Saturday, January 07, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of January 9 2012: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Felix Día de Tres Reyes Magos! Ok, that was last week but whatever. I'm filling in for NovelaMaven this week.

Over to you.

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Marisa is gaining admirers. Tyron is bringing his campaign to Queens, accompanied by Cris. They run into Marisa. First, Cris tries to rekindle things, and they almost kiss. This is captured by Yaya on her cell phone, and tranmitted to a furious Sara. The lovers don't kiss, though, since Marisa knows their relationship just has too many obstacles to overcome.

Tyron starts speaking to the crowd about helping the community, when Stan interrupts, saying, we don't want you here (he doesn't want the government in the neighborhood, because they'll find out about all his shady enterprises). Marisa jumps up to disagree. We DO need the help of the government. Too many people are getting drunk, not caring for their kids (Victor hears this and feels guilty for about a half second). There's domestic violence (Hugo), and petty theft (Gojo was robbed). We want to work WITH the authorities, we want Senator Parker to succeed with his community outreach programs! Well, this REALLY impresses Tyron!

Later, he meets with Marisa and offers her a job, as a community spokesperson. She accepts, although she has to work out what to do with the hotel job, and also, she is a little worried that this will put her in close contact with the temptation whose name is Cristóbal.

Marisa's other new friend is Carmen, aka Cris' Nana, who comes to the house, meets Marisa, Calixta and Lalo, and is charmed by all. They're charmed, too, especially since they have similar tastes in Mexican food and culture.

Amelia's not on board, though, since Sara is laying it on thick with her fashion show help for the charity ball.

Joaquin continues to show his greedy side, telling Mireya they should raise the admission price to the school, and that the kids should give lots and lots of money-making concerts, since they "have so much energy". Mireya appears a bit doubtful.

Callie gives Marisa her box to watch. So Tarek doesn't find it. But Marcela, Marisa's Mom, is tempted to open it.

Tito keeps feeling uncomfortable around Bruno's gay advances.

Belinda, feeling attracted to Gojo, and safe at Marisa's, now that Hugo's in jail, goes back to her place, but Hugo was released, and here we go again!

And guess what? Catalina's boss doesn't want her to do the Cinderella story anymore, so she sets her sights on a new goal. Cristóbal! Yes, she's going to snatch him right out of Sara's clutches, and win him for herself!


Cecilia won't tell the kids why she called Pilar "Raquel". So the kids go back to their other project, getting Emilio and Hilda back together. They've prepared a series of little posters with words on them, and put them in the right order. Emilio finds a moment to catch Hilda in the kitchen, shows her the first card ("Silencio"), and after Hilda presses play on the boombox, starting romantic music, he shows her one card after another, telling her how sorry he was, and how much he loves her. He finishes with a picture of him, the baby and Hilda, as what he most wants in the world. Tears stream down her face, and they kiss.

Javier is haunted by a dream of Rebeca. Feeling guilty, he gets the address from the corrupt doctor, and goes to the nuthouse where Rebeca is currently housed, locked in a room, strapped to a bed. Despite her weak pleas to "ayudame", he's freaked out, and leaves her again.

Gonzalo visits Carola in jail, cruelly tells her about Renato's death, and does his usual intimidation thing. He demands to know what was in that libreta! She won't say a thing, telling him you're afraid now, aren't you? but tears are streaming down her shocked face, too. After Gonzalo leaves, the guard asks, he's the one, right, your own lawyer? She nods.

Cecilia finally tells SOMEONE, and it turns out to be Gonzalo. She reveals that Raquel is her other daughter who she gave up for adoption, and Ceci doesn't know where Pilar is, or even if she's alive! Gonzalo confronts Raquel, who doesn't deny it, but hints that she has so much on HIM that he wouldn't dare out her. She's going to be Pilar now, and he'd better get used to it!

But shattered Ismael DOES have pity on Pilar, releases her, and she runs outside and flags down a passing car to take her back.

Back to hell, I bet!

La Casa de al Lado: viernes

- Javier's still out of sorts after Raquel blasted him in the previous episode for how he ended up alone by his own hand. This leads him to dream of a vengeful and mobile Rebeca, and finally to go to the asylum he now has her stashed at (the same one Igor Mora was stuck in). And being him, he freaks out the minute he sees her strapped to a bed and bolts the minute she manages to gurgle out a plea for help.

- As preordained in the friggin' stars: Cecilia, Andrea and Diego come up with a foolproof way for Emilio to gain Hilda's forgiveness. Namely, a musical interlude punctuated by signs. This is actually somewhat cuter than it sounds, as well as funnier than it should be due to Emilio's single-multipurpose facial expression; but since we're about two weeks out from the final episode at this point, Hilda doesn't stand a chance here.

- Karen and Yolanda are both worried about money, if in different ways. Karen's convinced she can show Javier that she's worth paying more than what he's paying her--which is apparently more than Pilar was, according to Nibaldo--in addition to blasting Nibaldo for being "just" a well-paid driver while she does all the household work. (Maybe I'm being cynical, but I couldn't help thinking "Yeah, breakup incoming!" when she went off on him about that.) Yolanda, meanwhile, hits up Nibaldo for money in order to help the unemployed and broke Eva out...which gives him a golden opportunity to bring up her imaginary wealthy boyfriend Carlitos one more time. If she finally admits she made him up, he'll fill her purse with cash.

- Adolfmael, who spends the entire episode at Raquel's house and continuously freaked out, talks to Pilar about Mabel's death and how she abandoned him and Gonzaki. Pilar convinces him to free her so she can get back to her children, and he almost makes it before Raquel shows up and stops him. Raquel then elaborates on the next stage of Project Destroy Pilar, namely killing Cecilia, which she needs him for. She then promptly makes the cardinal mistake of all villains: she leaves her hostage alone again with the now-remorseful would-be henchman. So, yup, Adolfmael finally succeeds in freeing Pilar, who bails and manages to flag down a car in order to make her way home. And Adolfmael just hangs back at Raquel's for no obvious reason...with his gun.

Raquel, meanwhile, still has two people wondering why someone would call Pilar that--Andrea and Gonzaki. Cecilia, still rocking that mostly-coherence, tells Andrea she will finally tell her the truth--later--and then later gets accosted by Gonzaki, who's even more insistent about it since he heard Raquel call herself that. And it's to Gonzo that Cecilia finally comes clean about Raquel la gemela, which leads to him following her back to Pilar's, which leads to Raquel and Gonzo confronting each other about the whole thing. Raquel is more than happy to just take up where Pilar and Gonzo left off romantically, since she has no problems with him being the homicidal Iñaki Mora and all, but he's expectedly all "¿Dónde está la verdadera Pilar?" That is, before she pulls a gun on him and demands he get with the program: she's Pilar, not Pilar!

- And nearly all of the above happens well after Gonzo shows up at IKEA Women's Prison and chats with Carola, or more accurately drops the bombshell about Renato's assisted suicide. Carola in turn ends up begging Friendly Guard Lady (she does have a name, right?) to help her get out of jail.

...ah, nuts. You beat me to it, Hombre! :D


Part One

Rafa at first tells Flor he brought her to Pablo’s grave despite Rufino’s warnings. Flor tells him he took Pablo from his wife, his child, and also from her.

It appears likely that Abel IS the son of Zahra and Rafael after all. They said he was 22 years old when Zahra and Francisco reviewed some info about him. We got flashbacks of Zahra and a boy in what looks like a military school uniform. He’s very angry. He tells her she’s NOT his mother. His grandma raised him. Zahra says that her mother raised him with the money she sent. He snarls that she got that from having sex with a bunch of men and that she doesn’t even know who is his father. She slaps him and then regrets it. She tells him his father is Rafael Urrieta.

