Tuesday, March 20, 2012
La Que No Podía Amar #60 Tuesday 3/20/12 Puppydog eye overdrive, confused Cupcake, idiotic Gustavito
Puppydog eye overdrive, confused Cupcake, idiotic Gustavito.
The recap is going to take a little longer to cook up, because my CCs crapped out for almost the first half of the episode. I am switching to SpanCC but will attempt to do a bulleted-style summary based on listening comprehension alone. Which will soon expose how much I suck at listening comprehension alone. (Only the first part had no CCs. Thankfully I didn't have to recap the whole thing CC-less!)
SEMI-LONG SUMMARY (Events may not be listed in order, but you should be able to figure it out!)
* We start with a repeat of our raven-haired, puppy-dog eyed douchebag, pleadingly asking a wet and drippy Cupcake if she could possibly squeeze out a teensy, weensy bit of love for him? If there was no novio? She doesn't really give him a definitive no, which I suppose gives him a little hope. He eventually takes his leave so she can rest. After he leaves, she drips some more tears and whines to herself, that Rohell doesn't understand that she will never be able to love him.
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A concerned Rohell at her bedside. |
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Appealing to the crying Cupcake. |
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Beseeching looks with heavy-duty puppy dog eye action. |
* Cupcake and Dani get to speak about what's going down when Rohell leaves. First Cupcake whines about how the Gustavito is Sin's novio now, horror of horrors! Drip, drip, drippy tears. She also contemplates the possibility that Gustavito could end up being her brother-in-law. Yikes.
* Vainessa plots and plans with her Evil Team to get the Rancho la Negra, in order to cut off water from Rohell.
* Sin calls Vain and kvetches about how Cupcake stole her thunder at the dinner by fainting. No one was paying attention to Sin and her new novio. The two brujas complain about this for a while.
* Cupcake and Dani finally connect the dots and deduce that it's highly unlikely that Rohell ordered the hit on the Gustavito, seeing as Rohell is blissfully ignorant about what's going on and seems to really like Gustavito. They then wonder about who is responsible for the beating of Gustavito? We have several conversations throughout the episode where it sinks in further that Cupcake was horribly, horribly wrong about Rohell's level of douchebaggery. "He's actually a marvelous man" she laments, feeling bad for ripping him a new one so many times.
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Finally figuring out that Rohell, while a douchebag, isn't so much of a douchebag that he'd order for Gustavito to be beaten. Like, it took them long enough! |
* Even though they know that Rohell doesn't know who Gustavito is, and didn't order him beaten, they now worry that should Rohell find out, he'd freak out in some jealous rage and maybe kill the Gustavito. [Now, I have trouble believing this. Rohell's a douchebag with a whip, but I don't see him inflicting too much damage on Gus with it. Gus is apt to fight back. Nor do I see Rohell ordering someone else to hurt Gus. Unless Rohell is carrying his rifle when he hears the news—I suppose that would be a bad time for him to find out. In any case, I don't see Rohell killing anyone. Rohell is a freak, but not a murderous one.]
* Cupcake, Dani, and now MentiRosa worry about what to do, what to do now that Gustavito is here and Rohell is still in the dark. Do nothing, pretend she doesn't know him, seems to be the consensus. More crying from Cupcake.
* Vain pays the owner of the Negra ranch and asks for "discretion" so he won't tell Rohell. Bruno is on hand to give some B.S. reason about how he's Rohell's lawyer and doesn't want Rohell to know that he's been dealing with this land deal. The former owner has no problem with that, says something about he's going to go to Tuxtla.
* Gustavito hears from the Mean Girls (Vain and Sin) of all of Cupcake's supposed sins as a gold digger. She "stole" the douchebag away from Vainessa. She's brought her whole freeloading family out the Hacienda. She's trying to steal away Vain's inheritance. Complain, complain, complain. He soaks it all up, as we expected. Idiot.
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Filling the Gustavito's head full of lies. |
* Consuelo finds out from Maria that Efrian was fired from the Hacienda. Maria doesn't know why Rohell fired him. Consuelo worries that Efrian got fired because Rohell found about him and Sin.
* Outside Macaria's Fonda in San Gabriel, David approaches Sin and Gus. Sin tells David that the Gustavito is now her novio! So there! David doesn't like it.
