Wednesday, March 21, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #61 Wednesday 3/21/12

The recap is in the oven. I am going to be a bit late with it; therefore you can discuss it while I write it.


Methinks Skelator will soon be biting off more than he can chew between all his double-crossing.

And from the avances it looks like Mercedes is going to be the one to blow Gustavo's cover. This is going to get nasty very quickly.

Looking forward to the recap, Alexandra! :D

I thought that the Gustavito was very douchey last night when he kissed Sin right in front of Cupcake, in the way that he did. Sin is dissing Cupcake, and then has the gall to talk about "this is love"? When Gus kisses Sin, as a way of sticking it to the Cupcake, well . . . what a douche. If it were me, my "love" for this jerk would soon start to die on the vine. I'm just saying.

Ah, Macaria, now people can gossip about YOU! What an idiot! Poor Ulysis is a kind of a drag, but he didn't deserve this. Effer really has no shame.

So Rohell wanted to give Cupcake the Rancho la Negra? Wow, Rohell has it bad! I never did catch that when I watched this episode sans CCs.

Mine had no CCs last night, so I am anxiously awaiting recap. My listening skills for Spanish are thin.
It seemed like Macaria knew something about the sale of La Negra, or perhaps not at all. But she was yammering about "papers" with Efrain that stopped him and started him looking thoughtful.

Emarie, my CCs came in and out in English. Haven't checked my recording to see how the Spanish CCs were.

Macaria was yammering about some papers that Ulises had been handed when the orfan Mararito was dropped off the ranch. It would be the clue to his parentage that no one seems to know anything about. I guess the idea was not to reveal until he was old enough. Something about had she read these papers or not? Did she have access to them or was it Ulises deal? But my Spanish isn't great either.

I am so bummed about that anonymous spoiler person yesterday. I can't tell you how let down I am. I read it through before I realized what I was reading. I'm not around much these days, so I catch up when and where I can and zip through these things fast. I wish I could hit the Undo key.

And by the way, thanks to all the stalwart recappers. I've been reading and watching, but not on a regular basis.

That post is more likely to be the work of a troll, so I wouldn't be concerned about it.

Thanks UA That makes me feel better. We get "trolled" so infrequently here, it comes as a bit of a shock.

I had to laugh when Efraín, the notorious mujeriego, dropped his signature sweaty kerchief as a calling card on Macaria's hotel room floor. Some funny comic moments there. For the first time, I'm liking her.

What is a troll?

Efrain looked mighty concerned about the papers, I thought perhaps he is the father.

In internet parlance a troll is a person who likes to start trouble. IMDB is a favorite place for them because there is almost no moderation. The best thing to do there if you suspect someone is to click on their name and see where else they have posted. I've outed a lot of them that way.

If Efrain is the father of Margarito, who is the mother? I was thinking that since he knows that Rogelio has been trying to find Margarito's parents he might be thinking that's a way to get his job back.

Gustavo is turning out to be the uninformed somewhat passive-aggressive schmuck I suspected he might be, and certainly not worthy of Cupcake.

But then, Cupcake has hardly proved worthy of my Rojelio. I'm still wishing a "real woman" would enter, stage right.

Looking forward to your recap Alexandra. The Cupcake should forget about the Guscake. He has no respect for her, won't listen to anything she has to say. After their time at Boca del Cielo you would think he would beleive a bit of what she says,instead he listens to the two witches(Sin and Vainy) talking badly about her. Why doesn't he just ask her outright? Instead, he doesn't listen and kisses Sin right in front of her. He is an idiot.

I was shocked, I tell you shocked that Macaria slept with Effer, lol.
She was so drunk she seemed like she didn't know she had done it.When she was drinking she told Effer something about a letter that Ulysis had about Margorito's parentage I think.

I like the friendship between Esteban and Mercedes and the developing one with Miguel and Consuelo. They talk and commiserate with one another, no benefits involved.

Lots of excellent comments already.

It appears many of us are getting fed up with Gus. So, why isn't Ana getting any of this as well? Thick as a brick.

I can't understand why Mercedes never gave Ana even the slightest chance to defend or explain herself. Although Ana exasperates me much of the time, she never deserved what Tia and Skeletor did to her and Mercedes' loathing of Ana had no actual justification.
Mercedes did nothing wrong yet Ernesto's daughter hates her. You would think that experience may have softened her a bit. From the previews, it certainly doesn't seem to - looks like you're right UA, "this is going to get nasty very quickly".

I thought Efrain wanted the papers as some sort of advantage with Rogelio to either get his job back or some kind of blackmail. I'm probably wrong. I thought he slept with Macaria simply to get his hands on them. The papers I mean. :)

Madelaine, I was surpised Macaria succumbed so quickly. She'll long regret that night.


