Monday, March 05, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #49 Monday 3/5/12 Where is the Cumaean Sybil When She Is Most Needed? (with apologies to Robert Graves)

That Which Has Passed
Lady Ana Paula tells Sir Gustavo that her marriage was a sham while Lord Rogelio and Maria talk about Vainessa. Sir Gustavo and Lady Ana Paula are on the beach by the bonfire as he presents the ring he hopes to exchange for a proper one later. She remembers – with the words echoing in her head – Lord Rogelio giving her the second ring, the one she had cast away. She then tells Sir Gustavo that the proper symbol of his love was the shell necklace, which he then returns to her.

The Current Happenings
Lord Rogelio's Bedchamber: He sits on his bed, looks at Sir Gustavo's shell necklace, and yells for Hugo. We wonder why the wheelchair is so far from the side of the bed.
Hotel: Tia MentiRosa tells Lord Federico she loves him, which takes him by surprise. Ever since she first went to work for him and even after he fell in love with her sister. He is becoming increasingly uncomfortable with this.
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: Maria tries to make her feel better and she speaks of Sir Gustavo's foolishness at leaving her; it was the politically expedient thing to do. Her pride has been hurt, nothing more, says Lady Chatterley. She has renounced love, saying look at what good it's done her brother? Maria expresses concern that Lady Ana Paula has become an obsession with him.
Hotel: After more embarrassing admissions by her, Lord Federico tells MentiRosa that she was like a sister in his eyes. True to form, she lies again that Lady Ana Paula was like more than a daughter to her and pledges her help. He expresses regret that he cannot return her feelings. She know she hasn't been happy in his marriage and says he has the right to be happy, to seek a woman who could make him happy. She then tells him to think about it, kisses him, and exits. The sad flamenco music underscoring the end of this scene expresses how unsuccessful her efforts have been.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Miguel continues to imbibe while talking to Skelator. Horrible vice that. Lord Rogelio enters unannounced before Skelator can escape and he is not pleased at this sight. Miguel is visibly intoxicated and very slow to recognize what is transpiring.
Rogelio: Miguel, we have to talk. What is this? Bruno, what are you doing here? Go to my study immediately. Go! (Bruno jumps off the balcony and Miguel closes the window while concealing the tequila bottle)
Miguel: Set my sister and me free. Now.
Rogelio: Now, relax. Calm down. Just tell me where Ana Paula found the things belonging to her fiancé.
Miguel: What?
Rogelio: How did those things happen to be here? Where did she find them? Tell me what you know. (Miguel says nothing, but walks toward him without taking his eyes off his face.) Calm down, Miguel. Tell me. (Miguel is close enough that Rogelio quickly takes away the near-empty bottle, shoves him onto the sofa to the far corner, and hits the nearest armrest with his riding crop). Tell me. (now shouting) Where did she find them?
Miguel: What things?
Rogelio: What things? Was it in my bedchamber, my study? Where? (Miguel cowers, bending over with his head in his hands). I am talking to you! (raises the riding crop again)
Miguel (still cowering): I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
Rogelio (thoughtfully, without anger): Miguel, tell me what you know.
No reply is forthcoming, and Lord Rogelio takes a deep breath, looking thoughtful.
Hotel Garden: Tia MentiRosa is walking away talking to herself, but Lord Federico follows her. Before they can speak Lady Ana Paula returns with Sir Gustavo, happy as a clam escaping a New England fisherman's net. She displays the ring made of reeds and the shell necklace. Lord Federico deduces the meaning of this as does MentiRosa and we need not ask ourselves who is and who is not happy about this.
Lord Rogelio's Study: His Lordship lambasts Knave Skelator over the liquor incident, knowing that he is responsible for it. Skelator tries to excuse it by saying that it was more expedient to get him to talk about Lady Ana Paula'sand Tia MentiRosa's whereabouts while drunk, but His Lordship does not accept that. He points out that Miguel is an alcoholic and that this will only worsen his illness. That there had to have been a better way.
Hotel Garden: Tia MentiRosa informs Lady Ana Paula that they will be returning to Tuxtla in the morning. Lady Ana Paula does not want to and Sir Gustavo asks Lord Federico's permission to allow his daughter to stay with him for a few days. This does not please the tia, who insists that it is not proper. She points out the consequences and that Lady Ana Paula is married. She reminds her tia that the marriage is a sham. Lord Federico takes the side of the two young lovers, reminding Tia MentiRosa that Lady Ana Paula is a grown woman and he trusts her to make the right decisions. He will be returning to Tuxtla the next day to arrange for the legal acknowledgment of Lady Ana Paula as his daughter and asks if Tia MentiRosa would prefer to stay in Boca del Cielo while he sees the notario. She tells him that she will go with him to help in whatever way she can before lamenting "estos tiempos modernos." Que hypocrita.
Durán Residence: Lady Sneerwell arrives, talking animatedly about the beauty of Lord Rogelio's estate and the enormous manor house. Sir Esteban, who is present with Lady Chio, asks about Vainessa. Lady Sneerwell tells him directly that she saw her several times at the estate. He does not like this news, especially when Lady Chio comments that Vainessa hasn't stopped loving Lord Rogelio. Obviously she does not know Vainessa very well at all.
Hotel: Lord Federico takes his leave of Lady Ana Paula, cautioning her to take care in the company of Sir Gustavo for her own protection. He has given her his cell phone number if she needs anything. He explains that a medical test will probably be required to complete the legal proceedings that he will begin. He wishes to leave no doubts in the minds of his wife and older daughter. Lady Ana Paula is concerned at that outcome in view of her history with Vainessa. Lord Federico, like any proper father, also wishes to protect her. They express their love for each other and embrace.
Durán Residence: Sir Esteban takes his leave of the ladies as Lady Chio enters with a coffee tray. He is clearly unhappy at the news regarding his Vainessa. After his departure Lady Chio begins to speak of him as though they had had an assignation; Lady Sneerwell looks as though she believes her friend to be delusional. The course of true love never does run smooth. Nor will it ever, we daresay, or there would be no tale to tell.
