Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #163-164 Wed 3/14/12 did you know grownups could gossip so much?

As usual my computer recorded only most of the two hours. I don't know which 25 minutes are missing, so fill me in...

Also - Let me complain that I came home from doing a St. Patrick's day gig at 9:15, exhausted, to find out that my dear son Ezra, after losing his glasses and going to work with one contact lens, on the way back into our hacienda left his car in "drive" when he got out to open the deer fence - so it (the car) ran through the deer fence, then the donkey fence, and finally ran over Ezra's own foot when he was trying to recapture it. Luckily, no bones broken. And now, to the show!

Pina can't imagine having the low-class Lopez-uns as in-laws. Freddy's first two children will be named Vince and Pina, obvi - but how much better for the bloodline not to be "contaminated," to have the blond Karin as the mother, with the classy name Limantours - and for the babies to have blue eyes. This aryan elitism, which makes me very uncomfortable, unites Vince and Pina, but in general Vince isn't listening because he's drooling over her!

Cute, how Pina has converted Freddy's nickname for Ana - "ojitos" (little eyes) - into "piojitos" (little fleas).

There's a meeting at Avon with Lidia representing Belle Face, I guess. I think the company shares are doing well. A familiar well-siliconed form enters; Pancho says, "good morning Rebe" before doing a predictable double take. She says "Fer did not accept my resignation."

Pancho throws Beto, Enzo, and Lidia out, Rebe insists they stay, he says no, so she leaves, he follows. Furious, she says she didn't go to Miami because she doesn't love Mike and doesn't want to run from her problems. She is not moved by his story of failing to find her at the airport. She reminds him how disappointed she is in him and that he can't really love her. "From now on, our relationship is purely professional."

Tomas's prison roommate el Tanque (what an interesting looking guy) has somehow disattached the Gargoyle (who beat up Tomas) from his henchmen. El Tanque is so grateful (Tomas has gotten him lawyer help), he holds the Gargoyle while Tomas lays down laws (e.g. "don't harm the defenseless") and punches him. The Gargoyle is crying! "Hah hah, what if all our fellow incarcerates saw you now? Law three: your reign of terror is over."

Midory (she who sexually harrassed Arnold hence causing him to turn faux-gay) meets Pancho and starts flirting. He things she looks familiar. She suggests they met in a past life. "What, you don't believe in reincarnation?" "No, I'm a Catholic."

Arnold gets a friendly welcome from Rebe who laughs and laughs at his Midory-Raymound predicament. His two pursuers catch up with him. He flees like the fox from the hounds and takes shelter with Vince and Enzo.

Chela, complaining to Candy in Napoleon's house, faints, which we know means she either has leukemia or is pregnant. This is a comedy, so I vote for #2. Napoleon offers to ship her off to a hospital in his private helicopter.

Pancho invites his daughters to lunch. He tells them Rebe's back. Ana nags him to help sell her cd. He gets all the kids (and Nenene) to stand in the street and shout and wave cds. It's lame but they have some success. This seems like some recursive product placement - because this is a real cd, right, and Univision reaps the profits if people buy it!?

Enzo tells Lidia he's thinking about Chela. Lidia claims she has no expectations, as long as he tells her the truth.

Fer is happy to hear Doc Oc arranged for a second DNA test. So happy, in fact, that she accepts his marriage proposal.

Pina gets a very complimentary card from Vince inviting her to dinner. He orders up a private room, two waiters and champagne.

Candy cries about Vince FF>

Napoleon, at the hospital, calls Pancho to say Chela's in the hospital. He tells Chela (why isn't the doctor the one to tell her?): "You're pregnant." He assumes Pancho is the father. He'd like to get Candy this pregnant.

Pancho and various kids come rushing into the hospital and get a look at Napoleon. They then rush into Chela's room, she tells them she's pregnant. All rejoice. "Napo" shows up with a gigantic stuffed bear. Temo becomes a big Napo fan when he's offered a helicopter ride. Moni asks Chela: "This is going to be my little brother, right?" Chela admits Enzo's the dad.

