Thursday, May 03, 2012

El Talismán #67 Thu 5/3/12 Tonio Lies,El Viral Stalks


This will be a short bullet style recap. I missed the first ten to fifteen minutes of this capitulo today. Hubby had eye surgery early this morning and we got home just as the program was airing. He is fine and resting now so I will put up this recap.

Pedro and Marina are talking. He assures her everything he said is true. He leaves.

Tonio comes to see Mariana and confronts him with the fact that he got her pregnant just for El Tal. He wants to know where she heard this? She says Pedro. He says Pedro lies and Mariana is confused. Tonio tells her Pedro had a contract out on her to kill her. Santiago comes to the door and Tonio gets rid of him. Mariana wants to know who it was? Tonio says noone. Mariana doesn't remember anything. She wants to know if she was in love with Pedro, and Tonio tells her oh, yeah you were (liar, liar pants on fire). Pedro only married you for the money and El Tal. And besides he wanted to give the money to Cameela. He tells her she had and Aunt Patty, but she recently died. Mariana is upset that her Tia died. Tonio keeps pressing the point that Pedro is a liar, but for once Mariana isn't buying it. She says I don't beleive your claptrap. He tells her he has proof and hands over the fake newspaper article. He goes. She looks at it and is so shocked she has to sit down.

Cameela is nervous that Pedro went to see Mariana. Sarita and Padre tell Cameela to trust Pedro. Pedro comes back and Cameela wants to know what they talked about? They go back to El Tal so they can talk. Pedro tells Cameela he told Mariana he married her to give the baby a name and that they were always like brother and sister. Cameela wants to know what else. Well they kissed. KISSED!!!!! Oh, noes you didn't. You don't kiss your sister! He tries to explain that Mariana didn't remember anything and wanted to see if there were any feelings there. He tells Cameela that he told Mariana that he only loves Cameela, (what is this high school). As a matter of fact, he wants her to come with him to Mariana's. She really doesn't want to go but he talks her into it. They get to Mariana's and Cameela wants to leave, but Pedro says stay and talk to her. Mariana opens the door and is quite pithed off to see them there. She wants to know why Pedro didn't tell her, he was giving money to Cameela? She wants Pedro and Cameela to tell her the truth. Pedro you just wanted my money right? They both deny that, and Cameela is very indignant! They both want to know where she heard this from. She says Tonio of course! Don't beleive Tonio he is a liar. Mariana wants them to confess. She shows them the newspaper article.

Pigorio is out of the hospital and Doris is in the room with him, and just about the time they are getting cozy, who should walk in, (wait for it) Lucrazy. She wants to know why Doris is still here? She is divorced from Tonio now and she shouldn't be there. Then crazy as Lucrazy is, she senses something isn't right here. She has a little clue and asks them if they have something going on? Oh, they deny it of course. Pigorio turns it on her and says the obsession she has with Pedro is going to land her in all kinds of trouble and to stay away from El Tal. After Lucrazy leaves, Pigorio says something about Doris doing something and if she does, she will, wait for it, largate mi rancho para siempre!

Tracy and Panchito are on the porch talking and she asks him if he went to see Rennie by any chance and was it for Pigorio? Panchito hems and haws and says yeah kind of. Tracy tells Panchito in her English, Rennie is very dangerous, and in spanish muy peligroso. Panchito says his Papa is more than muy peligroso and not to worry. Lucrazy comes out and wants a cafecita and Tracy goes. Lucrazy tries to pump Panchito for info on Doris and Pigorio but Panchito isn't saying anything.

Tonio and Lucrazy are having a conversation and basically it was that they enjoy Pedro and Cameela's non wedding. Tonio swears he will get Cameela back by hook or by crook. He says Mariana doesn't remember anything and he has put thoughts in her head. Lucrazy tells him Cameela won't give up Pedro. Au contraire, is what Tonio says. I will find a way to make El Viral, oh noes, make Cameela marry me.

We find out Santiago's mother is in Mexico and Padre is determined to find her.

