Sunday, January 08, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #5 Friday 1/7/12 I Need A New Attitude: In Which RoHellio Earns Bonus Points For Most Pitiful Cripple of the Year And Then Immediately Loses Them for Being Biggest Brute of the Year.

We return to someplace in the distant wilds of Mexico, a far piece from Tuxtla and civilization, to watch in horrific awe as Rogellio, crippled and emotionally crushed, is forced to crawl, utterly humiliated, back into his (really reedy-looking red) wheel chair while his former ladylove--the fine-lookin’ ex-fiancee, Vanessa--and his Nana Maria look on, speechlessly impactadas.  --Well, Nessssa, at least does. Maria, though, immediately gives Vainessa the bum’s rush to her babe-a-licious bum and slams the car door in Nessssa’s flawlessly farded face.  Ana Paula arrives on the scene a bit too late to check out the probable competition--or to give Viewerville the calamitous cacophony of feminine feline caterwauling it so readily thrives upon, hungers for, and rallies to.  (Ah, shucks!)

RoHellio tries to resist AP’s assistance.  There’s a battle of wills over the chair pad.  He claims that she looks just like Nessa, which, as Pau knows, sucks for her.  Pau says (and this is a rather loose, but fairly accurate, translation) “--Hey, Fartface, talk to the hand!  Ain’t my fault I look like her!  You got a problem with her, then settle it--with her!  I’m your nurse and I’m paid to take care of your sorry ass!  So let me do what I get paid for, you jerk-wad!”  Oh-Hellio! doesn’t have much choice after that and struggles back into the chair while AP holds it for him.  (Viewerville notes that it takes putting the stupid brake on first, which, of course, nobody bothered to do till Nurse Pau took charge.)

On her way home, Nessa stops off in another part of the hacienda to speak to Cinthia who has galloped up to the chauffeured car to greet her.  “--Weeelllll, I never expected to see you around here again, especially after all that--!”  Nessa says she never had the courage to before now, tho’ she’d thought to often enough, but once she did—Wow!  Rogelllllliooooooh was just hideous to her! (Viewerville notes it may have to adjust sound quality in future to handle Vainessssa’s whiny pitch.) “—You can’t imagine how horrible!!” “--Oh, yes I caaaaaannnnn!  Ever since you did what you did we’ve all had to suffer through [padecer = endure, put up with] that--[sh!t of his—thankyouverymuch, NOT]!!!  Sin-thia stops herself in mid-diatribe (tho’, amply and thoughtfully extended here by your dutiful recapper) and decides to change the subject.  “--Ok, so what’s happened since the break-up? Guess you got married and all, right?”  “--Oh, yeah,” says Nesssa, “trying to forget your brother, but it was u-u-u-u-useless!  My marriage is a failure and I can’t stand the situation on the home front any longer.  I’m about to get a divorce!!“   Visions of Vainessa returning to BroHellio’s side to free her from sisterly servitude dance in Sin-thia’s head, making her smile broadly.  (Loose translation: Whooohoooo!  Happy days are here again….!!)

Once Maria and Pau have Po’hellio back in his room, Pau suggests cleaning up that cut on his hand and putting on clean clothes.  He wants Hugo, then.  He screams at Maria to fetch him.  Pau is knocked back on her feet a bit by the shock wave his yelling produces.  Maria races off and Pau asks why he won’t trust her to let her do her job.  “--What for?  All the other nurses would be glad to have Hugo tend to me.”  She’s not like other nurses, says Pau.  She values the work that she does and he’s got a bleeding hand that needs to be cleaned.  Fine, he says, that’s what she’s there for: she can dress the wound, not him.  As she tends to his hand he slyly watches her muy, but muy, intently.

In San Gabriel, meanwhile, Vainessa runs into Bruno.  She tells him about the cluster fuck of a visit to Hacienda Hell-Fuerte for Daddy’s sake, and then they chat about the great old times the four of them spent carousing together—Sinthia, him, RoHellio and her.  Who’d ‘a thought neither relationship of theirs would pan out?

Back from the boonies, Sinthia races into the main house to give Oh-Hell! the great news about Vainessa.   He doesn’t want to discuss it.  “--Why not?  She’s getting a divorce!”  So what!!  It’s over with her and he doesn’t want to hear anymore about her.  Period! 

Back in town, Bruno suggests the three of them should start hanging out together again.  Not a good idea, says Nessa.  Bruno says he’s sure she and Sin have lots to catch up on and he’d make sure Rohellio doesn’t hear about it.  Yeah, ok, she says.

At the hacienda once more, RoHell wheels up to the veranda as AP finishes giving Margarito a reading lesson. He gives her grief for teaching the boy.  It’s her day off, she argues, so what’s the big deal?  He’s angry she’d dare to do anything with his employees, especially the boy, without first asking HIS permission. AP gives in and asks.  Turns out it’s a waste of time.  “--What the heck difference does that brat’s learning anything mean to you?”  She says cuz she believes in people--including him.  He says she’s got her head on backwards, and then rolls off--without giving the aforementioned permission.  (Viewerville notes for the umpteenth time how naive Ms. Dimples is.)

A bit later in town (San Gabriel?), Pau walks into Marcaria’s grocery store to make a phone call back home.  Tia Rosaura answers. AP asks if Gustavo ever tried to reach her.  Tia MentiRosa, who just happens to have Gustavo’s card in her hand, replies that Gus showed up at the door one day and he even left his card.  It’s a shame, tho’, Pau wont’ be able to write to him like she wants, since Elena (the vecindad’s self-appointed jewelry vendor) supposedly grabbed it up with the rest of her stuff and then unfortunately misplaced it.  Pau is still hopeful.  “--Oh, please ask her to look again for that card, ok.”  “--Sure thing,” replies MentiRosie.

Pau hangs up as Bruno walks into the little market looking for her.  They make a date to go horseback riding that day.  She loves the idea but she needs a gentle horse, or something.  Bruno looks disturbingly starry-eyed.

Nana Maria informs RoHellio that he’ll be eating lunch by his lousy lonesome.  FF>>

After lunch, Hugo assists Rohellio with skeet-shooting.  Unbeknownst to the two of them, Bruno is giving Pau a riding lesson in a near by pasture.  She’s tries trotting off by herself.  Suddenly the horse is scared by the sound of the rifle shots and it starts galloping away.  It races into the field where Hugo and RoHellio are.  RoHell sees AP fall off her horse –Oh Noes!!!-- and his heart jumps into his throat. They’re off to fetch her. Ro screams at Bruno not to touch or move her.  They send for a doctor.

Back at Tia MentiRosie’s, Rosie hears the front door open and stashes her travel magazine under the couch.   She picks up an old, thread-bare sock she was supposedly darning and puts on a humbled, tired, expression.  It’s Daniel and Michael wanting to tell Rosie his good news.  She’s thrilled he’s got a chance to earn extra for doing errands for his boss Gustavo and join him on some job site out of the city.  (Beanie Alert!  Beanie Alert! All those of you who are wondering how come Rosie doesn’t ask Boss Man Gus’s last name to see if Mikey’s Gus could possibly be the same engineer as Ana Paula’s Gus, tighten your credibility-gapper a notch or two.)  Mike doesn’t want to leave his auntie alone, tho’, because of how sickly she is.  “--Not at all,” says MentiRosie.  “You’ve got a chance to see distant places and to earn some extra cash.  You’d better go.  Cough. Cough.  I’ll do fine—cough, cough—while you’re gone.  Dany and Elena can take care of me.  Right, Dany?”  “--Whaa’??? Oh, yes, right.”  Dany urges Mike to go ahead.  She’ll take good care of his tia. 

