.
Oh yeah, she'll donate a kidney. And it won't make much difference to a drinker-she's not donating part of her liver, after all. Someone needs to donate to her-a few brain cells.

Carmen is just cruising for a bruising (as we used to say as children). Poor Celia. Cam and Anto have anvils over their heads, too, I hope they make it. Would love to see Cam actually meet someone in the end...

If any of the Galvan children have to be voted off the island, I vote for Carmen. She really is useless. I do believe she loves her family, and I admired how she refused to let Anto go down for something she had done. But her sense of entitlement, lack of work ethic, and her stupidity about Saul knows no bounds. I also don't like the example she sets for Lichita.

I may be the only one, but I was feeling a bit for JJ last night. I think someone the other day said that they didn't like that he had just given up, while MP was actively trying to re-establish relationships with people. To me it seems that JJ has a real understanding that he screwed up and that there's no fixing what he broke. He can start fresh with Lichita. But MP, although she says she understands that she hurt people, doesn't really get why it would be so hard to win back their love and trust. That says to me that she really doesn't truely understand the harm she's done.

I actually kind of hope that Lichita gets to visit JJ once in a while and plays cards and tea party with him. Wouldn't that be something? I already get a kick out of what the salesperson must have thought when Juan Jaime Mondragon stolled in and bought all those baby dolls!

Urban- Yes, Ivan seems to be more at peace and more forgiving now. But he also now has everything that he wanted-- his son, a daughter, Lucia, a home with a loving father, the Galvans (his madrina and soul brothers). Question is, will he ever be able to stand JJ?

Dear Vivi,

What a great final recap! I agree with every word of your assessment of the novela. In the interest of always supporting the shorter novela, I'm looking forward to the end. But I'll miss the characters and am not sure what to watch next.

The anvil dropping -- love the phrase and "foreshadowing," as they used to say in English class.

I think that MP will meet her demise tonight, along with Saul later. With all of the playing off between biological and adoptive parents in this novela, there's also the issue of whether the two (or more) children of Ivan and Lucia will be treated equally that keeps coming up. That's much more likely, I think, with the biological parents out of the way. Also, some of the bad guys do have to meet their demise!

By that logic, I'm beginning to think that Camilo will survive. I hope so. He's certainly made his peace with Ivan, Tony and even that detector of pure hearts, Bruno. Would like to see Cam meet someone nice, too, Emarie. (Loved the phrase cruisin' for a bruisin' when I was growing up -- one of my father's favorite comical warnings.)

Vivi, thank you for all of your wonderful recaps, for your generous time and extraordinary care you've given to every episode.

Excellent title and the recap was marvelous. One of my favorite lines (of so many) was "Oh wait, MP’s face does NOT look like someone who has won a coveted prize". Simply great.

As perfect as the recap was, your comments are what I'm going to focus on. ITA with you on the themes you noted,in that Anto and Caro were by far the most romantic couple and that the lack of chemistry between Ivan and Lucia was palpable. I also felt a smidgen of pity and hope for JJ. He is starting to try to amends, to be better but redemption and change can't come all at once. He's had way too many years of selfish and cruel acts to atone for and can't change at the blink of the eye. I would also like to see him continue to change and have a happy, healthy, loving relationship with someone in his family. Currently, that doesn't exist.

Except for the unbelievably stupid kidnapping Gordo and Saul are planning, the events are coming full circle.

Karen, I'm starting to think that maybe Carmen won't survive. I would prefer that all the Galvans survive, but I would be crushed if it were Anto and sad if it were Cam.

I am hoping in spite of the dire situation, both Lucrazy and MP survive. They are both headstrong, selfish and made many mistakes but they do need and love each other.

Thanks again Vivi.


I am predicting another Lassie moment for Bruno before this is all over. Nothing better happen to him!

Maripaz' insane competitiveness with Lucia keeps her from being redeemable. Her "Lucia has my life" thing will yet lead her to perdition.

