Monday, April 02, 2012

Abismo de pasión #16 4/2/12: A Grove of Beeches and Marvelous Muecas

El Refrito
Gabino and Alfonsina talk about the Carmina incident and working with Ugh-usto.
Elisa goes outside and sees Damián.

Lo Nuevo
He greets her. She is rather cool in her response. Damian notes this and offers to leave. She says she’s just surprised to see him. He says he’s come to invite her to take a stroll with him and reminisce about old times when he, she and Gael hung out. Elisa is surprised he remembers those times. Damián confesses it was a mistake to act like he didn’t recognize her in the street. He was just surprised. She turned out much prettier than he could have imagined. Elisa thinks surely he’s seen plenty of gals in Italia. He did, but none compared to her. She dreamily accepts his invitation and they skip off merrily into the evening.

Carmeany is in front of the mirror…as usual. She asks Lola who the dude in the garden was talking to Elisa. She is surprised to hear it’s Damián Arango. Lola comments on his guapísimo-ness. Carmeany says she wouldn’t know, she couldn’t see him. Lola thinks he’s like his dad. Carmeany asks if Ughusto is home yet. He is…and he’ll be sleeping in the guest room tonight. Carmeany immediately goes to see him. She’s miffed that he’s still mad about the little Gabino Mendoza tryst. She’s explained it to him already. Ughman really doesn’t care if she has a thang with Nasty, what he finds ridiculous is the whole “work with Alfonsina” excuse. He went to see Alfie and said he’s not signing any contracts. Meany wants to know why he won’t do anything that could help him. He doesn’t want anything to do with Alfonsina, her procesedora or her family. Well, says Meany, you better let Elisa know. The little scamp is with Damián right now. Having made her point the Orange-stained, teased mess of a gal walks out. I really hate this beech.

Oh poor Elisa. She’s got it bad. She’s hanging on every word. Her body language says “I worship you, Damián Arango!” He can’t get over how little has changed. It’s just like when he left. Elisa tells him a lot really has happened. He mentions not hearing any news from the pueblo and that his mom was his only contact with La Ermita. Elisa tells him that Gael wrote a ton of letters and never heard back from him. Damián is surprised to hear this. She just assumed he didn’t want to know anything about them. She figured he was mad at her since it was her fault his mom sent him away. Flashback to Little E and Little D on the night they ran away. They talk about fleeing and buying a house. Little D flashes the wad o’ cash his dad gave him before he died. They talk about missing their parents. Back in the present, Damián can’t believe what a crazy thing they did. Elisa says it’s the reason his mom took him away for so many years. Elisa asks why he decided to come back. I must interrupt myself to say how much the way she is sitting is bothering me. So unladylike! (And when did I become my mother?!) He starts to answer about needing to talk to his mom….and Sabrina strolls by and interrupts him (Is this is an important enough conversation to warrant crossing out a bingo block?) Sabrina is oh so friendly…at least to Damián. She fixes a witchy-with-a-B stare on Elisa before she leaves. Damián can’t help but notice. Elisa says she needs to be getting home.

Mommie Dearest is dining alone. (Give the bell a rest, honey.) Tonia asks if she wants dinner served. Alfonsina wants to wait until Damián gets back. Alfonsina gets cranky and Tonia it’s nice Damián is getting reacquainted with his old friends. This is news Alfie doesn’t want to hear. She tells Tonia to tell Damián that she went to bed on an empty stomach waiting for him to return. Guilt: It’s what’s for dinner.

Meanwhile, Carmeany is annoyed that Elisa went out without telling anyone. Lola tells her that since her dad and Carmeany don’t give a rats patoot, Elisa usually reports to her (Lola) The town is already speaking ill of her about Gael and now going out with Damián will hurt her rep even more. Lola defends Elisa’s honor and says she would never do anything so low…like meeting with a man “a esconditas.” Buuurn. Loose translation of the stand off:
Carmeany: You’re just a servent. Stay out of my bidness be-yah.
Lola: You’re a be-yah and Elisa is not the reason you can’t be happy. Lay off my gal. Stop making her life hell and respect her. It’s not her fault you are a bitter, fake-tanned hag with a rat’s nest for a coiffure.
Carmeany: Bitter? No, that would be you since the only guy who was interested in you left and married another.

Aw, do I *have* to recap a convo between Braulio and Lucio? Job hunt. Age discrimination. Keep fighting. Blergh. Don’t care. Oh, how’s Lolita? Yup, Don Lucio he’s asking again. Braulio just wants to know how she’s doing, what’s the harm in that? Lola is fine, but shouldn’t Braulio be getting home to his little woman? Later ‘tater.