Back at Hacienda Hell-Fuerte, Bruno gets castigated for daring to take RoHellio’s personal nurse horseback riding without asking his permission.  Bruno says, “--Excuse me, Ro, but the horses were mine and I didn’t think to ask you—“ Thwappp!!  Out shoots RoHell’s handy-dandy whip.  Bruno’s quickly down on the floor for the count.  RoHellio starts yelling and screaming like a wild man. “—I’M THE ONE WHO RUNS THINGS AROUND HERE!!!!!”  [¡Soy yo el que manda por aqui!]  Blood lust is the only expression we see in the close-up of Bruno’s eyes at this point while he remains obeisant, cowers down on all fours, and dutifully takes his umpteenth lash. (Arggggh!!  The entire batch of previously earned chalk marks Team RoHellion earned are now so totally erased!)  Bruno finally stands up again and we get a good view of the resultant bloody streaks lending the back of his dress shirt an added dash of color.  If AP can’t or won’t continue to work there because of her injury, screams RoHellio, then Bruno is going to find him another nurse to take her place! 

Back at the job site, Mikey gets word from Gus that he’s got a meeting with somebody who needs a carpenter, but the guy didn’t show up.  Oh, says Mike, he’s a carpenter and has worked in a shop and made all sorts of things before.  Gus gives him the chance to sub for the position.

Back at the hacienda, the doctor comes out with Nana Maria after tending to AP.  She  has a dislocated [lúxación] ankle (I think) and has to stay off her feet and stay calm the next few days.  There’s a boring discussion about why she fainted--something to do with blood pressure, I believe.  (ZZZZZ-zzzz)  Then Bruno backs out the door to fetch (and I do mean ‘fetch’) the medicines she’ll need.

Sometime afterward, Gus tells Mikey at the office that tho’ he’s good, he cannot switch positions to full time carpentry until after he’s there three full months due to company policy, but he’ll see what he can do to get him switched over.  He’ll give him small jobs in the meantime.   FF>>

That night Pau is still sleeping off the sedative.  RoHell is watching over her from her bedside.  She starts talking in her sleep, repeating the conversation she first had with Rosie about not wanting to work for Rogelio Montero because he’s such a wicked nasty man.  Whoah!  That gets him where it hurts, methinks.  He tries calming her down, rubbing her wrist and arm and cooing to her to sleep.  Pau wakes up, tho’, and is shocked to find him there by her bedside.  The last thing she remembers is falling off her horse.  “—Riding is tricky.  [tener su chiste = to be tricky].  You shouldn’t have done it without knowing how.”  Well, that was the idea, to learn, she says.  She was trying to learn.  Bruno was teaching her.  It was only that a shot startled her horse. Ruh-Roh! RoHell looks like he just might feel a twinge of guilt.  (Yep, you jackass, it was your fault after all, not Bruno’s!!)  Suddenly, thinking she’s got to go to work, Pau jumps out of bed and then gets a nasty surprise.   “--Owww!”  “—See how it’s not so easy when you’re prevented from walking?”  Nanny-nanny boo-boo!!  AP flashes him her nastiest angry Rn’s stare.

In another room of the hacienda, Sinthia teases Bruno about having a crush on Ana Paula.  She knows him well enough to know that he wouldn’t have offered to teach her to ride if he didn’t have a thing for her.  Bruno would rather discuss old times with Sin and “what might have been.”  But, Sin wanted a more worldly kind of guy, a big city type.  She smiles back a little wistfully.  “—‘What might have been’ doesn’t exist.  Anyway, you only wanted to marry me to see your family fortune increase.”  Bruno sucks it in.  His big brown wimpy eyes get even bigger and wimpier.

Back in Pau’s bedroom, Ro now lectures her on how easily things can change over night; see how now she can’t even do her job?  Well, Pau insists, she has to!  Doing what, he wants to know.  How is she going to push him around in the wheel chair and manipulate on those crutches at the same time?  Pau apologizes and suggests he can dock her pay for the time off work and the cost of the drugs and doctor.  He says there’s no reason to since she is working for him and though she was on her free time, it happened on his property.  It’s the proper thing to do.  She’s embarrassed that he’s the one having to look after her instead of the other way around.  No, he’s not doing that at all; he just wanted to remind her that she’s got to follow the doc’s instructions so she can get back to work ASAP—oh, and (imitating her words form before) enjoy the fresh air, the beautiful countryside, and take walks…walks through the estate. 

Back in the living room, Cinthia giggles a bit at Bruno’s feigned innocence.   Who’d have ever thought that instead of his owning half of this, BroHellio would have absorbed the whole of Bruno’s daddy’s estate instead?  Bruno doesn’t appreciate the remark and says they’ll never agree on that.  He then adeptly changes the subject to her, Nessa and him getting together like in the old days.  Sure, she says, as long as BroHellio doesn’t find out.  Bruno says he’ll make sure he doesn’t.

At breakfast the next morning Sin suggests to Bro-Hellio that if she can’t help with the management of the family business that she should be allowed to go to college to learn architecture. Ro puts her down and says she doesn’t have the head for it.  She’s better off in the kitchen here at the hacienda, learning something useful like cooking and cleaning from Maria!    (Okay.  Team RoHell’s count has just gone into negative numbers.)

Bruno is in the study with Rogelio discussing the fact that the competition is offering to pay them almost the same as Nessa’s daddy’s company.  Perhaps Ro should reconsider renewing her daddy’s contract, selling him “our cattle” since it’s a sure thing and the income is steady.  First of all, Ro-Hell has to remind Bruno, it’s all Ro’s cattle, and that’s not going to change, ever!  Secondly, not a chance he’ll make another contract with Vainessa’s family!  RoHellio’s done dealing with them—all of them!   He’ll work out his own contract with the competition and kick Vainessa’s family to the curb once and for all!

At the same time, Vainessa visits Daddy at the office.  In between hugs and coos, she tells him she went to see RoHell.  Daddy says that was a big mistake.  Her hubby wouldn’t like it, and she should have enough respect for both of them, despite wanting to get a divorce, to stay the heck away from Ro.  She tells her papi now that Bruno told her how the competition has offered in writing an amount close to theirs.  “--Rogelio is ready to sign a fifteen year contract with them!”  It literally gives Daddy heart palpitations.  He’s fine, he lies.  She is worried about him she coos.  (Damn!  Watch out for all the pigeon turds.) He understands her so well, where as Mama is a bossy busybody.  Vainesssssaaaaa  couldn’t stand to have anything happen to him!

Pau can’t stand to stay in bed.  She can’t stand at all.  However, we note that she’s all dressed and can hobble in to Oh Hell’s study/office.  She demands to be put to work, if only by helping him file his paperwork.  Hmmm, he says.  He asks what else does she know how to do?  The dimples double.

