Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #229-230 Mon 4/30/12

Heart to heart talks and surprises! A recap from last week.

We begin with Melanie and Temo talking about Adrian and Ana. We also catch the scenes with Freddy and Ana in Freddy’s apartment and with Pancho and Rebeca’s conversation as well. We finally catch the scenes with Tomas and Lupita talking about the next police operation and the operation itself where Tomas has a run-in with a gun.

We begin today’s episode with Pancho and Sebastian talking in Pancho’s office. Pancho asks Sebastian to consider taking the vice-presidency intermittently while Vicente takes care of his legal and financial affairs. Pancho warns Sebastian that there might be problems with Vicente letting go of his position.

In another part of town, Chela and Enzo are showing their love for one another before Enzo has to leave for the airport and head for Monterrey. Enzo is very curious to know something about the upcoming wedding. Chela won’t say a word about it. Cute scenes.

Candy knows that Vicente will be pretty angry about being temporarily let go of his position as vice-president. She wants to surprise him by doing something very special…a Candy calendar! Arnold takes pictures and while he and Candy interact, Barbara comes in and lets Arnold know she doesn’t want him near Candy. She insults Candy and Candy doesn’t hold back and slaps Barbara. Barbara threatens Candy that there will be a fight if Candy is near Arnold.

Back to Pancho and Sebastian. Pancho continues to fill Sebastian in on his history with Vicente. While waiting for Vicente to receive them in his office, they talk about a more personal issue…Sebastian losing his son. Pancho opens his heart and lets Sebastian know how scared he was when all of his kids were in some kind of threatening danger at various times…Pepe with his hand, Temo in the well, and Ana and Lupita in the operating room.

Vicente finally decides to talk with Pancho and Sebastian, and of course, he’s both drinking and furious upon receiving the news that he is temporarily relieved of his duties. He immediately blames Pancho and figures that it’s what Pancho always wanted. He also begins to question and insult Sebastian. Sebastian defends himself and says that he can clearly see what kind of a person Vicente really is. It infuriates Vicente even more. Pancho breaks it up.

Candy and Arnold talk a little bit more and Candy makes a very stupid mistake. While they discuss how Candy will obtain her calendar (delivery, email, etc), she lets Arnold know that he can send her everything via facebook. Well…we already know what will happen, right??

Chela tries to comfort Rebeca on accepting her parents’ divorce. Candy tries to comfort Rebeca’s mother as well. Julio goes to see Pancho and offer him a sincere apology. They have a heart to heart talk about things. Julio lets Pancho know how much he appreciates Pancho’s good and noble qualities and asks him to continue making Rebeca happy.

In Monterrey, Enzo is considering buying a house where he and his family can live.

Next, we see a couple of thinking or daydreamers…Adrian and Pepe. Freddy interrupts Pepe’s daydream. Pepe tells Freddy that he plans on proposing to Monica.

Lupita and Tomas talk on the phone, and Tomas hides the truth from her. He knows how she’ll get. Lupita worries anyway when she hears him scream in pain.

Adrian comes to see Ana, and they also have a heart to heart talk. Adrian is very honest with her and tells her that the best thing is for them to not see each other anymore. He wants her to have the security and comfort to decide who she really loves and wants for a partner. Ana is stunned. While she understands his position, she is still very confused. Adrian continues to be honest with her. She’s left crying. Temo comes in and tries to comfort her as best as he can.

Pepe and Freddy talk like good friends about their respective love interests. They listen to and try and encourage one another.

Julio and Rebe also have a heart to heart talk. He explains that he’s going back to the United States and is very likely to get divorced from her mother. Rebe is saddened by this news and tries to convince her dad to at least stay for New Year’s, but he gently tells her that it’s best for him to go. It was a nice moment and conversation between Julio and Rebeca. Julio leaves, and Rebe and her mom have a little talk as well. Dona Rebeca is saddened by the ending of her marriage. She feels that she has failed.

Adrian pays a visit to Pancho and is honest about ending his relationship with Ana. Pancho understands the situation. More than offering advice, Pancho just listens. The conversation is cut short by Rebe who calls to talk. Pancho offers to come home for lunch and be with her for a while.

Lupita and Candy are on the computer when Ana comes in crying. They try and cheer her up and probably confuse her even more. Candy tells the girls about her calendar surprise for Vicente. Candy is the one who is surprised when she sees that her calendar is all over Facebook and is being sold on the street as well. Arnold made an error and posted the pictures on Candy’s wall rather than sending them to her privately. Vicente will be furious…even more!