Paloma talks to Granny about how much Begoña hates the idea of Paloma being the new secretary. Paloma thinks she should quit before she gets fired. Granny thinks not. No one should make her think less of herself and now especially she can’t quit. Wha? Yesterday Granny is all “don’t work” and today she is all “don’t quit” Granny insists that she keep working and show Begoña and everyone that she is capable and poor her if she quits. I heart Ramona.

Enrique comes in whining about his back and having to work like any other grunt. Dr. Dad’s smirk goes unnoticed. Mama Bear wants to go right over to Alfie and get it taken care of. Dr. says no way. He likes that sonny boy is starting from the bottom up. Mama B still doesn’t like it. Enrique doesn’t want them fighting on his account and dad explains that mom was already mad about his new secretary. Enrique doesn’t like the idea of Paloma being the secretary either. Dr. T can’t believe he has such a prejudiced family. Sabrina comes home. Chisme about some chick going bald. Sabrina fills them in on the Damián/Elisa sighting.

Best darn theme song ever and it’s too bad we have to wait until halftime every night.

Damián and Elisa laugh about young Gael’s fear of Ramona. Damián is glad that he and Elisa talked and cleared everything up. He really was afraid they had forgotten him. Elisa flashes back to her and Little Gael calling Damián and being interrupted by Ugh-usto who not only hangs up the phone, but tears up the phone number too. Jerk. Big Elisa comes back to the present as Damián is apologizing again. She repeats everything is cleared up and he says good bye. He leaves but turns back to kiss her cheek. The look on her face is pure Marsha Brady kissed by Davy Jones (I’ve made this reference before…oh yeah, LQNPA.) Uh oh. Here comes Gael and he’s pithed ™. Elisa doesn’t see the problem; they’ve all been friends for ages. Well, Damián seems strange to Gael and not like he used to be. If Elisa is too blind to see it, that’s her problem. He rips her a new one for acting so upset that Big D didn’t recognize her and she’s dying for him. He saw the emotion filled good bye. She’s hot for Big D. Elisa says it’s not fair for him to talk like that. He’s seen all she’s been through with the prueblo gossip-teers and now he’s doing the same thing. He has no right to tell her who she can and can’t go out with and if he has a problem with Big D go talk to him about it. He tries to apologize and she doesn’t want to hear it. Oh, and if he came to ask about her mother’s lands, she hasn’t had a chance to find out anything. She’ll let him know when she does and good-bye!

Well, the girl is barely through the door before the Ughman is accosting her wanting to know where she was. She finds it strange that for two days in a row he’s actually given a damn about her. He forbids Elisa from hanging out with that Arango boy. She asks why and he says because he ordered it and punto.

Begoña has come to call on Alfie and I love the actors in this show. Fabulous facial expressions all around. I mean really, I just can’t put in words the fantastic interactions with these two. Alfie can’t believe Begone has come to visit so early. Begone says really she wouldn’t want to bother her, but the news is really important. She fills in Alfie on the Damián and Elisa sighting (so…would together do they make Damelisa or Elismán?) Alfie is impactada but tries to hide it.

In the kitchen Damián is up for breakfast when Braulio enters. He says Damián probably doesn't remember him. Tonia is about to tell him, but Damián asks for a little time. He’s tired of everyone fussing at him for not remembering. Finally he remembers. You’re Lolita’s beau, right? Again, everyone should rewind and savor the facial expressions. Tonia corrects Damián and tells him Brau is her hubs.

Lola has rescued the amulet. She and Elisa talk about the previous evening's walk. Elisa tries to play it cool, but Lola sees through it. Lola thinks Damián in so handsome and if Elisa and he were to marry their children would be beautiful. Elisa says they are just old friends. Lola says she doesn't think Elisa looks at Damián as a brother the way she does Gael.

Florencia is shopping and on the phone. She's fussing at Damián for staying even longer in La Ermita. She wonders if the country girls are throwing themselves at him. She trusts *him*, but not the ladies. They say their good-byes as Uncle Pester walks up. Blah Blah. Bike getting checked. Vacay in Cancun. Massage in the Spa...or rather the masseuse (is that the feminine form?) Uh-oh! Quenia! Don't tell her you saw me. Blah blah your uncle better not be messing with me. I"m no fool. Whatever. Blah Blah. He likes 'em beautiful and with money. According to Uncle Pester, Flo is the same, but doesn't want to admit it.

Tonia asks Damián where he was and sort of freaks when she hears he was with Elisa. She tries to explain how much the two ladies hate each other. If they meet on the street Alfie turns in the other direction without even greeting her. Damián asks about Elisa's bad rep. Tonia says according to the talk, the girl doesn't do very nice things. Damián doesn't believe it. Tonia tells him not to get involved with Elisa. Damián says to watch what you say if you aren't sure what you're saying.