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Sin needs to not wear heels when she's standing next to Gustavito. Just saying. |
* That idiot Chio visits Mersnotty to cry about how things have gone belly up with Esteban. When Mersnotty admits that she encouraged Esteban to clear things up with Chio, Chio thinks that the breakup with Esteban is all Mersnotty's fault. Mersnotty tries to protest, but Chio leaves in a huff and believes that Mersnotty's after Esteban herself. FF>>
* Over breakfast in the terrace, we have a cozy quartet with Sin, Gustavito, Rohell, and Cupcake. Rohell is in a good mood as he encourages Gus to stay and work for him at the Hacienda. At first Gus resists, but eventually agrees. Gus is very icy towards Cupcake, which somehow is completely missed by Rohell and Sin.
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Cupcake sits across from the Gustavito at breakfast. |
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The Gustavito gives Cupcake the stinkeye as Sin slobbers all over him. |
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Rohell is cheerfully oblivious to Cupcake's and Gustavito's unease at the breakfast table. |
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Rohell warmly welcomes the Gustavito to the Hacienda. |
* MentiRosa and Bruno plot and plan. They don't like how obvious Gustavito is when he looks longingly at the Cupcake. Something must be done to separate them. There is more talk about getting Cupcake to sign some paper (I think Tia's being Cupcake's legal representative?). Then they discuss how they're on the same team, shouldn't betray each other, yadda yadda. FF >>
* More talk between Dani and Cupcake about how much Rohell obviously loves the Cupcake, and how he didn't order Gus beaten after all. Now she knows that she's been unfair to Rohell, he's a great guy (except for that violent thing), blah blah, but her heart belongs to that ungrateful idiot Gustavito.
* Consuelo asks Sin about how Effer got fired. Sin says it was because Effer failed to look after her (i.e. hover over her sufficiently) well enough for Rohell. Sin acts completely nonchalant and apathetic about Effer losing his job because of her. She tells Consuelo not to worry, Effer is on holiday with Macaria and her family. Consuelo looks a bit concerned about this.
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Margarito is pleased to hear about a proposed classroom, with Cupcake teaching! |
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Rohell smiles in return, showing off his dimples. |
* Later Rohell tells Maria that he wants the Cupcake to feel more relaxed and at ease, and if Miguel is doing well, that will accomplish that. He also says he likes to see the Cupcake smile. Maria is glad to see Rohell enthusiastic about something.
* Dani and Cupcake go to town, where they meet Vain. She tries to bribe Cupcake with her half of the dad's fortune (the half she's entitled to anyway) if she'll divorce Rohell. Cupcake says, nothing doing, it's pointless now anyway, and besides, there's more to life than money. Vain is nasty and grasps her wrist and is a total bruja.
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Bruja in a hideous dress. (See Audrey's modified screen cap here, with Vainessa having alien eyes. Thanks Audrey!) |
* Bruno goes to Gustavito and says he was "the other guy" that Cupcake was hooked up with, but then he (Bruno) sadly introduced her to Rohell, and she dumped Bruno for Rohell. Bruno says he is "discreet" about being Cupcake's squeeze before she got her greedy gold-digging hands on Rohell. Of course the Gustavito drinks this up as well as gospel.
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The lying, tie-dyed bastard. (Thank you Sara for that line!) |
* Vain plots and plans with David to buy the Rancho Negra (or whatever it's called). They conceal from Sin about how much a betrayal this is to Rohell, or how much this may screw over the Hacienda and as a result, Sin's half of the fortune. They sell this idea to Sin by saying that she can tell her brother that unless he gives her her half of the inheritance, the water will be cut off from the Hacienda. Sin seems to be going along with this.
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Vainessa convinces Sin to betray her brother. |
* Rohell grills Miguel for personal likes and dislikes of Cupcake, like her favorite perfume and favorite flower. Rohell tells Miguel that he just wants to show Cupcake how much he cares for her and loves her.
* Efrain shows Macaira (or however you spell it) and Maripaz around Mexico City. Macaria says she loves her hubby, but it's kinda boring in San Gabriel. She wants to go out drinking and dancing that night. Efrain says it's his duty to take them! But when they get to a club that night, Maripaz bows out early, because she wants to get up early to check out the college. Uh-oh, Viewerville doesn't like the sound of this.
