Saturday, January 14, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #10 Friday 1/13/12 The Golden Handcuffs Come Out

Cap. 10

Holy frijoles, telenovela fans!  Ana Paula’s left the building and Rogelio’s turned into a green-eyed Grinch. The arrogant Iberian ice queen, Vanessa, has refused to apologize to Nana Maria and, furthermore, she refuses to leave the premises until she’s good and ready despite Regelio Mont-ogro’s ordering it. Vainessa waits for him to roll in front of her and then bends over, laying a major lip-lock on RoHellio.  She tells stone-hearted Rog that she loves him, but she’s done begging him any longer.  She struts off leaving Cinthia as flabbergasted as all get out.

Cynthia feels the need to plead Nessa’s case if she’s not about to do it herself since, now that Ana Paula has left like all the others, it’s her only chance of getting out of being Big Bro-Hellio’s nurse-maid the rest of her natural born life!  Ro-Hellio growls at her to stop meddling in his affairs.  Oh-Hellio tells his kid sis that he didn’t feel a thing when Vainessa kissed him.  “I stopped feeling things a while ago.” (Viewerville knows he’s lying cuz we all saw that tortured look on his face when she was giving him a neck rub the episodio before.  Yeah, I’d say this guy definitely had all his parts purring when Vainessssa laid that lip-lock on his kisser.  His motor runs a sound enough engine—just can’t get past the mental image of not being the one on top and “in control” I s’pose.)

Sinthia races off to the slave quarters looking to find a bit of consolation with Efrain.  Consuelo (“Consolation” in English, and an apt name for a gal who’s Efrain’s babe-on-the-rebound) is there ahead of Sin and begins giving Effer a back rub with ointment.  Effer makes it clear that he’s hoping the back rub leads shortly to a mutually acceptable exchange of front rubs.  The door accidentally slips open and Sin sees Effer and Connie in a most compromising position; however, she thinks better about making a scene.  Instead, she turns on her heel and races off just as Connie remembers she’s supposed to be a good girl and, thus, races back out the way she came—and just in the nick of time to avoid losing her "vertudes".  Connie starts back towards the main house and sees La Senorita Sinthia angrily racing back on the path to the house just a few yards ahead.  Suddenly Consuela remembers that tall tale tripping readily off Efrain’s ever-ready lips, that the scarf Connie found in Sin’s room was left while he was moving furniture for Sin, helping her find an expensive earring she’d dropped.

Maria finds RoHell in bed, not wanting to come down for dinner.  She offers to give him his therapy session since Paula left her a drawing [dibujo] which shows her how to do the leg exercises.  He refuses and says he sees no reason since he’ll never walk again.  He calls Bruno to make sure that they haven’t missed something in the contract with Federico and to see if Bruno’s found AP yet.  Bruno’s at dinner and takes a moment after hanging up to think about good times with Ana Paula.  She’s got to come back, he tells himself, because his future happiness depends upon it.

Maria hands Oh-Hellio the letter that AP left her in her cookbook.  Oh-Hell wants to read it cuz he’s sure it says something about him in it.  He takes his medicine for Maria and she’s suddenly happy as a clam.  He waits till Maria leaves before opening Paula’s letter.

          “I can’t put up with it any longer, Maria!  I fear that I won’t be able to control myself the next time he beats someone and that he’ll end up whipping me!  I tried speaking with him but he was totally obnoxious.  Make sure that he takes his medicine and that he continues his physical therapy.”

Oh-Hellio sighs sadly and tells himself that Paula must return to Hacienda Hell Fuerte.

AP and Gus are still at Fermin’s granddaughter’s (Melina) house.  Paula is asleep on Gus’s shoulder while he chats up the girl’s mom, Carment, who turns out to be a widow.  Gus says he’ll sleep on an easy chair.  That means that AP will end up on the couch or something.

AP arrives home, her virginity in tact, with Gus.  Rosaura is furious when Ana Paula returns though, especially with Gustavo in tow.  She slaps her a good one across the chops without even giving her a chance to explain why she left or what she’dreally been doing with Gus.  You’re a slut and an ungrateful girl!  What are you doing with him???  Gus tries defending her from Tia Rosie.  “--You stayed with this man?? You left a job like that without giving any explanation!  You don’t do something like that! –Or did you have some other reason???“  “--Excuuuuuuse me, lady!  You shouldn’t treat Ana that way!  How about giving us a chance to explain?  We didn’t do anything wrong! Rest assured we’ll continue the relationship, too!”  Paula begs him to leave and to let her handle it alone.  MentiRosie continues to ballyhoo and bellyache with much ado and phenomenally feigned disconsolation.  “--How are we going to live no-oo-o-o-o-o-w-w-ww?”  AP rubs her stinging cheek and looks trapped.

In what passes for downtown San Gabriel, Marcaria is chatting it up with a group of town gossips about the way she warned Ana Paula that none of the other nurses lasted and that she wouldn’t either when the café/store owner (and Marcaria’s husband? Boyfriend?) makes his machisto CYA move and chases them all away.

AP tries telling MentiaRosa that she has no idea what a hell it was working for that man.  Rosie reminds her that Bruno told them it wouldn’t be a piece of cake [miel sobre hojuelas = lit. honey over puff pastry].  AP feels like pulling her hair out.  “The man went over the limits with  everyone!!  I tried putting up with it—with him—but it was totally impossible!”  Tuff nutz, Rosie tells her.  She’s calling Bruno right away to come and get her.

Gus has lunch or something with his sis and tells her that he found the girl of his dreams again finally and she’s even more wonderful than he thought!  They got along great, tho’ there is one problem, but he thinks that’ll get solved right away.  He takes a call from David about the hotel project they’ve been working on and he’s got to get back to the office to discuss the project with him.

Rosie twists things purposely and blames AP for Sr. Mont-ogro’s rotten attitude in order to push Paula into feeling guilty and going back.   AP tells her she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.   Anyway, AP is determined to find a nursing job there.  Good luck with that, says Rosie.  Dani tried that too.  Know what she’s ended up doing?  Working as a secretary somewhere!!  Speaking of the Queen of Rome, in walks Dani and Mikey.  Immediately Rosie starts complaining that AP left her job but doesn’t know what she’s in for.  “—She left her job but doesn’t know how difficult things are.  She thinks everything will magically work itself out!  Hah!”  Mikey says no biggy.  The main thing is that she’s back home, safe and sound. 

