Wednesday, March 07, 2012
La Que No Podía Amar #50 Tuesday 3/6/12 Tears, Shrieking, and an Angry Man in a Black Cowboy Hat
UPDATE: My Internet is back, I've had some rest, I have a nice bottle of Coca Cola at hand which has energized me, and have now fleshed out this recap a little bit. Put a fork in it, it is done.
I know, I know, that title could fit just about any episode of LQNPA!
I had a long tiring day, and only half-watched LQNPA as I was capturing it to my computer. I am now waiting for the video to process so I can watch it for real and get my screencaps. In the meantime, I do have some vague memory of what happened, and have a downloaded version of the episode which I saw previously. So until I can get my butt in gear and write a more detailed recap (which won't be that detailed because I am tired and lazy, and let's face it, this was a total bummer episode) here is a screencap from the downloaded episode.
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Rohell looks impactado at the news of Fed's sudden death. |
Here's an overview of what happened tonight:
* La Vaca withholds Fed's pills, screaming at him to denounce Cupcake. He doesn't do so, so she watches as he expires on the floor.
* Vainessa and Sinthia are talking on the phone. Kvetching about the Cupcake being dad's bastarda. They learn that Rohell is hell on wheels bent to recapture his errant Cupcake at Boring del Cielo. They wish there was a way to throw him off the scent. David, who is sitting with Vainessa, pipes up and says, "I know someone there." He later calls Juan and they set things up.
* Tia MentiRosa decides she's now "too good" to hang out with her jewelery-selling friend, Elena. She dumps Elena, citing that her new, more elevated social circle won't accept Elena. Elena leaves, angry, but not before telling Tia off.
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Tia gives Elena the old heave-ho. |
* How many hours or minutes despues, I don't know, but Vainessa is told to come home and returns to see her dad still ON THE FLOOR, DEAD. Everyone stands around and watches as she cries over her DEAD FATHER who is STILL LYING ON THE SAME SPOT ON THE FLOOR, but no Mexican version of 911 has been called, no medical professionals are at the scene, nothing. There is talk of the undertaker coming to cart the body away. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Please don't tell me this is normal for Mexico, or anywhere. Even my industrial strength beanie is having trouble with this one.
* Back at the hacienda, Sin and Maria are talking about how Rohell has gone off to retrieve Cupcake himself. Dany comes in and wants to see Miguel. A shrewish, completely unsympathetic Sin says no, because it's too late in the evening. Sin then gets a call from David, telling her of the news of Fed's death.
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Sin is impactada to hear of Fed's death. |
* Rohell yells at the ever-faithful Hugo when their truck gets stuck in the mud on the way to Boca del Cielo. Eventually they get there, though.
* Cupcake and MentiRosa are both distressed at the news of Fed's sudden death. Cupcake because he papa died, MentiRosa because her meal ticket died.
* La Vaca claims that Fed died because she couldn't get him his pills in time. (Lying vaca!) Then she goes on to blame Cupcake for all of this, as if Cupcake's appearance is what did Fed in. Vainessa buys into this and the two shrews spend most of the rest of the episode shrieking about how this is all Cupcake's fault.
* Bad guy fisherman Juan is on hand to lie to Rohell when he goes to Cupcake's hotel to ask if she's there. Juan then tells Cupcake that a mutual friend (she assumes it's Bruno) had him send off her husband on a wild goose chase to some other town with a name I will not even attempt to spell.
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Rohell arrives at Cupcake's hotel and starts to ask for her . . . |
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Lying fisherman Juan tells Rohell that he gave Cupcake a ride to a different town... |
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. . . and Rohell leaves after throwing lying Juan a wad of bills. |
* Rohell doesn't find Cupcake but vows to keep looking and orders his men to keep looking. He suspects that something was not right about not being able to find her in Boca del Cielo. He returns to the hacienda, sans Cupcake, and is shocked to hear of the news of Fed's death.
* At Fed's funeral, MentiRosa makes a spectacle of herself hovering over Fed's coffin and caressing his picture. La Vaca is is deeply offended and the two shrews have words.
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La Vaca approaches MentiRosa, who has plastered herself all over Fed's coffin. |
* Vainessa has to sign off on some of Fed's unfinished business, sees the bill for MentiRosa's hotel room, and doesn't pay it.
* There's some cutesy stuff between Cupcake and Guscake. Gus will help her out, whatever, I wasn't paying attention. FF>>>
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Gus vows to be supportive and help Cupcake, now that she's lost her papa. |
* There's some stuff with Mersnotty and Ernesto that doesn't interest me. Mersnotty's friend Chio brings over Ernesto to see Mersnotty and I forget what else. FF >>> Oh, I watched this now. Ernesto is recounting how he and Mersnotty broke up years earlier, he married this other woman hoping to forget Mersnotty. He was going to ask for a divorce but the wife was pregnant, so he decided to stick around. . . blah blah. Regrets, sadness, now he has this snotty little daughter around who won't accept Mersnotty. FF for real this time. FF >>>
* Rohell calls up Sinthia and b*tches about her going off on her own (I think). She's at a restaurant while having this conversation and Effer is getting frisky with her as she's trying to have a serious conversation with her foul-tempered brother. Effer's antics are very funny.
