Saturday, March 17, 2012

Abismo de pasión #5 3/16/12: I said divorce the shrew and dump the harlot. But does he listen? Nuh uh.

The Arangean Stables: or -- a Harlot, a Shrew and a Knave walk into a barn ...

The TangeloHo crouches in a stall – perfectly camouflaged in the horse dung – while Alfonsina sniffs. Rosendo reeks of perfume. And she knows whose it is! Hah! She’ll never give him a divorce. He’ll never be free to marry Estefanía.

Rosie says there IS no other woman. It’s their marriage that has gone belly-up. And it’s their son who is paying the price. Imagine. A little boy buying magical amulets, thinking he can repair their irreparably hellish relationship.

(At least Rosie is wearing his boy’s gift. Inside the hacienda, little Damián is saddened to see his mother’s amulet carelessly set aside.)

They should divorce for their son’s sake, says Rosendo.

(On hearing this, Carmina smirks, almost betraying her presence by the blinding flash of overwhitened teeth.)

Rosendo will have to kill Alfie first – she will not be the laughing stock of the pueblo!

As soon as Alfie stalks off, up pops the Sleazel™. “I told you she’s nuts” says the dirty TangeloHo (Well she’s been in the stable muck. What do you expect?). “There’s no point trying to talk to her.” Rosendo is convinced. Carmina can go home and pack and they will leave the next day.

Two and a half women of virtue

Estefanía tells doña Blanca she’s sad her sister is leaving La Ermita. Blanca reminds her that Carmina isn’t a small-town kind of girl. And Steffie isn’t exactly alone – she has her family, Augusto and Elisa.

Right on cue, adorable Elisa bursts in, hugs Blanca, and asks permission to try on the new dress Blanca has made for her.

One self-dramatizing egotist and her victim

Alfie has taken refuge in her room. She hyperventilates, she fumes, she bites off the maid’s head. (No, my dears, not literally. That would be another kind of drama. On another network.). She sobs.

Rosendo proceeds with his plans:

He asks Lucio to take charge of the Hot Sauce plant in his absence – they’ll sign a formal paper in the morning. Lucio accepts. But he knows that Gabino Mendoza won’t like it. And he also knows that Rosendo is involved in something very unsavoury: ¡Ay muchacho, sabrá Dios en que lios andas metido!(God only knows what kind of mess you're mixed up in.)

Casa Castañon

When Blanca has gone, Elisa notices her mommy’s eyes are red, as if she has been crying. Steffie explains that she’s sad about Tía Carmina going away. Elisa wonders why she has no sibs, but then reflects that she is lucky to have her pals. Stef insists, with uncharacteristic insensitivity, that a friend’s love isn’t the same as a sister’s. Fortunately, our little heroine seems too grounded to start feeling sorry for her onlychildness. Or maybe she, like the viewer, is thinking that her mommy would have been lucky to be an only.

Hacienda Arango

Damián finds Alfie flat on the floor of her room. “She looks dead!” cries the horrified child. He hollers for help.

Casa Castañon

While Alfie is playing possum (also known as TrauMatizaKid) in the big house, in their more modest casa, Lolita and Elisa are making a cake to cheer up Steffie.

Stef sees Carmina packing her bags. When she tries to talk her out of leaving, poor Stef gets an earful of Carm’s angry, mendacious “I have to get away from Rosendo right now!”

The Doctor Makes House Calls

New character alert: Doctor Edmundo Tovar (Alexis Ayala)

Dr. Tovar reassures Rosie and Damián that Alfie is going to be fine – just let her rest a while.

Rosendo takes Tovar aside. Alfie has had low blood pressure for a long time but she never fainted before. Could this be serious? Not to worry, says the doc. She’s just really anxious. Keep her meds handy and stay close to her.

Alfie stands straight and tall in her room. Is she straining to hear the conversation? When Rosendo’s steps approach, she scoots under the covers and reprises the role of invalid. She felt she was going to die, she tells him, when he talked of divorce.

She reminds him of all the years, all the difficult fertility treatments she endured, just to give him a child; and how risky her pregnancy was because of her age. And now, after all she suffered to give him his precious son, he is talking about abandoning her?

Cue to the precious son entering with a message for dad. Elisa’s father wants to see him. Alfie holds Damián hostage until Rosendo comes back to her sick bed.

This doc sounds like a bit of a yenta. He has spread the word of Alfie’s attack of the vapours and now Augusto wants to know how she is. “Lo mismo de siempre” (same old same old) says Rosendo -- though the fainting bit did scare him for a moment.

