Monday, March 26, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #179-180 Mon 3/26/12 Love is a Many Splendored Thing, but Trickery and Jealousy Make the World Go Round

ReGurg: Pancho and Rebe thank their lucky stars to be back together thanks to Pancho’s cool facemask and for once quick thinking to save her from certain death.
Candi whines nothing new and annoys me and all the other characters on set.
Vincente tries to snow Pina into thinking he only thinks about her but the slip to keep asking for forgiveness is a dead give away. The Lopez women encourage Candi to count her blessings: looks, lack of escuincles, potential with men, yaddah, yaddah.

Mechanical girl, aka Frida, questions Pepe about Moni, he talks about missing her a lot while Mechi sniffs his sweaty greasy body. Well who wouldn’t! But she continues to advance step by step on dangerous turf while he seems to treat her like a new guy friend, with no fear but also no recognition that he is being hunted.

We once again see feet approach the cell bars in fancy leather shoes, the hands give Napo something which he swallows, he takes them then falls to the floor in this Marcel Marceau moment. Miraculously the prison officials and a doctor come to find him dead within seconds.

Oh, nice bed scenes with Pancho and Rebe finding a great way to makeup for lost time, we see pink dawn clouds streaking to remind us they spent the night together. Next morning the kids make sweet jokes about the reunion as they all sit at the breakfast table. A call comes from the prison to tell Candi that her husband Napo Villareal died last night in the prison.

Hearing the news with mouth agape, Candi is told she needs to come to identify the body as she is the widow of record… She whines that she has to go see him again. Tomas jumps up and offers that they (he) can go with her. She doesn’t want it. Nor does Temo have much success offering to miss school to help on this important mission. Chacho looks like he will be the indicated companion for this onerous task. She probably had a pedi/mani booked by the look of her pouty face.

Rebe in evening off shoulder wear and Pancho show up to kiss in front of Pina and Vincent.

Candi and Chacho are shown into the morgue room with a huge sheeted table bulging with its cargo. They pass pleasantries with the warden then he pulls back the sheet to reveal Napo with no shirt she gets to observe him alone while the warden goes for the paper work and Chacho trots behind him.

Pina declares that all the money in the world still doesn’t give anyone class! She and Vince plan their take over of the company.

Candy does cry sincerely while she says how can she ever thank Napo for all he did for her even though he was a criminal. The smile on his deadish face is almost turning into a grin but he must be sucking in his cheeks and holding his breath to maintain this serenity.

Ana discusses with Franco that her publicity stunts (I mean stints) begin tomorrow and that will be followed immediately by several tours with interviews and coverage in each city. Franco believes totally in her, in her band and in the disc. Franco tells her that right away she will be spending every night in a different city. She only says with glee and only with thoughts of herself (not room in the tiny brain for more) that she really wants to get on with it (tengo mucho ganas).

Pancho and Rebe get back to work with lots of flirting and happiness or at least they are in the office.

Kari takes over Freddy’s arm while he is talking to two lovely young women. Lupita sees the action and foresees problems for her sister’s touring life.

Rebe and Pancho discuss that Napo may have been given a toxic drug that only appears to make him look dead and just then Mako (sharkie) shows up with the other black suited guards and a substitute body. Mako gives Napy an injection which almost immediately makes him sputter to life. He asks first for his dark glasses then continues to shake off the drug effects.

Vince is just hearing that Napo died while in another porch Candi and Chela talk about Candi’s state. Chela refuses to speak ill of the dead. Chela points out how rich Candi is now which makes Candi smile for the first time in two episodes, she is truly happy about the rich widow part.

Mako asks Napo to kill him since he could not follow his orders and kill Candi. Napo chooses to take him along and puts the offered gun down. I guess he likes Mako’s work most of the time. He does look so cool in his slim black suit and more than handsome Asian face under plastered back hair cut mostly like Napo’s but neater. (I’m just saying.) I was so astounded that I missed some of the discussion that may have explained why they had such a great look alike cadaver to leave on the gurney. Someone at Caray Caray suggested that Napo masks might have been on sale. Feel free to fill in the blanks. A young guard comes back at the last minute remembering to take the sheet off of new Napocadaverolean. We fade to fake flames indicating that the evidence of the switcheroo will be destroyed soon.

