Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #95-96 Wed 1/25/12 Alejandra Guzman-- The Worst Kept Secret in Mexico/The Most Public Therapy Session in Mexico

Part 1:
Lots of surprises for many of us tonight. Some of it having to do with the plot, but most of it with the unexpected schedule change. Seems there’s a soccer game on tonight (Mexico vs. Venezuela) that started at 9pm EST/6pm Pacific. Our show is still a two-parter, but it started an hour and 10 minutes early here on the East Coast, messing up dvrs/vcrs, and throwing our recappers off too. My dvr caught everything but the first 10 minutes, which I’m guessing had a lot of yesterday’s drama, but there is a bit missing.

Thank you Sylvia and Julia for filling in this missing first scene:
Frauddie brags to Alex that his plan to get back at Pepe is going brilliantly. As soon as he gets Ana to fall completely in love with him...BAM the final blow! Obviously, Alex disapproves. He tells Frauddie to give up the revenge already; it is NOT okay to toy with people this way.

The action on my recording starts off with Vince having a VERY public argument with Sandy in the Avon hallways about her presence there, since he thought he’d fired her. She informs him that she’s there on El Presidente’s orders, plus she’s got bills to pay. Vince grabs her by the waist to make his point, while she yells her points just inches from his face. None of this looks very good to Pina who has just walked in on this not-so-cozy scene. Vince explains why Sandy is still at Avon. Pina's not happy about it, but only demands that Sandy stay out of her sight.

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to show you “The Wacky Adventures of Alejandra Guzman!”... Alejandra Guzman has finally called her producer/father of Miguel, Agusto, to let him know she’s safe. Since he’s a hotheaded windbag, she’s a tripped out freak, and Pancho speaks a language other than Spanish, Agusto thinks she’s been kidnapped and that Pancho’s the one holding her hostage. Agusto has the cops trace the number to Casote Lopez.

Rebe calls Pancho, but gets Lupe, to remind him not to forget the important dinner with their famous golfer client Lorena that night. No one tells her that the family drama delaying Pancho is none other than Alejandra Guzman.

Temo brings Meli the promised autographed picture of golfer Lorena. She is very pleased. Temo, however, seems to have caught either Nico’s chronic digestive troubles, or the 24 hour stomach bug Adoracion had the other day. Either way, he needs a bathroom, and pronto! Oh, and Meli thinks they should have a wedding for Abeja and Popeye.

Chacho, Chato, Chucha, and Goya gossip in the kitchen about who could be the mystery woman in Pancho’s bedroom. Meanwhile, Chela pampers Ale, tucking her in on the couch, and even giving her a motherly kiss on the forehead. (Can I check into Casa Lopez for some R&R too?) The Mexican SWAT team puts together a plan to raid Casa Lopez and shatter Ale’s peace. They are beat by Chato and Chacho who sneak into the bedroom to get a peek at the mystery guest. Pancho drags them out. Once downstairs, Pancho scolds his Chamigos and swears them to secrecy. Yet another call from Rebe lights a fire under him to get ready for the dinner.

Meli brings stomach sick and feverish Temo home, who immediately gets babied by Chela. Meli brags to her future cuñadas Ana and Lupita about Temo’s finer qualities. The girls marvel that both their brothers are total galanes.

Pancho tells Rebe about Ale and swears her to secrecy. She’s all ready for the dinner and Pancho says he’ll be ready soon too.

Candy and Vince canoodle, once again in the VERY public hallways of Avon. Sandy walks up and is not pleased. They start a cat fight over who is really Vince’s lover, and why they both blabbed to Pina. Vince gets the most beat up (by Candy) in the process. Vince and Arnold pull them apart. The other Avon staff get a free show.

Chato spills the beans to Chucha about the mystery guest, in exchange for a kiss. She doesn’t give him the kiss, but she does tell Goya the gossip. Goya doesn’t believe it, but Ado overhears, and although she is sworn to secrecy, she runs right to Pina with the news.

Pancho is further delayed by Temo’s illness. They speak about Temo showing up at the office without permission and interrupting a work meeting. Temo apologizes and promises not to do it again. Papa Pancho bonds with his youngest child and makes him feel better.

Candy and Vince have finally gone somewhere more private, his office, where she gives him a massage. She asks if she’s hurting him and he sweetly tells her that she NEVER hurts him. In fact, he knows it is he who hurts her. He’s sad. Each day he’s more convinced that they are twin souls (almas gemelas). He would like to run away with her where no one knows them—to the ends of the Earth! They smooch passionately.