Augusto is worried about his friend and invites him to take him into his confidence. Rosendo will only say that he understands that his family depends on him and he can’t take any risks with their stability. Then he adds ominously: You’re like a brother to me – always remember that, whatever may happen.

Dr. Tovar when he’s at home ... is none other than the spouse of Begoña, the snooty metiche who was so quick to believe the worst about Steffie. The doc not only blabs to Begoña about his visita de domicilio (house call) but offers his opinion that Alfie’s faint was emotional blackmail, an obvious cry for attention. Begoña is miffed – why Alfie would never! The poor thing. Everyone knows that Rosendo is messing around with Estefanía Bouvier. Doc pooh-poohs the rumor: ¿En qué cabeza cabe semejante estupidez? (How could you think such a thing? In what head does such a stupid thing fit?)

At the dinner table, Lucio worries aloud about Rosendo. Blanca reassures him: If his concern is Carmina, well breathe easy. Stef told her Carmina is leaving town.

Hmmm. Curiously, Rosendo told Lucio he’s leaving town too. And he’s not sure when he’s coming back.


Casa Castañon

Augusto is greeted by the TangeloHo in a tangerine peignoir. Her sister will miss her, he tells her, and he will too. He doesn’t think she should leave. (Why the blazes not, Mr. Mixed Messages?) He loves her like a sister. Ooooh. Carmina doesn’t want to hear that.

Now Elisa enters and watches silently as a real horror flick unfolds.

Carmina – with her leather-colored face and wild, stringy hair reminding one of a shrunken head early along in the shrinking process – decides to let ‘er rip. “I love you” she tells her cuñado. “I’ve loved you as long as I have known you. You are the love of my life.”

Look away Elisa! Oh no! Too late. Orangina pulls Augie onto her face. Elisa drops her doll. The adults turn to her. Elisa looks her father in the eye and says: “I saw you kiss her on the mouth.”

Carmina blathers about it being a goodbye, brotherly kind of kiss but Elisa knows what she saw and heard. She runs away. Augie follows. He wants to keep her from telling her mom about this scene

Elisa, apparently smarter than either of her parents, just wants the Tangerine One to leave – even if her mom is sad about it. Augie repeats that his wife and daughter are the two loves of his life.

Carmina is still lurking, waiting for Augie – they have to talk. But he turns away from her. He wants her gone! Now leather face is tear-stained and distorted by the pain of his rejection.

Wearing a white towel on her head and a white terrycloth robe, Steffie herself is looking a bit orange, as if, in a spontaneous gesture of sisterly solidarity, she has just stepped out of the spray tan booth. She’d like Carmina to postpone her trip until the weekend so they can drive her to Mérida. Nooooooooooo says Augie. Let her go. Oh and don’t go into Elisa’s room to kiss her goodnight – she’s already asleep.

Paloma sets out for La Ermita with her basket of pan dulce and a cage of “recovered” birds for Elisa. Ramona has errands to run and will see her granddaughter at home later.

Begoña, in a sickroom visit to Alfie, hints that Alfie faked her “attack” as a way to solve her Rosie problem. What Rosie problem? asks Alfie. By the way, you know that blue house near the cenote ...

...Well. Begoña has heard that someone bought it although it looks unlived in. Maybe it’s a place to .... er ... wink wink ... you know...

Begoña leers but Alfie looks like she’s eaten some bad huitlacoche.

A bright cloud of orange fills the screen. It’s Rosendo’s shirt. He rides up to the TangeloHo, herself in an orangina sundress. Her bags are packed and she is ready, freddie! She doesn’t take kindly to Rosie’s story about Alfie’s vapours and the discussion gets kind of heated ...

Remember, children... you are never alone in a telenovela. There is always someone to overhear you. And so it is that Ramona is driving her horse-drawn cart past this very spot at this very moment and gets an earful ...

“I can’t believe you’re stupid enough to fall for her blackmail” screeches Carmina Burra. She’s not waiting, not even a few days. It’s now or he’ll never see her again! (Pick door number two, for the love of God!)

Elsewhere in the countryside, a figure on horseback rides smartly up to the famous blue house. It’s Alfie! Looking in the pink! (Didn’t she get the memo about orange?) When a domestic comes out the door, Alfie learns that Gabino Mendoza hired her. But the woman can’t say who actually lives there.

Rosendo has, unfortunately, opted for door number one. When he gets to the procesadora, he informs Gabino that his plans “siguen en pie” (are continuing as planned). Gabino has the plane tickets and hotel reservations. Should he charge the costs to the business? Of course not, Rosendo tells him, just throw away that statement from the travel agency.