Elisa is working at Blanca's. Blanca notes her good mood and Elisa says she just woke up that way. Alfonsina storms in and THWAP ™ (?). That was so Elisa would now to stay away from her son. I hate this beech, too.  Elisa THWAPS her back! Oh hellz yes! That's so the beech learns to respect Elisa and that she is no one to tell her what to do. Alfonsina says she's going to pay for that and Elisa says can't pay more than what's she's been paying for years. Alfie has done everything to ruin her reputation. Alfie says she did that all on her own. Elisa lets mom-from-hell know that Damián came looking for her, but Alfie claims she knows that blood that runs in Elisa's veins. Elisa warns her not to talk about her mom. Alfie says Elisa just wants to ensnare Damián but she will never be the girl for him. Blanca throws Alfie out and has to hold Elisa back from pursuing her.

Carmeany is resting. Lola wants to know if Ugh is moving to the guest room permanently. Back and forth about bitterness. Lola tells her she's young and pretty but her husband pays her no mind. Meany reminds Lola that Ugh doesn't pay attention to anyone. Lola admires Meany because of her resistance. I don't quite get the line. Anyone want to explain it to me?

Elisa was very happy to see Damián again, but it's only made everyone mad: Gael, dad, Sra. Shrew. Blanca says Alfonsina can't get the ghosts out of her head and Elisa says she's not to blame for those ghosts. Blanca says that still didn't give Elisa the right to hit her back (disagree.) But let's change the subject--Elisa is the rightful owner of the lands! Estefanía arranged it all before she died and Lucio was in charge of all the paperwork. But why didn't dad tell her? (Just conjecture, but maybe it's because he's an ass?)

Gael ties to boost the productivity of the habeñero pickers.  Paloma comes to visit. She asks if he's seen Damián. Gael gets pithy. Paloma doesn't like Damián being back OR Gael getting jealous. He asks why she came and she tells him it doesn't matter. She realizes he doesn't have time for her foolishness since she's not Elisa. She starts to leave and Gael offers to ride her back to the village. She says no and that she always comes visiting him without asking favors. She sarcastically says ever since she was a girl she loves getting her feet dirty from walking so much.

Lucio visits Alfie. He wants a recommendation letter. She can't believe he still wants to work. She tells him to talk to Gabino about the letter. Thanks for nothing, beech.

Elisa visits Padre Lupe. She tells him all about the morning's confrontations and Lupe smiles and tells her she did very well to hit his sister. (I am reminded of Ed Wynn in Mary Poppins.) It's about time someone chopped that beech down a bit. He thinks she should explain to Damián though since Alfie is sure to give her own version of the story. She doesn't think she needs to explain anything to Damián, but she does think she should keep her distance from him. She doesn't need the problems...or the gossip.

Dr. Tovar explains to Paloma that lab reports need to be precise and she will have to fix them. She wonders if maybe Begone is right. Dr. Tovar is surprised Paloma is giving up so quickly and Paloma explains she knows her limitations. Dr. T is telling her that she'll learn when POP! Goes the scary Sleazel ™ of the blinding dentition and crunchy tresses. He looks way too pleased to see her. Small talk about Paloma and the beech finally gets to the point. Ugh is drinking too much and it's stressing her out.

Ugh informs Gael that the Santa Maria Procesadora doesn't want to do business with them any more. They're going to be focusing on exporting so they need to work with farmers who have more than 70 hectares (thank you CC.) Ugh says there is nothing they can do. Gael says there is. They can work the other lands. Ugh would rather sell everything than work those lands. (An aside: I love how Mark Tacher and Rene Casados seem to talk and move the same way thus strengthening the portrayal of the father/son bond.)

Elisa goes to the library to research habeñeros in greenhouses.

Tonia tends to the beaten Alfie. Alfie asks about Damián and finds out he's gone out. Tonia tells mama beech to lay off. Damián is a grown man. Tonia is dismissed for her troubles.

Damián runs into Elisa. He asks if she's going home. He offers to walk her home or to get some ice cream. She refuses and says he will not be inviting her anywhere in order to avoid problems. She flounces away. Poor guy. It's really not his fault.

Lucio goes to the procesadora for his letter of recommendation. Gabino has both sleeves rolled up today. He still has the stupid bandana and the crappy attitude. He and Maru exchange words. He tells her he knows she's always had a thing for Lucio. Gag-ino goes out to personally tell Lucio to scram. Lucio is classy and kindly asks for the letter. Gag laughs at him and calls him Abuelito. Gag tells Jacinto to get rid of Lucio and Lucio challenges Gag to do it himself. A wresting match ensues and the arrival of Damián breaks it up. If Gag hurts Don Lucio, he can forget the procesadora forever! You tell 'em Damián!