Rosie tells them that she’s calling Bruno to take her back.  Rosie complains she’ll have a heart attack for real because of this spoiled brat.  Ana Paula screams back essentially not in this life he won’t and stomps out with Dani running after her.    MentiaRosa tells Mikey that his sister has changed.  It must be because she’s started dating this guy that she spent some the last couple of days with.  Certainly he took advantage of Ana Paula! She doesn’t have a boyfriend, says Mikey.  No, she didn’t used to, but she does now, says Rosie.  Mike’s incensed.   “—Who is this man??  Tell me!!”  (What’s it to you, anyway?  You mental midget!)

Gus, now, is telling his big sis how he’s keeping the hotel project environmentally safe and she’s happy he’ll be providing plenty of (good-paying?) jobs to people.  The best of it, says Gus, is that he’ll probably be promoted afterwards.

Dani asks AP if she’s refusing to return to work because the bossman’s such a dipsh!t or because she’d really rather stick around to hang out with this guy she’s just met.  After AP describes him and the relationship (just like in the fairytales) Dani is certain she’s fallen in love.  Fine, if that’s what love feels like, says Paula, I don’t want to stop feeling this way ever! 

After listening to more of manipulative complaints about his lack of a backbone, Milktoast Mikey also feels like giving Paula grief about supposedly fooling around with Gus over the past two days.  “—No guy is going to take advantage of my sister!”  Rosie still plays dumb about what the guy’s name is and how his sister met him.  She “begs” him not to go looking for a fight with him. 

Ana says she’s got to have a chance to explain things, because, really, Gus and Mont-ogro are worlds apart in personality.

AP and Dani re-enter the house and Mikey stomps on her with both feet.  Rosie rushes in and swears it’s not a lie!  Has AP finally changed her mind?  No!  AP swears that she’s going to get a job as a nurse thro’ his sister who’s also a nurse, they see! Rosie says that she forbids Ana Paula from ever seeing that guy again!!  AP can’t believe the way the two of them are treating her.  It’s so totally unfair!!

Later, back at the office, David tells Gus that he can’t—no, he won’t--allow the company to lose money by wasting it on the expense of those water treatment plants Gus suggested he build as part of the construction project.  Gus is totally undone.  He can’t believe his boss would play so dirty!  He specifically promised to put those treatment plants in for the fishermen “—I see you’re a dishonest man.” “—Open your eyes, Gustavo!  It’s the law of survival of the fittest!”  Gus can’t go back on his word to those fishermen.  He insists that David’s going to make millions off this project no matter what.  David tries to persuade Gus by reminding him he’d always thought of him as his right hand man and what a future he supposedly has.  However, he’s got to follow company directives [politicas].  Gus just can’t.  “—Then I’ll find myself another engineer who will follow this company’s policies.”  Gus says he’ll think about it and walks out.   

Rosie goes back to her old tricks, trying to get her niece to return to Rohellio’s dogmatic domicile and into Bruno’s waiting arms, and once the others have all left the living room, Rosie calls Bruno to come get her niece and take her back to Hell Fuerte. 

Back at Hell Fuerte, Effer interrupts another argument about Sin needing her freedom to suggest RoHell get a river-water expert to consult with them about how to avoid the floods that are due to come soon.  It’s flood season now.  RoHell says he’s not ready to think about that.  He’s got other business to attend to.  Effer leaves.  Sin giggles and asks if he’s thinking about getting another nurse now.  Nope, he says.  Sin knows full well he wants Paula back.  Sin’s smile does a 180 flip.

Gus complains to his sister that he won’t betray his principles or the fishermen no matter how much money he’s been offered.  Big Nursing Sis says good for him!

At Ana Paula’s meanwhile, Mikey asks Tia Rosie why she is so preoccupied with money these days.  She must know that they won’t leave her wanting.  Ana returns with her graduation certificate from the nursing school at that point.  She’s thrilled to be back in time to graduate with her classmates.  Rosie tries throwing a damper on the mini-celebration and says without work what does it matter.  AP says she’s put up a notice at school and she’ll try getting a job “through Gustavo’s sister”.  Mikey’s eyebrows raise at the mention of the name “Gustavo.”  AP is going to her graduation and then afterwards, celebrate with her classmates.  Yeah?  Well I suppose they charge for tickets and such, don’t they?  Yes, says Ana.  Well, since we don’t have money for any of that, get there any way you see fit to.  Mikey and AP roll their eyes at each other.

MentiRosie complains that night to Elena about her problems with her niece.  Elena reminds her she’d better not tell her the same story about no money to pay for that ring! 

At the same time, Vainessa and Elsa (aka  Elsie La Vaca?) are grousing at each other about her divorcing Esteban and moving back home.  Well, at least this should count for something then, Elsie must figure.  “—Will you get Rogelio to renew the contract with your father?”  Nope!  The two are not going to be doing bidness any longer, chides Nessa.  Mama Elsie for once has nothing left to say.

Rosie arrives home as AP comes back out of her bedroom.  She immediately hides the ring behind something on the end table in the living room.  AP still hasn’t changed her mind.  Well, it’s just that they owe so much money now to Sr. Mont-ogro.  Don’t worry, she’s paying him back in payments—and will continue…..somehow.   Rosie then lies to Ana Paula that the doctor has said that she can’t work any longer supporting them “because of my heart condition.”  She’s had to quit her job (which begs the question, did Rosie ever really have a job?)  Ana Paula is “Oh Noes!” impactada at the horrible news. 

Bruno arrives at AP’s house soon after to discuss Ro-Hellio’s proposition with her.  He tells her that RoHell is prepared to triple her salary if she’ll return to Hell Fuerte as his nurse.  Ana Paula refuses to be bought like that.  MentiRosie screams at her from behind to “see reason [entrar de razón]!” 