What also seems to match up is that Zahra’s son definitely was a bad kid. He escaped with some other boys from what sounds like Latin American juvenile detention. They got high and drove a car into a ditch. They all died. Curiouser and curiouser. Long ago they showed Rafa forcing Zahra into some abortion clinic. This was when she was describing what Rafa did during a conversation with Olga. How could she have pretended to have an abortion and delivered a child well enough developed to be given to her mother to raise? I suspect the writers wrote in this new development. I guess they’ll write themselves out of it somehow.

Rafa tells Flor he knows that what he’s doing now won’t completely take away the angry feelings she has. His life is in her hands. Just then Mariano, Quesada, and some other cops move in. Rafa seems to be doing an imitation of Sydney Carton [It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done.] Flor tells him she’s sorry, but it was a trap. He replies that her love for him is not a deceit. And, if she hadn’t done what she did, she would not be the person she is. Así te quiero.

There is no body. Mariano’s joyful expression drops off his face. Rafa tells Flor: “Don’t you realize that I knew what you planned. From the morning when we woke up together and you told me you wanted to see Pablo’s grave.” Flor tells him he deceived her. He always wins.

Enrique talks Alicia into infiltrating the cartel. She’s sure she can’t pull it off. But he reminds her that when she sings and dances on the stage, she’s a different person. And, doesn’t she create a different character when she’s with a client? She agrees. He tells her this is just like that. She needs to create the character of an ambitious woman who knows how to sell drugs. He knows some people in the capital who are going to set up a fake big buy. El Jefe will jump at this. And then be revealed.

Meanwhile Abel and El Asqueroso look at some lands Johnny says are ideal for growing coca. Abel wants to hold off for a while.


Part Two

Back at the fake gravesite Rafa tells Flor that he did not deceive her. He only wanted to show her that he was willingly confessing, rather than being trapped by her plan. He admits what he did and accepts going to jail for it. He tells her every year of his sentence will be worth it for her love. He then shows them where the body is buried. [I suppose this is what the notched tree was all about.] This seems to dash the hopes of those who think Pablo is alive.

Mariano is being insufferable. He practically does a victory dance. He says, in front of Rafa, that Quesada will take him to jail while he rides back to town with Flor in the red convertible. Flor refuses to ride with him, but tells Mariano that Rafa signed everything over to her because he knew what he was going to do. [I think they’re hinting that property belonging to Rafa might have been confiscated.] When Mariano keeps crowing and congratulating her for achieving justice, she tells him he looks bad speaking about justice. He should be in the next cell to Rafa for all that he’s done.

The P’s come to see Rocío asking for her advice about something. This is a device so that Ana can find the papers showing that Flor owns the 4P and their houses outright. Ana is predictably jealous and resentful. Later in the 4P when Ana is grousing to the others about what Flor did, Alicia gets in a really good line. “Rafa got what he deserved for walking all over everyone. Didn’t he use you for a carpet also?” Ana practically foams at the mouth at this. [ I can’t help it; I love it when someone slaps her down.]

Flor is a basket case, sobbing. She tells Rocío that Rafa took her to a place like paradise, knowing all along what she planned. She knew she was with him for the last time.

Sacramento bursts in apologizing for having doubted her. She doesn’t want to have this conversation right now, but as usual, he doesn’t listen. He tells her she doesn’t have to keep pretending. They can start over. She tells him she forgives him, but that isn’t enough. She doesn’t want to keep hurting him, but he’s forcing her to do it. She tells him she’s as much a prisoner as Rafa. She fell into her own trap. When she came back to Rafa to get vengeance, she discovered who she really was and that she and Rafael Urrieta were made for each other. It hurts her to see Sacto suffer, but she knows he’ll recover and love again, while she’s condemned to love someone impossible.

Mariano, still jumping for joy, comes to the hacienda to tell Cat about Rafa being brought down by Flor Salvaje. Cat thinks that Sacto pretended to be angry and jealous all along. She thinks he’s with Flor right now.

Zahra comes to try to comfort Flor. Monica is great in these scenes portraying her terrible grief.

Francisco isn’t doing Enrique any favors. He starts to brag about his nephew being a reporter in front of Abel. Abel tries hard to deflect this, saying he’s a photographer. The last thing Enrique wants is for Abel to suspect him.

Sacramento returns to the hacienda practically catatonic. Susana and Beba have heard that Rafa is in jail; they assume they’ll be a family again. Frigida makes a caustic remark about Sacto, and Diana enters saying what a wonderful guy he is. Sacto rolls his eyes.

Abel shows up in front of Rafael’s cell. Rafa gets up and approaches him, asking if his lawyer sent him. Abel replies that maybe the devil’s lawyer. Hmmmm.


Thanks to both of you, Bill C. and Hombre! Great recaps both, dripping with sarcasm.

Bill, one thing. Rebeca is not currently at the same place as Igor Mora. That one was the Ritz of places to be kept out of sight. And that is because Renato, so very guilty about wrongly accusing Igor, arranged through Javier to keep Igor Mora in a place with Doric columns out front.

If my memory serves, Javier found out that Emilio knew where Rebeca was stashed and arranged with that crappy "doctor" who ran Igor Mora's old stomping grounds to move Rebeca to a place where they warehouse the hopelessly insane. No Doric columns in this place. It features peeling paint and surly nurses.

I'm sure it's too soon for Pilar to show up at her house and reveal all, putting Raquel on the run. Maybe, but I doubt it. I just hope she doesn't end up bound and gagged again. Maybe a car will hit her in the street putting her in the ever-reliable telenovela coma.

LA CASA DE AL LADO - viernes

Hombre & Bill, tnx so much. I enjoyed both recaps.

I can't guess what the 3 will do next! what will Gonzo do with Raquel? will Raquel be able to convince him? what about Adomael? is he going to confront Raquel? which one will kill the other one?
how will Pilar save herself & her children? (no police here you know :)

Thanks for the recap, Novelera. Poor Flor - she's in love with Rafa who murdered her true love, and who has turned noble all of a sudden and the other guy in her life, Sacto, is an insensitive jerk, blinded with jealousy. A real reversal here from where we started with both characters. I wonder who she's going to end up with - maybe neither.

I agree that the appearance of Abel was an add on. Maybe Zahra got pregnant twice with Rafa. The first time was before they were a couple and she sent the kid away like Correcaminos did. Then the second time she thought Rafa would want the kid but he made her have an abortion. No. that doesn't work. In the flashback, Zahra tells the kid that she knows Rafa is his father because she wasn't with any other men. I guess the writers will work out something.

The actor who plays Mariano is so good. His unholy glee at arresting Rafa was as well done as his portrayal of his unhealthy affection for his sister.

Two good recaps are even better than one. Thanks, guys.

Can this get any more stupid??? I notice that some of the actors are having a problem being believable. Angelica Maria (so wonderfully real in LA FEA MAS BELLA) makes faces like she's in a silent film. For some reason, the director lets the camera stay too long on certain characters and they are made to look ridiculous. (i.e. ,Gonzalo, Pilar).

I think that I lost interst after my theory of Pilar having MPD turned out to be wrong. I was really looking forward to seeing how they would resolve that. Although I heard Raquel's explanation of why she wrote the books, spent years spying on the families, etc., it seems absolutely ridiculous to me. I am really having problems maintaining interest in what is now totally a cartoon. Oh well...