Back in Tuxtla, next thing we see is Nessa’s daddy clutching his chest and stumbling toward TOHIT’s entrance (the only hospital in Tuxtla) when Dany suddenly looks over and sees he’s having an attack of some sort.  She calls a doctor over and they walk him inside. 

At the same time, Ro-Hell marvels at pretty Pau’s filing prowess.  Yes, there’s more to her than just those…er…dimples.  FF>>

A while later, Dany is still waiting by the reception desk for Nessa’s daddy to come out.  She hands him the expensive pen he dropped on the ground on the way in.  He says he’s fine but who knows what would have happened to him if he’d passed out and fallen on the street somewhere.  He adds that the doctor said she’d done exactly the right things with him.  Of course, she smiles; she’s a nurse.  He asks if she works there.  No, she admits, she was checking to see if there might be a job for her yet.  Not to worry, she has a job now—working for him!   Dany’s thrilled!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord and pass the papas!

That evening, back at Hacienda Hell-Fuerte, Oh-Hell mumbles something about wanting to taste some of Pau’s baking.  She said she could bake cakes, right?  Yep.  She’s happy to oblige, even though it’s not part of her regular regimen.  One must adapt, right?  She floors him with her dimples and pearly whites.  (The screen is so bright Viewerville needs sunglasses.)   She gets up to hobble off to bed.  “—Good night, sir.”   Ro surprises himself by telling her goodnight in reply.  He digs out his photograph of Vainessa and himself then and begins staring at it.  Nana Maria walks in on him.  Ro shows her the photo.  Maria’s disgusted, saying she only came to open up old wounds.  Whatever, he’s realized that she’s not changed in all this time.  He’s wasted seven years of his life, he tells her, over a selfish woman who’ll never change.  That’s finished, he says.  He sets fire to the photo.  It’s finished for good.

Bruno helps Pau back to her room.  He apologizes for taking her riding and causing all this grief for her.  Nonsense!  She loved it, but next time she’ll just be more careful.  No next time for her.  He wants to protect her.  Oh, he’s such a terrific friend!  His eyes light up as she charms him with another one of her sweet as sugar smiles.

Maria tells Ro how much she hates Vainesssssa and what she did to him.  It hurts to see how unhappy he is, she adds.  “--It’s not enough to simply burn the photograph, tho’…You’ve got to find a way to wrench her from your heart.”

Gus goes back to Pau’s home in Tuxtla to tell Tia MentiRosa that because of his job he’s heading back to that part of the state, to the town where he met her.  He came to see if she wanted him to take something to Pau.

Back in his office, Nessa’s still worried about Daddy’s health.  He tells her he’ll be fine with his medicine.  Not if he has to deal with RoHellio, tho’, she warns.  Daddy asks if she really went to see Ro about the contract.  No, she admits.  She whines that she still loves him.  Marrying Esteban was all Mama’s idea.  She’d convinced her that he was the perfect match for her.  What a waste!

In Tuxtla, MentiRosie asks if Gus knows how to reach her.  Uh, no, he thought she might know.  “--Sorry!  She called, but then the phone cut out.  Oh well.  Guess you won’t get to see her there after all.  I bet you really are interested in my niece.”  “--Yep!  Hope it doesn’t bother you.”  Not at all, she says.  She likes him quite a bit.  It wouldn’t be right, anyway, for her to meddle in these things.  (In a just world, the woman’s nose would be around the block by now!)  Once Gus has gone, Mikey comes in from his room and asks who it was.  Oh, it was just Elena asking if she wanted to buy some tomatoes.  Rosie finally thinks to ask Mikey what the name of his boss is.  Too late!  Dany’s at the door.  She finally has a job now as a nurse!!  Felicitaciones.  Now she’ll be able to help with the expenses at home! (Turd alert! Turtle Dove turd alert)  “--So will I!” says Mikey.  He’s gotten a part-time carpenter’s position now at work.  Things are looking up for the two of them after all!  Oh, happy day! 

RoHellio is in better spirits for some unknown reason.  He tells Margarito he’s giving him permission to learn to read.  His nurse will continue to teach him.  Out walks Pau at that very moment and Margarito gives her the news.  He and Maria rush away to the kitchen.  Ms. Dimples thanks Ro for giving his permission.  Ro replies that she says it as if she thinks he’s going to change.  “--Why not?  Everybody can.  It’s just a matter of wanting to.  I know you can be a nice guy…when you want to.”  “—Well, if you believe in me like you say, then I challenge you.  [Te reto.]  Try making me a better person.”  From the size of her dimples and that smile on her face, there’s no way in Hell-Fuerte she wouldn’t take him up on it.  Game on!


Wow! Praise the Lord and pass the papas, indeed. A great job, Jardinera.

Yup! Rogelio's got a lot of atoning to do to bring us 2012 viewers along to think of him as a good supportive guy to a modern woman like nurse/master filer Ana Paula. These gothic tales that take place on lonely estates and involve brutes with hearts of gold and naive young women who heal their wounds aren't easy to translate to today's times.

On the other hand, JS is doing a great job in the role and it's fun to watch while keeping score.

Thank you for this juicy recap, Jardinera, good work as usual. Very sassy and colorful storytelling.

This story is really growing on me. Rogellio is gorgeous sometimes and frightful sometimes, but always more interesting than any of the other men in the story.

I like that Cinthia character, even if she is always hot to trot.

The best thing is all you recappers. I would never have kept watching without the recaps.

There has been a lot of talk of how to use CC's to help you learn Spanish. One of the recappers, I forget who, suggested watching first with the Spanish CCs and then watch with no CCs. Whoever suggested it, it is really good advice.

Jardinera- This recap was so worth the wait! Love how you kept track of Ro-Hell-io earning and losing points.

He lost MAJOR points with me when he first refused to let Margarito learn to read and write and said it was useless, and then whipped Bruno bloody. It reminded me of a slave owner/master, and that is not an image that holds any romanticism for me. As I watched him whip Bruno and saw the hate in Bruno's eyes, I thought that Ro-Hell deserves any revenge Bruno may be plotting. You do not aggressively strip a man of his dignity/humanity like that and not expect repercussions. Rogelio has it coming to him. Do what you need to do Bruno. (This does not mean that I like Bruno. I just now understand any need for revenge he might have.)

Thanks for the great score-keeping recap, Jardinera! I love Hacienda Hell-Fuerte. I may have to use that.

I am especially grateful since my English CCs only seemed to be working on the conversations I could understand. Never for the mumbled or fast ones. *grumble grumble* Lo and behold, they really were talking about cake. I was all "huh?, did I hear that right?" Apparently I did.

I did not like Bruno's beating at all. But then he was really so tender with Ana Pau while she slept and his episode ending challenge also seemed to be light-hearted. Oh-hell is a complex character. I find myself feeling guilty for liking him because he really is so brutal.

The Ana Bertha Espin is playing Tia mentiRosa makes it hard for me to dislike her in the way I dislike the traditional villians. It's more like "wow, she's a piece of work." Vainessa on the other hand is someone I truly dislike. Very selfish and all about herself. I find it difficult to believe she really loves Oh-Hell. I think she just likes his money and power.