Bruno asks to speak with AP alone.  He reminds her how sick her aunt is and then asks if she understands what will happen to him if he returns without her.  Too bad, she knows she owes him a big debt of gratitude, but she won’t be able to help him out here.  Just the thought of that bully gives her fits!  He promises to protect her from him.  (Ha!  That’s rich, since he can’t even protect himself from ol’ RoHell!)  She has an idea, then.  Well, ok, but this is what I want.  

Bruno returns to Hacienda Hell Fuerte without AP.  Sure enough, RoHellio explodes with anger.  “—Just what does that brat think?  Nobody puts conditions on me!!  Go find another nurse!!”

Gus and AP spend the afternoon together at the park.   Ana Paula confesses to Gus that she doesn’t want to leave Tuxtla since she’d rather stay and be close to him and her family.  He promises to get her a job interview with his sister, Mercedes, and jokes about it helping to earn him a few points with Tia Rosie if she gets hired.  They enjoy a very bland and innocent smooch.  Yawn!  (OMG!    Is it just me and my personal preferences? Or, have I after all these years simply been jaded by having seen too much of the deliciously decadent degenerates enjoying their verbal foreplay to be truly interested in this pair of goodie two-shoes?)   She tells him about Bruno coming with the offer to triple her salary.  Gus is impressed, but she says it only shows what a jerk the guy really is.  She explains how she put conditions on her return and is certain they are conditions RoHellio will never agree to.

Gus asks if he is invited to her graduation.  Pau has to explain she doesn’t have the money to buy him a ticket.  He insists buying tickets for her as a graduation gift.  Ok.  Thanks!  What hospital is it?  Hospital Civil.  Really?  That where his sis works!  She’ll no doubt be at the graduation then.  She’s heard so much about Pau and is dying to meet her!  BTW, she just happens to work there as the head nurse!  What a coinkydink!!  He’s such a terrific guy!  He says he hopes she’ll think that of him always because he plans to stay that way for her every day of her life.  Another bland, yawner of a kiss ensues.   

That morning RoHell explodes; this time because he has changed his mind and wants all his meals served in the dining room again.

In the kitchen, Consuelo nags a bit at Effer about whether he really doesn’t have any other girls he’s going out with.  He swears he isn’t and even if he were, well, Don Ro-Hell doesn’t like the help fraternizing.  But yeah, he loves her, totally!    Effer smooches our naïve kitchen maid to prove his “fidelity” so called.  Maria walks in on the two of them and Connie races out to serve the meal.  Maria runs Effer out of the kitchen and reminds him to get cracking cuz RoHell woke up in a bad mood. Effer puts his hat on and starts out the door. “—When doesn’t he, huh?”

Pau comes back home and tells Rosie that Gus bought her graduation tickets.   For the whole family, asks Rosie.  Pau never asked and doesn’t know.  Doesn’t matter, says Tia, considering she doesn’t even have a nice dress to wear to it.  Well, if Tia doesn’t, says Pau, she certainly won’t either.

Later, while serving breakfast, Consuelo naively asks Don Rohellio permission to date Efrain.  Sinthia nearly chokes on her chorizo at that one. Ro-Hell naturally refuses.

Pau mentions Gus’s sis being there at the graduation and her being able to meet her.  She’s certain she’ll hire her.  But, whines Rosie, when will you ever have a chance to return to work at Hell Fuerte, then?  That’s not going to happen, Auntie, Pau assures her.  No way, no how!  She only told Bruno what she did to get him out of the way; and she put conditions on her return—conditions she’s sure RoHellio Mont-ogro will never agree to, she brags.

At Hacienda Hell Fuerte, Bruno and Ro-Hell are discussing the soon-to-be caput contract with Vainessa’s daddy.  Bruno asks Ro-Hell if he’s certain he wants him to look for another nurse.  Curiosity finally gets the better of RoHellio and he asks Bruno what Paula’s two conditions were.   Bruno tells him that the first is that he asks her forgiveness.  RoHell starts laughing his ass off.  Easier for me to be struck by lightning!   [Más fácil que me parta un rayo ahora mismo].  “—Besides, the only woman who could demand an apology from me was my mother and she’s been buried for years now!”  The second condition, says Bruno solemnly, is that he not beat his employees again.  Now that gets RoHell’s attention.  His expression turns serious as a heart attack.  “--Impossible!  Paula is   unbelievable!”


I laughed from "front rub" to "chokes on her chorizo"! Loved it!

My favorite scene was Consuelo asking permission to date Effer. I think I'm going to like the Sin-Effer-Conned triangle story-line.

Thank you so very much Jardinera for this wonderful funny recap. I too loved the Effer/Consuelo line
I loves you for reals. lol. And Sara agree with you too about the Sin-Effer-Conned triangle. That is a perfect name for them.

I loved Ana Paula's conditions to Rohell. Especially don't abuse the employees anymore. He laughed at the forgiveness part, but not the whipping of the employees. If he wants her back that badly, and we know he does, he will have to cave.

The Tia needs to shut up already. I thought Miguel was a dim bulb too, but maybe he isn't. I hope he and Ana Pau find out about her con.

And thank you Juanita, Variopinta and Sue 455 for everything you told me about FC. He is very good.
I usually watch the novella all the way through in Spanish, I don't have the CC's. Then if I really like it, I'll order the dvd. Then if there was something I didn't understand I can see the English subtitles and get the main drift. I already have MEPS on dvd, but have not watched it, cause I want to watch the orginal all the way thru first. If the other TN's you mentioned don't repeat on Uni I will order them and watch them. They all sound great.

And Vivi I will watch for that pear robe lol.

Thanks, Jardinera. A great recap, as usual.

Yes, some interesting times for our Effer.

Yup, AP and Gustavo are a bore together. I can't figure out whether he is meant to be the true love or not; some foreshadowing in Miguel's need to defend his sister's honor makes me wonder if Gustavo is long for this world. Not a spoiler, just a hypothesis based on years of novela watching and learning every trick in the book.

Poor Dani and AP -- two young, well educated women with dim employment prospects and dinner relationship hopes.

Thanks, too, to Jarocha for putting some of the happenings in the context of past versions of the story.

Anyone watching Downton, Season II? It's soo good.

