Friday, April 13, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #77 Thursday 4/12/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Manage To Get Rid of Her Sister-In-Law

As Cinthia ponders the snake I ponder the reasoning behind her endless array of hideous, ill-fitting chokers.  Did Susana Gonzalez get a bad neck tattoo?  Constant hickeys?  Inquiring minds….

Gustavo apologizes to Ernesto for being an ass the night before.  Ern tells him he understands, but he's got to chill.  Ana's already had one nervous breakdown, so it's best they avoid another.  Ernesto tells Gus it's official that he and Mercedes are together.  They're going to live together and everything.  She'll find out about the toothpaste on the sink and the way he leaves his socks about two feet from the hamper.  Good times.

Cinthia's pretty nervous about the snake.  They're common in that area, so it won't be a big surprise for it to turn up in her bed.  They'll get rid of both Ana and the baby.  They plan to do the deed tonight.  With the snake.  I mean the murdering.  OK, probably the sex too, knowing those two.

Gus says Ernesto better treat it as seriously as he would being married and not make his sister suffer any more.

Rosaura and Maria face off yet again.  Rosaura wants posole…for Ana Paula.  With lots of oregano.  Maria gets highly pissed off and says she knows what Rosaura is up to and she won't do it!  I actually looked it up and oregano and/or oregano oil can cause miscarriage, but it doesn't sound like it's terribly common.  Ana Paula and Ernesto come in, happily chatting and AP says Ernesto will give them good news at dinner.  She asks Rosaura to help Maria make a really good dinner.  Predictable facial expressions ensue.

Night falls.  Macaria is sadly remembering Maripaz.  She and Consuelo bond.  Efrain comes to the fonda, saying he's just checking on Macaria and Ulises.  He leaves and Consuelo admits she still has feelings for him.

Ernesto starts off his big speech by thanking AP for "lending" them the house.  Cinthia gets just about as tacky as Rosaura about there being too many people there and it not being AP's house, etc., etc., etc.  Ernesto moves on to singing Mercedes' praises and then announces that he and Rogelio are opening a clinic in San Gabriel.  AP's drinking a big 'ol glass of water.  Gee, that's not too obvious.

Macaria tries to talk Consuelo out of having a thing for Efrain.  Unforunately, Macaria understands how Efrain can charm a gal's pants off.

Cinthia starts in on Ernesto about how some of the money he's planning to use is hers.  Mercedes doesn't like that he'll have to deal with Rogelio.  She blames Ana Paula for all the mess.  Chio asks Esteban to forgive her and she hopes they can still be friends.  Esteban adds his voice to the "and if you hurt her," chorus.  Vanessa comes in and Cinthia welcomes Vanessa to *her* house.

Ulises tells Macaria things are going to get ugly when Rogelio gets home, since AP is pregnant.

Vanessa asks for a drink and Cinthia rivals Rosaura for TACKINESS by saying if anyone deserves a drink, it's Vanessa.  Vanessa moves on to insulting AP's family.

Macaria can't believe it.  Ulises says better she's unfaithful so Rogelio will kick her and her family off the hacienda.

AP tells her to shut it about her and her family.  Cinthia pipes up again with the "half of this is mine" chorus.  Rosaura picks on her for not being able to snag a man.  Cinthia brags that she'll get back what's hers and AP and family will be gone once Rogelio finds out….  Gustavo interrupts her.  Esteban is sick of listening to Vanessa's attitude.  She turns her ire on him and Chio.  Since Chio stands up to her, she moves on to Miguel the murderer, Rosaura the Mooch, and starts to go back to Chio when Mercedes interrupts her and says Chio's there because she's her friend.  Maria declares the party a bust.  AP tells everyone to go in to dinner, except Vanessa.  AP swoons again and Gus tells Vanessa to please leave, if not out of respect for Ana, then out of respect for Ernesto and Mercedes.  Cinthia asks Vanessa to come with her and they leave the room.   Chio can't figure out why Esteban would have such a hard time forgetting a bitch like that.  Esteban looks like he can't figure it out either.

Vanessa is pissed that Cinthia didn't defend her.  Cinthia says she couldn't expose herself in front of Gustavo.  She wants Vanessa to be nice to Mercedes because Mercedes is going to be her sister-in-law.  She says AP will be out of their way soon.  Vanessa is also pissed that Esteban was there with Chio.  Oh, not that she wants him back or anything…she just hates seeing him so happy when she's still unable to get her hooks back into Rogelio because of Ana Paula.  Gee, and to think he let a great gal like her get away.

Efrain sneaks into AP's room and puts the snake in her bed.

