Friday, March 16, 2012

El Talismán #32 Thu 3/15/12 Beware the Ides of March (or If you think you're the emperor don't turn your back on anyone)

Recap by Anita, Editor In Chief of the Fresno Underground Gazette

Scenes in Tijuana—Pedro & Camila spend some quality time on the sofa in the church office. They go together to visit Sister Luciana’s grave. They promise her that they will return to TJ to open a Casa de Huerfanos.

Aunt Pat calls Pedro to tell him that Lukrazy was arrested for attempted homicide. Pedro and Cam natter on about Lukrazier. They find out the Mariana phone call came from a public phone in Fresno. Camila thinks that Mariana is very close to being able to be found (think, girl, think about it some more…). The Padre comes running up to tell the pair that someone in TJ will buy ALL of El Tal’s grano. Yippee, no bancarota for Pedro.

Scenes at Rita’s—Renato gets the money (it was in the fridge). He lets Tracy go, but hedges about leaving her and her familia en paz. She’ll just have to trust him. With nowhere to go, Tracy goes to see Panchito at El Al.

Scenes in El Alcat—The girls are nattering on about boyfriends. Panchito and Valentin natter on about whose side Valentin is on and oh-ho, Pancho has had his eye on him and he’s onto him, he KNOWS he’s on Antonio’s side (woe be to him now). Valentin tries to show him the logic behind his decision—Antonio is younger and healthier while Gregorio is old and sick. Uh-uh, says Panchito, WRONG.

Panchito leaves Valentin with a warning—make up your mind whose side you are going to be on, and make it up quick. If you choose Antonio, rest assured Panchito will tell the patron on you.

Panchito and Tracy come to an acuerdo—she will not share his digs, although they obviously need a woman’s touch. Panchito uses his influence with Greggy and gets her old job back. There’s lots of squealing when he tells her.

Oh, somewhere in the midst of all this a lovely leg protrudes from a vast bubble bath, what can we hope? Oh, shoot, it’s Brigitte taking a phone call from Greggo wanting to know wassup with Lucas.

Back to Panchito. Daddy-O tells him to get over to El Tal quick as a bunny to find out if LuLu really is going to give part of the ranch to Pedro (Greggy, my friend, you don’t need to worry about this just yet…she is going to do this, how? what’s the hurry, anyway). So, Gregorio doesn’t know LuLu went to jail. Alberta and Tracy natter on about Antonio and the rancho.

Scenes in El Tal—Lucrazie natters on to Claudio about Flo and how it’s all going to work out. Later, Clau, Gab & Sara natter on about the Mariana phone calls. Sara thinks it was a set up engineered by Lucrezzi. Claudio defends her (duh). They check out La Viejita with the Hon. Detective Teniente. He’s sure that whoever tampered with it didn’t know what they were doing, so instead of cutting the brake line, he (or she) just disabled it. Aunt Pat is sure it was Lukrashia. We see LuLu running around her room trying to hide the infamous pincers. Well, she and the pincers are caught in flagrante delicto and she’s hauled off to jail for some ‘splaining.

Scenes in the Jail—She protests her innocence. It doesn’t phase El Detective, no siree. Rules are rules and he can’t just let her go because she says she’s innocent. She needs to get a lawyer and post bail.

LuLu tries blaming Camila—That zorra is full of jealousy because Pedro has a thing for her. For Pete’s sake (Not our Pedro), officer, she doesn’t even live at El Tal, so how is she going to know where stuff is kept (like pincers). La señorita doth protesta demasiado (are you listening Mr. El D?). Guess so, Our Little Lulu is put away for suspicion of intent to commit a homicide, oh my. She drops her dime on Antonio to get her out of there ASAP.

Antonio visits Sis in jail. Do the writers think this is Mexico, where any old person can come and go and sit in a holding cell with someone accused of attempted homicide? Anyway, they have a rough embrace—ya, glad to see you, too, brylcreme head, but I’m not going to touch it.