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Effer and Macaria drink at a nightclub, but Maripaz (the blue drink is hers) wants to go to bed early. This does not sound like a good plan. |
* Rohell doesn't trust Vainessa and doesn't want Sin working for her. He'd prefer Sin work for/with him. She knows that he hasn't mishandled the estate, but actually has made the Hacienda flourish. But she doesn't want to work with him and be under his thumb. He warns her that Vainessa wants to use her. OF course she doesn't believe it. He ends by saying that he's not worried that she (Sin) would do anything—he knows she'd never betray him. Impactada look from Sin.
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He knows Sin would never betray him. |
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But Sin's an idiot about this, so all bets are off. |
* The Gustavito rips Cupcake a new one. She tries to explain that she was "protecting" him from Rohell, whom she had assumed had ordered the beating of Gus (but now she knows she's wrong). Gus doesn't believe any of this, and chastises her for deceiving such a nice guy like Rohell, who clearly cares for her and loves her. Cupcake is all drippy and teary and tries to explain that it isn't like that, but Gus is like, talk to the hand, and full of self-righteous idiocy.
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Cupcake tries to explain to the stubborn, self-righteous Gustavito. |
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But of course he's got his mind made up, no reason to listen to her! |
* David pays a visit to Rohell and says it's time to "pay" for not pressing charges on Miguel for the fake theft of the truck. What he wants is to have his debt (which is in the millions) cleared for pardoning Miguel. Rohell sputters at the price, but we end the episode with David giving Rohell a pointed look and Rohell looking stern and gulping.
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*Gulp* |
Avances: Rivalry. Bruno and Tia plotting. Rohell, Cupcake, dimples, flowers and candles. Awwww. Here are gratuitous screenshots from the avances, added just because I can:
Labels: no-podia
Dany gave the Cupcake some good advice. Dany has been at Hell Fuerte for awhile now and as an observer she can tell Rohell is in love with the Cupcake something the Cupcake doesn't see.
I hope Rohell doesn't pay David. How much money does Rohell have anyway? At the rate he has been paying for things, Miguel's surgery, the Tia and now this I am surprised he has any money left.
I like Maripaz's face when she got that drink and after she tasted it she made that face. She doesn't drink that is for sure.
I only watched half last night. I'll watch the rest tonight and fast forward through Marcaria and Mesnotty's scenes.
Sin is officially an idiot.
The classroom idea is brilliant. Cupcake said she wanted something to occupy her time. I wonder though if something more in line with her nursing would be better. Tho she does love working with M-grito...
From the avances it looks like we will have a little thaw. And then probably another huge misunderstanding grumble grumble.
"Rohell is a freak, but not a murderous one", "He soaks it all up, as we expected. Idiot." and "Rohell offers Miguel something to occupy him so he won't be so tempted to embrace his drunken lifestyle..." were among my favorites.
Rohell does have a champion in Dani. She is a quiet observer but sees things and people for what and who they truly are.
It appears Miguel does have some talent but he seems to lack the will and way to sobriety, at least for the moment.
I keep thinking Bruno has reached the rock bottom of repulsiveness, yet he continues to descend. Ack.
As Chio exited Mercedes' house, I smiled fondly. Hoping this was the last we see of her. Talk about no redeeming value.
Ana finally realizes her mistake. Or, make that one of them. Gus does not listen to her nor does he believe her. She should come clean with Rog now and put Gus out and behind her while she still can. When Rogelio does find out, I think he will take all his rage out on Ana, not physically but mentally. Not really because of what happened, but because she and Gus lied to him and continued the ruse.
It looks like I underestimated Gustavo's level of immaturity and his self-righteousness. And Ana Paula needs to be reminded about the concept of dignity. This last exchange with Gustavo is beginning to make her look pathetic despite the fact that Gustavo was beyond wrong. She needs to realize that nobody will ever be disabused of what they choose to believe.
I love how Maria threw Miguel out of the kitchen. That village idiot needs a residential clinic. After a few rounds of flowers and other courting gestures Rogelio really should talk to Ana Paula about that. Surely her nurse's training should make her realize that Miguel won't get better without that no matter that the liquor is locked up. We know he still gets it and if Skelator keeps this up he will be found out.