You know I always miss half of what they say in Avances, but I did catch Damián telling Elisa he never thought he would fall in love with a girl he's known since he was a girl. Poor Elisa. She doesn't have a clue about Flo.


Not sure I caught all my typos/mistakes. This was a great episode tonight!

Great recap, Sara. I only saw parts of this, so the recap was important to me. I did see Padre cackling over Elisa's return slap to his uppity hermana.

La Paloma (viewer, not secretary)

Sara, girl you were on fire tonight. What a stupendous recap! And first off, great title. Not just sayin' that cuz I'm a plant person.

"Guilt: It’s what’s for dinner.", bwahahaha! Love it.

I agree with you; Elisa's just a bit too "I wuv you" as regards Damian. Shoot, the guy's been AWOL for over half his life. But that's just me being amarga. (Don't let Lolita hear.)

Hooray! Elisa served up the better slap in the slap-a-thon. She drew blood, good for her! And Ed Wynne, how I adored him. Great comparison to Padre who was giving his best belly laugh of all time.

Gosh, the grownups (and I use the term loosely) are mean in this program. It's a miracle the kids are even semi-functional.

Sara, thank you for calling attention to the superb facial experessions tonight. Weren't they the best? Braulio, novio de Lolita, oops, wife of Antonia. Damian looked so confused, hee. And the final scene...aaaah, satisafaction at last. Go Lucio!! Maybe this is what will convince Damian to stay?

Thanks again Sara. Awesome recap.

"Paloma (viewer not secretary)" hee hee!

Cap'n- I don't know why I noticed the faces so much last night but I'm glad I did. This really is a fine crew of actors. And you are right-the groan [sic] ups are horrible. Thank heaven for Lolita, Padre, Blanca and Ramona.

Pure delight Sara. Woke up feeling blah and you just cheered me right up. Fussing and fighting in Pepperville.

"I must interrupt myself to say how much the way she is sitting is bothering me..". This. Sorry, but all I kept thinking in that scene is "girl, you're wearing a dress!" Plus how puppy-doggy she was, it was a bit sad actually.

And I'll add my admiration to the facial expressions and eye rolls last night. Alfi's was priceless hearing Begona had arrived. And Padre's reaction to Elisa. That was hysterical.

Anyone else bugged at the fact that Damian is actually an engaged man, and not really letting that tidbit of info get out there to friends and family (besides mumsy). All the looks with Elisa, I mean, he has to know she's mooning over him. Sure he's amazed by her, etc. but it's going to hit the fan when the hot fiance shows up (or the word get out.) Frankly, I was surprised Alfi didn't let that come out to really have Elisa stay away. TN plot device #10. Fail to mention the other women.

Love your TM mark on "pithed". My favorite word!! In this town, the Doc should keep a pad available to dole out the valium's. These folks need to just breathe and regroup once in awhile.

Glad I could bring you a little joy Daisynjay. I'm glad I'm not the only one bothered by Elisa's posture in a skirt.

Alfie's look was the best last night.

Sara: You brought a great deal of sunshine into my world today: "Oh poor Elisa. She’s got it bad. She’s hanging on every word. Her body language says “I worship you, Damián Arango!” and my favorite: "POP! Goes the scary Sleazel ™ of the blinding dentition and crunchy tresses" had me chuckling out loud. The recap was simply great - enjoyed every word from beginning to end. Gracias!

Like you and everyone else, I'm so enjoying the actors and the acting. A top notch stellar cast.

And daisy: "Anyone else bugged at the fact that Damian is actually an engaged man, and not really letting that tidbit of info get out there to friends and family (besides mumsy)." Yes, I am, particularly as he should have told Elisa right away. But we all know Altair Jarabo will not go away quietly! :)

Sylvia, I love Lucio and yes, let's hope this gets Damien to straighten out his act and stay.

Thanks again Sara!


Great recap Sara. Your little sides were fantastic.

I may be alone but I felt awkward for Antonia with the scene with Damián and Braulio. I'm getting the impression that this novela is planning on creating an Antonia/Braulio/Lolita triangle.

The unladylike way of sitting was not accidentally done by Boyer.

This was a typical thing Julia did in Cañaveral. Julia was portrayed tomboyish as a child and her mom was the one influence that tended to make her act more feminine, as Margarita/Estefanía was very ladylike herself. It was part of the things that awed Julia about her mom. Once she died, she was practically raised by the family's servant, who was very loving but her humble, indigenous origins and her position as a maid made her unable to teach Julia a few things, like the importance of sitting properly. And, although it was never addressed in Cañaveral, I always figured Julia cared very little about certain societal conventions at that point (not all though, there were some very intrinsecal cultural conventions she cared about alot), since the town had ostraziced and all the mean gossip had been going around for years.