That she is the only compatible donor for Lucrazia is extremely appropriate. She is trying to score points with the donation, but that won't be successful.

Gracias, Vivi!

It cracks me up how mellow JJ has become, relatively speaking. I'm actually disappointed that Carmen and Lichita didn't keep living with him. It could have been fun to watch him dote on Lichita and treat Carmen like a servant and see just how long it took Carmen to get sick of it!

I actually really enjoyed this TN. I hadn't seen any in a while and the one I caught before this (TdA) was so horrible that it made this one seem dreamy. Am so happy to have found this site because reading the wonderful recaps definitely makes the novelas MUCH more enjoyable.

It's too bad the chemistry between Lucia and Ivan was so meh. I actually find him super attractive, so I enjoyed the eye candy the entire time and just ignored Lucia's flinching.

I agree with Traveling Lady that it's the bio parents who are probably not going to make it just to make things cleaner for the protagonists. I think it would have been better to have offed Lucrazia because she seems to have finally realized her mistakes and MP I don't think will get to that point in time. Oh well. I couldn't care less about that darn Carmen. She's so annoying, especially the way she always seems to open her mouth to wide to say anything.

Count me in as having a slight soft spot for JJ. Maybe it's cause he reminds me of my dad and I wish that he would come around and at least try to be nice to his grandkids. I think JJ has realized his errors, is feeling the pain from them, and is trying (in his bumbling way) to remedy some of that.

I think old, humbled, mellowed, broke, sickly JJ would actually be a good grandpa to Lichita, and maybe even Alex and Perlita. I'm not sure any of them should live with him. I think he would spoil Lichita rotten, and I think she would have him wrapped around her finger. I hope the Glavans and the McGuires eventually allow him to have contact with his grandkids. I don't see the adults ever being warm and fuzzy with the guy (for very good reasons), but I hope they are kind enough to let him see the grandkids.

Thanks for all your wonderful recaps, Vivi!

I actually want JJ semi-redeemed, having a good relationship with granddaughter Lichita*. I also actually think he can repair his relationship with David & Judith, as neither one of them are vengeful people. Out of the 3 kids, I think he probably abused Judith the least. I think JJ actually has a smidgen of respect for David for getting out on his own, working for the McGuires, not being an ass like Saul and snagging Berenice. Also, didn't JJ see David knock out Saul in the office one time and have kind of a proud smirk?

Obviously, the relationship between JJ & Saul can never be repaired since Saul will die of stupidity.

*Lichita will probably be the only currently existing grandchild JJ will be allowed to be around.

Hopefully the relationships between JJ, David & Judith can be repaired enough so JJ can have some sort of relationship with David's children & Judith's children.

I don't see any relationship between Ivan's children (Alex & future kids) or Saul's child with Lucia, the product of Saul's rape.

Tks so much for this & all the other fantastic recaps Vivi. Also for your great memory when I get off track.

I agree that MP & Sául will go to the other side to make things neat & tidy for Lucia & Iván.

I hope JJ survives, I like him, especially now that he is sorta nice.
I watch La antorcha encendida & Juan Ferrara is a bastardo in that one also. He was really good in Pasión.

Looking forward to La que no podía amar, but it sure looks like it's on the muy dark side.


Thanks, Vivi, for all your snarkily hard work. :)

I'm wondering if Maripaz's (guessing) death would be considered karma recycling for her and Lucrecia (after a fashion). Saul and Gordo's would/will be public services, so I'm not wasting brain cells on them; J3 has basically pushed away his entire family and lost from appearances a fair chunk of his wealth, so he's still in the middle of the recycling process...

Thank you Vivi!! for your brilliant contribution to a stellar team. For your unique wit and wisdom and all the hard work of writing such great recaps.

