Monday, April 02, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #69 Lunes 4/2/12 Sudden Sex, Planned Lies, and No Videotape

That which has passed
Sir Gustavo and Lady Chatterley kiss and he is overcome by her need and his own. A new song ushers in their ill-advised lovemaking.
Current Happenings
San Gabriel: Maripaz, clad in an ashes of roses dress, cuts her decorated cake as the guests sing a song that sounds more sad than congratulatory.
Later as the decorations are removed from the party site, Skelator is one of the last guests to leave. He sees Miguel sitting next to the fence, drinking tequila straight from the bottle. He grins in malevolent delight.
Lord Rogelio's Bedchamber: To the sound of ominous music, he dreams of Lady Ana Paula dying in his arms and then awakens in a panic. Their love theme comes in as he touches her face gently. He turns to his right to find her asleep on the bed beside him (though on top of the blankets that cover him with another blanket over herself). With much effort he turns over on his side toward her and takes her hand in his.
San Gabriel: Maripaz puts out the last of the garbage and finds Miguel drunk. She is not pleased that he broke his promise to not drink. He finally remembers the gift he meant to give her earlier and takes the two wood pinetas out of their wrapping. Ulisses appears and we know that this will lead to a new confrontation.
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: The deed done, she speaks of how much she loved being in his arms, then claims to be cold. He watches as she puts on her red silk robe and closes the window. Upon returning to bed she removes her robe and stands nude before Sir Gustavo, with the clear (and successful) intention of initiating a second round of amorous activity.
San Gabriel: Ulisses tells Miguel to take himself off and he does, taking the near-empty bottle with him. Ulisses tells Maripaz to stay away from him and that Lady Daniela – his fiancee – purchased a pregnancy test. Macaria calls him inside and Maripaz runs after Miguel.
Corridor outside His Lordship's Bedchamber: Lady Ana Paula rises, steps out into the corridor, and leans against the sideboard as she thinks of her last kiss from Sir Gustavo, Tia MentiRosa's outburst, and Lord Rogelio's declaration of happiness to the tune of The Indecision Tango. Maria, Lady Sneerwell, and Dr Ernesto return talking about how much fun they had at the party. Lord Rogelio sits up in bed and thinks about a previous conversation with Lady Ana Paula where she told him not to wait for what she cannot give him. Maria goes in to see him. Lady Sneerwell once again indicates her contempt for Lady Ana Paula, accusing her of multiple varieties of greed in taking advantage of both His Lordship and Sir Gustavo. Lady Ana Paula will have none of this and excuses herself to retire to her own bedchamber. Dr Ernesto is not pleased with Lady Sneerwell's behavior, telling her that she is not to precipitate another crisis for Lady Ana Paula. He reminds her they should just enjoy themselves and she sings a refrain of the old song about how Marcela does not accept her and that she resents his defense of Lady Ana Paula. We require no further reminder of this.
Ulisses' Café: Having removed his jacket, Ulisses sweeps the tiled floor. Macaria enters, enquiring the whereabouts of Maripaz. He realizes she had not returned from taking out the rubbish, and they both exit to search for her.
Corridor: Lady Sneerwell and Dr. Ernesto continue to disagree regarding both his daughter and Lady Ana Paula. She does not believe that Lady Ana Paula is sick. She finally tells him they will no longer keep company and exits to retire to her chamber. Maria comes out of His Lordship's chamber to tell Dr. Ernesto that His Lordship wishes to see him.
His Lordship's Bedchamber: Lord Rogelio appears anxious as Dr Ernesto enters.
Ulisses' Café: Dawn has come and Maripaz has not been found. As Ulisses exits to go to the constabulary, Macaria prays that her daughter is safe.
Montero Manor, Kitchen: Maria drinks some milk as Tia MentiRosa enters, demanding coffee. She tells Tia MentiRosa that she is expected to prepare the day's meals. They disagree once more to amusing effect for us, ending with Tia MentiRosa exiting as delusional as before regarding the family's and their guests' opinion of her cooking. Maria is unfazed, even amused.
Ulisses' Café: Maripaz remains missing, her parents remain worried. Neither of them knows about Rutilio. Ulisses leaves for the constabulary.
Lady Ana Paula's Bedchamber: Tia MentiRosa charges in with the stolen pregnancy test kit, which she brusquely hands to Lady Ana Paula, ordering her to use it. She does not stop to consider whether Margarito may be awake and able to hear this exchange. Suspense music ends this scene snippet.
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: Sir Gustavo dresses for the day. He kisses her hand as he informs Lady Chatterley that he needs to go down to the river to take the photos he discussed with His Lordship. He reminds her of their importance to both her brother and herself. He kisses her lips before departing. She appears fearful, regretful, or something else but most definitely neither content nor happy. A discordant note sounds as she looks toward the window.
Lady Ana Paula's Bedchamber: Tia MentiRosa is being as controlling as ever.
Rosaura: What are you waiting for? Do the test! It's very important to do this now and remove all doubt.
Ana Paula: No, Aunt. I told you I will do this at my own convenience.
Rosaura: Ana Paula, I don't understand your attitude. I only want to help you.
Ana Paula: By upsetting me you aren't helping with anything.
Rosaura: Shut up! Understand your life changes forever if there is a baby on the way.
Ana Paula: Enough! I don't want to talk any more about this. I'll do the test. (Margarito wakes up, so she puts test kit in a decorative box on the dresser)
Margarito: Ana Paula, why are you angry?
Ana Paula (coming to his bedside): Hi, love. How are you? How do you feel?
Margarito: Well, but I don't want to be in bed.
Ana Paula: Love, you know that for now that doesn't change.
Rosaura: Ana Paula, come, please. Ana Paula, we haven't stopped talking.
Ana Paula: Yes, but not here. (to Margarito) I'll be right back. I won't be long.
Margarito: OK. (Ana Paula and Rosaura exit and close the door)
Kitchen: Maria speaks on the telephone with Ulisses, who informs her of Maripaz's disappearance and the fact that he last saw her with a drunken Miguel. She tells him she will search for Miguel and call when she knows something. He closes with threatening Miguel if anything has happened to Maripaz.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Her Ladyship and Tia MentiRosa enter and close the door.
Rosaura (with cultivated tears): You are such an ingrate. How quickly you forget everything I've done for you! But I'm telling you now that if I end up as a servant I will kill myself! To all intent and purposes that's what is happening here and my heart can't take any more!
Ana Paula (impatient): Ay, Aunt, please do not change the subject! This idea [fandullo] of me being pregnant and the baby not being born concerns me greatly.
Rosaura: Very well. We'll forget what I said. Help me in one way: Tell me first if you are pregnant. Rogelio should not know if you are pregnant by your lover.
Ana Paula: Aunt, don't talk to me like that.
Rosaura (vicious): I see it hurts you that everyone here will soon see you have a lover that made you pregnant. (exits)
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: A persistent knock on the window draws the lascivious lady's attention as she returns from the bathing chamber. She unlocks it and lo and behold, the libidinous foreman enters in his accustomed manner. He removes his straw hat as he looks around the chamber.
Efrain: What's going on? Why was the window locked?
Sinthia (hesitating at first): So nobody would catch us. Efrain, we can't be seen together.
Efrain: Are you sure it's that or to keep me away from the engineer?
Sinthia: Of course not. Of course not.
Efrain: Because you are mine. Mine. Mine and nobody else's. (He nuzzles her hand, then her cheek, then her neck as a cat scent-marks his human servant)
Sinthia: Yes, yes, yes. I am yours. But remember that I have to marry Gustavo to get my inheritance.
Efrain: Yes, but in the meantime I'm the cat who lives in the butcher shop. He's come home and wants to eat. (continues kissing her hand. Her expression is of annoyance and some suspicion.)
Miguel's Bedchamber: Lady Ana Paula and Lady Daniela speak.
Daniela: Therefore, you haven't done the test?
Ana Paula: No. To listen to my aunt you would think the test was positive. However everything seems to point to me being pregnant.
Daniela: You know what? Don't pay attention to her.
Ana Paula: My aunt is making me more nervous than I am. But the only thing I know is that if it's true and I am pregnant my child will be born in spite of my aunt, Rogelio, Gustavo, and will always be with me. (as Daniela tries to answer this, Maria enters)
Maria: Where is Miguel?
Daniela: He didn't sleep here.
Ana Paula: Did you see him after the party?
Daniela: No. I came back here with Hugo.
Maria: I don't know what happened, but Ulisses told me he was drinking.
Ana Paula: What?
Daniela: Ay, no, no. no; it cannot be.
Ana Paula: We have to look for him. Let's go!
Maria: No, no. That's not all, Paula. The worst is that Maripaz hasn't appeared either. Ulisses is desperate.