Manuel is at the hospital and tells the receptionist that Mariana is spending the whole day with Pedro. He asks if any patients have appointments, and she says no, but there is a woman in his office. He asks if it is Maria, she says no, an old friend of yours. He goes to his office and it is , wait for it, El Viral who today is a stalkerazi. She is all smiles and he asks her what she is doing there? She says to see you MI AMOR, get real already! She found out he was in town and just had to see him, and that their relationship was so intense, (oh please, someone, anyone, give HER the sleepytime tea). He looks at her like she is loca, and he tells her in no uncertain terms that Maria is the love of his life.

There were some things with Army, Angel, Maria, Flor and Fabi and their friends and they are mooning over lost love.

Tomorrow on El Talisman:

Tonio is doctoring those pills again.


Sorry y'all. I had set my VCR but for some reason it didn't record. Hubby is fine and resting. I will be able to do my normal recap on Friday, cause I usually put it up on Saturday.

I don't know who is worse, Tonio or Lucrazy. All the kids were mooning over their loves, even Maria.

El Viral needs to go to the manicomio. I think I know exactly how Tonio will convince El Viral to get Cameela to marry him, unless Maria can stop her.

Oh, and for the first fifteen minutes please put in your comments what I missed. Thank y'all.

Madelaine, thanks for the recap. I didn't watch this today and I think I will just enjoy your recap instead. I really don't care for the teen romance so it was not missed.

Good luck with hubby and his recovery.

Rosemary Primera

Thank you Madelaine. I love your "wait for it"....

Am glad your hubby is doing well.

Madelaine, Thank u for the recap. Tonio is going to use the bottle of pills w/ her fingerprints to tell her that either she convinces Cameela to marry him or she will go to jail. I've been saying it all along. That is the only excuse he can use. Hopefully someone will stop him.

Hi Madelaine, so sorry to hear about hubby but I'm glad everything turned out OK and he is resting. You are a champ for doing this recap in spite of your busy day. I'm impressed.

I don't think you missed anything too important. You got all the highlights that I remember. There was just a lot of Pedro and Mariana talking and Cameela kvetching with Padre and Co. about Pedro. They assured her she and Pedro are married in the eyes of the church. Mariana wanted to kiss Pedro again and his face was priceless, but you probably saw that. Oh, and Pigorio told Valentin he was going to find Mariana and make her disappear.

I didn't quite understand what Pigorio said to Doris where he would kick her out para siempre. It sounded like he said "If you back out now" but that doesn't really make sense, does it?

Tonio said Cameela will marry him in order to "save" her mother. I say let her go to court and plead insanity. Then she can go to the manicomio as you suggest.

Great recap! Thanks.

Oops, Odie I missed your comment while I was posting. Yes, using Elvira is Tonio's supposed ace in the hole. Camila should call his bluff and get a good lawyer instead.

Madelaine, I too just love your "wait for its" -- I start laughing even before I know what it is I'm waiting for. Also, Sleepytime Tea is a keeper.

Madelaine, thanks for your recap. This was an extraordinary effort especially in light of your husband's surgery. Glad to hear he's OK.

I hope the writers give us good future scenes when Mariana confronts or sending to jail those at El Trash that have tormented her. I just wish she would get the right info and slap the smirk off of Tony's face and others present so he doesn't harm her.

Yes, let the Virus go to jail!! I hope Tia Maria convinces Cami not to go through for a forced marriage to the Drunk.

Tony is worse. Lulu is just nuts.

At one point when Tony was with Mariana the door bell rang. Tony said he'd get it while she was in the kitchen. He cracks open the doors, sees Santiago and tells him to go away. This should come back to bit him in the butt.

So what possible reason would Camila have to rescue her mother from jail? Seems to me that Tony would be doing her a huge favor.

Would it be too much to have Mariana or Manuel check with the newspaper company to see if the article is real? Or talk to her doctor that Manuel already knows? It would probably be too much.


I just remembered one more thing that puts Pigorio in the crappy father category (not that he needs anything else), he got all over Lu's case because she had a chance to shoot Pedro and didn't. Can you imagine any father saying such a thing to his child? He wants her in the manicomio or jail and out of his hair.

