Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #161-162 Tue 3/13/12 How hangdog can one guy get?

Pancho has the same look of aggrieved culpability through the whole first 40 minutes (which is the amount I, Melinama, blogged for Ezra). Here's my contribution:

Pina: amazed to be invited to Candy's wedding. Think: the cause of our divorce, that slut, is marrying a gangster! Veens tries to get her to feel sorry, but she can't manage it. She's looking forward to wearing a spectacular "outfit" to the wedding.

Lidia: wrapped in gray saran wrap. Kisses Enzo at work.

The little guy who's always looking for Arnold is - still looking for Arnold.

Candy tells Chela: I'm pretending to be happy and won over - I'm using my charms to lull Napoleon - but then - uh, no plan yet.

Pancho, who was the stupidest slowest runner-to-the-airport ever, sobs on the sidewalk. He at least realizes it's all his fault. Chacho agrees. And then, he hurt Chela...

Chela begs Napoleon to treat Candy well. No problem, he rumbles in his manly basso: since he's planning to have her bear many of his children, he will treat her like a queen. Chela leaves with all Candy's greetings for the family. Napoleon smugly tells his bride he's invited all los Irabien (including el nenenenene and the dog) to the wedding.

Lidia has a new apartment where she and Enzo can spend a lot of time together, especially the nights. He's absolutely into it, no doubt. They try it out right away.

Chela comes home, everybody is staring at her pityingly. Then they say blah blah we love you, count on us. Boo-hoo.

... and NOW, after 20 minutes of the show, we have the opening credits? Univision is so confused!

Chacho says La Burro decided not to start to punish Pancho for playing with people's feelings. As proof, now it starts just fine, proving that it's on Chela's side.

The little guy looking for Arnold finally finds him and won't let him ooze away. Arnold says he isn't gay. The little guy is not impactado. "You promised long ago you'd go out with me [in return for doing some creepy thing, I've forgotten what) and now you have to come through." No matter how low Arnold makes his voice, the guy won't let him off the, uh, hook. 8 pm, my house, it's a date!

Pancho comes home to a very chilly reception. All the kids want an explanation for his bad behavior. His explanations sound very lame even to him. Not only has he broken Chela's heart, he wrecked her chances with Enzo. Back against the wall, Pancho has the gall to blame all of them - because they pushed him so hard into Chela's arms.

Karin comes to see Pina at work. Pina invites this genetically approved blonde-and-blue-eyed high-social-status candidate for Freddy to come to dinner, dressed like a princess in designer duds. Arnold checks out her butt on the way out.

Vince is a wreck, yells at Enzo and tells about the upcoming wedding. All Enzo can say is, don't mess with this gangster. Forget Candy! Besides, you seem to be doing awfully well with your actual wife (ex-wife) Pina. What's up with that? Vince whines: Routine killed his marriage. Now that it isn't routine, he's interested.

Napoleon chose and bought Candy's wedding dress without even measuring her. He knows she's not that into him but doesn't seem to mind. He woos her with servants and fine things and after a long list of wonderful stuff he'll give Candy, she seems genuinely enthused and gives him a real kiss! Or was it?

There's something going on with some middle-aged secretary but I haven't grasped it. Oh, she lost the money for some party or something.

Over to you, Ezra!

Napoleon looks like someone you'd see sitting on a park bench feeding birds, not a genuine gangster type. Anyway, he catches Candi calling Vins and threatens to kill him.

Chela is disconsolate, she doesn't know what she'll do... But then she gets an idea: "I will go and sell Avon products." That'll cheer her up.

Pancho and Chacho have a little chat, but Chacho goes off to see Sandrucha, leaving Pancho alone in Rebe's office to kiss her chair and continue the evening's moping. Then he changes scene and sits in la Burra, moping and sobbing ... Chela wanders by on her way to try crawling back to Enzo. Enzo, however, is already making out with Mike's assistant. Chela's response is predictable.

Pancho is a baby about the needle for the blood test to see if Fers is his mom. (This time the samples will be sent to the United States.) Later, he regales Doc Oc with tales of his childhood, including some info about his dad, who died of autoimmune disorder.

Now, after a little obnoxious bit with Temo and two girls pledging eternal friendship, we get more of Pancho's moping. He takes out a framed picture of him and Rebeka in bed, and my mom wondered who took the picture. A good question.

Arnold still has his little problem with Raymundo. He's bugging Pina about it. I'm still amused that everyone on this show has the same ringtone.