I can't remember who mentioned it, but Julian Gil does look skeletal.

Thank you Jardinera for the great recap. Ro-hell is horrible, that whip has got to go. I felt for Bruno when he was whipped bloody. I still don't trust Bruno but this was just so horrible. It was uncomfortable to watch Bruno wince and he was crying when being whipped.

Love how Ana Paula keeps standing up to Ro-hell. I am glad she insisted that Margarito needs an education. She treats him like her little brother.

That Vinessa, very selfish, why would she think Ro-hell would take her back? I like her dad though, he seems like a good guy.

Tia MeniRosa what a piece of work. Gus may as well forget about it, unless he runs into Ana Paula again.

I'm afraid I'll never be on Team Ro-hellio. You have to ask the patron's permission to teach someone to read and write? A grown woman can't attend university if she chooses and the only career for her is cooking? ¡Qué atrasado! Not to mention giving Bruno a whipping for trying to teach Ana Paula to ride.

A few years ago I made this comment at Telenovela World: I tuned in to watch the first episode of Te Sigo Amando and I couldn't get past the image of the protagonista being whipped in the entrada. So I skipped that one. This is a remake and I can't get behind a man who is blasting women back to the 10th century. So I hope this improves or I'll be watching something else.

Good one as usual Jardinera, gracias.

I just cked the list of characters, Esteban is Marco Mendez, Vanesa must be loca. In the galán rating, I would give him 2nd place after JS.

Rogelio's dimples (when he smiles) AP,s dimples, guess all the kids will be dimpled.

Those were the eyes of the devil Bruno had, surprised they weren't red.

I just cked the list of characters, Esteban is Marco Mendez, Vanesa must be loca. In the galán rating, I would give him 2nd place after JS.
ISTA, Vario!! I am wondering about Vainessa. Honestly I wonder if she is just thinking "the is always greener." (Complete conjecture. I have not seen past Friday's episode.) I am very much looking forward to getting a peek at her marriage since she is soooo miserable.

Thanks for the recap Jardinera, I was really looking forward to it.

In defense of the indefensible Rogelio, he did point out to Cinthia that if she had shown any aptitude for anything so far, she would have found a interest around the hacienda and be running part of the business by now. So I think part of it him making fun of her sudden college ambitions was him calling her out on her lack of initiative up until now.

I don't mind that Rogelio is a brute - it's essential to the story. Although I really don't understand how these grown men can't simply run away from Rogelio when he goes after them with his whip. And I don't quite see how a riding crop can begin to tear a shirt, but then I've never used one. It's definitely beanie time on this aspect of the story.

Again, fab expressions on JS's face as he continues to deliver an amazing performance. Loved the challenge. Some important lessons for naive Ana Paula coming up - you don't bet with someone about changing them! Dumb, dumb, dumb! Rogelio sure looked excited about the idea though - LOL!


Great recap, thanks Jardinera! Rogelio is one cruel, self absorbed guy, playing the victim to the hilt! He'd better be earning more points soon or he'll fall off the cliff of redeemability soon.

That Tia Mentirosa falls into the same category as Vanesa. So incredibly selfish and everything is about how they can benefit from others. Tia is futher down the road of awful at this point...

Gracias, Jardinera.

I think we now have two permanent nicknames: Tia MentiRosie and Vainessa. I'm definitely using both of those. And those women are two of a kind.

Sin-thia definitely didn't show a whole lot of initiative. What was she doing with herself before Rogelio's accident, flirting or doing the horizontal tango with his friends? She's just looking to escape now. I doubt that she has the self-discipline to go to college; she's just looking for a fertile hunting ground.

Mexico's current literacy rate is 93.4%. Rogelio needs to look at this. Whoever Margarito is, he needs to learn to read, write, and do math. And I'm guessing that Rogelio currently thinks that any attention Ana Paula gives to him is equal to what she takes away from himself.

Great recap, Jardinera! I have been waiting for this one and wondering what you'd write and you definitely delivered one fantastic (and hilarious) recap!

I had seen this episode before (sans CCs), but when it came on, I was having computer problems and was distracted, and therefore didn't really pay attention to the CCs. I really appreciated some of the gaps you filled!

Audrey wrote: Although I really don't understand how these grown men can't simply run away from Rogelio when he goes after them with his whip. And I don't quite see how a riding crop can begin to tear a shirt, but then I've never used one. It's definitely beanie time on this aspect of the story.


When I first saw this scene I was really shocked and disturbed (like the rest of you) but kept on because the story had me hooked and Jorge Salinas is awesome. But also, I was simply confused—how is it that able-bodied men who are all younger than Rogelio just take this kind of abuse. You've got a man in a wheelchair who is holding the whip/crop in one hand and wheeling himself around in the other hand—he can't really maneuver that well doing that—can't these guys evade at least some of this damage that Rohell is inflicting? Okay, maybe the worker-men in the first episode felt that they "had" to take it because of their financial/social position, but Bruno is more of a social equal, and has other opportunities and options. And also (this is me speculating about Ro-hell, no spoilers) I think that it wouldn't make that much difference to Ro-hell if Bruno avoided some of the blows. I think that Rohell is on his little freakout and after a certain point it's over and then that's it. So I just don't get it.

With that said, it was appalling, and you have to keep your beanie tightly afixed for a lot of reasons during that scene. You have to have faith that there is something redeemable about Ro-hell despite him having severe anger management issues, and you have to believe that a wheelchair-bound man with a riding crop in one hand can still run down a younger, able-bodied man and do that much damage. WHAT EVER. Beanie time, beanie time! LOL

As I've said before, if Rohell were a real person I'd want nothing to do with him, but since this is novelaland, we have the luxury of waiting around to see if he can clean up his act.

I also agree that even though I am a Rogelio fangirl, that there are times like this that my sympathy-meter is at ZERO for any pain he may suffer. Oh Rogelio, Rogelio, how I love you, you huge jerkwad!

And regarding Ro-hell "forbidding" that Mararito be educated: I don't believe for a second that Rohell meant that. (Again no spoilers, just my impression at the time I saw the episode.) Rohell is determined to be as bitter and as jerkwaddy as he can at every turn, and that means saying appalling things that he doesn't mean in order to get a rise out of that cute nurse AP. I suspect that part of the reason he said what he did was that it was an excuse to interact with her, and this is just a way to get some attention—negative or positive, it doesn't matter—from her.

That he so quickly "allowed" Margarito to be educated later on seems to bear this out. He never meant it, he was just seeing how far he could push it because he's a jerkwad. If there's an extra buttheaded way to do something, you can bet that Rohell will choose to do it that way.

But also I think he's starting to realize that maybe he'd like to get AP's approval, which is why he was more warm and cuddly at the end. We'll see how long that lasts! LOL.

Good sense should tell you that when Rogilio picks up that whip, get the hell outta there. He going to chase you in an inferior wheelchair?????
Although he did roll across that field pretty fast to get to AP.

Polishing my beanie now.

The thing about denying Margarito an education and then giving in would have been more forgivable to me if:
1) The kid hadn't lived so LONG with him already with NO education. It's not like he's a 5 year old just at the age to learn.
2) He hadn't belittled the kid right to his face, and hadn't been doing so already for a long time. He is a child abuser (yes, verbal abuse counts), pure and simple. And that kid is jumpy and has low self esteem as a result.

