Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #83 Tue 1/17/12 Fraud gets a bloody nose.

El Talisman, the new show, is starting January 30 - so this week and next week there will be double sessions of Una Familia, 7-9.

Vince's first tasks for Lamberto: to reactivate the Vince-and-Enzo personal credit cards. Glad he's taking his job seriously.

Pancho, brooding, considers Chela as a possible novia: after alll, she knows him so well and has been with his family so long. Lupe tells him it's ridiculous, though, because he loves Rebe, and he agrees.

Enzo tries to tell Moni she doesn't need a mother, *he's* all she needs. She disagrees. He insists he knows nothing of her mother's whereabouts, but we know from his thought bubbles: it's a honking lie.

Pina wants nobody to ever see Avispa's puppies. Mean!

Manuel asks Ana what she feels for Freddy - he saw her drooling over him, but can't understand why she likes him. She has no good reason, her reason is "what can you do?" Elsewhere, Freddy smirks, realizing Ana has the hots for him.

Sandrucha brings Vince his fancy new business cards and asks if they can celebrate alone, somewhere intimate, with less clothes on. "Didn't you just tell me you don't want to be a sexual object?" he asks. She says she feels differently now that she's secretary to the president.

Fernanda's health continues to deteriorate as she notices how lonely and empty her house is without Pancho and his family. Suddenly she hears Ana and her band practicing for their audition. She goes to listen happily. Soon, however, she remembers Rebe accusing her of arrogance the previous night and has another little attack.

Candy, who couldn't get past Sandra the previous day, texts Vince from the antechamber; he comes and gets her. She wants to know what's going to happen with her radio program, Also, she's furious: "You treat me like an old rag..." He apologizes and flatters her and then kisses her. She points out he's married, "and I don't want to be another floozy like your Sandrucha. How far would you go for me? Would you respect my family, would you lose everything - your presidency, your marriage, all your money? I love you like crazy but I won't be 'the other.' "

Fer ruefully tells Ana she's feeling poorly because she interrupted her treatment in Germany to come back to Mexico "and wreck your dad's life" and now she's feeling the consequences.

Meanwhile, for Adoracion's benefit Pina models a Parisian negligee bought to seduce "... the plumber?" asks Adoracion. "No, obviously my husband!" "How can you still love him after all the things he's done? I'm worried because you suffer all the time." "This time I'm sure everything will be super different."

Rebe peeks in Pancho's window and sees the Lopez family enjoying Chela's delicious food. Chela lets her in - uh oh, Pancho is still mad! "I'm eating with my family," he informs Rebe frostily. "I just came to bring your last check; good night." He feels remorseful later and Lupe points out he forgave Fernanda, so why not Rebe? Rebe's crime didn't deserve such punishment. "You still love her, why hang around crying?"

Rebe cries in her car and Chela sees her.

Fraud wanders into Moni's office again and is irate that her screen saver is a picture of her and Pepe kissing. He reads the stuff on her desk. Moni and Pepe come in and catch him spying. Freddy: "Moni! You went to Valle to Bravo with him!?? I threw four years of my life in the garbage." Moni: "Well, I feel the same." Freddy: "Well, now I see you're pretty low class, Moni, look who you hang out with. You're no better than a cualquiera," which means literally "any kind of somebody" but is used to mean "hussy/floozy." So Pepe punches him but good. They leave and Freddy, rising from the ground with very thick red blood all over his face, vows Pepe will rue this day.

Pancho regrets being mean to Rebe and remembers her saying "I'll love you whether you're a grocer or an astronaut." His reverie is interrupted by the arrival of ... a new character. Named Chato. I guess the actor playing Chacho's pal has gone off to some other job and the jolly goings-on require a new sidekick. Anyway, this Chato is an old friend of Pancho's, come back to Mexico after discovering that with the recession there was no more work in the States. They admire his panzon (big belly).

Vince moans over Fraud's bloody nose and pledges vengeance against the mecaninaco. Freddy says he has a plan to make Pepe suffer but we don't hear what it is.

Pepe tells Monica he couldn't let Fraud talk trash about her. Monica points out Pepe was noble not to call her dad a hypocrite during the "you are a naco" diatribes - Pepe knew Enzo himself had been a mere naco car-washer as a teenager. Pepe says he was just following the Golden Rule. He gets kisses.