Oh and by the way, he’s leaving don Lucio in charge. Gabino doesn’t like that? Well he can turn in his resignation – to don Lucio.

Elisa, despite her bright red-orange dress, is in a funk. She confides to her mother that she wants tía Orangina to leave. Why? Well ...

Hey! Paloma’s here! And she has a cage of lively, healthy birds. Why are there four when the kids only left three with Ramona? Um. Paloma thinks fast – the fourth is a gift, like the doll Elisa gave her!

Paloma has her pan dulce to sell and Elisa accompanies her. Steff is left behind, a bit disconcerted by what her daughter has just said about tía.

It’s Lolita’s afternoon off. She noticed that Carm’s bags are still in her room so she must be coming back to the house. Would Steffie say goodbye for her? (Actually, Lolita’s skirt is sort of orangey too.)

Carmina makes one final run at Augusto, this time in his office. She can’t help the way she feels – yes, she’s crazy! Crazy in love with him.

But Augie has finally decided to stop with the mixed signals. He tells her: “You can’t stay in my house. I won’t allow my wife to suffer.”

“One day”, says Orangina, “you’ll see that my sister is no better than I am; and then, I swear, you’ll be sorry you humiliated me.”

Rosendo in his giant orange shirt is greeted at home with splendid news: Alfie is feeling better so she went out to get some fresh air. He rushes to pack his bags.

Alfie has followed the trail of the blue house straight to Gabino’s office. She riffles through the papers on his desk and finds ... the travel agency invoice showing charges for a flight out of Mérida that very evening and reservations at a hotel in New York!

Gabino walks in on this scene and sees his chance to get even with the boss. When Alfie interrogates him, he admits, with a show of reluctance, that his boss is traveling with a woman. But he denies knowing who the woman is.

That’s okay. Alfie can fill in the blanks. He’s leaving with that damned Estefanía Bouvier. (She really is maldita, pobrecita.)

They’re leaving at nine, adds Gabino helpfully.

Once Hurricane Alfonsina has stormed out, greasy güero Gabino grins:

¡Vamos a ver de qué cuero hay más correas Rosendo! (Let’s see who comes out ahead, R! /Let’s see which leather makes more straps)

Damián catches orange-shirted Rosendo, suitcase in hand, (cuz really, it would be hard to miss him) and asks innocently if they are going on vacation. Rosie says no, it’s just a boring work thing. And then he says goodbye to his son so emotionally that all of us just know they will never see each other again: “Quiero que sepas que te quiero con toda mi alma” (I want you to know that I love you with all my heart.)

Damián runs after his father and cries out: ¡No te vayas! The two exchange stricken looks. Rosendo gets in his car and drives off.

Elisa comes along eager to show her friend the birds Paloma brought them. But he can’t share her pleasure. He tells her:

Mi papá se fue y nunca lo voy a volver a ver. Se fue para siempre. (My father left and I’m never gonna see him again. He’s gone forever.)

She sits beside him on the front step of the huge hacienda and puts her arms around him to comfort him.

Hurricane Alfie touches down in Augie’s office. “We have to stop them!” Augusto looks at her uncomprehendingly. “Rosendo and Estefanía are running away together! We have to stop them!”

Avances: Estefanía locks Carmina in her room. Rain. Night. A fiery crash. Aquí cambia todo.


¡Guau! Great recap right from the first line. "The TangeloHo crouches in a stall – perfectly camouflaged in the horse dung" LOL

I gather that we are soon to move to a grown up Elisa, Damien & Gael. I'm going to miss these adorable little ones. I grown especially fond of Elisa.

Thanks, NM, for the chuckles to go with my morning coffee.

...and DaisynJay ... congrats on that squeaker win last night.


Fabulous recap! I'm with Güera- I love the camouflaged by dung line. And you know I love the Carmina Burra moniker. Perhaps we can add Dorada to that?

Didn't the padre e hijo despedida just break your heart?

It appears I will be recapping the crash. It's gonna suck if I get the funeral and the tsuris that goes with it.

thanks for the recap, NM ! i will echo Guera's comment about it starting great. Rosie? LOL!!
but will have to read later, have to run with daughter for a bit of a hearing aid emergency...
will comment more later.

NM - Had to laugh at that title! And then how you incorporated Sylvia's title from yesterday into your recap was brilliant.

My favorite line was "...Carmina smirks, almost betraying her presence by the flash of overwhitened teeth."

