Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #231-232 Tue 5/1/12 The Love-Bunker

Ok guys, there was a lot of unhappiness this episode as well as a random astrologer who wants to be Pancho's friend based on the stars and stuff, but Beto took the cake today. An amazing scene that made this 2-hour slogfest a little more bearable.

Anyway, What seems to be the main plot driver this episode is Ana and her two men. She can't decide. Yeah, we get it already.

Also Pepe proposes to Monica, gets turned down because she "doesn't know if she's mature enough," and takes it as rough as you would expect.

Lupita is also unhappy, explaining to Tomas that she couldn't handle the stress of being a cop's wife and not knowing if he was going to come home.


Pepe wastes a romantic location (where his jefes first kissed) on the proposal to Ana - he throws down a trail of rose petals and Moni totters after him on heels. She refuses, but they'll have to think of something fast to wrap it all up before the series closes. Where's Frida when you need her? Oh yeah, angry and dejected.

After receiving the you-gotta-fight-for-love from his daughters, Adrian gets dressed up (no, he's always in a suit) and trucks over to la casa popular, where he makes his case to Ana, who is much shorter than him and dressed like a 16-year-old girl. The imbalance looks a little creepy and drives home the point that no one seems to care about the age difference (how old is Ana, anyway?). Anyway, she tells him that she's going to distance herself from Fred. And Adrian, too.

Tomas comes to meet with Pancho, come for his share of the Avon nepotism. Pancho says great, our head of security is an old dude, let's give you his job! So Tomas will give up his dream to steal some old-timer's sinecure. Way to go Lupita. He's totally going to resent you for it within the year.

Random PSA brought to you by Lamberto: The end is near!

Rebe's mom drools over the guy who delivers the baby-mattress, and we are reminded that she's now a free woman!

And gaaaawd, doesn't Kari have anything less humiliating and personally degrading to do than chase Fred? She shows up to gleefully roll in the dirt for yet another run at Pollis. Like clockwork, Ana shows up at the door. While Freddy goes to let her in, Kari takes her top off. At this point, with Ana, it's like Charlie Brown and the football. Will she fall for it AGAIN?

I don't get to find out, because over-the-air Univision goes dark. I just started using an antenna rather than cable, but all the other channels were still coming in fine. Instead, I watch a few minutes of "Conan, el Destructor" on Telefutura. The guy they have dubbing Arnold has a pretty funny voice.

When Univision returns, Kari has her shirt back on. Awww.

"Doña Rebe" is doing stretches with Candi, who is telling her about that time Vins didn't hide behind her when Napoleon tried to take her away. She says Vins his her reason to live. Poor girl.

Chela tries to speak to Moni on Pepe's behalf, and Moni flares a little bit of her mom's crazy in response. I think it's genetic.

Arnold and Barbs get busy in a costume shop, despite his mild protestations. And I mean busy.

Ketita gets off work early for her date with Lamberto.

And now the astrologist makes his appearance. Talk about your random subplots! He thinks that Pancho is the perfect embodiment of the Taurus and the Mexican spirit, admires his success, and calls him and the vice-president-who-just-stepped-in "masters of the universe." He would like to be Pancho's friend, and invites him to a new-years-dinner of like-minded astro-nuts (astrolocos, as Pancho says). Pancho, who is a fiend for flattery, is quite taken by the prospect.

Freddy and Adrian are both trying to scheme up plots to win Ana back. That's cute.

On his drive home, Pancho finds a dude selling lewd Candi calendars from the median strip. He pulls over to stop traffic and have a look. They're pretty hot, and the guy gives him one for free. He takes them to show Candi and Doña Rebe and Rebe all hot with righteous outrage, but he can't seem to get them on the outrage train. Candi, in particular, is extremely pleased with how good she looks in the photos!

Pepe tries to  complain to Lupita, Ana, Popeye, and Temo, but they would rather tease him for being a whiner and not thinking it through properly ("don't you remember what happened last time you lived with her?" "you want a little white dress to wear while you cry?"). They have a good point.

Now comes my favorite part of the whole episode. Beto has been following Mayan doomsday mythology, and he converted himself a little bunker o' love in a bank vault for him and Ketita. It is quite well-stocked with canned food, livestock (chickens, a turkey, and I could have sworn I heard a donkey braying at one point), and plants (which seem to be growing surprisingly well, given that they're in a bank vault). He extolls the virtues of his plan while Ketita quietly freaks out and looks for an escape route.

Pancho also chides Pepe for proposing to Monica. "Making a family isn't like making enchiladas." Well said.

And that's it for last night!


Thanks for your efforts Ezra. You actually got the important points which were few and fairly insignificant. I loved the romantic feast in the bank vault to celebrate the coming of the end of the world. The rest was a lot of whines and moans.

They seem to be shaking up all of the couples as we head into Ultimos Capitulos. Remember how we were all picking sides about who Ximena should end up with on Gancho? Is that what they are trying to do here? Keep us guessing? Getting us lined up on team Freddy or team Adrian. Sorry! This is not exciting -- it's just annoying.

I hope Chela can get on board with Enzo's plans to move to Monterrey. I hope Lupita can get over her anxiety and let Tomás follow his dream. I hope that Pepe doesn't go seek comfort in the arms of Frida. I hope Arnold doesn't go gay again -- it was an aggressive female who sent him into hiding under the guise of being gay.. That Barb is pushing him awfully hard.

I'm enjoying Rebe & Pancho bickering over dirty laundry on the floor. It's a realistic touch. I'm so glad she's not crying over everything anymore.

Oh yes and--bring back Pina.


Thanks Ezra for this quick recap, and I'm with Cheryl you got all the high points. Ana, please make up your mind Already!