Bien Hecho, Jardinera.

Gustavo gets no respect anywhere! Between the deception regarding the construction project and MentiRosaura's insults he's got too much coming from both sides.

Conned is in for more humiliation than she bargained for. Sinthia will make her life a living hell.

Is Rogelio determined to make everyone live the same monastic existence as his own?

MentiRosa's lies will come back to bite her on the tuchas, but we will probably have to wait a while. She's taking lessons from Gabriela Elizondo about faking illness. If I were Ana Paula I'd be wanting to talk to her doctors.

Hi Jardinera - very amusing summary of a hopping episode and loved your comments. I'm just a jade too - the young innocent love is so boring! I loved the Consuelo question at dinner!?! (I missed that Rogelio said no?) and I can't wait to see the fallout LOL!

“Más fácil que me parta un rayo ahora mismo” I think literally translates as "Easier that a ray of light cut me in two right now" - which I took to mean something like - "More likely that I be struck by lightening this instant." A quick search indicates that the "que me parta un rayo" does mean something like "may lightning strike me dead".

LOL! What a show! Both DH and I are loving it. DH commented about Efrain - that it doesn't matter how much pain he's in, he's always ready for some nookie. He couldn't believe Efrain even with his bleeding back was putting the moves on Conseulo.

Thanks for the honey over puff pastry line - that went by so fast that I missed all but the "miel". Also I missed a lot of Rogelio's commentary about the last time he apologized.

I was really struck by the sudden change from hilarity at the demand for an apology, to totally thunderstruck at the demand to cease all whippings. Wow - once again the writers show they know how to stage drama. Brilliantly executed of course by actor/director. "Wow, Paula is unbelievable!". LOL!


Lightning - it's spelled lightning! Arrgh! Lightening is a word too which is why my (semi)trusty spelling corrector didn't catch it!

Awesome recap Jardinera. I LOLed through much of it. Rog is surely in a bad mood since AP left. Will he agree to her conditions though? He has a lot of pride but he seems very taken with AP he just might.

I have to say that the Gus/AP scenes and chaste kisses are a snoozer. They are so boring together. I need to see heat, passion, and those two lacks it whereas Rog even in his terrible temperament smolders with deep passion, yearning, and desire. Those intense eyes of his say so much I can't help but feel for him even though he makes himself so unlikable.

I do believe that Vainessa is awakening in him those carnal desires as much as I dislike her.

It will be interesting to see how the Cinthia/Efrain/Consuelo triangle pans out.

Jardinera,thanks for your recap. I liked your title.

Miguel and MentiraRosa are something. AP needs to leave them quickly. Her aunt is a parasite who has Golum like tendencies with that ring of hers (can't you just hear her saying, "My Precious" every time she looks at it). And AP's brother is one of those people who is so dumb he makes you concerned about procreating.

I guess I should not be surprised that David is unscrupulous since he's Rohell's friend but I'm still disappointed.

Jardinera, great recap of ho-hum episode.

Tia is a piece of work! She can't be too ill the way she wacked AP. I cannot believe that has conned both AP and Miguel for so long.

Pobre Rogelio, he has it bad for AP.

I still cannot figure out why Bruno and Tia have bonded like they have - very strange.

OT: Audrey: I made your Cochinita Pibil last week and it was wonderful. DH even had some for breakfast today. Thanks.


I don't know if folks noticed, but Maria kind of made a play as if she were hiding the letter in her apron, which made Rogelio demand to see it. I then realized she wanted him to see it and was just setting him up. Interesting nana manipulation!


thanks Jardinera. I'm sure you have a busy weekend and to spend some of it doing the recap is so nice of you. Regarding someone's question about Gustavo or Rohell being Ana's lifetime partner. I think it is Rohell. I think Gustavo is there to make Rohell jealous so Rohell has motivation to change. Like in La Fea. she winded up with a boyfriend around the middle of the soap; however, her heart was for Fernando. I personally want Rohell. He and Ana have such chemistry. It is awesome the way they look at each other.

Great job, Jardinera! I love your commentary, especially the delightfully alliterative "chokes on her chorizo" and "deliciously decadent degenerates."

The discussion between Effer and RoHell about hiring a river-water expert went right by me, as so much of the Spanish dialogue still does, alas. Hmmm...does this mean a job for Gustavo at La Hacienda del Fuerte?? Yikes!

Can someone tell me where to find the night's capitulo? I used to get it form You Tube when I missed a night. Then it said that we had to get it elsewhere. Tonight I tried with You tube and it let me click on capitulo 9; however, that chapter seemed to be something in the future. It didn't even resemble what was supposed to happen last Night. I used to get Part 1, Part 2, etc. Now just an episode?

Wow Rosemary - you made the cochinita pibil!?! I'm impressed and delighted it turned out well. We think the flavor is just divine. You have to give credit to the Yucatecos and the miracle of achiote paste mixed with citrus juices. My recipe is simply an adaptation of a traditional dish.


Great recap Jardinera as always!

Sara, I am also enjoying the Efrain triangle. I'm not such a fan of Cinthia but she does spice things up, and Efrian's being a duplicitous @$$ but there's just something charming about him (I have a bit of a "bad boy" thing...). I hope Consuelo wises up and fights for her guy; would LOVE to see someone take Cinthia down a few pegs :)

Gustavo's cute and sweet and ecologically responsible, but I need to see a flaw soon (a dash of "bad boy" perhaps) to buy into him. So for now, I'm still Team Rogelio...

Madelaine, are the dvds that you buy drastically cut down? The only tn dvds I've been able to find reduce 150ish episodes to like 20, and the editing is SO distracting... if you are finding the whole novelas on dvd please let me know where!

Traveling Lady, I'm watching Downton and LOVING IT too!


I have to say that I am still not sure that Ana Brenda can really pull this off. She was ok as the best friend in Teresa but as the lead not so much.

She just seems to either do the nice/sweet smile thing or the angry/I am going to tell you how it is thing.

I did not think that Angelique Boyer could go from supporting player in Corazon Salvaje to lead in Teresa but she did it. I wish she was playing Ana Paula.

Thank you Jardinera.