That creature so creeps me out I will not repeat what I think he really wants to do to Ana Paula.
Diana, you are absolutely right. If Ana Paula tells Rogelio the truth now it will be ugly but she won't so the writers can make it 10x worse when he finds out from someone else. I agree that Gustavo wouldn't stand still for Rogelio's riding crop; he's strong enough to be able to take it away. But is he smart enough? In the long term he's not that into Sinthia -- has he been in the first place yet? I don't think so. He'd be better off taking off for greener pastures but he's in this story for the long haul.
Thanks UA for yesterday's courtly recap. Great fun!
UA, I've been occasionally reviewing the actual caption feed from the show to look more carefully at key conversations. I really needed it for Friday's show. Gato Viejo made a website for us - do you need the link?
I guess at this point Sin is being kept in the dark about the plans for the neighboring ranch? She's had several conversations with Rogelio where he's expressed concern about Vainessa's revenge plots. Sin has some inkling, no?, that Vainessa is out to ruin Rogelio? Rogelio tells her he knows she would never betray him. Does she already realized she has? Of course he would look at her fighting for her inheritance behind his back as betrayal, so it's tough to call the shots here. But perhaps she won't have crossed that line until she condones something that hurts the hacienda.
Vainessa had one closeup when she stared right at the camera that looked like it should be a SciFi movie - I was expecting her eyes to turn black or something - she looked like a space alien.
I also had trouble comprehending Bruno's discussion with Gus and later the confrontation Gus had outside with AP. These two actors at times have a problem with mumbling through their lines. So, I'll probably have to review those scenes again, myself. Not that I mind because they're so juicy, ya know....
Sinthia was being kept in the dark about Vainessa's plan to buy Rancho Negro and cut off the water. Vainessa, David, and Bruno assumed she wouldn't go along with this plan because her share of the hacienda and lands will also be affected. If Rogelio goes bankrupt so does she.
Vainessa doesn't give a flying damn about Sinthia either. They allegedly were best friends but that was only because Vainessa thought that she could marry Rogelio. With that out of the picture Sinthia just becomes another source of competition... or a victim.
And how much would anyone bet that if Vainessa had married Rogelio she would have bailed in a New York minute if he had any serious financial problems?
Does Sinthia realize that she has already betrayed Rogelio? I don't think so. Her gut may be saying so but she's not listening.
I think the gist of the Guscake-Bruno conversation was that Bruno claims AP was his girlfriend, and then he lost her to the bigger fish Rogelio. So now Gus is convinced that AP was playing 3 guys at once.
Gato Viejo's caption listings La Que No Podía Amar captions. I recommend you scan down the English to find the conversation, then read the Spanish. The English translations are often pretty bad/incorrect.
Vainessa did make it explicit to Sin that they were going to cut off the water to the hacienda. If she doesn't get what that means, then she's as dumb as we all think she is! Vainessa's already slipped up a couple of times about how Rogel is going to lose everything.
I have to admit that at least in the last couple of episodes Rog has become a bit more palatable to me.
A belated thanks to UA. Although I didn't get around to commenting yesterday, I thoroughly enjoyed your courtly recap.
Last night Nesa did tell Cynthia that they had acquired the adjacent property from Raimundo and would have the ability to cut off Rog's (and Cyn's) water. I thought that Cyn looked a bit sick and confused.
Later when Rog said he was confident that she wouldn't betray him, she looked like it was starting to dawn on her that perhaps her alliance with Nesa and Dave wasn't the best choice.
I'm disgusted with Raimundo for not having the courtesy to offer Rog the opportunity to buy his ranch knowing how important the water thing is.
O the other hand this may may be further proof of what a jerk Rog is, since his neighbor doesn't care enough about him to offer him right of first refusal.
Dani was so cute as she roughly bumped Nesa as she followed AP out of Uly's shop. The best Nesa could do was a belated ineffective shove.
I'm enjoying watching Efraín with the ladies. Right now I don't think that it's even occurred to him to go after Macaria... but we all know that he probably will... or worse... vice versa.
I feel very bad about Miguel. He seems almost hopeless, but in a free country, caging alcoholics is not an acceptable plan.
I doubt there is a legal way to lock Miguel up in the facility against his will, so for the time being they need to take away his driver's license and keep him confined and busy.