Now, little Elisa, while she liked to play with the boys, was not really portrayed tomboyish. Lolita, while portrayed as a humble character, seems to have a decent enough education. Angelique Boyer is coming from playing a character that probably would never have sat like that and her skirt was much smaller than the type Julia would wear. I'm guessing that's why her posture here was so unnerving here.

The slap scene just illustrates why they picked Boyer as the lead here, this character is not a young ingenue that's going to take all the crap other characters dump on her. This is a character that will fight back (or at least, I hope they keep it that way). Coming from Teresa, Boyer did seem like a logical choice. Although I do thing they have watered Elisa down a little, just so she wouldn't remind people a little too much to her former character.

I agree on the Elisa/Damián front, he should be honest about his girlfriend. The Elisa and Damián scenes are a little too emotional at this moment of the story for my taste. They should be more fun and light but maybe I just need to stop comparing and go with the flow with changes here. I think I'll be more comfortable with said changes once this version really starts to veer off in its own way but as long as they keep it close to the source material those small direction changes feel strange to me.


Sara - Thank you for the great recap!

THANK YOU for mentioning the way Elisa was sitting during her conversation with Damian. That bothered me, too. The girl had on a skirt and was shooting squirrels at him like nobody's business!!! Talk about body language….
Elisa definitely had on her WonderBra tonight, pushing the girls together for maximum cleavage effect.

I could not decide whose shirt was unbuttoned closer to the navel -- Damian's or Elisa's.

"Guilt: It’s what’s for dinner." --- Loved it! :-D

Kimmy Gibbler has turned out to be a terrible mother. Gah. Why do she and her family remind me of En-shriek-eta (was that in StD?) & Co.

Elisa returning the b!tch slap back at Alfonsina was The Most Satisfying Moment of last night's episode.

I wonder if Augusto has no idea that Elisa is the rightful owner of their land. . .
"(An aside: I love how Mark Tacher and Rene Casados seem to talk and move the same way thus strengthening the portrayal of the father/son bond.)"
A pediatrician once told me a story about how family behaviors and traits aren't always inherited. Apparently a relative had an adopted son, and the son had acquired all the same mannerisms as the adoptive dad. I think about that when I watch Gael & PadLupe.

Sara --- typo? or pop quiz to see if we read it all(LOL)? ---> but I did catch Damián telling Elisa he never thought he would fall in love with a girl he's known since ---he was a girl.---

Mil gracias Sara for letting me relive my two favorite moments from last night's show-- 1) When Elisa slapped the beech back; and 2) When Padre Lupe nearly fell off his chair laughing about it. Thank goodness this padre isn't all sweetness, light and love thy ememy.

I did feel bad for everyone in that scene when Damian remembered Brau as being Lolita's novio. Oops! Interesting that Brau regularly gets news about Lolita from Don Lucio.

I loved how sassy Lolita was with Carmina. But she was being nice when she tried to encourage her (to leave) by saying she's still young and attractive with better prospects ahead of her. Unfortunately, it seems she's decided that her better prospect is married Doc Tovar!

I also hope that seeing what a jerk Gabino is to Don Lucio and the employees at the plant that Damian will get more involved with the company. As for why he didn't come right out and tell Elisa he's engaged? Plot device. So it will hurt that much more when it's revealed to Elisa at the wrong time.

Sara, thanks for this great recap. I too was unsettled by Elisa's posture (and like you wondered when I became my Mom).

I loved Elisa slapping Fina and Padre getting a belly laugh from the story. And yes, as Vivi noted, Damian not telling Elisa is a plot device that will bite him in the behind and break her heart.

Indeed, Elisa slapping Alfonsina was the best thing in last night's episode. Somebody has to get this beyotch off her high horse just as Damian needs to get rid of Gabino.

Are viewers in Mexico expressing objections to blond protagonistas? I'm getting a bit disturbed at this trend with blond actresses darkening their hair on a regular basis.

Sara: Great recap of a great episode. I'm glad we don't have to wait until the end of this novela for the protagonists to find out that their letters have been intercepted and that the so-called adults have deliberately prevented them from seeing or talking to each other.

Damian: what are you doing? You tell Florencia (funny Italian accent in case you didn't hear it) you love her and at the same time begin to chase Elisa with lascivious motives. We will not be fooled. We are waiting impatiently for you to take her to the cenote for the swimming scene in the magic pool as promised in the avances. Whew!