Their Ladyships look at each other in shock. Lady Ana Paula looks tired.
Street: A thoroughly drunk Miguel slumps in a corner near some locked garage doors.

River: Lord ShadyDeal is demanding that the work be completed by nightfall. The peasant workers move to obey him.

Montero Manor: Lady Chatterley and Lady Sneerwell talk like schoolgirls out of their chaperones' presence.
Sinthia: You don't know how enchanted I am with your brother.
Mercedes: I'm happy for you.
Sinthia: Can I tell you something? We spent the night together.
Mercedes: Seriously?
Sinthia: Yes, yes, yes! With this my relationship with your brother is solid.
Mercedes: That pleases me very much. I hope you get married soon and get my brother away from Ana.
Sinthia: You don't know how much I want that.
Mercedes: You don't know how happy I am to see you like this. (suddenly serious) On the other hand, I broke up with Ernesto again.
Sinthia: Why? What happened?
Mercedes: Would you believe it's all Ana's fault?
Sinthia: No, of course I believe you, but don't fall into her game, Mercedes. Take advantage that Ernesto is here and without his daughter.
Mercedes: I've thought about that, but...
Lord Rogelio's Bedchamber: Her Ladyship enters, but His Lordship is not abed. As she checks the bathing chamber Maria enters. They speculate on whether His Lordship knows anything about what happened with Miguel the evening before, then exit to continue the search.
Parlour: Sir Gustavo enters only to be ambushed by Lady Chatterley. She speaks of formalizing their relationship after what had passed between them in the night. He appears far less than enthused and unwilling to .
Study: Lady Ana Paula speaks with Skelator on the telephone, asking whether he knows of Rogelio's whereabouts. He pleads ignorance, pointing out that His Lordship is unable to leave the estate alone. This is puzzling because Hugo is on the property and hadn't seen him either. Skelator also knows not where Maripaz might be. He promises to call if he hears or sees anything. Lady Ana Paula cries and paces while Maria leaves the study to get the peasants involved with the search.

