Saturday, February 11, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #119-120 Fri 2/10/12 Here comes the son…but there’s fog in the forecast.

I have no captions so this will probably have more errors than usual. Mil disculpas and please offer corrections.
Rebe and Arnold sip wine in Rebe’s Jacuzzi courtyard and Rebe says she has a hard time seeing a future with Pancho; it just seems dark and cloudy.
Temo sasses Chela and Pancho and whines that they aren’t thinking enough about him. They get their wits together and tell him their novios and his running away are separate matters, no one is going to abandon him, and he has to just accept that they respectively might and will get married.
Rebe says she thinks they should make peace with the Brat Pack and then plan the wedding, but she’s getting tired of the battle. Arnold says she’ll just have to be patient, and she knew Pancho was a package deal when she met him.
Temo whines about his feelings and Pancho assures him love isn’t a zero sum game. There will be enough to go around. Chela promises she’ll never leave him. Ha ha, he’ll really appreciate that in a few years when she insists on chaperoning his dates and medical exams and going to work with him. Temo asks forgiveness and it is readily granted.
Moni stands on the bed and screams because there is a rat in the room. Pepe chuckles at her and heads calmly off to get the broom to murder it.
Sin Ton Ni Son practices their new song. Ana seems happy with their progress. I think she should bring the music ringing from her chest and not her nose, the way the Aristocats taught us.
Kari gets chummy and sympathetic with Freddie over drinks. As usual, he has Got Milk.
Upstairs, Pina uses the telescope to spy on Vins and Candy playing Tongue Twister in the yard. Some sneakiness and discretion. Pina calls Arnold Flowers.
Pepe is awfully perky considering the rat seems to be winning the battle. He chases it with the broom while Moni freaks out that the rat is going to climb in bed with them and munch them in their sleep.
Next morning, Candy interviews a single mother who was abandoned by the child’s father for her radio program.
Rebe goes to work in Barbie’s sundress and boohoos her frustrations to Pancho. He talks too much.
Interviewee woman tells Candy and the listening audience that she’s worked hard to make do without the dad’s help, but she can’t take it anymore. She needs help. Candy says okay; what is the father’s name? “Pancho Lopez.” Candy is shocked while the woman talks about how she fell in love with the dude. Candy very calmly says she and the audience will help her make things right. She points out that whatsername must know Pancho is her brother. Yep. So has she talked with Pancho yet? No. Of course not, that would be silly. But now her son is very sick, on the verge of death. Candy says her brother is incapable of abandoning one of his children, and if he had known about this kid he would absolutely have done the right thing.
Vins interrupts Pancho and Rebe hard at work. Hahahahahaha, no, they were just snoozling in the office as usual.
Mystery woman gives Candy a photo of her son (young adult, dark hair) but time’s up, part two of this scintillating program next time. Suddenly the captions are back and the woman’s name turns out to be Ofelia. Off the air, Candy lets the woman know what she really thinks. How can she accuse Pancho of abandoning his son if he never knew the kid existed? If Ofelia tries to take advantage of Pancho, Candy will personally see to it she pays dearly, in prison if necessary. Ofelia says she’d like to put Pancho in jail for being irresponsible. {Well, if we’re going to start putting people in jail for that now…it would be like jailing people for arguing with their siblings, which I seem to recall was a reason for jailing someone in a recent telenovela).
Arnold goes with Pina to a detective’s office and she tells the snoop she’s getting divorced. He knows; it’s been in all the gossip pages. Pina is not happy about that. Anyway, she wants the guy to get photos of Vins in bed with Candy.