Back to The Wacky Adventures of Alejandra Guzman: Pancho shares his concerns about his sick child with Ale, who’s hanging out in bed. She asks if he really does want to help her with her problems. He assures her and she thanks him.

Ado convinces Pina to go spy on the neighbors to see if they are harboring Alejandra Guzman.

Enzo interrupts the canoodling session between Vince and Candy, but doesn’t make his usual nasty remarks. Instead, it is Candy who gives Enzo a hard look and warns him that she’s keeping an eye on him. Vince wants to know what secrets Candy is sharing with Enzo and why Enzo isn’t being his usual snarky self. In addition to this strange behavior, Enzo doesn’t want to go to the Avon client dinner tonight. Vince is now sure something is amiss. “What is wrong with you?!!!!” Enzo just smiles (yes, he actually smiles), and says he’s just resigned himself to the situation of Vince and Candy. Vince doesn’t believe it, one bit!

Rebe’s still waiting for Pancho and calls him to find out his ETA. The SWAT team surrounds the house, terrorize Chucha and Goya who are outside the house, and enter the house, with their high powered rifles pointed right at Pancho’s head. “Where is Alejandra Guzman?!”

Pancho matter-of-factly tells Rebe that a SWAT team has just descended on his house and has him at gunpoint. Windbag Agusto blusters a lot and says he doesn’t believe Ale is there of her own free will since they have so many engagements and bookings. They head up to the bedroom, where Agusto continues to bluster some more about how Ale skipped out on him and her obligations. Ale freaks. “What about MY health?! That’s not important to you, right?!!” Pancho ushers the windbag out, before he drives Ale back to CRAZY mode. Pancho then scolds Agusto and the SWAT team. The SWAT chief is none too happy with Agusto for wasting their time.

The ruckus peaks Ado and Pina’s curiosity even more. They approach the Lopez house slowly, with Ado acting as Pina’s shield. They arrive as the SWAT team leaves, but Pancho and crew tell them the Alejandra Guzman thing is just a rumor, nothing more. Pina is not happy with Mentiracion.

Pepe, who has managed somehow to miss all this Alejandra Guzman drama (where’s he been?), comes home and gets the scoop from Pancho.

Frauddie actually takes Ana to a fancy restaurant, IN PUBLIC, with champaign and everything. She’s put on one of the slinky satin numbers she’s started wearing on dates lately. But she’s never had liquor and she would prefer to be eating tortas at a roadside stand. He promises that if she shares this meal with him, he’ll go eat with her at whatever dive of her choosing. They even have nicknames for each other now. She calls him “pollito” (little chicken) and he calls her “ojitos” (a reference to her big beautiful eyes). Ana lays one of her graduate level kisses on him, which seems to curl his toes.

Dr. Armando shows up to see the two patients. Damn! He’s wearing a lab coat over his abs and buff arms.

Ana and Frauddie share about their likes and dislikes, and why they like each other. Ana loves her family and her music, and she likes Frauddie a LOT. Frauddie likes her because she’s so different than anyone else he knows. She’s not afraid to say whatever is on her mind and doesn’t care what others think. Ana tells him it’s important to her what he thinks of her.

Dr. Armando has taken off the lab coat (yay!), but his shirt is still on (boo!). He likes the progress Ale has made and recommends she keep doing exactly what she’s doing, resting. She thanks him profusely. They hug, kiss, and Ale takes the opportunity to feel him up and appreciate his assets. Chela is also affected by Ale’s decision to focus on herself and what’s really important to her. Chela asks for Ale’s advice on love. Ale thinks love is the best thing in the world! Even if we don’t always choose wisely, we can’t give up on love. Ale can tell Chela's been hit by Cupid's arrow (flecha).

OK, I think I’m crossing over into hour 2 now, so I’ll end on this scene. Moni tells Papa Enzo that she’s moving in with Pepe. This goes over as well as we’d all think… “Over my DEAD BODY!!”

Part 2 by Sylvia:
Ahoy All, I watched the second half this morning and here is what happened.– Captain Sylvia

Alejandra thanked the doctorcito profusely for giving her faith and a new outlook on life, then after he left she gushed about what a hunk he is to Chela. Because Chela hadn't noticed Ale knows Chela's head is in the clouds and she must be thinking of someone.