Hotel: After explaining about his own romantic disaster, Lord Federico advises Sir Gustavo to fight for his love, promising his advice and aid. Sir Gustavo replies that he would give his life for his Lady Ana. The two men shake hands. In another chamber, Tia MentiRosa once again tells Lady Ana Paula she is not pleased with her remaining in Boca del Cielo with Sir Gustavo. She is concerned for the consequences if Lord Rogelio finds out. Lady Ana Paula also wishes to avoid problems, which is why she never told Sir Gustavo whom she had married. She is concerned that there would be a duel if Sir Gustavo knew of Lord Rogelio's threats of violence and will therefore not risk his safety. She is grateful for what he has done for Miguel and wants all to turn out for the best. Tia MentiRosa is still not pleased, but is returning to Tuxtla with Lord Federico to prevent Fishwife Elsa and Vainessa from ruining Lord Federico's plans. The following morning Lord Federico and Tia MentiRosa take their leave of the two young lovers. As Lord Federico and Lady Ana Paula embrace with their “te quiero muchos” we worry for them.
Galván Mansion, Garden: Fishwife Elsa and Vainessa speak of Lord Federico's absence. Vainessa attempts to tell her suspicious mater that perhaps he is not feeling well enough to travel (We recall that the air is substantially different due to the varied altitudes of these areas). The telephone rings and Elsa is not pleased at hearing the voice of Notario Patricio, who seeks to confirm Lord Federico's urgent appointment with him. The meaning of this appointment is not lost on either of these vipers.
House of Fermin: He is pleased at the reunion of the young lovers. Lady Ana Paula expresses her gratitude for what Fermin and his family have done for them. We are not certain of Carmen's feelings, as her last encounter with Her Ladyship was far less than cordial.
Lord Rogelio's Study: Skelator has found Farmer Gomez and escorts him inside. The man looks apprehensive and with good reason, for His Lordship's intimidating ways are infamous. The horse was confiscated by the local constabulary, but he claims to have purchased it from a beautiful young woman who was in the company of a boy. When Lord Rogelio threatens to have him arrested unless he tells him the whereabouts of the woman and the boy (and punctuating that with a lash of his riding crop on the desk) he tells him that they spoke of going to the beach, the nearest one being Boca del Cielo.
Boca del Cielo, Beach: The two young lovers walk near the breaking waves as Margarito and Meli play in the sand. The lovers speak of their present and future happiness as Meli asks Margarito whether he liked living where he came from. He speaks of the fearsome lord of his previous residence and that this is why he does not wish to return there.
Lord Rogelio's Study: Satisfied that he now knows what he needs to know, Lord Rogelio dismisses Farmer Gomez, slams his checkbook shut, and informs Knave Skelator that he personally will be going to Boca del Cielo immediately. He categorically refuses Skelator's offer to accompany him and exits, leaving Skelator to glower at an empty room.
Boca del Cielo, Hotel: The lovers return from the walk on the beach. They enter the Lady's chamber and begin kissing, speaking of their need for each other.
A Posh Hotel Chamber in Tuxtla: Lord Federico's secretary escorts Tia MentiRosa into this room, which she finds extremely satisfactory. She leaps onto the large bed and hugs a large pillow with the sentiment that she finally has received her due. Oh, how little does she know what that truly is.
Boca del Cielo, Hotel: There is but one phrase for this scene – Entrega Total. The author thanks Don Pablo Montero (no relation to Lord Rogelio in this incarnation) for his excellent recording of the beautiful song of that title.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act One) Lord Federico arrives home and is greeted by his older daughter.
Vainessa: Father? Are you well? Why did you not come home yesterday?
Federico: Relax; all is well. Now I will explain everything.
Vainessa: Well, begin by explaining to me first why you had an urgent appointment with the notary.
Federico: Who told you that?
Vainessa: He called this morning responding to your call.
Federico: I'm sorry, daughter, I didn't want you to find out this way, but now we have something very serious to discuss.
Vainessa: What about? (sits down)
Federico: I found your sister.
Vainessa: What?
Federico: Yes, and I'm telling you I will be taking responsibility for her because she is also my daughter.
Vainessa: Don't tell me this is why you're talking to a notary?
Federico: Yes, Vanessa. I will be giving your sister my name, and I will protect her and provide for her for all the lost time I wasn't at her side.
Vainessa: No you couldn't because you were with your wife and with me, your legitimate daughter. All those years I believed I was your only daughter, the person you most loved. (Elsa enters)
Elsa: Giving her your name? And what else? Are you going to invite her to move into our house to live with us as though we were some great family? That will be over my dead body!
Federico: Elsa, don't exaggerate, and let me talk to her.
Elsa: The one committing social suicide is you. We're not going along with this and we're not sharing a single thing!
Federico: Enough, Elsa! Leave me alone with Vanessa. We'll talk afterward.
Vainessa: Father!
Federico: Vanessa, understand. I have a relationship with my other daughter. At least give her a chance. You'll find out she is a good person.
Vainessa: No! I don't want to know her.
Federico: Life has put your paths together. Regretfully it happened this way.
Vainessa: What are you saying? Why are you saying that? Do I know her?
Elsa (shouting): Who is she?
Federico: Yes, you know her. It's Ana Paula, the wife of Lord Rogelio.
Montero Estate, Terrace: Lady Daniela and Maria discuss Miguel's romance with the bottle. They know not what to do. We must seriously question Lady Daniela's intelligence in her poor choice of suitor. Lady Daniela sees the faithful Squire Hugo and begins speaking with him about getting his help with Miguel when he is suddenly summoned by Lord Rogelio. Knowing the urgency of this summons he apologises to Lady Daniela to attend to His Lordship, who is being wheeled out by the resentful Knave Skelator. As Squire Hugo proceeds to obey His Lordship's orders, Maria suggests to Lady Daniela that they seek out the manservant Simon's assistance.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Two) The family quarrel continues.
Vainessa: No, no, no! This cannot be, Father! Paula can't be my sister. I hate her! I hate her and where did you get this idea?
Federico: I have a letter, daughter, that proves it and all the necessary tests will be done.
Vainessa: No, no, no, no, no. Of all the people on this earth it can't be her. I hate her! I hate her, Father. I hate her!
Federico: You can't hate her; you have no motive to.
Vainessa: She stole Rogelio!
Elsa: And now she's stealing the love of your father, daughter!
Federico: I will never stop loving you, daughter. And Paula never –
Vainessa: Yes, I saw that wretch in Boca del Cielo. Yesterday. And it doesn't matter to her that Rogelio is worried to death about her. And you? You're my father but prefer to stay with her when I'm here helping to solve your problems?
Federico: Try to understand me. I have things to resolve with her. Legal things.
Vainessa: I can't. I will not understand you and I will never accept this nobody as your daughter.
Montero Estate, Terrace: His Lordship orders Squire Hugo to prepare for the trip to Boca del Cielo. Lady Chatterley enters, asking where he is going. He informs her that he is going to fetch his wife. She is shocked that he knows where Lady Ana Paula is to be found.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Three) The family quarrel continues and escalates.
