Monday, March 12, 2012

El Talismán #29-31 Mon 3/12/12 Admit It; You're Hooked

OK, so I DVR'd El Tal at 1 p.m. and came home and watched the whole thing. A mind is a terrible thing to waste...


Thanks Blue Lass... I watched and enjoyed.

I guess the big story was Antonio sleeping with his daughters.

The most amusing was Camila dozing off as Pedro droned on and on and on with his life story.

Renato popping Pedro in the mouth was fun as well.

Doris marked her S&M tussle with Tony on her calendar.

Elvira has doubts about Renato after all.

Road trip for Rita and Oscar! New York!

Never did get going to TJ.


BULLET-RIDDEN HIGHLIGHTS OF El Tal, Episode 29, 3/12/12.

Quote of the Day—Elvira, “Sobre todo, estoy muy bien conservada.”
Literal translation: Above all, I am very wll preserved.

*Pedro is waiting outside Elvira & Armando’s hotel room. Camila and Ped try to reason with Elvi about Renato and his millions. She won’t listen. Ped and Arm leave the room so the ladies can come to some agreement. They don’t. Elvi again tells Cami to choose between her and Pedro. Cami chooses Pedro (Yay). Elvi says Cami can’t bring her rancherito to the boda. Arm tells Pedro he will do a little “investigating” into Ren.

*Elvira is desecha after the confrontation with Cami. Still in denial, Elvi tries to reassure herself of Renato’s true feelings and the truth about his status as a millionaire (segun el). This conversation is repeated first with Armando.* *Repeat conversation with self; repeat conversation with self; repeat conversation with Arm; repeat conversation with Arm…with Arm…ad nauseum.

*Renato and Rita (that’s R & R) jump for joy—everything is working out and soon they’ll have plenty of money. But they have to be careful of Pedro. He recognized Ren flirting with Cami outside the hotel, but doesn’t think she recognized him. He’s afraid Ped will say something to Cami. So R & R plan a little damage control involving taking poor Oscar (the real millionaire) to NYC for some different R & R, thereby getting him out of his house (again).

*Piggorio negotiates for a hit man. Later, Panchito shares some information with him. Pig is impactado that Elvi is going to marry Ren. He wonders why, if Ren has no money, would he be interested in Elvi, who doesn’t have any either. (Hmmm.) Pig is upset that Antonio hasn’t metido himself with Cami—she’s an estorbo to his plans. Pan has *** in his eyes when Pig sounds as though Pan’s loyalty will be rewarded with becoming a dueño of El Alcatraz (somewhere in the far, far, future, that is—no betrayals allowed or the deal is off.)

*Antonio turns on the waterworks, loud enough to wake his daughters, they all hug. He is so sad. He sleeps on the couch in F & F’s room. Phone call wakes him up. It’s some guy who tells Ant he has a way to get rid of Ped.

*Lucrecia tells the El Tal minions gathered in the living room that she knows they all hate her and want to get rid of her (whaaa…is that news?). Lucr makes a pact with Claudio in her bedroom to help her make Ped loco for her while getting Flo to be loco for Clau. (I loved the ecrú crocheted lace bedspread on her bed.)

*Doris looks fine, even after getting roughed up by the Sad Sack. She gloats to Brigitte that “IT” was as good this time as it was when they were first married (Ant at 13 ½, I ask???). Ant and Dor have a little post-coital tete-a-tete in the living room. You liked it? No I didn’t. You lie, you liked it, didn’t you? No, I didn’t, I just closed my eyes and thought of England. (Can viewerville guess who was asking and who was answering?) Ant swears that Cami is for him.

*Pedro makes a detour on their trip south (to Abismo, maybe?), while Cami sleeps, to go confront Ren. Ren won’t admit to any ulterior motives with Elvi and the only thing Ped accomplishes is to trade whacks with Ren and ends up with a bloody lip. In a tender moment, Ped finally starts to tell Cami about Marianna. He swears he will find her. He also promises to file for a divorce as soon as they get back from Abismo (that’s really Tijuana to the uninitiated). He looks into Cami’s limpid, verdant eyes and asks her to marry him (I think she’ll say yes, but there won’t be a boda until about 100 more episodes).