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Sin is on the phone with the Angry Man in a Black Cowboy Hat as Effer gets frisky. |
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More of Effer and his public display of affection. . . |
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He dips below table level to do . . . whatever . . . |
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. . . and is disappointed when Sin pushes him away. |
* Rohell, in a bad mood (as if there is a time when he's not in a bad mood!) rolls into Miguel's room and asks if Cupcake has any friends or anyone she knows in (other town that I won't even attempt to spell). Miguel doesn't know anything. Rohell threatens Miguel and says he'll make sure he returns to jail if he doesn't tell all that he knows. Miguel looks like a deer in the headlights.
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Rohell on wheels barrels into Miguel's room, with important questions on his mind. He sends Dani off so he can talk to the Unibrow. |
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Rohell threatens Miguel with a return to the jail if Miguel doesn't tell all! |
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The Unibrow has a deer in the headlights look. |
* Cupcake and MentiRosa are wringing their hands in the hotel room that Fed paid for when there's a knock on the door. It's Vainessa! END OF EPISODE!
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Cupcake is shocked by the appearance of Vainessa at the hotel room. |
AVANCES: MentiRosa calls Rohell and indicates that she's with Cupcake. Rohell looks beyond relieved.
Bonus picture with a technical note:
Labels: no-podia
Enjoyed the screenshots and your recap was wonderful. A very sad episode indeed. My favorite line (of many) was "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Please don't tell me this is normal for Mexico, or anywhere. Even my industrial strength beanie is having trouble with this one." Me too Elvira - me too.
La Vaca is so fueled with hate, watching her is almost unbearable. For the first time, I felt a tinge of sadness for Vainessa - I can't imagine growing up and living with such a vengeful psychopath.
That said, the sight of Rosaura pawing and mewling over Fed's picture was truly a disgusting display. Blech... I imagine her first action will be to quickly replace deceased meal ticket #1 (Fed) with her back up, Rogelio (#2).
Now that Rogelio's anger has cooled somewhat, his anguish to find Ana is palpable. And yes, he looked shocked and saddened at the news of Fed's death.
Still not sure how Ana is going to end up back at Rog's. Will be interesting to watch.
We know why Fed was lying there dead for however long it took for Vainessa to get there (I'm sure Elsa waited at least 20 minutes before calling her). I also find it shocking that Vainessa didn't call his doctor because a loving daughter would want to know how this happened.
MentiRosa dropped the ball at the funeral. She should have called Skelator to get him to get the cremation delayed for the DNA test.
However, there is likely to be a blood sample or something in the hospital. Is anyone going to be smart enough to think of this? If Fed hadn't had time to change his will would that even matter?
Elsa is listed on IMDB as having only 2 episodes more than Fed, so we won't have to put up with her much longer.
MentiRosa's snubbing of Helena is going to come back and bite her on the tush.
I too loved your line "Even my industrial strength beanie is having trouble with this one." Mine too! I doubt that anyone has a beanie strong enough to make this seem plausible.
And thanks for clearing up why Juan misled RoHell. I heard him say something about having a friend in common, but I wasn't quite sure who he meant. (I was away for some key weeks of this TN.)
And thanks, UA, for reminding us that IMDB claims that Vaca will have only two more appearances. If she's out of the picture, perhaps there's hope for Vainessa to become a decent human being.
This episode was very dark again. Poor Fed dying in agony while that Viper just kneeling there looking like a lunatic. I too feel bad for Vainy in this one instance. I think she may have touched his chest to see if he had a heartbeat.I was surprised they didn't call a doctor too. I hope Fed's ghost haunts the Viper forever.
How does Juan know Bruno? I thought Juan called David? I can't beleive he gave the Cupcake some warning. I really thought he would rat her out to Rohell for more money.
So the Viper is having Fed cremated. The only other person that knows the Cupcake is Fed's is the Guscake. Maybe someday he will tell Rohell,just a guess. It's not real proof, but its something.
The Tia is beyond digusting. I can't beleive she actually showed up and was pawing Fed's picture either. And her dumping Helena will come back to her in spades.
ShadyDeals sure stepped in to "help" Didn't he? I think he is after the Vainy one and all that lovely money he so desperately needs to fix all his ShadyDeals.
Sad about the "Cakes" but it seems it wasn't meant to last. If the advances are right, the Tia seems to be ratting her out.
