Tuesday, April 10, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #75 Tuesday 4/10/12 Two deluded men, an insecure freak, a (maybe) reformed alcoholic.

La que no podía amar, April 10, 2012, Cap. 75

Two deluded men, an insecure freak, a (maybe) reformed alcoholic

Hello again, I'm starting to run on empty, so will try to give you a run-down on tonight's episode and flesh it out when the video capture has finished processing. I won't promise anything heroically thorough, though.

Let's start us out with a screencap of Rohell.

Rohell has a heart-to-heart chat with Cupcake, unaware that she's got plenty of drama that she's not sharing with him. (This scene was shot during Jorge Salinas's recovery from near death, and had to be filmed in his very real hospital room.   You can see that he still looks thin and gaunt from his ordeal.)

A synopsis of tonight's episode (not in complete perfect order):

* Gus doesn't understand why Cupcake doesn't fall into his arms, now that she's got a mini-Gus in the oven, but she says she needs to talk to her husband and sort things out. She also is afraid of Gus confronting said husband, for fear that he will do violence. She couldn't live with that. Gus isn't sure if she'd feel guilt or love if something happened to him? (Or I want to add, fear for her husband if he were to lose it and do violence?)

Delusional Gustavito tries to convince the Cupcake that all she feels for Rohell is "gratitude," but Cupcake (and Viewerville) have their doubts about that.

* Gus stupidly tells Sin that he got the Cupcake with a bun in the oven. He assures Sin that the Cupcake impregnation happened when he and Sin were not together (so he wasn't cheating on her), but this does nothing to make Sin feel better. She begs him and wants to marry him, but he's pretty much decided that it's Cupcake all the way for him.

A tip for Sin: Being so transparently desperate and needy is not a good tactic for snagging a man.

* Vainessa has a talk with her mom's doctor. It's official, mom is off her rocker. Later Vainessa has her mom committed (or put in a rest home or some sort of facility) which makes her feel no better. She even confesses to Sin that she was wrong in blaming Cupcake for her father's death, now realizing that it was her bonkers mom who caused papa's demise. But ever-bitchy Sin urges Vain to not apologize to Cupcake, that'll just embolden Cupcake to demand her half of the dad's inheritance.

* Miguel is still sober.

* Little Margarito stands again. Ernesto is there to make sure he is okay. This delights the whole hacienda. Margarito will have to keep his oh-so fetching neck brace on for a while and do exercises, but he'll recover.

Margarito is on the mend, and is into groundbreaking fashion with a fetching neck collar.

* Miguel has a confrontation with Ulysses and Macaria. It doesn't go well. They still are mourning their daughter and think Miguel is the culprit.

* Consuelo gets "permission" to work with Ulysses and Macaria from Cupcake. She tells Cupcake that she doesn't want to see Miguel, the supposed murderer of Maripaz. Cupcake tries to set Consuelo straight about Miguel's innocence, but Consuelo politely says she doesn't believe it, yet is grateful to Cupcake.

* Some bullcrap scene with Chio seeing Esteban and Mersnotty yukking it up at the San Gabriel restaurant and accusing them of being a couple behind Chio's back. No amount of explaining helps. Go away, Chio, go away. I'm just saying.

* After more lather-rinse-repeat handwringing and worrying about Cupcake's pregnancy, what will Rohell do, blah blah blah, Maria says she used to think that Cupcake coming to the Hacienda was a good thing that would make everything better, but now she's not so sure! She's worried about Sinthia's happiness.

* In a rather gobsmacking amazing turn of events, Ernesto's bratty daughter is brattily snooping through his letters in his office and finds a letter written by Mersnotty which basically advises Ernesto to forget about her (Mersnotty) and that his daughter is the most important thing. This completely changes bratty daughter and she regrets giving Mersnotty a hard time and believes (finally) that there was never anything inappropriate between them when Ernesto was married. She gives Ernesto the green light to be happy with Mersnotty.

The little snot actually sees the light. Now if Ernesto marries Mersnotty, he can have a snotty wife and a snotty daughter!