He also calls the kid Amargo (bitter). It's a good thing AP came into his life, because Ro-Hell seemed determined to break this kids spirit. Not forgiveable.

As for whipping grown men, it seems to me that Ro-Hell gets off on making these grown men financially indebted to him-- financially slavery. And once he has them, he likes to show them that he owns them body and sould and so whipping them is his right. That's just sick and twisted.

I'm especially grateful for the recap as my TV guide said it was on following Cuando Me Enamoro finale and it wasn't. So I am reading what happened instead of being able to watch this episode. And what a wonderful informative recap it is. I doubt I missed anything by not being able to watch it.

Jardinera, okay, tell us what you really think of Vainessa! I didn't like her in Teresa and I think she is going to be even worse in this.

I love JS, he can do wrong as far as I am concerned. There is no one out there that can do a love scene like he does. No wonder Vainessa is scratching at his door again.

I do not like Bruno. For those that watched CME, just substitute Augie for Bruno! I am going to need one of Emilia's beanies for this TN. If Bruno didn't want to be at end of El Jefe's whip, why didn't he move out of the way. Even I could have taken it away from him or moved out of the way. Is our Bruno into in a little S&M?

I haven't decided about AP, but at least she is smiling.


Jardinera, terrific recap. I liked your running score of Rohellio's deeds. His whipping of Bruno stopped me cold -- the look on Bruno's face and the way he backed out of the room so no one could see what Rohellio had done to him -- ugh. Bruno definitely has a reason for venganza. I give Bruno props for being able to control his hatred and slowly, methodically plot against Rohellio.

And then the look on Rohellio's face when later he realized he had caused the accident himself -- goodness. I have no idea what's going to happen, but my guess is some day the tables will get turned on Rohellio with that riding crop.

I'm not worked up about Rohellio pushing Sin-thia around because she's perfectly capable of fighting back against him. He may not know it's 2012, but she does. She is no withering vine. Sin-thia could simple enroll, if that's what she really wants to do, and send him the bill after the fact. She's using her tenacity to get around his "no fraternizing with the help" rule just fine.

Thank you for the fabulous recap Jardinera!

I want to point out one thing that should be taken into account with this novela. The setting is (intentionally) in Chiapas. If there's one state that is behind the rest is this one. And these characteres live close to a small town where people mostly live out of the work of the hacienda. That's the kind of power Rogelio has.

If anyone is intereste, here are some facts about the state that would help clarify the environment in which we are submerged in this story.

Rogelio's backwardness, thus, is not surprising to me, even if we are in 2012. His attitude with Margarito and Cinthia and everyone is not something that I find out of touch with reality. However, that does not mean it is something that should be forgiven. In fact, it is because I'm familiar with that sort of thinking that he upsets me even more and it makes it harder to simpathize with him. Even if, and also because, Jorge Salinas is doing such a fabulous job with the role.

However, I do find those double dimple scenes with Ana Paula to be pretty charming.


Chiapas is one of the places I have thought about going in Mexico. I was in Guanajuato & loved it but want to go someplace different. There were some people from Chiapas on one of my tours & they said how beautiful it is. What is your opinion? I'm not that interested in beach, since I look at water every day, & I don't want gringoland either.

Thanks for that link Jarocha! Interesting statistics about the high illiteracy rates in Chiapas. Rogelio is doing his best to keep it that way. :)

Variopinta: I think Chiapas would be a wonderful experience. There are lots of natural places you could visit like the Cañón del Sumidero and the Agua Azul lagoons and cascades. There's also Palenque if you like history and mayan culture. San Cristóbal de las Casas is a very beautiful and nice town to visit, etc.

Vivi: LOL! it appears so.


Jardinera, thanks for your thorough recap, with the alerts and the score keeping. Lots of funny lines, including "tighten your credibility gapper!"

I've added a new feature to my TN beanie--a special "dimple defense" strap that can be tightened. It allows me to ignore Rohell's barbaric attitude and treatment of others due his dimples and to ignore Ana Paula's excessive sweetness and optimism due to her dimples.

I'm waiting for a scene where they face each other, insert the tips of their index fingers in each other's dimples, then rotate the finger tips as they say "coochie coochie coo."

Even the dimple defense can't allow for the bloody beating of Bruno. And I don't even like Bruno, but that's too much. Maybe it's a measure of how much Rohell has to change.

Anonymous, I did have the very same problem you did with the English CCs. They're useful, but they also interfere with my Spanish comprehension.

Jarocha, thanks for that useful background on Chiapas. It does explain a lot. Having only a few large landowners explains part of Rohell's "lord of the manor" snotty attitude. All those water resources also tell us why it's a good thing to be a hydraulic engineer.

Rohell has really taken advantage of his position to extend his personal pity party to entire area. Too bad he's made life so hard for everyone else.

Final question--I know the cattle are important, but why do they let them wander across the front yard of the hacienda?
La Paloma

Thanks, Jardinera. I love the nicknames...O-Hell and Sin-thia. Spot on. Now what should we call our dimpled, angelic Ana P. ? I must say that I'm getting a little tired of the whipping. Somebody...anyone..hide that riding crop. Whip me once..shame on you. Whip me twice , you dimpled whipper, shame on me for not moving out of the way. Que the hellio ?

Perfect title. I know he's supposed to be The Beast, but The Beast wouldn't draw blood (even if it weren't Disney). Rogelio must have something over Bruno. Aren't there any stairs people can run up? Someone needs to take care of that whip once and for all.

And wouldn't Margarito HAVE to be in school? I haven't looked up the link that Jarocha put up yet, but I'll assume the answer is that Rogelio controls everything and he's a total butthead. Now that Bruno isn't as leering as he was at first, he's growing on me and I hope he gets some revenge on Ro-Hell. This guy might have to cure cancer or something big to get my forgiveness, cute or not.

Side note, Jarocha- How's the safety in San Cristobal and Chiapas in general? I was in Cuernavaca in 1994 for 2 weeks over Xmas break, and when the problems broke out in Chiapas, parents were calling the school all panicked. Never mind that these cities are a few hours away. I assume it's different now, but curious to know from a more local viewpoint since even in SoCal we mostly hear the worst.


Word ref: Woryand. Parents did too much woryand.

Loved the recap as always Jardinera. That whip has got to go. The whipping scene was so disturbing.

Maybe the first thing AP should do is take that whip and hide it. Rog also needs to get rid of the old way of thinking of a woman cooking and cleaning. Times are different now.

On the other hand, AP may be in over her head trying to change Rog when he's so stuck in his ways. This novela reminds me so much of Jane Eyre in that regard.

Hi, guys! It's so nice to see so many of you back with us for this one!
Jarocha, that was a most enlightening bit of information on Chiappas. It does explain a great deal about the setting and the characters' motivations and attitudes.

I have problems with my Spanish CC's. I didn't think to switch to CC3 for English. If I missed anything in the dialog it was probably a combination of missing words and whole sentences at times when JS and AP were racing through their dialog. Sorry about that. : ? /

This is indeed a "gothic tale", Traveling Lady.