"Are viewers in Mexico expressing objections to blond protagonistas? I'm getting a bit disturbed at this trend with blond actresses darkening their hair on a regular basis."

I don't think so, Angelique Boyer was going to be blonde for this character (as Daniela Castro was for Cañaveral) but they did image tests before the shoot and they decided to go for brown hair instead. There are pictures of Boyer with the blonde wig out there.

Another example, Ludwika Paleta has never had to dye her hair when she plays a lead. Her last leading role was in Los Exitosos Perez with Jaime Camil and her hair was even lighter than how she wore it here.


Oh, and Silvia Navarro went blond for CME. She was a redhead in MEPS and is now a brunette in Amor Bravío. Then there's Edith González and Lety Calderón, who have always played blond heroines and their novelas are still being rerun. I don't think there's any kind of rejection of blond actresses either from the audience or Televisa.


Great recap Sara! Loved it and welcome back!

I was disturbed by the seated position too! But I don't think it was because I have turned into my mom LOL! I think it's because a) Elisa was wearing a shortish dress, not jeans and b) sitting like this in public talking to a boy is only going to re-enforce her already (unfairly) bad reputation. I'm also disturbed by her deep cleavage exposing blouses for reason b, but I guess the TN feels compelled to show off AB's surgically enhanced cleavage. It was quite a relief to see her go to the library in the sundress that didn't have a plunging V neckline.

Wow, exciting episode with lots of plot development!


Hi Jarocha. I don't know if you got my answer from the other day that I live in the McAllen area.

wave, Audrey

Hi Audrey! I didn't. So you and Ana Brenda were almost neighbors for a long time. Her family still lives close to you.

You know, several people I know love going shopping to McAllen. Good clothes are less expensive in the US.


Awesome recap, Sara!!! You are so funny and capture what viewers are thinking exactly.

ITA with the theme song!!! It is so catchy! Are those trumpets?

I haven't watched that many TNs but I have watched Mi Pecado and LdA and it's funny to me how many of the same actors are in this!

Mi Pecado:

Carmeany and Braulio are married
Florencia=the spoiled, jilted fiancé of their son

Llena de Amor:

Rosendo = the rich Dad
Florencia= the rich Dad's son's spoiled, jilted, fiance
Enrique= a model with Altair
Doctor=Altair's evil father

It must be like a party on the set! These actors must all be bffs. And I have to say, I'm impressed how they can change with the new TN. In Mi Pecado, Carmeany was more of a pathetic victim who wanted the glamorous life but here she is shamelessly evil!

LOVE your recap and love this show!!!


Sara, some more of my favs…
(Give the bell a rest, honey.) …Guilt: It’s what’s for dinner.

Chisme about some chick going bald. (yes this was a friend of Begonas who seems to be losing some hair so Begona knew the woman had an appointment with Sabrina about a treatment)

The look on her face is pure Marsha Brady kissed by Davy Jones (lol… rip DJ…)
I agree that it was sad how she was drooling for Dam so quickly and how unbecoming a lady she was sitting out there in the middle of the town square… not good for her rep.
I agree with Jarocha that Daniela Castro was even more of a tom-boyish Julia/Elisa… but DC did dress a bit more conservative.

everyone should rewind and savor the facial expressions. Tonia corrects Damián and tells him Brau is her hubs. I agree with Sylvia: Braulio, novio de Lolita, oops, wife of Antonia. Damian looked so confused, hee.

Lola admires Meany because of her resistance. I don't quite get the line. Anyone want to explain it to me?
Lola said ‘… as much as we never really cared for (or got along with) each other, I have to admit I admire you… because … ‘que aguante!’ (meaning she admires how much Carmeany insists and insists and insists on trying for ToadHead to love her even a bit as much as he loved her sister, and now going for Dr In-Mundo)

She sarcastically says ever since she was a girl she loves getting her feet dirty from walking so much. … she said she does not mind her feet getting swollen from all the walking…
and am I alone in saying Gael owes the workers an appology for his mean treatment of them before he noticed Paloma there? (esp when we have seen earlier versions of this scene where he is so positive and complimenting of them) … if you have problems about Damian and Elisa, I agree with Paloma, don’t take it on the workers…

Elisa telling Padre what happened and Padre Lupe’s belly laugh and tells her she did very well to hit his sister. That SOMEONE had to stand up to his sister some day.
ROFLOL!! By far my favorite scene last night.. Padre Lupe even raised his feet up in the air laughing so hard and Elisa put a deer in the headlights pop-out-eyes surprise stare at him… I found it funny/amusing that Blanca did not approve Elisa hitting Fina back while padre Lupe not only approved it but celebrated it in such a funny way!