Pancho and Rebe continue face eating at the Japanese restaurant, a non Asian but great looking waiter (I don’t know what this new lens is doing to my brain but I like it) explains to Pancho that he is going to serve him a traditionally poisonous fish dish that people get off on defying death with paying many pesos. The soup that eventually comes looks great.

Chela talks about missing the children but liking her new life. Enzo, right? Teases Candi. They talk about Vicente telling Chela that he still loves Candi. Speak of the devil who is telling Sandra that he remembers that it was she who originally told Pina that Candi was his lover. Now Sandra is trying to convince him that his secrets are safe with her.

Rebe and Pancho take valuable company time IM’ing each other while in the same room until Rebe finally remembers that they have a lot of work to do. Lupita interrupts the joking. Lupita wants to talk with both of them. Pancho shows her pictures of the new property he purchased for everyone to live in after the quake. We leave the scene before anyone asks Lupita what she wanted to say.

Then we switch to seeing how very, very handsome Tomas is in his new policia luke. Wow, I’m glad they only showed exercises of rookies with Tomas attentively allowing us to oooogle him with no pesky dialog to pay attention to.

Sandra tells Vince that she is confused about telling him that Candi wants him still when she doesn’t want to upset his new get back together time with Pina. She advises him to stick with his marriage. True love with Chacho has actually made Sandra seem sensible and smart. It falls on expectedly deaf ears.

More canoodling with Rebe who has to pay a kiss fine to Pancho before he will let her leave the room with Lupita so he can work…

Elena gives another naca argument on why she can’t work, can’t study and can’t justify the air she breaths. Yawn, she and I both. I can’t believe Tomas is wasting time telling her to observe and model herself after Lupita instead of always being jealous of her.

Sandra is hearing how Vince is going crazy because he doesn’t know how to continue hiding his relationship that can now restart or has never really died with Candi. Pina walks in just in time to ask, you are going crazy over what?

Well Pepe and Frida arrive at the Pits to race their respective hot cars. Pepe gallantly offers MechiFrida a protective helmet. She takes it in her hand like he had given her a rose. Not a good sign.

Pina finally gets to ask Vince what he was discussing with Sandra. He pretends it was only about the greengrocer Pancho.

Tomas chides Elena a bit more and she seems to agree that she can’t continue being jealous and useless all the time. He vows he will always look out for her and care for her. At least she has enough sense to say thanks and give him a hug.

Meanwhile the race continues with Pepe mostly in the lead.

Pancho’s secretary is told she can usher in a visitor, who comes in praising Pancho and declaring how honored to meet him. It turns out to be PJS that is a political group that needs Pancho to be their deputy federal representative. Huh? Says Pancho and I agree. Not really clear what that is about or who put the slick little pol up to it. Everything seems like it is such a trick these days on Familia, I am likely to miss a few sincere moments.

Lupita shares a love note that Tomas wrote her with Rebe. They grin over the sweetness of the new Tomas with his new ways and new Luke. She also shares that she is glad that her father and Rebe have made up since clearly he loves her like crazy. Rebe assures Lupita that she loves him just as wildly.

The race comes to an end. Pepe and I suspect that she let him win. She reminds him that he offered to show her his new digs yesterday. He says now they need to get back to work but sure he will keep his word to show her first.

Lupita has now taken Rebe in as her total confidant and asks her advise on whether she should tell Ana what she saw Freddy and Kari do at school. This must be what she came to say to Rebe and Pancho earlier. Rebe says she better tell Ana because she is just like her father, she is so transparent that Ana will know something is wrong.

The slick pol is continuing to flatter Pancho about running for office. The slick mechanica is continuing to flatter Pepe and arrives at the apartment building and goes all clingy with Pepe as Chela watches them go into the building with a Que the Hell on her lips.

Vince calls Candi who doesn’t answer while Napo does pace on the beach with his drink in a shirtless suit (so that’s why I thought it was a robe in the previews.) and thinks about Candi too. Things are about to get more complicated for Candi and none of it seems good.