NJ Sue, I agree completely. Raquel having spent three years planning her revenge on Pilar is senseless, plus the character seems to lack impulse control. How could she even plan that?

And, if her goal was to pretend to be Pilar, even long enough to frame her, wouldn't it have made more sense to ACT. Instead, she behaved like Raquel 24/7.

I was watching La Colombiana tonight and I saw Tony Dalton for a couple of short scenes. He was working in the American Embassy in Colombia and he spoke really good English.

Was really weird, his English was very good and his accent was equally as good I thought, the weird thing was his voice actually sounded kinda different than what we're used to when we watch him as Rafael in Flor Salvaje.


Rand, I've noticed that with some people who are completely bilingual, and have been from an early age, they sound like two different people in the different languages. Maybe it has to do with, for example, learning English in school and interacting with teachers and students, and learning Spanish at home, interacting with someone like a grandmother. But people who are much stronger in one language than the other don't change as much. For example, Don Francisco sounds similar in his heavily accented English and his naturally accented Spanish.

Continuing on this accent topic, I recently saw Maritza Rodriguez (Pilar in La Casa) on a daytime novela called Acorralada, in which she spoke with a very strong Mexico City (chilango?) accent, which sounded funny compared to the way she sounds on La Casa (and she probably sounds different still in her private life, since she's originally from Colombia).

Hombre and Rand: I have noticed that too, most recently with Gencarlos Canela (Mi Corazon). I saw an interview with him in English--he is totally bilingual--but his voice sounded higher in English somehow, and he was talking way faster, with a different cadence. Didn't sound like the same person.
J in Oregon

La Casa de al Lado: lunes

- Last Friday's episode left off with Raquel holding a gun on Gonzaki. This episode picks up from there, but then goes ahead and blows Raquel's plan completely out of the water when Pilar finally makes it home--followed by Javier, Emilio and Hilda, who all look suitably impactado at . Gonzo manages to get the drop on Raquel and makes her drop her gun, which Pilar ends up with, and she insists that everybody GTFO so she and Raquel can talk. Incredibly they actually do this, though Javier at least has a moment of sanity and calls the police.

Raquel and Pilar's confrontation is pretty much "You're going to have to kill me, Pilar!" and "I'll do anything to protect my children!" up until it gets interrupted by Cecilia, who was kicking around in Pilar's bedroom and had no idea what was going on. This leads to Raquel getting shot offscreen in the kitchen and believed to be dead (with Cecilia all set to take the blame for it, even though Pilar was the one who shot her, in order to make amends for dragging the plot out for the last damn month). That idea lasts about twenty minutes before Raquel beats a bloody retreat and apparently tracks down Adolfmael at his dilapidated hideaway to help her out. Adolfmael, by the way, bailed from Raquel's house after the police showed up looking for her, which happened after they finally made it to Pilar's--so how did they know where Raquel lived? Does Pilar have a GPS in her head?

And just to tie it in a bow: Andrea and Diego, who miss all the fun while being off at the park with little Ignacia, are finally reunited with Pilar and clued in on all things Raquel. Most of their ensuing freakout is offscreen, though when they start making Pilar's bed in order to sleep in it they find Carola's notebook (which Raquel claimed she threw out a couple of episodes back). So they finally give it to Pilar, and she actually does begin reading it...

- Let's Go To The Manicomio: Rebeca is getting a manicure (hey, that's what it looked like) from the grumpy nurse we saw with Javier last week, who conveniently gets called away to help with another inmate--leaving Rebeca's arm free. Rebeca manages to free her other arm, lug herself off the bed she was on and onto the floor, wriggling around all the while in her tight black pants...and tight lavender blouse... (*ahem* What? I'm a man, don't judge me!) Until the grumpy nurse shows up again to ruin her escape plan, that is, since she was nearly to the door of her room.

Emilio, meanwhile, finally finishes editing the video he shot of Rebeca before Javier had her moved. He uploads the final version to a website frequented by lawyers, figuring (correctly) that it would get back to Javier...who gets a call about it from a lawyer friend, ends up surfing the web to see it, and cue another freakout...

- IKEA Women's Prison: after Gonzo finally leaves Pilar, well after the police had showed up, he goes to see Carola. This gets blocked by Friendly Guard Lady, who initially won't let him see her; he insists, she goes to Carola, and Carola officially says she doesn't want to see him. FGL thus blows Gonzo off, and Gonzo shifts into homicidal stalker mode...he trails FGL after she leaves work (presumably on her way to Pilar's, since she genuinely wants to help Carola), but she gets spooked and hops a cab.

- Nibaldo is like a dog with a bone about f'n Carlitos, Yolanda's imaginary boyfriend. While Yolanda makes a halfway decent excuse for why she can't ask him for money, she does promise to finally introduce Nibs and Carlitos the day after this episode takes place. In a perfect world, this is where Jorge Luis Pila would show up as Yolanda's handsome cousin and fake being Carlitos just to mess with Nibs some more (and probably help hasten a split between Nibs and Karen)...okay, that idea's officially too good for this show.


Thanks for the great recap, Bill. You really brought the snark!

I can't BELIEVE Pilar is actually going to read the blasted libreto. But it sure looks that way.

And, wonder of wonders, Gonzaki failed for the first time in his attempt to kill a meddling person.

Emilio's revenge was perfect. In addition to uploading the video, he also had a head shot of Javier with some words I could not read. But, for sure "the best lawyer in the country" is about to be revealed as a scumbag who warehoused his sister-in-law in a "Snake Pit" (anyone ever see that movie with Olivia de Havilland?) to spite his soon-to-be ex-wife.


After apparently bribing a guard, Abel spends some time taunting Rafael Urrieta in his cell. He tells him he’s happy to see him imprisoned, and maybe now he (Abel) will be the new leader of Nueva Esperanza. He gloatingly recites the story of Cain and Abel, with Rafa cast as the murderous Cain.

The unbearable Ana shows up to torment her sister. She tells her she’s just as bad as Rafa because Pablo wouldn’t have died if she hadn’t gotten into bed with him knowing she was supposed to be Rafa’s exclusive woman. She tells her the fire was also her fault, and what kind of justice is this? Flor ends up a millionaire and the owner of a cabaret. Zahra comes in just as I was ready to throw my shoes at the television and gets rid of Ana.

Diana has fixated on Sacto. She comes to the hacienda to beg his pardon (?). Ines is camped inside and thinks Diana is distinguished and from a better class of person. Frigida snarks that she isn’t surprised woman are coming to see Sacto; they’re coming after him because he now has HER family’s money. Outside Sacto tells her not to mistake what happened between them or to expect something that isn’t going to happen. She doesn’t really take “one-night stand; let’s pretend it never happened” for an answer. Catalina shows up and snarls at Diana.

The drugs almost get knocked out of their hiding place by the P’s. Alicia carefully covers them back up. Johnny is waiting for her with a gun. God, I despise this guy. Does he have braces? Or are his teeth just supposed to look a bad color. He tells Alicia he mentioned her to el jefe, but the boyfriend (Enrique) is a problem. She fixes a steely gaze on Johnny and tells him she’s not the same weak woman he knew in Timotes. She says they have to get the drugs out of the 4P Cabaret. They were almost discovered today, but she saved the day. She suggests her house. Johnny says that would be obvious with people coming and going, but Alicia reminds him she’s a prosti, and men DO come and go. Enrique doesn’t like this idea at first, but admits it would create confidence in Alicia if she did so.

Sacto whines to José María that Amanda gave him up for a murderer.

Mr. Peter tells the board that the shares of the company are in the toilet because word has gotten out about Rafael Urrieta being jailed for murder.

