Friday, March 16, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #165-166 Thu 3/15/12 We come to bury comedy, not to praise it.

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears (or eyes), but not for long. Just a quickie tonight.
Chela and the kids wail and moan like professional mourners because Chela’s moving down the street.
Via phone:
Pancho: I love you!
Rebe: You have a strange way of showing it.
Pancho: You started it!
Rebe: *Click.*
Pancho: Waaaaahhhhh!!!
Next morning, the mafientourage arrives at the Lopez nuthouse as Chela is leaving, sad little suitcase in tow. Napo is way concerned with Chela’s wellbeing and insistent on pampering her. Napo decides he loves the big house and makes himself right at home, sitting down for breakfast, offering Ana help selling her CD, buddying up with Temo, and acting effusively polite to Fernanda. Temo breaks the news to Fernanda that they’re going to have a new little cousin.
Moni and Pepe seem to have settled right in at Enzo’s apartment. Moni hates keeping the secret from Enzo, even though Pepe keeps telling her it’s just for a short time while Chela wraps her swiss cheese mind around the situation.
Lidia tells Rebe she’s falling in love with Enzo. It’s going around, apparently. Out in the lobby, Midori outrageously hits on him. Note that they have JUST met. “Your place or mine?” she asks. Enzo crawls over the furniture to escape.
Chela settles into her new apartment amidst dizzy spells. Selling lotion and eye shadow must pay a lot better than jobs in auto mechanics and graphic design. Chacho drops by with groceries and a baby gift and they go out to breakfast.
Vins kisses Pina on the lips. Freddie and Meli: PUM! Vins encounters the gangster gang in the driveway. Candy is cold to him and ostentatiously affectionate to Napo. Napo stages a big show of Gracious Manners to Vins.
Tom’s face is all healed up and he says goodbye to his prison buddies. Street cred 4eva, dude. Outside in the free free air, he hugs Elena and kisses Lupita! Then he nearly gets barfed on by Chela. They take him back to the palace and Lupe and Elena peel grapes for him and fan him with palm fronds. They take him outside to be a free-range stud. The other girls notice Lupita’s dying sheep eyes.
Moni tells Enzo he’s going to be a dad again. He is THRILLED. Lidia asks whazzup and Enzo tells her. Sadness de Lidia. Moni finds out from Pepe where Chela lives and Enzo goes and confronts her. Why didn’t she tell him herself? Does she think so little of him? No, just the opposite, Chela says. She thinks the world of him and made a huge disaster of everything. Plus she saw him besuqueando Lidia. They have a long and cordial talk.
Midori moves on to her next prey: Pancho. It looks like something on Animal Planet. Pancho tells her she’s way too forward.
Midori: You’re right. I have a problem.
Pancho: Only one?
Midori: I tried to get therapy, but I just wanted to eat up the therapist!
Pancho: You’re a cannibal?!
Midori: No! A sex addict!
Vins bursts in and Midori throws herself at him instead. Celeste and Ketita decide they have to defend the menfolk from the shark-toothed bottom-feeder.
Napo gives Candy wedding night lingerie, which disgusts her. He talks about having Napoleoncitos and she hates that, but he’s just thrilled when she says she WAS afraid of him. Past tense! They’re soul mates!
Pina tries again to sic Kari on Freddie and he is NOT having it. Kari isn’t entirely on board either; she seems unwilling be a Midori but Pina pooh-poohs her thinking this is pointless if Freddie just isn’t into her.
Rebe and Lidia try to unravel their love triangle sex hexagon naughty Gordian knot. No, never mind, they want to keep it tangled. Rebe encourages Lidia to fight for Enzo. {Or, you know, I hear there’s an orange in Miami in need of another half.}
The DNA results are in. Pancho is officially Fernanda’s long-lost son. She cries. She tells Pancho and he cries. Then he cries more because apparently he didn’t know he was adopted, and OMG, Candy isn’t really his sister (I’m not sure he grasps the adoption concept. Lemme short-cut it for you, Pancho: Candy is your sister). Somehow he seems to think Candy will be upset to find she doesn’t share his DNA. I would think she’d be relieved.
Fernanda decides her mission in life is to get Rebe and Pancho back together.
Vins tells Pina and the lawyer he wants to cancel the divorce. She agrees, with one condition.


Thank you so much Julia for this great snarky recap. Love the title.
Noone can keep a secret, though I am glad Enzzo knows Chela is having his baby. I liked his little happy dance when he found out. Chela and Enzzo had a nice conversation, no yelling or screaming, no accusations, just a nice adult conversation.