Hastily submitted by Anita, to save Blue Lass the embarassment of having to recap such a wasteland.

Oh I forgot, Lucrazy has trapped Claudito in her web. Stick a fork in him...

and Tony has a new plan... yawn...


OMG Carlos! NOT funny! lol "I guess the big story was Antonio sleeping with his daughters." Thanks goodness Anita clarified that. Seriously, thank you both for doing this.

Just got home from work. Off to watch the well-preserved Elvira and hopefully finally catch a glimpse of the much revered Oscar.

I caught bits and pieces of this one. Too pretty a day to stay inside and watch tv... thanks Carlos and Anita for 'splaining it all.

Thanks, Anita! Good summary. And what a mess - but that's nothing new.

Loved Pedro getting all danger-eyes at Renato. Panchito is an idiot, Claudio is already putty in Lucrazy's clawed hands, and didn't Tracy look cute in her maid's outfit with her little elfin ears sticking out of her hairdo?

May I fill in an important blank? Elvira even sleeps in a headband!

Who is this Lucas hombre that Pig was talking to the Mayflower Madame about?

Avances - another glimpse of the white bondage beads wedding dream and MARIANA!

Anita, thanks for filling in the blanks for us diehards. Uni made a big mistake (I think) for moving this TN.

Is Doris trying to get pregnant? Why would she mark her calendar?

What in the world does Rita see in Renato?

RLO, funny about the headband, but you are right. That woman is living on a different planet.

Rosemary Primera

Thank you thank you! I set the vcr but forgot to move the antenna. Wow. That makes me sound almost amish. Except they wouldn't be caught dead watching this show even if they had tvs. But I still love this show in all its insanity. It could only be better if aliens pop out of the asteroid that hit the bus that crashed into the train wreck. Maybe that's where Mariana has been-with aliens. O. M. G. How great would that be?


RLO--Lucas is the hit man he's trying to make a deal with.

Rosemary Prime--I don't think Doris wants to get pregnant. I think it's an expression of Carlos', but we need him to 'splain it to us.

P.S. I apologize for the error in the title--I meant Bullet-Riddled.

I know how many of you like Tracy, but in this episode, she didn't really advance the story much, so I left out her cute little ways of doing and talking.

She did pop up again to spend quality time with Alberta and discuss themes that viewerville already knew all about.

Yeah, Carlos, haha. You had 'em going for a NY minute, didn't you--sleeping with his daughters, my foot.

I know this is not ElTal comment but I LOVED LOVED Abismo de P so far.. did NOT expect such good chemistry with the adult foursome Sabine, Alejandro, Cesar and Ludwika... but it works!!
also the locations and sets are great... Ludwika is beautiful here... The kids are good actors, esp the one playing Gael...
LOVE Rene casados here, and Eugenia Cauduro is a bit odd as a maid but if she will be paired up with Gattorno, that might work as a couple.

Is Lucas a hit man or the guy the Pig is hiring to fake a new will? I must have missed some dialog.

I can't believe they got sent down to the minors and THEN decided to bring Mariana I'll have to watch today as well. ;}

Thanks for the recap everyone. I'm going to try and watch the episode on line later today.

Didn't watch the Passion Pit last night. Not a big fan of any of the cast.

Apologies to everyone for my first observation. Of course Anita got it exactly right. I did, however, find the sequence with Tony and the girls rather creepy and icky.

About Doris and her calendar, she was on the phone with Briget explaining her absence (early departure) from work and that it was worth it after all...

"Porque esta noche es para anotarla en el calendario. Mi querido maridito aún me sigue deseando como la primera vez que nos acostamos."

"Because tonight is worth noting in my calendar. My dear still continues desiring me like the first time that we slept together." (and I suspect she doesn't just mean in the same room).

Now if she frolics with the Pig today and ends up pregnant... well...


Thanks to Blue Lass for giving us a place to hang out.

And thanks especially to Anita for the minicap. Excellent!