I don't know how much more of Spitting Lizard Lady I can take - blaming AP for Fed having another heart attack - please! Of course she was anxious to divert the blame from her obvious complicity.
But I had to concede that Lizard Lady was justified in one assumption in that paranoid insane mind of hers. Vaya, vaya, vaya! - so way back when Lizard Lady had paid Tia Rosaura a fortune to get her sister away from Fed and the deal was to never to see them again. Wow! So that's what Tia meant when she mentioned something about "Federico's money running out" a while back. And showing up at at the family home and stroking Fed's photo in public. OMG! But I love this actress! (Tia MentiRosa)
No wonder Lizard Lady is convinced that AP is an interesada out to get every penny from them just like her aunt.
I did love all the scenes of Tia gloating with her champagne. And even snubbing and kicking out her long-time friend Elena because now she was too low class. OMG! LOL!
On the last episode - even I couldn't believe there were no rose petals on the bed, not even a bouquet of flowers. Nothing! It was AP's first time, and they just jump in the sack with no fanfare. There must be a reason for the lack. (Well, I guess there had a romantic scene on the beach the night before). Thanks much UA for last night's recap - I'm kind of behind.
Thanks Elvira for getting this started early!
Audrey, I LOL at the "Spitting Lizard Lady" although I am not sure that she is a "lady". And thank for the clarification of the confab between Lizard Lady and Tia.
Jarocha: Would the DNA evidence be adequate to get Cupcake her share of Fed's assets? In the US nobody is legally required to bequeath money to their children.
Regarding Lady Chatterley, was anyone else amused at Efrain's antics when she was trying to talk to Rogelio on the phone? All hell will break loose when he finds out about them.
Belated thanks to UA for providing yesterday's excellent recap.
"The old harpies don't realize that Vainessa's DNA is probably sufficient to establish AP as her sister."
unless of course Fed wasn't Nesa's biological dad... but of course that would mean that Elsa was unfaithful to Fed...
I'm ready for a catfight tonight.
Audrey--your spitting lizard lady is a great image for La Vaca.
And speaking of horrible harpies, Tia Mentirosa just smeared herself all over that picture of Fed, didn't she? And now we learn that La Vaca had paid her off earlier? Whoa, Tia, you're a slippery business woman. And Tia has the nerve to tell Helen that she needs a better class of friends? She'll be sorry for that one. As they say, you meet the same people on your way down as on your way up, so you'd better be nice to them.
Tia's tricks were the only thing that made me smile in this episode, anticipating her future downfall.
La Paloma
La Paloma
And we already know by their "marked physical resemblance" that other characters constantly remark upon that they are biological sisters.
I would have started to refine it earlier, but my internet went down right after (and I mean right after) I posted what I did. So I gave up and went to bed. Now I am back, the Internet is sort of back, and I'm going to add a few more details, add a few screencaps, and then put a fork in it because it will be DONE!!! LOL.
So sorry for Fed that he is gone so soon after having a moment with his daughter.
UA: Yeah, children born from extramarital affairs have the same rights and can fight for inheritance but there needs to be DNA proof if there's no legal recognition of them.
Besides that, while some novela actors do it, they always try to make it the less noticeable possible. In Mexico, men cannot touch their eyebrows, that's something that only women do. It's considered unmanly. If Osvaldo's eyebrows changed, everybody would notice.
The Cupcake could contest the will, but she is so not into money, just happiness, but there would still have to be some kind of proof of paternity. Here in the States that is DNA and if this were the States and they would find that La Vaca and Vainy tried to cover this up, it would be bad for both of them.
It is true that you don't have to leave money in your will to your children, here in the States, but most of these children contest the will and it can takes years in the courts to resolve, especially if the deceased was very wealthy.
Talk about making a scene at a funeral with Rosaura draped over Fed's coffin acting like a widow.
LOL it was funny Rog, the man in black, asking Maria why she was wearing black.
The Cinthia/Efrain scenes were funny. Exactly what was he attempting to do under the table?
Thank you for recapping this sad, sad epi. I was genuinely appalled at La Vaca's behavior. I guess there is no guarantee that the pills would have saved Fed, but didn't she (technically) murder him?
I was completely creeped out that a doctor was never called. Ay yi yi.
Like you, Audrey, I love Tia Mentirosa—she is completely awful. Ana Bertha played her absolutely OTT last night. Really, she should have won some award for her performances in this show.
Good point, UA, regarding the size and use of the "fortune" paid to Rosaura.
I know this is a spoiler free zone but can anyone who has seen it in Mexico tell us how many more weeks of torture we're in for?
In any case, try to hold out at least until the end of the week.
The only thing AP can do if she truly wants to be free of all this is to leave Mexico.