Pancho and Vins do their usual tiresome headbutting and Vins wants to know what Pina’s job is at Avon. Something about marketing management, and she reports only to Pancho. Furthermore, it’s Vins’s own fault that Pina is a shareholder and also owns most of their other assets, so there.
Meli and Temo say a teary goodbye. Let’s send Temo to Brussels and keep Meli. Do you think that would start a war between Mexico and Belgium?
Enzo and Vins bicker. Enzo thinks Vins is letting business and friendships suffer because of his obsession with Candy.
Pina’s handsome lawyer clarifies to her that for adultery to be a factor in the divorce, they need actual proof of criterion behavior. A kissing video isn’t enough. Was this scene supposed to happen before the visit to the P.I.?
Vins talks to his lawyer about custody of Abejo. Lawyer says whatever; he’s found out about a certain video and he specifically warned Vins to stay away from Candy. If he keeps this up, he will lose custody of the doggy.
Chela and Candy storm Pancho’s office and ask what he knows about Ofelia Avalos. Some novia of his from a long time ago, why? They tell him why.
Record exec is alone in his office with Ana critiquing the sexiness of her moves. The choreographer will help her learn to skank it up onstage. Ana wonders how she’s going to have time for composing, practice, magazine interviews, glitzing up, school, family, AND sexiness classes. Exec says she has to forget everything else and devote herself to just the music stuff. No way, she says. And what about her novio? Well, then, she isn’t cut out for this business. Too bad she already signed the contract, bwahaha.
Tomás and Pepe time Freddie at the autodrome and look gross. Tom is annoyed by how friendly Pepe is with Freddie.
Lupita seems to be going for more of a covered-up peasantish style since she was widowed, and less little girl.
Pancho dashes away and Candy and Chela won’t tell Rebe what’s going on. Chela thinks she needs to rush home to help Temo cry over Meli but Candy wisely thinks she’d have more fun smooching Enzo.
Moni recounts the Tale of the Rat to Kari and Kari thinks it’s hysterical. Moni has to head home because the new washing machine is being delivered. Kari teases her about being a Cinderella.
Tomás tells Pepe his plan to make Lupita happy. Pepe thinks Tom’s courting is the last thing Lupita needs. Apparently they do some super mechanic work and the car goes fast.
Pancho and the ChaCha Chamigos look for Ofelia’s house.
Candy tries to visit Vins but Sandra won’t permit it. Pina passes by and insults her.
Chela and Enzo are so formal. It’s awkward. They spend forever talking about wanting to kiss. Finally they get to it.
The washer is delivered and sitting in the living room. Kari says it needs to be connected but neither of them has a clue how to do this.
Freddie tells the mecánicos he’s in love with Ana but he’s depressed because she’s too busy to see him or talk to him. What a bummer, dude, but Pepe doesn’t have time to listen to this because he has to take a call from his Sirenita to discuss their plumbing in the home they so blissfully share together all the time. Pepe tells Moni one calls a plumber to connect a washer, but he and Tom can do it, be right there, sweetums. They dash off and Freddie looks more depressed.
Pancho and the Chamigos find Ofelia’s family’s house/business. What a dump. A young guy greets them and is stunned to see Pancho. Papa! They do have matching haircuts. Father and son for sure? The kid clutches his chest and gasps for air. Ofelia runs in with an inhaler. He recovers enough to hug Pancho and exclaim that he didn’t want to die without meeting him.
Pina natters about how low-class and tacky Candy is. “This from the woman who usually goes around in tutus?” Candy snarks. But they’re expensive tutus, so way classy, obvio. Sandra cheers at Pina’s putting Candy in her place and gets smacked.
Pancho asks Ofelia why she never told him she was pregnant. Rebe calls and Pancho won’t tell her what is going on, which bugs her.
Vins tries to make Candy feel better. They very discreetly cling to each other while Sandra makes Vins sign stuff.
Ofelia says she thought about telling Pancho, but she was only 17 and went to her parents’ place in Colima for help with the baby, and then she found out he was already married to Laurita. He’s annoyed that she slandered him on the radio. But what about the kid? His name is Francisco and he’s very sick.