Your recap is certainly no "lo mismo de siempre". Thanks for adding more sayings to my NM vocab notebook!

I, too, will miss the kids. They are darling. It looks like they have Elise wearing blue contacts. Her eyes are so dark that you can't really see the blue, but there is that colored-contact-blurry-eyed look to her eyes.

Vivi - thanks for your answering re: Sabine's illness. I looked up Guillain-Barre syndrome. It sounds awful. Wish I'd never looked it up as I now have some of the symptoms! Be it that or Lyme Disease, she is looking remarkably well. Especially given her "healthy tan".

Sara - Good luck with that car crash! To be funny, or not to be funny. That is the question we ask of thee. If anyone can turn a car crash into a great recap, it's you!

Thanks again, NM!

Rosemary la Otra

Oh my goodness, NM what a smashing way to start the weekend. Your recaps are always such a joy to read. Your first sentence alone had me crumpled in laughter: "The TangeloHo crouches in a stall - perfectly camouflaged in the horse dung", Zing!! Yes I know everyone has already mentioned it but still, it's just so perfectly brilliant.

Hee, I love Alexis Ayala. Whenever he came on screen I kept prompting the TV, "Come on dude, be evil!"

I didn't even notice the orangey patina that was going on last night, duh. So glad you mentioned it. Speaking of oblivious, Rosendo you poor clueless blob of a man, don't pith off your henchman until AFTER you have flown the coop. Doh!

Hey, thanks for the up pops the Sleazel shout-out. ITA that Car's scary pop-ups are becoming one of her trademarks. I wonder if I will ever become used to them?

Sara, pobrecita, looks like you're going to get the big crash. Well, we've seen part of it every night during the half-time credits and I think the aftermath is going to be much more painful than the actual crash.

Marta, I hope everything turns out OK with your kid.

If it were any other production I would be sure that the crash and ensuing suffering would provide some snark worthy material. Unfortunately the production value/quality if this one is quite high. Be prepared folks, the next few episodes I feel sure will leave us all emotionally drained.

NovelaMaven - Thank you for the recap! I had it on but was multi-tasking, and missed a lot of the dialogue.

"Remember, children... you are never alone in a telenovela. There is always someone to overhear you."
Words of wisdom that 'novela characters should all know, and follow.

re: the Orange phase ~~~ Seriously, I adjusted the color on my set. I thought it was my TV. Really.

Rosendo is such a jerk. --- 'Yes, son, I am leaving you probably for EVER, and I want you to know I love you in spite of the fact that I am abandoning you and now you're stuck with your bruja of a mom.' Sheesh. I hope he has an equally painful comeuppance at the end of this story.

What is Carmina's plan? She is telling two different men she's madly in love with them, when methinks she doth dis' them both.
The Orange One is one sick puppy.

some of my fav lines:

leather face... LOL!!

(Pick door number two, for the love of God!)

Oh and by the way, he’s leaving don Lucio in charge. Gabino doesn’t like that? Well he can turn in his resignation – to don Lucio.

LOL! at the orange themed clothing and even Estefie's face...

Good thing Augie told leather face off... even if she turned it on him at the end...

The goodbye scene with Damian/Rosie was utterly moving...

now if there is a car crash tonight and Rosie doesn't make it, then all the 'to do' items he left for tomorrow will remain undone, like giving Lucio a written assignment as the one 'in charge'

one odd thing... when Rosendo and Gabino were going over the travel agency receipt, they did mention the names of the travelers... but Alfonsina did not see that detail, or was so blinded with the 'obvious' that she did not notice it.

Marta- hope you got the hearing aid emergency taken care of.

Been having an Abismo marathon this morning. I only have last night's episode to watch to be caught up.

Doris W is so right about how awful Rosendo is with telling his son he loves him with all his heart, but sorry kiddo the Fake Bake has called and I'm leaving you with your crazy mom.

So Lucio and Gabino's big "you have won the battle but not the war" conversation was about who would be left in charge?

When Damian was talking to the Padre about his fighting parents, Padre cryptically said "Estoy seguro que Dios, Nuestro Senor, va a ayudar a tus padres a resolver sus diferencias." Es verdad.

R la O

NM, your entire recap was great, with an opening section that was especially golden snark (bathed in a warm orange glow.)

Dr. Tovar has never heard of medical confidentiality? And then gives his wife implicit permission to spread the update all over town!

The father/son farewell was heart wrenching. Final shot of Elisa comforting Damian was sweet.