AP retreats to Rogelio's office.  The phone rings.  It's Rogelio and she's happy to hear him.  She says she's worried about him.  "You really care about me?"  She tells him not to doubt it.  She's taking care of the water problem and she keeps learning.  Rogelio says he knew she'd handle it, although he doesn't figure Cinthia took it well.  AP asks him how he's doing.  Rogelio says he has good news--the last test went well and as soon as Ernesto gets back to San Gabriel, he can operate.

Efrain goes to Cinthia's room to report that the deed is done.  She tells him to be careful and not call her "my love" in front of everyone else.  Cinthia hopes the snake gets to biting quickly.  She invites him to spend the night so they can both hear AP scream.  Efrain can't believe what he's capable of for her.  Cinthia looks both disgusted and turned on.

AP wants to see him soon, but Rogelio doesn't want her to see him until he's all healed up.  She wants to talk, but has to settle for it being after the surgery.  She says she'll go to the chapel and pray for him.  Rogelio is looking forward to them spending time together after he's back on his feet.

The next morning, Cinthia and Efrain wake up and realize they didn't hear any screaming the night before.  Presumably not even from each other.  Cinthia grins, wondering if the snake bit her in her sleep and she's already dead.  Efrain calls her the "new" boss lady, earning a rebuke.  Cinthia can't restrain her curiosity and goes to see what happened.

It looks like Ana Paula didn't sleep in her bed, nor did anyone else.  Cinthia fumes.

Rosaura finds AP in Rogelio's bed.  She just really missed Rogelio and couldn't resist coming into his room last night instead of going to her own.  Rosaura looks hopeful.

Cinthia is still standing in AP's room when she sees the snake on the floor.  She walks out, avoiding it and runs back to her room to report to Efrain that AP's not dead.  She sends him to retrieve the snake and wonders if AP spent the night in Gustavo's room.

Cinthia runs into Rosaura and AP in the hallway.  She demands to know if AP spent the night with Gustavo.  Rosaura tells her she spent the night in Rogelio's room.  Cinthia scolds her and tells her to have some respect for the house and leave Gustavo alone.  AP looks like she's ready to keel over any minute now.

Gustavo overhears Ernesto talking to Rogelio about which clinic he'd like to use to operate.  Dun, dun, dun…

Vanessa and Cinthia have Product Placement Tea.  Cinthia was pissed to think AP spent the night with Gustavo.  They bitch that AP's just hoping someone will tell Rogelio that she slept in his room later to curry favor with him.  Bruno comes in and they bitch at him for David's behavior, wanting to put him on a leash.  Bruno says he'll talk to him.  Yeah, right.

Gustavo wants AP to delegate some responsibility.  AP says as much as she'd like to share responsibility with Cinthia or Vanessa, since they both hate her, that's not going to happen.  Gus is ready for them to run away together, but AP won't shirk her responsibilities.  And she won't run away again.  Gus tells her that whatever happens, he doesn't want her to forget that he loves her.  That sounded pretty final.  AP noticed it too.

Ernesto and Mercedes talk about their living situation.  He wants to make sure she can have a house with a garden like she's always wanted.

Gus sees Cinthia in the living room.  He says he's going to see Rogelio to confront him.  He refuses to take Cinthia with him or tell her where Rogelio is…but he thinks she has the right to know where he's going.  That made a lot of sense.

Bruno plays the good guy to AP yet again.  No important info is shared.

Maria cooks while Rosaura drinks tea and complains about having to keep watch over the cows.  Maria hopes guard duty ends soon so Rosaura will actually help her out in the kitchen.  Rosaura is offended at being relegated to assistant status.  Maria breaks it to her that Consuelo doesn't work there anymore.  She tells Rosaura to put down the coffee and help her make more "tostichilaquiles" (chilaquiles made with Tostitos?  Tostitos is definitely the product placement here).

Rutilio scopes out Consuelo as she sets the tables on the patio at the fonda.  He tries to give her a flower and she tells him to get the hell away from her and take his damn flower with her.  He still won't back off.  Macaria comes outside and he says he was just stopping by to say hello.  He leaves and Consuelo wonders who he is.  She gets a bad vibe off him.

Cinthia confronts AP about not telling her that the Cattle Association wants to kick Rogelio out.  She rubs it in AP's face that Gustavo went to confront Rogelio.

And there he is.

AP freaks out and says it's impossible since Gus doesn't know where Rogelio is.  Cinthia says it's all AP's fault for causing this.  "If you really loved him you wouldn't have married my brother!"  She whines that she loves Gustavo and doesn't want Rogelio to kill him.  Cinthia gets in the last dig that what ever happens will be AP's fault.  She starts to leave and AP cries that she doesn't feel well and begs her to get Maria.  Cinthia just grins.

