Tuesday, February 28, 2012
La Que No Podía Amar #45 Tuesday 2/28/12 Ugly Crying, Self-Pity, and Rigid Self-Righteousness
While the recap is being cooked up, I'd like us to discuss UGLY CRYING among galanes in telenovelas. I'm of the opinion that Cesar Evora is the ugliest crier in all of Telenovelaland. (I base this on his red-nosed, red-eyed, squished-face, totally-getting-into-it crying in Llena de Amor.) But I find that Jorge Salinas is a close second. For example:
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Okay, he's mercifully hiding his UGLY CRYING from us in this shot. Let's try again: |
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That's more like it . . . |
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A final example . . . |
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And some not-so-ugly crying. (Aw, Rogelio, Rogelio!) |
Jorge Salinas can also do "Pretty Crying" (as witnessed earlier in this novela) and galanes like Jose Ron and Guy Ecker are also "Pretty Criers." This is no reflection on the acting ability of any of these guys; it's just an observation.
(NOTE: Events may not be listed in complete order, but you should be able to figure out what belongs where!)
* We have a repeat of Rohellio's ugly crying from last night. He is talking big talk about how he'll just get over all of this, and he'll never love again, blah blah blah, but Maria says, nothing doing, you have Cupcake in your heart. Rohell breaks down and admits it, and through sobs, says, "But she loves another." Maria rests her head on his lap to comfort him, as he wipes away his tears, thoroughly shattered.
* Cupcake finds Fermin at Boring del Cielo and he is welcoming and friendly. They chat and she tells him that the Guscake is not believing that she's not a gold-digging bruja. "I tried to tell him, but he won't listen." (Sort of how she wouldn't listen to Rohell! But no, she won't make that connection.)
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Cupcake and Margarito meet up with a friendly Fermin. |
* Fed is at the Hacienda, not-so-subtly pumping everyone for info on Cupcake. He uses the somewhat strained excuse that since Cupcake is a friend of his former employee, Dani, and because Cupcake is a "buena muchacha," that he's worried. When he talks to Maria, she won't say much, only that Cupcake is very young, and she couldn't handle stuff. And that she took Margarito with her.
* Cupcake is directed to some bungalows (sounds like a motel?) where she and Margarito can stay. Fermin also tells her that Guscake is staying with him. Cupcake wants an opportunity to talk with the Guscake some more. Fermin says that Guscake took her so-called "betrayal" really hard.
* Carmen is asking Guscake about the return of Cupcake. No, he won't take her back, but the feelings of love are still there. "Why did she return if she's with this other guy?" Carmen asks. "I don't know, I didn't ask." (Well maybe you SHOULD, idiot!) He engages in some Pretty Crying as he says he's confused, blah blah blah.
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Gus makes sure Carmen knows that he's still got a thing for the Cupcake. |
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A classic example of Pretty Crying. |
* Consuelo and Maripaz are talking about their respective loser would-be or ex-novios, Miguel and Efrain. FF>>
* Miguel is put to work in the Hacienda, while Rohell looks on and chats. They're at a steep staircase, which Rohell says is his most hated part of the Hacienda, because it reminds him that he can't walk. Rohell then wallows in self-pity. He thinks that Cupcake used the "you murdered my novio" thing as an excuse to bail on his crippled self, because after all, what woman would want to be saddled with him. (Well at the moment that's true, but it's not because of your chair, but because of your thoroughly ROTTEN personality, dude!) Miguel tries to affirm that Cupcake was, indeed, very sincere, but Rohell isn't buying it. He then muses if perhaps he was destined to be alone, even if he could walk.
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Rohell talks with Miguel, as we get a good view of Miguel's saggy britches. |
* Fermin deposits Cupcake and Margarito at a bungalow. She thanks him and then asks about getting work in town. Fermin thinks he may be able to help. He seems very fond of her, thinks she's a great nurse, etc. She later tells Margarito that she plans on staying in Boring del Cielo, despite Guscake being mad at her, and that eventually she'll make him listen to the full details of her situation!
* That night, Fermin advises Guscake to stop being such a rigid, self-righteous pr*ck and actually listen to the Cupcake. (Of course he says it much nicer than that.) Later, Carmen advises him to seek out Cupcake, telling him that since he loves her, he should fight for that love.