Ana goes to see Rebe, Rebe rehashes her anti-Pancho ire. Ana, a little embarrassed that she's been part of the problem, says "Temo and I were like dogs with a slipper." She said she didn't come exactly to convince Rebe to go back with her dad, but because "you have earned our affection." Both cry. Lidia comes in at the end of their love fest.

Pancho and Napo talk in the hospital hall. Pancho says "the concept of forcing Candy to marry is a bad concept. She loves the demon himself, Vince." Napo tells him Vince is going to reconcile with Pina.

Elsewhere, this very same info makes Arnold jealous. Then Midory shows up and begs for a few Arnold minutes. She grabs him and tries to take a few bites. "Stop menacing me!" he squeals as he runs away.

Enzo tells Ana he can't compete with Pancho for Graciela's affections.

Rebe tells Lidia she will NEVER reconcile with Pancho.

Napo goes out (for a night of dastardly deeds perhaps) and leaves Candy a cellphone "because I trust you." Candy immediately calls Vince. In the VERY VERY FANCY RESTAURANT, Vince has gone to pee, so Pina answers. Candy: "Why are you answering Vince's phone?" Pina: "Because he's in the bathroom. We are at a VERY VERY FANCY RESTAURANT. Vince is STILL MY HUSBAND..."

and... my recording ends.


Melinama- I am so impressed you got this recap up despite all the mishaps! I hope Ezra is ok, as well as the donkey.

Here's what I remember from the last few minutes:
-Napo planned all along for Candy to call Vince since he knew Vince was on a romantic date with Pina. He watches Candy from hidden cameras and sees how badly the call ended. He later offers his shoulder to cry on to Candy as he badmouths Vince and makes himself look like a better option in the process (not hard to do). Seems like Napo has a pretty good plan.
-Chela tells the kids she's going to move out, and not to the house in the vecinidad this time. She has to stop relying on Pancho, plus this was all her fault. She knew Pancho wasn't over Rebe and she deceived herself. The kids cry and hug her but they understand.
-Chela begs Moni not to tell her dad about the pregnancy. She needs to get her own head together first and doesn't want Enzo to feel obligated to her because she's preggers. She feels guilty and ashamed for the way she treated him. Moni reluctantly agrees to hold off, but makes Chela promise she will tell him, eventually/soon.
-Pina wants her and Vince to go to Candy's wedding together. He chokes on that idea, but doesn't deny he's trying to win Pina back.
-Looks like Lidia wants to be more than friends with benefits, but Enzzo reminds her they both wanted no strings attached.

Previews look good. Fer and Pancho find out they are madre y hijo!

thanks Vivi, I missed a lot! You're great. Now to a well-deserved few hours of sleep. Sleep is great. When you're asleep you can't get in trouble.

Before finally going to bed, I'd like to say that I was really proud of Ana for being the one to try to fix her dad's and aunt's relationships. She really can't do anything about it, but it was a nice gesture from the former brat.

Did anyone else catch that there was something going on with Chela regarding the pregnancy? When Napo (how inappropriate) told her she was pregnant, she looked really confused and said that she didn't think she could ever get pregnant. Why? Anything to do with this bad first sexual experience?

Thank you so much Melinama and Vivi for this terrific recap. I agree with you Vivi about Ana, who would have thought she would go talk to Rebe and Enzzo. That really surprised me.

I rewound my tape of this epi and Chela kept saying it couldn't be and then she was happy. I don't think she really said why she didn't think she could get pregnant. I wonder if she had a miscarriage after the bad experience or some type of infection. Maybe that is part of her back story.

Who would have thought Enrique Rocha (Nappy) could bring the funny. He was hilarious in the waiting room of the hospital with Pancho.

I am glad Rebe came back to Avon, and it is great she came back for herself and not for Pancho. Let him fight for her.