Arnold runs into... the woman who fired him! They have a little tiff with those two and Ray, where she yells "he can't be yours, because he's NOT GAY!" Nonetheless, nothing really comes out of this encounter. She has a well-engineered brassiere. You have to have an MIT PhD to design those things.

Pina tries yet again to break up Ana and Fred with a petty scheme - she has Karen come and surprise-smooch Fred while Ana looks on. Ana falls for it a second time! Then reluctantly accepts Fred's explanation that it was just his manipulative mother. Still, she storms off a bit grumpy. Vins comes home to a huge fight, self-administers a dose of whiskey, and attempts to mediate. Fred accuses Pina of acting like a Novela villainess. lol.

Big surpri! Rebe didn't go to Miami, as she tells Fers. She had a moment of complete lucidity, and realized that she couldn't do it. She couldn't do it because it would be betraying herself, not because she loves Pancho but because she doesn't love Mike. She still hates Pancho, but she's going back to work at Avon. Phew, I bet the crew for the show is glad to not have to haul out the Miami set.


Thanks, Ez. That was way too much angst for me tonight, and most of it wasn't worth it.

Candy did get measured for a dress on Friday night. I didn't realize it was for a wedding dress, though!

Oops - I mean thanks to both of you. Tag-team recapping rocks!!

Kudos to the Terrific Tag Team! What a great witty effort to capture two more hours of mostly witless plot that doesn't seem to go far.

So Rebeca has regained some of her senses. That was my favorite part.

Then I had to go outside to gaze at Jupiter and Venus close together in the western sky!

Thank you so much Melinama and Ezra for the great recap. Thank you Ezra for Raymundo's name. Arnold told his old boss he was gay and asked Raymundo to be his novio right in front of her. It was to get her off his back. She sexually harrassed Arnold when he worked for her. That restaurant scene was too funny. Loved it.

I am not liking what Pina is doing to Freddy. No matter how much he tells his Moms he loves Ana she is not hearing it. Who would have thought Vins would want Pina back? It was too funny when she wiped that kiss off her hand on the front of his suit.

Wow Enzzo is smoking hot. Wow!!! I think Enzzo is making up for lost time. All that was missing with him and Lidia was Barry White music lol.I am glad he called Moni to let her know he wasn't coming home.

Pancho is an idiot. He should be ashamed of what he did to Chela, even though Chela should have known better. I hated how he accused the kids of all this being their fault. Maybe in the very beginning, but they were past that a while ago. He should take responsibility for his own actions. Now maybe he will grow up. Hoping Chela does the same. It broke her heart to see Enzzo with Lidia.

And Rebe is back. I wonder how Pancho will handle her being back.

Ah, so that was Jupiter I've seen lately? I didn't think it was Mars, but was too lazy to look it up.

Chela didn't take Pancho's rejection too well. She channeled her old Vicky Vicky Vicky routine and pierced his eardrums as if he were her old pajarito Rafita from Hasta Que..

Thanks for the recap! I completely agree with your assessment of Lidia's dress.

Lidia and Enzo together make me nauseous.

I guess we still have to wait the the Rebe and Pancho reunion.

Thanks for the tag team recap. These two hour marathons are so hard. I usually watch them on tape & this episode had a lot that I could fast forward through (eg -- Pancho's endless reruns of the Rebe romance as he cried) BUT I love this show and I watch every minute of it.

Ditto on Lidia's dress. Ditto on Chela's channeling of her Vickie, Vickie, Vickie character. Going around with so little makeup is giving her a properly grieving look. They did the same thing with Pina when she first came back. It's refreshing that these actresses are willing to look so normal and unglamorous.

I loved Pina's outfit. I didn't like her reversion to type with that trick on Freddy & Ana. It was cute that Freddy called her on her behavior by telling her she was acting like a TN villainess. I've noticed that the TN writers often include these self referential comments. It's always fun and tongue in cheek.


Lidia and Enzo don't nauseate me. They make me nervous. Lidia is a really good match for Enzo. She doesn't complain. She is low-maintenance. On the bright side, she seems quite independent and will probably dump Enzo first. Then we'll see how Chela reacts when she sees herself as yet another guy's consolation prize.

Great recap as I missed most of it again. I just want to kick myself I loved this TN so much and now if I hear any screaming I turn it off.

Madelaine I agree with all your comments.

Now this is funny "channeled her old Vicky Vicky Vicky routine and pierced his eardrums as if he were her old pajarito Rafita from Hasta Que.."