At Pina's house, Vince is in a bad mood and not receptive to the low-light sexy atmosphere Pina's tried to set up. "Is this a voodoo session?" He ignores Pina in her "baby doll" nighty. He's sulky and sad. She gives up.

Back to Chato, who can't believe Pancho gave up the Avon presidency. Pancho denounces the "venemous insects and vipers" who worked for him there. More about Chato, in case it later turns out to be important: he's been gone seven years (which is why they recap the whole plot for him). He was practically starving in the US. Chacho and Chato trade baldness / long nose jokes. Of Avon, Pancho muses: "Now I'm where I should be, it all seems like it was a dream." But Chacho points out he still loves Rebe...

... and that causes Pancho to rip off his apron and stamp off to see his bombon. Of which, more in the second hour.

Things go well in the recording studio. "Your band's not bad," says the producer who is Manuel's father, "But I'm only interested in you, Ana, as a soloist." Uh-oh. "I could make you a big star." Through soundproof glass the boys in the band are watching hopefully.

Chela tells Lupe: "I want to finish high school, learn how to dress, become cultured, get a job and become a boss so Pancho will find me interesting."

Pina asks Vince: why did you receive Candy last night? He says she came to get authorization for her radio show. "If you give it to her, I'm asking for a divorce." But if he doesn't let Candy's show go forward, Candy will disappear. Dilemma! Enzo points out: Vince will be ruined if Pina divorces him, so there shouldn't be a question. Vince doesn't look convinced.

Monica goes through her dad's papers to try and find clues to her mother's whearabouts while Pepe watches. They find no marriage certificate. Maybe they were never married? Over to you, Ezra...


CHF, Thank you for getting this up so quickly. At least something is happening in this episode slow as it may be. I can't figure out the new Chato or whatever the new vaquero's name is. He seems designed to tell Pancho he was a fool to give up such a great job.

Thank you so much CHF for this great recap. Chela wants to be a boss so Pancho will be interested in her. She still doesn't have a clue.

I am glad Pepe punched Frauddie right in the nose. Frauddie should know better than to call Moni a hussy! Now that Frauddie knows that Ana likes him, I hope he doesn't lead her down the garden path. I hope Moni finds her Mom.

Vins and Enzo are going to ruin Avon with their plots and plans.

Thanks Melinama. You always get so much in with with such a succinct style.

I enjoyed the bald vs big nose tradeoff. I think I enjoyed it because I could understand most of it. Humor is hard to grasp i another language -- so even if it's childish I like that I could follow it.

Oh, poor Ana -- I fear that she is going to suffer at the hands of Frauddie just so he can get back at Pepe.

Why does Fernanda think tht Pancho is her long lost son? I missed all that when I was still watching CME.


Thanks Melinama. Missed the whole darned thing last night but liked you selected "Fraud gets a bloody nose" as the title. Way to highlight the obviously best part of the episode!

Yes, that is some bloody nose he's sporting. It would be lovely to see if I didn't know that he will make several people miserable as he tries to get his own ack.


Thanks Melinama. I cheered Pepe for punching Fraud in the nose, however I was a little grossed out since I was eating my oatmeal this morning during the scene. Blech.

Popeye sure seemed to like Chato. He was jumping all over him.

Güera, I'm not sure that Fernando knows that Pancho is her son. I think we viewers are the ones who are surmising that. However Fernanda has a Private Investigator looking for someone. But I lose track with all these interwoven plots, so maybe she does suspect. At any rate, she gave up a child for adoption long ago and we think she is looking for it. She and Pancho met (he saved her from committing suicide by jumping), they had an instant bond and decided to "adopt" each other.

Thanks for the recap CHF. Though it may reap bad consequences, I'm glad Pepe socked Fraud.

Thank you muchisimo for the recap. Watching Frauddie get popped in the snout was so much fun I had to repeat it a few times, and I enjoyed reading about it, too.

Chela is so clueless and obstinate. Now she thinks turning into a Rebe clone will make Pancho love her? Oh, well, the schooling will keep her busy and maybe she'll learn something useful. Like how to stop being a sobby doormat; maybe they teach that at the prepa.

Melinama, thanks for the recap. Great title.

I'm so glad Chela can see that even the family's moving back to the hood didn't change Pancho's feelings for her.

I think I like Chato better than Chacho's old pal. I prefer bald and big nose jokes to flatulence jokes. More highbrow. :D

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