For those of you who remember the earlier versions of this fairytale, I believe I read that this storyline has been altered in places (per three-frito rules) so don't go around thinking you know what's going to happen. I just pray it isn't the ridiculous botch-job CS2009 turned out to be--riveting as it was.

More later.

I'm confused as to who we are seeing together in the end. isn't it supposed to be Rohellio and ana. yet i get the impression we will be watching Ana trying to hook up with Gustavo. One other novela puzzled me like this. It was a recent pirate novela. it started with the girl getting married and the pirates kidnap her. She spends her time trying to get back to her lover, but meets Fernando along the way. in the end it was Fernando. i thought that in the beginning, it showes the two people that will be separated and then brought back together. Can someone explain this to me.

Anonymous, the promotional material and trailers all present this novela as a "love triangle," so it isn't always going to be Ana and Rohellio.

However, I will say that when I first watched this, the attention and time spent on establishing Rohellio's and Ana's relationship and "chemistry" right from the start (like we have seen this first week) put me and a lot of other fangirls in the Rohellio/Ana camp.

In "Teresa," we had Teresa starting out with her "true love" Doctor Hottie (Mariano) but ending up with Professor Hottie (Arturo). She lost her virginity to Mariano and everything, yet I think I knew from the start that she'd end up with Professor Hottie. Just the way the show was written and presented made that obvious to me, though I don't think everyone viewed the storyline the way I did.

There's no telling after the first week who AP will end up at the end of the novela (and the show hasn't even finished filming in Mexico, I don't think). But I think in the upcoming weeks we'll get a better idea of who will be our favorite (or more likely) candidate for Ana Paula's affections in the end.

I should have added in my last post that none of what I wrote above should be construed as a spoiler. The novela hasn't even ended yet in Mexico, so who knows. All I can say is that I'm in the Ana Paula/Rohellio camp, but not everyone else will be. And while I see some similarities in this novela and "Teresa," (in that there was a love triangle in that one too) that doesn't mean that in LQNPA, Ana Paula has to end up with Rohellio, or Gustavo, or even Bruno (take your pick)!

I'll be looking forward to the conversations in the weeks to come as we see how things develop!


In Querida Enemiga, the tn we have referenced with Chef Hawt (Jorge Arevena), the protagonist starts out with her true love played by Gabriel Soto, and all the promos, intros, everyting had the two of them together. But Chef Hawt becomes a rival for her heart and in the end she ends up marrying and staying with him. But they kept the audience guessing for a long time who she would choose. For a long time most assumed she end up with her first love in the end. But I think the audience liked her more mature 2nd love better.

Thank You for a good and entertaining recap Jardinera. Thank You for the facts and figures Jarocha. Those are the kinds of things i'm really interested in especially with the context to our story here.

I don't care if Cinthia's sudden desire for a college education is questionable or not. She should be allowed to "escape" the hacienda and live her life. Rogelio also is not in position to make an assesment that his sister does not have the aptitude for business or else she would have been working in some capacity in the hacienda. Even if Cinthia probably did have the business aptitude, I think Rogelio would have prevented that in order to consolidate his power and authority in the hacienda. For all intents and purposes, he is the king and lord over all that matters in that part of their universe. No way would he want to share that wih anyone. Even his sister. It would also make him terribly insecure especially now since he has been crippled. i'm not excusing his behavior but rationalizing his motives for "oprressing" people like Cinthia and Bruno et al.

I'm really intrigued by the 2 beautiful young ladies Cinthia and Ana Paula. Those 2 are my favorites right now and not just because of their looks.


Newbie Recapper Alexandra who-hopes-to-write-more-in-the-future is here! First of all, it was a wonderful recap, I was LOLing throughout it, LOVED the parts when you are 'writing' out loud the characters' thoughts. Where I am at with the telenovela, I still have about 35 episodes to go until it ends, in Mexico it will meet its 'fin' on the 2nd of March, BUT do not worry, I comment as if I don't know anything, despite the fact that I would gladly share my overall thoughts. It would be unfair to do that though (not to mention against this blog's policy). All I can say is that having seen more than 100 episodes of it, my overall feelings are mixed, although it's more on the plus side. Definitely no Corazon Salvaje '93, which is a pure work of art in every way, but you'll have fun with many caps and the recaps will be even better, there will be many things to make fun of. I will try to follow you here and comment as often as I can. Anyway, I have lots of fun on the Facebook pages and on Twitter, where some actors post tweets 'in character'. I always have a blast, especially reading Julian Gil's(Bruno's) Timeline (he even responded to me on one occasion when I sent him two photo montages), he's very very funny. But of course if you don't want any spoilers, you'd better avoid Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, which is filled with fanmade videos :D.

/offtopic, now back to the episode

The fourth one ended with a bang. I was really impressed with Jorge's acting, those were some very intense scenes. What a comeback for him, after several years of sitting on the bench. I thought his eyeballs will pop out when he falls down. Love his voice, he's a great screamer and whiner and he can do that soft voice too. I hope though that he will quit smoking once and for all, after he was with one foot in the graveyard last year because of a severe pulmonary thrombosis. 2-3 months ago he was hospitalized three times and he even got married despite having been released from hospital only a couple of days before the event. He's a very stubborn man; he said he promised to get married on that date and he did, despite the fact that she wanted to postpone it for his sake.

Just like Jorge, Rogelio is an incredibly stubborn man too - and with a big ego. He just wouldn't admit that he needs help or that he was wrong. I can imagine how frustrating it is to be trapped in a wheelchair, unable to do normal activities, but you can either try living like a normal human being or give up the fight and become a grumpy handsome dimpled man like Rogelio. He was trying to show to AP that he doesn't need any help to get back on the wheelchair, but he was just in denial and he hated the fact that she was right. Let's say I understand his attitude towards AP in the beginning of the episode, because he was riveted and angered by Vanesa and he's not the type to cool off in 3 minutes. But AP seems to have a stubbornness of her own and shows commitment.

Gus - sorry dude, I still hate you. You're just too 'Ken-dolly' for me. And probably Aunt Rosy does have a suspicion that Gus is Miguel's boss, but she doesn't want to ask, because if Miguel tells her his name and if this issue will ever come up in a conversation with Ana Paula and Miguel and AP would ask her auntie why didn't she tell her that Miguel and Gus knew each other, she wouldn't know what to say. It might be a preventive measure to come clean if it will ever be the case. Or maybe she's just...clueless?

Rogelio is still the most compelling character. You wonder how could a man who does have genuine feelings be such a brute - or the other way round - how could a brute show such deep feelings. You understand him and go 'Awww' for him, but then he does something very crude and you jump off the Rogelio bandwagon again. In this stage, your relationship with him is like a roller coaster ride, but this raises the stakes even higher for AP who has just been challenged. And it's Challenge Accepted, it seems :D.

Ana Paula is starting to grow on him. At first, while he said that he would like to tame her, it seems that in fact, he wants her to tame him. The moment she stood up to him, he started to admire her and now, it looks as though this admiration could go even further. Now the question is if all this will develop into a real love or if it's just an illusion, because she reminds him of his former lover, who, by the way, did she actually think that he would forgive her so easily? I mean time heals the wounds only if the hurt one allows it to. I understand that she was young and thoughtless, but seriously, it took her 7 years to realize it and to apologize? Glad that Rogelio burned her picture, it's time now to move on.