Dr. T is telling her that she'll learn when POP! Goes the scary Sleazel ™ of the blinding dentition and crunchy tresses. … actually I could not help but notice Sleazel looked half way human there, less makeup, less orange tone, less eye liner, who knows?

(An aside: I love how Mark Tacher and Rene Casados seem to talk and move the same way thus strengthening the portrayal of the father/son bond.) ITA, even when only one of them is on scene, Mark T and Rene C are my favs in this novela, even though I agree with you that all the seasoned actors are very good at their facial expressions and body language.

If Gag hurts Don Lucio, he can forget the procesadora forever! You tell 'em Damián!
Gag-Ino!! LOVE IT!!

I did catch Damián telling Elisa he never thought he would fall in love with a girl he's known since he was a girl. Say what?? Did I miss something?? I know, typo, ‘he/she’

Poor Elisa. She doesn't have a clue about Flo. ITA… that does not sound very encouraging… I see a separation the moment Elisa finds out about Flo and Elisa will probably resort to Gael for comfort and raise his hopes only to drop him again later.

Daisynjay: Fussing and fighting in Pepperville. LOVE IT!!

Vivi, totally agree on Damian not telling Elisa about Flo will be revealed to Elisa at the wrong time, and I bet it will be delivered by Mommy dearest when Elisa confronts her about being against her and Dam together… (you are not good enough, Flo is the right choice, you are trying to steal him … etc etc…)


" but DC did dress a bit more conservative."

Except for the midriff bearing tops lol. But then, that was a 90's thing. I always felt bad about all those actresses who had to tape their scenes while sucking in their stomachs.


Jarocha, thank you for sharing the back history of the original telenovela. It helps explain some of the random tomboyishness that Elisa displays from time to time. I think that is a good explanation for her sitting posture, no "charm school" lessons as she was growing up.

I had to go back this morning and re-enjoy some of the great facial expressions. I think Alfonsina gets the prize for the biggest eye roll when Begona came to visit.

Jarocha, I can understand why you felt uncomfortable for Antonia. There is a sad and pathetic side to her. However she more or less finagled snagging Braulio for herself knowing he was in love with Lolita. We still do not have the full back story on how this happened, but Alfonsina was involved so I'm guessing all was not sweetness and light. Also, she has lied to him all these years, letting him think that her son is his too. I imagine the telenovela Gods do not let something like that remain a secret forever. Was this plot line in the original?

Absolutely fabulous, my dear! Welcome home!

Guilt: it's what's for dinner

Like everyone else, I especially loved that line.

Not sure what it says about me but I thought Elisa was sweet sitting like with Damián mirroring her posture, both on those crazy chairs that don't let people actually sit side by side. I thought it was a charming visual.

Hey Katy, it looks like this time we've finally backed a winner:) Yay!

There were several scenes that I think I'm going to take another look at for the sheer pleasure of it:

Dam and Elisa together

The slap and counterslap

Lupe's reaction on hearing of the s & c

And Dam's arrival in time to defend Lucio and put Gabino in his place.
Antonia is at the same time pathetic (she is Gabino's and Alfie's victim and she her husband is still stuck on his old girlfriend; and her son is going to bring her misery), malicious (she is a quitanovios and spiteful to boot -- she can't resist rubbing Lolita's face in it), deceitful (Braulio has no idea the kid isn't his) and kind (she has always been a friend to Damián in Hacienda Harango).

What a terrific recap! I loved it. Where to start...

"He did, but none compared to her. She dreamily accepts his invitation and they skip off merrily into the evening."

Sara, you exactly captured the sweet childlike feeling of those moments. and then...

"Oh poor Elisa. She’s got it bad. She’s hanging on every word. Her body language says “I worship you, Damián Arango!” He can’t get over how little has changed. It’s just like when he left. Elisa tells him a lot really has happened."

Great character analysis, Sara. Boyer had me feeling very sad for Elisa, stuck in her tiny pueblo-world where new gossip from Begonia is taken as real news. So far, Zepeda has impressed me with his sweetness as the Damian character.

"Mommie Dearest is dining alone. (Give the bell a rest, honey.)"

As to Alfie's slap of Elisa, where does she get off? I was shocked by this incident. Who would do that?

On Damian's return to the procesadora..."A wresting match ensues and the arrival of Damián breaks it up. If Gag hurts Don Lucio, he can forget the procesadora forever! You tell 'em Damián!

Wasn't that a rescue in the nick of time? And what is our Damian going to do with Flo? Altair doesn't look to be too mean so far, but then I am comparing her to Carmeany and Alfonsina. It will take some practice to reach their level of bitchery.

Thanks again, Sara, for a wonderful recap.