That someone (Enzo) is stricken to hear that Moni wants to move in with Pepe. He has a tantrum and forbids it. She tells him she is informing him, not asking him. And she doesn't care if he cuts off her allowance.

The next morning Alex and Lupita admit to each other that they are in Lurve and that their blood races when they see each other.

Oh man, Ale is sporting ghastly tie-dyed casual wear which she says Ana loaned to her (get real), but it looks more like one of Candi's outfits. She feels better. She meets Pepe. She flirts with him.

Pancho tells Rebe about Alejandra and then makes out with her. (Rebe, not Ale.)

Alex and Freddie go to a jewelers and Alex buys a ring. Meanwhile Ana gushes to Lupita about how much she adores Frauddie. Lupita cautions Ana, then admits she's madly in love with Alex and wants to finish getting her university degree (carrera) so that she can marry him.

Enzo visits Chela to personally deliver a gift. She insults him, predictably. He says everything she says is true, however he is smitten with her. Every time he sees her he experiences an inner peace. She shrieks at him but fails to disturb this inner peace. Ana comes in and sees them. Enzo and Chela bluster off on their separate ways and Ana teeters awkwardly on her high heels.

Alex arranges a romantic dinner for two with Lupita, complete with a fireworks show that spells out "I Love you, Marry Me", and he shows her the ring. Normally I don't care for such drek but I found myself moved by his earnest request. She says they are young and marriage is a forever thing. "So is that a yes or a no?" he asks.

Ale tells Pancho how important her mother's love is to her, and how much she loves her daughter Frida. (I wonder if we will her her real mother and daughter Frida in the show too?) Ale gets all naca with Pancho and asks if he's going to marry Rebe.

Lupita says yes and Alex whips out a guitar and serenades her with a song he wrote, inspired by her. "I am with you, as fate would have it." He wants her to meet is parents who are in Japan. Uh oh.

Elena lurks around the house, follows Ana, and sees Frauddie pick her up and give her a kiss. Elena breathes fire and shoots daggers out of her eyes.

Pepe introduces Moni to Alejandra but Ale still flirts with Pepe. The normally jealous Moni doesn't seem to mind.

Temo must be feeling better because he's starving. Chela keeps yelling throughout the house that dinner is served. Alex and Lupita arrive and tell everyone to sit down so they can announce their engagement.

Elena visits Pina to rat Frauddie Frauddie. Pina points out Elena is a confirmed liar but is still shocked to hear the Fraudster is out with Ana Lopez.

Pancho is so shocked he calls Lupita by her real name, Guadalupe, and tells her she's too young to get married and she's still in school. He postures, yells and scolds, but finally relents and wishes them happiness. Elena Aguasfiestas shows up and can barely muster a half-assed smile for her friend.

Ana takes Fearful Frauddie to a taco stand where they drink sodas out of plastic bags. Frauddie tentatively bites his taco and likes it, although it's kind of spicy. Mommy calls him and he lies that he's with Alex. Mommy says the plumber's sister told her he's with Ana. Busted!

Enzo's dreams of Chela are interrupted by Pepe and Moni. He says over his dead body will Moni move in with Pepe. Pepe swears he loves Moni absolutely and only wants to make her happy. Enzo points out they have nothing and little by little the realities of life will invade and erode their love. Moni says she doesn't need his money, she earns her own salary and can pay for school. "Dad, I love you and don't want to leave with Jose without your blessing. Please?"

Alex and Lupita smooch some more, he admits he's quite religious which delights Lupe. They say only death will separate them and they continue to kiss under the anvils.

Frauddie drives Ana home and is ticked off at her because he thinks she told Elena about them being novios. She denies it, but doesn't see what the problem is anyway. They argue and Ana tells him off and runs into the house.

Bitter Elena tells Depressed Tomas that Lupita and Alex are engaged.

Alejandra’s mom, famous actress Silvia Pinal, shows up. Alejandra runs into her mother’s arms.


Vivi, Mil gracias for your clear and thorough and still fun recap. I am always impressed with your phenomenal ability to keep the myriad of characters and their overlapping names straight. Maybe my favorite part of this hour was the doctor patient relationship. Alejandra really enjoys flirting with the delicious Doc and all the family members.