Vainessa: She stole Rogelio. She stole him and it's her fault that I looked ridiculous in front of the whole world!
Federico: I'm telling you it wasn't like that, daughter. It was Rogelio who handled this badly. Paula did not know that he was preparing a wedding to you at the same time as with her.
Vainessa: How quickly! How quickly this nobody convinced you so you're defending her from your legitimate daughter, the only one you had to raise.
Elsa: You have to know if this other is your daughter! Surely it's a deception. A letter... dear God, a letter doesn't prove anything. Who knows what this wretch will do tomorrow!
Federico: Silence! What you are saying is untrue.
Elsa: What? You're saying in front of me that your daughter is this strumpet? Of course she came out the same. Why did she marry Rogelio? For his money!
Federico: That is not true or she would not have left the estate. (to Vainessa) Daughter, please listen to me –
Elsa: Let her enjoy Rogelio's money or is she looking for yours? I will not permit you to humiliate my daughter and me by helping that bastard.
Vainessa: Do not give her your name, Father, because then today you are dead to me.
Montero Estate, Terrace: Lady Chatterley tells her brother not to go, but to send Skelator. He orders Skelator to call out the other men while Squire Hugo fetches his carriage, then brutally tells his sister that despite her dislike of Lady Ana Paula and her wish that she never return, she will. And that she will fulfill her duties as wife and lady of the manor. Whether Lady Chatterley likes it or not. Lady Chatterley looks frightened – as well she should for she knows her brother's dark moods and how they combine with his determination. We leave the scene with her kneeling in front of him and he looking out as though he has doubts he will make this happen.
Boca del Cielo, Hotel: Sir Gustavo and Lady Ana Paula have clearly rode the beast with two backs. He says to her “Now, nobody and nothing will stop us being together.” We hope that he had the foresight to have purchased some French letters, as this does not bode well. One does not challenge the gods and get away with it.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Four, Scene 1) In which Vainessa tries to have the last word.
Federico: Daughter, you don't know how much that hurts me to hear you say that.
Vainessa: Father, do you know what you're asking of me? To accept this nobody when you don't even know if she's your daughter or not?
Federico: But she is! Paula is your sister; you have the same blood.
Elsa: You are being perverse.
Federico: I'll order all the medical tests you want. What's important, daughter, is for you to talk to Paula and understand why she married Rogelio.
Vainessa: You can't make me talk to that bastard. As I see it, you don't understand how much you are hurting me. I don't want to know any more of you. You have deceived me. My own father.
Federico (tries to embrace her): Daughter, please.
Vainessa (pushing him away): Get away from me. (grabs her purse and exits. Federico starts to cry. Elsa gives him an evil look and follows Vainessa outside)
Elsa: Vanessa, Vanessa, don't go. You have to help me.
Vainessa: How? How? If Father is determined to give her his name. To love her. To give her everything. And she wins.
Elsa (grabbing her hand): You and I have to prevent him from recognizing her as his daughter.
Vainessa: It'll be the same as before. Because he says he loves her. You know how that hurts me. I always believed that I was the beloved daughter of my father. The only one. (Lord ShadyDeal appears in the background) Never did I imagine that I would have a half sister, least of all that it's her.
Elsa: Me neither. Neither will I accept this but we can't let this tear us apart now. But together we can get what we want. (grabs her hand) Please, come with me.
Vainessa (pulling her hand back): No. I don't want to see Father.
Elsa: Very well. Very well, but please calm down.
Vainessa: I need fresh air.
Elsa: Very well, but don't say a word of this to anyone. We must pretend that this nobody doesn't exist. (turns and goes back to the house, talking insanely to herself. Vainessa turns around as Lord ShadyDeal approaches)
David: Vanessa, how are you? What's happened? What are you crying about?
Vainessa: No, no, no. Nothing.
David: You can trust me, can't you? Vanessa, I couldn't help but overhear you talking to your mother about your half-sister.
Vainessa says nothing, but goes to him for comfort. As they embrace he gloats over her shoulder while she looks over his with an anguished expression
Durán Residence: Lady Sneerwell shares coffee with Sir Esteban. He tells her directly that while Lady Chio is a nice person, to him she will only be Lady Sneerwell's best friend. Lady Sneerwell is still ill at ease regarding Dr Ernesto. She does not know what to do, but also knows she cannot avoid him forever.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Lady Daniela speaks to Lady Ana Paula over her cell phone, learning that Lady Ana Paula is well and has reconciled with Sir Gustavo. She allows Miguel to hear his sister's words, but declines to permit him to speak to her because she tells her that Miguel has escaped but she does not have a telephone number to call him back. Lady Ana Paula asks her friend to have him call her if she hears from him. She finally tells her that she has found her real father and that he will help her straighten out the mess with Lord Rogelio, but Lady Daniela has to cut the call short as a manservant (not Squire Hugo) opens the door to the room. Lady Ana Paula tries to call her back, but Lady Daniela has turned off her cellular.
Montero Estate, Carpentry Shop: A manservant tells Consuelo he's taking a break as Miguel and Lady Daniela arrive. Just before she leaves she tells Miguel that Lord Rogelio has just left with his retinue to fetch Lady Ana Paula back from Boca del Cielo. Miguel picks up a two by four and breaks it whacking the workbench as Consuelo leaves, then tells Lady Daniela to find his sister. She checks the cell phone and discovers that the call is listed as “number unknown”. He says they have to find her so she can get out of there.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Four, Scene 2) In which Fishwife Elsa's eyes bug out so far we fear (or hope) they will fall out.
Elsa: Drop that martyr's face. What did you expect? That Vanessa would be filled with happiness at the news of this illegitimate daughter?
Federico: Very soon this will be finished. After all the necessary proof you and Vanessa are so insecure about you will know that Paula is of my blood. That they both carry the same blood. I will give her my name and care for her and enjoy being with her because she has every right. (clutches the left side of his chest with his right hand)
Elsa: She has the right to nothing. Because she is a bastard, And I? I will make it my business to put her in her place. (raises her right arm)
Federico (seizing her arm with his right hand): You will do nothing. Of course you will not.
Elsa: Yes. I will look for.. and tell all what kind of woman her mother was.
Federico: You will do nothing. For years I heard you speak ill of Mariana. But that's over. I don't have to defend my feelings for her. But with every force I will defend my daughter, including from you. (clutches his chest in pain)