Sacramento shows up to holler at Rafa in his cell. This is a great scene by both actors. Sacto tells him he didn’t play fair. The only way he could get Amanda back was by threats. He got her back by burning down their business and threatening to kill her husband. Rafa replies that NO ONE could love that woman as much as he did. She came to him because HE made her feel like a woman. Sacto rather cleverly says that, if that were the case, he wouldn’t have needed to kill Pablo. Rafa replies that both Pablo and Sacto were just distractions. Sacto insists they were a happy family in Timotes. Rafa replies that Sacto was happy, but what about Flor? He tells him he created a home with the kids but Flor wasn’t there because she loved him, because he was her man, because Sacto pleased her. Rafa says: No, you did it because you wanted to have her; but Flor never loved you, never! This definitely registers as true by the look on Sacto’s face.

Rocío thinks she is alone and is practicing using her cane. Ines shows up and appears to enjoy the sight of her rival being blind.

At the big Rafael Urrieta Night at the 4P Cabaret, Abel shows up and sits at the table reserved in honor of RU. He’s amazingly arrogant, says RU is a murderer, and orders drinks for everyone.

Anybody know when Dona Barbara started on Telemundo at Noon?
J in Oregon

General - DB
Dona Barbara was rebroadcast starting on September 5, 2011.


Jonny has braces, but he also has baby teeth so they're pretty much all covered up. I haven't seen the entire episode yet, but I did like the part when Alica told Jonny that he better wake up and thank her, that she's saving his butt.


Great recap, Bill! I also liked Rebeca's manicomio outfit, although I think it was a stunt Rebeca (a tiny bit thinner than the real one) who fell off the bed and was struggling for the first few minutes. Not sure where Rebeca was going, but I'm glad she's gradually gaining strength. Maybe she'll get well fast enough to do something in the Gran Final.

Novelera, what was written on the photo of Javier was "delinquente". He was not too happy to have that label :)

Adolfomael says he can sew up Raquel's gunshot wound, which just went in one side of her shoulder and out the other. But then she starts insulting him, and belittling him for letting Pilar go. He should just let Raquel rot (but he probably won't).

Too bad no one else is going to read the libreta. Pilar may not believe it. And la guardia, who has temporarily escaped by the taxi, probably will not escape for long. Knowing Gonzaki, he can easily just teleport ahead of her, gloves ready for his dirty business.


Sorry I didn't get this posted earlier, but last night I was watching football, and had to wait til today to see the recording.

Cris now has both Catalina and Sara competing for his attentions, both with their sexy, aggressive ways. Too bad he likes Marisa, who is trying NOT to win his attentions.

Turns out Marisa is not working full time for Tyron, she's just meeting with the community to see what they need, and reporting to Tyron. She still has the hotel job.

Lety's man problem may be solved. As she's outside a room, a rich drunk fools her into opening the door, then tries to rape her. Victor sees this on the security camera, rushes up to room 240, and gallantly saves her. Lety later remarks that no one has ever treated her as well as Victor did. And Victor likes her, too. The only problem is that Marisa may not like this match.

Joaquin keeps looking worse and worse. It now comes out that he's married, which he hadn't told Mireya amidst all those kisses. He says his marriage is sort of over, but Mireya's been hurt before, and hopefully won't be swayed by him.

Since Belinda actually is the only one on the lease of her apartment, Marisa says why should Hugo get the apartment? She should kick HIM out. The two go to Hugo, and give him the news, which he may not take too well.

Tyron doesn't want Amelia to know that Marisa is working for him.

Tania finds a syringe in the wastebasket. Uh oh!

Bruno keeps trying to get Tito to fall for his gay advances, and Tito is weakening. In Bruno's straight life, he's sleeping with Sara, WAS sleeping with Catalina, WANTS to sleep with Yaya (those two may end up together).

I like the fact that this show is NOT too intense. It's very light and fun.

I feel out of the loop since I missed two weeks. Can anyone tell me why the guard is so kind and helpful to Carola. It just seems unbelievable. (What else is new??)She's another Carmen for Carola.

I am curious to know when this is going to end. I've lost interest, but after being tuned in for so long, I would like to know what happens at the end. While I am usually wrong, I see a houseful of women --Pilar, Rebeca, Pilar's mom, Karen and the kids living together. I see Javier and Nibaldo living together. And Eva, Yolanda, and Carola
together. Hopefully, Emilio, Hilda and little Ignacia will have their own home. (And what's with ignacia's health? Did I miss her cure?) I can't believe that emilio with all his technical skills can only find work as a male hooker. And finally, I think Ismael and Inaki will kill each other. As for Raquel --who knows and who cares???? Does anyone know when the show is finished?

Jean, thanks for the info on Dona Barbara

Una Maid
Well thanks Hombre for the summary. I admit that Bruno and Yaya are two of my favorite characters. It's hard to say which way Bruno will jump...he seems smitten with both Sara and Catalina. Wouldn't it be a hoot if he fell for Bruno for real?
Just kidding, hehehe.
And the writers have some redemption in store for Victor, that would be nice.
J in Oregon


Thanks for the recap of Monday's show, Hombre. Looking forward to your recap of Tuesday's episode. I just watched it and I know the interviewer started asking Ty questions about Cris & Marisa's romance, but I wasn't clear on everything he was saying and why it was upsetting the Parkers so much.
I don't like Bruno flirting with Tito. I think it's mean and manipulative. I also don't see where that storyline is going. So what if we find out Tito is actually gay? What will that do for the overall storyline? I just don't see where it's going. It seems like time filler.
I think Victor and Lety will end up together. I've said how much I dislike Victor, but in the last 2 episodes my opinion of him is slowly changing. Maybe he could be a semi-good person. Maybe Lety will help get him on the right track.
Catalina throwing herself at Cris was pathetic. She needs to back off and stop bothering the Parkers and Marisa. I wonder if Ty will be okay...

La Casa

Was surprised at the interesting episode last night, this thing should have ended a long time ago. Surprised they let Gonzalo talk so long to Pilar and no phone call to the cops or have the cops standing by to capture a mass killer. That was so weird. You're a mass killer as Pilar was telling him, but that's alright, just leave?????

I did not like the sneak peek of tonight's episode with Gonzalo and Carola, that looked brutal.

Wikipedia says last episode is the 20th of January. I think I saw a promo that a new TN starts on 24th?

La Casa de al Lado: martes

Damn, this was apparently the wrong episode to miss most of! I came in about two-thirds into this one, just in time to see Gonzaki's red-eyed epic crybaby freakout over Pilar discovering who he really was via Carola's libreto, mixed with his begging her to stay with him because he could never hurt her or her kids and his raving about hearing voices and not wanting to be a bad person any more. He couldn't be just evil, he had to be crazy too? (Gabriel Porras has now replaced Carmen Villalobos as the person in Telemundo's repertory group most in need of a role as a perfectly harmless, good person.) Pilar is simultaneously "You broke my heart, Gonzalo/whatever!" impactada and furious at him for everything he did, and ultimately rejects him--just in time for Emilio to try to stop him from leaving, and they end up getting into a fight on Pilar's front lawn. Gonzo does make a quick getaway to his apartment, packs a bag, has a quick chat with a hallucinatory and spiteful Pilar, and bails for points unknown...

What's amazing is that Gonzaki being outed--apparently Pilar and Emilio, at least, have read the libreto by the end of the episode and everybody in their circle now knows what's up--was trumped by a completely loony and all-too-brief scene where Javier wanders into his house where Karen and Nibaldo were fielding various phone calls about Emilio's video. (Where was he before this?) When they explain what's been going on, he takes their phones and absolutely murders both of them--and proclaims that "no telephone will ever be answered again in this house."