Thank you Vivi for this most excellent recap. My favorite part was the Mexican Swat team. It was a hoot, and Augusto is a windbag lol. I like how Alejandra is fitting in with this family and how they are helping her. The doctor is very very delicious. ITA with you Cheryl.
The catfight with Sandrucha and Candy was funny, and I like how Candy kept hitting Vins. lol
Mellie spends more time at Casa Lopez than she does at her Tia's.

Thanks Vivi! Great title and great recap. There was a short scene before your DVR started where Frauddie bragged to Alex that his plan to get back at Pepe is going brilliantly. As soon as he gets Ana to fall completely in love with him...BAM the final blow. The poor schmuck.

Madeleine, I can only imagine how boring for Melli it must be over at Pina's place. Her only fun so far is torturing Frauddie. Well, now she gets to help plan a doggie wedding so I guess she's making her own fun.

Vivi, thank you mil ocho mil for jumping in with a witty recap. You're like a recap SWAT team, all by yourself!

What you missed at the beginning was Freddie telling Alex that he's dating Ana, and he's going to wait until she's absolutely madly deeply in love with him, and then POW! Get even.

Obviously, Alex disapproves. He told Frauddie to give up the revenge already; it is NOT okay to toy with people this way.

Your title says it all...most public therapy session...possibly in the world, not just Mexico. Weird.

I think my favorite part was Pina using Ado as a shield while saying, "don't worry, after you die I'll honor your memory..."

What's with all the digestive bugs? Apparently that's been going around here, too...maybe they're just trying to put some realism in the story? Or is this actually going somewhere?

Sylvia, we were typing at the same time. I'm guessing Frauddie will fall in love with Ana for real (already he seems more smitten than he will admit), but she'll find out about his plan and dump him.

Julia, funny we posted at the same time. I like your comment about Vivi being her own one-woman recapping SWAT team. Very true! For sure Frauddie will become smitten and end up causing himself a ton of grief. Alex did NOT look on board with Frauddie's stupid plan.

I love Vivi as her very own SWAT team! It is so so.true, you always rescue us, not like the nitwits that came for Alejandra.
Doesn't Alex need to tell Ana the truth about Fraudster? now he is going to be part of the family. Oh wait, she has already ignored Lupita's advice and Elena's sad example. So time to adjust the beanie.

Vivi thanks so much for swooping in and saving us! I'm sad I missed this part!

Ooh! Thanks Sylvia and Julia for filling in that bit at the beginning. I'll add it in. That casts Frauddie and Ana's date in a whole new light. But he did seem sincere during that date and the next one at the roadside stand. I think he will become totally smitten and forget this revenge plan very soon, just like his dad did with Candy.

I hope someone can do the 2nd hour. I'm off to an early, and all day meeting, so I won't be online. Looking forward to seeing the recap or recaplet of hour 2 later and people's comments. It could be titled the Trouble with Daughters, as Pancho and Enzo both have to face the fact that their baby girls are growing up.

I hope the Ale G. story wraps up tonight.

Who won the soccer game anayway?

Vivi, Vivi...just a delicious recap. You're like the wonderful neighbor who pops over with a fabulous dinner just when your stove blows up. Vivi to the rescue!

Loved your "chamigos" and your description of Ana "laying one of her graduate level kisses on Fraudie which seems to curl his toes".

Thankfully this IS a comedy and his revenge plans will come to naught but I imagine there will be a few tears and breakups along the way.

Muchas gracias talented amiga.

I was very surprised when I turned on the show last night, I had CC3 captions through my Comcast HD box. And it did not lag far behind dialogue
I quickly checked Telemundo, and the dialogue and captions there, were nearly simultaneous.

Now since I tuned in at 7 eastern I caught the second half of the show.....let me say that things have changed physically for many of the characters since last Wednesday.
Rebe complexion is getting darker.
Candy is even more inflated...(massive weapons)
Chela is becoming very sexy, and dressing up better.
I don't know the female character's name, that told Pina about her son dating Poncho's daughter. It might be Violet, but she is Amazon.

I am still glad I only had about 50 min of the show to watch.......the ladies make it fun to watch but I can only take so much. I wonder who supply the tight apparel is not Saks 5th Ave.

Anon#1-the girl's name is Elena. She is Tomas' sister.

Ok, cool thanks, I will be keeping an"I" on her...she seams to wear the Saks of Mexico wardrobe the best

Oh Vivi, Thanks so much for jumping in. I accientally caught much of the show. I went up at 6 to set the VCR before I went out to a b'ball game and found the show already in progress. So I recorded most -- but missed that early scene with Frauddie & Alex. So all you recappers out there Vivi & the others that caught the first part saved it for me. Frauddie looked so sincere in the scene that I saw. It changes everything to know what he told Alex.

