Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #191 Tue 4/3/12 (first half hour)

I covered for Ez while he got home.

Vince's hormones are on another infantile rampage and Pina knows it. "Where were you last night, Chento?" "With clients." "Again with the lies as before? By the way I told Pancho I don't want to be president any more, things are going back as they were before. Have you retired your complaint against him? "You seem different." "The novelty, the honeymoon, it's over!"

Candy the grieving widow is surprised to get a giant smacker of a kiss from Arnold. Arnold uses his deepest voice to come on to her, she's surprised. "Arnold, you'll have to choose between me and Pina."

Ana's band has a private party to do in Guadalajara for millionaire Adrian Uriastigui, I think he has a shoe business. She surmises he will be "panzon i pelon" (fat and hairy) and he hears that and teases her. He's actually normal looking and flirts with her. He's hired her because his kids like the band. He's a widower.

Freddie tells Kari he's worried about his depressed mom: "She said the enchantment is over, she's having an identity crisis." Kari comes over but she is too young and vapid to be any help.

The few brain cells rattling around noisily inside Vince's empty head are distracting him. Celeste is ready to join the parade of his sacrificial bimbos. He flirts with her, grabs her, dances his flamenco of moronic delight.

Pancho and Rebe continue their incredibly boring tour of wedding vendors.

Pepe makes it back to work. Moni (if it's really Moni and not some robot) calls him and asks why he hasn't been calling. What, is that a cassette in her hand? All will be revealed at some other time. She says she'll be back for the wedding. She's acting very oddly. Pepe rehashes recent events, leaving out his crush on his fellow mechanic. Frida walks by and distracts him.

Now Frida is crying sitting on a tire. I thought it was for love, but no, somebody stole her car! It was (as she has told us many times) all she had to remember her grandparents by!

OK, Pancho doesn't want to wear tie and tails, he imagines conducting an orchestra in front of a lot of tiny cutouts of fake audience members. The smoking jacket makes him feel like a waiter. He wants to get married in his tennies.

Ana and the atta-boys give a private concert for the rich guy's kids. Over to you, Ezra!


Thanks for this recap Melinama. I'm glad the veil is quickly moving from Pina's eyes. She needs to go back to her former better self.

Thank you Melinama for this great recap. Loved the kiss Arnold Flowerz gave Candy. It was really funny. She was so shocked. lol.

Loved Pancho conducting the orchestra of Beethoven's 5th. It was really funny too. The waiter thing was even funnier.

Liked out Ana was talking about Adrian and then he showed up. He is very handsome and young like Lupe to be a widower.

Madelaine- I cracked up when Pancho pulled out knitting needles during his conducting fantasy. I know it was a silly sequence, but it cracked me up too.

Melinama- I've left my thanks and main comment on Ezra's recap.

Melinama, "flamenco of moronic delight" is an absolutely perfect way to describe Vince. Thanks for covering for Ezra. Your point of view always makes me laugh.

Thanks Melinama. I didn't have time to watch last night but haven't deleted the recording yet. I'll have to check out this Adrian guy. Sounds like he's got "future husband" written all over him!

Melinama, thanks for a fun recap. Enjoyed all the snark at Vince’s expense. My favorites:

“The few brain cells rattling around noisily inside Vince's empty head are distracting him.”

“Celeste is ready to join the parade of his sacrificial bimbos.”

“…dances his flamenco of moronic delights.”

Thanks for the recap, Melinama! Great fun. "dances his flamenco of moronic delight" is a fabulous turn of phrase and so perfect for our spastic idiot Vicente.

I think Moni (if that IS Moni...) has a cell phone cover that looks like an old cassette tape. She talks to Pepe like there's a gun to the back to her head ensuring she says nothing wrong. Pepe really needs to hie to France. Hasn't he noticed how odd she's been?

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