Candy and Chela tell Lupita about her supposed half-brother. Why did the woman wait so long, then bring it up now? Something is very odd.
Francisco has bad lungs.
Pepe and Tomás are in the apartment parking lot, where Moni’s car is up on blocks.
Pancho tells Francisco if he’d know he existed, he would have taken care of him all this time. Francy sobs his life would have been so different with such a great daddy.
Moni can tell something is wrong and Pepe finally tells her that her tires were stolen.
This new kid is really annoying me already. What a pitiful dweeb. Pancho takes him off somewhere.
Down in the parking lot, Pepe says he has a family meeting to go to, and Moni has a fit and yells at him fine! Go! She’ll just deal with everything herself! Of course Pepe offers to stay with her instead and they smooch a lot. She sends him off and Tom will take care of things. What Tom is mostly taking care of is flirting with Kari. He asks if she has a novio. No, why? Oh, no reason. Okey dokey, but just by the by, she wouldn’t live in a place like this even if she were dead.
Vins proposes another meetup with Candy in the hotel suite. She agrees. The detective listens in on their conversation.
In La Burra, Pancho shows Francy the pictures of the other kids.
The detective takes pictures of Vins leaving the office and follows him.
The family is gathered. Pancho walks in with the overwhelmed gaspy dude and introduces him as his son.
Moni cries and calls Enzo and begs for help. She can’t take it anymore.
Francy is introduced to the whole family and is beside himself. By beside himself I mean I’m not sure his spirit is firmly attached to his body. He seems at risk of keeling over any minute. Everyone looks concerned.
The detective follows Vins to (I think) a florist and a bunch of shops, taking photos all the way, then back to the office. Inside, Vins unpacks the loot. Perfume, tiny sexy undies for himself, everything is set.
Once they’re alone, Rebe is all “what the heck?” and Pancho explains how Nancy Francy came to be, and that they need money for his lung treatment. Rebe thinks he’s too trusting and this woman and her kid might just be swindling him.
The kids all hang around the table and observe Francy uncertainly while he shoves food down. Temo snootily says he doesn’t see any reason to like him, but then he freaks out with worry when Francy starts gasping for air.
Chela and Lupita have taken their freaking out to the kitchen. Chela also suspects this is a swindle, but she says even if Pancho suspects he won’t say anything to avoid hurting the poor kid.
The band records songs. When they finish Ana checks her phone; she’s missed LOTS of calls and messages.
Freddy is still achicopalado but won’t talk to Pina about it because it concerns Ana. Pina still tries to lead him in the ways of proper snobbery. Freddy says love matters more than social class, but Ana is so busy with her music career he’s afraid he will lose her.
Vins and Candy sneakily and discreetly shriek at each other and kiss in the lobby of a swanky hotel. The detective doesn’t miss it. They head upstairs.
Pancho takes his airless new heir back to the hood. He asks if he needs anything and the kid says no. Pancho gives him his phone number. After Pancho drives away, Sobby tells his mother it was like a dream, thanks so much Mommy for letting me meet my new family! Mom doesn’t like that so much.
Vins and Candy sneakily and discreetly kiss at the elevators. The detective notes the floor.
Arnold Flowers brings flowers to Pina at home. Ado appreciates them more than Pina does. Pina and Arnold sit down to work on some Avon graphics. Vins makes eyes at Pina and weirds her out.
Pancho tells Rebe what a sad state Ofelia’s home and business are in. He says he’s going to do the responsible sensible thing and get a DNA test. But he thinks the kid is very sweet and needs help. “Okay, I believe you that he’s a good person. But what about his mother?”
Pina asks Arnie what is going on. He says he is going to confess something.
Monday, the moment of truth arrives. Francy isn’t Pancho’s son after all?!?!