The game I went to see last night was the SU women's team playing UCONN. We actually held our own for the first half but then got skunked in the second half. After all that hype & hustle from our men's team it was a whole new ball game.

How's Rebe going to feel when she finds out she's the oly person in the DF not to know who's in Pancho's bed?

Speaking of Pancho & bed, I'm beginning to suspect that it will not be Rebe who ends up with Pancho. If they ever manage to complete one of these bodice ripping scenes (Rebe's bodice popped the last time & Pancho's last night) -- then I'll believe that they are tru-u-u-ly in love & meant for each other. If they keep on being interrupted I'll be betting on Chela.


I was flipping through channels on Wednesday afternoon and caught El Gordo (of La Flaca y El Gordo)in Mexico City with most of the major cast members of Familia. Does this mean they are done filming in Mexico? Has to be well over 250 capitulos! Ah carrumba!

Ahoy All, I watched the second half this morning and here is what happened:

Part One:

Alejandra thanked the doctorcito profusely for giving her faith and a new outlook on life, then after he left she gushed about what a hunk he is to Chela. Because Chela hadn't noticed Ale knows Chela's head is in the clouds and she must be thinking of someone.

That someone (Enzo) is stricken to hear that Moni wants to move in with Pepe. He has a tantrum and forbids it. She tells him she is informing him, not asking him. And she doesn't care if he cuts off her allowance.

The next morning Alex and Lupita admit to each other that they are in Lurve and that their blood races when they see each other.

Oh man, Ale is sporting ghastly tie-dyed casual wear which she says Ana loaned to her (get real), but it looks more like one of Candi's outfits. She feels better. She meets Pepe. She flirts with him.

Pancho tells Rebe about Alejandra and then makes out with her. (Rebe, not Ale.)

Alex and Freddie go to a jewelers and Alex buys a ring. Meanwhile Ana gushes to Lupita about how much she adores Frauddie. Lupita cautions Ana then admits she's madly in love with Alex and would end her career to marry him. What a dumb thing to say. Does she have a career? And why would those two things be mutually exclusive?

Enzo visits Chela to personally deliver a gift. She insults him, predictably. He says everything she says is true, however he is smitten with her. Every time he sees her he experiences an inner peace. She shrieks at him but fails to disturb this inner peace. Ana comes in and sees them. Enzo and Chela bluster off on their separate ways and Ana teeters awkwardly on her high heels.

Alex arranges a romantic dinner for two with Lupita, complete with a fireworks show that spells out "I Love you, Marry Me", and he shows her the ring. Normally I don't care for such drek but I found myself moved by his earnest request. She says they are young and marriage is a forever thing. "So is that a yes or a no?" he asks.

Ale tells Pancho how important her mother's love is to her, and how much she loves her daughter Frida. (I wonder if we will her her real mother and daughter Frida in the show too?) Ale gets all naca with Pancho and asks if he's going to marry Rebe.

Lupita says yes and Alex whips out a guitar and serenades her with a song he wrote, inspired by her. "I am with you, as fate would have it." He wants her to meet is parents who are in Japan. Uh oh.

Part Two in the next comment.

Part Two:

Elena lurks around the house, follows Ana, and sees Frauddie pick her up and give her a kiss. Elena breathes fire and shoots daggers out of her eyes.

Pepe introduces Moni to Alejandra but Ale still flirts with Pepe. The normally jealous Moni doesn't seem to mind.

Temo must be feeling better because he's starving. Chela keeps yelling throughout the house that dinner is served. Alex and Lupita arrive and tell everyone to sit down so they can announce their engagement.

Elena visits Pina to rat Frauddie Frauddie. Pina points out Elena is a confirmed liar but is still shocked to hear the Fraudster is out with Ana Lopez.

Pancho is so shocked he calls Lupita by her real name, Guadalupe, and tells her she's too young to get married and she's still in school. He postures, yells and scolds, but finally relents and wishes them happiness. Elena Aguasfiestas shows up and can barely muster a half-assed smile for her friend.

Ana takes Fearful Frauddie to a taco stand where they drink sodas out of plastic bags. Frauddie tentatively bites his taco and likes it, although it's kind of spicy. Mommy calls him and he lies that he's with Alex. Mommy says the plumber's sister told her he's with Ana. Busted!