* Back at the Hacienda, Miguel is having a chat with Consuelo, and she's telling him that Maripaz still cares for him. FF>> Miguel whines about being locked up like an animal. He sends Consuelo to get him coffee, and when her back is turned, he swipes some liquor and leaves, presumably to further embrace his drunken lifestyle.
* In the morning, Rohell goes to Miguel's room, where Miguel is sleeping off an evening of dedicated drinking. Rohell relishes dumping a pitcher of water on Miguel, and proceeds to chastise and admonish him, and tells him to suck it up and stop acting like a loserific drunkard. He reminds Miguel that he got him out of jail. Miguel, still staggeringly drunk, lunges on Rohell in a display of intoxicated gratitude, while Rohell recoils from (I assume) Miguel's less-than-fresh breath. Rohell tells Miguel that he needs to take this opportunity that life is giving him and not screw it up. He then instructs Hugo to keep an eye on Miguel.
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Rohell doesn't need to get any nearer to Miguel to smell him, I'm thinking. |
* Vainessa and David are talking business. David owns those lands at Boring del Cielo and Rohell is interested in buying. Vainessa tells him that if it'll annoy Rohell, she'd be willing to buy these lands herself. Smug smiles from both David and Vainessa.
* Fed calls Tia MentiRosa. It's confirmed that Cupcake left the Hacienda. Tia turns on the waterworks and hits Fed up for money, for helping the Cupcake, of course. He says he'll see what he can do, keep in touch, etc. Then Tia leaves a message with Bruno, and is seriously peeved over his douchebaggery in making it look like Rohell killed the Guscake.
* Bruno visits Tia MentiRosa. She is very peeved and is screaming and hitting him. He restrains her and with bug-eyed freakiness, lays out his plan. He needs Cupcake to return to the Hacienda and stay married to Rohell. Then he can work on Cupcake to get her to hate Rohell enough to hatch a "revenge" plot for the so-called murder of her novio. The plan involves bilking Rohell for his entire fortune, as well as Sinthia's half, if they can! AND . . . (Bruno says, twirling his evil villain mustache) he wants Cupcake for himself at the end.
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Two greedy villains squabble. |
* An interesting conversation between Bruno and Tia. They are peas in a pod. He wants money because he had it and lost it; she wants money because she's never had it. He admonishes her for "betraying" him by pushing Cupcake to marry Rohell, and says that the perks she gets now from Rohell (the house, the income) are "charity." They could be taken away at any time. He has something better planned!
* All of this evil plotting also requires that they do away with the Guscake, so Cupcake never finds out he didn't get murdered. (Too late for that, Bruno!) Tia is not all that keen on the killing part, but in the end, you know, whatever.
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Bruno gets all bug-eyed and freaky. He explains that he had to set up Rohell so Cupcake would hate him, because she was starting to fall for Rohell and that couldn't be allowed. |
* Bruno and Tia plot to get Cupcake staying with Tia, where she can work on Cupcake and have her know that she has Tia's "support."
* Guscake visits Cupcake, but in the end, won't budge. More self-righteous rigidness. "Talk to the hand!" he says, as she pleads and pleads and tries to get him to understand that she went with the rich dude because she THOUGHT GUSCAKE WAS DEAD, as in dead, deceased, assumed room temperature, no longer breathing oxygen, and so forth. But Guscake still won't listen, still won't be reasoned with, and plays the aggrieved and wronged boyfriend.
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Oh he with the beautiful eyelashes visits Cupcake to further discuss things. |
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She tries to explain, but as usual, he won't listen. |
* During this frustrating conversation with the Guscake, it comes out that Tia knew that Guscake was alive and didn't say anything to the Cupcake. Cupcake looks impactada.
* Guscake absolutely flips when he finds out that the Cupcake is married. He accuses her of not mourning for him very long and can't believe she'd be kissing him while married to (and sleeping with) her husband. Cupcake can't get a word in edgewise to explain the true nature of her marriage. This is the final straw for him—he tells her that she is dead to him.
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Impactado Gus. |
* Vainessa tells her dad, Fed, that she wants to buy the Boring del Cielo lands from David, just to p*ss off Rohell. Fed is worried that she's too caught up with revenge. "Aw dad, just let me do this one thing!" she whines. They agree to meet at Boca del Cielo and talk about it some more.