Parlour: Sir Gustavo and Lady Chatterley are about to have the conversation no lady wants.
Gustavo: Sinthia, we need to talk calmly. We can't think about a wedding now.
Sinthia: Is this about me or are you still in love with your ex or what? What I think is that you have unfinished business with her you haven't talked about and that's keeping you from being happy.
Gustavo (not looking into her eyes): Something like that.
Sinthia: What we need to do is see her and put it all out in the open. Without that you can't be happy with me or anyone else.
Gustavo: It would please me if you could understand that I am not ready for a serious commitment.
Sinthia: Very well. I understand, but that doesn't mean we can't be together. Truly? I'll see if your sister is ready to go down to the river. (exits, leaving him ill at ease)
Study: Peasant worker Marcial enters, also seeking Lord Rogelio. He is followed by Lord ShadyDeal. Her Ladyship says she will deal with him and Marcial exits.

David: In reality, I'm not interested in talking to you. I came to see Rogelio.
Ana Paula: But Rogelio is not here. After all that has happened I don't see him looking for you.
David: Evidently no, which is why I'm here. Tell me something, do you know more or less when he's coming back?
Ana Paula: I don't know. I have no idea where he is.
David: He's probably with Vanessa. Because business is going very well.
Ana Paula: Of course not. He would have told me.
David (gloating): But he didn't.
Ana Paula: I am worried about him. I hope you had nothing to do with this because you are capable of anything.
David: That's absurd. I better come later. (turns to exit)
Ana Paula: No, no, no. If you have anything to say with respect to the estate, say it to me.
Ulisses' Shop: Macaria prays to the Virgen for the safe return of her daughter and releases her anxiety to the understanding ears of Consuelo. Consuelo tries to be optimistic and comforting, but Macaria is frustrated at being physically unable to do anything because of her injury. The door opens and Rutilio appears, saying “Good morning. Are you open?”

Study: Lord ShadyDeal is providing the best possible proof that he is not a gentleman.
David (laughing): Please, don't make me laugh. You don't know anything about this place.
Ana Paula: I have the authority to make the decisions when my husband is not here. Tell me why you've come here.
David: You really think you can make important decisions about Montero Manor?
Ana Paula: Yes. You are better off knowing you will deal with me. Whether you like it or not.
David: Well, you can do business with me over the water?
Ana Paula: Yes. The San Gabriel River runs through your property but ends up here. And you can't impede that.
David (condescendingly): And how do you expect to prevent me? Tell me. Please.
Ana Paula: David, now you are making fun of me, but the day will come when you will eat your words.
David: Ay, be grateful you're a woman because if not –
Ana Paula: If not, what? What?
Gustavo (entering): Don't touch her. You touch her and I will kill you.
The two stare at each other and we are relieved neither is carrying a weapon.
Ulisses' Shop: Macaria informs Rutilio that they are not open for business at the moment. At his question, Consuelo says that there is a family emergency; the owner's daughter is missing. There are other stores on the opposite corner he can go to. He looks at her in a disconcerting manner, thanks her while addressing her as “Preciosa,” and mutters something to himself as he exits which leads us to believe that this visit is a pretense. Consuelo stares after him with suspicion as she slowly closes the doors.
Study: Two bulls in rut could not be more hostile to each other.

David: Well, well, well; now we know who in this family really interests you.
Gustavo (charging across half the room and shoving him back onto the desk): Get out! Get out of here!
Ana Paula: Get out of here and never come back!
Gustavo: Do you hear that?
David: Get off me. (pushes Gustavo back and stands) This is not your house.
Gustavo: I will not permit you to show disrespect to this lady. (looks back at Ana Paula)
David: We have nothing to say to each other. I will be back. (exits)
Gustavo: Are you alright?
Ana Paula: Yes.
Gustavo: Rogelio; where is he?
Ana Paula: I don't know. I'm very worried because I haven't seen him today.
Gustavo: Me neither since last night when we discussed the problem with the water. And you.
Ana Paula: Yes, he told me.
Gustavo: Did that bother you?
Ana Paula: Gustavo –
Sinthias (entering): My love? (seeing Ana Paula) Here you are. And what are you two doing here without my brother? You know Rogelio doesn't like other people in his study?
Ana Paula: Yes, I know.
Sinthia: And therefore –
Ana Paula: We don't know where he is. Do you?
Sinthia: No. No. (afterthought) But surely he's out so he doesn't have to be near you.
Gustavo (annoyed): Sinthia... It's better to see what happened.
Sinthia (putting her arms around him): My love, do you think I'd leave you alone in the manor? (pointedly looking at Ana Paula) Especially like this? Let's go. (She leads him out as the ominous bass notes mark his looking back at Ana Paula).

River: Lord ShadyDeal desperately shouts to the peasants to finish building the dam. Vainessa arrives to warn him about Sir Gustavo taking photos of his actions. She promises to make them stop in a specific area and send him a message when that is accomplished.