You also had a good shot of bug-eyed Vanessa in her confrontation with AP, but I recall one even more extreme. She truly is her crazy mother's daughter. I think Audrey's description ("space alien") is also on target. BTW, Audrey, thanks VERY much for the link to all the Spanish dialogue!
This TN has been doing a good job of keeping me guessing about how it will turn out. Early on, I was sure that AP would wind up with Gustavo, both because their chemistry was so compelling and because Rojelio was such a douchebag. But the tide does seem to be turning.
UA, I agree the last scene between Gus and AP was painful. He was so mean and hurtful toward her. I ached to have her find her dignity as and walk from Gus cold. Cupcake deserved better than that from him.
Diana, I too wish AP would tell Rohell immediately about Gustavo's identity. It would fit her personality better and things would be so much better in the long run. Well, I can hope........can't I?
Now, the loose ends:
1. Rogelio has not commented on the missing wedding band and diamond ring. Did the writers forget this?
2. What did it cost Rogelio to get his horse back?
3. Are we talking millions of dollars or pesos?
4. Rogelio never proposed to Vainessa in the first place when she came back out of the past. Why does nobody remind her of this?
5. How much money did Elsa pay to MentiRosa years ago and what happened to it?
[Things to waste time on - LOL!]
I guess Cinthia, wanting her half of the inheritance, won't listen to anything Rog has to say even if it is good advice.
While Ulises is away, looks like Efrain and Marcaria will play.
Looking forward to Rog wooing AP again from the previews. At least she's softening toward him.
I think Maria would be capable of turning Miguel around; however, she doesn't have the time with all her other responsibilities.
The conflict between Chio and Mersnotty was a small moment, but it made my heart rise with joy to see Chio slam out the door, never to return. And then Carlos raises the horrible possibility that Chio could be pregnant--no, say it ain't so! We don't need her or her spawn taking up screen space.
Cin--so desperate, so gullible, so much taller than Gustavito.
Dani's parting bump of Vainessa was great. That's a loyal friend! If AP were Laura Ingalls in Little House on the Prairie, Vainy would be Nellie Olsen, thinking she owns the town.
Will Rohell's puppy dog eyes be like the water that seeps into cracks in the rocks and eventually breaks them apart? Will he be able to win AP's heart before he loses all his money? Good thing material possessions don't matter to her.
Gusito and AP do like to jump into attitude lockdown, don't they? Can Gus use his mighty hydroengineer skilz to solve Rohell's upcoming water problems? There's a chance for a bromance.
Efraim with Marcario and martinis? I don't care if Marcario wants to walk on the wild side, but I wish Efraim would look before he leaps. He doesn't need any more trouble in his life.
La Paloma
Carlos, let me add my voice (several octaves higher than usual due to stress) that it never occurred to me Chio may be pregnant. I cannot say it any better than La Paloma: "We don't need her or her spawn taking up screen space". Amen to that...
La Paloma, also loved "Cin--so desperate, so gullible, so much taller than Gustavito" - it totally cracked me up.
UA, excellent point about Rog not mentioning the wedding rings. He certainly noticed when Ana failed to wear the unwanted sparkly necklace. Doesn't add up that he wouldn't mention the rings.
And Gus certainly is giving Miguel a run for his money as the biggest idiot. He's getting on my last nerve. Maybe he and Cin deserve each other. Blech.
Wonderful comments everyone! Carlos, I'm glad to hear that the old turd is a little less douchebaggy to you these days! LOL. Yes, I agree about Chio, she is a waste of space. Pity that one of the hottest guys in this telenovela (Marco Mendez) is stuck in one of the boringest story lines, with a yukky girlfriend. Who knows how long that will last.
Gus is an idiot, idiot, idiot! He really can be a douche too. I still can't get over that he deflowers the Cupcake yet still buys that she has had three guys on the hook in golddigger fashion. It doesn't add up. Idiot.
I find it hard to believe that Rohell—who is pretty sharp regularly—is not picking up on any of the weird vibes between Cupcake and the Gustavito. It wasn't that long that he was flipping out because Cupcake was getting all agitated at Sin's novio being named "Gustavo" and yet he doesn't wonder if maybe it's true? Oh well. I guess the writers make Rohell sharp when it suits them, as well as oblivious when it suits them. I'm glad in a way that he is oblivious, because there can be little doubt that he had no idea who the novio was, therefore is innocent of the hit on the Gustavito.