Blue Lass, it was also my impression that Pigorio was trying to hire "Lucas", a crooked notary public with a sideline as a forger, apparently, to CHANGE THE LATE MRS. PIG'S WILL. We don't need to discuss how stupid this is on so many levels.

As far as I can tell, it is only Belt Buckle Boy who is looking for a hit man to solve his Doris problem.

What a cad our boy was to tell Doris he was thinking of Camila while he was with her. It almost makes you feel a twinge of sympathy for Doris. Almost.

So now we can add Claudio to the IDIOT LIST -- ready to spy, betray, sell out, whatever. For Loooove.

Wardrobe notes:
Yes, R la O, I was delighted to see El V wearing a headband to sleep in. But did you notice that the sparkly latke set jauntily atilt on her head was also a type of headband? I saw the plain black band holding it in place when the camera caught her in profile.

Rita is no longer even pretending that those things she wears are dresses. They look more like open-crotch rompers.

Antonio hasn't changed his shirt in three days.

But Piggy has -- now he's finally in head to toe black, as he should be.
Department of Health

The Pig is STILL taking pills. Are they poisoned? (she asked hopefully.)
Is Renato going to New York? I thought the idea was for Rita to get Oscar out of town for a few days so Renato could act like lord of the manor and get El V to marry him before finding out the truth.

Rosemary Primera, Renato and Rita are primarily business partners whose trade is scamming the rich and credulous. Their rolls in the hay are strictly avocational. I get the impression that Rennie's usual victims are the female equivalent of Oscar. But El V is different -- she's really good-looking and that makes Rita jealous (Even if Rita would surely leave Ren in a Fresno minute -- if she had somewhere to go.)

Kelly, I think you speak for all of us when you say:
"I still love this show in all its insanity. It could only be better if aliens pop out of the asteroid that hit the bus that crashed into the train wreck. Maybe that's where Mariana has been-with aliens. O. M. G. How great would that be?"

RLO--I forgot about the will.
It was Antonio who tried to get Valentin to do the deed (boraring Pedro from the face of the earth), but he wouldn't do it, so Ant is looking (or was looking) for a hired hit man.

Oh, geezh, I guess we'll have to keep on watching. Set my VCR (old tech) and I'm off to run errands.

I guess it wasn't clear. R & R were plotting damage control by sending R & Oscar to NYC for some R & R (of the other kind).

It was Doris that Antonio wanted Valentín (and now a hit man) to knock off. He said, "I'd rather be a widower than a divorcé." But hell, maybe he's hired someone to take Pedro out, too.

LOL you guys..yes, will admit i am hooked and will watch as long as the dvdr has space for both eltal and abismo..
Anita, marvelous recap...
You liked it? No I didn’t. You lie, you liked it, didn’t you? No, I didn’t, I just closed my eyes and thought of England. too funny!

and rosemary, elviral sleeps in a headband... hysterical!

rosemary 1ra... what the heck does Rita see in Renato? good question since she has that 'gordito asqueroso' eating out of the palm of her hand...
NM, I agree that Kelly has a great idea, she should take the job of writing this show, should be more fun than whatever the writers have in mind about TJ, NY and Fresno events.

NM - Rita's Open Crotch Rompers , hahaha! We may need to re-open Tal*Mart just to stock those.

Well, this episodio was worth watching just to see Camila choose Pedro over her whinybaby manipulative mother. Now that's progress!

I still find Antonio a very compelling character. He's evil, but he's also so very damaged. What's Pigorio's excuse for being evil?

Anyone else think Gabriel looked relieved when Sarita said she'd lost the steam for the dress-up game, and how about they just do it like boring people?

Julia, totally agree on
Well, this episodio was worth watching just to see Camila choose Pedro over her whinybaby manipulative mother
also another highlite was Pancho telling Pigorio about Elviral marrying a man she believes is rich but is NOT...
Pigorio turns his back on Panchito while telling him he plans to make him heir to the hacienda... anyone else suspicious of Pigorio laughing/smiling so much hidden from Panchito? is he planning to trick Panchito into helping him and then NOT giving him anything?
on another note...
Could Bridgett be Panchito's mom?