Glad Chela is moving out on her own. It will be good to see her stand on her own, but she should tell Enzzo about the baby. I know she doesn't want him back solely for the baby, but for her. Hopefully they work it out.

I kind of like Pina and Vins back together, they are quite funny.

So, perhaps some folks didn't get the humor or joke regarding Pancho and this new brief character named Midory. It was funny that Pancho asks if they'd ever met, or that he remarks that she looks awfully familiar, because the actress is Susy-Lu. Susy-Lu is Arath De La Torre's wife in real life. So...Of course they knew one another. It will be funny watching how she tries stalking Pancho.

Hey Jim, I had no idea! That is really funny. Thanks for sharing.

Way to go recapers, tag teaming works again.

Chapel Hill, sounds like you had a real life Una Familia con Suerta moment last night. I am glad to hear the fence received the most damage. (So you raise donkeys and dear in Chapel Hill,N.C.-interesting).

I saw about an hours worth of last night's show.....hard to watch TV when it's sunny and warm outdoors. I love daylight saving time...I am glad I did, because you and Vivi did not give a visual on the attire worn by all the Divas. I think Arnold might be gay for real....running away from Middy. Also did anyone notice the wink Amazon Debra gave Poncho at the hospital. And who can overlook Rebe and the wrap around the butt, tight A$$ dress she had on.

Well, I still admire all recapers and those who assist the recapers are all very dedicated, more so than the folks in charge of CC3. It's frustrating to read the captions, because when they fall behind, they just do the captions in spanish until they catch up. Many times the english translation makes absolutely no sense at all...Again, the recapers here rock.

JudyB, and Guera we get underway today....I am going home early from work today to catch the games. I won't see the TN tonight, VCU plays at 7pm eastern, and I will be wearing the black and gold, ready to support my team....Go Rams!!!

Oh I hope all is well with you, what a night you had.

I was surprised that Ana went to bat for all the lovesick couples last night, and she did an amazing job.

I think Pancho has competition in the ridiculous, outrageous category. Napo was certainly very funny last night, I could not stop laughing.

Pina, Pina, look in the mirror and say to yourself "I need to leave the dark side".

Will Ahnold be the one to tell Enzzo he's a baby daddy (since hs seems to spill the beans)? or will Chela/Enzzo/Pancho/Violeta appear on the Maury Povich show? I now expect the return of Violeta, she can't let Enzzo have another child.

Wow! I haven't read this recap yet -- just your amazing opening paragraph about Ezra's mishap. I'm glad he's got no broken bones, but what a story. I'm so sorry for all the trouble this incident caused last night -- and will continue to cause as you make the repairs & as Ezra's foot heals. Is there a song in this?


Oh Melinama...What a day (and night) you had...and Ezra as well. Parenthood never ends.

Thanks for the recap under horrendous conditions. Watched this in a stupor last night after moving furniture all day. These folks are even harder to understand when you're feeling brain-dead ga-ga.

Go Bucks, Go Rams, Go Syracuse...but remember...Kentucky waits.

Thanks for the heads up that Midory is Pancho's real life wife. I would of never guessed it!

Whats with the opening credits 15 minutes into the show with that horrible looking singer!!?? Its not Halloween mujer.

Melinama, thanks for the fun. Goodness, hope Ezra is okay and that you get rest. What a trooper you are to give us this recap.

Napo is a hoot. Who better to tell Chela's she's pregnant than a narcotrafficker-kidnapper with a bass voice? Who needs a doc? I'd like to see Napo and Pina together, but not in a romantic way.

For the second time, Enzo could be with a pregnant woman for whom he wasn't her first choice. Violeta is crazy obsessed with Enzo, but when he alluded to their "being in love" in the past she just mocked him.

I just watched the scenes with Chela coming to terms with being pregnant. She did say something about thinking that she couldn't get pregnant. I don't know if it was significant or not.

Ana has grown a lot recently. I really liked her honest encounters with Rebe & Enzo.