Street: A constable explains the rules of missing person reporting to Ulisses who is not accepting it. He is relentless in insisting on an investigation. They see Miguel in his falling-down drunk state and Ulisses seizes him by the shirtfront, interrogating him. Miguel has no memory of the previous day.
River: Lady Chatterley attempts to cheer up Lady Sneerwell as Sir Gustavo walks behind them with the picnic baskets. He puts them down and takes out the red and white picnic cloth. Vainessa arrives and begins talking with Lady Chatterley as Lady Sneerwell asks Sir Gustavo if he had seen or spoken to Dr Ernesto. He replies in the negative, adding that no one has seen His Lordship either and that they are possibly attempting to help Margarito. She then rants to Sir Gustavo about Lady Ana Paula. He is weary of her irrational hatred, insisting that Lady Ana Paula had nothing to do with what is wrong between her and Dr Ernesto. Lady Sneerwell prevents Sir Gustavo from departing with his camera, insisting that he take the photos later. She finally takes it away from him and insists they take some group photos.
Street: Ulisses desperately attempts to get Miguel to remember his lost evening, but the constable insists that Miguel accompany him to the station.
River: Lady Chatterley insists to Vainessa that her brother must be out because he is bored with Lady Ana Paula. They enjoy a laugh over this bit of nastiness. Vainessa asks about Lord Rogelio, but Lady Chatterley replies that she has no idea where he is, then sets the others up for a photo. Between running interference with Sir Gustavo, Lady Chatterley comments that her brother always does as he pleases. When Sir Gustavo finally reclaims his camera Lady Chatterley attempts to hold him back, putting him off balance. He falls into the river with the camera and both are thoroughly drenched. He is justifiably not amused.
Constabulary: Skelator speaks with the constable who arrested Miguel for public intoxication. He will be putting him in the drunk tank. Ulisses wants to use physical force, but Skelator restrains him. He throws a pitcher of water in Miguel's face as Ulisses pleads to know what happened to his daughter. Miguel, as usual, knows nothing.
River: Sir Gustavo gets out of the river, annoyed. Vainessa gives him what passes (to him) for an apology, but he removes his shirt and exits, frustrated and angry at the ruin of his day's task. Vainessa comments “Que character!” Who should know this better than she?
Kitchen: Tia MentiRosa struggles with her self-imposed duties to Maria's amusement. She finally relinquishes the apron and the ring of keys back to Maria, complaining she has enough to deal with because of Miguel. Lady Ana Paula enters with a pained expression, announcing that the missing Miguel and Maripaz are more than enough to contend with; she will not put up with petty arguments in the kitchen. Tia MentiRosa is to relinquish the keys and authority to Maria and then to help her in whatever way necessary.
River: Just as Vainessa secretly gloats over the damage to Sir Gustavo's camera, he sees something downstream that catches all their attention. It is a woman in an ashes of roses dress hugging a large rock. He swims downstream.
Chapel: Lady Ana Paula enters the chapel alone to pray to Jesus for the safety of her loved ones. And for the strength to face what she must. Lady Daniela runs in to tell her that Skelator has called to report Miguel's arrest.
River: Sir Gustavo carries the woman to the riverbank and she is revealed to be Maripaz. Ominous music closes the episode.

Preview of things to come:
Maripaz is dead, Lady Ana Paula worries that Miguel will be accused, and Lady Chatterley is as petulant as ever.


Thank you so very much UA for this great recap. Yeah, Miguel will be accused of killing poor Maripaz. Since he has no memory from being drunk, he will probably think he did it, and Skelator will help that along. I really think it was Rutillio.

Where could Rohell have gone with Ernesto? This should be interesting. Maybe to have his spine looked at?

Oh, Ms Mercy is on my last nerve. No matter what Guscake and the contract said, it is still all the Cupcake's fault. And her breakup again with Dr Ernie is the Cupcake's fault, oh please.

Loved the Tia not being able to handle the kitchen. Glad Maria got her keys back. I know Maria was enjoying her time off immensely while the Tia made a fool of herself. Too bad they didn't insist the Tia clean the toilets, lol.

But the Tia with the Cupcake. I would slap the crap out of the Tia and tell her, hey you are dependent on me so shut up already.

Can't stand the evil Quartet. Now they have ruined the Guscake's camera. I hope he gets the proof he needs. Besides the water is getting lower all the time. There is no way old Shady Deal can make this look natural unless there are beavers in the area.

Rogelio and Ernesto are probably at the hospital. It would be a great thing if Ernesto talked Rogelio into an examination. He has to get out of that wheelchair. If only they knew about David's nasty visit!

I somehow think that because he wasn't in the avances, this is where we won't see Jorge Salinas for a few episodes.

I doubt we need worry too long about whether David will get heat for what he's done. Considering the location of the land and the water levels being down on Rogelio's property David will be held responsible.

UA, thanks for the excellent recap. I enjoy this weekly stroll around the hacienda grounds, listening to your genteel and elegant account of the evening's events.

Efrain is indeed the butcher shop cat! "He nuzzles her hand, then her cheek, then her neck as a cat scent-marks his human servant." Effer is quite territorial about Cin.

I love the Indecision Tango--both the title and the the music! Don't know the words, but would love to hear the entire thing sometime.

I felt a few waves of nausea as the two wannabe cunadas smirked about Cin and Gus spending the night in bed together. When Cin was certifying her new sense of ownership to Gus, his eyes said: TRAPPED!

When Consuelo was shooing Rutilio out of the door, did he thought bubble that she was better than the friend (Maripaz?)? If so, she may be in danger.

Where are Rohell and Ernesto??

La Paloma

Forgot to say, I hated the trio of witches messing with Gus' camera and ruining it. I'm glad he was angry with them.

La Paloma

Gustavo certainly feels trapped now. He may also be noticing that Sinthia is a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

I predicted a couple of weeks ago that Rutilio will be the serial rapist of San Gabriel. Make that serial killer now. He's looking for his next victim and that could be either Consuelo or Dani.