NM, loved the "open-crotch rompers" on Rita and also El V's "sparkly latke set." And what is *with* that orange shirt on Antonio? Don't they have maids to do laundry? And it's probably got drinks all spilled down the front, too...

Yessiree, if anyone is overdue for a gratuitous (or essential) shower scene, it is Antonio.

Julia, i am all for a shower antonio scene.. and great photo of la viejita!

Shower Scene! Shower Scene! Shower Scene!

I tried to watch this with fresh eyes as if I had never seen it, which could be the case for many of these daytime viewers, and I think the show may get a decent following. It is better now than in the beginning.

OK NOW I'M REALLY MAD. It wasn't Mariana at all, just some gal Antonio hired to impersonate her on the phone. There goes another hour of my life. Well, the telenovela cat enjoyed it.

But she is not forgotten by the writers. She had a break-to-commercial shot today.

I can't believe this. I am currently contemplating recording El Tal tomorrow....Especially if there is going to be a Marianna sighting. And knowing my luck, there *will* be a Antonio takes a shower scene and I will miss it!

Hmmm...I could watch it during the first hour of UFCS...

C'mon Univison! If I'm gonna be watching 4 why can't you just put 4 on in prime-time?!

*shakes fists at the heavens*

I noticed Mariana in the commercial cut, too, R la O. I think those sinverguenzas de writers are reading this blog and know just how little they can give us to keep us watching...

This comment has been removed by the author.

There were too many typos in my prior comment. Here goes again:

...and so, the little game with Elvira continues.

El Senor Secretario gets to visit Elvira AFTER checking with Don Renato to get their stories straight.

Blue Lass & Sara--don't you want to see how that turns out tomorrow? I was so sure the jig would be up when the maid told Elvira that Renato doesn't live there. Secretary-Major-Domo-guy saves the day and she explains that she wanted to redecorate the BIG house as a surprise for Renato when they get married next week.

Rita convinces Renato to marry her ASAP, like tomorrow. Take advantage of Oscarcito being away and surprise Elvira with a judge and a couple of testigos and FGSakes, GET the DEED DONE.

BTW--You were so right about it being Antonio that wants to do away with Doris. Lucas-guy is the one contracted by Piggorio, through Brigitte. He actually turned down the job of providing a false will dated AFTER the last one, but BEFORE wifey died.

Yawned through Lukie's convincing Flo to give Claudio another chance. Looks like she didn't quite get there at first, but then Flo did a 180 and will intentar to see him as other than a friend. I wonder where that is going.

Yawned through Panchito and Tracy--but I did wake up when she said, get me a job at Alcatraz or I won't believe anything you say.

Panchito was listening outside of doors and hears Lukie and Tonio discussing STUFF, including how they are going to divvy up El Alcatraz, since it belongs to them. Hmmm. Is he going to run to Daddy to give him a 'splanation?

The phone call didn't fool me a bit, because how on earth would Mariana remember the number to the church near the orphanage she's never been to (I assume) after all these years.

It did require a beanie rearrangement for me. How would Tony know exactly where Cami & Pedrito would be at exactly that hour of the evening, in the parish study, to receive a mysterious Mariana phone call.

Silly of the writers to try to put one over on us by having the Mariana stand-in use a hood so only some hair and a partial profile showed through. (Sort of like the two white dresses over on Passion Pit.)

It would be nice if Pedro and Camila could present a unified front over this latest impediment to their happiness. (Shall we take bets on how long it lasts and who gets mad and calls it off first?)

Antonio is busy with his fake newspaper, but still is grumpy about something. Printer-guy suggests adding the name of a relative to stir things up. They don't really want to use Aunt Pat's name, so why not just make one up (A la Sortilegio).

Aunt Pat takes a phone call from Mariana--this is the one that would have made sense in the first place. He should have had the fake Mariana call El Tal first and punto.

Antonio is not as clever as he thinks he is. He should have figured that Aunt Pat knows where C & P are and that she would surely call them. In fact, didn't Camila wonder how she could have gotten that phone number. She did figure out that the phone call came from a public telephone and it would be hard to tell if it was from the States or Tijuana.