Enzo's dreams of Chela are interrupted by Pepe and Moni. He says over his dead body will Moni move in with Pepe. Pepe swears he loves Moni absolutely and only wants to make her happy. Enzo points out they have nothing and little by little the realities of life will invade and erode their love. Moni says she doesn't need his money, she earns her own salary and can pay for school. "Dad, I love you and don't want to leave with Jose without your blessing. Please?"

Alex and Lupita smooch some more, he admits he's quite religious which delights Lupe. They say only death will separate them and they continue to kiss under the anvils.

This is where my DVR stopped recording and I think I missed the last few scenes.

Thanks for filling in the second half, Sylvia. It had actual plot movement and everything!

BTW, though, I don't think Lupita said she would end her career (which I think is teaching, although she's still in school). She said "carrera" i.e. university course, degree, and I thought she was saying she wanted to FINISH it and marry Alex. Then when they were talking to the family, Alex assured Pancho that he and Lupita would both continue their schooling, and that this would be feasible because he doesn't lack money and they wouldn't need to quit and work full-time to support themselves.

That was sure a lot of flirty-flirty between Pepe and Alejandra. I hope this is not going anywhere; that he was just star-struck and his usual friendly self and she was just doing a little harmless ogling and enjoying giving him a hard time.

Thank you Cap'n Sylvia for the delightful second hour recap. The only thing you missed was Slyvia Pinal (sp) coming to see Alejandra at La Casa Lopez. She runs and hugs her Mom and that was it.

Loved this second hour. I liked the proposal of Alex to Lupe. It was very romantic and the boy can sing. Loved the song.

Enzzo had a hissy fit. lol. But he looks like he is going to cave to Moni. She is old enough to be out on her own, she has a good job and a guy she really loves, so she should be ok. Enzzo needs to let her grow up.

I wonder if Enzzo will talk to Chela about all this? If she can stop being rude for a second, I think she will find out they have a lot more in common.

Elena has gone too far. She has become bitter and mean, and I really hope she doesn't mess things up with Alex and Lupe. I know she told Tomas and he was very angry. And to go to Pina and rat out Ana and Fraidy Frauddie. She really needs to get a life and find someone for herself.

I wonder what Pina and Vins will do to Fraidy Frauddie. I know Pina knows, but wait until Vins finds out. Vins didn't like it when he found out Temo and Melli hang out together lol.

I meant to say I know Elena told Tomas that Alex and Lupe are engaged.

Julia, thanks for the clarification. Those false friends get me all the time. It did sound very un-Lupita like for her to end her teaching plans which she loves so much.

Oh Madelaine, did Silvia Pinal really show up? It seemed like a sure thing earlier in the hour. I guess I will see the scene in tonight's review.

I think I have a bit of a crush on Alex. I hate that Elena might do something to ruin Lupita's relationship although I'm sure she will. With this show running 250 episodes we have lots of time for breaking up and making up. Lupita and Alex have had it too easy so far, boo hoo.

Vivi, fab storytelling. Loved your take on the doc. Hope he sticks around for awhile.

Pina telling Adoracion that she would honor her "defunción" cracked me up.

Sylvia- Great recap! Thanks so much for covering the 2nd hour for us.

That Alex is such a cutie. I love that he and Lupe realized that they both have religion in common. I guess there won't be any pre-marital sex between those two, and that's ok since they both share the same values. When Lupe was with Tomas, they were on totally different pages values-wise. But I sense some drama coming when Alex's absentee parents finally make an appearance.

It seems the Elena and Tomas need to find more things to do to occupy their time. They both work, yet they still find all this time to be depressed and bitter, especially Elena. She needs to get over it and get over herself.

There was one more thing that happened.

Frauddie drives Ana home and is ticked off at her because he thinks she told Elena about them being novios. She denies it but doesn't see what they problem is anyway. They argue and Frauddie breaks up with her.

I'm going to add Sylvia's recap to the main recap with the additions from others to make this recap complete.

Thanks Vivi!

"They say only death will separate them and they continue to kiss under the anvils."

Ha ha! Actually I was thinking the same thing. Don't say the D-word, kiddos! We do not need any premature deaths in our fun light show!

Julia, hopefully in our lighthearted comedy we won't get any deaths. I would truly mourn if either of our sensible lovebirds met an untimely end. I was thinking more along the lines of In-Law Anvils.

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