Great job, Julia! I loved all the references to discretion. Vins doesn't seem to get it, does he.

I thought Francy was a cutie pie. lol "Airless heir" great wordplay. The actor looked so familiar to me.

When will Tomas get a make over? That mini payess (pl: payot) on the side of his head drives me crazy.

Someone mentioned a Freddy/Kari pairing yesterday (was is Vivi?), but I really want Freddy and Ana to end up together.

Thank you so much Julia for this great funny recap. Loved all your great snark, especially your title.
Moni, freaking out, too funny. The poor girl has never really had to deal with alot as far as homemaking duties go lol. Loved Tomas flirting with Kari.

I too want Freddy to end up with Ana. They fit together so well.

Candy and Vins will never learn to stop smooching in front of everyone. Candy did look around to make sure noone was looking at the hotel, but she didn't look long enough. I wonder how the detective will get video of them doing the horizontal mambo lol.

I felt bad for Francy with the asthma, but I don't think he is Pancho's. Ofelia was acting shady, but Francy is innocent. I think Pancho will help him anyway.

Pina and Arnold Flowerz are too funny. Arnold actually looked like he was leaning in for a good kiss, he kept moving closer and closer to Pina's face, and her backing up. I wonder if he will tell her he isn't gay and that he has fallen in love with her?


Thanks so much for covering for Julie and giving us two fabulous recaps back to back.

Ofelia is definitely pulling a con on Little Francy and Big Francy (Pancho). The fact that she named the kid Francisco makes me wonder if she always intended to con Pancho but got sidetracked. I did feel sorry for the poor, skinny, sick young man, and the whole Lopez clan felt the same. I'm glad that they all suspect that Ofelia is conning them though.

I also like Ana and Freddy together, but we know the course of true love isn't smooth, especially in tns. So while the road is bumpy, with Ana too busy to see or speak to Freddy, and him being lonely and sad with not even one friend, I see an opening for Kari.

But I didn't suspect that Tomcat would be sniffing around Kari too, while he's in the midst of professing his love for Lupe. Just shows that some people DON'T change. Maybe that's why his hair style and clothing style haven't changed yet (unlike Enzo), because he hasn't really changed.

I was laughing during the rat scene, but mainly because I freak out the same way over rodents. I was totally with Moni on that, but I didn't think she would break down so soon and call Daddy Enzo for help.

I really like Lupe, and want something better for her than Tomas (at least in his current state). I continue to be impressed by her (and the young teen actress playing her). I like how she comforted Temo over Meli leaving by being honest, positive, and by making him laugh via tickling. She'll be a great teacher after she graduates and a great mom.

Great title. Thanks, Julia. This was a fun and snarky recap and I really need it today. I went off to the opera last night and forgot to set the VCR. Midway through act 1 of Carmina Burana I suddenly realized that I was missing a double episode. I can't believe how annoyed that made me. That's just another reason to hate these double episodes -- miss an evening & you miss two episodes. Arrrgh! When will we get back to normal programming?

OK --rant over -- I loved your recap, Julia. I didn't foresee Rebe's doubts growing so soon -- or Moni's frustrations with the naco life. And I like Freddie & Ana. Sorry to see their relationship in trouble so soon. I guess that we got all the romantic partnerships all lined up and now everyone needs to be ripped apart for a while because too much happiness doesn't sell much face cream or dish Latino.

Boy this new Ofelia plotline seems to have come from out of nowhere. Wonder where it's going.

I like your take, Vivi, that Tomás' failure to change his hairstyle shows that he hasn't changed enough to earn Lupe's love just yet. -- Still sniffing around anything female -- a real Tomáscat.


Julia, thanks for a great recap. Loved the snark on Candy's and Vince's discreteness. Poor love birds - they're so into each other, they just can't help touching each other.

Agree about Lupita. Tomas is a good friend, but he's done nothing to clean up his act. I hope there's somebody else in store for her.

A rat and her fab car jacked up too -- I don't blame Moni one bit for crumbling. But running to daddy before she talked it out with Pepe shows she's not ready for this step.

Francy seemed not only to have a lung condition, but to be generally under-developed. He would be older than Pepe but he acted much younger.

Gracias Julia.
These 2 hours go by fast for me, but I feel for the recappers.

It's full of surprises & not cliche after cliche like one novela we know.

Pepe is the oldest & Panchito looks younger than Pepe, but according to Ofelia that is not the case. Her affair with Pancho was before he married Laurita. We know Pancho wouldn't cheat on his wife.

I think the Pina, Arnoldo relationship will be the most entertaining for awhile.

Ofelia is Dacia Arcaraz (Margarita) from MEPS.
The "airless heir" lol, is Mariano Linares, I'll ck him out.

In the cast of characters Arath de la Torre plays another part.
With about 150 episodes left, no telling what we are in for. But it's not boring.

Thank you Julia!!

"With about 150 episodes left, no telling what we are in for. But it's not boring."
I just can't wrap my brain around this. I've never invested that much time in a TN, but I'm so ready to do just that. Every character intrigues me (Ok, maybe not Temo or Tomas.) I really want to know how everything will end and who pairs up with whom.