Can't decide which part of Carmina is more messed up--orange leather exterior or insanely jealous and possessive brain. (She has no heart to consider.)

La Paloma

NM, you don't know how I appreciate this recap. I thought I would be flipping betwen the game and the TN, but my Boilers decided to turn the game into a nail biter and I only saw a couple scenes. (Thanks for the shoutout Guera--lord my nerves can't take that kind of game again). Thought I would flip on my Kindle Fire and catch the episode on Hulu+, but your recap was so awesome, I don't feel like I need to see eveyone in all their Orange wonder.

My heart breaks thinking of the what the kids are going thru because of the stupid adults. And I'm still with Judy, what the hey with Auggie? I would have a hard time not cracking up watching Carmina professing her undying love. (Blech!)

Guess we've established who the town gossips are. Too bad one is the doctor of the town! Sorry Carlos, looks like we may have another of those unscrupulous medical men in this TN.

Next week...:( and probably the flip soon to present day? Going to soooo miss these kids.

Good luck everyone again on today's games. After yesterday, this tournament is getting crazy.

Doris W. - ISTA about Rosendo. I guess it's because I'm a mom but I can't fathom leaving my child behind. Sure I get wanting to leave a hellish marriage, but your own child? I can't imagine ANY woman is worth that ... much less Carmina Dorada.

I know. I look at Rosendo and think "(upside down question mark) En que cabeza cabe semejante estupidez?" Thanks NM for the vocab! Quiero que sepas que te quiero con toda mi alma.

"¿En que cabeza cabe semejante estupidez?"
I love how Spanish expresses things.

PS: My copy of Ramona la Chinche arrived in the mail today. squee.

I have taken to reading Ramona la Chinche in my left hand while holding Ramona the Pest in my right. I am getting through it much faster (but still very slowly) if I can just look at the English book rather than look things up word by word and then still not know the saying they are intending.

NM thanks for your recap. Oh, how I wish poor Rosie had listened to your advice. And I have agree with the others your line about TangeloHo in the stall is great!

R la O- I've used the same method as well. I've started a Chinche vocab list in my Flashcards Deluxe iPhone app. An app I highly recommend!

Wow, NovelaMaven, you pulled a tremendous amount of snark out of this much less ridiculous novela. Loved your pointing all the orange happenings throughout the episode. Not to mention horse manure as camouflage LOL! Fabulous!

I so hate where this story is going. I have never seen Ludwika P. before and she has been such a delight. And I adore the kids - I'm so going to miss them. So we get left with the adult dregs? Arrrrgh!


I hope we have the kids for at least a couple more episodes, it will take a little while to set up every character for the time jump, at least I hope so.. otherwise we will all wonder how did all the components lined up for the next X years (somewhere 10 to 18?) jump. like who was 'in charge' at the packing plant, how Carmina and Augusto took the whole accident and what happened afterwards, how the kids handled the emotional roller coaster, who saw or heard what and why they all kept quiet, etc etc... they have to give characters good reason to go on sleep mode for that many years.
poor Elisa, no matter what angle you look at it, she and Damian will suffer the mistakes and evil doings of the adults here.

He doesn’t think she should leave. (Why the blazes not, Mr. Mixed Messages?) He loves her like a sister. ...

Now Elisa enters and watches silently as a real horror flick unfolds.
and then Elisa yells at his dad and stares at him frozen right on his face... this girl can act being an angry little doll, can't she?

Another ripping good recap NM. Always love your headings....special favorites are:

Two and a Half Women of Virtue
Dr. Tovar When He's At Home

And quotes...a bunch, just some are....

"She bites off the maid's head (No, my dears, not literally, that would be another kind of drama. On another network.)"

"Steff insists, with uncharacteristic insensitivity, that a friend's love isn't the same as a sister's." (indeed, not quite the thing to say to an only child.)

"shrunken head early along in the shrinking process" (ye gods! what an image!)

"Remember children, you are never alone in a telenovela. There is always someone to overhear you."

"Pick door number two, for the love of God!")

Just a delightful read of what sounds like a very sad, icky episode. Alas, with only one working TV in the house, I'm going to be recap dependent until March Madness is over. Ni modo. Enjoyed this immensely.

Congrats to Daisynjay, Güera, Carlos, Emilia and Mike, Karen...all our teams are still far. Hooray!

NM- Fabulous recap! Everyone has mentioned your best lines already, but I wanted to add my kudos.