One thing we can be sure of is that when Skelator finds out the known details about Maripaz' death he will know who did it. And he will do nothing about it.

A marvelous recap, well done!
Thank you, Urban for making sense out of this frustrating episode, which was part clip show and part hiatus. I wonder how long they will hold the story in limbo while JS recovers enough to return to his role.

We all knew that Rutillio would do this, he's been stalking Maripaz for days. Of course we knew Miguel would be blamed, although he was so plastered he couldn't see his own hand in front of his face, or walk more than a couple of steps, much less navigate a dead weight on those slippery rocks in the stream. Of course, the police will hold Miguel. No CIS for this village, just blame the usual suspect as quickly as possible.
Yeah, I'm wondering if Rut will strike again, I think you're right, Urban, he will.
So, is AP going to do that test or not? I couldn't make out what AP, Gus and Vain were saying in the advances.

UA, another splendid recap, complete with conversation translations and your unique, charming writing. Most excellent.

"He grins in malevolent delight" and "Rosaura (with cultivated tears) were among my favorite lines. La Paloma also mentioned your description of Efrain sniffing around Sin - perfect.

Maripaz' death was totally unexpected. She was a lovely young woman, sweet and kind, ready to take on the world. I felt badly at this loss and while I do wonder in a vague sort of way where Rogelio has gone, it is the the loss of Maripaz that stays with me.

Bruno and Rutilio have now ensured their place in hell. May they descend. Quickly.


Thanks you UA! Excellently written. this story is getting grimmer and grimmer. I didn't expect Maripaz to be killed; if there was every any question about Ruitilio, we know now, he is a minion of Hell.

"Lord ShadyDeal is providing the best possible proof that he is not a gentleman." —Indeed!

"He may also be noticing that Sinthia is a few sandwiches short of a picnic."—Indeed again.

Thanks, UA, for another stellar recap. I loved The Indecision Tango and the description of Gustavo and David as "two bulls in rut."

I was surprised that the TN has killed off Maripaz. I guess that's so that Dani and a presumably sober Miguel can be together at the end. Blech.

At first I didn't notice how absent JS was from much of this episode. I bet you're right about their having to write some episodes without him after he became so ill. I fear this means we get endless flashbacks from AP. Sigh.

I seriously doubt that AP is pregnant. The more she says it's likely, the less likely I think it is. My guess is that she has missed her period, but that's easily explained by how ill she is. Ernesto has testified to her being physically stressed and debilitated, and surely that's enough to affect her period.

La Paloma, yes I too think I heard Rutilio thought bubble that he thought Consuelo was even better than her friend (Maripaz). And yes, I imagine that means she'll be his next target. However, I doubt that the writers will kill off Consuelo, too, so his "attentions" to her may be what finally results in his downfall. ¡Ojalá!

Tonight's episode will probably focus on Ulisses' and Macaria's grief, the shock waves that will hit the town, and the rush to hang Miguel for this.

There will be a lot of hell breaking loose while Rogelio is out of the hacienda.

I remember someone noting a while back that the chain given to Maripaz (her grandmother's) was going to be important. I bet it will become the evidence that catches the killer.


Urban: Great snarky recap. I was hoping that the police had picked up Miguel and had put him in the drunk tank (as we call it in Alabama) for the night. No such luck. We will have to suffer through more episodios of Skeletor haunting Ana/Paula.

If Gus had any doubts about Sin, he's probably resolved them now. What silly business having him pushed into the river and ruining his camera.

Gus's sister is an insufferable b***h. She should go the way of Chio.

Great recap UA.

Maripaz's death was so sad. She wasn't that important to the overall story but her character was nice and she didn't deserve to die like that.

Miguel is so dumb.

Yeah, Jorge is missing for a few episodes, starting here. I didn't watch the next few episodes in Mexico but I always like to look at the ratings and strangely enough, they went up instead of going down. So I guess something important happens or people became engrossed in the Maripaz death storyline.


You're right, Yola; it was missing from the body.

Ulisses and Macaria are going to be devastated tonight. There will be a funeral attended by the entire town and I'm sure Rutilio will be lurking at the cemetery.

UA-As always, the supreme sacrifice for the enjoyment of others.

I love the title. I stumbled on SL&V a long time ago, before Andi McDowell became a household word, and really liked it (and James Spader, too), and still do.

Is anyone familiar with a movie Salinas made called Sexo, Pudor y Lagrimas? He plays some sort of sexed up mugeriego. Your title made me think of that one, too.

We in viewerville know why Jorge Salinas isn't in this episode nor the avance, but why is Rogelio AWOL. Gee, I miss him already. I need a regularly scheduled fix for my fantasies.

From what we know of Rogelio, the controlling, attention-to-detail man, it just wouldn't be like him to just up and leave, especially as Paula was starting to warm up to him. He would know she'd be worried. So would Maria and the rest of the staff.

He is too much the CEO to go on some sort of leave without instructions on the day-to-day. Who is his second in command, anyway? Bruno? By default, we see it is Ana Paula, but that wouldn't have been fair. Why, oh, why would he leave without telling her.

That goes for Ernesto, too. Sure he and Mercedes had a squable, but he has patients waiting for him in Tuxtla--unless that is where they went....humm. I'm with those that think he is probably going to have the doc do some tests on his spinal injury--but why does it need to be such a goll darn secret.

