Friday, April 13, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #205-206 Thu 4/12/12 What to expect when you’re expecting a lot of clichés.

At the hospital, Pepe feels guilty and thinks he should have driven Frida home, which would have been TOTALLY fine because they are platonic friends and nothing would have happened and if by chance he had puckered up his lips and Frida’s just coincidentally were right there in front of him, how is that his fault? Moni is annoyed that Pepe went to see Frida and didn’t mention it before. Pepe visits Frida and tells her she’ll need surgery and lots of therapy.
Arnoldo has a plan for the boutique and tells Candy they’ll need 30 million pesos to get it off the ground. Candy only inherited 10 million. Arnoldo thinks it’s cute that she thought she was rich.
Ana cries to Chela that she doesn’t like touring, has no dudely sidekick because Freddie’s too feeble and Adrián is too blah, plus she’s getting fat. Chela says that’s ridiculous; who told her she was fat?
Rebe sends her mom home to Florida to fix her life with daddy.
Chela stands in her new bedroom (Pina’s old room) and spaces out so spacily that four months pass and her stretchy pants no longer fit over her huge belly.
Downstairs, Enzo and Pancho talk about the auditor who’s coming to investigate the head honchos of Avon. They hear she’s a mean old hag. Enzo swears his affairs are above reproach, which is doubtful since he’s been in cahoots with Vins so long. Chela goes into labor, and Pancho and Enzo seem to realize they live in a sitcom because they completely freak out and can hardly get it together to drive Chela to the hospital. Apparently they make it, and we are treated to the usual labor and delivery scenes. Enzo videotapes the proceedings, which I find bothersome because in this family that’s probably going to be shown on the big screen to everyone they know. Really, Enzo, everyone would be happy to just see a photo of the cleaned-up cute baby.
Out in the waiting room, the clan gathers. Rebe is getting big and out of control. For pretty much the rest of the episode, she sobs and wails and demands one food, then gets grossed out by it and demands something else, then eats a ton, then howls that she’s fat, because that’s the card she drew in cliché charades.
Moni still has the red hair and is irritated by all the time Pepe has spent with Frida every day helping her with her therapy. Frida is frustrated by her slow progress and yells at patient Pepe. Later Moni rants that she thinks Frida is stalling her recovery to keep Pepe close. Pepe defends Frida and says he won’t abandon her. He visits her at her home and she apologizes and they look at each other longingly.
Everyone admires the baby, who is kicking back in the strictly gender-normative-colored nursery, until Temo realizes that poor Chela is all alone. So the huge loud party moves to Chela’s room. Eventually the nurse brings the baby and throws them all out. Apparently they name the baby Francisco, which seems kind of rude to do to Enzo.
Ana dashes off to the cafeteria and snarfs a ton of food and then goes and barfs. What fun. Adrián finds her at the hospital (doesn’t he have two kids and a business in Guadalajara?) and worries about her. Later, at home, Ana has some scary internet product called Delgaflex which promises “surprising effects.” Yikes.
Meanwhile, back at the office, Pina tells Arnoldo she wants to start a foundation to help broken families. He’s astonished but proud. Freddie comes in (Lamberto calls him “amors hermosho”) and tells Pina he’s graduating soon and then will have a surprise. He’s not happy about Vins and Candy’s wedding the next day, but Pina’s therapy seems to have finally taken some effect because she tells him she’s okay with it; Vins’s affair with Candy was just a symptom of their crumbling marriage, not the cause, and Freddy should make an effort to accept his new stepmommy.
Lamberto is having conniptions about the audit. Vins seems unprepared to have his secrets bared. They have the idea the inspector is some bitter ugly old spinster.
Lupita and Tomás visit Enzo, Chela, and the baby in the hospital and once again prove Lupita is the most considerate and mature person in the family by being quiet and only staying long enough to offer congratulations and praise the baby.
The very next day, it’s time for the boda of Candy and Vins. The guests gather. Pepe and Moni are at odds. Sandra wants Chacho to talk with Doc Oc about his “little problem.” Chacho is too embarrassed. Adrián the Stalker is there. So is the staff of El Paraíso, so maybe he can find someone new. Candy arrives, resplendent in looky-loo lace and magenta sparkle net. But where is La Familia Lopez? They are at home, waiting for Rebe to battle her overwhelming emotions enough to get dressed and into La Burra. Finally she manages it, amidst another tantrum.
The wedding happens. Napo’s V.I.L.E. Henchman has spent his time off perfecting his henchman expressions, and he hams up his phone reports on the proceedings. Kari notices Ana seems unwell and is concerned, but Ana is nasty to her and dashes off to the loo. Freddie and Adrián both worry and Adrián tells Freddie he should never have let her get away. Some of Candy’s old Paraíso clients crash the reception and start a Broadway musical brawl. Pancho and Vins hug and make up.
Chela and Enzo miss the wedding, of course, because her sister-in-law and his best friend were considerate enough to schedule it right when their kiddo was due. Chela is not all that happy Candy married Vice, and Enzo tries to convince her Vice is a good person deep down (VERY deep, says Chela). He tells her how he and Vins first connected, which has apparently never come up before in all the time he and Chela have been together: He used to wash Vice’s car, bringing baby Moni with him, and Vice maybe pitied him or was charmed by Moni and gave Enzo office work and paid for his schooling, and they became good friends. He thinks this means Vice is a generous person; Chela thinks Vice just bought himself a friend.
Pepe and Moni bicker again some more and Moni says they should break up.
Freddy tells Pina he’s worried about Ana because she seems sick. Pina would rather talk about the vacation she’s planning for herself and amors hermosho, though she does chant her “new Pina” mantra to keep from saying mean things about Ana.
Ana takes diet pills and exercises a lot and has a dizzy spell. Pancho and Rebe don’t even know about this, but they are worried about her eating habits and they consult Doc Oc (Rebe momentarily calms down) and he says Ana should see a psychiatrist. Pancho says Ana has always had low self-esteem. Pepe interrupts to tell them Moni dumped him and that sets Rebe off on another round of wailing.
Vice and Candy have a wedding night crammed full of every telenovela wedding night cliché. The towels on the bed folded into bunnies are a nice suggestive touch.
Mañana: The auditor arrives, and as she is Maribel Guardia we are to assume she is not, in fact, a bitter ugly old hag.