I am so hating Rogelio right now. The way he laughed about the apology made me sick. He is not a good man.

If Rogelio doesn't give his consent to Effer and Con, they are going to end up sneaking anyway. He's so mean he doesn't want anyone to be happy. Did I mention that I hate him?

Another Amy- yes they are cut down. I am a member of Barnes and Nobles and that is where I am getting them. They have almost every TN known to man on their site. I got PVAA,watched that novella too, all the way thru and then ordered the dvd. That one I have to say was cut down, but had all the really important stuff in it. I got DA too, and that was more cut down, but it had all the important stuff in it too. Both these sets had 4 dvds in them and the length of time 4 hours or so. Still I like them even if they are cut down.

Another Amy- sorry I meant to say 12 to 14 hours or so.

Jardinera- Just got home from a concert to find your fun recap. Great pre-bedtime read! I finally watched my recording of Thurs' ep today, but realized that I didn't record Friday's, so went looking for it online. I've only seen a bit of it so far.

Anon: I found the cap. here:

Cathy- I'm with you. Ro-Hell's expressive brown eyes are NOT enough to win me over. And angry shouting at each other does not provide enough chemistry to make me root for RoHell and Ap to become a couple yet.

I was impressed with Gus for standing his ground with his boss and sticking to his principals. He and AP are very alike in that way.

Jardinera: Wonderful recap as always. By the way, who are the decadent degenerates? Ana Paula and Gustavo are definitely too bland. I remember how we thought Aurora and Mariano were dull at the end of Teresa because they were too goodie two shoes and sweet in the end, well, their scenes are sizzling if we compare them to Gustavo and Ana Paula.

When Rogelio said it was "mas fácil que lo parta un rayo" than to forgive Ana Paula, that meant that chances of him to ask forgivenes where slimmer than the chances of him dying by being divided in two by a lightning streak.

I've been watching the DVD version of Te Sigo Amando, which is up in the net. Wow, some characteres and storylines are completely taken out , the music is changed (since they used Juan Gabriel and Rocío Dúrcal for the tv version, so the rights must be greatly expensive) and some scenes make no sense. However, I did see that there are some scenes that remind me soo much to LQNPA that I've decided to do a video comparing a few scenes of both versions. Not many, because I'll be busy this semester but I really want to see how those scenes look back to back.

I can upload the video and bring the links by the time we'll be close to the end here or even sometime before, there's a point when the stories go in totally different directions. Only if anyone here would like to see it, of course.


Hi, all! Audrey and Jarocha: Thanks for the translation assist. I've edited accordingly. My brain stopped functioning I guess at that part.

I do love Jorge Salinas's expressive eyes--and what's frustrating is that nobody else in the cast but the other Contraras actress, so far, is able to communicate that kind of smoldering passion on screen. Bummer.

Of course we'd love it.

I'm wondering whether Sinthia will end up full-blown evil or just a selfish brat.

Jardinera, thanks for a funny, detailed recap.

That was a gutsy move by sweet Consuela to ask Rogelio for permission for she and Efrain to be novios. She did it in front of everybody, particularly Cynthia. But was Rogelio's crazy laugh in response really a "no"? I don't think he's totally clueless about Cynthia's feelings for Efrain.

Rogelio likes the image of himself as the hated man with a whip but inside we've seen him be a softy with nana and Ana Paula. I think he's a softy with Cynthia too; he says he wants to keep her there to take care of him but I think he realy wants her there cause he doesn't want to be alone - pretty selfish.

Rogelio is pulling me in like a magnet, but I'm still holding out for Ana Paula with Gustavo. They're kisses would be better if they took it a little slower and lingered more.

Jarocha- The video camparison of the two versions would be fantastic, if you have the time to do it. Thank you!

I'm looking forward to watching Consuelo ask Ro-Hell for permission to date Ef. I admired her gutsiness. Sounds like it also served the purpose of letting Cinthina know where she stands.

As for our main love triangle, I am fully supportive of AP and Gus dating, even if he doesn't end up being the man she marries in the end. I think she needs to have a real, functional, mutually respectful relationship under her belt before she has anything with the very complicated Re-Hell. I don't think it would be good for her for her first relationship to be with a man with such selfish, and angry tendencies. Frankly, I don't think he's a good choice for a life partner at ALL. But if we're going by the passion meter to make decisions, then so be it. Let her have a pure, fun, uncomplicated love first, before jumping into anything with an older man with major baggage.

Jardinera: Working so had to read this on the sly. I didn't see this but your recap was sensational. You are a master storyteller - I think this is one of my favorites.

One of the best lines. Ever. "Or, have I after all these years simply been jaded by having seen too much of the deliciously decadent degenerates enjoying their verbal foreplay to be truly interested in this pair of goodie two-shoes". From what I've seen - stated perfectly.

Ana certainly seems to have figured out how to banish Rogelio from her life forever. I hope he doesn't beg forgivenss until I can watch again. I would hate to miss that! :)

Great comments all. Karen, I'm still chuckling over "Her aunt is a parasite who has Golum like tendencies with that ring of hers (can't you just hear her saying, "My Precious" every time she looks at it)." Perfect!


Thanks all for all the good vibes over the recap. Love the comments here this week which I again think are (most times) as entertaining if not more so than the actual recap itself!

Thank you so much for your crisp and witty recap, Jardinera! I always love your writing style and all the funny and astute one-liners.

I get a such a kick out of Rohell when he's satisfied with just being a grumpy bastard. I laughed so much when he was having his petulant snit-fit over wanting breakfast inside—though I know it wasn't funny for Sinthia, Maria, and all the servants!

I've been assisting one of my sisters in watching this show. She doesn't understand Spanish and she has an ancient TV with no CCs. So what I usually do is give her a synopsis of each episode beforehand so she knows what to look for, and then afterwards I give any corrections (because by that time I've finally seen the episode with CCs myself). But my sister missed Friday's episode (and will be missing Monday's episode) so we sat down together and I showed her both episodes back-to-back, and translated as well as I could. She's really enjoying the show and commented that Jorge Salinas was very good in the breakfast-tantrum scene. Truly, no one can convey burning, bitter anger and frustration better than him!