The two are in a quandry because the TJ police will only investigate if she disappeared in Mexico, so they will have to go back to Fresno and have Fresno's Finest investigate. So, they will have to go back in the morning.

Chastely assigned to two different rooms in the parish house, we leave an angustiado Pedro and a calming Camila until tomorrow.

Ahoy all! I've been playing telenovela catch-up today and enjoying myself immensely. Thanks to EJ and NM for the terrific Thursday and Friday recaps and posts, and to all you commenters for your limitless humor. Blue Lass, thanks for posting this and huge thanks to Anita for her mini recap and the El Tal*Mart close-out sale.

Like some of you have already noted, what in the heck happened to Rafael Novoa who is actually acting all of a sudden? Friday and Monday's episodes we quite enjoyable, partly because Pedro finally grew a pair.

The engagement party was a hoot, as were everyone's comments about it. I loved how everyone was ripping on Panchito and his "safety and sanitation" habits or lack thereof. I also enjoyed the little shopping spree. Imagine, Pedro and Cami were doing something other than fighting and breaking up. Shocking!

Wasn't it awesome how Camila picked Pedro over her Marmota? Just wait until El Viral discovers Renato is a con man and she realizes she gave the boot to her meal ticket.

Yikes, Carlos had me going with his Antonio sleeping with his daughters comment.

OK, I'm off to watch Tuesday's episode...

Anita, thank you so much for review of today's events.

Uh, yeah, Mariana calling Pedro in Tijuana before calling El Talisman? Like you say, how would she know the number? I think the writers and editors were smoking avocado leaves or something. All she can say is "Help me" but yet she keeps making phone calls.

I'm not a gambler but I'd wager the Pedro and Camila truce goes belly up by Thursday and it's Cami who breaks up with Pedro. Again.

Cap'n--The Break Up

-Scenario Uno:
Thursday may be too early in this scenario--the real Mariana hasn't shown up yet. Once she does, Camila and Pedro will realize she needs some TLC before they can go through with the divorce, so they agree to keep their lovin' to a distance.

-Scenario Dos
Antonio or Lucrecia shows the fake newspaper to Camila, but Camila doesn't believe it for nary a second. She and Armando, the sometime student, go on-line to check out the newspaper articles from 4 years ago. They find out the real scoop and the ruse is discovered. Pedro & Camila are still unidos. (Ooops, what's wrong with this scenario? It's too much like right--needs no beanie.)

(P.S. Hasn't anyone else in viewerville been knocking Armando upside the head for not using his head and going on-line to check out Renato? Afterall, he found stuff on Fabiola right away and was wondering if she might find stuff about him as well. And there he was sitting on the bed with his computer, right there in front of him tonight.)

OK, Back to the Break Up.
-Scenario Tres:
Piggorio kidnaps Camila, drugs her and hits her upside the head and drop her off in LA. She wanders around in a fog (sorry, that would be SF) and guess who she runs into--Mariana. They become allies and decide to bring Piggorio down. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, PP (Poor Pedro) thinks Camila has left him and gets depressed.

-Scenario Cuatro
If Antonio were to kidnap Camila, he would take her back to his hacienda, put bars on her windows and terrorize her with a riding crop (sorry, that's a different telenovela).

But he would waste no time in swaggering over to Pedro's to let him know that Camila is with him por su voluntad and not by fuerza and toasts to his success by sloshing tequila all over the place.

Tracy's job is to cook for and feed Camila. She won't tell Pedro because she doesn't want to jeopardize her job.

It's late. I think the Cap'n is right--there WILL be a break-up, soon or we wouldn't have 99 more episodes to go. I'm guessing none of my scenarios are worth a nickle or a dime.

Anita, Thanks so much for the terrific Tuesday wrap-up.

Just a reminder --

Tomorrow (or for some of you, today), Wednesday, 3/14 is Pi Day. I expect great things from our hero.

I plan to celebrate by bleaching my teeth very very white, pulling my shirt tails out and throwing everyone around me off balance with my unexpected gumption. (Meh. Maybe I'll put a feather in my hair too.)