* Consuelo is still heartbroken that Efrain is in love with Sinthia and there won't be any wedding. She's asking Sin (who has come into the kitchen) to not hurt Efrain anymore. Maria comes in, and wants to know what's up. Conned won't tattle on the affair between Effer and Sin, but Maria is suspicious and asks Sin if there's anything between her and Effer. Sinthia, in true selfish coldness, laughs and denies it, says that it's not her fault if Effer is in love with a "Princess" like her, and (while shooting a look of contempt towards Consuelo), says that he should aim a little lower, like another peon. Man, she is one arrogant, cold bruja in this episode.
* To further convince Maria that she's in no way involved with that peon Effer, Sinthia tells Maria that the guy she's really interested in is Mersnotty's brother, Gus. Just then Mersnotty comes in and Sinthia introduces her to Maria.
* Guscake rants to Carmen that Cupcake is married but doesn't love her husband, and at the same time wants to re-hook up with him. He's even more convinced than ever that Cupcake is a heartless, man-eating gold-digger. Carmen offers herself to Guscake to help him get over his broken heart. They hug and Cupcake sees. She pouts prettily as he sees her looking at him and Carmen hug. After Cupcake rushes off, Guscake tells Carmen that she's a great girl, but there can't be anything between them just now.
* Bruno calls Rohell as Tia listens in on the conversation. Cupcake hasn't shown up at Tia's house in Tuxtla. Rohell reports that Miguel (the Weakest Link) has been found and is back at the Hacienda. (Tia is happy about this.) "He'll be here until Cupcake returns and asks for forgiveness" he says. Rohell tells Bruno to keep leaning on Dani to see if she knows anything and to keep looking and pushing. He also says to keep an eye on the Tia as well.
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Bruno reports back to Rohell as Tia listens in. |
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Rohell tells Bruno to keep looking. |
* Vainessa and Sinthia are having a visit. Vain wants Sin to come with her for that business thing at Boring del Cielo. Sinthia passes because David will be there too. Besides, she's hanging out with her new friend, Mersnotty. Vainessa curls her lip at Mersnotty, still resentful because Mersnotty supposedly had a thing with Esteban. (But you dumped Esteban, so why do you care, Vainessa? Was it that your vanity was wounded?) Vainessa says she also wants to try to work on her dad to convince him to give up looking for that so-called other daughter of his.
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Sin shows off her fabulous washboard abs as Vainessa leaves the room. |
* Fed comes into Rohell's office to say goodbye, as he's off to Boring del Cielo. He hopes for Cupcake's swift and safe return, and offers any help he can give. Rohell thanks him. In slinks Vainessa. She tells Rohell that she hopes his wife never returns, as Fed shakes his head slightly in disapproval. Rohell gives her a look of veiled disgust.
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Not thrilled to see Vainessa. |
* Carmen, Fermin's daughter-in-law, is jealous of how Guscake is still hooked on Cupcake. She's going to try to snag the Guscake for herself, because somehow it's "not fair" that Cupcake should have him, since she's an evil gold-digging married woman. Later in the episode, Carmen approaches Cupcake and implies that she and the Guscake have something going on, and that Cupcake should just back off. Indeed, Cupcake did see Gus and Carmen hugging earlier and Gus knew she saw and he didn't leave her with the impression that nothing was going on, so . . .
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Carmen tries to drive Cupcake away by implying that Guscake is involved with her, Carmen. |
* In the evening, Effer reports to Rohell that they have searched for Cupcake, but so far, nothing. Do they keep on looking? Rohell snaps his whip on his desk and says of course, keep on keep on keep on.
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"Don't stop looking for her!" he barks at Effer. |
* Cupcake is able to call Dani and tell her that the Guscake is alive and not murdered by that old turd Rohell. Though of course Rohell is still to blame for hiring a hit on the Guscake, Cupcake is convinced. (I wonder what Rohell would think if he knew that both Dani and Miguel were fully aware that Cupcake was alive and well, and they said nothing. Now of course we know why Dani and Miguel aren't telling, but at the same time, Rohell still has no idea if Cupcake is even alive, or if she has succumbed to the wild terrain she had to travel through to escape.)