I am surprised by what I read about Pina I thought for sure after the death of her sister she would reevaluate her stance against the Lopez clan.

I always happen to catch the previews and can't believe Chela is pregnant, but I thought she and Pancho never hooked up? So I guess Enzzo is the baby daddy? I'm a bit annoyed that they use this plot to get Enzzo and Chela back together, I was hoping for something else.

And please can someone tell me if Candy is still screaming?

Chela will probably try to keep Enzo from finding out about her pregnancy, or let him assume it's Pancho's.

Great tag team effort Ezra and Melinama!

I am still enjoying this show a lot, although I feel for the recappers doing 2 hours. I never expect total linear plot from comedies, especially long ones, so I'm not suprised by some of these random side plots. The only "plot" I see is that by the end, these people from different social classes will come to love, respect and trust each other, and themselves. We're not quite there yet with all of our characters. Even those who have grown (like Pina, who has learned to love and value herself), aren't 100% there yet. They still need a few more hard lessons and time.

I'm glad that Rebe didn't stay for Pancho, but for herself. They still have a lot of work to do on their relationship, but they first have a lot of work to do on themselves. She is right that she has always run away from her problems, that always involve a man. It will be fun to see the office with a Rebe who all about the work, while Pancho fights for her love.

Chela's in a crappy situation right now. I didn't see the pregnancy thing coming! (Thanks previews.) Maybe it's a bad dream? If not, her and Enzo's life is about really complicated and they haven't even figured out their relationship yet. But a baby will make Enzo SO happy. Hmmm...

Tag team recapers rock.....

Guera..my orangemen comment here yesterday, makes me look like a physic with todays news about Syracuse....

Maybe Iky Mikey is a fan of Syracuse too, he is an orange-man.....lol

Oh, and Vivi, I hope you are feeling better...

CHF and Ezra - thanks for your tag team approach. I keep hoping Uni will come to its senses and stop this two hour madness but it seems they are going to continue with this stupidity.

ITA w/Julie that I'm actually concerned about Lidia and Enzo as she is very low maintenance. The baby almost makes it a foregone conclusion that Chela and Enzo will be together but I'm sure there will be plenty of misunderstandings before we reach that.

Welcome back Cheryl! I missed your return last week but enjoyed your two recent 'caps.

Melinama and Ezra, thanks. Enjoyed every single snarkette about Pancho. Boy, he really screwed up. Cheryl, thanks for yesterday - especially enjoyed the descriptions of the independence celebration and costumes. Julia, thanks for the vocab - now I finally get the conejo phrase.

I hate that Chela turned to Enzo only because Pancho dropped her. Enzo deserves better, but he will be so excited about the baby. Agree Chela won't tell him, but the way everybody blabs I predict he will find out soon. Didn’t Chela have a talk with Ana about sex and birth control? I guess she forgot her own lesson.

At least Karen felt like a fool after going along with Pina's scam. She used to be the wise counsel to Moni, now she just looks ridiculous.

I sure hope Pina doesn't give Vince another chance to dump her again. I hope this time he's the dumpee.

Oh, anonymous, the last thing we need is Icky-Micky as an Orangeman. Even though we are now down one-- and a big one. Yeah, I wondered if you already knew about Fab Melo when you predicted our early exit. I'm much less hopeful now. Maybe I'll have to join you on the Buckeyes Bandwagon, JudyB.

Wow, I missed the previews. So Chela is preggers. Not a big surprise but interesting timing. Enzo does have quite a thing going there with Lidia. And yes she seems quite low maintenance. But --- what's she going to do when she runs into Rebe in the office and realizes that Icky-Micky is all alone in MiamI -- and perhaps in need of consolation???


Great recap! That was hilarious about Lidia in gray saran wrap. Are we supposed to believe that professional women would show up to work dressed the way these Rebeca and Lidia do? LOL.

I hope they don't bring Chela and Enzo back together because she's pregnant. I'd like to see them together, but not for that reason. Sara, ITA: I can't stand Enzo and Lidia's scenes. I guess I was hoping that Enzo wasn't that kind of guy. I don't know.

I loved the look on Temo's face when Pancho tried to blame the kids for his deciding to date Chela! He knows he was dead wrong for that, although Chela and he both couldn't have possibly thought it was REALLY going to work out. He was just engaged 5 minutes ago to someone else. And the only he broke up with her was out of pure insecurity! Oh, well.