Anita, Our posts crossed so I missed your wonderful scenarios. Me, I'm partial to numero tres:

"Piggorio kidnaps Camila, drugs her and hits her upside the head and drop her off in LA. She wanders around in a fog (sorry, that would be SF) and guess who she runs into--Mariana. They become allies and decide to bring Piggorio down."

Too too funny, my friend! (And yet in Mad Men and Mad Women it COULD happen.)

Happy Pi Day! I can't decide if I should celebrate by doing algebra, eating pie or ignoring a catfight right outside my window.

That little guy who Elvira was asking about "Renato's house" was not Oscar, was it? I have as yet to spy him.

Basta! Someone sent Rita several pairs of leggin's in assorted colors.

Did you see Elvira's exaggerated poison tipped arrow walk out of her apartment? lol

"Señor Renato no vive aquí.

Wow, now we're getting somewhere I thought... but... nopis.

Doesn't Elvira realize that she lives in California? I don't know why they're planning on both a civil and Church wedding. This isn't Mexico, Elvira.

I wonder if the constant repetition here is for the benefit of a new generation of Latinos here in the US for whom Spanish is almost like a second language.

As much repetition as there is, I think it would be nifty if the script was split equally between Spanish and English.

I have a large number of Hispanic families in my practice in which the grandparents speak very little English, the parents speak English and Spanish equally well, and the children are much more comfortable speaking English or speak very little Spanish at all.


RLO--Oscar was only spied once, at Rita's bedside, offering her remuneration for the services rendered and contracting her for future services, while wifey was out of town (for 3 months).

From the look on Rita's face, it was not a happy thought.

The assignation took place so that Renato could pretend to be a millionaire and host Elvira at "his" place. Although, he was quick to explain that he didn't live there, because it was too big for one person. He preferred living with his "niece."

The guy Elvira was talking to is the Secretario-Major Domo who is being "paid" (as in no money is changing hands) well by Renato. It was pitched to him as an "investment" in future earnings. Secretary-guy is not too sure he likes it, but he's at present going to take it on faith.

Carlos, what a great idea! If they repeated everything in both Spanish and English, we'd learn more, and maybe it wouldn't be so annoying. Maybe. (And Tracy could be the Spanglish interpreter.)

Happy Pi day everyone!

Anita, I adore all your break up scenarios, but I must admit being partial to Version Cuatro. Can we add one small detail? It all transpires after Antonio takes a long shower.

I know I should prefer Version Tres for the sisterhood is powerful theme, and I would of course cheer if it happened, but I don't see how Antonio taking a shower fits into it.

I liked the scene yesterday where Tracy said something to Panchito in English and then had to translate it into Spanish for him.

By they way, I notice that the Preview on blogger comments is now back in its own box and not wrapped around the original comment. Also, the Collapse comments feature is working again. I wonder if they will re-instate the email notification? I complained about that AGAIN on the blogger help forum yesterday.

Hallelujah! Our phones and internet have been on the fritz all morning but now they're back.

I think it's actually believable that Mariana might have been able to call the convent. She and Pedro lived together and were friends a long time; presumably they talked about their lives. If patchy bits of memory came back to her, she might have remembered the name of the convent, or even just that he came from a convent in Tijuana, and gotten the number from directory assistance and tried to connect. More's the pity this is just one of Antagonio's stupid schemes. Whoever the woman was, she did Mariana's voice well enough to fool...had that sort of cracking to a higher pitch thing down.

I'm glad Armando is playing solitaire instead of doing research. I'm hoping to see snotty Elvira get married and snookered.

Happy PI day, everyone. Let's hope Mr. Pedro Ibarra the Pi Man does it proud. My company is having a pi reciting contest and pi baking contest and eating today, obviously. My coworkers will have a party for anything.

Julia--I concede a point in your favor--the REAL Mariana, might have known the number to the orphanage, but probably not the church, so she'd have to use 411. I don't think they hang phone books by pay phones anymore, do they?

Happy pi day back at you.

How do you bake a pi?

Anita: First, you divide the circumference of some apples by their diameters...