Deanna, this show has ups and downs, just like every other novela. Right now we're in a severe "down" as you already know, but it can't sustain itself for too much longer, because like you point out, too much of it and even the Jorge Salinas fans will bail.
In the past we had plenty of dimples and even some hand porn, and it would be a terrible waste of both Jorge Salinas and Ana Brenda if they didn't get the use their dimple power pretty soon. So I say, give it a little more time, and things should pick up. At least a little. (But remember, up and down, up and down! Like every other novela! LOL.)
So if La Vaca is only in 2 more shows, she must die. It wouldn't seem to go with the story line if she were to skip town.
Talking about how no one calls for an ambulance when Fed is needing one, another thing that bothers me in the TNs is how they will move a body that is obviously injured without knowing if there is a neck injury. I'm screaming at the TV, don't move him. You might cause him to be paralyzed.
As far as leaving this TN, if we didn't leave it at the beginning when there was a lot of violence, I doubt many of us will leave now. I, for one, am in it for the long haul.
Saying how many episodes is left in total is NOT a spoiler as it reveals nothing about the plot. Isn't this like 180 episodes and last night was 52? Something like that.
Elvira - wow awesome screen shots again, and thanks so much for including several of Ef horsing around with Sin. What WAS he doing under the table? LOL!
Rogelio was Sin asking why she left the hacienda without his "permission". She told him he was her brother, not her father LOL!
I just wanted to add a detail. Juan told Rogelio that AP had taken a bus to T---. Rogelio sent his goons to catch up with the bus, stop it, look for AP and take her off by force if necessary. When they told him they found the bus but not AP he asked if they throroughly searched the bus and they claimed they did.
Unlike Livia of I, Claudius I don't think she possesses the intelligence to plan a murder; what happened was opportunistic and there was no eyewitness. She won't get away with this, though. One way of another she will pay whether it's an accident after she leaves town or an accident that Vainessa will witness but not rescue her from.
BTW, did anyone else have a transmission problem during the last 15 minutes of the episode? I lost a total of about 2 minutes.
Since Fed wanted to be buried with his mother, that's what Vainessa should do. To cremate him when it wasn't his wish just so they can avoid a DNA match with AP is just plain ruthless. I can't wait for them to find out a DNA match can be made regardless.
I like AP when she's standing up to Vainessa. This should be good.
I never meant to imply that Elsa was moving the body to paralyze him. I realize she wanted him dead. I wasn't even talking about this TN per se, just TN's in general when they do that. That kind of thing would never happen in American shows. They are much too careful to do such a thing.
At least Elsa isn't such a main character, but I agree with you.
Audrey, thank you for adding that detail about Rog sending his men to search the bus at (whatever that town's name is). I had lost the will to go on and didn't recap that part! LOL.
cathyx, you're right, I am a big fan of this show! I think my favorite TNs so far have been this one, Teresa, and Eva Luna. I also enjoyed La Fuerza del Destino and Llena de Amor, but for some reason had trouble getting through some spots in them. But I did enjoy them a lot. And Soy tu Dueña was good too, but I missed the beginning of that one.
This is the first show (from Mexico) that I've been able to "watch ahead" (see downloaded episodes sans CCs). It is a double-edged sword in a way. On one hand, it's exciting to follow the story as it is airing in Mexico, but on the other hand, no one knows what direction it's going to go in beforehand! With Eva Luna, it aired in the USA first, so we all followed along together. I enjoyed Eva Luna a lot, but it was much less . . . how should I put this . . . uncomplicated than this one.
Good to know IMBD is not reliable :D.
I realize I should have said that Eva Luna was much MORE uncomplicated than LQNPA, not less. Definitely not less!
I had no idea it was Big Dave who called Juan, but I should have made the mental connection, huh. The local station here in the Ft. Myers/Naples area runs these ads now during the re-intro scenes and much of the time it eats into the first minute or two of a new scene and you're wondering what the hellfire you missed! It's soooooo annoying but there seems to be nothing we can do about it.
I have to agree with the Tia fans at this point, that actress plays the part well and she along with Efrain ARE the comic relief in this thing.
Ya know, this would not be a real telenovela without a certain amount of hokey medicine.
Remember Soy Tu dueña? The poor kid who had a head injury was treated all the time he had a coma in that little outpatient clinic, in a hospital bed with just a bandage on his head, no IV.
Eva Luna, the old guy whose medicine was given from a sinister dropper bottle, you never see a real Rx bottle on these things.
In Teresa she gets shot, is paralyzed, and with a little physical therapy is good to go.
Well, most of the acting has been pretty terrific as well!
And you can also see them creating and twining lots of threads together with many possible outcomes, but they really keep you guessing as to how each one will be resolved!
My tv guide doesn't show it starting anytime soon.
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