I wonder what Candy has planned. Maybe she'll poison him on the night of their wedding, lol. Maybe that'll be her only chance of getting away from him. I don't see how else she can do it, but, who knows.

From the looks of Candy's aged suitor I predict he'll die on his wedding night. He seems to be hanging by a thread as it is.

Melinama...thanks for skipping all the endless sniveling by Pancho last night. I actually watched in real time and it was totally annoying. What a dip.

Ezra..thanks for the gray saran-wrap and the engineering PhD bra remark. It needed to be said!
I'd be totally happy if they'd bump up this baby to daytime myself, but I know some of you are enjoying it.

Güera..so sorry your main guy messed up his grades. What a way to let down his team and his coach. Hope all our teams make it a long way but who knows? These tournaments always bring some real surprises.

On another note, I'm really happy about Chacho and Sandra. I would never have guessed those two, but they're so cute together.

I don't like how they keep throwing Karina into Ana and Freddy's storyline. And I'm so mad at Pina! Just let them be, would you? I love Ana and Freddy together (now). There's a good balance there. What would Karina bring? She's sweet and all, but she's an airhead and she seems like she would be a total pushover. I'm not feeling that plotline.

I had begun to like Enzo but no more. He and Lidia act like animals in heat.

I totally agree about how Rebe and Lidia dress for work. Not too professional looking.

Temo and the girls scene was bad. He is SO annoying.

So glad Mike is long gone and I hope forever.

The whole Nappy/Candy thing is so dumb.

Thats my 2 cents for the day.

Niecie - it was actually Lupita who ended up having the sex talk with Ana. Ana went to Lupita because she didn't feel comfortable discussing it Chela. That ended up being a good call on her part. Maybe Chela should have gone to Lupita for advice too. ;-)

Of course, since Enzo apparently didn't take any precautions either and they didn't even discuss it, I can't blame it all on Chela. But that's where Lupita's other piece of advice, "communication," comes in.

I am cracking up at the idea of the sexually active women in this show needing to go to the only virgin in the show for the sex talk before they hop in the sack with anyone. It is so TRUE! Maybe Lupita should be the one with the talk show...

Anon#1- Thanks so much for the concern. Other than a lingering cough, I am almost 100% better. :)

I'm always amazed by what passes for business attire on these shows. Rebe is actually much more modestly dressed (at least in the office) this time around than in her role as Licenciada Paula on Juan Querendon. Celeste's skirts are getting shorter and shorter. I don't know how she is able to walk.

Julie and Vivi - Yep, Chela should've gone to Lupita for advice too. She's the smartest one in the TN.

Thank you, recap team! You deserve a prize for toughing out an episode with WAY too much Pancho in it.

Chela wasn't any delight to watch, either, but at least she did acknowledge that she was just lashing out because she was angry and hurt and that Enzo had the right to move on.

Poor Candy seems too stunned to strategize well. She should have said she didn't like the dress and wanted something else, then taken forever to have something designed and insisted on a dress with lots and lots of detail and hand beading and embroidery. Something to buy some time while she comes up with a real plan.

I'm glad Rebe decided to stop defining her life by men. I wonder how long this will last.

I thought the scene in the restaurant was funny because of the way the woman was turned away so we couldn't see her face. (Why couldn't we see her face? It isn't like this is a character we already knew). It looked like she was trying to seduce the wall. She should get some tips from Ivan in LFDD for that...

"She should get some tips from Ivan in LFDD for that..."
Ha ha! Thanks for the laugh!

Boy, I bet that wall will never forget her night of passion with Ivan.

Ezra and CHF:

Thanks for another fine recap of this LOOONG episode. I don't know how you guys do these two-hour marathons! I doff my hat and offer a sincere thank you to your team.

Wow, on the Candy/Nappy thing. Does she have any chance at all against a guy with some much power and obsession? I like JudyB's idea that he dies in the nuptial bed. Too funny.

Pancho didn't even act like a pre-teen last night, his maturity came in at about age 5. "It's your fault!" to his kids? Ah, c'mon Pachito, we get that you are playing the puer archtype but Peter Pan you are not.

I can't think of a partnering for Lupita that would make me happy. Tomas is hot but she is so good and bright, can't we introduce a new character worthy of her fabulousness?

Ezra: Grey saran wrap was a perfect comment. You have been on a roll lately with comments of Rebe's dresses that crack me up.

Vivi, so glad you are feeling better.


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