Julia--You mean I actually have to use a paring knife AND a tape measure? Hmmm. I think I'll stick to pie. Even though the word is longer, fewer utensils to achieve the same results are more attractive.

I'm off to do some gardening before I check into the goings on at El Tal.

Today, Pi Day. Tomorrow, the Ides of March.

Coincidence? I think not.

Mind your backs on the way to the Forum.

So what should we send Evilra and Rentman for a wedding prezzie? Case of Easy Cheese? Giant novelty check? Blinders?

You folks have inspired me. I just went out and got ingredients to make some mini apple pi pies.

Julia, his and hers bathrobes with matching headband in zebra print?

Oh my, I just watched the first 20 minutes of today's El Tal and Antonio and Pigorio had an amazing argument! Also, El Viral was hilarious, torturing the major domo by acting like the lady of the manor. I think Julieta Rosen is having way too much fun with this role.

Rafael Novoa Out of El Talisman
by Latin Gossip Staff on 03.14.2012This was posted today on the Website
I actually thought he had better material this week.
Canning him won't save this mess.
Although I am still sorta watching
sf chica bonita


I think I have learned my lesson -- I'm not starting any more telenovelas unless they're all wrapped up & in the can.

Just when he was starting to get good!

Another site is denying that he's canned but suggests they're still in negotiations to get someone to replace him. It also said production has been suspended for three days and possibly the writer was fired? Yikes, what a mess.

LuniVene! Don't let these minor difficulties hold you back! Just keep those cameras rolling! We love a good trainwreck!

Blue Lass,
On TV Notas there was a more detailed article, but my espanol isn't good enough to translate specific details. Sounds like Novoa walked because there were problems on the set. Mario Cimarro's name was mentioned....ugh. It's too bad Veni/Uni can't seem to execute a decent novela.
I will still check it out. Sometimes a cast change improves things, then again think of "Mujer de Madera" where Edith Gonzalez was replaced by Ana Patricia Rojo...not so much.
sf chica bonita

Here is my shot at translating the TV Notas article:

It seems that problems continue in the production of the Univision telenovela. Although in its premiere El Talisman achieved record audiences, the problems that have started can not stop.

Remember that a few days ago the telenovela's schedule underwent an emergency change because its audience declined considerably.

Now strong rumors suggest that Rafael Novoa, protagonist of the story, is leaving the soap opera, but Juan Manuel Sanchez, the actor's manager, has denied it.

It's been rumored that the production wants to integrate the Cuban actor Mario Cimarro into the cast to take the place of Raphael. However, it has also been rumored that Mario has demanded a series of conditions that included a large sum of money as he argues that entering a soap opera that has problems is a risk to one's career, so he wants to ensure that his income will be worth it.

Of further significance, it is also said that Veronica Suarez, author of the story, was fired from the project due to alleged studies showed that market did not like the protagonist or the direction she was taking the story.

For now, we know that filming has been put on hold for three days and so far no one knows when they will resume.

Wow!! Shocking news but then again maybe not that surprising seeing as how Raphael Novoa seemed to detest being there. It's kind of too bad since he has actually been acting in the past few episodes and I have been enjoying his character. Finally. How in the heck are they going to replace the galan? Have Pedro go looking for Mariana, vowing never to return until he finds her? That should do it. Will they just do an actor change with a new Pedro? My goodness what a mess.

Thanks for the info, Chica B & Cap'n Sylvia. I think...

(I do love the part in Sylvia's translation when they mention "the direction she was taking the story." Direction? DIRECTION? There's a direction???)

Thank you Cap'n Sylvia Sharkbait for the translation and clarification. I guess we will just have to see what happens. A telenovela within a telenovela.
sf chica bonita

No Pedro, don't go! He is finally finding his footing. I did have to laugh, though, when Camila said to him "Tuve que enamorar de un hombre tan complicado come tu". lol Pedro? Complicado?

Doris rolling her suitcase out of the house is so comical. Then she tried to hide it behind her toothpick legs.

It looks as if Claudio did not set F2 straight when she said her dad was going to marry that tipa Camila.