Tia is fun to watch her extreme mood swings, but I'm tired of her getting too much screen time. I guess we'll have her till the end.

I was shocked when Maripaz turned up dead. Beaten and violated and left for dead is the usual for this tn, but this was the only child of a couple on the edge of a marriage melt-down. This has Rutilio's handprint all over it.

Poor Miguel, he just can't get a break. He does play the sad sack very well.

Enough rambling for now.

UA, great recap. Thanks for including the dialogue between Gus and David in the study.

Ugh, I really feel like jumping ship on this TN now. It’s bad enough that Rogelio’s not around, but Maripaz’s murder is devastating. Poor Ulisses and Macaria. I hope the very worst end for Rutilio and that it’s by a woman’s hand.

Madelaine - "I would slap the crap out of the Tia and tell her, hey you are dependent on me so shut up already." I so agree. The one bright spot for me last night was that AP seems back to her old fighting self, not taking crap from Tia, David, or Mersnotty.

When Rogelio does return with Ernesto, I hope they do show him with new skills in maneuvering his body. As others have commented, a rich man such as Rogelio would be using the latest products and gadgets that can help him with bathing, dressing, etc.

On the gold necklace, Tia will no doubt remember it if she sees it again. She complimented Maripaz on the necklace at the party and even fingered it on Maripaz’s neck.

Great Recap!! Thanks for all the wonderful dialog translations. I too love reading your "Gothic" romance twist on esta novela.

I am guessing at Maripaz's (QEPD) party, they were singing "Las Golondrinas" I have heard this song sung on several different occassions -- often on Día de los Muertos. Is this some sort of "goodbye" or "leave-taking" song? I do not know the lyrics, only the melody. I read the title (which may not be correct) on credits for some video clip. Any info would be appreciated.

As others have commented, a rich man such as Rogelio would be using the latest products and gadgets that can help him with bathing, dressing, etc.

Then he should have a better wheelchair than the one he's using now.

Thank you, UA, for doing such a great job on this recap.

ITA with you Madelaine, Mercedes is just a martyred, self-righteous pain. Lord ,this character annoys me.

UA, Like you I think this is where JS went to the hospital for realz back in October 2011. Oops, Jarocha, just read your post. Thanks for clarifying for us.

I agree with all who think that in the STORY Rogelio is getting a little medical check-up at Ernesto's suggestion. Maybe this could lead to him having more movement in his legs? I know that in real life a lot of strides are being made with people who have spinal cord injuries.

Yola: Too right about the chain. We knew there was a reason for them making a big deal out of Ulises gift to his daughter. Ay yi yi!

I am so sad about Maripaz. This will not help the rift in her parent's marriage.


Anita, I don't know if you were reading this blog 6 weeks ago, but my title for Capitulo 39's recap was "Gritos, Culpa, y Lagrimas" in honor of that film. The most amusing thing in that film is when Jorge's character says to his friend "I don't know anything about the clitoris." We all know the irony of JS saying any line like that.

Tonight's recap might have to be called "Gritos, Dolor, y Lagrimas."

Rutilio is probably de$perate enough to sell the necklace, which I can imagine him keeping as a souvenir of the kill. It will turn up one way or another and somebody will recognize it. We have at least three people who would: Ulisses, Macaria, and Tia MentiRosa. Perhaps Maria as well.

Niecie, don't bail on this. All novelas have their downswings. I am wondering if the murder of Maripaz was added here because of the need to shoot around JS until he was back on the set.

Excellent recap UA. I was stunned at Maripaz's death too. Miguel is the suspect alright since he was the last person seen with her. I think Rutillio certainly had something to do with it.

Jorge didn't look too good in his last scene. He looked like he may have been burning up with fever.

The show was different without him on the screen after Rog's disappearance. He truly is the heart and soul of this novela.

Maybe when Jorge became so ill that he was hospitalized the writers had to come up with a quick explanation of why he was gone so Rog just disappeared without telling anyone.

Cinthia and Vainessa acted like brats when they caused Gus to fall into the river and ruin his camera.

Speaking of which, it sure did look like Gus regretted sleeping with Cinthia the next day when she started talking about formalizing the relationship.

Urban: I'm thinking that AP is NOT pregnant, but because Rogelio is on temporary (I hope) sick leave they are dragging out the pregnancy tesy as filler. Of course I could be totally wrong, but my thinking is if she were pregnant they would reveal because it would provide plenty of filler.


I HOPE she is not pregnant. I know the writers love to play with us but I guess I THINK she is with child. It would give us so much more angst between the Cupcakes. Otherwise, she seems sure to pick Rogelio now, especially after Gus and Cin slept together.

Will either Gus or Mercedes ever see themselves for the self-righteous hypocrites that they are?


EJ-I don't think the Guscake and Mersnotty will ever stop being judgemental. That is just who they are. They never heard of a grey area, it is always black and white with them. They will never learn. They both saw the contract but still blame Cupcake for betrayal.

UA forgot to mention I loved the description of the color of Maripaz's dress. Reminds me of that book "Ashes of Roses" by Kathleen Woodiwiss. This is my favorite book of hers.

Lest we forget, Mercedes was poisoned by Tia MentiRosa herself. That's about as damning as it gets. Vainessa just iced that cake.

Gustavo now has the Tia's number. He knows she kept the truth about him being alive from AP so that she would marry Rogelio. What he doesn't know is the extent of the web of debt and lies that have been woven around her. Because she doesn't even know them herself.