That Midory is too funny. I liked Enzzo back step over the hassock without tripping when he was backing away from her, and her chasing Pancho around his office. I like how Henrietta and Celeste saved his bacon and escorted her out. The best was when she apologized to Arnold.

The best last night was Dona Fer telling Pancho she is indeed his Mama and showing him the DNA test.
I didn't like her little attack though. I hope she isn't relapsing.
I agree Candy is Pancho's sister, maybe not by blood, but in his heart.

Yeah, Tomas is free! That kiss though with Lupe and Tomas, she looked like a deer in the headlights after wards. I wonder what Tomas will do now he is free.

Nappy is a constant surprise. He does nice things but is a maifioso.
Did he call Chela Linda Grace? It sounded like that the other night.

So Pina and Vins are staying married? I wonder how long that will last, given his history.

Thanks so much Julia. We can always count on you for snark.

I too am glad that Moni couldn't keep the secret from her Dad. Now we know that in the end Enzo & Chela will be together. So let's enjoy their long rediscovery. I hope there is someone nice for Lidia.

Vince & Pina -- I don't like it. Pina is in for hurt. Vince himself said it a couple of days ago. He has a tiny heart. He can't handle loving two women. He has to keep cycling between them.

Napo is turning out to be too nice. Did I hear last night that the only eason that Candy keeps calling him a Mafioso is because of the way he acts & dresses?

Doña Fer was worried that Pancho would judge her for giving him up -- even though he hadn't judged her when the situation was hypothetical. I kept wondering if she realized that he was going to have to give up the idea of the family he had known in order to accept her being his mother. I thought they played that well. So, yes, Candy is his sister even if they don't share the same genes. But how will that play out I wonder.

SU squeaked out one win at least -- but it was ugly. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Saturday.


I just checked the brackets. Congrats Carlos on Baylor, JudyB on Ohio State & Anon #1 on VCU.

Güera from Syra-cuse

Hey Julia.....hope I got it right this time.
Love the concise recap, this TN is moving along much the same as Juan Queridon, just in two hour segments. You are so right by stating no one can keep a secret.

I predict that there well be more mischief from the unattached Divas; Middy, Violeta, Nija Deb...Poncho, Enzo and Vice better be prepared.

Guera, the Orangemen, came through by the skin of their teeth, Iky Mickey may have been the Ref. that missed the last call....we know he is a

Congratulations to all the winners...JubyB, Ohio St. looked like an NBA team last night, and you are correct, Kentucky looks like they will beat us all....we will see.

Meanwhile, my Rams will need chainsaws to cut down Indian on Saturday. Guera, I am crossing toes, fingers and much more for a black and gold victory on Saturday.

Julia- Loved the terse recap. Good job condensing it down.

I am actually really pleased Moni told Enzo about the baby. And she didn't just blurt it out without thinking, she told Pepe her reasons and he agreed with her. I also was impressed with the mature conversation Chela and Enzo had. They are so alike in many ways. Both are so excited about having a baby. They even said the same thing in unison at one point. Enzo's already thinking about Chela eating healthy for the baby and getting her an OBGYN. I wish Chela would hurry up and fall in love with him.

Lidia better take herself out of this situation before she gets really hurt. She should see the writing on the wall, even if Enzo is saying that he can't let himself be in love with Chela because she's in love with Pancho. We know that will change eventually. A baby is just going to make Enzo fall in love with Chela even more.

I never understand why all of these folks in tns who find out they are adopted automatically think their siblings aren't their siblings and their parents aren't their parents. Do people really think like this? Do 20, 30, 40 years of being family mean nothing if you are not related by blood?

I kind of like Napy. But like any other mafioso, he doesn't just do you a favor out of the goodness of his heart. He will always want payment for it-- sometime down the road, when you are least able to pay. The Lopez family should be careful.

Guera- There are legit reasons why they believe Napy is a mafia boss, and the police also thought so. But like many other mafia bosses, all they could find to charge him with was fraud, and the charges didn't stick. He keeps pointing out that he was never jailed for it, but doesn't outright deny being a mafioso. So Candy then pointed to the way he dresses scaring her family, so he said he would change that, if needed.

If he didn't want to have sex with her and make her the mother of his kids, then the situation would be bearable for Candy, I think. She likes being pampered and such.

Great recap - don't know if I'm being snarky but are those Midori's real teeth?

I did miss one point, did la Dona ever tell Pancho who his dad is?