Pancho and Rebe discuss why don’t they revamp their engagement and better why not get married as soon as possible. She grins whole heartedly at the suggestion.
Rebe says she can’t! Can’t what? asks Pancho, can’t marry me? No I can’t even speak. They kiss some more.

Candi finally answers Vince and reads him the riot act. She tells him she no longer wants to see him because he is married. She won’t play the game again. What game? The hiding game, she says. She says if he doesn’t have a divorce papers in his hands and apparently he doesn’t, then she will not talk to him again! She screams into the phone.

Mechi is going crazy over Pepe/Moni’s love nest apartment. It is so much better than what she lives in that she can’t believe Moni would turn up her nose at something so luxurious. She tries touching Pepe again in her skin tight undershirt and the door knocking saves him and yes it is Chela to the rescue. Pepe introduces them still as dumb as a post while Chela sits down firmly and asks her what she does. She is a mechanic. Chela says, that is unusual for a woman, while Pepe joins them with coffee and declares that Frida is a great little mechanic. Chela suddenly puts the cup down and says she isn’t supposed to drink coffee. Pepe fills Frida in on the baby news, with Chela adding that she is seven weeks along.

Candi and Tema fill Abuela Fer in that Napo has hung up his tennies (ha colgado sus tenis), He is dead clarifies Candi. Temoc is only sad that he never got that helicopter ride in time.

Chela very directly asks Frida if she realizes that Pepe has a girlfriend and of course she does. Chela again not mincing words, says to Pepe you shouldn’t be here with a young woman alone in your home then. Pepe swears they are just cuates like he actually means it. Frida pushes it off and we know she doesn’t really agree but as Chela leaves she hugs her half to death.

Rebe and Pancho sail into quick wedding plans. Pancho is trying to get plans made immediately on the phone. She doesn’t care about the band, the cake, the guests or anything just being with him. Well it’s about time for these two. They seal it with yet another lovely kiss.

Dona Fer comes into the kitchen to find Goya in tears because her mother is ill. Fer tells her to gather her things and she will give her money to travel to her mother’s. Chucha tells her to have a good journey and isn’t Dona Fer a great person.

Rebe and Pancho tell the planner that they want to marry at the end of the month. That is not much time but they don’t care. She promises that because it is them she will do all in her power to pull off the greatest wedding.

Another love fest, Enzo tells Chela he knows she loves Pancho but she declares that not only does she not love Pancho, perhaps she never loved him, that it was all an illusion. Enzo declares that he has the purest love for Chela there in his heart.

Vince and Sandra argue over a speech he is writing. She has him say, he realizes he was insensitive. Which he spends time denying.

Pina is arguing with Ado when the news of Napo’s death is announced on TV. A statement by Pancho that I didn’t catch makes Pina talk out of control.

Enzo and Chela slip into a fantasy of kissing their adorable baby that hasn’t been born yet. He has no doubts whatsoever about loving or wanting to marry her. They flash back on the romantic dinner when he whipped out the guitar to sing. That ended with the ring coming out of the guitar. He reminds her that he offered and she promised to think about it and give him an answer and he is still waiting for an answer. He is down on his knees with the ring again and this time she says yes, yes, yes. They kiss a bunch. He can’t believe it and she says believe it because nothing would make her happier than to marry him. More romantic kisses! Gee, will they make it a DOUBLE??

Freddy shows up and hears his parents discuss hiring Franco to take Ana on an endless tour away from their son. At the same time, Lupita tells Ana about what she saw Kari do with Freddy. Freddy confronts his perfidious parents.

Pepe and Frida part for the evening and she pretends to be the cuate he thinks she is but has sad eyes as he goes off.

Back at Casa Irabién, the parents quickly pretend that they did arrange the tour for Ana but it was all to show their support of their Nenenene in his choice of loves. Freddy isn’t buying it and goes off declaring that their plot doesn’t smell good at all. Que mala onda.

Fer tries to get Pancho to tell what the big family meeting is about. Poor Doc Oc shows up and admits that he arrived late because he got lost. Oops. Before Pancho begins his speech, Dona Fer wants to tell them all that Goya had to leave and she gave her money to go see her ailing mother. Pancho tells them that he is proud of Elena and second he will be a federal deputy. And, And, wait for it, then Rebe stands up by his side and he says before the end of the month that they are going to marry. The crowd goes wild!