Sara --- typo? or pop quiz to see if we read it all(LOL)? ---> but I did catch Damián telling Elisa he never thought he would fall in love with a girl he's known since ---he was a girl.---

OR...a true Freudian slip, hmmm.


Who would do that? Someone with a massive sense of entitlement. Alfonsina was the one who ordered Gabino to run down the other three kids.

Who knows what she's gotten away with in the past.

Alfonsina also ordered Gabino to burn down Stef's greenhouse. Someone could have perished in that fire. I think her massive sense of entitlement just begins to address where she gets off slapping someone in someone else's house. I suspect Alfonsina will eventually be the death of someone, literally not figuratively, whether she intends to be or not. I'm not spoiling, just guessing based on her nastitude.

Novela Maven, I like your list of Antonia's various qualities. One thing I really like about this novela, the characters are interesting and multi-dimensional. Hooray writers!!

Oh, I also wanted to say Hooray Lucio! It looked to me like he had the upper hand in the mutual stranglefest. Or maybe that's just me being optimistic.

I know Blanca told Elisa it wasn't right for her to re-slap Alfonsina, but I have a feeling if Estefania were still alive she would have slapped Alfie too. Don't let the updo and pearls fool ya.

Thanks Sara! I will be watching this ep tonight but had to tell you I really enjoyed the recap. Especially "the look on her face is pure Marsha Brady kissed by Davy Jones" and Elisman! Lol

Also, I am glad you are finding some fun words in Ramona la Cinche. I like the dawnzer song. Such a cute book!

R la O

re: Elisa's sitting position with Damian ... to clarify ... I have no problem with the post itself and would have liked it, if she had worn pants or jeans. But in a skirt . . . Oh noes . . . .
I never got the feeling Elisa was a tomboy as a child. How did I miss that ...


erm ... typo ... meant to write "pose". Gah....

i guess they have to work a balance with the Elisa character. if they wanted Elisa to be more lady-like, delicate like Estefania, then she would NEVER have slapped BotoxQueen back, so i have to say i like it that they are not making Elisa a perfect little porcelain doll princess stereotype... i know she could have a bit more sense of proper posture so i do give in on that argument.

Like I said, Estefania might have been lady-like but if Alfonsina slapped her I think she would have slapped Alfie back. Yes, Steffi was ladylike but she also stood up for herself and didn't let anyone run over her (like Elisa is doing today).

Child Elisa had no problem stripping down to her underwear to swim with Damian & Gael so why would Adult Elisa have problems with them seeing her "stuff", especially when they've probably seen it before, especially Gael?

I'm glad to see the children are sticking around somewhat in the form of flashbacks.


Entitlement plus, with Alfonsina.I agree with you Sylvia; she's dangerous. I'll have to give her personality some thought. It's still a little early in the TN for a armchair diagnosis (jajajajaja).

I also did a little research about La Anita. In terms of product placement this is a big win for La Anita. Not surprisingly, as with Avon over on LFCS, it is a very large concern, selling condiments, cleaning products and much more. The procesadora is just south of Merida, as shown in the telenovela. Making the company itself part of the story is real marketing genius on somebody's part. It probably brings loads of cash into the production and should really help offset costs.


Wow, EJ you are educating me. I had not idea there is really a La Anita brand. I just checked their website and the Chile Habanero de Calidad is front and center. Very cool, thank you for your homework.

I agree with...
Estefania might have been lady-like but if Alfonsina slapped her I think she would have slapped Alfie back.
I do recall that when Este found out Fina thought she (Este) was Rosendo's lover, she did come to Fina's house and confronted her... so she too had her "backbone of pride"... you're right about that.

Way to go with the research EJ. So cool that La Anita is real. We've had obvious product placement, and didn't even know it. I'm checking that one off my bingo card now.

Thanks again to everyone. Another bad day at work so sorry I haven't popped in earlier to say so.

NM-Love your list.
R la O- I think Ramona is just delightful.

I think it was Anon207: I agree that it is nice to still have the little kids around.


" Was this plot line in the original?"

No. There was a Braulio character who dated the Lolita character but ended up married to the Antonia character since Lolita decided to stay by Elisa's side. Him and Antonia had a son but the kid was about 7 or 8 years old and wasn't didn't figure in the story at all. Antonia never got involved with Gabino and the Alfonsina character had nothing to do with Antonia snagging Braulio. In fact, the Alfonsina character couldn't care less about the private lives of the help. She wasn't into appearances at all, her hate for the Elisa character was very straight forward but she didn't care about manipulating anybody else just because.


When Gabino and Lucio got into it, I was hoping for FISTFIGHT -- but unfortunately my bingo card doesn't have a square for MUTUAL STRANGLING CONTEST UP AGAINST THE WALL.

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