So this all means the only central character to get anything faintly resembling a happy ending will be Pilar--and that's apparently going to be by herself...?


Great comments, Bill. Here's what went on before you tuned in:

Emilio has published the video of Rebeca on the college of attorneys' website, branding Javier as a "delinquent". Javier comes to the Conde apartment to yell at him for this, and Emilio goes nuts on him, yelling that he's scum, he even tried to rape Hilda, and he'll pay. They fight, he knocks Javier to the ground and kicks him about ten times, even taking pictures of Javier on the ground, before he (Emilio) has to leave to meet with Pilar about something life or death, which was the libreta. Javier staggers home.

Adolfmael sutures up the gun wounds of Raquel (they're both now in his warehouse, since her home was staked out by police). She barely winces, tough as Rambo, and seems to have Adolfomael back in her power for the rest of their plan. One funny line was when Adolfmael says to her "don't you think everyone needs a family, someone to love, someone to be with, someone to share things with?" She responds "No."

One reason why the cops didn't arrive is that the cops in this show are idiots, whether called or not. The other reason is that Pilar actually admitted she still loves Gonzaki. So she doesn't want the cops to get him, but she's through with him, and wants him to leave town (which he seems to be doing).

Yes, everyone now knows, and La Guardia even comes to the house to confirm that Gonzalo's a murderer. She should have read the script about those "dispensable" characters.

My favorite part of the episode? Diego and Andrea are in the park with baby Ignacia in a carriage, who won't stop crying. But Diego sets up his Ipad in the carriage, turns it to his favorite program (something with cartoon cats), and the baby is content. Diego then says "thanks to Dish Latino, you can watch your favorite programs anywhere you are!" :)


Since Cris rejected Catalina, she wants revenge. She sets up an interview with Tyron and Amelia Parker, conducted by her boss, Steve Martinez. Steve starts off with nice questions about Tyron's community activities, when he gets handed a folder (provided by Catalina), which causes him to change his line of questioning. He says "Isn't it true that you set up the whole Queen's Cinderella scandal yourself, just to get you some press coverage?" This is so outrageous that Tyron doesn't know what to say. Steve says "Can I take your silence as an admission?" Tyron gets more upset. Steve adds, "didn't you have Marisa investigated?" Tyron blurts out he would never use his family or son's personal life to help his campaign. But Steve keeps up the unfair questions, and Tyron apparently has a heart attack. Cris has rushed to the studio, and they're taking Tyron to the hospital.

Tania tells her galpals she found a syringe in Jerome's things, he could be using drugs. Marisa thinks (correctly) Stan might be behind this.

Sara wants to tell Cris the truth about Catalina, but she can't, since Catalina would tell the truth about HER.

I agree, what's the point with Tito? I guess if he admits he's gay, Bruno and Sara could blackmail him to force him to help Sara win Cris. But he's already trying to convince Cris to go with Sara!

Calixta tries to be nice to Marcela, who doesn't return the kindness, thinking Callie's trying to take away her role as mother. Callie says if you need a friend, I'm right next door. But if you want to be my enemy --- I'm right next door!


Thanks for the recaps, Bill and Hombre.

One additional detail, Javier went ballistic on Emilio telling him they threw him out of the college of attorneys. That was fast! I wonder if this is telenovela speak for the bar association? Or if they meant some kind of fraternal organization. Judging by the vehemence of his reaction, it seems to me that maybe he can't practice law any more.

In cheap horror movie fashion, Pilar doesn't seem to be worried about her vengeful twin being on the loose. No police parked outside, nada. We're sure to get a "she's baaaaack" scene down the road.

Can this thing possibly have eight more episodes? They announced last night that Relaciones Peligrosas (I think that's the right title) is to start January 24. I had been thinking this would be over sooner

January 24 is a Tuesday...assuming no skips that leaves us with nine episodes, including tonight's. Most of the little stuff is out of the way now, though; at this point they still need to

- kill off or capture Raquel, Adolfmael, and Gonzaki (in that order, I suspect);
- get Carola out of prison;
- get Rebeca out of the manicomio;
- figure out what the hell they're doing with Yolanda, Nibaldo and Karen.


Flor challenges Abel Torres about sitting at the table she’d planned as being honorary for Rafa. The arrogant little brat tells her this means they must honor killers in NE. She replies that she doesn’t have to give him explanations. She has Abelardo set up another table for him and sends him a bottle of something to drink. As a joke, she tells Noodle she’ll shoot her in the eye if she seats anyone else at Rafa’s table.

When Flor sits at his table, Abel plays a little cat and mouse game with her. He says he knows she was in love with a married man, who was killed, then married an honorable man, then left him for a murderer. She doesn’t like this at all.

Ines shows up at Rocío’s house and watches her while she asks over and over who’s there. She finally moves a table in front of her blind rival, causing her to fall down. She seems a bit horrified about what she’s done. Later she asks the Virgencita to help her because José María is getting closer to Rocío because of his pity. She gets a bright idea that something should happen to her to make JM pity her even more. This sounds better than a fake (or real) pregnancy, something I’ve been worried about for weeks.

JM shows up and comforts Rocío, who is hysterical about the person who was there and would not speak. She heard them breathing. He puts his arms around her again, showing her how she can hit someone with the cane if this happens again. This time she doesn’t push him away.

Johnny almost strangles Enrique to death and then kicks him, holding a gun on him. Enrique is too smart for him, though, and says Alicia is just one of the prostitutes to him. Later Alicia almost loses it with Johnny when he comes to gloat over what he did, saying Enrique is a coward. But she catches herself in time and plays the role of the tough woman.

Diana and Catalina have a bitch-off on the balcony of the hotel. Diana snarks that Sacto never mentioned her or the baby she says is his. Cat says that the women in this town end up alone, and that she shouldn’t take an “adventure” too seriously.

Abel asks the bodyguard to ask Flor to join him at his table. He asks her how much for a night with her and pulls out a huge wad of cash. He’s heard she drives men crazy, and he wants to find this out for himself. She says she’s not available for any man, and what about one of her girls. He says that, if he’d wanted one of them, he’d have asked for her. “I’m going to be your last man, Flor”. Flor: Mi amor, limpiáte los mocos antes de decir esto [Honey, wipe the snot off your nose before asking me this.] He says she’s the only one he wants in his bed and she replies that this is not ever going to happen.

Rafa sends a message that he wants to see Rufino. He asks him to find out everything he can about Abel Torres. The guy knows too much about him.

Flor comes to see Rafa in his cell. They exchange loving glances, hold hands, and finally kiss through the bars. His lawyer shows up and tells him not to plead guilty until the Fiscal (prosecutor) presents his evidence. But he fears it will be 30 years. When they show the courtroom scene, this is the case. The Fiscal asks for a trial and for a sentence of 30 years if he’s guilty. Flor sobs in Rafa’s arms.

Zahra approaches Abel at the breakfast table and shows him the picture of her son. Do you recognize this boy?

Great recap, as usual, Novelera.
I thought the scene with Rigoberto in bed apparently suffering from an ulcer (diagnosed by Ines) was weird. On Monday's episode, Francisco and Zahra pass on Abel's congratulations on good service to the Rigoberto, Olga and the rest. Then in last night's episode, Rigoberto in incapacitated. I understand the purpose of the scene is to bring Olga and Rigoberto closer but I was thinking maybe something was cut or maybe I just missed it.