Bro warns her not to do anything to Camila, while LuLu doesn’t want anything to happen to Pedro. Quandary—dilemma. El D. tries to pump Tonio about his sister’s past. Tonio finds the line of questioning offensive and doesn’t answer (but he’s running it around his empty head as viewerville is treated to some commercials). We don’t see what he decided because we don’t see him any more tonight.

Finally, Daddy-O has been informed LuLu is in jail and comes to the rescue. He puts things straight. Daughter, you’d better play the game my way or you are going to end up in a manicomio, and I’ll be the one who sends you there. (This is actually the last scene of the evening.)

Scenes in The Only Hotel Inn™ Fresno/Oscar’s Place—Elvira and Armando are nattering on about “the girl” who came to see him. She knows he’s not forthcoming with the truth. He finally spills the beans about the boda being in two days time. The music freaks out; Elvira freaks out.

Armando is invited to the Renato’s mansion (I mean Oscar’s mansion). Renato prepares the staff and prides himself on how easy it is going to be to manipulate mama and her son—and the heck with Camila, he’s not afraid of HER.

Secretario-guy has a hot chisme for Renato—that Camila’s novio, PI Man, murdered his wife, sí, sí, it’s all over town. Meanwhile, Armando’s amazed at all the lujo in the house. Renato’s definitely rich.

Back to Antonio who’s still in bed at the Hotel. Next to him is the little tart who dressed up as Camila for him, but it turns out she’s the same one that provided the voice for Mariana.

The room phone rings. It’s sissy from jail. Antonio is furioso with her. He flings the receiver down--It’s all Pedro’s fault (he uses a disparaging remark to describe Pedro). He throws money at the little tart and tells her to largate, but reverses direction when she reminds him that she is playing Mariana. Great, he has another idea.

Elvira is ready to leave the hotel and runs into Antonio in the lobby. He reminds her that he still OWNS her. It doesn’t matter one whit that she is starting a new life along side her husband-to-be, Renato. Uh-uh, you will live your whole life knowing you are UNA ASESINA. Gulp.



Thank you Anita! Maybe the FUG went belly up but thank goodness you have continued to gift us with your editorial wit. (For however long you can stand to do so.)

Favorite line: "The music freaks out; Elvira freaks out." So true! That scene totally cracked me up because Elvira is such an incredible control freak.

Panchito was on a roll tonight, wasn't he? Kind of threatening Valentin, and then working to get Tracy a job at El Trash. He's not the suavest of manipulators but he seems to catch on eventually. He got a glimpse of El Pig's ugly side tonight. Will Panchito continue to be blinded by "Papa" or will he start figuring things out?

Tracy is still hiding her money at Meester's place? I thought she was smarter than that.

Thanks, Anita!! FUG paper is up and going still!
LOVE the title... this episode at least half a dozen people thought they run the show, but wait! someone has a hold on them... or at least someone plans on 'getting' their hands on an ACE card...

interesting that i had predicted Pedro would take Cameela back to Mex to start the orphanage again, and zas! that is what he tells her at the grave site.

Wheels within wheels -- or perhaps cheez wheels within cheez wheels -- everybody's putting the pressure on everyone else...I'm not sure I've ever seen such a combined weight of chantaje and amenaza in one place!

Lucrazy is threatening Tony with giving her half of El 'Traz to Pedro. She's also threatening the maid with termination if she doesn't report all the kitchen gossip from El Tal.

Tony is threatening Val with repercussions if he doesn't dance to his tune. He threatens to kill Pedro if Lulu gives him her land. He's also threatening Elvira with exposure as an asesina, and he's pretty much a walking threat to everyone else, except his niñas.

Pigorio is threatening Lulu with the manicomio and the rest of his family with disinheritance, not to mention threatening everyone at El Tal pretty much constantly. Oh, and he threatens to fire Tracy if she doesn't shut up.