Julia thanks for your recap. Your title was funny as well. Though there isn't a lot to laugh about Midory and Napy are providing the laughs for me.

I keep hoping Pina does not return to Vice. Why is she ignoring her horrible history with him?

Vivi - you summed up my concern with Napy. Yes, he's being nice now but he's still a gangster; he wants something (we don't know what) in return. And if Candy could have him without sex, she'd probably be on board with marrying Napy.

I was at a conference all day yesterday and didn't have a chance to read and comment. Best of luck and speedy repairs to Ezra, Melinama, the fence, the car, the deer, and anything else I left out! Good gracious. Sounds like something I would do.

When Napoleon told Chela she was pregnant instead of the doctor talking to her, I wondered if he might be lying and maybe Candy was the one who is knocked up. We did see her getting checked out at the hospital, too. But if he did have some scheme that would serve, it would have to be a very quick plan, because she should soon realize if it isn't true. I, too, wondered why she didn't think she could get pregnant.

Napo does seem to have real affection for Chela, and he does call her Linda Grace. He's such a funny mix of proper gentleman and nasty schemer.

It would be great if Moni moved in with Chela. She could learn a lot about essential domestic skills, Chela would love to be kept busy teaching her, and they could get to know each other better. Then eventually Moni could move back in with Pepe without being completely overwhelmed by simple things.

Somehow I had thought that Pancho knew all along he was adopted. I thought he once said Candy was adopted also. Maybe this show is just too long and I can't remember anything.

Midori is quite the piece of work. If that is how she behaves, I'm surprised anyone would have ever believed Arnoldo was harassing her.

I REALLY don't want Pina to reconcile with Vins. His being a little lonely now does NOT make up for the way he's treated her for 20 years. Tommy needs to go over and talk some sense into her.

Love the "there is an orange in Miami waiting for its other half! Amen!

Is it me or does it look like Pancho has borrowed Mikey's tannning lotion? He's looking awfully brown these days.

Enough with Monica and her "tipo" in every blessed sentence. Okay, we get it, your so cool!

Nellie, I also have been wondering who Pancho's father is. Also we never found out who Moni's father is. Interesting parallel between Fernanda & Violetta.

Very funny Anon -- your crack about the ref being as orange as Icky Micky.


"Somehow he seems to think Candy will be upset to find she doesn’t share his DNA. I would think she’d be relieved."

What a great sentence Julia! Also taking Tomas outside so he can be a "free-range stud". Wicked wicked lady are you.

Bless you for making this brief and quite, quite funny. This telenovela cries out for condensation. Feel free to be ruthlessly efficient in your recaps because there's an awful lot of cheesy padding in this one.

Güera and Anon#1, so glad all three of us are still in the dance. I'm worried about our next Gonzaga...their coach is telling them to hit fast and hard...they sound more like a football team than a basketball one. Oh well, I'm always worried....

Guera, I thought that might be amusing....good luck heart is catching up to my head. So no more pot shots from me

Julia, lovely recap. Your account of Tomas getting out of jail was so funny. My favorite: "They take him outside to be a free-range stud."

Agree it was nice to see Enzo and Chela handling things so well. I think Enzo's going to want Chela to move in with him, just so she can manage the pregnancy better. And hopefully what happens, happens.

Pina should compare notes with Chela cause I'm sure if she sticks with Vince she too will one day get the "I thought I could love you but I can't" speech.

Julia, The recap and title are works of snARTk!! Well, here is what I would like to see: Candi should marry Nappy, get pregnant on a luxurious honeymoon and Nappy should be sent to another world in the bliss of passion. Candi should inherit his endless seeming fortune and devote herself to her baby and doing great works of charity with her own fortune.
Pancho and Rebe could get back together with Mama Fer's help. Enzo and Chela could be together after she learns to live alone. I like Moni learning from Chela too. Vice could get Midori and try to keep up with her, leaving Pina with Arnold. The younger ones can sort it out for themselves.

I was just as confused as the rest of you when Pancho acted surprised that he was adopted. I thought we discussed this in comments during the very first week of the show: "Fernanda gave up a child, and Pancho was adopted, so how much you want to bet..."

Ah well.

I am wondering if the subject of Ana and Fred being second cousins is going to come up soon (if it didn't tonight already - I haven't watched yet).

As for the pregnancy, I think Monica should have at least given Chela a couple of days before telling Enzo. No matter how happy Chela might be with this unexpected turn of events, having to deal with that and Enzo's enthusiasm at the same time is a double-whammy.

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