* Ernesto tells Cupcake that Rohell is wanting to have an operation so he can walk again. It has its risks, but he's a good candidate and has hopes of walking again. This delights Cupcake, but she's worried because of the risks. Also, it seems like Rohell's got it in his head that he wants to do this for Cupcake, as he will now be a "complete" man, even though Cupcake has repeatedly said that his malfunction isn't in his legs, it's his sometimes crappy personality and horrible temper.

Maria is elated at the news that Rohell may walk again and is over-the-top with her effusive excitement, hugging and kissing a bemused Ernesto.

* Ernesto urges Cupcake to not tell Rohell anything that will distress him—this surgery requires that the patient have a good frame of mind, and some distracting drama (like, you know, a man's wife being PREGNANT BY HIS SISTER'S NOVIO) might be detrimental to the success of the surgery. Okay, so now we have an actual doctor-sanctioned excuse to keep Rohell in the dark about what's going on! LOL.

* Ernesto also stresses that if the surgery is a success, that there will be a long, arduous recovery time, like months and months.

* Rohell calls the Hacienda and we have another Jorge Salinas hospital room scene (and we see that he still looks pretty thin, haunted, and gaunt after his near-death illness). Rohell tells Cupcake that he wants to walk again, to be a "complete" man for her—that maybe they can have kids of their own now! At this Cupcake places her hand over her already-occupied womb and has a look of extreme guilt. Rohell blathers on with childlike hope and optimism (so we know the anvil is poised over him fer shure) about how she is his whole world (anvil! anvil! It's just about to drop!) and how much he loves her, blah blah blah. Well, what can a girl do, but keep silent about the guy's sister's novio knocking her up—I mean, I ask you, what to do, what to do!

Rohell gives some lame-ass excuse for disappearing in the middle of the night with no warning. He says that he wanted to walk so bad and come back to her on his own two feet. Or something. They had to come up with something to explain Rohell's sudden disappearance, after poor Jorge Salinas fell so suddenly—and critically—ill, so we'll cut them some slack.

Cupcake is happy to hear from Rohell, finally.

A guilt-ridden gesture of holding her pregnant, mini-Guscake-filled belly, while Rohell obliviously prattles on with optimism, bless him.

* Rohell and Cupcake also talk about the recovery time of this surgery. It would extend past the contract duration. At first Rohell sighs and resignedly thinks that she'll bail when the year is up, but she assures him it's not that, and she'd stick around to look after him, but it's just that . . . but of course she can't tell him that she'll be in an "interesting" state herself, since she's got a mini-Guscake in her oven. Then Rohell talks about how she's given him hope, and he thinks that being a whole man again will help him win her. She stresses to him that he should do this surgery for himself only, not for her sake. (Again thinking of the mini-Guscake and what his reaction might be to that.)

Rohell talks animatedly about his hopes for the success of the surgery.

* Cupcake seems genuinely loving and happy to talk to Rohell, unlike her somewhat queasy and guilt-ridden exchanges with Gus.

* Evil Skelator tells that one Cattleman Association guy that Rohell spiked his beef with the clebuterol crap or whatever it is. Cattleman guy is appalled and angered that Rohell (who is usually so on the up-and-up) would do anything so underhanded. An emergency meeting is planned on what to do about this, as Rohell's (supposed) misdeed could besmirch the reputation of all the cattlemen in the region.

A fellow rancher is incredulous at the suggestion that Rohell would dope his cows with an illegal substance, but evil Skelator works hard to convince him.

* Ernesto is so happy to see Mersnotty in San Gabriel, but she snottily gives him the cold shoulder, because she thinks he never left a note telling her where he went. (When in fact he left it in her room but it fell in the floor.)

* Sin is freaking out over being dumped by Gus. She tells Vain that she really, really, super-really loved Gus and wants to marry him forever and ever.

* Some sort of FF scene where Tia goes outside and is repulsed by all the creepy crawlies, like insects and snakes, that are on the hacienda grounds. Efrian is on hand to taunt her and tease her about her squeamishness.