Elsa stares without concern; yea, with mad glee.
Boca del Cielo, Park: Lady Ana Paula tells Sir Gustavo about the phone call as they picnic. She thinks that Miguel is in a small town and is well. Sir Gustavo – poor foolish young man – speaks of them shortly having offspring. They speak of nothing else bad every happening again. Methinks the French letters had been forgotten and the anvil awaits.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Five, Scene One) Hitchcock-style music underscores the scene we hoped would not take place. Federico is sitting on the window seat, clutching his left shoulder.
Federico: I took all that crap for enough years, but no more. I will see the notary. If only to defend Ana Paula – (grimaces in pain)
Elsa (with a maniacal grin): Another of your threats? You always pretend to be ill.
Federico: No. I am ill.
Elsa (sarcastically): Every time things go bad, you're ill. And at the beach with that bastard you felt very well!
Federico (attempting to open a pillbox, then coughing): Get me my pills from the dining room. The ones in the emergency drawer.
Elsa: You think I will never help you.
Federico: Please, please.
Elsa: You want me to help you? Get the idea out of your head to legitimatize that bastard.
Federico: Elsa, please. I can't believe that at a moment like this –
Elsa: Do as I ask or you can go get the medicine.
Federico (grimaces and gasps): Elsa, Elsa, Elsa, please...Elsa
On the Road to Boca del Cielo: Lord Rogelio's carriage is stuck in the mud. Squire Hugo checks the mud around the rear wheels and informs Lord Rogelio that he is unable to move the vehicle by himself. They will have to send for help. Lord Rogelio summons Skelator on his cell phone, ordering him to send some men out to take care of this.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Five, Scene 2) This turns more horrific as Fishwife Elsa returns with the pills. She holds them out toward him and as he reaches for them, backs away holding them just beyond his reach.
Federico (reaching for the bottle): Give me my pills.Elsa (backing up): Say it! Say it! Say you will deny this bastard!Federico: Elsa, please...Elsa (backing up with each phrase, grin getting more maniacal with each word): Say it! Say it! Say you won't acknowledge that bastard! Say it! Say it!
We end with a look of sheer horror on Lord Federico's face. We fear he will shortly be comparing notes with Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus, whose murderous wife certainly had more class than Fishwife Elsa.