The papers: Ulises has been holding these (given to him by a strange woman) for when Margaro reaches legal age. Marcaria was ragging on this as an example of how rigidly discrete her husband is. He won't let her look at the papers, hasn't even looked at them himself, and the one time she tried to go behind his back to do so Ulises reamed her out royally.

Gustavo has been HORRIBLE, but notice how he has been mostly silent and scowling? I think he is noticing that all these other women are really ganging up on AP. And he notices that AP doesn't badmouth anybody. He's an idiot, and he'll get his just deserts, but I think he's figuring some things out.


Rohell seems to be making new plans for Cupcake's future. Let her go after a year but give her a house to live in on adjoining property. To persuade her to stay and live there, involve her in several children's lives with the school. Smart.

Regarding the troll (and they were a troll!). Don't worry about it. Purge what they wrote from your mind. You can't rely on anything a troll says and again I emphasize, that's what they are. They write things that "could" sound right, some things that "may" be right, and so mess with our heads.

Now we should be on alert for such posts in the future. All of us recappers should monitor our recaps regularly (like I wish I had yesterday!) so that we can delete anything that looks like it might be spoilerish before too many people see it.

Looking forward to the recap Alexandra. So the papers Ulises has have information of whose Margarito's parents are. Maybe Efrain knows and that could be why he reacted as he did.

Looks like Mercedes does spill the beans in the previews. She and Gus are two of a kind with their self-righteousness.

I think Rog is thinking of the future when the contract is over so that AP will be taken care of.

I don't want to defend Gus because I'm a Rogeliana, but I think it's fair to say that he doesn't know what we know about Cynthia, Vanessa, and Bruno. And even AP for that matter. They are all collaborating the story about how horrible AP is, and he has no reason not to trust and believe them. And with the little he's overheard from AP herself, it seems reasonable for him to think ill of her. So I'm going to give him some slack there.

I hope Rog investigates how those personal items of Gus got in his office, and I hope he figures it out soon, before Skelator can do too much more damage. When Rog was talking to him about the land being for sale and wanted Bruno to investigate, I thought Bruno's defense was very lame. Let's hope Rog starts connecting the dots.

Efrain as the father is possible, and who knows if the woman that dropped Margarito off at the hacienda was his mom or a woman hired to take care of the boy. His nervousness about the papers tells me he must have something to do with it.

I agree about the spoiler yesterday. I read the first few things that was written before I realized what it was, and stopped. Why do people have to do such things. It's just mean.

Nice to see AP and Rogelio finally putting their heads together wondering who might've put Gus's wallet in his office. I thought it was going to take ages to get here.

I do think Gus isn't necessarily buying everything they say about AP. Plus, all this "I hate my sister-in-law" crassness from Cin should make him sick and tired of her. She's either bitching about AP or pawing him like a hungry dog with a bone.

Interesting that Vainy seems to be holding out for Rogelio. Loved when she put her hands on Rogelio shoulders and he wheeled himself over to Cupcake. Vainy could've strung Esteban along for purely physical reasons but she didn't, and doesn't seem interested in David or Bruno. I can't stand that evil Bruno, but it would be a waste for him not to have a shirtless scene in this TN.

Elvira, thanks for yesterday's recap and photos.

Niecie in MD: "I can't stand that evil Bruno, but it would be a waste for him not to have a shirtless scene in this TN."

Just go buy his (Julian Gil) nude calendar. He did it for charity, so your money would be going to a good cause LOL!

Me - Bruno is so disgusting in this TN, that I really don't want to see him shirtless!!! They are so playing up his sleaze factor. Ugggh!


Great action and plot knotting and twisting here. I'll look forward to Alexandra's summary later but how vivid everyone's comments are already. Gus is being the slow-mo hero but is at least starting to doubt. I wonder if Mercedes will turn into a thinking human being. She had no reason to condemn Ana but perhaps was displaying that sisterly jealousy that commands that no one is good enough at first. Now she seems fooled by the aryan delights of Sin-ister for her brother but seems dazzled by the money. I know i am a heartless one, but she so deserves the snippy daughter rejecting her. It is not making a connection in her brain yet but there is time to hope.

I am confused by Rogel getting Vain and Ana-banana together. Vain looks like she may begin to regret double and triple crossing Rogel when she finds out what a snake is snakester-skelator and then she will have betrayed her supposed BBF Sin-ey. Oh my!

Audrey - I'll do it for the charity. :D

Ladies, the next guy to have to go shirtless is Hugo:

Now, as for a psych eval on some of these folk:

Gustavo: Youth and naivete eventually go away. However, he's currently in a snake pit. The only positive voice about AP in his world is Don Fermin and he hasn't seen him lately.