When I showed her Monday's episode (Cap 11) I explained certain plot points thusly: (NO SPOILERS!)

"You must understand, Rogelio is a douchebag."

See, that just about covers every episode we've seen until now, doesn't it? LOL.

Jarocha, I'm looking forward to your video comparison between LQNPA and Te Sigo Amando too!

Vivi, I strongly agree with you that Rogelio is not at all a good choice for a life partner. The passion meter is all well and good, but depending on it in the face of such obviously violent tendencies usually makes for an equally high rating on the divorce meter.

Elvira, I loved your comment that "Rogelio is a douchbag" covers just about every episode so far!

Great recap as usual, Jardinera, concise but complete with snarky quips, just good reading!

I think Miquel's one brow makes him look like a caveman, but there is a glimmer of light there occasionally; bet he'll be the one to figure out Tia Rosey's mentiras before Paula.

I think it stretches the imagination to believe Ana Paula and Gustavo's sister never met. If she went to the same hospital's nursing school (that Gus's sister is a head nurse at) which I am assuming is like the old diploma nursing school programs where the hospital depends on student nurse labor, they certainly would have met. But who cares. Just sayin'.

Juanita: ITA; lets see, Gus is a water engineer, and ooh, gee, Rohell needs what, a water engineer pronto? and Gus is looking to quit his present job? I wonder what will happen???

I am hoping Sin ends up a redeemable selfish brat and not complete evil. I feel kind of bad for her.

I want Cinthia to be good. I'm really digging that girl. You guys make it sound like she is a villain or did I miss something? If anything, she is a opressed victim of her brother who may be an anti hero villain who is also the star here.


Gracia mucho, Jardinera

Rogelio is a bastardo but I like his character, I mean in the sense of acting, not his deplorable disposition.

Audrey y Rosemary, do you make the habanero salsa, those peppers are HOT. Do you make your own paste or use achiote paste & do you wrap in banana leaves? I'm always looking for the easy.

Silvia Navarro is making a new novela with my #2 telenovio, Cristian de la Fuente.
"Lidia de amor", it has lots of our old friends in it.

I read somewhere else that Luis Roberto Guzmán (crazy, syphilic Diego in Alborada) was going to be in it. I hope so, I would like to see him again. Wiki gives out a lot of bad info too.


" If she went to the same hospital's nursing school (that Gus's sister is a head nurse at) which I am assuming is like the old diploma nursing school programs where the hospital depends on student nurse labor"

I actually thought Ana Paula went to college to study nursing but I'm not sure. Usually public universities tend to send their students to practice at public hospitals, maybe Gustavo's sister works at a private one.


Variopinta, thanks very much for the heads-up about "Lidia de Amor." The cast looks very promising! I loved Silvia Navarro in MEPS, and I started watching CME because of her (and Juan Soler). However, I gave up on CME--I didn't have adequate patience nor an adequate beanie.

I came upon an interview in which Carlos Moreno (I think) said that Luis Roberto Guzmán was talked about for a role in "Lidia," but (I think) the dates didn't work out, so he apparently won't be in it. But please don't trust my Spanish. You can find the interview here

Holy frijoles Jardinera, Another great recap! thank you. I adore your wry/dry/sly wit and fast-paced reportage replete with alliteration.

I'm with you guys Ibarramedia and Sara. As much as I dislike Cinthia, I don't see her as a villana. Just a misguided and maltreated victim, who may tread on the wrong side while she figures out how to set herself free.

emarie: I got my nursing diploma from just one of those hospital schools nearly 40 years ago. (Do they still even have such programs?). At the time, as clinically-experienced nurses (read: slave labor), we felt a bit superior to the college-trained students, but not for long, because they made a lot more money than we ever could. Recently I heard that one could obtain RN training through on-line colleges and I wonder how in the world one might learn how to empty a bedpan or insert a naso-gastric tube or an IV without actually practicing on anybody? Yikes!

I've been keeping an eye out for all news of Lidia de Amor since I love SN and have always thought CdlF was hot, in English and Spanish. Was also excited when I saw that "Diego" from Alborada may be in it, but you are right that the timing didn't work out with his schedule. Bummer, since I was looking forward to seeing that actor in something else besides Alborada.

I don't consider Cynthia a villain either. Other than Tia MentiRosa, no one else falls squarely into the "villain" category yet in my eyes. Well, I personally consider Ro-Hell a villain, but I'm sure his fans would disagree. :) Even Vainessa doesn't yet qualify as a villain. Lots of selfish, spoiled people, for sure, and people with hidden motives.

Juanita- I'm curious, what was it about the early episodes of CME that called out for your beanie, vs all the other usually eventful early episodes of other tns? I know I found the child abuse of Renata hard to watch in the beginning. But I'm a wimp about child abuse. One of the reasons why I can't stand Ro-Hell is because of the way he treats Margarito.

I don't see Cynthia as a villain. I just get frustrated with her because as a privileged woman in those parts and one who should know Rogelio better than anyone, she's not good at fighting back against him. In their own way, though, they're a close brother and sister. Maybe their father was a tyrant and that's what really restrained Cynthia, not Rogelio.

Vivi thank you for the info on Friday's chapter

I also don't see Cinthia as a villain. She's believes that Vanessa can change Rogelio because she trusts the woman who was her best friend before she became involved with Rogelio. She observed how Rogelio acted when Ana Paula was there but to her Ana Paula is an outsider and a mere employee. How boneheaded!

Re: nursing school I just tell myself that it's Mexico and they do things differently there. I have to say that to myself whenever there is a novela arrest/trial because the law is different down there.

Sue455: I'm with you. It's not so much beanie-adjustment as an appreciation of the differences between our cultures. Mexican law is not based on English Common Law. and their medical practices are not the same either. So, for instance, when aggrieved parties do not call the cops as we would in the US of A, I just remind myself that the cops there are a different breed altogether and perhaps it wouldn't be in a person's best interest to do so. Also crimes like kidnapping are more prevalent and the classes are more stratified. I'm very grateful to Jarocha for her input in these matters.