Lord Rogelio arrives in Boca del Cielo as Vainessa arrives home to a tragedy.


Bloody hell; the formatting screws up again.

On a lighter note, here is a link to an article about Univision's performance during February sweeps:

As to the promo for Abismo de Pasion, my gut is telling me that ET will get moved to a non-prime timeslot to make room for it as soon as they figure out which one.

Thank you so much UA for this great entertaining recap. Am with you in all you said, about the French letters and the anvil. I too wonder if this will end badly as the Cupcake and Guscake may have a mini cupcake. The "Cakes" don't seem to have any passion.

A pox upon that Viper. Both actually. The daughter is becoming like her Mother very quickly. I wish the Vainy Viper had stayed. Fed would have gotten his pills, tout suite. I never thought La Vipera would withhold those pills. That woman is truley mad.

I am glad Rohell caught Skelator giving Mikey the liquor, that Rohell is now suspicious about where the Cupcake found the "damning evidence". I wish he had been clear headed enough before to question where this "evidence" came from. I wonder what will happen if Rohell sees the "Cakes" together. There will be hell to pay.

Oh, that Tia, Miss Entitlement, and Miss Moral Judgement lol. You know I am wondering if she ever did the deed, and what man could stomach her. Poor Fed looked like he wanted to hurl when she kissed him. Ugh. And her jumping on the bed, and hugging that pillow.

I think maybe Hugo is liking Dani. He sure looked like he did.

Oh, and Lord Shadydeals with the Vainy Viper, he will use this info to his best advantage.

Maria is the only voice of reason at Hell Fuerte, too bad half the time noone listens to her.

As much as I don't like Lady Sneerwell, I hope she doesn't seek out Ernesto. She out to do some exploring of the excellent Lord Esteban.

I meant to say ought to do some exploring of Lord Esteban.

Urban, thanks for your genteel and clever recap. "Knave" is a most apt title for Skeletor.

AP should enjoy her state of glowing happiness while she can; Papa Fed's apparent demise and a vengeful Rohell are both looming swiftly upon her. She's in such a vulnerable position without Fed.

Evil Elsa thwarting Fed's wishes was difficult and painful to watch. I wanted to puncture her with a sharp stick and see her fly away as she deflated like a balloon.

La Paloma

Thanks for the recap UA. So the runaway wife let Gus take a bite of the cupcakes. Doesn't look like they used any protection either so I guess there will be a bun in the over no spoiler just an assumption. Rog is hot on the tail that is unless he can get unstuck from the mud.

Elsa was vicious. Looks like she's not going to give Fed those pills and let him croak.

UA, thanks for the link! Those ratings are great!

Thank you for your masterful recap. It was truly brilliant. Love your writing style. And, THANK YOU most of all, for taking one for the team. This was not an easy episode to recap, on several levels. The Fed-Vaca scene at the end was just plain disturbing.

Lucky me, I get to recap the tail end of that scene tomorrow! But, I'm glad it was you and not me that recapped today. You did a wonderful, wonderful job.

Yeah, that scene showing the melding of the cakes was just sorta meh. That should tell us something right there about their future. I'm just saying.

I am liking Hugo more and more. What a great guy, and so long-suffering. How he can tolerate his douchebag of a boss, I'll never know. I'm going to just assume that when Rohell is in a calmer mood, he rewards Hugo well for having to put up with his douchebaggy self. I truly hope he does that (and I think there's a fair chance he does—it would explain a lot if he did).

I hate how Fed was treated to two screaming vipers, in particular how Vainessa basically "disowned" him. She's going to regret saying that to her dad—whom we know she does love—for the rest of her life, I'm thinking.

Offtopic (sort of): With two more weeks to go in Mexico, it's absolutely crazy what's happening at this stage in LQNPA. Without giving away any spoilers, they insulted the audience claiming that something from the past happened in a different way than we all saw. Everybody went mad on Twitter and Facebook for the incoherence and Aunt Rosy's Twitter was literally a battlefield where she was trying to defend the writers. We even sent tweets to two of the most influential journalists covering LQNPA and they mentioned that stupidity on air, giving us credit for reminding them how it really happened. Since everybody loves aunt Rosy (Ana Bertha Espin), the producer obviously tried to use her to calm the spirits. I felt bad for her, she tried to be the peacemaker, but it didn't quite work.
// off-topic

Lovely recap as usual, I really laughed at: Lady Ana Paula returns with Sir Gustavo, happy as a clam escaping a New England fisherman's net. Brilliant!

Too bad you had the misfortune to recap this particular episode, but on the other hand, lucky me it wasn't my turn.
I never managed to sit through this entire episode. I dreaded dreaded REALLY dreaded the fact that the cupcakes ate each other. Could this be the most pathetic love scene ever filmed for TV? Seriously, hating aside, but que the hell was that? A long kiss, five seconds and that's it? Holy mother of tacos, this has to be the most loveless love scene I've ever seen. No chemistry at all there (probably because the actors get along really well in real life, their liaison looks like the one between two brothers). It's as if the writer herself doesn't like the pair, so she barely showed them in their most glorious moment. Or they want to stay in tone with their initial short 3-day romance and keep it short in bed also.

For her sake, I hope AP did use protection. I mean, she should think of these things more than anyone, since she's a nurse. And married to someone else, I might add.

Someone please make Miguel drown in his own alcohol, I can't stand him. Same thing applies to Elsa, what a b**ch. It didn't help the fact that the actress was acting way over the top. That scene was disturbing, although to be honest, for some reason I was more distracted by the actor's bald patch lol. What's wrong with me?