Madelaine, that book title was Ashes in the Wind. The pink color name I was thinking of came from The Thornbirds for the dress worn by Meggie when Father Ralph realizes she has grown up.

I wish it was MERCEDES that was found in the river, instead of Maripaz.

I want to punch my TV every time MERCEDES and her flappy arms and fake smile come on the screen.

A criminal always returns to the scene of the crime. My guess is that this was all planned by BRUNO. This way he gets rid of Rutillo and DrunkBoy in one fell swoop. That is one evil dude who would give Lucifer a run for his money.

Just my opinion and vivid imagination, but this Novella to me is really the R-rated story of Beauty and the Beast.

Ana Paula is the Belle, Rogelio is the Beast. Maria, Cynthia, Efrain, Hugo, and the rest of the household crew at the Hacienda are all trapped there just like the Teapot, Dishes and Candelabra are trapped in the Beast's castle.

The Beast is locked up in his castle, incapable of love because of his condition as a beast. So he makes all those around him suffer.

Well, you get the rest of the story.

UA my bad you are so right about the title of the book. Ashes in the Wind is my favorite book by her.

Interesting theory, El Taquero.

First, I think your thought about this being an R-rated Beauty and the Beast is on the money. Isolated property (distance from town, bad cell phone service, and no internet access). Dr Ernesto is the good wizard who ends Rogelio's curse turning him back into a king (He's a little past the age of being a prince), etc.

As to Bruno masterminding the murder of Maripaz, he does possess that level of evil, but I don't see how he benefits from this. He is waiting to give this monster the order to murder Gustavo, so having him get caught for killing Maripaz does not serve his interests. Didn't he also want him out of the way during the party so nobody would see the connexion between them?

I can imagine him trying to get Rutilio to murder Rogelio because he misguidedly thinks that he can get Ana Paula for himself. He'd probably get her to make out her will, forge one to make himself sole heir, and murder her himself.

I agree with Urban, don't think Bruno would have much to gain by pointing Rutilio in that direction. I think Rutilio is actually a libility for Bruno at this point, a real loose cannon that he can't control.

Yes, Rutilio did mumble that "ésta", meaning Consuelo, is much better than her friend. I am so afraid for Consuelo now! Maripaz being killed off hit me hard too, particularly on the eve of her starting her new life that she had fought so hard for. How cruel!

Great, UA! I particularly enjoyed all the coverage of Guscake as he has to deal with the three witches. In particular his morning-after remorse and starting to realize "Sin is a few sandwiches short of a picnic"! LOL! That was great!


Thanks UA for a very detailed recap.
I agree about Maripaz's death. That came out of nowhere and very unexpected.
It was not unexpected, however, that Gus's camera went into the river. I was that coming when they were taking pictures of each other. And I bet no ones phone has camera capabilities either. So that camera is probably the only one on the hacienda, so they can't take any pictures of the dam building.

So will Rog be out of the scenes for 3 weeks now? Isn't that how long he was in the hospital? That will be a long 3 weeks if that is so.

What does Ernesto see in Mercedes? She is such a rag. And what does she expect from a teenager whose parents are divorcing? She is behaving like every teenager would. If she can't understand that, she shouldn't be dating a guy who has kids.

UA, agree with you. Rogelio will be walking before the Gran Final. At least that is what my wife thinks. That Rogelio is traveling with Ernesto and they will find the magic cure.

Also, the 1-year Marriage deadline is the same as the last rose petal falling off the rose. If Ana Paula can learn to love the Beast before the last petal falls, then all will be restored.

Well, it may be very well true that Bruno did not mastermind the killing; but once Rutillio/Shrek is caught there is no doubt in my mind that Shrek will blame Bruno and squeal like a pig about all their past crimes.

Madeline. My thinking about Mercedes is that she does not have a grey area. I agree there BUT Ana slept with gusto and she has kissed him a few times, while living with Rog. Wouldn't this constitute being a loose woman? Would'nt mersnotty have reason to be concerned for her brother, even if it is that she slept with him while living with another and if she would do that to rog then she would do that to gusto

When Ana Paula first dated and kissed Gustavo, she was only working for Rogelio.

When AP slept with Gustavo, she had left the hacienda intending never to return, and seeking a divorce. So, no, technically she was not living with Rogelio at the time, and she would not have returned except under duress.

Mersnotty got a bee in her bonnet about AP from the very beginning, mainly due to an overprotective, almost jealous, attitude towards her younger brother. Her first impression was bad when Vainessa made a scene and got AP turned away from a job Mersnotty had recommended her for as a favor to Gustavo. This totally humiliated Mersnotty when the employer complained about the irresponsible person she had recommended. Mersnotty never got over it.


Thank you for the recap UA. I will hopefully get to watch the episode this evening.

I am really sad about Maripaz and it looks like Miguel is headed for more trouble with the law. I hate Skeletor.

UA: Another romance triumph. Good title, come to think of it! I wanted to slap the holy hell out of Sinthia and Vainie, especially Sin. Oh. So sorry. ITA that I'm happy Gus showed some real, heartfelt anger and I am even happier he gave Sin the talk "no lady ever wants to hear". I hope she never receives her part of the hacienda!

UA--Apologies for not remembering memorable titles. I can't even remember the first title I used for El Tal. I'll have to go back through these recaps and check it out.

These have been great comments. I tentatively agree with the idea of the Maripaz murder being the Rogelio filler.