"Audrey y Rosemary, do you make the habanero salsa, those peppers are HOT. Do you make your own paste or use achiote paste & do you wrap in banana leaves? I'm always looking for the easy."

I did not make the habanero salsa, there are several bottled brands available that work just fine.

For this recipe, I followed Audrey's instructions and it was wonderful. I did use the banana leaves.

I make a Yucatan Wild Turkey that is a Mark Miller recipe that you make your paste. After making Audrey's recipe, I will never do that again, I will use the ready made paste that is easier and much better.


Tks Rosemary,

I love the flavor of the achiote paste, I've used it with chicken & shrimp, very different & interesting taste.

My husband learned to make pibil after watching one of those Antonio Banderas movies directed by Robert Rodriguez. It was an "extra" on the dvd. He copied it down, and we have been in heaven ever since. We get the banana leaves from local Filipino markets. WARNING: for those with sensitive ears, there is some casual obscenity in the dialogue.

Here's the link

Traveling Lady- I very much enjoyed the first episode of the 2nd season of Downton. I hope the rest of the season continues to deliver. Between that at 9pm and Once Upon a Time at 8pm, Sunday evening tv has become a real treat (for someone who doesn't watch sports like me).

LXV-LOL, yes, slave labor but you noticed I tried not to say that. Because of that slave labor, diploma school nurses were ready to be in charge of a floor when they graduated, right? There are actually a few diploma programs left in the US.

Jarocha: I am going on what Jardinera said in the recap, that Gus and AP were talking and found AP was trained at the same hospital that his sister works. Yes, she could have taken a university course and had gotten her clinical experience at the same hospital where Gus's sister is a nurse manager/administrator and not know each other.

How do nursing schools in Mexico work? Anybody remember in Soy tu Dueña Sandra started nursing school and suddenly two weeks later she's a nurse?


I use the Jardine's Sontava Habañero sauce - I like the XX orange one that has carrots in it. Just a few drops in a taco!

Yes, I wrap in banana leaves. I love them.

Achiote paste - I use the El Yucateco brand. I really like it.


Yes, I had alternating night charge duty right after I got my RN, but I had already been working evenings and summers in the same hospital, so it was a no-brainer. The very next year, we got our very first "hospital administrator" and within weeks, there was a nurses' union. Heretofore unheard of. Nurses having their own union? My god what was the world coming to? We were also required to wear white uniforms with white shoes & stockings and those ridiculous caps. I'm having a little trouble with Ana Paula's idea of what constitutes a uniform.

I think Cinthia is going to be doing some major scheming against her brother and Ana Paula. Whether that makes her a villain or not? And who knows, she might just be doing Vanesa's bidding instead of acting on her own.

And, yeah, she'll probably make life miserable for naive yet outspoken little Consuelo. I still can't believe Consuelo asked permission in front of everyone at dinner!


Vivi, it wasn't the early episodes of CME that drove me away. I agree that they offered no more of a challenge to my beanie than do most TNs. But after a while, the plot just seemed to get bogged down and became more complicated but not more interesting. Every now and then, I'd check on the CME recaps, and each time I'd come away convinced I'd made the right decision, especially since the TN seemed to go on and on and on.

Should be interesting to see how it works out when (I assume) Gustavo goes to work for Rogelio about the flooding thing. Any chance AP will NOT almost drown in the inevitable flood?

Until Monday, enjoy the novela that is Downton Abbey. Just like ours but in English and with better costumes. AP should look into those nurses outfits. They'd still be better than what she's wearing.


Somehow I've always liked to see the girls in the classic nurses garb in white shoes, stockings,dress and that ridiculous cap but nowadays you don't see those anymore. You see a lot more scrubs wear like in the ER tv series.

Cinthia is my favorite character, all hotness aside. Hmmmm maybe not. But she has that certain Je ne sais quoi. And you ladies may fall for Rogelio but Cinthia does it for me.

IF Gustavo ends up working for Rogelio, I think he will still deal with David since he works in partnership with Rogelio and is a personal friend of the man. Anyway, this brings all kinds of possibilities. He may hook up with Vanessa, Cinthia or Consuela. who knows. His sister btw is kind of pretty.


Thanks, Jardinera, for your excellent , as always, recap. Since I prefer sweet to savory, I'm on Team Gus. Those eyes. However, I must agree that Gus and AP are not showing much sizzle,and I also concur that Ana Brenda does not seem to be up to the role of leading lady. I have enjoyed her as a supporting actress. Also, I checked out Downton Abbey while I was watching the Golden Globes the hats. As for the recipes, my goal has recently been to cook as little as possible, so I won't be making the pibil.

Scrubs are more practical, but "back in the day" they were only worn in surgical suites (or OB). Nobody owned their own; they were hospital property, laundered in the hospital laundry, that you changed into when you got to work, and if you wore them out on the other floors or the cafeteria, you had to change she you got back because they were then considered unclean. Nowadays everybody wears them to and from work, on the subways out in the streets. Women wore scrub dresses, which I really liked, but I haven't seen one in ages.

LXV-I well remember those white uniforms, I remember having a beautiful taffeta White Swan uniform when I first graduated with little tucks in the bodice; I miss the idea of the caps; but they weren't practical. The only place you see the caps now is in TNs.

emarie, my "impractical" cap was the pleated crinoline cupcake (with a velvet ribbon and my school pin) that made me look like a domestic servant of the previous century and as I am nearly six feet tall, it was always getting smashed on the overhead TV sets when I went to adjust the patient's pillows. I hated that thing. White Swan made a nice uniform. That tucked bodice would have nicely covered any stray cleavage, to the chagrin of the doctors-on-call. LOL

Wow. I did not realize you are tall. perhaps you also did some modelling. :)


Thank you for the great recap, Jardinera! :)

Tia MentiRosa would sell Ana Paula part by part to an organ donor if she could get enough money. She is a monster. AP needs to get a clue ASAP.

BTW, people have to buy tickets to their own graduations?

I could not see how AP could help Rogelio with PT while wearing that tight-fitting dress without having her assets pop out all over the place. Of course he would love that.

I took my mom for an x-ray two weeks ago. All the nurses and medical assistants wore scrubs. It may not look as professional but it's definitely more practical.