Little Elisa does rightous indignation well. I interpreted what she said to her father as, "Ah, HELL NO! Get that b*tch out of my mother's house, NOW!" (Eye roll and finger snap implied.) :) It will be interesting to see how she and her aunt get along as Elisa grows up. I feel for all of the kids.

I don't like in the credits where it shows Damien being yanked away from his tio, Padre Lupe. We have a sad week ahead.

I wonder when the so-called adult birds will reappear -- "they will return to you when they are grown" --. I'd like to see something symbolic. Like when the kids are at the funeral and see the birds fly away free, like the spirits of their parents.

Oh this is just so sad.

R la O


You did it again. I loved this first class recap. (Much clapping.)

"De nada." I can hear you say, accepting accolades, "Ah, yes, that little recap. I did it while having a racy little diamond stud placed in the top of my left ear and editing the ninth edition of my tome on the definitive use of adverbs in ancient Sanskrit". Yawn. All in a day's work."

My favs:

"a Harlot, a Shrew and a Knave walk into a barn..." I cracked up right there trying to imagine the punchline.

"Rosie says there IS no other woman. It’s their marriage that has gone belly-up. And it’s their son who is paying the price. Imagine. A little boy buying magical amulets, thinking he can repair their irreparably hellish relationship."

All right Paunchy Rosie. Where did you learn to lie that that and turn the guilt on for the benefit of the person to whom you are lying? I am sensing some bad karma being created here.

Wicked Alfie
"One self-dramatizing egotist and her victim... Alfie has taken refuge in her room. She hyperventilates, she fumes, she bites off the maid’s head.


"While Alfie is playing possum (also known as TrauMatizaKid) in the big house..."

Really, there is no subtlety here about villains and victims is there?

On Orangina and Augusto:

"He doesn’t think she should leave. (Why the blazes not, Mr. Mixed Messages?)"

Oh my heavens, who to dislike more? The badly bewigged brother-in-law or la loca de albaricoque? She is BSC but he is a macho fool and a dupe with no ability to observe his own behavior. Arghh.

Thank you so much, Novela Maven for this excellent recap. So far, I am enjoying our new drama. Of course it will never be EL Tal...LOL.


Thank you all for your comments and kind words. While I appreciate all of you, I feel especially honored that JudyB, a dream of a writer, is here a writer's dream -- a careful reader!

You too, EJ -- I am so appreciative of the thought that went into your comment, (the usual hyperbole in the service of kindness notwithstanding ... snort!).
[I did in fact study Sanskrit -- with Highest Honors! -- though I have never published on the use of adverbs in that tongue. How ever did you know?]

I'm glad some of you liked the title. I debated between that one this:

Las cosas se ponen el color de hormiga -- if ants were orange.
(Things are looking grim, literally they are turning ant-color.)

Which brings me to R la O -- thank you, amiga! But you know I make plenty of mistakes. So in the words of the late great communicator, TRUST BUT VERIFY!

Doris, I am delighted to see you here. I've been missing your witty zingers.

Güera and Karen -- Thanks so much. I don't think we've hung out together before but I've seen you around and I'm happy to see both of you here.

Sara, Sylvia, Marta, my sisters in suffering -- gracias! And Marta, I hope your daughter's hearing aid emergency is well in the past by now.

Vivi, Audrey, DaisynJay -- Thanks so much, ladies.
I wonder if the "avances" were meant to cover the whole week... In any case, I think Marta has it right -- it will take some time for the fallout from the crash so we should have the children around for at least a while longer.

I hope it will turn out like "La Pola". In that novela, we adored the children playing La Pola and Alejo and resisted their adult counterparts at first. But in the end, the adults were equally wonderful (or I thought so, at least.)

NM, thanks for another great recap. I do not like the way this is going. If they kill off Cesar I will not be happy. He is the only reason I started watching this TN.

The kids are great especially Elisa. She is a great little actress.

Rosemary Primera

R la O
I'd like to see something symbolic. Like when the kids are at the funeral and see the birds fly away free, like the spirits of their parents.
great idea!! i like it!

NM, you might be on to something, since we like the kids so much, it will make us reluctant to the adult versions for a while... but hopefully it WILL be like La Pola, where the adults won us over just the same soon enough.

btw, to all who wished well for us, the hearing aid emergency is over, thank God. took some pumping air through it and the miracle happenend. We will get it checked out during the week, tough finding a hearing aid place open on sat or sunday.

interesting there was no Padre Lupe and no Gael all friday episode long.