Rogelio asks if Cinthia is ok and Gus says she is.  "Then it's the water?"  Gus admits Ernesto didn't tell him where Rogelio was and says no one else knows.  "Ok, then.  What's so important?  Are you here to ask for my sister's hand?"  Lol…no, but if Gus can't get a word in he's going to leave with Cinthia's hand whether he wants it or not!

Tomorrow:  AP may have lost the baby; Cinthia takes up the whip.


Sorry if someone's brought up Cinthia's choker fetish already and I missed it. I keep resolving to keep up with the recaps and failing miserably!

Tomorrow promises to be a hot mess of a day, with that Spanish training video shoot starting at 9am and setup for an elementary school carnival at 4. Seems like I'd have plenty of time, but there's never any way of knowing how long a shoot's going to take.

Thank you for the early recap, it must be hard to keep this up with your busy schedule.

AP sure knows how to throw a party.

Kat, that was a great recap. Thanks for getting it out there in the midst of all your other commitments. Cindy's attire has bugged me from the beginning. I don't know which is worse, the midriff or the neckwear. It's anybody's guess why, but maybe you're right about bad tatts. Rog looked a little better last night, in his hospital room. A nice smile.

Among the many things that drive me crazy about this show those damn chokers are the worst. They scream summer camp art project (who was it that first suggested this?)

I managed to watch Wednesdays episode yesterday. Boy they are really piling it on Ana Pau.

Thanks, 5 ft. Great, funny recap.

It seems like so many novela costume teams hit on something unattractive and keep at it. In Mi Pecado, Maite P. wore wide, wide elastic belts, ugly and ever-present. Susana Gonzalez is such a pretty woman. The bare midriff and chokers make her look old and silly. On the other hand, they are somehow consistent with her declining mental state.

I had to laugh last night when Gustavo, I think, remarked to AP that her pregnancy seemed to make her stronger, as once again she started to pass out. It is indeed piling up on her! She can't catch a break. And only about 90 more episodes full of trials and tribulations to go.

Thank you 5ft for this great snarky recap. Can't stand Sin or Effer anymore. I used to like Effer cause he was a prankster and a lover but now being an accomplice of Sin, can't stand either one of them. I can't wait for Rohell to come back to put her in her place. Woe to her if something happens to the Cupcake.

Poor Cupcake having to deal with all this bs by herself. Vainy is just unbearable in her discontent and all her plots and plans.

Don't like that Gus found out where Rohell is and it looks like he is going to tell him about the Cupcake. Gus is such and idiot. I thought Rohell was possessive but the Guscake is much worse.

Kat, thanks so much for doing such a marvellous recap in the midst of all you have on your plate. I checked the site this morning, thinking that the recap was unlikely to be up already, found I was wrong, and was immediately sucked in by your delightful speculations about Cinthia's "endless array of hideous, ill-fitting chokers." I kept laughing all the way through the recap. If I quote all the lines I liked, I'd be reproducing almost the entire thing.

I have to confess that I've never noticed Cinthia's chokers. I keep staring at her mid-section and thinking about all the weight I'd like to lose to get a figure like hers. Sick! But true. But sick.

I had no idea what Maria was talking about in her conversation with MentiRosa about posole. I had never heard of a connection between oregano and miscarriage. (I'm way past the age where that would be an issue.)

Yesterday people were speculating about whether Cinthia and Efrain intend the snake to kill AP or just cause a miscarriage. I guess last night's episode made it clear that they (or at least Cinthia) are hoping for a two-fer. What scumbags! Earlier, I was assuming that both Cinthia and Efrain would be redeemed at the end, but now.... I still have hopes for Vanessa, though she's making it harder and harder to cling to that hope.

Gustavo's "no matter what" speech to AP made me wonder whether he's going to be killed off, and if so, by whom. David? Bruno? Rutilio? Surely not by Rogelio.

Well, enough for now. Thanks again for the great recap, and good luck with all you have to do.

Great work, Kat. I had to delay watching the episode until this morning because I was too tired last night.

Sinthia is irredeemable now. Although she didn't succeed in killing AP she is crazy. I think she will end up in the manicomio. If it's the same one Elsa is in, Vainessa doesn't have to worry too much about time management in visiting them.

Did Efrain find the snake?

Sinthia with a riding crop will be far worse than her brother ever was. Who wants to bet me she will try to kick AP and her retinue out of the house?

Thanks Kat!

I'm so sick of hearing Vainessa as she rolls her rrrr's excessively while insulting everyone. She can't stand seeing her ex-husband with another woman even though she dumped him LOL!

And, gee, Cinthia. Can we get over it already? Constantly harping about being "La Patrona". Attacking AP because you thought she "might" have spent the night in Gus's room, while you had Efraín in yours all night.

But even Cinthia had to reign in her cattiness in front of Guscake, and had to get Vainessa to leave LOL!