Rebe annoyed the stew pit of me last night. And not sure what I think about her whining about being fat in conjunction with the eating disorder PSA story line.

Thanks for the recap I loved the suggestive bunny towels line.

Very funny, Julia. I love your title. When Chela went into Labor Enzo & Pancho were channeling Ricky Ricardo & Rob Petrie. My favorite bit was Enzo's leap over the couch. He is so athletic.

Then, of course, there's Rebe -- I loved your comment -"that’s the card she drew in cliché charades." She's way over the top in a very annoying way. Still it is fun to see the normally perfect Rebe so disheveled and makeup free.

Speaking of makeup. THey are doing a reat job with Ana's look. She really looks sick -- but without any obvious tricks. I don't like this story line at all but they are playing it well.As for her puppy dog Adrian I totally agree with you Julia. doesn’t he have two kids and a business in Guadalajara?' That's been bugging me for a while.

Vince & Pancho were so funny in the brawl at the wedding. Perfect comedy timing -- and a hug at the end. I loved it. The best part -- the two of them noting what a good team they ca be when they work together.

Pina & Freddy are both making great strides. I loved Pina using her new mantra to stop herself from calling Ana "piojosa." Speaking of Pina -- does anyone else react to the theme song like I do? Every time they break for commercial & I hear Guzman's voice -- it sounds like Pina to me.

One other comic bit that I loved last night -- when Enzo & Pancho were on the couch in the now Rinaldi Torres house (Which used to be the Irabien house) They were tossing the couch cushions just the way Vince & Freddy used to --different couch, different cushions --same schtick.

I think I may be swithching sides to team Frida. Moni is just too annoying -- even though she has every right to feel the way she does.


I'm annoyed by both Frida and Moni. I want to put them both in a machine that munges together the best of both to create a less annoying girlfriend... or maybe there wouldn't be anything left at this point except a quivering mass of self-pity.

I found Rebe's constant whining to be kind of funny, because she normally isn't a big whiner. After all these months doing a comedy, it's good to know that the actress can sort of be a little bit funny.