Rogelio and Hugo would make a nice couple. At least Hugo is more loyal than AP. Douchebaggery aside, I really feel for Rogelio, but you probably already know that hehe.


Terrific recap and it really was a pivotal episode. I feel your pain with the posting issues with Blogger. Arghh.

You really caught the feeling of this episode. I felt just awful for Federico. Vanessa is completely selfish but Elsa is a true villain.

Regarding their night of passion, I am worries that Ana P and Gus have just shaken their fists at God. Beware the results (little cupcakes) of their actions!This could really complicate everything! Grin.


Brilliant! I know I don't usually pop in to the LQNPA recaps but your title hooked me faster than a shiny squid lure hooks a hungry halibut.

No kidding, doesn't the new blogger absolutely suck? UA, we feel your pain. There are numerous problems with the new format and I have already complained on the blogger help forum. If anyone else wants to lodge a complaint they can do it here:

I don't know if this is a running nickname or a new one tonight, but Lady Sneerwell is priceless. Fishwife Elsa is the runner up.

Thank you for the link about the Feb sweeps. Gosh, I hope they don't move El Talisman to midnight. Mid-day would be OK. It totally deserves to be shoved in the drawer, but it would be inconvenient. I hate it when Uni moves their programs around. Estupidos!

UA, this is a masterpiece. I will reserve it to peruse it at length.
Loved "resentful Knave Skelator" couldn't be more perfect.
When Fredrico said goodbye to AP, did anyone else think this was ominous? Elsa has murder on her mind, methinks.
UA, do you think if he had planned it Frederico could have thought up a more painful narcissistic injury for Vainessa?

UA: Amazing. I hung on every word. Although the episode swung from heartbreaking (poor Fed) to lackluster (Gus and Ana - yawn), you were in top form. Your translating the conversations was most helpful. Beautifully written. Gracias!

So, how is Rogelio going to make Ana return with him? Drag her kicking and screaming?? I can't wait to see how this plays out. Nothing seems to be going according to plan. I'm hooked!


Everything I think will happen doesn't, so here goes. Fred will not die but linger in hospice adding more fuel to "My Daddy is dead to me" saga.

Dani doesn't, can't warn cupcake. Cupcake gets snatched back to Carcel Rog and locked in the North tower. Stupid Gus thinks Cupcake disappeared because she doesn't luv him anymore and goes home crying to Mercedes and she says "I told you so."

Most excellent recap by the way!

Thanks, all. I wish this site had existed back in 2001 during Por Un Beso which had so many good parallels to The Count of Monte Cristo. I also loved that the very distinguished Otto Sirgo got to marry an attractive mature lady in that series.

Watching Ana Paula and Gustavo was painful for me because of how I feel about this series. Their lack of chemistry could be due to either or both of the following:

-- The actors might know each other long enough off-camera to feel like brother and sister.
-- Ana Brenda may not be comfortable doing scenes like this.
-- Ana Paula might be feeling conflicted on an unconscious level because of Rogelio. If not, why would have there been a flashback to the ring scene?

I'm sure Hugo is well-paid. He seems to be on call 24/7 and he has the patience of a saint. When Rogelio gets out of the wheelchair I'm sure he'll give him a serious bonus and a possible promotion. Whatever else can be said of His Lordship, he appears to conduct business honestly and fairly.

I also think Hugo would be more worthy of Daniela than Miguel (at least at the moment). He's a handsome guy and a hell of a lot smarter than Miguel will ever be. Not to mention no toxic Tia to deal with.

As much as I can't stand MentiRosa, I'd back her in a catfight with Fishwife Elsa any day. If Fed dies (and I think he will tonight) Elsa will have hell to pay if she ever admits anything about her role in it to Vainessa.

As for Mercedes, she needs to get over any guilt she feels about Ernesto. His wife was clearly unbalanced and this has had a domino effect on their daughter (who was likely the reason they married in the first place). Esteban is still hung up on Vainessa. Not to mention that he needs a makeover.

I think Rogelio will use Miguel to get Cupcake back and if Fed dies now without his notary or lawyer knowing about Ana Paula, she will have no choice.

You are so right, UA. I too think that Rohell will use Miguel to get the Cupcake back. I don't think Fed will be able to keep his appointment with the notary to acknowledge the Cupcake, so she really will have no choice.

In order for Rogelio to find out anything about the "evidence" Cupcake would have to tell him when, where, and how she found it. Also, she seems to be the only person who knew that Skelator was in the house at the time. Sherlock Holmes wouldn't need more information to draw the appropriate conclusions and Rogelio is at least as intelligent when he can maintain a cool head.

This information is particularly damning in view of him catching Skelator giving Miguel booze and if he flashes back to the dance at the wedding and remembers the intent he saw there.

Also, doesn't anybody think it odd that the Cupcake hasn't asked Gustavo about the attack? You'd think she would have asked him if he recognized the thug who actually beat him up.

UA, you bring up some excellent points.

Of course, Ana should have asked Gus about the attack. And, I'm still shaking my head that Gus didn't insist on knowing hub's name. All of this makes no sense. They are both truly living in a dream world.

Hugo is DEFINITELY "Dani worthy". Miguel has so much growing up to do! Aside from conquering his addiction, that is. He is not ready for any type of relationship. That said, much as it pains me, he will likely end up with Dani before the end.

I also think Mercedes will end up with Esteban. I don't ever see his daughter backing down and accepting Mercedes. Esteban is being greatly underutilized here and hope to see more of him.


I mean Erneto's daughter will never accept Mercedes.