Next time: Enzo and Chela add their news of matrimony for the family to cheer over. Pina insults Candi more about her disaster, but Vicente is falling farther off the wagon and the two begin to have fantasy meetings.


Thanks for all the kind wishes from last week. I am recovering from the cataract surgery nicely and as you can tell after reading this that colors and contrasts are blowing me away, especially of some of our handsome characters. Even Napo looked particularly blue on that morgue gurney. In a few weeks I will proceed with getting the right eye fixed up too. Thankfully, I have auto-focus lenses on my camera because I sure see everything with greater clarity than I have for years and years.

I'm so glad the surgery went well for you Cheryl. And yes you seem to have put your newly improved vision to good use. There is some eye candy on this show.

So where did they get the lookalike corpse to burn instead of Napo? How convenient for them that the attendants left the gurney with Napo's fake dead body alone so that they could make the switch.

Sandra tried to help with all her Buddhist sayings -- too bad that Vince couldn't pay attention. Sandra is indeed a new woman thanks to Chacho.

You sure had the snark pen out for Candi tonight, Cheryl. I'm with you. Her whining is getting to me.( I did like her when she laid it out for Vince on the phone.)

Thanks again for this snappy recap, Cheryl. Enjoy your colorful new vision.


Thank you so much for this great great recap Cheryl and am glad you are recovering greatly.

I just knew Napo wasn't dead. The poison must have been the puffer fish one. I saw it on a Lifetime movie once. It slows the heartrate so much, even if a doctor uses a sethescope he can't hear the heart beat. I too wonder if he is going to try to get to Candi.

Loved the proposal again of Enzzo, he was trembling as he put the ring on Chela's finger, I was thinking it is about time. Loved the little montage they showed of Enzzo, Chela and the baby.

Frida has it bad for Pepe, and I so agree with you Cheryl in this he is like a box of rocks. He isn't seeing it. Thankfully Chela dropped by.

Can't stand Kari anymore. She will just not give up. Glad Lupe told Ana what was what, and glad Freddie found out his rotten parents hired Franco. Even thought Ana is very selfish in only thinking about herself, if she finds this out, I am curious to see what she does.

Elena needs to grow up already. I am glad Tomas is getting on her case, and speaking of Tomas, love his new Luke! He is turning into a great young man.

I too wonder if this will be a double wedding with Pancho/Rebe/Enzzo Chela.

Don't like what is happening to Doc Oc. I really hope it isn't dementia.

Good morning everyone. I really enjoy this show and the comic bits. I only wish I understood more of Pancho's corny jokes -- which have the entire cast groaning.

I know that we need to fill up a lot more episodes but I'm sorry they need to mess with Moni & Pepe. I like the Mechi & I hope they find another nice guy for her so she'll keep her hands off our Pepe.

Speaking of hands off ... Kari is getting on m last nerve. Hands off ojos azules!

Does anyone know how many episodes are left? I enjoy this show -- but 2 hours (which I am compelled to watch in their entirety because of all the funny posturing) is so hard.


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Guera, we are on epi 170 something right now. There are 266 Epi's of Familia. It ran from Feb 2011 to Feb 2012 in Mexico. I think that is why they are showing two hour epi's here.

Cheryl- Your new bionic eye is serving you well. Wait till you get the other one done! Gracias amiga. So glad you have healed so well.

The Familia U.S. site (better than Uni's site which is not up to date) says this episode was #176.

Since they cut out at least 2 episodes for the US, I wonder if our final number will be 264 or something like that. That's almost 90 capitulos left for our couples to all break up, make up, and reshuffle again.

My hope is that they let Pancho/Rebe and Enzzo/Chela get married without a hitch. But we just know things can't be blissful for 90 more chapters for these two couples.