I haven't the slightest idea why they threw in this new kid for Pancho. The whole story line around it was a bit too much. It reminds me of when they tossed in that wacky singer for a few episodes. This wheezy boy and mother add nothing to the story other than to say Pancho is really gullible.

I guess it's because I haven't been watching as long, but I'm pretty accepting of everything they are throwing at me.

Crazy Alejandra Guzman running in the street? Sure, Ok.

Wheezy kid from out of nowhere? Meh, what the hay. I'll buy it.

I had more trouble with the out of nowhere jacuzzi scene on Wednesday (was it Wednesday?)

oh. I guess my previous comment says a lot about my taste...or lack thereof. lol

Ana sexy? How can a chick playing an accordian look sexy??

As for Wheezer and mother Awfulia -what a farce!

Wow, that Ofelia storyline came from out of nowhere! I agree with Madelaine, though: I think Francisco will turn out not to be Pancho's, but he won't be able to resist helping the kid out.

I hope Lupita can help Temo. It's a lot of change for a little kid who so used to having such a tight-knit family unit, but he needs to understand that things do change. Hopefully, Lupita can be his counselor, because Rebeca was totally right in suggesting therapy. I also hope Lupita can find someone other than Tomas. Vivi totally nailed it on Tomas; He hasn't changed and Lupita can do so much better.

I like what Ana does for Freddy, but I don't think they're going to last. If they're giving us the band issues and a Kari possibility this early in their relationship, I think it may not go the distance.

Hopefully Chela and Enzo's slow take will bloom into a beautiful relationship. I'm not hoping the same for Candy and Vincente. Candy can argue with Chela that Vincente can change just like Enzo has changed...but I feel that they're two totally different people at their cores. Enzo is a good person at his core (raising a child that was never his for 20 years just so she could have a shot at life). I don't think the same could be said for Vins. He may be soft with Candy, but I think he's a true villain underneath.

Either way, I can't wait to see what's to come. They are up to 260 episodes in Mexico. How many have we seen here already?

Anon- I don't think Pancho really believes Ofelia. He's not that gullible. But he does believe that Francisco believes it, so he's not inclined to break the kid's heart. I think, even if the DNA test proves that the young man isn't his, he will still take care of him and his medical needs because Pancho has a big heart (as everyone mentioned last night). I also don't think he wanted to come right out and deny being the kid's father, because there is a possibility it's true. He did have sex with Ofelia afterall, and hasn't seen her in nearly 25 years. If it turned out to be true, and the first impression Francisco had of him was him denying paternity, Pancho wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

Plus, this tn is SO long, that I think we will have many more off the wall storylines to keep things interesting. It can't just be about our many couples getting together and/or being kept apart. And we still have the Fer/Pancho mother/son discovery to look forward to. I'm enjoying this crazy ride so far.

"I like what Ana does for Freddy, but I don't think they're going to last. If they're giving us the band issues and a Kari possibility this early in their relationship, I think it may not go the distance."

SugarLily: Noooo!!! Say it ain't so! j/k. Once I get attached to a couple, I have a hard time letting go. Maybe this show will help me with that.

Anon1:13-Thanks for reminding me. Every time Ana says "sepsy" ('cause seriously it sounds like that) I think "sepsis"...which isn't sexy at all.

Anon 1:13, I present you with the Wild Women of Accordion Pin-Up Calendar 2011:

May is a cutie!!!
Thanks for the link :-)

Sorry, that was the 2012 calendar. There is a 2011 calendar too:

Thanks, Julia for this recap.

Sentence of the week, "Pancho takes his airless new heir back to the hood."

I am so sorry about these double epis for you recappers. You all do a great job. It looks like the writers are going to stir things up a bit for the next, say, 50 or so episodes.

Poor Francy! He playing a sorry but earnest loser for sure. Maybe Pancho will just give him a job at Avon and be done with it.

Sugar Lily-You did such a nice analysis of the basic morality of Vice and Candy! ITA, Vins is not a nice boy, but he and Candy sure do a great job with the slap-stick element of this TN.


Vivi, your right, Pancho will care for Wheezer, no matter what. He has an incredible heart. Hope he is tougher with mommy dearest.