Since my DVR failed to record El Tal last night (can you blame it?), I got the chance to watch the erotic love making scene between AP and Gus. Fell asleep. That was it? Crossed eyes and a speckled back?

Thanks recappers, all. You have been fun to read these past few months.

Rosemary la Otra

Thanks so much, UA, for a splendid recap. I agree with all the praise others have already expressed.

Like many others, I found it amazing and heroic that you were able to recap this very painful episode. Toward the end, I could barely watch.

I can't decide whether Fed really dies tonight or not. I sure hope not. He's one of the few characters I actually like in this TN. Of course, that's likely to be the kiss of death.

I also still can't figure out who AP will end up with at the end. I don't remember watching any other TN where I felt the end was so in doubt (No, I didn't see Teresa). To some degree, that's one of the TN's strengths: it's not quite so predictable as most.

Well, that's all for now. Now I can try to run the gauntlet of the blogger obstacles. If you see this message posted, you'll know I somehow succeeded. That hasn't always been the case.

Does anyone else think that there will be some half baked kidnapping by Bruno because he is supposed to be obsessed with our cup cake?

@Alexandra I was on Twitter and Facebook when all that mess went down. I won't give away any spoilers but the producer really did insult the fans intelligence and Rogelianas went buck wild lol.

Back on topic, that love scene was really lame. Where was the passion? Gusbobo is so sure of himself huh blech.

Emarie, I wouldn't doubt it. Some of his facial expressions lately have been pretty frightening. However, I don't see this happening for a while; we have too many episodes to go.

I was just remembering Sinthia once telling Mercedes that Rogelio doesn't trust doctors. My guess is that he hasn't seen one since getting out of the hospital 7 years ago and Ernesto is there to do something for him.

Which now makes me wonder whether Ernesto will get Lady Chatterley in the end. Imagine her as stepmother to that brat of his.

"I got the chance to watch the erotic love making scene between AP and Gus. Fell asleep. That was it? Crossed eyes and a speckled back?"

This has me rolling on the floor laughing.

Just a thought, maybe the actress who plays AP aka the runaway wife, isn't comfortable doing love scenes. Even in Teresa, when Aurora and Mariano consummated their marriage, the love scenes was a dud. It probably is a bit intimidating doing a scene like that with a room full of people watching you.

Pirate Babe, I've also been catching up on Twitter and saw some of the comments and reactions from Rogelianas. Yes, it was stupid and did insult our intelligence. It's something that just about any viewer who was paying attention would have caught. Silly.

I also laughed at the comment about crossed eyes and a speckled back. Too true!

Thank you UA for the recap. I hope they move El Tal to another time and move this one to an earlier time slot. I would love it if it were at 7:00, then I could watch it in real time.

If Fed dies before he changes the will, Tia will probably switch gears and back Rog up in getting AP back, because there won't be money coming from daddy. I hope so, in any case.

I am curious about your post. "We even sent tweets to two of the most influential journalists covering LQNPA and they mentioned that stupidity on air, giving us credit for reminding them how it really happened."

Who is "WE" in this post? Are you a member of an advocacy group for telenovela viewers? Can you get the word to the producers of El Tal that we think the writing and directing of this offering are just awful?



Urban Anth--First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your excellent recapping skills. You are being true to the episode, yet giving us something extra to chew on (NOT cupcakes).

I am now watching LQNPA with rapt attention. Went back and started at Ep#1 through Ep#30, so I'm all caught up with the backstory. It all makes more sense when you are carooming through, marathon style.

As for the two TastyCakes "te necesito" scenes. I think it was toned down and kind of glossed over because we are later not supposed to make much of it. We are supposed to be investing in the Rogelio-AP relationship and we can't have visions of the two Cakes (and let me tell you this is one fun appellation) dancing around in our heads.

As for nurse AP knowing she should be using some form of "proteccion" and cuidandose, Gus and AP think they are going to be together forever since new daddy is going to help her get out of the contract with Rogelio--and the two of them did talk about children, many children, for 2 1/2 minutes on the beach, so I'll give them that much for irresponsibility.

I had a feeling Ole Fed wasn't going to make it, but this soon? Poor AP, she just can't get a break. Is he really dead or will he get to the hospital in time? Elsa will probably delay calling 911 until after she makes sure he's very very dead.

Shame on Fed for not making sure he has his medication with him at all times. Oh, well, RIP.

Tia is going to be overwhelmed with tristeza at his departure, but only because her most recent meal ticket just died with him.

This will undoubtedly spur her on to make sure AP goes back to Rogelio or hook her up to Bruno. Certainly poor little Gus can't keep her in the lujo to which she wants to become accustomed.

UA: I complimented your recap in my last post but I neglected to thank you for writing it. Thank you.

Couldn't agree more that last night's love scene was a real snooze-fest.

How disappointing that the two actors who have worked together before cannot work up more heat. I think that is called acting.

UA makes an interesting point about them perhaps knowing one another TOOO well. I like Ana Brenda, it's too bad she couldn't look more enthusiastic.

Did anyone else notice Rogelio's hoarseness last night? He looked really sick in the stuck-in-the-mud truck shot.


This is not a 7PM story, but I'd like to see it back at 9.

I have the feeling that there will be a major emotional collision within the next two episodes involving Rogelio, Gustavo, and the Cupcake.

I dearly hope this tale doesn't go down the wrong path. I'd love to know how the demographics run in the competition between Rogelio and Gustavo. Do the younger viewers favor Gustavo?