Meester R threatens to call off the wedding if Armando doesn't get on board. He's also threatening Tracy with her illegal aunt, and he regularly threatens to dump Rita if she doesn't behave. Rita returns the threat, as well as threatening to leave if he doesn't marry Elvira fast enough.

Pedro threatens to fix Meester's wagon if he burns Elvira. He also threatens to leave Camila if she won't trust him, and he directly threatened to stay in TJ if she didn't come along.

Camila makes Pedro choose between her and Lulu.

Elvira makes Camila choose between her and Pedro.

Tracy threatens Panchito with withdrawal of affection if he doesn't get her a job at El 'Traz.

Doris and Tony threaten each other constantly with various divorce tactics.

Brigitte has obliquely -- and unwisely -- threatened Pigorio with unspecified "secrets."

I don't like ANY of these people. So why can't I quit them?

Blue Lass,
"I don't like ANY of these people. So why can't I quit them?"

Porque el Talismán es "♪♪la tierra de tus raices, el Talismán de tu piel lo dice ♪♪♪"

Any else notice that Antonio's rental model was far more wholesome looking than his wife or sister? (and if I had to bet, I'd say than his mother too.)

Thanks Anita! Gotta say, I am definitely hooked on El Tal. Although I know Abismo is better, when I only have time to watch one, I choose El Tal. Have to catch up on Abismo this weekend.

Loved "glad to see you too, Brylcreme Head, but I'm not going to touch it." lol

How funny about the bathtub scene and the beautiful leg right after we were chanting for an Antonio shower scene. That was sure a cross between The Graduate and Twin Peaks (can't get the Sherilyn Fenn reference out of my mind whenever I see Brigette).

I wonder if Antonio has showered yet? Poor FakeCamilaFakeMariana Hooker Girl if not.

Thank you for the effort going in to recapping this Slot of Shame tn.

Rosemary la Otra

Thanks, fellow sufferers. Glad to be able to share my poor scribblings with you stalwarts.

Blue Lass--so far these have all been empty threats. If Pepa/Fina or Carlocca or Rosendo Gavilan had been operating, the body count would be rising quickly, n'est-ce pas?

I don't think I like any of these people either. Maybe Aunt Pat, the Padre (saving Pedro's rancho) and .... and, gee, I can't think of anyone else. Panchito is growing on me. I still have hopes for cutie pie Claudio, but not when he's caught in Lucrecia's spiderweb.

P.S. That was Sylvia's title. We had to honor the Ides of March. I'm on board with it.

NM, I noticed the girl-next-door hooker as well. I was wondering, can't she get a nice job in the yoghurt place?

R la O, I'll be catching up on Abismo this weekend too. Guess 'll at least wait until the kids grow up before I make a final decision. But keeping up this double life is hard work...

I think Antonio raided his girls' closet for his new shirt. That creative neckline is right out of the Lemon Frog Shop.

Ah, so glad to see that the snark is still flying fast and furiously as regards our avocado addiction. I must admit I don't approach Abismo with the same gleeful anticipation that I do El Tal. I've had to give up Una Familia because no way am I going to watch FOUR HOURS of telenovelas every day. (I still read the recaps though, just in case Enzo does a striptease or another dance scene.)

Blue Lass, great list of people who are threatening each other. So basically everyone is threatening everyone else for some reason or another, heh.

I'm still laughing at the scene from a few nights ago when the Secretario/Major Domo demanded that Meester pay him in cash, no cheques por favor, and Meester muttered "Why do all these people demand money from me?" That dude is way too used to getting things for free. I think Tracy should call his bluff and tell him where to stick the Cheez Whiz.

Last night I was racking my brain to come up with a suitable title for Anita's recap when Mr. Sharkbait said "Hey, it's the Ides of March." Bingo! Title born.

Anita, faithful editor of the FUG, thank you again for tackling last night's episode. I'm glad because there were some key "plot" (such as it is) twists that I'm pretty sure will affect the fate of our characters for as long as they survive on TV. Hint: Panchito Panchito Panchito.