The accordian pinups are hilarious. I have to agree with May be a good one and maybe a look suitable for Ana. She is tomboy through and through.

I thought it was funny how both Chela and Enzo closed their eyes and waited to be kissed, then both opened their eyes when nothing happened and admitted they were both out of practice. LOL!

Such a clever title Julia...and my favorite line why referring to Pancho "he talks too much". Amen sistah. If I were Rebe, I would have been tempted to throttle him long before this. Lord, will that flow of soul never stop!?

Like Güera, I missed this double episode, but Chela and Enzo's missed kiss sounded like a cute moment. And I'm looking forward to the reveal about Freddy's true parentage.

Also...Julia...thank you for your good heart and willing spirit to bail out our hard-working but ailing Julie. You are both wonderful...and Julie, I hope you feel better soon. I only work part-time, but it's the same deal, if I don't work, I don't get it's very hard to find subs. Which is why I once taught with "walking pneumonia". (NOT recommended.)

Why did they bring in Wheezy??? because it's over 250 episodes!!!. Be happy it's not 75 years like the soaps.

Clearly Candy could not play the accordion. I've noticed that all of her low cut dresses, well all of her dresses, she wears supposedly invisible straps.
Carlos, take notice, that is what real ones look like.

I seem to recall that Vince also has some secret in his past. Does anyone remember if that's true? If so, then when it is revealed & he has to deal with it maybe even he will discover some empathy. He is very self involved and fixated at about the age of three but he reminds me of the "vilain" in Dinero. He doesn't seem evil -- just childish.

I don't much care about Freddie and Ana, but if Pepe and Moni break up because of their "poverty" I will not be happy.

I actually really like Tomás, but I admit that might be because I really really liked the character the actor played in Niña de Mi Corazón and he's got all sorts of leftover goodwill in my mind. I don't think he's awful, just confused. He should just embrace his Tomcat nature if he still isn't ready to settle down with one woman, and leave Lupita alone. Kari might actually be good for him because she doesn't seem like she'd be looking for anything serious right now, but she might be a good influence on him. And then he could get a new hairstyle! Thanks, Sara, for educating me on the name for his current hair butchery. Payess.

Francy might be cute, but it's hard to tell when he's making that tragedy mask face all the time. I might like him better if he settles down a bit.

Julie I hope you are feeling better. About Tomas, I really think he is a work in progress. I liked his flirting with Kari, but he can't win Lupe back no matter how hard he tries. I think she will be grieving for Alex for a long time. I think even Pepe told him that.

Poor Freddy he is trying to be friends with Pepe and even Tomas I think, but noone has time for him, even Ana with her new career path.I think this might draw him to Kari who seems to have time for everyone. Although I want Freddy and Ana to be together at the end.

It was really sad when Meli left for Brussels and Temo was crying his eyes out along with Meli. He actually didn't throw a tantrum then. Hopefully he will grow up a little.

Julia, forgot to add that your title is perfect. So glad it looks like the fog will lift Monday.

Pepe's been so solid in luchando por su amor even when Moni was such a scaredy cat, I'm hoping Moni will rise to show Pepe she can deal with this crisis.

Julie, hope you're feeling better.

Thanks again, Julia. This was great.

I'm glad we finally have our comedy back. Not that it's fun to watch New Extra Son gasp for his life, but the rest of it seems a lot less doomy these days. Or maybe I've simply acclimated.

Rebeca and Pancho in the jacuzzi - I was surprised at how skinny her legs were. Maybe she needs calf implants.

I was sad to see Lupita looking so lonely at the housewarming party.

I could not believe my eyes when Tomas started flirting with Kari. So much for his big plans with Lupita. Maybe we misunderstood his intentions, and he's actually planning to look out for her and make sure she finds a good new guy?

Pancho Jr. - give me a break. I thought Ofelia's story was ridiculous, but on the other hand it should be very easy to find out if it's true, so maybe she's not lying. But it's kinda hard for me to get invested in a new kid who looks ready to drop dead. (I mean, if he doesn't, what are we supposed to do with him, plot-wise? Where does he fit? Maybe he can join the band and keep Manuel company.)