Bill, we don't really know if they're going to resolve this show in a happy way, or in a shocking way. If it's the latter, they have plenty of other possible victims, each of which could provide a whole episode of shock and grieving. We've got Cecilia, Eva, Emilio and Javier as possible murder victims, either by Raquel, Adolfmael or Gonzaki. The original four main cast members were Pilar, Javier, Ignacia and Gonzalo. Ignacia is dead. Could there be a show where all 4 main characters ended up dead??!!


Thanks to Hombre and Bill C for the witty capettes.

Wow. This is a great time to jump back in, just when everyone is starting to sort out the various truths.

I don't think the Condes get it that Raquel has done them even more harm than Iñaki has. They are in for a few surprises -- and so, I suspect, is the viewer.

Hombre, you're right about the best moment in the episode -- I cracked up at the TV promo (not to mention its child-rearing implications.) I wonder if they delete that kind of garbage when they sell the episodes out of the country.

I'm not surprised that Pilar was unwilling to turn Gonzaki in to the police. Both Carola and Ignacia allowed Adolfael to escape many times because of their emotional ties to him, even knowing he was a dangerous killer. Maybe the subtitle of the novela should be Psychopathic killers and the neurotic women who love them: a case study.

NJ Sue, the prison guard refused to help Carola at first, telling her bluntly: I don't do favors. But eventually, sucked in by Carola's single-minded insistence that delivering her truth was a matter of life or death, she drank the Carola Kool-Aid and undoubtedly she'll pay the same price as everyone else who has taken a sip. [Or as Hombre put it: She should have read the script about those "dispensable" characters.]

I'm delighted with the fate the writers devised for Javier (yeah, Novelera, I'm sure that was Novela-speak for the American Bar Association) and I love the way Miguel Varoni has been hamming it up as the bully who is, at heart, a snivelling coward.

I'm also enjoying Gabriel Porras doing the many faces of Gonzaki.

Not so much the whole Karen-Nibaldo-Yolanda-Carlitos shtick. But some people think Karen is a hoot, so who am I to complain?


Hombre, I could see this ending with Pilar the only major character left standing. And then we catch sight of the scar on her shoulder and we realize it's Raquel!

Una Maid,
Thanks as always Hombre for the summary.
That actress that plays Catalina is quite stunning. Regardless, when she dropped her robe, Cristobal was just staring with a blank look on his face. The little showdown between Catalina and Sara promises to heat up.
As I recall, Sara originally instructed Bruno to "seduce" Tito so they could get insider info from him about Cristobal. But how far is Bruno willing to go for Sara!
J in Oregon

La Casa

NovelaMaven, what an excellent plot. I can see that happening also.

It would be funny if this ended like the movie Wanted, where they stand in a circle and one bullet kills all of them.


tnx Bill and Hombre. excellent recaps and comments.
these final episodes are not as strong as I was expecting but yet there are some intresting parts.
I hope Raquel will finish Cecilia off ASAP. I really can't bear her.

I agree with you about loony stuff of Karen-Yolanda-Nibaldo. I skip them all.

NovelaMaven I loved your idea for the ending scene! haha. Pilar with a scar on her shoulder. great.

"I'm also enjoying Gabriel Porras doing the many faces of Gonzaki"
amazingly he can be both wild and gentle in the highest degree! PERFECT.


Jean, I sort of remember them saying something Monday night about Rigoberto not feeling well and Olga having made most of the dinner.

Then last night they came up with his bleeding ulcer. Yes, this is a device to get these two together. But he's got a long way to win me over. He's a self-righteous idiot.

LA CASA DE AL LADO – miércoles

Once more we see Gonzo beating the snot out of Emilio – the latter hampered by his tight orange pants. Gonzaki – and the maldita libreta – flee into the night.

La Guardia – no little flower, she – walks boldly into the Miami night after sharing her small triumph with Carola. Now she senses evil. She crouches, tries to become invisible. But Gonzo swoops down and with a brutal knife thrust takes her life. She had no right to reveal his secret and destroy what he and Pilar had together!

The conscious Javier seems without empathy but the dreaming Javier experiences Rebeca’s infierno as his own. He startles awake and tells Nibaldo: Tomorrow you need to come with me ...

Pilar admits to Cecilia that, even knowing what she knows, she still loves Gonzo. And she’s not afraid of him – her heart breaks for the guilt and pain he must be feeling, for the path in life he never chose. And he loves her as no one else has ever done. And Javier? The only one he ever loved was himself.

Emilio – A man, a plan, and tight orange pants.
He tells Eva how Carola’s diary exposed Gonzo as Iñaki; how Gonzo planted the drugs in Carola’s mochila to shut her up. Now all they have to do is get Gonzaki to confess. Easy peasy, right?

Eva still thinks Javier is the greatest thing since sliced bread, the only one who can free Carola. She never trusted Gonzalo, she repeats ad nauseum. And she’s annoyed at Emilio for impugning Javier’s professional credentials just now when they need him. But he tells her not to worry – he has a Plan.

Adolfael keeps vigil over Raquel. She’s feverish -- her wound is infected. He treats her with antibiotics and TLC. She’s his kind of girl, fearless, strong. Nuts. They share a psychokiss.

Emilio’s plan: To wire Pilar and record Gonzo confessing 1) that he framed Carola and 2) that he committed murder. Will Pilar do it? She’s the only one who can pull it off, the only one Gonzo trusts ...

Imperious Eva commands Javier to take over Carola’s case. He tries to get out of it but yields to her blandishments. The Best Lawyer in the Country, indeed. He puffs up just a little.

Javier’s disgraceful rep precedes him, even at the prison; and the warden (el alcaide) is surprised the Conde family have chosen him to be Carola’s advocate. But Carola is thrilled and quickly brings him up to speed on Gonzo as asesino Iñaki.

This doesn’t go the way Carola had hoped. Javier promptly forgets all about his would-be client and her problems – he has to warn Pilar! He is on his way out when he crosses paths with Gonzaki -- there to resign from the case -- and the warden.

Carola runs at Gonzo and the guards have to drag her away. Javier tells Gonzo he’ll pay for what he has done. He’s a killer. A criminal. That’s odd, says the warden, that’s just what they’re saying about you.

Now Carola has no lawyer at all. And no friends inside either. (She doesn’t know that la guardia has joined the daisy chain of victims.)

Yolanda confesses to Nibaldo that Carlitos never existed. She leaves sadly, her head bowed. Nibaldo, however, is so happy he breaks into song as he waters the garden.

Cecilia advises Javier to butt out of the Gonzaki Affair right now. They have a Plan afoot. But he ignores her and runs up to Pilar’s bedroom. Pilar orders him to get out. He is shocked – she sounds just like Raquel! He just wants to keep her from doing something she’ll regret. She retorts: The thing she most regrets in life is marrying him!

Pilar will do it! (Or will she?)
She calls Gonzaki and they arrange to meet. Emilio wires her and will be close by to record their conversation. Diego wants to come along too but Pilar and Emilio dissuade him from doing so.

They are just about to leave when Javier steps up and declares to Pilar: The only way you’re doing this is OVER MY DEAD BODY! Uh oh. Poor choice of words, Javier.

La Casa

Thank you Novela Maven. I did not watching the killing and had to switch channels during the scene with Javier and Gonzalo in the police station. All I could think about was Hombre's words of the police being so stupid.

Seriously, the guard who knew all about Gonzalo, and had felt she had been followed the previous night, takes no precautions the next day? Incredible.


Great recap, NovelaMaven. I agree, Pilar at one point was acting more like Raquel. And Raquel, in giving in to Adolfmael's advances, is acting more subservient, more like Pilar.