How many episodes in was it when Jorge Salinas had to take a break for health issues? Are we near that point?

Thank you, Emarie, Jardinera654, and Urban Anthropologist for all of the good advice. I'm following all of it with the (1) Spanish and English subtitles, (2) making sure that I use the cc as i watch and tape, and (3)watching Destinos. I'm looking forward to learning Spanish. Too bad for The Young and the Restless and The Bold and The Beautiful! It's LQNPA all the way! Thank you,

As someone mentioned earlier, maybe the thing that the writers have us believe happened differently than it did has to do with AP and Gus having sex. Maybe they wanted us to believe they didn't, so for the American airing of this show, they watered down and cut out scenes of it, in order to not get more hate mail when we see the future episodes. Maybe that was why it was such a nothingburger sex scene.

Jorge didn't look good in this episode and his voice was hoarse. If I remember correctly, he had to be hospitalized three times and the last time was when he became deathly ill. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that.

Cathyx, we don't have a problem with the Cupcake having sex with Gustavo. I personally would not expect a girl of her age to be inexperienced. For the Tia to comment on "modern times" makes no sense otherwise.

What surprises me is that there is no local priest in this small-town story. Whom else is Cupcake going to trust now? Once she finds out that Miguel and Daniela are at Rogelio's place she is going to think they betrayed her. Bad news to come on the heels of what is certainly going to be her father's death.

PirateBabe, I don't know the chronology of Jorge's medical events. But I am concerned about the last thing I read which was that he's on anticoagulants and the accompanying diet. The sister of one of my friends is on that same regimen and it's not easy. Imagine giving up spinach and all that other green leafy good stuff.

Thanks for the great recap UA. I love how it feels like I'm reading a classic play.

Poor Federico for being married all those years to Elsa.

I wonder if Univision is thinking about letting LQNPA stay in the 10 pm timeslot and putting Abismo at 9 while leaving Talisman at 8 and UFCS at 7.

Ana Brenda and José Ron had slightly better chemistry in Juro Que Te Amo than here but alot of that had to do with better love scenes and a more developed love story (their characters got together around episode 80). However, she still had better chemistry with Marcelo Córdoba than Ron.

If "El Güero" Castro wanted to have her repeat love scenes with a former co-star, Córdoba should have been the one. Now THAT would have been interesting: Salinas vs Córdoba.

"How many episodes in was it when Jorge Salinas had to take a break for health issues? Are we near that point?"

There are still several episodes left. We'll know when it happens.


UA, you captured all the nuance, pain, and meh so well. Thanks for a great recap.

Fed telling Gustavo to "lucha por tu amor" and Maria' counseling Rogelio to leave AP alone have me thinking that maybe Rogelio will not wind up with AP, but will wind up a better, happier man.

I'm not feeling Gustavo and AP either, but maybe I don't get their chemistry cause I find Rogelio so much more interesting. On their lack of chemistry being due to the actors’ familiarity with each other, Adela Noriega and Eduardo Yanez have worked together at least three times that I know of and they still had mucho chemistry to me in FELS.

Every time I saw Miguel last night "I'm an Idiot and I Know It" to the tune of "I'm Sexy and I Know It" kept running through my head. It’s nice he’s trying to protect his sister, but I also think he doesn’t mind being locked up by Rogelio because the doesn’t want to take responsibility for his own life. I like Dani with Hugo or Esteban.

I hope Rogelio doesn't catch AP with Gustavo tonight. Seeing poor Fed suffer last night was painful enough.

UA, thank you for this recap. You are a very talented writer.

I had a really hard time watching the Vain One and Her mother Elsa the Vaca. Poor Fred! RIP.

I do not like Gus and AP together, hurry Rog! Save the damsel.


I'm more concerned WHY Salinas needs warfarin. None of the reasons are good news. Hope he's OK now.

Thanks, UA, for an excellent job.

Jarocha: Salinas vs. Cordoba. That would changed the dynamics and our allegiances quite a bit. Great idea!

Whatever meds he's on I just hope he stopped smoking. I want him around long enough to see him play a controlling father in 20 years.

As to who finally gets the Cupcake, we have more than 100 episodes to go so I'm not worried yet. However, if Rogelio doesn't, I'm sure we'll hear the angry cries all the way from Mexico. Let's put the finale date on our calendars and keep our ears open. :)

Thanks for a very entertaining read. You really have the genre down, girl! I couldn't stop reading just because of that style! LOL!
Unspectacular love scene. A speck of speckled bleh is right! I'd have rather seen a free-for-all with the clothing and then a fade out. Hell, The Boy Scout didn't even go for a smoke afterwards. What's the world coming to, anyway?
Actually, I agree that it was left as somewhat blah so that perhaps if Humpty-Dumpty Rog gets put back together again and he's meant to end up with AP that's when we'll get smoke and fire on the screen.

On Twitter, there are two people who appear on Televisa's HOY program and they also have their own radio show, but they only comment the Televisa telenovelas, so I'm afraid El Talisman is a no-go. They have direct contact with the producers and actors, who are often invited to the radio station to give interviews or sometimes even spoilers, so whatever complaints we have, they'll make sure that the producer will hear them, especially when they think the same. These two women are Flor Rubio (@Flor_RUbio on twitter) and Lupita Martinez (@Lupitamartineza on Twitter).

Rogelio is so hot. He an AP should be together forever. I wish Elsa just rotts in you know where. Rogelio is showing that he cares . That is cute.

Thanks, Alexandra!


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