Efrian teases a squeamish Tia about all the unsavory critters that will be surely crawling up her leg any minute now.

* Skelator and Tia have a conversation about Rohell's surgery and possible regained mobility. Tia thinks it's great—now Cupcake won't have any "excuse" to reject Rohell, because he'll be rich, handsome, AND able-bodied! As soon as they can deal with the little inconvenience of the baby . . . Skelator is not happy, because he doesn't want Rohell to be happy (and walking certainly would make Rohell happy) plus Rohell would be out and about and not as easier to fool if he could walk. Skelator is still hoping that with Rohell gone, Cupcake has the right to sign documents for Rohell or something? (I am forgetting something here.) Anyway, the two evil ones conspire and plot.

* Gus acknowledges that Rohell is a good guy and ordinarily he'd like him, if it weren't that he's taking Cupcake away from him (Gus). He thinks it's a good thing that Rohell may walk again, because then they both can fight for Cupcake, man-to-man!

* Earlier in the episode, Gus overhears Hugo lament that even though he loves Dani, she's got a thing for that loser Miguel, and no matter what a guy does, if a girl isn't into him, she isn't into him . . . Gus has a thoughtful look after overhearing this bit of wisdom, as it echoes what may be happening to him—the Cupcake just ain't into him as much as she should be.

That's all, folks. I am tapped out for this week! END OF RECAP!!!

Avances: Something with Sin wanting to conspire against the Cupcake. She's becoming unhinged in her freaky neediness.


Thank you so much for this recap Elvira. You are so right about Cupcake and the Guscake. It looks like she doesn't like being around him anymore, but when Rohell calls she is happy.

I am glad Margrito is ok.

Liked Maria here too. She worries about everybody. I loved how she hugged Dr. Ernesto when finding out about Rohell and Cupcake was smiling from ear to ear.

Can't stand that Guscake told Sin about Cupcake and the pregnancy. Even Vainy wanted Sin to find out where Rohell was so either of them could tell him. Horrible the both of them. Glad that Elsa the Viper is finally put away.

The Tia and Effer scene was so funny. Ya know at first I thought she had stepped in a cow patty, but the bugs and snakes were even better lol.

JS did look gaunt and tired, but his smile was good. Glad he is now in good health.

Hope Guscake listened to Hugo. Hugo has a lot of common sense. Too bad Dani is so in love with Miguel, she should have stayed with Hugo.

I wish Chio would just go away already!

Thanks Elvira for a wonderful, snarkyful recap. I always enjoy your humor. It does seem like Cupcake is softening her feelings about Roarhell and cooling her feelings for Guscakes.

Strange how Vainnessa keeps being pulled into being deceitful toward SissyCake by the angry Sinthia. She seems to be sleep walking through all these dastardly deeds to ruin Roarhell and oust Cupcake but somehow she wants to get Roarhell out of the fire at the last moment so he can be all hers. Sinthia is mad as a hatter but I did feel sorry for her tonight. She may have some genuine feelings for Gus and she does deserve to get some of the family fortune in her hands.

Yes, I agree with Madelaine, it is so great that little M'grito is up and getting better by the moment. Can't wait to see Roarhell's return to the Burmuda Triangle Ranch. I wonder what will be left of it by the time he returns.

Thanks Elvira for the early recap, you pretty much covered the most salient points.
As I said before, although JS looks a little haggard, he looks better IMHO than he did during some of those scenes before his hiatus where he looked terrible.
Perhaps a scream shot of Tia dancing around the cow pie....
Yeah, Bruno and Tia are going to have Cupcake sign some incriminating documents, I'll bet they'll find a way to blame everything on her. Not sure that will help Tia; bet Bruno will double-cross her somehow.

Thanks for the recaps UA and Elvira. Both of y'all's recaps are always works of art.

The site I usually use to watch ahead has the videos blocked so that and a combination of barely being able to stay awake past 9 will make for a craptastic recap on my part tonight.