Ana/Freddy, Pepe/Moni, Candy/Vince/Pina, Lupe/Tomas, and Chacho/Sandy are all due for shake ups and trouble before the end. Even Fer/Doc Oc are in the line of fire with his memory issues. I want a new man for Pina, and I want Adoracion to find a new, handsome, and unmarried love. I want Kari to come to her senses and perhaps find someone else. And I want a house to drop on Violeta and Elena. :)

90 episodes at 2 episodes a night(10 episodes per week) gives us 9 more weeks-- a little over 2 months of this tn.

Thanks everyone for the info on the episode numbers.

I also hope that at least we won't have any more problems to come between Pancho/Rebe & Chela/Enzo.

I'm bummed b the apparent difficulties of Dona Fer & Doc Oc.

And after all the 90 more shakeups I hope that Lupe & Tomás and Pepe & Moni end up together. They keep bringing in new characters & new plot lines so 'm sure that in the end there will be someone nice for Pina & the Mechanic girl whose name escapes me & for Adoración.

And where oh where is the Napo storylne goin to lead us? Not to mention Pancho getting into politics. My head spins sometimes with the rapidity of the twists & turns.


Does anyone know Frida's real name. She looks familiar but can't place her.

What is with Chela accepting Enzo's proposal using "usted". Seems like she move on to more familiarity.

Great recap. Best wishes with your eyes.

I too noticed the formal greeting by Chela to Enzo, I thought that was my imagination. I noticed for the first time how handsome Enzo is with and without facial hair, and that baby was adorable.

I'm glad everyone was right about Napo, what are they going to do drop the storyline? I actually thought when Candy was viewing the body he was going to get up grab her and escape with her. (I would have loved to see that)

Glad Candy is back on the scene with Vince, they deserve each other, now let's have Pina move on to someone worthy and someone who will snap her out of whatever she's going through regarding Pancho and family.

Humm Dona Fer had cancer or has cancer and now the doc's mind is going, I wonder if they'll be sailing to the big blueyonder together?

I also agree want Adoracion to find someone special, to me a big time movie star should appear and sweep her off her feet.

Cheryl - I didn't get to read/comment much last week, so I missed the chance to wish you well on your cataract surgery. I'm glad it worked out well and you're enjoying a better view of all the guapos! Regarding Pepe, "no fear but also no recognition that he is being hunted" - beautifully said!

I didn't get where the Napo lookalike stiff came from either. That'd be a pretty cold thing to do to one's twin; but then, maybe the twin was even worse than Napo was!

Or if that guy's not a twin, how'd they work out the plastic surgery? At last, a REAL mystery!

Hello Anon, Frida is played by Jackie Garcia who has been on many TN's. I really like her too.

Cheryl, thanks for all the detail. Glad to hear your new lens is coming along fine. There's definitely a lot of eye candy to focus on now. Enzo and Tomas never looked better.

Loved when Sandra told Vince she was totally over him and meant it. Even though he has no interest in her now, his ego was bruised. Yay!

Since Napo's wealth is due to crime, seems like the authorities would at least freeze his assets.

I was just searching info about Pedro Moreno on IMDB and Wikipedia. He is only 31 years old. He is another Cuban born guapo. What is in the water there? They turn out so many beautiful people who have tons of talent in music and cinema. I did see a YouTube video of Enzo dancing when I was looking for the Chela and Enzo dance. There are more and I don't think it is a spoiler in the second one I am referring to but WOW can that guy dance!

Even People en Español has named him one of the 25 most beautiful Latin men.

I am getting a kick out of watching him FATHER Moni (Violeta Isfel is 26) They must get a lot of laughs out of playing father/daughter. Good think he is married in real life.

Cheryl, thank you so much! I love your title and your observations. What better use of your fancy new vision than a good close perusal of our favorite guapos and their new lukes? Also, I am now even more impressed by your stunning photos, knowing you didn't have sharp vision.

I loved the scene of Freddie confronting his parents. The three of them are so funny together.

Now someone wants Pancho in politics?! Oy. They keep telling us and telling us how awesome he is but I still don't believe it. Pancho is super annoying and I, for one, would be totally fine with having him written off the show. At least I can save time by FFing all his lurve scenes.

So now that Enzo and Chela are getting married, is she going to move into his nice place? What will become of that nursery? Why is Chela's apartment so much better than Pepe's when they live in the same complex and he works so much more than she does? Selling Avon must be lucrative. Maybe Pepe should do that. I'm sure he'd do well at it.

