Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #84 Tue 1/17/12 Vince doubles his own salary.

Our episode opens on Freddy's busted nose. He's acting kind of bemused, but Pina is freaking out. She winds up squeezing it and making things worse.

Vins is still gasping for breath in the grip of the Candi-Pina vicegrip. Support one radio program, lose the other lady.

Vins and Enzo want to double their salary, and Beto whips out the Titanic analogy. The company will sink. I wonder if the new businessman of the year will be clever enough to tell Beto to think outside the box (which miraculously solved Avon's problems last time).

Arnold shows up at Rebe's with a slightly floppy purple flower (sexually symbolic, hmmm?). Her attitude is unchanged, but that doesn't stop him. Ding dong... it's Pancho! He demands to be let in, Rebe hides, and Arnold gets the door. Pancho barges in and talks Rebe out of the bathroom, and Arnold makes himself scarce with some minor protests ("she's my friend!" "The buzzards are your friends, now get out of here")

Popeye is still pining for Abeja, so Lupita and Temo take him to la casa irabien to see her.

Meanwhile Pinas ridiculous sister YuyU shows up (and they play wonderfully together, speaking and gesticulating just alike). She's come to drop off her daughter Meli, who is like an impossibly smarmy combination of Shirley Temple and Pina, so she can go hound her husband at a conference to keep him faithful. In nauseating (yet predictable) fashion, Temo falls for the brat and we're treated to some truly vile child acting. I dread that this subplot may afford him even more face time.
But hey, it was almost worth it to see Pina, Yuyu, and Meli all bickering with the exact same inflections, pronunciation (amors, pors, etc.), and the same aggressive head-wagging.

Let's see, Fers is still looking for her kid she put up for adoption. Unfortunately, she takes ill, and despite her protestations the maids call Doc Oct, who demands she be hospitalized.

Pancho and Rebe have made up with alarming speed, and he makes her the best tortilla in Mexico (tortilla in the spanish style, with eggs and fried potatoes).

Pepe is happy to be working on a car project for Avon marketing (I missed the first hour, so I'm not clear on how a car fits into cosmetics), but surprised to find that the vice president has taken a direct supervisory role. Enzo has lightened up a little about Pepe and Monica, but that isn't saying much. He tells the boy he'll make him wish he'd never been born if he hurts his little girl.

Freddy looks remarkably pleased with himself for some scheme he's cooked up to get back at Pepe for dating his ex.

Chela clearly hasn't yet enacted her plan to start acting and dressing cooler, but she earns back a few points in my book when she points out how absurd and gross Temo's new crush is.

Tomas professes his love for Lupita (huh? that ship has sailed, bro). She stupidly comes to his house to tell him what she could have told him in the street: no. Unfortunately, she does not benefit from my insight, and Alex shows up with some flowers (why was he there?). He gets mad, dumps the flowers in the street, and that's that.

Now begins a sequence that I think of as loading a musket... the show is winding up for a big huge fight at a hospital (standard novela fare).
Vins informs Pina that Fers is really sick, and she reminds him that they should probably go visit her. He acts like it was his idea.
Pancho and Rebe are interrupted in the middle of their makeup brunch by Pancho's phone. They're headed for the hospital.
Pepe gets the same call (same ringtone as his dad, that's cute) and is also headed to the hospital.
Ana has the same ringtone. She's also going to the hospital.
At the hospital, Pina overhears Fers changing her will to give everything to Pancho. She begins to shred the daffodils she brought for Fers. See you next time!


Ezra, what a delightful punchy recap. Loading the musket indeed. Good call. Thanks for the laughs.

I had so little action last night it there wasn't even a musket in sight. I got cute puppies though and Arnold declaring he wasn't gay and loves Rebe. Such a silly TN.

Thank you Ezra for the great recap. About the car and Avon. I think that Avon is going to sponsor a race car, like in Nascar when say Tide sponsors a race car. I think Pepe gets to either design or drive, I am not sure which.

With Fer the investigator told her that the nuns at the orphange either lost the records or didn't keep good records of the orphans and he isn't sure what happened to her son. She still thinks it is Pancho though.

Lupe should just have told Tomas on the street that she doesn't like him that way anymore instead of going to Tomas' house. Now Alex thinks the worst.

Yuju was too funny. Wasn't she the lover of de la Vega, Francisco de la Vega from DA? She is great at comedy.

I am still really worried about Fernanda, I hope she survives to the end of this TN. And to leave everything to Pancho, and now Pina knows. This will be interesting.

Finally, some kind of plot. Just in time, as the web will be down tomorrow so no English recap for 24 hours.

I love how Pina and the niece both pronounce some of their words like Americans would: "amors," especially.

And is Univision hard up for actresses, or what? The woman playing Pina's sister was Pancho's wife who died birthing Timo!!

Glad that the Reb and Pancho are back together again.

Gratias to all for all these 2-hour recaps.

Thanks Ezra, you always serve up some fun snark.

I'm surprised that Rebe & Pancho patched things up so soon. But I'm glad.