Honestly, I'm not even watching this on anymore. THanks for changing the schedule Univision.

Elvira: This was fantastic. You captured the mood of this perfectly with great wit and humor, especially: "...some distracting drama (like, you know, a man's wife being PREGNANT BY HIS SISTER'S NOVIO) might be detrimental to the success of the surgery" and "already occupied womb". Yup, that about covers it.

I was also surprised at the: "...rather gobsmacking amazing turn of events" that Ernesto's daughter is now willing to accept Mersnotty. WTH? Actually, I'm just annoyed because my theory that Mersnotty will end up with Esteban and Ernesto with Sin appears to be shot to hell. But, obviously, I know nothing...

Think we are all pretty much in agrement that we are very happy and relieved that Margrito is OK and that we wish never to lay eyes on Chio again.

Agree that Ana has undergone a signficant change of heart and that she is just not quite into Gus as she was. Rogelio's absence definitely made the heart grow fonder in this case.

Glad to see Jorge Salinas is looking a little better and can't wait for him to return.

Thanks again Elvira!


Sara: Here is a page that has links for chaps 71 through 80. I tried playing today's chap 76 this morning, and it looked like it was loading and playing OK. Hope this works for you.

Capitulo del 71 al 80 Laque no podía amar Tv


¡Mil gracias!

Elvira, muchas gracias for the quick and helpful recap. I loved the shot of JS in his hospital room--he certainly does look gaunt. I'm amazed and impressed that he was willing to do this when he was so ill. The risks must have been considerable.

Diana beat me to it in commenting on your delightful snark. I especially liked the "already-occupied womb."

It seems that none of us can stand Chio and wish she would just go away. Perhaps the recappers could help that along by not describing any scene in which she appears. You could use some kind of sign--maybe © or ¿--and use it to indicate "Chio >>FF". Just a thought.

Yes, it does seem as if the Cupcake is becoming more taken with Rogelio than with the Guscake. And, of course, Rogelio is gaga over her. So clearly the anvil is about to fall bigtime. Sigh.

Ii hate to be the bearer of bad tidings but I don't think Chio is going away. In my personal TN experience, and by no means are my predictions always correct, I think that Chio and Esteban will end up together. The good characters, like Esteban, will end up with a novio/novia at the end. Just saying.

LoriLoo, I agree that in TNs the good characters usually wind up with novios/novias in the end, but ending up with the novia from hell?? I sure hope not!

Good job, Elvira.

Actually, since both Sinthia and Ana Paula fear that Rogelio would kill Gustavo, he's safe for the moment. At least until Rogelio comes home.

The one person who would love to see Gustavo dead at Rogelio's hands is Skelator. That would eliminate both men who stand a chance at Ana Paula and make her alone and unprotected. However, I don't see her warming up to him under even that circumstance.

Vainessa wouldn't want to see Rogelio in prison because she is still under the delusion that he would still want her once he can walk again. So she's not likely to spill the frijoles (on purpose).

However, what Skelator is doing now could land Rogelio in prison. Or Ana Paula, after she signs the shady documents he's about to create.

Ana Paula needs to get Hugo and Efrain on her side. If either of them discovers Skelator in the barn and inspects the feed this scheme is cooked. Efrain certainly couldn't want the ranch to go to crap when Sinthia's half would then also be worth nothing.

Tia MentiRosa dealing with insects and/or snakes might have been funny if it weren't so obvious that if she really had a heart condition this should have put her flat on her back in no time.

Not that I want to know what they were, but does anyone know whether there are alternate finale episodes to this series?

As usual, I loved those screenshots and the recap. Your photos of Salinas really show how ill he was. I cannot imagine filming from your hospital bed.

Sara: I had the same problem with trying to watch ahead for recapping Abismo last night. It was a non starter when Google blocked the usual site. I hope this other site works for you.


UA: there may be alternative endings. I read one place that said one thing, and briefly saw something that would indicate a different ending. I do not know which is true and decided to stop looking and just let it play out.

I like it very much although at times I'd like to know where I can buy a beanie!