Plans. Yes, in this show, they almost always go awry, whether done by the villains or the good guys. So the chances that Emilio's plan will work are pretty slim.

Carola now has no lawyer. If this were the United States of America, that wouldn't be allowed under the 6th amendment. But this is the United State of Telenovela, so it's okay.

I really like Nibaldo's singing voice. We've now heard him several times, and it's always good.

Cecilia was a bit mean to Andrea, who wanted an explanation about why Cecilia gave up one of her daughters for adoption. I'm sure there's a calm way to explain this, but Ceci didn't even attempt that.

I liked how Gonzaki has now rented a new apartment, "for a few days", and gave his name as Roberto Acosta. He might even have ID showing that name (not that any rental place (hospital, law firm, marriage license place, I could go on) in this show would ever THINK to ask for ID!


J in Oregon, you asked how far is Bruno willing to go in his gay caper. Yaya, amidst some heterosexual grappling with Bruno, asks him the same thing. Could it be that Bruno actually plays for BOTH teams?

Ty is going to recover from his heart attack. But the doctor firmly tells Amelia and Cris that Ty can't keep up his re-election campaign. They can't bear to tell him.

Melisa is quite the samaritan. First, she just happens to think that Carmen must be upset, and goes over to the Parker mansion, makes Carmen some camomile tea with a touch of garlic, and Carmen feels better. Whiles she's inside, Gojo and Belinda are outside, since they came in a car from Gojo's shop to save cabfare.

Gojo and Belinda have a beautiful scene, in which he reveals he has a 15 year old son he hasn't seen in years. He had a rough split from his ex, and doesn't want to rock the boat. Both he and Belinda are very, very hurt, but very, very ready for love, and they have one of the softest, tenderest, neediest, loving kisses I've even seen in a novela. I really felt their attraction.

Marisa's next good samaritan duty is to accompany Belinda to her apartment to make sure Hugo isn't there. He isn't, and Belinda says it feels like a whole new place.

Then Marisa goes to the hospital, to see Ty. She doesn't want Cris to think she's just trying to see HIM. Ty wakes up when Marisa's in his room, and is VERY grateful that Marisa thought of him. After a few minutes, he falls back to sleep, at which point Amelia comes in, livid at Marisa, saying why are you here? You CAUSED this! Marisa meekly exits, saying you're being unfair, Señora.

And Marisa's day gets worse when she sees Sara comforting Cris. Sara spots Mari, and purposely makes it LOOK as if she and kiss were kissing, when actually, their faces were just close. Mean Sara!

Calixta gets Stan to agree to some business venture in which they're 50/50. Stan still thinks he knows her from somewhere.

Tania confronts Jerome about the syringe, who admits it was steroids, but then stalks out.

Belinda and Victor bump into each other again, kiss again.

I just have to say, I know she's bad, but I just LOVE Yaya! She's so upbeat, cute and just fun to listen to!


Whoops, sorry for the typos. I meant Marisa, not Melisa. And it Cris who was kissing, not "Kiss"! And LETY kissed Victor. Sorry about that :)

This comment has been removed by the author.

FLOR SALVAJE - Miércoles

Brief recaps today and tomorrow. I'm addicted enough to watch the novela, but I'm having a very busy week.

Rafa and Flor put on a rather silly display in the courtroom. I know they're completely in love now, but really. The reporters photograph all the passionate kisses and the judge tells them the defense can't say anything because of their behavior.

Zahra is trying in vain to get something out of Abel. She shows him the photo of her son and asks if he knows him. She explains the gravestone. She buried some of his baby things so she'd have a place to visit. The little freak doesn't warm up at all at this and smirks after she leaves. This actor is all smirk, all the time.

Cat announces to the board that she's taking over Rafa's job at the petrolera.

Boy, if Rafa is faking being willing to go to prison, he's doing a great job of it. He even (gasp!) tells Flor he wants her to be happy with another man.

Abel is now ready to have the land he purchased planted in coca. Johnny has hired workers. Both Avelino and Luisa have noticed that a bunch of workers have quit their haciendas. Catalina and Sacto are too busy obsessing over their love lives to notice this. When Johnny asks the Little Prince about the authorities, he replies that he plans to become closer to the Mayor and that that guy has his weaknesses.

Ana spies Johnny and Abelardo putting the drugs in Alicia's room. She's immediately suspicious and later threatens to tell Flor on Abe. She doesn't actually see the drugs. Their backs were turned to her.

Boy, the actor playing Mariano is good. My skin crawls when he's around Rocío. He gets irate finding her helping the P's plan a farewell to single status party for Zahra. When she agrees to go live with him, he's overjoyed and plants a couple of creepy kisses on her.

Manuela plans a 16th birthday party for Susana. She invites Flor and Ana. Frigida gets off a few bitchy remarks, but is shut down quickly. Susana is overjoyed; she's never had birthday presents before. Sacto has paid for her to go to a private school in the capital and from there to university. He then can't resist one more run on Amanda, who asks him not to do this at Susana's party. Dudi gives Susana a necklace.

Rufino hasn't gotten much on Abel. He says that whenever Abel goes to a town, prosperity follows but also crime. This is fairly ridiculous that a 22 year old would have a track record of a bunch of towns corrupted.

FLOR SALVAJE - Miércoles

Forgot one interesting thing. Ana pipes up at the birthday party that she saw Ines on the Calle de Consuelo with a shawl on her head. Ines looks scared and José María looks intrigued.


Nothing happened.
Well, actually all the storylines repeated a bit. Lety's drawn to Victor but doesn't want to mess up her friendship with Marisa. Victor, later, praises himself for a good "acting job". Uh oh. Jerome has promised Tania to stop steroids, but he won't, since there's a big tryout, and Stan has him hooked.

Lalo asks Joaquin, how much do WE KIDS earn for our concerts? Ooops. Joaquin wanted all the money for himself (and the "program") and fumbles for an answer.

Bruno is sent by Sara back to Catalina, who rejects him. He tells Yaya that Catalina and Tito are just "business", but he REALLY likes her.

Ty was woozy when Marisa was there. He later asks Amelia if Mari was there and Amelia pretty much says no way. But a little later, Ty remembers Mari WAS there, and asks Amelia, why did you say she wasn't?

Cris runs into Mari in the hotel. he wants to talk, but she doesn't, since she thinks she saw him kissing Sara.

Amelia reams out Carmen (Nana) for being mean to Sara, saying we love you as our housekeeper, but don't cross that line!

Lucas tries to hint to Tito that Bruno isn't trustworthy, but Tito doesn't listen. He's still just about to come out of the closet, although still resisting Bruno.

Catalina gets reamed out by her boss Steve for causing Ty's heart attack, and she says it's not her fault. But he's mad.

Calixta is still working on a deal with Stan, although she really hates him.

See? Nothing happened :)


We have 3 serial murderers on the loose. But that doesn't prevent Hilda with telling Yolanda and Eva her money making idea. They could advertise Nibaldo as a wedding singer! Yes, the gals agree to take pictures, put it on the internet, and make some money for the family. Karen's snubbed. Too bad, toots.

In the jail, Carola finds out that Maria, the good guard, has disappeared and won't answer her phone. She flashes back to her warning that everyone who found out the truth died. She knows.

Raquel does NOT want to be "family" with Adolfmael, but she DOES want to end this whole thing. Tonight, they'll kill Cecilia and blame Pilar. It's Adolfmael's job to bring Cecilia to the hideout, at whatever cost.