Oh Lupe & Alex, you fell into a standard TN trap -- oh well, I guess true love can only go smoothly for one -- tops two -- couples at a time. You'll have to stay on the outs until either Pancho or Pepe do something to end up in the dog house.

The internet is down for 24 hours???? I thought that was just wikipedia. Oh wait I think I hear something on the news right now about google joining the protest. Aaaarrrrgh!


Add me to the list of those loving "loading the musket". Had a meeting last night and am sorry I missed the Pina-sister scene.

Tnanks for your succint recap to catch me up,Ezra.

Pina's sister is played by Laura Flores. Pancho's defunto wife was played by some one else. Ana Barbara?

I can watch tonight, but these recaps keep me in the know...

Sounds like Arnold has reverse himself out of the closet, and I can't blame him for dropping the roose, for a chance with Rebe. I predict he will get a shot at her before this telanovela comes to an end.

Somehow Poncho will end up with Chela, he doesn't trust Rebe, even if he is in love with her. Love without trust won't last.

The threesome, Pina , Candy, Vince is a sideshow, round and round they go.

Vince has started to bankrupt Avon, which will bring Poncho back as president.

A lot of mischief will occur before this telenovela ends, 7 pm eastern is a good time slot. To watch this totally unrealistic drama, after the evening news is a great escape from reality.

When they introduced Yuyu, Meli, Chato all in one night I groaned, "oh no, more people to keep track of!" I'm not sure Pancho needs another henchman, nor that Temo needs a girlfriend. Oh well.

"Loading a musket" - good one, Ez. Hospital showdown scenes always make me nervous. Hopefully the nurses will throw everyone out as soon as they get obnoxious!

Everyone has the same ringtone ever since they switched to a product placement for a cellphone company. I get that it's all about branding, but since changing the ringtone is the very first thing I do with a new phone, it kinda bugs me that none of these characters have a distinctive ringtone. (Maybe their phones don't have that option!)

The flowers Alex brought for Lupe looked like lilies. Maybe lilies aren't as closely associated with funerals in Mexico as they are in the US.

Madelaine, Francisco de la Vega's lover in DA (assuming you mean the con woman he met during the last week or so and they didn't realize they were conning each other) was Lara Flores. Someone else has already confirmed that that's Yuyu - good catch! She looked similar around the eyes but I wasn't sure if it was her.


Thanks for the recap Ezra. Now that Fernanda has an inkling that Pancho is her son and Pina knows, things really should get interesting. I just hope Pina goes through with divorcing Vins and becomes the prime minster or president she aspires to be.

I love that Laura Flores plays Pina's sister. The two actresses are a scream together. Actually, I thought Meli was a pretty good little actress or at least a mimic. It seemed like she was on the verge of cracking up while watching the two women play off of each other. Funny scenes.

Heh, so I guess Fernanda DOES know (or suspect) Pancho is her kid. Good, but I'm sure she will still not say anything for another 100 episodes or so.

Karen, I agree, Pina for PM!!

Thanks Ezra, this was a smashing recap. I really enjoy your humor.

Thanks Julie, yes that is who I meant the one de la Vega, Francisco de la Vega met toward the end of DA. I wasn't sure it was her at first, but once she lifted the veil from her hat, I was sure it was her. She is a scream at comedy.

Ezra, thanks for the nifty recap. Loved the scene with Pina and her sister.

Thanks, Ezra. Excellent commentary as always.

QTH is wrong with Alex? He sees Lupita walking out of Tom & Elena's apartment, immediately assumes the absolute worst, and storms off? For all he knows, Lupita could have been talking to Elena. Or, you know, having a perfectly innocent talk with Tomás.

I love Laura Flores. Yuyu is hilarious. Her horrid daughter, not so very much. And now an idiotic subplot involving insufferable Temo en lurve? Oh, the humanity.

Ana is quite the hot property all of a sudden. All the guys want to date her, she gets offers to model and to record music. Could this maybe help her gain some self-confidence and security that would help her to let go and stop trying to interfere in her father's personal life? Or will she maybe get a swelled head? Or maybe just use it all as bait for the dubious prize of Frauddie's attention?

Thanks so much Ezra and Melinama for your recaps.

Yes, loved seeing Laura Flores as pina's sister. The little girl actress had a VERY hard time keeping a straight face with those two. It looks like Juju won't be sticking around, so we don't have too many new characters to worry about. Perhaps Pancho's new hood buddy is just to fill in till Big Boy gets back. But we do NOT need any more Temo storylines. Plus, I thought he was sweet on that nice little girl at his school who cleared his name.

We knew something would have to break Lupe and Alex up (the most happy couples at one time we can have is 2), and it's his much talked about insecurity that's the cause. I hope they start giving us some back story on that.

Does Fer know Pancho is her son, or is she just giving up and deciding to leave everything to him since the trail has turned cold on her long lost son,a nd Pancho is the nearest thing to a son she has? The medallion is the key and we know Pancho gifted Lupe his medallion. How long will it take for Fer to see it?

@Cheryl ahhh, that's where the puppies went. seriously, where are they now? maybe they couldn't afford trained baby pomeranians for filming.

and thanks, guys!

oops, that's what i get for posting off my mom's computer. it was actually me!

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