If Moni thinks she's living in poverty, she's got a lot to learn. Don't most people there have to do their laundry up on the roof?

Sending Temo to Brussels would not start a war between Mexico and Belgium. The Belgians would just throw a cell phone down a well and then look the other way.

Someone asked how many eps we've had - I think we're around 115.

Güera asked about Vince having some secret in his past. I seem to remember that he and/or Pina gloated about some secret of Fernanda's. Maybe the big "secret" is already out of the bag - maybe it was the thing about Fernanda and Inez.

Whoo! Sorry that was so long... at least I'm all caught up now. (Only to fall behind again, no doubt!)

Thanks for your good wishes, everyone. I'm still not 100%, but at least I'm no longer limited to rice porridge. Now I can enjoy a great variety of bland foods!

"I just can't wrap my brain around this. I've never invested that much time in a TN"

This TN is about 260 caps the finale is Feb 19 in Mexico. Yes, the Fin is playing on a Sunday. And they are taping these last caps this week so the ending will be a surprise.

La Fea Mas Bella Is a wondrous 300 capitulos! I can't believe there is still someone out there who has not watched this classic comedic telenovela starring Angelica Vale and Jaime Camil! It was such a hit in Mexico that it's original 150 caps were extended to 300 just to keep it on the air longer.


I hang my head in shame. I have not seen LFMB. Egads! Does this hurt my CarayCaray membership?

I have thought about getting it on DVD. I realize it will be all edited and chopped up. Has anyone seen the DVD version? Worth it?

LFMB on DVD is "worth it" if you don't pay too much for it, or if you can rent it from Netflix or something.

Mostly it just made me sad that so much was missing (like entire storylines, some of them worthless, but others priceless). But maybe it's not so bad if you don't know what you're missing. Or maybe it will tempt you to spring for the full (unlicensed) version, but there's a lot of filler in the full ~300 hours, so that would have to be your call.

Julia, thanks so much for doing double-down recap duty. Actually it's quadruple down since they are double episodes! Wow. Such an imaginative title and witty recap. You never fail to surprise me with your hilarious observations. Airless heir indeed!

I was annoyed at Moni for whining to daddy but I'm hoping Enzo will step up and tell her it's time to grow up and take care of some things on her own. We'll see.

Vivi, thank you for suggesting the Accordion Babes calendar. I have my 2012 copy. I take it to the Cotato Accordion Festival every year to get autographs. I was happy to note that my favorite, Mad Maggie, is a pirate this year. We in the SF Bay Area are so lucky that a number of the accordion babes are local, including May who seems to be the favorite of some of you.

Variopinta, thanks for the ID on Ofelia. Thanks to you I realized she was also the amazing Yadira on Juan Querendon. Wow, can that actress change her looks or what?

Julie, so glad to hear that you are slowly feeling better.

I was thinking about Ana's hostility towards Rebe, and the more I think about it, the less it makes sense. (A normal person would just stop thinking about it, then. Not me.)

When they moved into Fernanda's Stately Manor, Ana was totally into it. Change shmange, she didn't care. Lupita and Chela were the sole holdouts. Lupita even cried over it. She and Chela begged Pancho not to take the helm at Avon. But everyone else was on board, including Ana and Temo.

The change ended up being TOTALLY good for Ana (at least until she signed that recording contract). Her resistance to Rebeca makes no sense at all. I figure if Lupita was able to overcome her misgivings about all the changes, it's incomprehensible that it should stick in Ana's craw.

Oh well.

"Or maybe it will tempt you to spring for the full (unlicensed) version"
Hmmm...where does one find these? Are they available for any other TNs.

Sara, if the people who did them are still in business, you can get complete sets of just about any TN going back at least 7 years. I think they used to be called Telenovelas R Us. Alas, I don't know what they're called now. The nature of their work probably forces them to keep a low profile.

Many full TNs are also available on YouTube if you know where to look. (I don't know where to look; some are easier to find than others, and Televisa et al seem to be more aggressive about asserting their rights on some telenovelas than others, so good luck with that.)

I think I've seen them. I always wondered about the quality.

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