I had a picture of my mom's best friend on her graduation day from nursing school. She looked wonderful in her white dress and cap. She attended a hospital program. This was back in the 50s.

Remember though that nursing was primarily a female profession back in the day and there were far fewer women doctors. The roles and ratios have changed dramatically (for the better, of course) and with them cultural expectations about dress & behavior.


There are three ways to study nursing in Mexico:

1. You can go to one of the high schools where they also prepare people for certain technical professions. You study in the morning and then you have your practices in the afternoon in a public hospital.

2.- You can study and get a diploma in a private hospital, where you'd be working while you take the course.

3.- You can go to college and have a bachelor's degree in nursing. They also have practices in public hospitals but also have to complete a full year of social service (like all college students in Mexico) where they work for either free or minimum wage at any hospital they are sent.

With luck, you can get a good job with any of those forms of study but the college nurses certainly have an adventage over the other two. Public hospitals pay better than private ones, because the minute you start working in one you become part of a union and you get assigned a steady pay, so public hospitals prefere to hire college students. Private hospitals can choose to pay you whatever they want and the salaries are usually very low.

I have a friend who studied nursing in a technical high school and then went to college to get her degree in nursing as well. So she found it easier to get hired afterwards than many but it was still difficult.

There are two types of public hospitals:

1.- The IMSS, ISSTE, PREMEX variety. Where every doctor and nurse would want to work. These are the ones that people who work in Mexico (and their families) have a right to go there and receive any type of medical attention for free. Every paycheck gets a small discount to pay for the services.

2.-The Red Cross and a State's Popular hospital variety. These are for those who don't have a job that pays the social insurance (like street vendors for example). You get charge accordingly to your possibilities to pay. The extremely poor can get their medical services for free.



" "back in the day" they were only worn in surgical suites (or OB). Nobody owned their own; they were hospital property, laundered in the hospital laundry, that you changed into when you got to work, and if you wore them out on the other floors or the cafeteria, you had to change she you got back because they were then considered unclean."

This is how it still is in México. That's why you see so many nurses wearing those types of uniforms in novelas. Some private hospitals in the northern states have started to adhere to the use of scrubs but they are still a very small fraction of private hospitals.


Sorry for not proof reading. I'm sure my above posts have many mistakes in them but I have to go. Hopefully what I wrote made any sense.


Gracias Jarocha, your information helps so much. I never know how much liberties the TN directors are taking in their depictions of everyday life. As for the wearing of scrubs in this country, I may be wrong, but I imagine the glamour of shows like ER made them a more popular choice. Now you can go to WalMart and buy them to wear to work as an orderly or as a surgeon. More than one patient complained to me when this transition was beginning that they couldn't tell who the doctors were anymore. And the old-fashioned nursing supervisors used to be so proud of their school cap (every school's was a little different) they would not have been seen without them.

But it's a long time since I've practiced nursing. I've been a patient more recently. That's where my observations are coming from.

Jarocha- Thanks for the insight. Why would anyone want to go a private hospital? If the staff is paid better at a public (IMSS, etc) hospital, I'd assume the best doctors and nurses would want to work there. Is there any reason to go private? Just curious, if you have time to answer.


Tks Jarocha, I always appreciate info on Mexico.

While cking out Luis Roberto Gúzman I found this

He & Jorge Salinas play a gay couple in La otra familia, soy impactada

Estoy impactada

LXV: I can see how popular the scubs might have gotten. I didn't realize their use was so new in the US.

Kelly: The best doctors work in both the public and the private hospitals. Many doctors who retire after 30 years of work in a public hospital (for which they worked since they were in their early 20's so now they must be in their late 50's) tend to continue working in private hospitals. It's pretty common that those doctors who work solely in Private Hospitals are older and with more experience then.

Public hospitals suffer from an overflood of patients, you have to wait a couple of months sometimes to program a surgery and the ER always makes you wate a few hours. It's really annoying.

Private hospitals offer better and inmediate attention, the overall instalations are cleaner and prettier. You get your own room if you have to stay at the hospital and there's always someone at your personal beck and call instead of a team of nurses for a big number of patients.

And the thing is that Private Medical Care isn't as expensive in Mexico. My mom just asked for the price of a kidney stone removal surgery for my uncle and she was told it was 25 thousand pesos (around 2 thousand dollars). This already included the doctor's fees, equipment and staff and one night at the hospital. This is a price that more than half of the population in Mexico wouldn't be able to pay but those who do would prefer it than instead having to deal with the hassle of a public hospital because it really isn't something that could left them in debt forever.



Yeah, La otra familia. I wish they would have gotten the kid from that movie to play Margarito, he was adorable.


Was the movie good, it is available at Amazon

I have no self-control. Not only is the DVD for "Teresa" coming from Amazon, but I also ordered "La otra familia." (I found a version of the DVD that claims to have English CCs. I could survive with Spanish-only, but hey, if they offer the English ones too, the better!)

I saw a little bit of the film on YouTube and talk about cast against type! Jorge Salinas continues to impress.

Ugh, Gustavo is so boring that even Ana Paula feel the urge to sleep on him, I even did a meme with that pic and wrote Gustavo, you're boring! This pair does nothing for me, they have the chemistry of two corpses. Counting sheep is a far more interesting activity than seeing them interact and I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling the same. Great recap as usual, if only the episodes were as good as the recaps! In my country, it will have its premiere on the 1st of February, don't know if I will go through all the episodes again.

Rogelio won me over again with his cute dimpled laugh and then going all serious when she realizes just how awesome his ex-nurse is :D.

If not for Rog, this novela would be boring as hell. Rog, bad temper and all, spices this novela up. Glad to see many on Team Rog. I think as this novela goes along, we may have just as many heated debates about Rog as we did about Teresa.

I am entertained by Rogelio as a character. But I don't consider him a good galan/love interest.

Thanks Jarocha. I know people here go to TJ for medical stuff and destistry just because it's less expensive than the states. Sometimes it's less to pay out of pocket there than to use insurance up here. And i bet if nurses looked and dressed like AP, they'd have a flood of men trying to get into the hospitals.


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