Yep, both Sin and Effer are revealed to be full-fledged villains. No redemption for them! Vainessa, however, still stands a chance.

I am also sick of Sin's wardrobe. And she looks so much older than Gus when she's always frowning and throwing hissy-fits, so in those outfits it just looks ridiculous. I'm not convinced she really "loves" Gus. I think, like Vainessa, she just can't stand to lose a man she thought was "hers" to another woman, and she thinks that is love.


Loved the recap 5ft. It's much appreciated. So Cinthia doesn't want AP to miscarry, she wants to kill her and her baby. Wonder if Efrain will really retrieve the snake or leave it crawling around in AP's bedroom.

That party was atrocious for sure. Vainessa and Cinthia know how to ruin a party for sure.

With it all piling on on AP, it sure doesn't look like she's going to carry the baby to term and especially by the looks of the previews. She didn't look good at all and Cinthia could not be happier about it. It's time for Rog to come home and take command since it's all falling apart at the seams. Jorge did look a lot better in his scenes.

What will Gus say since he beat his chest that he was going to tell Rog no matter the outcome?

Thank goodness for your recap 5 ft. I couldn't stomach that family feud, so I ff through all of it, knowing I could read it here later.

I loved the 'product placement tea'. It doesn't bother me too much that they do it. It's an easy way to make money and not interfere with the story.

I agree with Traveling Lady that Cin's clothing is inappropriate. I could see a 20 year old wearing the tummy baring tops in these situations, and I could even see a 30 year old wearing these tops on a summer picnic, but she looks ridiculous wearing them everywhere she goes.

5ft, great recap.

When Sin went to AP's room to check on her "death," I was hoping she'd pull back the sheets and get bitten herself. She and Efrain are the lowest, on par with Bruno now. Sin's nutty and Efrain's totally amoral. Can't believe they had sex while they thought Cupcake was getting killed.

Interesting that the women (Cupcake, Sin) assume Rogelio will kill if he finds out about Cupcake and Guscake and their baby, while the men (Ulises, Ernesto) assume only that he'll run Cupcake off the hacienda.

I agree Niecie, nothing like 'while we're killing you' sex. They're sick.

I really hope that Rogelio gets that timely phone call right before Gus spills the beans about AP's pregnancy. Maybe about AP being unwell, therefore keeping Gus from telling Rog what's up.

I don't think that he will get a call since only Ernesto knows how to reach him. What I think will happen tonight is someone will enter the room -- interrupting Gustavo -- to prep Rogelio for surgery.

As for Bruno, he's looking seriously ghoulish these days. I could go into greater detail in my opinion, but I'm sure you all want to be able to eat dinner tonight.

The product placement tea was fine and subtle enough, but Tostichilaquiles? Blech. They're still plain ole Tostitos so why not just dunk them and keep the salsa verde off your fingers? Would Mexicans actually eat this stuff?

Efrain and Cinthia have gone over to the dark side with Bruno. Didn't they also say something about having to take care of the boy (Margaro) next? He's next in line to take some of her inheritance regardless of who his real papa is. Rogelio should've just given the girl her money and sent her away.

If Gustavo does have to die, I hope he kills that rapist guy first. Glad Consuelo picked up on his negative vib.


Thanks Kat for the recap. Loved it.

BTW, that's a coral snake Efrain was playing with---as deadly as a cobra, and I'm not thrilled that it's on the loose. I have a feeling someone's going to get bitten by it, even if it's not Cupcake.

Thanks, UA, for that reprieve LOL! (Bruno and not spoiling dinner).

Doña Gringuita - Efraín SAID it was a coral snake - un coralillo - but viewerville figured out yesterday that it is a nice non-poisonous Mexican milk snake running around on the set. Although, of course, we fear for the plot development of a poisonous snake bite on someone.


Something occurred to me while I was out this afternoon (enjoying my Lobsterfest meal at lunch): There have been examples in other TNs of people with two half-siblings, one by each parent. Could LQNPA be another?

While Efrain told Sinthia that Rogelio is the father of Margarito, he also said that the hacienda would be split three ways, so I again raise the question of whether Montero Sr's first name was also Rogelio. This opens up the following possibility:

Rogelio is the son of Rogelio Sr and his lawful wife, Margarito is the son of Rogelio Sr and an unknown paramour in a relationship that occurred after the death of Rogelio's mother. Sinthia is the daughter of Rogelio's mother and an unknown lover, possibly the foreman employed at the time. By TN logic that not only explains Sinthia's predilection for slumming but possibly her coldness toward her, as she was not the daughter of the lord and master of Rancho del Fuerte?

I meant the mother's coldness/indifference to Sinthia.

@UA: what you just said is exactly what I've been thinking all along.

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