Loved the moments when Rog is taking care of AP after the fall, he looked so concerned. He should go to Anger Management Therapies, because what he did to Bruno was very cruel. It was all AP's fault and Rogelio's - AP because she wanted to go faster, leaving Bruno behind and Rogelio because of course he fired the gun. Still, even though she was mumbling in her sleep saying that he's a bad man, he didn't make that angry face and leave, but he stayed there and hold her hand. That was cute! Then, his willingness to change and to even let Margaro read, well, what can I say, the game is on!

So far I have a love-hate relationship with Rogelio, but I'm glad that the order is in fact hate-love, since he always redeems himself in one way or the other. He does something awfully unpleasant, but then he turns into a sweet and caring guy, who even has remorse (and right so!) for what happened to AP. Somehow, the endings of the episodes always find me on the Rogelio bandwagon. I believe he is capable of loving someone, but he must do something about that rage of his. It's not enough for him to love - he must make others love him too. Not only other characters, but also the audience. I do love him already, but I'll admit it's not for the right reasons, but rather because I love his type of character; in real life I would probably cross the street if I would see him coming towards me.

There's still hope though that he will change for good, although changes don't happen overnight.

PS: Sorry for writing a testament, but I can't help it :(. I wasn't even allowed to write the entire comment in 1 post, because it was too long lol.

Lord have mercy, just noticed I used some words in too many places (fun, for example :P). But I have an ace in my sleeve: it's very late here :P. So that I'm not completely offtopic, I will tell you that these first 5-10 episodes or so are not among my favorites. It seems like the telenovela needed some time to pick up steam, but have patience, it will get better soon. Also, don't expect too much of it - if you set your expectations too high, you'll most likely be disappointed because of its inconsistency. I noticed many plot holes, goofs and some poor editing along the way. There will be indeed a few OVERALL great episodes, followed by zzz zzz ones, so always keep that in mind. That's what basically made me go 'meh' with it in many cases - that it was like a roller coaster ride, going up up up and then all of a sudden, it just stops there. More than episodes, there are moments that work - separate them from the whole and you will see them as great ones, but take everything in one piece and the result will be so-and-so. This is of course an opinion, so don't take it for granted. I did like enough aspects of it; after all, I didn't give up on it for a reason.

Thanks for your insights, Alexandra. So it ends in Mexico on March, huh? I thought I heard that, but wasn't sure.

Here are some more thoughts regarding Rohell (again no spoilers, I thought this when I first saw this episode). Now granted, I first saw this sans CCs, and as I keep saying, my comprehension of spoken Spanish is not "there" yet, so I missed some of Rohell's more arrogant/appalling comments the first time around. But even so, I'm still a Rohell fangirl, in part because Jorge Salinas=AWESOME and because I have a good beanie! LOL. And also because Rohell is a nuanced character that gets under your skin after a while.

I have appalling taste in literature and have read too many Harlequin romances in my day. So I viewed some of his behavior in episode 5 based on the Harlequin model.

Here goes: When he and Paula spent that "quality time" in his office where she was helping him out, I think his neanderthal brain started to comprehend that this was not a girl he necessarily wanted to "domesticar" (tame) like he said a few episodes ago. He now wants her to like him and approve of him. He also sees her as being worth more than a hundred Vainessas, which is why, right after she left the office, he goes and burns Vainessa's photo. And why he "allows" Margarito to be educated and why he's in a better mood and trying to act good-natured.

I think we all know he's still got a ways to go, but that's how I interpreted the timeline of Friday's episode. We'll see how it pans out in the episodes to come.

Kelly: San Cristobal is safe right now and its the second municipality with the highest income of that state and the most visited by tourists. What happened in 1994 was an anomaly. The EZLN group was raising in arms to make demands for the indigenous people and the violence lived there happened between the army and the EZLN groups, no civilians were targeted. I don't agree with their methods but I do with their goals. It seems they have reached an understanding with the government right now and they now have formed their own autonomous territories inside the state and they live in peace within their confines. I doubt any travel agency would take any tourists there though.

Mar Contreras, aka Vanesa Galván, played Lucía in "Teresa" and wore freely her naturally curly hair there. She had to have it straight for this role.


There is a bird watching tour in Chiapas that I considered in the past. But it involves several days of backpacking and camping out in the jungle which I was never quite ready to take on. Supposed to be incredible with views of the famed Quetzal even (that's an incredible bird worth googling). Victor Emanuel Nature Tours might still be doing it.

I think I'll go looking for a Quetzal in Cost Rica one of these days. :). I don't think it will require a multi-day jungle trek.


Interesting points Alexandra. Keep up the comments. :)


I don't think a riding crop is designed to cut a horse's hide - that would damage the horse and reduce its value! So I just find the whipping scenes from a wheelchair too ridiculous to take seriously.

Not that I take telenovelas that seriously anyway! :)


Tks Jarocha for the Chiapas info, I was wondering about safety.

Thanks for your recap Jardinera. Yeah, if I continue with this TN its b/c of you, other recappers and commenters. I'm with Vivi in that RoHellio has been racking up negative points and this episode was close to a death knell for me (child abuse, continued problematic dismissal/controlling of his sister,and the slave master with his whip image).

Jarocha, thanks so much for the Chiapas info.

It's me again lol! Since I am a Rogelio fangirl (Hi Elvira :D!), I woke up from my half-asleep state and remembered that Bruno did have *some fault in regards to the horse riding, since he didn't tell Rogelio of what he was planning to do. Of course, it was a really bad timing that Rogelio was there too, practicing his shooting skills, but Bruno could have avoided it. Sure, you might say it's none of Rogelio's business what he's doing with his nurse and it was AP's day off and you would be right, still he could have just said it beforehand to Rog. Ah never mind, still it was Rog's mistake.

Also, don't forget that the reason why he goes all bananas is that when he sees her falling down, he practically sees himself falling down from the horse and for a moment, he was afraid that his favorite nurse might end up in a wheelchair just like him. That's what scared him more than anything, the horrible thought that she won't be able to walk again. He completely overreacts, no excuse to the hard beating of Bruno, Rog should have beaten himself, but he just didn't get used to seeing someone riding a horse while he can't do it anymore and especially falling from it.

So, again, I understand WHY he is doing that, but I don't EXCUSE his actions, just wanted to point that out. Just because you understand someone's grounds it doesn't mean that his actions are justified. I understand him, but I don't forgive him, although the last minutes of the episode give me hope, it seems like the kind of challenge that Rogelio would like to lose :).

Sorry if I'm tiring :(, I'll try to limit my thoughts in a single comment.

Hi Alexandra (*waves back*)!

Your comments bring up something I was thinking of before—the reason why Rogelio might have freaked out extra big time over this—his understandable fear that Ana Paula could end up in a wheelchair like him. Was his freakout justified? Was the drawing of blood justified? Of course not. Nor does it explain the other jerkwaddery things he does all the time. But I think it does help explain some of why he melted down THIS time.

