Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Una familia con suerte - time change and SOS

Hello friends,

Starting this coming Monday, for at least a week and a day (that's as far ahead as I can see in the tv schedule), our show is running two hours a day, this time from
7 pm to 9 pm!

There's no way Ez and I can keep up with three 2-hour recaps next week. Any volunteers? Anybody know what's happening after that?

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Melinama, I can offer to take Familia on Mondays even for two hours next week. One glitch is that I would be available for the next 4 Mondays (ending Jan. 30) then would need an alternate for all of February and perhaps the first Monday of March while I travel to Costa Rica and Oaxaca. If that still solves some of your problem or at least puts it off for a month, then count me in. Familia doesn't move fast it is true but I think it is amusing and I like a lot of the actors.

The news that El Talisman will be a later show has given me pause to consider what I really like and right now I really like recapping an early show. Let me know.

Cheryl, hallelujah! You're on! Send me a reminder when you're about to leave - thank you so much.

Oh, yay, Cheryl!

And oh, boo, Univision, for double-whammying us again. I usually don't get home before 7:30 and I have other things to do!

Seriously, I think they are off their rockers if they expect people to dedicate 10 hours a week to watching just one show, no matter how much we like it.

Let's hope this double-header phase will be VERY brief and that they quit this annoying habit (which they've been resorting to increasingly often) muy pronto.

Thanks Julie, for the enthusiam of me joining the team. It will take me a few episodes to get the names straight and I have been watching but find the heavy use of slang the real challenge. But then, that is why it is worth doing, right? I get such a kick out of using a well turned string of slang when I am down in Mexico then see the faces light up as if to say this little old gringa is full of surprises. HA!

Hi there. What would it take to be a recapper? I am a fan of this show and am fluent in Spanish, as I grew up speaking it, as well as English. I am pretty fluent in the slang used as well and would be happy to give it a try if folks need. Email or let me know.

JP, try caray@mappamundi.com ... that's the email address Melinama has somewhere in the sidebar.

Yes, JPCruzer, write me at caray@mappamundi.com - I'll send you an invite.

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