JP thanks for the heads up about that scene between Pancho & Midory. Knowing that they are really married makes that a very funny encounter.

Thanks for the best wishes JudyB. Three hours to game time -- gotta go change out of my exercise gear and put on some Orange. Good luck everybody with a team in this dance.

Güera from Syra-cuse

Thanks Melinama AND Vivi. The tag-team recaps continue! And I hope Ezra is having a much better day today.

Melinama: "When you're asleep you can't get in trouble." You can if you oversleep and are late to work! Um, not that I would know anything about that.

Vivi, I did catch Chela seeming confused about her fertility, but wasn't sure what she was referring to. I bet you're right about it being related to her first experience somehow.

Did I hear Rebeca complaining again about "sacrifices" last night, or was it the night before? Either way, she is full of it. Pancho had to take lessons in table manners from Rebeca, for Pete's sake. What did Rebeca have to do for the sake of the relationship? Put up with a couple of lippy kids and a jealous rival... but that's par for the course. She had the upper hand in the relationship the whole time, and called most of the shots. I'd like to know what "sacrifices" she thinks she made that were out of the ordinary.

Melinama, hope Ezra is ok along with the donkey. I hope you got the sleep you needed too. What a day you had!

Melinama, wow what a day you had. I hope Ezra and the donkey are well and you got some much needed rest. Thanks for giving us a recap in spite of all of this.

Thanks Vivi for adding the last part.

I also was amazed Ana was trying to help Rebe/Pancho and Chela/Enzo. It's nice to see characters mature.

I'm not OK with Pina and Vice. He's got to change before I'll believe he won't break her heart again.

Melinama & Ezra & Vivi -- thanks to all of you. This was a fun episode & I appreciate all the work you tag teamers put in.

I have a suggestion for Chela's move. Moni should move in with her. Chela wouldn't be alone & Moni would have a fine teacher to help her learn all those cooking & cleaning skills whose lack made her so miserable when she & Pepe tried to live together. All young persons should know how to take care of themselves even if they are rich enough never to have to do so.

Those hospital scenes with Napo & the Lopez family were really funny. I enjoy the sound effects that seem to be more prevalent these days. I loved the wordplay over Vince's name --- and the physical humor.

There's an expression "montar un pollo" which means to make a fuss over something. Pancho used the expression "comer un pollito" with Napo. I interpreted it to mean something like we have a little issue to deal with. Napo came back with "un pollito? Mejor un avestruz " (avestruz -- osrich) It was my favorite joke of the night. (That is after I looked up the word avestruz.

I'm so glad that the DNA tests are in & Pancho will learn the truth tonight.


Nellie- I so agree with you about Pina and the dark side. Hopefully she stops trying to wreck Freddy and Ana.

Thanks JP for the info on Midory.It was really funny.

What a dreadful evening. I hope Ezra's foot is OK today and not too injured.

What a crazy set of circumstances—it almost sounds like you were being punked by the Universe. I hope Ezra's foot is fine, the fences are easily repairable, and the donkey is in his barn safe and sound.

I can't beleive you put up this recap after all that. Thank you very much.

I thought Napoleon was funny last night too, until I saw him with the secret camera watching Candy. Seriously creepy.

I love Rocha's voice, however. I find it mesmerizing.I also love the bad-a$$ Kill Bill Woman, Deborah. Did you see how she was sitting at the hospital. She looked like she was about to jump into a mixed-martial-arts meltdown. Now THERE is someone I would cross the street to avoid!

Thanks again for the recap, CHF. I find that I am delighted that Chela is pregnant.


Thanks to the fearless recappers who carried on through dark of night. Ihope the foot is doing well, Ezra and Melinama you are a first class recapper to rescue offspring, donkey and car and still be vertcal long enough to do so much of the two hours.

I did realize that Midori is Arath's real wife so loved him being pursued around the office. They both seemed to be having a ball with their scene.

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