Agree though that her complaints about being "fat" don't sound good alongside Ana's storyline, but I don't think it's contributing to Ana's problem, which has taken on a life of its own - I don't think she's even hearing other people now. She's too obsessed with her own negative self-talk.

I also agree that someone is doing a good job with Ana's makeup. And Sherlyn herself is doing a great job as Ana.

The only thing that didn't quite ring true for me was the scene of her pigging out in the cafeteria. I understand that binge eating is usually done in secret. Even though no one she knew was around at the moment, anyone in the family could have walked in at any time and seen her.

Thanks for the great snarky recap Julia. I too agree about Moni. She has really gotten unbearable. I understand why she is jealous about Pepe spending so much time with Frida, but the poor girl has noone else to help her. It's almost as if she is pushing Pepe towards Frida more all the time.

The Ana storyline is really sad. So many young girls do this to themeselves because someone told them they were fat. Karen Carpenter had this same situation when someone said she was fat. I just hope Ana doesn't end up like her.

Rebe was too funny with her hormonal changes. I was whiny in my 9th month. I couldn't wait to have my baby, thought I was way too fat and waddled like a duck, but I wasn't so over the top lol.
Agree about the video. Enzzo is very strong cause most men when they see a birth pass out, I'd be worried about everyone seeing it later.

The Candy and Vins wedding was really funny. The fist fight almost looked like something from West Side Story with the pushing and back and forthing lol. And Arnold leaving with the ladies that was really funny lol.

Glad Pina is going to have a foundation and especially for broken families. She at least is trying to change. I like the talk she had with Freddy.

Oh Julia...I just loved every single word of this, starting with the title riff on "what to expect when you're expecting". Clever throughout and so readable. You always deliver, lady. Thanks.

Julia, a laughfest recap. Perfect title. Some of my favorites:

“ dudely sidekick because Freddie’s too feeble and Adrián is too blah”

“...because that’s the card she drew in cliché charades”

“Some of Candy’s old Paraíso clients crash the reception and start a Broadway musical brawl.”

I loved Candy's wedding dress. A little peek-a-boo risqué, but she looked great and not over the top.

When Moni said she and Pepe should break up, I yelled "thank you!" They are miserable together now and have been stuck in the same argument for ages.

I get that Frida lives in a rathole, but she's made no attempt whatsoever to liven up her place as most do no matter how poor they are. Prison inmates decorate their cells more than she's done with her apartment.

Thanks so much for the recap Julia.

Sara - ITA having Rebe being "irrational" as according to the cliché that's how pregnant women act along with Ana's anorexia is very bad. One is a serious disorder and another is a bad stereotype about moody women; as if, men aren't moody. Basta!

Güera - yes, I enjoyed watch Enzo leap over the couch. And you are not the only one who thinks of Pina during the theme song though I know she does not sing it.

Well, now we know the PSA Ana was going to be the model for. I agree that it is really wrong having Rebe obsess about her pg weight while Ana has real issues.

Thank goodness for the mute button, I gave it a lot of use whenever Rebe and Moni began their whining. It annoyed the devil out of me.

The West Side Story wedding battle was hilarious.

Moni is so-o-o-o obsessed by Frida that she can't see the perfect solution. All she needs is to step in and give Frida all kinds of support. she could be there in rehab acting so sweet tha butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. Pepe would appreciate her instead of feeling abused by her & Frida would have to back off. No way Moni could ever pull it off though.

My VCR cut off about 12 minutes early last night so I didn't see the wedding night scene -- or the arrival of the tax auditor. I assume that she is going to be a knockout -- and a source of jealousy & temptation -- and maybe finally a match for Arnold???


"West Side Story" was exactly what I was thinking during the wedding brawl. I kept expecting synchronized finger snaps.

I still think that Pepe should have made an effort to get someone else to help Frida and be her friend. Frida and Ana seemed to get along pretty well when they met. If Ana were the one going to therapy and helping Frida get home every day, it would have been good for everyone. Ana would have something to focus on besides starving herself, Frida would have a friend who wasn't so problematic, Pepe and Moni's relationship wouldn't have been so strained.