Elvira, great recap. I too liked the zinger "already-occupied womb."

With Ernesto's daughter no longer hating Mersnotty, Mersnotty needs someone to give her a taste of her own irritating, obstinant self. For that, I'm willing to suffer through Chio.

UA & LoriLoo, no alternate endings whatsoever; nothing like THERESA.

LQNPA is so unpredicatable and I remember when it was running in Mexico; there were hardly any spoilers so, as a ROGELIana, the suspense was a killer and very intense. What you imagine would likely happen is often far from it.

For the first and only time, last night I felt sorry for Cynthia but then told Vainassa to let AP still thinks for she's cause her dad's death ... what an evil B.

Elvira, always enjoy the recap and thanks...


Elvira: Thanks for the recap and screenshots.

Hurry home, Roho, this novela needs you.

Many thanks Elvira! And also to UA for yesterday's courtly recap.

María looked so hurt when Cinthia complained about María favoring Rogelio and AP over her, and that "that's what I get for thinking that a simple servant could take my mother's place." I am now convinced that María is actually Cinthia's mother.


Wow. I was leaning toward Maria being secretly Rogelio's mother but Sin? She has never showed Sin any special favor but now that you mention it...Hmmm. I am intrigued by the possibilities.

Sinthia seems to have moved from neurotic to pathological in her behavior and Vanesa seems to be getting more reasonable. Talk about a change! Sin's wild-eyed attachment to Gustavito is more than a little scary. What an odd character she is!


Thanks, Elvira. Gee, EJ, I think that I, too, could easily develop a ''wildeyed attachment'' to the Guscake. Are those eyes blue ? That blue-eyed, dark haired combination is amazingly attractive.

Loved the recap and screencap Elvira. I'm so glad that Jorge is better after his ordeal. You can clearly see how ill he was but he also looked glad to be able to work even if from his hospital room.

Gus is sure marking his territory huh since he found out he's going to be a daddy. AP does look like she may have lost that loving feeling toward him. She was genuinely glad to hear from Rog and didn't correct him when he talked about having kids together since she had stressed earlier that there would be no relations.

Bruno is really getting on my nerves with all the scheming.

Thanks for the recap Elvira,

Seems to me there's a great deal of medical data missing here. Just because Rohell might be able to walk doesn't mean that his "plumbing" will be functional again. I mean, c'mon writers, what's all this yah-yah about he and Cupcake making babies? And Ernesto is going to be the operating physician? No specialist or five from DF or possibly Spain or the US?

EJ, we've also had as "evidence" that Rogelio's mother totally ignored Cinthia, so in fact Sin was raised by María, even though Rogelio is clearly María's "consentido". Still, she treats them both as if they were her own.

Rogelio has described his mother as being a very submissive woman to his father.


Very nice, Elvira! You can really see the illness JS has suffered through in those picture, BTW. Good, snarky title. Delusional. Maybe Cupcake is also? Just a thought.

He's in a D.F. hospital, so there could be a physician from the US assisting. Otherwise why wouldn't they be in Tuxtla?

And if Rogelio doesn't get AP at the end of the story I will be very peevish.

It is possible that Rogelio and Sinthia have different mothers; we will find out soon enough.

Thank you Elvira, I loved the whole thing. And whoever said this TN is unpredictable is right! Nothing is going the way one might expect. I started thinking Maria might be Cindy's ma last night. Something very poignant about their interchange. Many words left unspoken and Cindy is clearly a very injured and immature girl. She just doesn't act like someone of noble birth. I'm afraid Skeletor and Rosie are going to cook up some nasty legal straight-jacket for AnaP. I bet Tia will invoke power of attorney somehow and, in effect, be signing for Rogelio in his absence. The idea just makes my skin crawl. So many evil perps hanging around the innocents.

Jose Ron was on El Gordo y La Flaca today: http://entretenimiento.univision.com/el-gordo-y-la-flaca/el-gordo-y-la-flaca-videos/video/2012-04-11/jose-ron-de-la-que


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