Kelly, Tony would totally be doing Camila a favor by putting Elvira in jail. She and Armando would be indebted to Tony for it. All that Mariana believing Tony is complete silliness.

If I were Pedro and Camilla, I would go to El Captain and explain the situation and at least have some sort of security for pobre Mariana. They all know that everyone at El Trash are out to get her. That woman is not safe on the street in more ways than one.

Manuel needs to go with them and get a Restraining Order to keep El Viral away!

Rosemary Primera

Thank all of you for your kind comments. Thank you Cap'n for the things I missed. Maybe Pigorio was telling Doris if she backed out of their "thing" he would make her leave. I think he also said something about Doris still being in love with Tonio. I think he is hanging on to her.

I think Tonio will tell Cameela that El Viral is trying to kill Pigorio and of course will leave his part out of it, or make sure El Capitan finds out, so they arrest El Viral. She will finger Tonio though. I don't think Cameela would ever marry Tonio. I think she knows he is a horrible liar. He just doesn't get that.

El Viral will chase anyone with money. I wonder why she thinks she is so entitled? I hope we find out at some point.

Also I wonder what happened to the investigation into Tia Patty's and Claudio's deaths? We haven't seen El Capitan in a while.

I can't beleive Mariana believes everything that Tonio is spewing at her. Everyone has told her Tonio is bad. I hope it all comes out and Pigorio, Val and Tonio roast in hell for what they have done to her. I really hope she gets her memory back.

I enjoy doing the "wait for it" I think it is funny and snarky and I try to use it every time I can. This TN does have some convoluted funny things in the story lines and impossible things too. I try to point them out when I can. lol.

Oh, I looked on esmas for El Talisman and saw part of the conversation Tonio was having with Mariana when he called Pedro a estafador. Now I know what it means and what he was saying to her. He said Pedro was a swindler. Can you imagine? It is really the reverse.

I've heard that word before, estefador, but I think I'm going to remember it now. Hopefully.

Just watched the epi, although I FF'd through some parts (i.e. Fresno State University.) Lucrazy caught Doris calling her father "tú" and demanded to know what THAT was all about. Doris covered up by saying, well, I can't call him "suegro" anymore now that I'm divorced, can I? Gag was pithed later and told her not to make that kind of mistake again or he'd throw her out on her can-can.

Madelaine, you are right about Tonio. Elvira is not going down alone. One good example, how would the bottle of pills end up in Elvira's hands?
Also, don't you guys think that Pigorio will say something? In the beginning of the TN he said that he liked Elvira too much, I bet he would help out, asking her to be his mistress or she can go to jail. Definitively, Cameela and Tia Maria are not going to let Tonio get away with his plan. They just have to prolong the TN.

Odie, Elvira battling against Doris for Pigorio's affections? Oh my, what a delicious thought! It would be disgusting but irresistible.

Well, Elvira could have pocketed the Pig's pills when she was in his bedroom...

Blue Lass, when was Elvira in his room? When she was cheating with him, there was no knowledge of Pigorio having HBP.

And if she was in his room and took the pills, when did she put them back? It just doesn't fit.

Also, in the avances Lucrazy discover that Tonio is the one putting poison in the pills.

Well, *we* didn't know Pig had la presión, but maybe he did. It was just brought up out of the blue one day (back when they had the Keystone Writers.)

And I do remember Elvira being in his room at least once, although perhaps not twice. Anyway, Tonio could easily lie about that -- he lies about everything else. The question is just how is he going to blame it all on her, and I think he could make a case...

If she was in his room it was not recently, it was back when Mariana went missing, that has been to many years ago.

Was she in his room recently and I missed it? The pills would have gotten old. When she touched the bottle of pills it was when she came from Davis and was staying at the only hotel in Fresno.

She will be asked how did she get the bottle, the only answer from Tonio.

Oh, you're right; that WAS a long time ago, wasn't it? It seems like yesterday...or last February. :)

Is going to be interesting to see what Tonio comes up with to blame her. Let's see how smart is the police captain.

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