LOL that title, NM... divorce the shrew and dump the harlot... LOL!! i just caught on that.

how much carrots is usually in horse manure? consuming lots of carrots is sometimes related to orange skin color... hmmm.. and some of those habaneros are certainly orange looking...

... the irreparably hellish relationship... if they locked Rosie and Fina up with Padre Lupe, Lucio, Blanca, Estefania and Augusto in a marriage retreat, ajd the harlot just had an overdose of makeup and died, maybe there would be a little of hope of repair... otherwise... nah.

NM, my modem got fried in a thunderstorm we had Wed, so have not been able to get back on until now. (Also had the twins overnight last night, so no time to be fooling around with a computer when those two are around.)

I just love your writing, and am wondering if the good rabbi will be stopping in for a visit sometime.

(I didn't get a chance until now to compliment Sylvia on her wonderful recap either - thanks for your effort too.)


La Paloma, I didn't mean to overlook you. I always appreciate your thoughtful comments. (If you ever felt the masochistic urge to do so, I know you'd write a pretty great recap yourself -- bathed in your very own golden snark.

Rosemary Primera, yes things are heading to a very dark place. I hope you decide to stick around to see how the writers handle things. It might still be a great story with plenty of flashes of light. I guess we'll know soon enough.

Marta, Glad to hear that the crisis at home has been resolved, at least for now.

I'm intrigued by your skin color, carotene intake theory. Now let's see -- if orange habaneros are high in carotene and Estefanía is famous for her habanero sauce -- maybe Steffie DELIBERATELY stuffed Carmina with it in order to dye her orange. And that's why Carmina is such a bitter, double-crossing hag of a quitamaridos!

David, So glad you survived your storms -- the second one sounds like a lot more fun than the first. Thanks for the kind words.

Rabbi Jacob has never been to the Yucatan. This may well be just the occasion for a visit. And I can see him and Padre Lupe schmoozing quite companionably over a cup of coffee (Or maybe something a tad stronger. Both a wise men known for moderation but neither is a teetotaler.)

Oh and in the Department of Rhetorical Questions:

"Oh my heavens, who to dislike more? The badly bewigged brother-in-law or la loca de albaricoque? She is BSC but he is a macho fool and a dupe with no ability to observe his own behavior. Arghh."

Wonderful, Elna June!

And yes, it's not El Tal, but somehow I sense we'll all muddle through.

Oh I would love to be an eavesdropping fly on the wall during the Rabbi Jacbo/Padre Lupe tête à tête!

Finally got caught up! Whew!

Admittedly, I have been FF'ing through some of it -- the Albaricoca-loca is particularly demonic in stop-action -- but I'm glad I listened to the conversation between Lucio and Blanca about the dress shop. He called the women who would be likely to frequent such a place "mujeres fufurufas"! That's going in the adjective quiver just as soon as I figure out precisely what it means (I can guess, but it's not in my dictionary.)

Blue Lass- In Mexico, fufurufas refer to people/women who put on ridiculous airs of being from the high class. But in Colombia, and other South American countries, it is a REALLY bad word for prostitute or slut.

WOW -- thanks, Vivi! Let's assume it was meant the benign, Mexican way. ;}

You are too funny NM, I loved your hilarious orange themed recap! I don't think I will be drinking much carrot juice during the next few months.
I guess the actress actually thinks she looks good orange?? Where are her good amigas to tell her otherwise???Then the wardrobe dept has her wear orange clothes..YIKES what a fashion DON'T ! Unless maybe it's subliminal product placement from the Mexican orange growers association.

I don't want beautiful Estefania to die! She is pure sweetness and light. I hope she leaves Elisa her famous habanero recipe, I would like a copy please!

Sweet little Elisa is such a doll I want to hug her! My daughter's name is Elise so hearing the music box brings back sweet memories of my Elise's little music box with a rotating pink ballerina also playing fur Elise.

I am worried that Elisa's dumb dad will marry the rotten orange and she will be the cruel stepmother, while the dad is clueless. Please writers dont go there!

I have 15 episodes of El TaL to watch...why I am torturing myself I don't know!

elle--Can watching the El Tal episodes and read the recaps. They are prime time reading. Now we all know they wrote a comedy.

Anita (Lurking away temporarily from El Tal)

"I don't want beautiful Estefania to die! She is pure sweetness and light."

Oh, elle, I know how you feel. She's our fairy tale princess.

The actress is doing a wonderful job of being sweet but not saccharine. She -- and the writers -- have created one of the most lovable TN characters I've ever seen. And now ...

Yes, this. Estefania is a great character. I can't believe we are losing her so soon! I wonder if we will see her in flashbacks.