When I first told one of my sisters (who is now following this show, despite not knowing any Spanish) about this show, and something about this scene, she exclaimed, "Just like Mr. Thornton!" Mr Thornton is the hero of a classic BBC drama "North & South" (2004, based on the Elizabeth Gaskell novel). In this clip (it's about a minute into the video, right after the Pride and Prejudice scene) we see Mr. Thornton go after an employee in a brutal way.

The explanation for Mr. Thornton's freakout is that he'd seen entire cottom mills burn down (and kill all the workers inside) in a short amount of time, due to a little flame that goes awry. So when he catches a worker smoking, he freaks out and beats him black and blue.

Now Mr. Thornton is a far nicer person than Rohell, but still, Rohell's freakout reminded me just a little bit of Mr. Thornton's. Not that beating someone is excusable in either case (as the heroine of "North and South" tells Mr. Thornton later).

Alexandra/Elvira: I was thinking much of the same thing about why Rogelio freaked out when he saw AP fall off that horse and later when he whipped Bruno. It could be expected, and when you're lord and master and there is no societal/moral limits put on your behavior because of it, then yeah, you can do just about anything you feel like. As Bruno says, around there everything and everyone belongs to Rogelio Montero. It's like a Mexican version of serfdom. You leave much of the real world behind and travel back a few hundred years when you enter that region.

Sara: with my CC's all whacky, I wasn't sure I'd heard that about the cake, either. LOL! The editing on this one is apparently up to usual Uni standards and interpretation I feel is many times based on capturing the gist of the conversation a sentence or two ahead. Whenever they have problems with the guia in CC's it's anybody's guess what we might think we hear!!

Jardinera: I am always so excited to read your recaps and this was no exception. Loved your title and your narrative was excellent. "lousy lonesome" and "Visions of Vainessa returning to BroHellio’s side to free her from sisterly servitude dance in Sin-thia’s head, making her smile broadly" were among my favorites.

I don't know what to think of Rogelio but must agree that redemption lies ahead. I can't help but fawn over Jorge once more, he exudes sheer animal magnatism.

Sara, so Marco is Vanessa's hub? she is obviously unbalanced if she is considering leaving him. A handsome hunk to be sure.

Jardinera, looking forward to all of your future recaps. This is going to be a good one!


Audrey, thanks for the point of clarification about Sin and RoHell. I raced thro' the scene too quickly and missed it. ; > )

Urban: ITA about Sinthia. Playing with Bruno's affections, perhaps? She seems as much a cynic as her brother after what Vainessssa did to the both of them.

ViviDC: Revenge definitely would be my guess and Bruno would be justified after the beating he took. I don't see anything good in the end for him happening. May be he'll be a sacrificial lamb. He's just too much of a wimp.

Madeleine/Karen: I'm hoping for AP to grab that whip out of his hands one day and use it on him! Give him a taste of his own medicine.

Cathyx: if you want to see the episodio it should be available on or this link

Jardinera - no problem! That scene went by in a flash anyway, but it was a fascinating exchange providing info about the past and definitely tempered what followed about being sent to the kitchens with Maria to learn something "useful".

Yeah, the bit about wanting to test Ana Paula's cake baking skills after she proved a wiz at filing was really cute.

Why hasn't Cinthia just run away to start her own life? Two reasons: money and status. Plus she'd have to run pretty far to get out of Rogelio's sphere of influence. She'd leave behind a sizable inheritance (half the hacienda), and so far you can tell her social status is quite important to her. It's also much more difficult to start from ground zero in MX versus the US, and being female makes it worse. She really is trapped. She is dependent on her brother's support for whatever path she takes.


Aside from her part of the inheritance being controlled by Rogelio, He also funds or gives Cinthia an allowance. Or at least it is implied, otherwise she would be broke as a joke and there would be no hope.


Familia starts at 7PM EST tonight, 2 HOURS, at least that is what my newspaper says.

Jardinera, it's such a pleasure for me to enjoy your recaps once again. Up until this, the only TN from Univision that I'd been watching was CME. I cut back to spend more time reading, plus I watched Lo Pola and have been recording and watching La Hija del Mariachi.

Sue455, I also quit watching Te Sigo Amando after only watching 2 episodes for the very same reason you described. I'm a fan of Sergio Goyri but that was just too much for me.

La Paloma,

"I know the cattle are important, but why do they let them wander across the front yard of the hacienda?"

I thought that was so funny, especially since Rogelio is in a wheelchair because of a stampede. The gardener must be thrilled.

When my daughter and her family were evacuated from their home in Magnolia last summer because of the fires we had her 3 horses grazing in our front yard for a week. Rafael and his crew were not thrilled.


Jarocha- Thanks for the Chiapas info. I'm hoping (fingers crossed for a better econmy) to go somewhere int'l this year, and I've been wanting to see southern Mexico/Oaxaca. I'll add Chiapas to that list. I know the city views get repetative, but I like seeing the scenery!


Thank you Jardinera. I love your recaps and would recognize the style anywhere, just by your voice. Lotsa comments, here and lots of enthusiasm and fun-filled facts to help with the beanie adjustments. I almost don't care how severe Ro-hell-io's behavior is. I think they want him to be the baddest bad so his redemption will be that much more moving and powerful. As for Ana Paula, not only is she depicted as a stubborn strong-willed character, the actress has real strength in her physical presence. They are so well matched, it's hard for me to speculate about any other romantic attachments she may develop along the way. None of the other characters grabs my attention the way those two do, esp. when they share a scene. But Julian Gil fascinates me with his reptilian looks. I'm not that experienced, but I've only ever seen him play the slimiest of wall-eyes snakes.

Carlos: They are now coming to you from the Naples/Ft. Myers area where people know how to value experience..... Instead of having crickets chirping sing me to sleep, I now get the bass harmonizing of the neighborhood gators.

LXV: Agnes, "slimy wall-eyed snake" is a terrific descriptor for Gil's Bruno. I gather you survived the hurricane a couple months back. : > )

Thanks again, everybody for all the chatter and the giggles! This may prove to be a truly gruesome kitchy show. I really hope so cuz those lend themselves to the corn pone so well.

Jardinera, Hurricane? oh that! We actually did fine with only an inch or two in the basement, but people less than a mile a way were flooded out. And I don't even want to think about the poor folks twenty miles north of us in Passaic County. Those homes will never be lived in again. We got hammered worse by the freak October snow storm that dumped over 2 feet while the leaves were still on the trees. Combined with howling winds, we all lost power and couldn't get from here to there for quite a while we waited for the crews to buck up all those fallen trees and haul them out of the roadways. Thusfar, winter has not deigned to make much of an appearance, but I'm not fooled. It'll probably hit hard in April.

LXV: A woman at work was telling me about a dandelion that was sprouting in a nearby lawn. At the beginning of January! I saw buds on my lilac bushes. I'm in MA and lived through the Halloween snowstorm. Luckily I only lost power during the night–it was back on when I got up on Sunday. But I know people whose power was out over a week. Crazy weather! Well I'll take 50 degrees in January because I hate the cold and the snow.

Sue455, we drove through the Deerfield River valley to my brother's house in Northfield just last month and Rt. 2 was still closed in sections from Irene. But, I'm in north Jersey and it's practically spring here.

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