Which would put the kibosh on the whole thing.
Of course we now need to speculate on how he finds out. Is Skelator going to do this? Or will he hold out hope that AP will ditch Rogelio when the water problem brings him to the brink of ruin?
I literally had a physical reaction of horror to that picture!
Wouldn't it be great if EVERY picture of her was like that?
Fabulous recapping - fabulous screencapping too!
I'm really starting to like Dani. She seems to be the only observant level-headed one at the hacienda, aside from Maria.
Margarito sure was shouting in this one. Don't the directors notice it?
I, for one, welcome an Effer/Marcaria tryst. It would really help that boring story line.
AP is really bugging me and she needs to quit. I'm actually glad that Gus is being bullheaded about her. I don't want them together. And I don't think she's preggers either.
UA-Good point about Gus fixing Rog's water problems that will be coming his way. Maybe he'll find another water source. If he does, then that will leave Vanessa with some property and hopefully a lot of debt, and no revenge.
La Paloma
I believe you are correct. And if that's the case, I'm sure Rog will ask him why he didn't inform him of it being for sale, and he will tell him that he told Cynthia to tell Rog.
And she will get in big trouble.
Elvira, I hear you on the writers making Rog smart for convenience sake; however, I can see why Rog has not notice anything yet; 1st Rog is completely distracted by AP -- her needs-happiness-love -- that's all he cares about right now to the point that he's not even paying attention to business; 2nd -- back in epi 5 or 6 Rog told AP that she would be the 1st person that he might start trusting -- I think at this point of the story; he 100% believes in her "innocence" and her naviete and I don't believe at this point in his mind AP might betray him by a) sleeping with Gustavito and b) if the 2 Gustavitos were one and the same; that AP will speak up -- which why viewerville is looking forward to see how long and how many will betray him regarding Gus.
AP bugs me since ep 38 and she's not doing any better right now -- her conversation about her love for Gus is boderline idiotic --
AP -- Rog is a great; I feel so bad I accussed him
Danny -- See I told; he loves you and you have feeling for him
AP -- but Gus is the love of my life
AP & her family will bring Rog bankrupt before the Evil Team by the rate he's going. The poor guy is putting up all this money and all he gets in return are accusations, attitude, and unfaithlness.
What I wish they had in this TN is a loyal and sharp sidekick to Rog -- Maria is loyal but she's not out there among the Evil Team and Rog is very limited in his wherebouts that even if his antenna is up most of the time;he's reverting back within the same cirle of Evil Team to confirm or follow through his suspicions.
Chio is a waste of airtime; it gulls me that the hotti Estafan is wasting on her -- can't they put him with Dani?
Rascal Efrain is going to have to go refugee if Rohell finds out he was servicing Sinthia; and Ulyses will kill him. He's still fun to watch.
Vainessa's reaction will be a laugh riot; she'll drop Sinthia like a hot yuca if Sinthia hasn't ditched her first for the real estate stunt. Gustavo will fly -- not run -- to the nearest exit. Maria will spank her with the wooden spoon as she did when Sinthia was a child. Rogelio will get up out of the wheelchair and --- ?
I've concocted in my mind that Rohell has purchased the water rights on the ranchero that Vainey just bought. So when the evill oney try to shut off the water, they will be unpleasantly surprised. I just hope that Sinthia gets a clue.
Lori from Sebastopol
Anon 07:18:00, Caray is a spoiler-free zone. I assume that you just wanted to add your thoughts to the conversation, but I hope you understand that I had to delete your post.
No one should post anything that sounds like it could be a spoiler. If it's not a spoiler, say "Not a spoiler, just my guess" or whatever.
And if something *is* a spoiler, it is not allowed. The reason for that is that we are all enjoying this novela the way that the viewers in Mexico (or wherever) enjoyed it, a day at a time. It's more fun that way.
In conclusion, I certainly would not assume that all or some of what was in the deleted post was accurate! :D Let's just enjoy the show as it goes along! :D
Elvira, thanks for deleting the maybe spoiler post. I had to keep skipping over without looking.
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