Does anyone know how many days in advance the episodes are filmed? Wouldn't the writers need several days to come up with something, run it by the director and producer to get it approved and shot? Then, weave it seamlessly into the narrative?

Someone who watched a clip of Salinas during his hospitalization period, said he was reported to have gotten out of the hospital bed to do some shots and then went right back.

I know this isn't the place for hearsay or gossip, but this involves the very central and highly visible character, with whom we have a love/hate relationship.

Audrey, I totally agree with you on Mers attitude towards AP and not to forget that both Tia and Bruno painted her a very indecent picture of AP as well.

However, in my opinion, AP's sleeping with Gus while married to Rog was not romantic and yes I consider it cheating no matter her situation at the time; both she and Rog had redefined their marriage and agreed on new terms.

And AP's attitude with Gus (kissing, hugging)while at the same time giving false hopes to Rog is not of a "innocent" woman.

I like AP because Rog loves her; but she's not scoring points with me. Yes, Mers is a nut case, but from her limited point of view; AP is no blanca paloma and on some level I see her point.


Anita, to answer some of the questions; depending on the show sometimes from the sets 2-3 weeks in advance; location shoot is sometimes filmed a day or two.

Especially with LQNPA; they were still shooting on Friday for the Sunday final; and I believe a lot the location for the last two weeks of show were filmed a day or two before.

They did filmed Jorge Salinas while at the hospital. I don't want to give any timeframe because I don't to accidently spoil anything.

Anon 5:52-The grey area for Mersnotty to me is she always thought the Cupcake married Rohell for his money. I wasn't talking about the sleeping with Gus or kissing Gus. Same went for Gus too when Vainy and Sin said the Cupcake married Rohell for the money. These two, Mersnotty and Gus, believed this no matter what the Cupcake tried to tell them about the contract. They never listened. This is what I was getting at. She showed Gus the contract and then Gus showed Mersnotty the contract, and they still don't believe her, although I can see why they don't. She is still with Rohell. I think Gus understands the Cupcake married Rohell to save her brother and I agree with Audrey that the Cupcake wanted a divorce and didn't want to return to Rohell. The Tia just happened to rat her out.


Las golondrinas is a very usual song to play during events to say goodbye.

Here are the lyrics:

A donde irá veloz y fatigada
la golondrina que de aquí se va.
No tiene cielo, te mira angustiada sin paz ni abrigo que la vio partir

Junto a mi pecho
Allara su nido
en donde pueda
la estación pasar.
También yo estoy
en la región perdida
¡Oh cielo santo!
y sin poder volar.

Junto a mi pecho hallará su nido
en donde pueda la estación pasar
también yo estoy en la región perdida
¡oh, cielo santo! y sin poder volar.

A donde irá veloz y fatigada
la golondrina que de aquí se va
¡Oh, si en el viento, se hallara extraviada!
buscando abrigo y no lo encontrará.
Junto a mi pecho hallará su nido
en donde pueda la estación pasar
también yo estoy en la región perdida
¡oh, cielo santo! y sin podervolar.

Dejé también mi patria adorada,
esa mansión que me miró nacer,
mi vida es hoy errante y angustiada
y ya no puedo a mi mansión volver.
Ave querida, amada peregrina,
mi corazón al tuyo estrecharé,
oiré tus cantos, bella golondrina,
recordaré mi patria y lloraré.

renata770--I kinda thought that was the way they filmed, like movies, not necessarily in sequence.

It takes good acting for actors to go back and forth in time and still keep the characters' emotional state in mind. This tn has been excellent in continuity, so kudos to all the actors.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anon at 8:03--
What a lovely, sad song. It is so long. I don't wonder now, the invitees to the fiesta having such a hard time with the melody. I heard Hugo soar over everyone at one time before the camera panned away from him.

Thank you,

Thank you so much for the recap, UA! As I always say, I love your writing style! You are awesome.

I was shocked by the Maripaz death and it did feel like it was added there to give everyone something to do during Jorge Salinas's absence.

I don't know the timeline of filming. Thanks Renata for the tidbit about how they were shooting on Friday for the Sunday finale! I wonder what made them wait so long to finish, or did they re-do things to give a different ending at the last minute? Interesting . . . (They had three different endings filmed for Teresa, which makes me wonder if something similar happens here.) Maybe when the DVD is released (I presume that will be several months after the novela completes in the USA) we might have some behind the scenes or something.

I find how they "covered" for JS during his illness very interesting. I think knowing that they wrote what they wrote in the story because of JS's sudden illness helps me understand some of the choices they are making. We just have to go along with the flow and see how it pans out.

I wouldn't expect a full three weeks of Rohell-free episodes. With digital filming, I think they can do things far more last-minute and edit into an episode about ready to air. We'll see how it goes.

I lost my HD on Monday, which actually is good timing, because I have a little time to clean off my DVR's drive (I've got some stuff I want to capture to my computer) and get the Dish Network guy out here to fix my HD or replace my DVR (they have said it's the DVR that's faulty) before JS returns to the show. I know, I know, that sounds so geeky, but I lost HD last year during "Teresa," and I'm still bitter about watching so much of that show in SD (standard definition) because I delayed getting the Dish Network repairman to fix things. Well, not THIS year! Darn it! (It's true that most of my television watching is either 1) telenovelas or 2) news. I am officially pathetic.)

LOL! Anyway, it'll be interesting to see what develops tonight.

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