I am not liking Frida, Pepe, or Monica right now, but I'm glad Moni finally called it quits since they've been at odds so long and neither is willing to change. Moni keeps going on about Pepe not putting her first, and whines when Pepe mentions how she chose her comfy luxurious life over living with him. I don't think she understands at all how much that rejection hurt him, even if he knows her reasons. He isn't willing to put her first 100% when he feels he'll never be good enough and she'll leave whenever things get difficult.

A few words from last night:

renguear - to limp, hobble

coja - lame, limping

demacrada - emaciated

cucha - bed, kennel

renga - injured in the back or hip

hasta el queque - too much

Güera, your idea - for Monica to be a part of Frida's rehab - is something that I think pre-France Moni might have tried. (Or maybe I mean pre-cohabitating Monica, since that's when her spirit got crushed.) It would have been a pragmatic way to be nice while also discouraging any monkey business.

But post-France Moni, or should I say post-cohabitating Moni, is too insecure to go outside her comfort zone and befriend Pepe's gimpy naca pal. Actually, after putting up with the rehab situation for four months already I'm surprised she even bothered to break up with him. But better late than never. There's a big difference between fighting for one's man, and simply putting up with him.

Thanks for the recap Julia! I love the title. Boy, was Rebe over the top. But I think that was the point. When she tried to commiserate with Chela, Chela looked at her like she had two heads because she could not relate. It almost seems like there is something medically wrong with her like a hormone imbalance. Maybe the point was what the doc and Chela said-- everyone's pregnancy is different. I did like seeing Pancho give someone else a foot massage for a change. Ha!

I thought Candy looked great in her wedding dress. It was very "her" (a bit over the top) while not vulgar and quite pretty. Loved the fight scene. You can tell that Vince and Pancho are related. They both have a huge silly side, and they work well together. I guess by the end of this they with be a dynamic duo. Nice to finally hear the story of Enzzo and Vince. Enzzo promised Chela a long time ago to tell her why he's so loyal to Vince. Guess they've been busy all these many months. :)

Speaking of many months, we've had a bunch of time jumps lately. Freddy and Tom are about to graduate and head into the working world. Shouldn't Kari, Pepe and Moni also be about ready to graduate?

I thought they did well with the eating disorder storyline, although it's really sad. I have no idea why Adrian would still be following around a young woman, with no interest in him, and some obvious emotional issues, when he has a business and two kids at home to take care of. Dude needs to get a life (or pay attention to the one he already has).

I loved the layered skirt of Candy's dress, and I liked the cut of the top, although I am not a big fan of lace in general so it wasn't a total winner for me. I liked the magenta accessories, too. Very her.

It's a little unbelievable to me that prim, well-mannered Rebe wouldn't control her behavior a little more, even if she FEELS way off...she's pregnant, she hasn't had a lobotomy. On the other hand, I did like that they are showing that pregnancies are different. Rebe never threw up or fainted, that we know of. Chela did get some nausea, but didn't have the wild mood swings. Chela got big pretty fast. Not the usual telenovela style of a woman having nausea or fainting, which instantly disappears when she knows she is pregnant, and then never getting big or anything else until just before the baby is born.

Julia, thanks for the terrifically funny recap. I was pretty happy about the 4 meses despues as it kind of helped to jump start the action a little.

Speaking of action, I loved the wedding brawl scene. Both Pancho and Vince annoy me at times, but they were an absolute joy to watch as they danced and fought together. What a well-choreographed and enjoyable scene that was.

Your description of Enzo and Chela's conversation about Vince was super. Thank you for taking the time to explain it so well.

At this point I wouldn't mind if Pepe and Moni break up. Neither of them seems that happy with the other.

Thanks Julia! Great recap and very clever title.

Enzo has to be quite the guy to name his nino after Pancho. I also think Chela should be embarrased to it knowing her feelings for Pancho. And when will they get married? Their both so straight laced I'd of thought they'd of married already.

Opps - Chela be embarrased to name her child after Pancho knowing her feelings..........

Anon, thanks for mentioning Chela and Enzo. I was wondering if they were married but since I haven't been following closely I didn't want to ask.

...she's pregnant, she hasn't had a lobotomy.

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