Who was it imagined Panchito and Tracy as duenos of El Trash? I love it!

R la O, "I think Antonio raided his girls' closet for his new shirt. That creative neckline is right out of the Lemon Frog Shop.". Bwahahaha!

Blue Lass gets the credit for Antonio raiding the closets comment.

I am so with you, Blue Lass, about how hard it is to watch two tns. After this run is over I will definitely only commit to one (famous last words). I am actually watching 2 1/2 because I turn on LQNPA when I go to bed. I usually fall asleep, but hope that the Spanish somehow subliminally absorbs into my brain. I like that show a lot, but don't comment because the recaps are a bit too long given I already do 2. BUT, let me say the LQNPA recaps I have read are brilliant and I love the pics that Elvira posts.

Can we have a show of hands who is going to Casa de Mi Padre this weekend?

R la O

Credit to Blue Lass as noted.

I have a blisteringly full schedule this weekend but am going to try to slip a viewing of Casa de Mi Padre into the lineup, one hand halfway up for me. Otherwise Monday for sure.

Thanks for this recap Anita and posting Sylvia.

Oh the madness continues as does our snark. Marta, I'm glad you were able to perceive that Pedro would start a orphanage with Cam. And Blue Lass I enjoyed your list of threats. Though most are completely empty, its just one more thing to mock ;)

Casa de mi Padre is apparently only in "limited release," so it's a no-go in my neck of the woods. I will take my trusty bingo card to Florida with me next week, though. The theatre closest to where I'm staying says it will be showing with "Spanish subtitles" -- can that possibly be right?

Thanks everyone for the recaps. I've been watching the episodes online, but alas, there are no subtitles.

I'm thinking of getting rosetta stone for Spanish. Just got to make sure my old laptop has the technical requirements for it.

Hope RN stays, but I am glad that they fired the writer. Does anyone know how many episodes they've taped so far?


You are a doll to do this. Thank you for a witty recap.

Of all the dumb things happening in this hot mess, the dumbest is the relationship Tracy has with Renato. For gawd's sake bury your money in a bear box on the El Tal land but don't keep it at Renato's when he has already stolen from you.

The best things in EL Tal are the actor playing Panchito and, yes, the belt buckle. Panchito engages with the camera and therefore with us. He is vulnerable somehow, and yet utterly gross. What a fine actor. And yes, the belt buckle is pretty compelling on the screen. He knows how to work the camera. It would be fun to see what Diaz could do in a galan role with with a great script.

Thanks again, Anita, for doing the recap.


Blue Lass, I got interrupted in the middle of leaving that last message for you. Don't people know not to call me between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. when I could be blogging? Anyway, I got distracted and forgot to add:
LOL LOL to your "but after El tal it's just not.....stupid enough".
Also the Stephen King reference wanted me to ask if anyone else has read or is reading his new book: 11-22-63. I am about a fourth of the way through and just had one question. Also if anyone has read his The Long Walk I would like to ask a question about the ending.

R la O

One more thing...Remember a couple of weeks back when Pedro threatened to stay in Tijuana? Is that how they are going to get rid of Navoa? Or will his part just be recast?

Color me confused, as usual.

Blue Lass, my addiction has something to do with needing an ending to the story, I think. but it is far too much for me to watch everyday—I am just looking at Capitulos on the computer occasionally and reading comments.

Abismo is pretty good—I think you might like it!


Knock Knock at the door
Tia acts like she's seen a ghost
"Oink Oink" said the pig

I have another March Madness betting pool for us to play:
At the boda, will Elvira wear a veil, a headband or a headband under her veil?

I am loving the Renato music. Really, the music has been pretty good through this whole show.

I'm betting Elvira wears a veil attached to a headband. With sparkles.

EJ, I watched the first epi of Abismo and have the others DVR'ed for this weekend. So far I'm witholding judgment (which is not like me AT ALL.)

