Monday, January 02, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #66 Mon 1/2/12 Tranzas.

I am too too tired to blog this and my son bagged out entirely. Please add whatever you like.

Pancho got Chela to promise to help him win over Temo and Ana, Chela promised and actually shook hands with Rebe.

Pancho overheard Tomas and Pepe (while they caused a conflagration by pouring gas into the grill and blowing it up) and thought it was Pepe that messed up "El Champi" in the road race. Tomas later admitted it was him.

With Temo's help, Pancho (with Rebe hanging on his arm silently) catches his sis Candy (in a fabulous outfit) and his enemy Vince macking outside the planetarium. Giant shouting match. Candy says she's an adult and they aren't doing anything. Pancho says Vince should leave his wife if he really loves Candy. He reminds his sister of a narco who almost killed her. He tells Vince he won't rat him out to Pina - "things will fall of their own weight."

Adoracion almost tells Pina that Vince and Candy are, uh, whatever they're doing.

Candy falls apart, locking her self in her room and screaming about how much she loves Vince. The show closes with Vince coming to the door and asking for Pancho.


Thank you Melinama. I was shocked Chela is finally getting that Rebe and Pancho are novios. Finally, maybe now she will find a novio of her own. Maybe less crying too. Oh, Candy, I think she really is in love with Vins, but I think she is really conflicted about Pina. I think that is why she hasn't slept with Vins.

Pepe put way too much fluid on those coals. He should have shut the lit from the side to stop the flames.

Ana needs an attitude adjustment.She was way rude to Rebe again.

Pancho seemed to be on a tear the whole show, yelling at Pepe, then Vins, then Candy. Chela's crying is so over done.Only a few tears tonight, thank goodness.

Notice that the Burra has a new ad on its side? BIG MIX! Brother!

Melinama, thanks for the mini-recap. I wouldn't be surprised if you are still burned out from recapping 2-hour episodes for the past couple of weeks.

That was hilarious when Tomas was revealing to Pancho and Pepe what Vince said to Candy in the garage, and Vince's voice came out of Tomas's mouth. It sounded like Tomas was possessed.

I, too, what shocked when Chela decided to be nice to Rebe. I actually had to do a rewind/double-take on that one. It will be nice when Chela puts a lid on her anguished glares, however. Both she and Temo for that matter.

Looks like Candy caught Chela's sobbing virus.

Thanks so much Melinama. Well, finally some progress from Chela. I did start laughing out loud though when Rebe turned around from kissing Pancho to be faced by the anguished glares of Chela and Temo. Talk about a guilt trip!

I like that Pancho is so hard on his family about staying on the straight and narrow and doing things honestly, without tricks or deceptions. How is it that he and Candy were raised in the same household?! She for sure needs to get her head on straight about where things with Vince are going. I was intrigued to learn more about this ill-fated past relationship they have hinted about since episode one. So, a dangerous narco, huh? How in the heck did she get out of THAT relationship...alive?

What do you mean, you don't have time to blog this? I think you got it all. Thanks for putting up the post.

The best part to me was Pepe lighting the grill while Tomás backed away without actually warning Pepe that it was way too much lighter fluid or whatever he dumped on there. Idiotic, but funny.}

And then, of course, Tomás being possessed by Vins. Were we supposed to believe he really did that great a Vins impersonation? It was a little startling.

I've decided I actually like Tom when he isn't involved with our lovely young ladies. He's funny. Terrible as a white knight, but good as the court jester.

Glad Chela is finally accepting the way things are but Temo is still insufferable.

If you find yourself needing to call people criminals, you're in luck with today's vocabulary:

plectro - guitar pick (called a plectrum in English; I learned a new word in two languages)

turba de facinerosas - mob of criminals

cotorrear - to chatter

parrillada - grill, barbecue

se me queman las habas - (my broad beans are burning) I'm in a hurry; gotta go

cábula - crook

maleante - criminal

chusma - rabble, pleb

sin ton, ni son - absurd, ridiculous

leerle (a alguien) la cartilla - to read the riot act

azufre - sulfur

Great vocab words today. I especially like my broad beans are burning. Thanks Julia.

Melinama, thanks. So finally what happened to Candy before is revealed. I thought it was cute the way Popeye watched but kept his distance from the smoking grill.

I'm glad Chela is trying to take the high road, but I think Pancho and Rebeca could be a little more considerate about PDA since they are both well aware of how raw emotions are running right now.

Melinama, I think you just set a world record for word-to-coverage ratio with that recap. I don't think you missed anything!

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