* Fed is in Boring del Cielo (on business with Vainessa, etc) and encounters the Cupcake. She's freaking, worried that he'll tattle on her, but he assures her he won't. They agree to meet later so they can talk.
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Fed promises to help Cupcake and they arrange to meet later. But she can't show her face right now, because Vainessa and David are also at Boring del Cielo. |
* In the dark, depressing solitude of his office, Rohell muses over his and Cupcake's wedding photo. In a fit of anger he throws it against the wall and he vows that he will "make her pay!" Okay, whatever, dude, I don't believe you, but if it makes you feel better to say it, go ahead . . .
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In the dark solitude of his office, he looks at the Ugly Necklace he gave her, as well as the supposedly dead novio's necklace, and broods. |
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He looks at their wedding photo and wonders where she is. |
Vainessa sees Paula and Margarito at the bungalows and promptly calls Sinthia and tells her.
Repeat of Rohell vowing that she'll "pay" and a shot of Cupcake and Guscake kissing.
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From the avances: Vainessa smiles smugly when she spots Margarito and Cupcake. |
Labels: no-podia
Thanks for the recap and examples of Ugly Cry and Pretty Cry :-)
The ugliest crying I have ever seen on a galan was by Mauricio Islas. When he cries he looks like Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean. If I had to choose He Who Crieth The Prettiest it would probably be Fernando Colunga or Eugenio Siller.
Ingrid Martz is an ugly crier, but I don't know who gets the female title for this.
Now to the events: Skelator's scheme doesn't surprise me at all and it doesn't shock me that MentiRosa has no conscience about going along with it. May both of them rot in hell.
There will be some serious ugliness between the Cupcake and Vainessa very shortly. I'm sure the male viewers are looking forward to a good catfight.
Sinthia is a really cold bitch and Maria needs to be very worried.
That Tia and Bruno, they are a pair. Bruno is looking more obsessed and crazy with those bug eyes. I wonder how they will attempt to bilk Rohell out of his money. They will screw this up too, I think.
Miguel is starting to look like a lost cause. I am surprised Maria hasn't taken him under her wing.
Sin is very cold. I wonder if she has always been this way, or since Rohell's accident. She only seems to have affection for Maria and her snobby friends like Ms Mercy and Vainy.
So Lord Shadydeals is doing business with Vainy? This should be intersting.Especially with this beach property. I wonder if she knows about all the illegal stuff he did?
AP's attempts at 'splainin' things aren't going very well, are they?
We better hope Papa Fed takes her under his wing.
Possibly Maria hasn't taken Miguel under her wing because he is such a repellant idiot, not worth her time.
Tia's smirky plans for a cushy future must come back to bite her at some point. Rohell is right--keep her under observation at the hacienda.
I despise Bruno and his slimy tactics. He makes my skin crawl and my stomach heave.
Is Sin capable of loving anyone?
La Paloma
Gustavo might be the man to melt Sinthia's corazon de hielo, but we can't be sure. She's spent too much time being slammed with the paternalistic attitudes of her father and then her brother to either become independent or to become a good partner. Gustavo being on the rebound isn't right for her right now.
I have to disagree about Rog having an ugly cry. I don't think it's ugly. I do think that William Levy has an ugly cry though. His face gets all red.
This is the part of every TN that I hate. The misunderstandings, the lying, the not knowing who's the bad guy, etc., that every TN goes through. It's such a long waiting period before it gets sorted out.
How will the plot play out about lying to Cupcake that Guscake is dead? Will Cupcake let them know she knows he's alive before they try to lie to her, or will they get found out as liars first?
Rohell at the top of the staircase was scary. Hope it doesn't portend things to come.
I think Sinthia cares for Effen. Though she may feel some classist attitudes, I don't think it's as deep as some seem to think. A lot of times I think it's a role she plays. And with Efrain, it's actually a game they play. I don't know if she cares enough for him to break out of her role but I don't think she is cold and unfeeling-- more just self-absorbed.
And what's with Efrain being portrayed as just a lowly employee? If he runs the hacienda, he must have the main influence over dozen employees lives such as hiring and firing. Though he doesn't have the personal power that Maria has with Rogelio, I would think to the average person in San Gabriel he would be something of a "big-shot" if oversees one of the biggest haciendas in Chiapas.