Thanks, Anita, how nifty it is that you are doing this. My personal favorite line today:

"Oh, somewhere in the midst of all this a lovely leg protrudes from a vast bubble bath, what can we hope? Oh, shoot, it’s Brigitte..."

I was hopin' for Lu.

I was stunned to see that Tracy had another big wad of cash. I wonder what she charges for those empanadas.

I thought the writing and editing for those scenes that jumped back and forth between Pedro's phone conversation with Aunt Paty and the police interrogation of Lu was very cleverly and professionally done.

I'm a bit disappointed because I really was expecting the return of Mariana this week.


March Madness Betting Pool--
Clearly Elvira doesn't have any time to shop (nor money to shop with--and what is Renato going to give her if it's a surprise, a wedding dress--haha).

She may pull out her tiara and do something with her mink cape like attach it with safety pins. It just has to be something unconventional.

It would not surprise me to have her whip out a 6" veil from her large purse when Renato springs the surprise. Sh only has to stick it under her latest black ribbon and -- is it buttons? -- plastic headband. There, ready to take her vows.

You'll have to excuse me now. All our reporters at FUG have been let go, so your intrepid Editor will have to go cover what's going on at the Fresno hoosegow.

The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.

I'm glad some of us are continuing with this extended visit to the Fresno manicomio. It's bad, yet oddly compelling. I just must know how it ends! ...really they should make that happen soon, though.

I vote El Viral wears a zebra print veil. There must be a zebra pillow case in that mansion she can use. Just tuck it under the headband et voila. I hope Rentman gets rings that turn her finger green.

When Antonio came to the jail and greeted Lucrazy I REALLY thought they were going to make out. It's such a creepy will-they-or-won't-they running thread. Meanwhile our leads seem to have lost whatever lust for life and each other they once had. I wonder if they remember the avocados are plagued.

Yes yes YES! A zebra veil. It's so El Viral.

I think poor Piedro must have the big brother syndrome. Every woman he meets turns out to be like a sister, not a lover. He and Camila had fun chemistry on their road trip, however it was not at all lusty. Unlike those Negrete siblings, ahem!

And she can borrow Rita's zebra shoes (or was Brigette wearing those?) to match her zebra pillowcase veil.

I was creeped out by Renata and Matthias, step-sibs, kissing. These Negrete sibs make me feel that x 100.

Sara mentioned on the Passion Pit line that there is a Pantene contest and the winner gets $5000 and an appearance on Tal. Come on, gang! One of us has got to win it and go get the inside scoop! Who among us has the best hair?

Julia--Don't count on me to provide any hair help.

Cap'n. I have a real recap ready. It just needs to be typed up and transferred. I'll leave it here, sometime after LQNPA.

It will be hard to title. Please use your imagination. It was just all over the place (scattershot comes to mind). There will be a BODA Lunes, unless Tracy spills the beans and Camila can get to the ceremony in time--but will mama believe her--will Renato be able to keep the judge on script.

Oh, there was an avocado sighting. Will let you know where.

Anita, you are a ball of fire this week! I will keep an eye out for your recap and then do a separate posting for weekend discussion. OK with you??

I used to have lovely, long hair but no more. EJ is a stunning redhead. EJ?????

Sylvia--ok with me. I'll do this in three parts, so as not to get in trouble with blogmanager.

El Talisman for Friday, March 16, 2012 PART I

In Tijuana – Camila can’t believe Lucrecia would try to kill them. Pedro says they must go back to Fresno to averiguar. They are still promising each other eternal love, even if the world falls in on them. Nothing will harm their love.

Camila would like to delay her mother’s wedding. She doesn’t like the idea of any surprise being sprung on Elviral. Padre blesses the couple and tells them he’s the one who would like to marry them (later on, that is).

In the Fresno Detention Facilities (and Police Detective’s office) – Antonio answers last night’s question about what’s up with his sister. Hey man, there’s a big difference between being in love with Pedro Ibarra and being loca. [ed. note – That’s news to me the way she’s been acting lately.] The detective says her daddy has reported seeing her doing strange things and has a sick obsession with Pedro. Antonio thinks his dad is playing dirty—don’t believe him. Why would that be asks Detecto. Because he’s trying to keep us from getting what’s rightfully ours by inheritance—half of the El Alcatraz rancho.