NovelaMaven, this was great. So many wonderful lines, all delivered with great flourish and humor. “I told you she’s nuts” says the dirty TangeloHo (Well she’s been in the stable muck. What do you expect?)" was one of the ones that made me laugh the most.

I am really enjoying this - the hour is over before it begins. ITA with everyone who will miss the children - that is coming way too quickly. I'll miss Estefania, Rosendo - not so much.

Interesting that Ramona is the one who sees and overhears Tangelo's and Rosendo's fight.

I can't believe Rosendo would leave his son. What Carmina's attraction is (besides from the obvious), is somthing I can't fathom.

Thanks again. Diana

Quick poll: how many of you would notice a horse cart passing by even if you were arguing?


In response to your poll, here in Vincennes, IN, we are just outside of an Amish enclave which is located near Montgomery,IN. From my childhood, I can remember horse powered buggies in Vincennes, although today the Amish hire drivers to bring them to town. If you go to Washington, IN or east of there to Montgomery, it is not uncommon to see buggies. HOWEVER, they always catch my attention.


Being I live in a bustling little burb well north of the Amish communities, any horse "anything" gets my attention. Even looking out my office window, somehow I always catch when the mounted police are out on a nice day in the Public Square in Cleveland.

But then again, I'm not a TN those who can't hear someone whispering loudly five feet away and staring at them around a corner, another moment I always have to adjust the beanie.

If I were having *that* kind of argument, I might notice the buggy -- but I wouldn't care.

I've always loved how in a TN there is someone overhearing a conversation and no matter how obvious it is that they are there, they still go unnoticed. Lol

"I've always loved how in a TN there is someone overhearing a conversation and no matter how obvious it is that they are there, they still go unnoticed. Lol"

Me too, Sara. Often -- but not always -- the person hearing or watching IS socially invisible to the principals. Kids, servidumbre, peones, empleados, indios -- to snobs like Carmina Bouvier, they are part of the background, not actual people.

Why doesn't Rosendo notice the hoofbeats? Well maybe he assumes it's just a passing herd of zebras who, along with many other Talismaniacs, have migrated south.

Diana, You are so welcome! ¡Gracias a ti!

"I can't believe Rosendo would leave his son. What Carmina's attraction is (besides from the obvious), is somthing I can't fathom."

ISTA! Rosendo's willingness to abandon his son is hard to understand -- unless the answer is that the true "bruja" is in fact Carmina and she has cast some kind of magical spell on him.

Rosendo's willingness to abandon his son is even more bizarre considering what they had to go through to even have him.

NovelaMaven, this excellent. Your recaps are such a joy. I had a chance to read it and most of the comments over the weekend but because of basketball (Go Bears) I'm just now commenting.

I'm dreading tonight. I'd be content if they just continued on with the current cast... the kids are such good actors and they work so well together as well as with the adult actors.

I'm disappointed in the Dr.'s ethics but I love the actor (Lorenzo from LldA).

As many of you likely know from experience many infants develop a taste for carrots and squash and it not uncommon for unsuspecting parents to bring in toddlers that look like little gourds.

Some years ago a new patient came in at his wife's insistence because his skin coloring was much the same as Carmina's. He felt great. I asked about his diet and he confided that six moths before he had watched an informercial by The Juiceman (whom I'd never heard of before), ordered a juicer, and now his diet was solely juices.

Though his color was bizarre, I found him to be in perfect health... physically.


Carlos- Many years ago my father had a love affair with his juicer and carrots. Since he is already brown, the orange color was only evident on the palms of his hands. He cut way down on the carrot juice after that. :)

Why doesn't Rosendo notice the hoofbeats? Well maybe he assumes it's just a passing herd of zebras who, along with many other Talismaniacs, have migrated south.

ROFLOL!! so true!
and i totally agree with everyone that there is no real rational reason for Rosendo to leave Damian and his family and his life behind to follow someone like Carmina... unless he suddenly gets attracted to the scent of manure...

Other Talismaniacs... great one!

Betting that Carmina Burra will soon put the moves on the padre.

UA, that would freeze the padre, but if we have an innocent bystander (namely Gael) there, what do you think he would do? LOL still, EEEWWW at the thought.

Rosendo probably thinks Damian will be in good hands with Alfie. Although Alfie is a shrew, I've never seen her be mean or abusive to Damian.

Carmina is the type of person that if she married Rosendo, she'd immediately have Damian sent away and that would go for Elisa too, if she ever married Augusto.

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