AP certainly dint 'slain very well, did she?
"Gus, don't be like that! Look, I meant to look for you, but gosh, I thought you were dead, and, did I mention I got married?"
UA, enjoyed yesterday. If Sin had a kid, she must be repressing any feelings of loss, guilt, or shame. Hope she gets a heart more like Lady Chatterley.
I am so annoyed with Cupcake, I'm glad Guscake won't listen. Telling Margarito that Rogelio is a murderer is so wrong. He's only a kid. If Margarito is a Montero, he must be Rogelio's because at least he had the sense to keep the ring.
Tia's nuts. If Bruno is capable of having Guscake killed, what makes her think he won't do the same to her after she’s served her purpose?
I'm not liking anyone right now except for Fed, Maria, and Margarito. They should call this "Los Que No Podian Escuchar."
Some random thoughts...
-I am so over Cinthia. Her self-absorption is complete! Arghh.
-I want there to be a real reveal of Tia Mentirosa's character—sooner rather than later.
-I am hopeful that this experience will help AP grow up a bit. I keep waiting for the 'ah-ha' moment where she connects the dots.
How to perpetuate a misunderstanding
1. Jump to conclusions
2. Make up your mind that your assumptions are right
3. Enjoy a rage fest
4. Do not listen to any reason or good counsel,however kindly intended
5. Stay rigid, moral and self-righteous at all costs.
That Gus—How could he act like this? Oh, wait, I acted a bit like this with Rogelio...
I know it's unrealistic, but I can hope, can't I?
Bruno doesn't realize how much his plan has blown up in his face since AP has now seen an alive Gus but of course wrongly thinks Rog had something to do with his assault.
I actually liked Rog telling Miguel, the loser, to get off his sorry behind and do something productive with his life.
Those of us here for several years remember Chris Ferro's ugly crying scale. The comments today made me smile in remembrance. I agree with UA that Colunga and Siller (one of my all time favs) are good criers indeed.
I was saddened by the mis and non comunication. I had picked Carmen early on for Gus becuase I liked her character, honesty and warmth. I was surprised she resorted to inferring she and Gus were an item. If she had told Ana she was going to fight for Gus I would have respected her, but I lost some of that respect - this subterfuge is beneath her.
With his sunken cheeks and bulging eyes, Skeletor was just plain horrid. Blech.
I guess it is on tonight in spite of the fútbol.
I was really surprised that María didn't immediately warn Miguel to get out of there because the police were coming for him. I'm kind of disappointed. Does she think Rogelio really didn't follow through? Miguel is awful and pretty much useless, but he still doesn't deserve to rot/die in jail.
Wow - Rogelio thinks the murder accusation was just a pretext for leaving him. Shocking! And that's why he's swearing revenge, because he's unlovable? I'm still trying to get my head around the "hero's" logic here.
Yeah, Gustavo, what part of "you were dead" does he just not understand. LOL!
I loved Carmen waltzing over to AP to stake her claim even after Gus cleary told her he wouldn't get involved. Just wait until Carmen gets a load of Cinthia and vice versatile LOL!
Federico is SO happy! He located his daughter. Maybe he'll manage to keep her away from Vainessa and Sin. And no one is going to tell Rogelio!
Bruno and Tia - what can I say? I just love how Bruno thinks AP doesn't know Guscake is alive. I love watching villains screw up. But it's horrible when they don't.
I guess it doesn't understand common Latin phrases.
(that was supposed to be vice versa) - see I overrode it that time LOL!
The stars are certainly lining up for lots of fireworks.
Margarito seems to have grown in size and as an actor since we started. He's an endearing little boy, whomever his parents (I'm guess that the father is either Rog or Bruno. Either case will complicate the hacienda control issues when the outcome is revealed.)
Also, the "drunken lifestyle" comment (which I really like) was swiped from some other commenter or recapper. I think we can all agree that Miguel is embracing his drunken lifestyle at the moment, just like Rohell has embraced his douchebag lifestyle at times! LOL.
One of my pet theories over the years is that the ones who can't cry on cue end up cast as villains and most of the Ugly Criers don't get to be protagonists.
Am I on the money on this?
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