While Gregorio is in talking to Lulu, Tonio broaches the detective with the possibility of bringing charges against Sr. Negrete for fraud. Basically, Detecto says lots of luck with that. He’ll need witnesses and documentation. Nobody around here dares to go up against Gregorio Negrete.

Accusations against him are many, proofs and witnesses are scarce. Antonio says that if he can bring in proofs for some of the delitos, would that change the game? Could he be detained? The detective says that Antonio would have to involve the people directly affected and in this situation that would be Pedro Ibarra. [ed. note – Que The Heck?] The family abogado interrupts to let Antonio know that everything is en orden and sis will be released soon.

So, Detecto wants to know if either Antonio or his father had anything to do with these strange phone calls from Mariana. Uh-uh, she’s dead to him—Pedro murdered her years ago, and his dad? How would he know. Music freaks out; Tonio doesn’t freak out—he keeps his cool, scowling, but cool.

He retorts that the trial and judgment (clearing Pedro of murder in the shortest murder trial ever) was a joke. Pedro bought everyone off. The detective wants to know how, since PI Man didn’t have any money. Antonio swears he did, lots of it and had to have stolen it right from his wife’s cold dead hands.

He also theorizes that the phone calls are being made by Pedro himself to cover his butt. Pedro and his novia want to get married but all the dirt surrounding the murder will resurface and cause a scandal, but it won’t if she’s still alive. It has to be a trick.

Don Gregorio is hanging out in the holding cell with Lucrecia. He taunts her a bit—he’d always thought she was smarter than her brother, but now he’s convinced she’s not.

DG--Come on, now, be on my side against Antonio.
Lu--And why should I, you never loved me.
DG--Yes, I did, it’s just that I could never show it. Listen to me, your brother is just using you. He’s only out for himself.
Lu--No, no, Antonio loves me (or is it luuuuurves me). I’ll never be on your side—Antonio and I have one goal in common, to separate Pedro and Camila. [ed. note - Young lady, you and your brother should stop playing these adolescent games and concentrate on getting your hands on the ranch.]

El Talisman March 16 PART II

Greggo tries one last time to get Lulu on his side. He can do more for her than Antonio. What would she say if Greggio buys all Pedro’s grain? He’d have the money to do lots more. [ed. note - Excuse me, but how does this help Lucrecia?]

Lu--Sorry, popsie, I’m staying on bro’s side.
DG--I warned you, Lucrecia—you won’t get what you want by helping Antonio or get Pedrito either. You are going to the nut house and I’m the one who will send you there.

As she is finally released, Lucrecia rattles the cage and sounds off to no one in particular with righteous indignation about her innocence.

In Oscar’s mansion – Armando continues to be impressed by Renato’s pretend mansion. He can’t wait to move in. Renato tells him gently that they will probably live at Rita’s. Armando doesn’t understand. Money isn’t everything, says the man for whom money is everything. Actually he’s planning to buy a big new house after he and Elvira get married. [ed. note –AVOCADO SIGHTING: Hanging on the wall in the kitchen is a print of a pair of low-hanging avocados.]

Renato is pleased with how easily Armando believed him. Secretario-guy wants to be paid. Relajate hombre. Tomorrow he will be married, the day after he’ll have his money. [ed. note – And what planet are you from, Renato? The Only Bank in Fresno is going to process that check overnight? Will Elvira endorse it on her wedding night? Better question, will Renato really get married?]

Sonny boy calls Mama to give her an update—the wedding will have flowers and champagne and he’s even got the judge. Elviral wants Armando to tell Renato that, as a wedding present for her, he should open a checking account in her name. [ed. note – Renato is going to do that how? He lives in effectivo off of everyone else’s cash—just wondering.] Armando says, Que? Never mind, says Mama, I’ll take care of that later.