I have some vocabulary! I haven't had time to research the more obscure things I've written down over the last week or so, but here is what I have:

hostigamiento - harassment

pantorrilla - calf (leg part)

ajuar - trousseau

chabacanería - bad taste, low-classness

greñuda tu abuelita - retort (lit, your grandma is shaggy)

me saca de mis casillas - you drive me crazy

garrafal - terrible

chalán - barge

guamazo - punch, violent knock

lirón - doormouse

mamerto - dope, twit

es mole de olla - it's the perfect time

jai - chicky bird dame, high society

hacer monerías - to clown around

tecolotes - cops

bache - pothole, rough patch

fájate los pantalones - buck up, pull yourself together and do what needs to be done

fango - mud, mire

piquera - hole, carpool, taxi stand

analfabeto - illiterate

pamplinas - sweet talk

vahido - dizzy spell

liendre - nit

Julia, Thanks for the super vocabulary supplement. It always brings new words and phrases that I don't know. In the past sometimes I have spent many more hours translating obscure words and phrases going back over tapes as many times as it takes to understand exactly what is being said. First I used dictionaries and later online dictionaries to dig down to get at the history of many words. I know you are doing this as a labor of love but I wanted to thank you again for putting this much time and brain power into our group education. You are the BEST!!

Pepe would have paid more if there was a parking fee. I don't think Chela has a car.

"Vahido" is one of those words that I've looked up 100 times and it never seems to stick. Maybe this time I'll remember it. ;-)

Thank you CherylNewMexico for Frida's name. And thank you Julia for the vocab.

I have enjoyed TNs so much more since discovering CarayCaray last year. Its such fun sharing thoughts about these shows. Thanks to all of you who contribute!

In at least four of our couple pairings, the female actress is some years older than the male actor in real life-- Chela/Enzzo, Pancho/Rebe, Ana/Freddy, and Moni/Pepe. His castmates have made jokes about how young Enzzo looks with each of his transformations. I think Vince even said after the mustache shave that he looks like Moni's brother now. LOL!

Cheryl thanks for your recap and I'm happy to hear you are recovering nicely. And what a way to recover looking at the guapos on this show! Julia thanks for your vocabulary.

I too am concerned for poor Doc Oc and with his "forgetfulness" I don't know what to do. I hope he and Fer can ride this TN out until the end.

I wanted Napo dead so this new twist is rather annoying to me (though he had some funny moments). I hope the body count does not increase as this TN goes along.

Niecie, I too loved Sandra telling Vice she's over him!

Hey Vivi, Who is in the picture with you in your latest ID for this blog? You are stunning!

Cheryl- Gracias! That's fellow Caraymate Anita (aka Newbie One Kanobie). We went out to dinner, gellato, and to see Casa de Mi Padre last week. She is one cool lady.

Cheryl, I totally missed that you had eye surgery! So sorry amiga. Congratulations on your new and improved eyesight.

Thank you for your terrific recap. If anything, your new 'point of view' is even more hilarious than before. I'm glad the eye candy is better for you these days.

Slightly off-topic, I went to see the live review of Aventurera Sunday night and Sergio Sendel was in the cast. I had a table right up in front and got an eyeful of his guaponess. He is a very handsome man. (Also in the cast were Eduardo Santamarina [rowrrrr!], Mauricio Mejia, Ninel Conde [very petite except for enhanced boobs and butt, and absolutely gorgeous] and of course Carmen Salinas.) There were several Una Familia Con Suerte and Vicente Irrabien jokes thrown into the dialogue.

Ooh Sylvia. I'm jealous you got to see those folks performing live. I get a kick out of Sendel each time he talks about his own guapo-ness in this show, like last night. He's totally correct, but it just cracks me up. Glad they threw in some wink-wink insider Familia jokes in the show you saw.

Wow, Sylvia, Thanks for sharing your experience with the show. Oh my, Sergio Sendel and Eduardo Santamarina on the same stage. What a sight for sore eyes as they say!! I tried looking for Aventurera El Musical to see if they might ever come to New Mexico but no luck so far.

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