ITA with you and many others about JJ. I never really hated him, because he was so clueless, the poor F--k, he never really got it, but, in the end, he didn't run away. And he didn't whimper about how he had changed (like, yah—really MP—who's gonna believe that!). So I pity his feeble efforts to gather up what scraps remain to him. I'm not into predicting here, but I think there's something to the theory behind offing the two bio-parents. If it's a choice between MP and Lu-crazy, I'd keep the gal with the permanent frown (I've never seen the corners of anyone's mouth turn south so far down, except my own mother's). And, as Anon 207 says "Saul will die of stupidity"

I'll be out at an office party (yay for a freelance gig to get me thru christmas) on Thurs., so I'll be relying on the multi-talented Kat to get me through. Is it true that we have a 3-hour finale on Monday, or is part of that a "special"?

LXV- Thanks amiga! The first hour is a special. The actual finale is 2 hours (8-10pm).

It's odd that this TN & Familia get little interaction. Some of the novelas have had over 100 comments. I really think this novela & Familia are very good. Have people lost interest?
Don't know about CME, but that one is too early for me.


Variopinta- I have a feeling we have lots of lurkers on this one. I LOVE CME and am always over there. It's a very chatty group and we go off on tangents a lot, so there are always a lot of comments. It's also a very good tn.

But having been a recapper many times now, I know the importance of commenting for the recappers to feel appreciated, so I always try to comment at least once on all the shows I watch, even if I'm only halfway watching them or missed the episode.

Lurkers, speak up!!!. Our recappers give us a lot of their time & knowledge, not to mention, snark .

I wanted to watch CME because I like Silvia Navarro so much. I thought they put what they think are the best novelas on at 9PM. Now I watch the 8PM & 9PM novelas, who knows maybe it will soon be 3 hours.


Variopinta- They have really started mixing up how they schedule the tns now. It used to be that 7pm was the comedy hour, but ever since Dinero, that's changed and 8pm has been the comedy slot, meaning that you can have a great drama like CME on at 7pm. Much of the CME group is pretty happy about that since many of them don't stay up late. Silvia Navarro is just spectacular in it and the main couple (SN and Juan Soler) sparkle together (although he was a jerk in the beginning).

I'm not a lurker but I haven't commented yet because I've been making Christmas cookies all day. I finally have time to sit and read.

Thank you Vivi for a great recap. I thought it might have been 5ft latina from the wonderful snarky comments, but I see she's not the only one with wonderful wit.
I'm especially glad for the translations when Gordo and Saul talk because they use so much slang, I miss most of what they're saying.

I'm not yet trusting Maripaz, she's still too competitive with Lucia for my liking.
I think JJ may be a better grandparent than a parent. I actually know some of those types. I was hoping that they would still live with him. It would be healthy for him, I think.

Who's not doing well in or after surgery? My guess it's Maripaz.

Mmmmm...Christmas cookies. Your house must smell so good right now Cathy. :)

Thanks for the kind words Cathy. I agree that JJ would likely make a better grandparent than parent. I have also seen that happen, many times.

Vivi: Excellent recap! I loved when you mentioned that Marypaz is a perra, hahaha.

I thought the scene with JJ and Lichita was cute too but I tend to melt with scenes between grandparents and their grandchildren.

I'm glad you enjoyed recapping for this show. I liked all those things you mentioned too.


Hi Vivi!

You look great in your new beanie! Wow!

Thanks for all your recaps on this novela. I really enjoyed reading them. And thanks for all the times you helped out other recapers.

¡Feliz Navidad y prosper año nuevo!


Wow, dynamite ep Tuesday night! It was a definitely two-hanky.

hello, i was reading all comments and i love this blog and all the novelas i have seen and blogged about, i use to blog alot but i too noticed that alot of the original recappers and bloggers are no longer commenting. it seems each novela has its certain following and click of bloggers so to speak. it will come about again. hopefully this next novela will be good. I need to see Fernando Colunga or William Levy now they can grab a big audience

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