Javier didn't want Pilar to go with Gonzalo, but Gonzo pulls a gun, and Javier's weak baby personality prevents him from doing any more. He lets them go, but he does call Nibaldo, orders him to free Rebeca, and Nibaldo DOES! Rebeca is wheeled out to Nibaldo's car, and is now heading back to join the fun.

The plan to get Gonzalo to confess isn't going too well. Pilar keeps saying I'm not leaving until you tell me the truth, but he keeps saying let's pack, let's go, we'll have plenty of time later. Despite the kids' and Cecilia's worries, everybody packs up, gets in the car, and they're on the way to the airport in the car, with tickets for their new life in Spain. Gonzalo sort of acts as if he knows what's going on, but he really doesn't.

We find this out because FINALLY, at a stop light, Pilar starts jumping out of the car. She won't get back in until Gonzo tells the truth. Didn't you put those drugs in Carola's knapsack? Well, yes, I had to, but I'm turning my life around now. And you killed those nurses, right? (how does Pilar know anything about that?), Well, yes.

A short distance away in another car, Emilio and Javier are ecstatic. It was all on tape. We've GOT him!

But Gonzalo looks at Pilar's jacket, sees a little microphone attached, asks, wait a minute. What's going on here!!!???

LA CASA -- jueves

Thanks, Hombre, for the usual terrific and succinct summary.

Gonzalo sort of acts as if he knows what's going on, but he really doesn't.

I also thought Gonzo looked like he knew it was a trap and I was surprised by his eleventh hour confession. And although I was mildly surprised that Pilar went through with the plan, despite her feelings for Gonzaki, I didn't expect her to be dumb enough to put her kids at risk too.

The plan to launch Nibaldo's career is soooooooo realistic. As realistic as the rest of the story, I guess. But it was funny to see Karen with her nose out of joint. ("Too bad, toots!" is right!)


Great recap, Hombre. I envy your ability to be concise.

What ever happened to evil, leering satanic Adolfmael? He's sort of behaving like Igor to Dr. Frankenstein (Raquel). Yes, master, I'll bring you those body parts.

Let's see now. Hilda, Emilio, Eva, la niña, and Yolanda are all supposed to live off what Nibaldo makes singing at events. Wow!


Rufino hints Abel may be interested in Flor. Rafa says that, if that is happening, they’ll have to add 30 more years to his sentence. [What ever happened to his being OK with her finding another man? Of course, he’s met Abel and smells a rotten guy.]

Abel works on his smirk, telling Johnny that he’s heard Mariano Guerrero is corrupt enough to sell his soul for power and money.

Mariano is definitely on a power trip. He shows up with Cat at Susana’s birthday party as if he’s her escort and date. He tells Sacto he’s becoming attached to Cat’s baby and wants to be its paternal figure. Sacto erupts, telling him HE will be the child’s father in all ways.

Zahra seems distressed that Abel has sent Flor flowers and asks about what he said to her. Flor tells her that he said he had wanted to come to NE for a long time, but could not do it until Rafael Urrieta was a prisoner. [This seems odd to me. This guy is full of himself. Is he afraid of Rafa and doesn’t risk his revenge with him loose?]

Everyone keeps saying Rafael has been sentenced to 30 years. Is this because the judge stopped the inquest because Flor and Rafa were kissing in court? What happened to a trial? OK, I know, I know. The telenovela jurisprudence system rides again.

We are treated to a flashback of a nasty looking grandma telling Abelito that his father didn’t even want him to be born and that his mother left him with her and went back to where she was before. Later we see Zahra’s flashback, bribing that same crooked doctor that was sexually abusing the P’s NOT to abort her. Definitely tacked on. How could she hide the ensuing bulge from Rafa?

Alicia agrees to make the drug and money exchange in the middle of the plaza. Johnny seems obsessed with getting her into the cartel and drops off a photo of her for Abel at the hotel. He tries to deliver it himself, but isn’t permitted go to past reception, especially after Tío recognizes him as the jerk who tried to sell him Alicia in Timotes. Enrique has asked Tío to front him some cash for what will be a major story. Tío agrees but Enrique has to return to the newspaper as a reporter. They hug. Later, Enrique speaks with a guy in a hotel room who appears to be the one who will pretend to want to make a big drug buy. The money is in the usual briefcase.

Cat blows up at Mariano when they return to the hacienda. She says she’s not his pareja. and he should stop behaving as if she were. Mariano pays no attention to this. Luisa is right. They won’t get him out of her hacienda unless it’s feet first. Mariano definitely has a thing for her, but, for me, his stronger emotion is being a hacendado.

Correcaminos comes to the hacienda looking for her little brat. He refuses to go with her. Now that she’s back to work at the 4P, he’s refusing to be around her. Sacto diplomatically offers for Gabriel to spend more time at the hacienda since he gets on well with the girls. Everyone’s happy for the time being, except for Dudi, who doesn’t like CC’s big hug with Sacto.

Rufino obliquely threatens Flor when he encounters her on horseback in the street. She tells Rafa, but for once his danger meter is malfunctioning. He tells her Rufino is unconditionally loyal.

Zahra’s despedida de soltera is a massage, bubble bath, champagne, and lots of laughs with the P’s.

Sacramento, JM, and Avelino are discussing why all the workers are quitting and working elsewhere. One of the workers says he knows nothing.

Abel holds up a bullet and says he has a wedding present for “mama”. Uh oh!

Thanks for the recap, Novelera.
I'm glad you thought that Rafa seems to have been sentenced to 30 years in prison without even what passes for a trial on a novela.

Yes, Mariano is strutting like a peacock. But if he wanted to be a hacendado, he has Lourdes' hacienda, right? Maybe that one is not grand enough for his new opinion of himself.

Did Abel appear to have some reaction to the picture of Malicia? Maybe he is just impressed by her but he saw her at the 4P's. It seemed like he figured out that she isn't the aspiring drug dealer Johnny made her out to be.

The despida party was fun - everybody was relaxed and having a good time.


Hombre, tnx so much

"Gonzalo sort of acts as if he knows what's going on, but he really doesn't."

It would have been a much more interesting plot, but well "intelligent" Inaki is just as stupid as other characters in the show. plus we didn't have enough time for such a twist since we had to hear about Hilda's wonderful business plan (Hilda please don't worry about your husband!)
I wonder if doing this plan Pilar is intended to be liked by viewers? I think at least they should have showed her suffering from it. maybe they want us to believe what a strong woman that sniffling Pilar is. to me she looks insane rather than strong!


Raquel plans to kill her mother and have Pilar blamed for it.

There's a big flaw in this. Everyone in the cast knows Pilar has an evil twin. Some of them saw the two of them at the same time in Pilar's house.

Does Raquel think they're magically going to suspect Pilar instead of her, given her track record.


"Does Raquel think they're magically going to suspect Pilar instead of her"

there is a simple answer: the viewers are not supposed to think about HOWs and WHYs here :)


So this is a first, I've never seen the boss man get his door opened for him as well as helped in and out when HE'S THE ONE DRIVING!! LOL. Watch when Abel is putting around town in his little red Hummer, too much.

Any scene with Mariano is gold. This guy just brings it.

I'm so tired of Corre's act. Such a low level of intelligence I suppose, the way she walks around ignorant as to how she treated Dudi and the fact that she can't even raise her own kid...

El Asqueroso is a little less so lately I think. He's more tolerable as his role is more serious now. I kind of like watching his admiration for Alicia and how he's noticing she's not only drop dead gorgeous, but has a multitude of talents at the same time.

I need more scenes with Diana and less scenes with Piruetas and the P's.

Oh, and more scenes with Rocio and JM.

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