EJ commented over on Abismo that she is unable to pull up anything over on the sidebar. I can only do it from my home computer. Unless it's on the main page, there's no pulling it up. How hard would it be to re-place our El Tal discussion so it's always on the main page?

Ah! "tan complicado COMO tu"

Wow! While I was slaving away preparing a mini-recap for tonight, the house of cards is starting to fall in. Both the story and the direction lack Direction, IMHO.

Here goes--2nd Verse, Same as the First.

If you watched yesterday's and missed today's, you didn't miss much.

Elvira is reassured of Renato's wealthy status after having a serious discussion with Secretario-guy. She also learns that he has no other amante, although he did have his aventuras when he was much younger. She'll be back tomorrow to redecorate the whole house, which she thinks looks frio (Secretario-guy looks sick).

Antonio and Piggorio have a father and son discussion about wills. I think Tonio has the will to outlast Piggo. Where are we with the poisoning? PapaPiggo seems pretty healthy to me right now.

P&C are still in Tijuana. Cami has dudas about Pedro when she hears him speak Mariana's name outloud in a dream. She WANTS to know if he loved Mariana enough for her to become his mujer. Muy impactado Pedro finally swears his love for Cami and swears she's the only person he's ever loved. Smoochies.

There are two very creepy dream sequences in this episode. Lukrazia has found Mariana's address book. She brings it into Pedro's room and stretches out provocatively on his bed and dreams of haciendo el amor with Pedro. She wakes to find him AWOL. That puts her in a snit.

Antonio's begins his episode by choosing one of two "escorts" he brought in (actually his bottle makes three) to accompany him to a room in The Only Hotel INN--Fresno. He orders the "pro" to fix herself up like the girl in a photo he hands her. My, my it's of Camila

...Lo and Behold!! Not only did the Stand-In Camila do a superb job of looking like Camila, she even sounds like her, too. Antonio's dream involves some licking (yuck).

Flo visits Claudio over at El Tal to intentar a relationship, although she prefers to remain good friends--then she comes up with "friends with benefits" (another yuck in the making?). She almost gets caught by Genov (no prob), although she gets hysterical. Then she does get caught by Mama Doris who is just on her way out the door with her suitcase (no prob), although Flo doesn't see anything wrong with this picture.

Renato has decided to have a boda day after tomorrow. He gets Armando to help him get a surprise boda ready. Armando grills him again about whether he's deceiving his mother. Renato gets insulted and nearly cancels the whole thing (yeah, like crossed fingers and tongue in cheek).

To pay for the boda, Renato seeks out Tracy. Yes, in all his munificence, he'll let her go--NO WAY, REALLY? Yes, yes, but first you have to give me ALL your money.

Armando calls Pedro at the sacristy. Are they in a different time zone? Everybody in Tijuana is asleep while everyone in Fresno is awake. Armando wants to reassure Camila that Renato is on the up and up, because Renato said so.

One scene I forgot to include was the police detective visiting El Tal and talking to Aunt Pat about the phone call. He says he will reopen the case, but they should be very discrete, because if it gets out it could start tongues wagging about Pedro again. Lukrazier just happens to overhear that from her perch upstairs.

Your faithful scribe,

Faithful Scribe Anita, thank you so much for the recap. And thank you Sylvia for the latest on this shipwreck. Maybe, just maybe, if they get new writers and give Pedro something to say, they can salvage this TN. I always think Pedro looks as if he is doing a toothpaste ad.

Everytime I see Elvira I LOL, she walks like a chicken. I don't remember her doing that in CME.

Lulu and Tony have some very erotic daydreams.

Pobre Pancho, the poor thing is so needy, I feel really sorry for him.

So Renato needs all of Tracy's money for the wedding. That is really funny - how much money can you make using processed cheese and canned whipped cream? That is going to be some wedding!

Rosemary Primera

Anita, just as I was reading your comment I got an email from Marta with a recap for today's episode. I posted them both together, piggy-back style! I haven't even read your recap yet but I'm going to right now and then comment on the new post.

By the way, I have no intention of doing an El Talisman recap tomorrow so today's new post will have to hold us over.

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