Mercedes: Over-protective older sister syndrome combined with the feeling she missed her chance with Ernesto. Maybe she wasn't at the top of her class as well. She doesn't deserve the crap she's getting from Ernesto's daughter but it's' her karmic payback for how she treats AP. Makes me wonder what their father was like; their mother seemed nice enough.

David, Skelator: How many chicks did they lose to Rogelio back in the day? Not to mention that he's got way more dinero and does business honestly. That's why they're so hell-bent on ruining his rep as well as his fortune.

Vainessa: She wouldn't be any different if AP had also been Elsa's daughter. Everything is all about her. She wanted Rogelio's $$$ and position, but didn't want to live on the ranch. No way on earth could she have ever loved him because she would have understood that getting him off the ranch wouldn't happen. She's as delusional as her mother.

Thank you Audrey for the clarification and LXV too, about the papers. I wonder how long it will be before Effer tries to find out what is in these papers.

I knew Hugo was the BEST, and that picture is proof. I hope he gets Dani or Priscilla. He deserves someone good and they deserve better than they've been given. And we deserve to see more of him, shirt or no.


First of all Thank you Elvira and UA for assuaging my anxiety about the spoiler. Actually, even if any of it were true, I'm more concerned with the details as these events unfold than the actual denouement. This TN is not quite as predictable as I might have imagined at first and I like the suspense. And thank you Audrey for saying "just deserts". Instead of "desserts". And Cheryl NewMx, I just loved "snakester-skelator." Do Julian Gil and Mar Contreras really have weird eyes or are they wearing some kind of falsie that makes them look crazed and lopsided. Mar has the lopsided lips, too. Could be botox or an injury. I had dental surgery that left my my lip numb on one side for more than nine years. The nerve damage finally subsided, but left me with one side up and one side down. Not pretty, but I feel sympathy for people whose smiles have been tampered with.

I've already had my after-work cocktail and can't wait for Alexandra's recap.

LXV: " And thank you Audrey for saying "just deserts". Instead of "desserts"."

Hah! I had to look it up to make sure. But thanks for noticing! :)

This Clembuterol (sic?) stuff. It's going to ruin Rogelio's herd AND Vainessa's meat-packing plant. Just wait until Vainessa gets hit with this.

The villain pile-on does get depressingly tedious though. As if there aren't enough evil things planned already!!! Bummer!


Vainessa gave you all lots of chances last night to imagine her with those black alien eyes!!


Clenbuterol was fed to pigs in China to keep the meat lean. This caused over 330 known cases of food poisoning in 2006. It's nasty stuff:

Troll, begone.

Who has the ability to delete comments? Is it only the poster?

UA - thanks for the Hugo site, WOW! Made my night!

I agree that the Troll should be gone, but it won't ruin this TN for me. Too bad some people get a kick out of being jerks.


Just went back to yesterday's posts and saw that Elvira deleted the Troll's (maybe) spoiler.

I'm going to try, or learn, how to post under my name. I would not want you all to think that I, lori-sebastopol, am "anonymous" the Troll, as I usually post under anonymous.

Lucky for me that my Spanish skills are better than my tech skills...

I wouldn't count on anything the troll says being accurate, honestly. HONESTLY. From now on, scroll down and be careful with any post that looks like it's spoilerish, and then scroll, scroll, scroll on by. We all now are on alert.

I believe I figured it out, I am no longer anonymous but now LoriLoo from Sebastopol. Audrey, are you near Sebastopol?

I think Macaria(sp) only slept with Effer because she is enojada at Ulises. Also, I've speculated that Magrito is hijo de Rohell's dad but it makes more sense that he is hijo de Effer.

To the anonymous coward who is trying to spoil the show for others: you are not smarter than other people, you're just being cheap and nasty.

This is a NO SPOILER blog.

Bravo LoriLoo! Now wasn't that easy?


I am near Sebastpol, in Petaluma. Just moved back here from Sebastopol last year.

Glad to see you commenting!


So, so easy LXV, thanks! I'm happy to be here in "person".

I've been reading Carey since mid-CME. Love the recaps and snarky comments! I got hooked on TNs in 2003 but usually only watch one at a time in order to avoid divorce. TNs have improved my Spanish mucho mucho!

One more thing.... I love Rohell of the puppy dog eyes!

Oh no, Lori, I'm not near Sebastopol. I assumed you were in Sebastopol, Ukraine, on the Crimean peninusla on the Black Sea? Maybe not?


Ah, I see, there is a Sebastopol, CA. Never mind! LOL! I guess I know my old world geography better than my California geography LOL!


Audrey - not so exotic, Sebastopol, CA, lol! Where are you?

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