Loved the dinner in the bunker with Beto and Quetita. It was very cute.

Love your recaps Ezra. Favorite lines were....

"like Charlie Brown and the football--will she fall for it again?"
[Pancho] "a fiend for flattery"
"can't seem to get them on the outrage train"

Like your mama, you have a gift for humor and a talent for condensation. Both blessed talents for crafting a wonderful recap.

Thank you, Ezra! I'm glad you didn't miss the good part. The bunker scene was delightful! There definitely was a donkey in there!

Here's what I don't get about these survivalist, bunker-building types: if the world is all post-apocolyptic and all, why would you want to linger for years hiding out in a bunker, eating terrible food, with hardly anyone to talk to and no place to go? I'd rather just die and get it over with.

Nonetheless, that was pretty hysterical. Those chickens! Ha.

Pepe is way off base reacting like that. Moni has made it very clear she wants to take things slowly and she isn't ready to get married yet. I was annoyed when Chela chided her for not saying yes. Moni is right. None of their original problems have really been resolved. Maybe now that she's graduated she could work full-time and make more money, but that doesn't change the fact that she really doesn't know how to take care of herself and she doesn't have much resilience, or that Pepe tends to dismiss her concerns. Pretty rude of him to not even let her talk and declare that she must not love him.

Chela should be using some of this time living with Moni to teach her some basic cooking, cleaning, and laundry skills. Everyone should know these things.

I love Sebastian's faces in the background. Working at Avon is probably the most entertainment he's had in years. The astroloco was funny.

That nursery is ugly. I hate the pink and blue coding. Also, why the kid-size chairs? It'll be years before the kids use those. Why not some adult-size chairs for the people taking care of the babies? I did like Rebe Sr.'s ogling of the delivery guy.

Ezra- I was out last night, so didn't get to see this yet. Thanks for filling me in. I can't wait to see the bunker scenes. Sounds hilarious. :)

This was very witty, Ezra. --Good point about Adrien in his suit and Ana in that teenager outfit. She just isn't mature enough to be hooking up with either of these guys.

I'd be switching to team Adrien & letting Freddy get it on with Kari (oh wait - they already did that) BUT Kari is so getting on my bad side with her stalking that I don't want her to end up getting what she wants.

Yes, that bunker scene was hilarious. And Julia, I agree that I wouldn't want to be the last person alive and living in a bunker with stale water and canned goods. Of course Lambi will have fresh milk and eggs.


Okay, I promised myself I wouldn't be that annoying person who comes in in the middle and doesn't know who anyone is, so I'm limiting myself to one dumb question a week. What's a "pollis"?

Ezra, thanks for the recap.

Lambi's bunker was my favorite part too. Poor Ketita - now she's not so sure Lambi's her Mr. Right after all.

Blue Lass- Pollis is short for pollito. Yes, Freddy is Ana's little chicken. :) The fact that he doesn't mind this nickname and that ALL the Lopez now use it (affectionately), shows he's pretty secure in himself, I think. All the Lopez now call Moni Sirenita too, but that's a way better nickname.

Is Sofia Vergara in every other commercial on the Spanish language channels? Burger King, insurance, Cover Girl, KMart, Coca-Cola, Comcast cable...I hope she's saving all that spokesperson money.

Ezra, thanks for funny and observant recap. ITA that Beto's boonkair was hilarious. It was brilliantly provisioned. I loved how all the little herbs and plants had ID tags. But with all those animals wouldn't it be kind of smelly? Maybe he's got a compost pile in the corner.

Yikes, Kari really hit rock-bottom in this episode. Talk about pathetic.

@Vivi THANK YOU! I've been saying that for months, but my Mom always says "these bimbos all look the same." She's really cashed in bigtime!

Little chicken? Ai ai ai. Poor guy. I think I'd rather "huele a azufre." :)

Not sure why Pancho's outrage over those "scandalous" photos of Candy. In all of them she was more covered than in her normal streetwear. Maybe he was offended by some culturally insensitive costume choices? Nah, not Pancho.

OK. Got home early and watched my recording. The "boonkair" was just as funny as I imagined it. Quetita's expressions were hilarious, and that donkey braying in the background was the cherry on top.

I loved Popeye's musings about those crazy humans and their love-life problems. He and Abeja were our first couple and have been the most stable couple in this show.

I am in awe of Kari's shamelessness.

I found it ironic that Arnie and Barb got it on INSIDE a closet. I think she's too much woman for him.

I agree with Moni and don't understand Chela's hostility about her not accepting Pepe's proposal. It's not her business. Nothing obligates a woman to accept just because a man proposes. I know that I would have said the same to my boyfriend when I was 22, and I was more self sufficient than Moni at that age! I just wish she and Pepe would actually actively work on the stuff that went wrong when they lived together so that they WILL be prepared to eventually marry each other. Pancho even pointed out that it will be a while before Pepe graduates. What's the rush?

Julia I agree that Candy's constumes cover as much as her normal clothes do. I did find it hilarious when Pacho freaked out at the calendar vendor and said "That's my sainted sister!" The vendor looked wide eyed at the pic of Candy in the jungle girl outfit and said "Saint?!" Then he asked Pancho for an autograph from the "saint." LOL!

Vivi, as I was catching up on the Familia recaps I noticed I missed your birthday, so Happy (belated) Birthday! I hope you did some fun stuff for yourself.

Your comment about Barb and Arnold, I do agree he is in a bit over his head with her. She seems to have quite an appetite, and I don't mean for food.

Thanks Sylvia! I had a great b-day and b-day weekend. Lots of brunches (that's all the friends with little kids can do these days) and a bit of shopping at outdoor markets over the weekend.

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