Elvira signs off and sighs into the balmy breeze, Ah, Renato is just what I deserve. [ed. note – Madam, no truer words were spoken.]

In El Tal – Aunt Pat gets a surprise visit from—Que haces aquí—Don Gregorio. He wants to talk to Pedro, who has justamente regresado with Camila. He’s here to help Pedro in the matter of his daughter. [ed. note – HUH?] Lately his daughter hasn’t been too well mentally nor emotionally. Pedro wants to know where this is going. Well, Greggy thinks she needs treatment in a psychiatric hospital, but he needs Pedro and Camila to attest before a judge before she can be committed.

If they cooperate, she will be out of their way. The two are muy impactados and refuse to be a part of this. They believe, correctly, that what he’s doing is for his convenience and not to help Lucrecia. Then Pedro brings up Mariana. He gets in Don G’s face and demands to know what happened to Mariana; he’s sure Don G had something to do with her disappearance.

The accusations fly back and forth regarding who killed or made Mariana disappear. Meanwhile calm reigns in the cabaña. Claudio is getting ready to go out with Flo. He’s chatting with Gabriel. Oooops, scratch the calm, Lucrecia pops in without knocking. She plans to stay on at El Tal, even though Clau doesn’t think that is a good idea. She needs to talk to Pedro and explain that she didn’t have anything to do with the attempt on his life. Flo arrives, stage right. Lu quickly exits, stage right. Flo and Clau then exit, stage right.

Tracy pops in to visit Camila even though it’s bedtime. She lets it slip that she’s finally free of Meester Renato. Camila picks up on that, oh, goody, she says, now you can tell me the TRUTH about Renato. (Last Scene)

El Talisman March 16 PART III

In El Al – The sibs are home. There is a Doris sighting (complete with rolling stock). There is a confrontation. She calls them Los Hermanitos del Infierno (the siblings from Hell). She overheard their scheming against Pedro and Camila and thinks Pedro would be delighted to hear it from her. But again, maybe she won’t. Maybe she’ll think about it. The Hermanitos from Hell hector her then, alone talk some more about the situation.

Don G is on his way home, thinking about the last accusation Pedro made---that Mariana indeed is alive because he spoke to her. This sends shivers of doubt through him.

Just then Panchito pops up, as Don G takes a phone call of his own from Mariana. This time she vows to finish him off [ed. note – terminar ≠ terminate]. Greggy is convinced it is a hoax and that Pedro is behind it.

Fab is sad—no phone calls from her novio today. Alberta urges her to wait one more day before crossing him off her list.

In the Only Little Whorehouse in Frsnw (to protect the innocent, or guilty) – Lucas shows up, but not as a paying customer. He’s on official business. He tells Brigitte that he’s changed his mind and will accept the job of providing a fake last will and testament for Don G’s dead wifey. Too late, says Brigitte. You waited too long and the job has gone to someone else. He begs. She says she will try to get Don G to give it back to him.

Brigitte calls the Don about Lucas. She wants to tell him that Lucas will do the job they fooled him into thinking someone else got the job. He says he’s on his way to see her. Ooops, Doris is on her way as well. Fun and games next time.

In The Only Hotel Inn™ Fresno – Armando gets back to the room to find a giddy as a schoolgirl Elvira wanting to know what HAPPENED, details, details. There’s a knock at the door. It’s her wedding dress, a gift from Renato. She squeals with delight. Oh, and she just has to look at the label—heavens to Betsy, it is a designer outfit, look at the label.

In the Funniest Scene Yet – Secretario-guy wants to know what Renato did with the last $1,000 he got from him. He bought her a wedding dress. [ed. note – if it cost only $1,000, then it’s a knock off. Well, well, clever guy. He paid a seamstress around the corner make it up and sew in the designer labels he swiped from a dress shop.]


Anita's Friday recap was just posted. Thanks Anita!!!

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