 Much of the Lopez family spend some time together over conversation, lunch and dessert. Pepe and Tomas also talk, and Pepe lets Tomas know that hiding the truth from Lupita is not a good idea. Of course, when Lupita and Tomas are together and Tomas tries to cover things up, the truth comes out and Lupita freaks out and is upset that Tomas lied.

Vicente finds out about the calendar! He buys all of the ones the salesman is selling and is on a mission!

Sebastian fills Pancho in on how his son passed away. Pancho lets Sebastian know that even though his son is gone, he must continue to press on and live life for himself, to honor his son’s memory, and to find love once again. Slowly but surely, a friendship is beginning between them.

Vicente arrives home and confronts Candy about the calendar. Candy sincerely feels terrible about how things happened and tries to explain everything. Vicente asks for Candy’s forgiveness but tells her that he needs to get away for a while to put his thoughts and life in order. This breaks Candy’s heart, but she continues to support him and offer her unconditional love. Vicente tells her not to worry but also lets her know that he won’t be communicating for a few days.

Now we go to another heart to heart talk between Mother Rebeca and Daughter Rebeca. This time, it is the daughter who puts the cards on the table. She tells her mom that she won’t take sides or listen to how badly she speaks of her dad. She also asks her mom to think about whether or not she has any fault in the ending of her marriage. Hmmm.

Some other heart to heart talks take place. The first is between Tomas and Pancho. The second…between Freddy and Vicente. The third…Pepe and Tomas. The only thing I didn’t like was that Vicente wasn’t honest with Freddy regarding why Pancho removed him from his position.

Karina and Monica talk about Freddy. Monica continues to try and make Karina see that Freddy’s not in love with her. She won’t have it! She’s going to win Freddy and the love war.

Pancho brings his mother-in-law some candies to sweeten her life. They talk for a bit, and Pancho encourages her to go out on a limb and do something she’s always wanted to do but couldn’t because she was married. She rather likes this idea. Right at that time, when we’re about to find out what she wants to do, Candy comes in a mess and lets Pancho know what happened with Vicente. Rebe joins the conversation, and between everyone, they try and comfort Candy.

 At that point, there’s a loud knock at the door and when Pancho opens the door, he encounters a very loud and angry Freddy. This boy is showing character and attitude, which is something that Pancho likes but reins in a bit. Ana also comes into the picture, and Pancho talks to both of them and explains everything with the whole truth. Freddy doesn’t like what he hears but realizes that Pancho is right in what he said about Vicente bringing everything up on himself. Both Freddy and Pancho worry about Vicente wanting to isolate himself because they know he’s not that kind of person. He generally takes the bull by the horns and attacks or does something to show his spite and anger. This time, he’s almost running from his problems rather than facing them.

Ana and Freddy have another heart to heart talk. Freddy appreciates knowing where he stands with Ana. Ana’s heart is divided, and she doesn’t know who she loves more. There’s a short scene with Adrian and his oldest daughter. Basically, she lets him know that he needs to continue fighting for Ana.

Chela and Monica are at home talking about surprises. Chela lets Monica know a few of the wedding details but asks her not to say anything to Enzo because it’s a surprise. Then she says that Enzo also has a surprise but won’t say anything.

My DVR cut out right when Pepe comes to pick Monica up for a date. The last thing I saw was that he shows Chela the engagement ring he bought for Monica. My theory is that he’s got a special surprise planned for Monica regarding the proposal. My theory is that Pepe will receive a surprise as well.


I wish to apologize for such a late recap. I had the hardest time with my internet and posting this thing last night. I emailed it to someone this morning so that she could post it for me, but only now did I see that she also was having internet problems. Again, I'm sorry. I generally post these with enough time.

Thank you JP, and sorry about the internet problems! I missed this episode due to falling asleep, but now I'm all up to speed. Thanks again!

Ugh, this whole "fight for your love" theme. It's one thing if you know the object of your affections loves you back, and there's just some obstacle or trauma in the way. But constantly badgering someone who's never been that into you is not romantic, it's creepy and idiotic! I like what people are telling Kari better: MOVE ON.

I'm just not buying Ana's "confusion." What could possibly be appealing about Adrian's manipulation and whining?

It's too bad there don't seem to be any women at Avon who could be promoted now that Enzo, Rebe, and Vice are out. "The Company For Women" doesn't seem all that interested in being run by them.

JP don't worry, this is a great recap. The part you missed was Pepe has a trail of rose petals leading to the ring, and Moni finds it, but I didn't hear what she answered Pepe.

I can see Vins wanting to be alone to reevaluate himself, but he was mean to Candy. The poor thing couldn't even explain the calendar.

Lupe should have a little patience. I know she lost Alex, but this is Tomas's career here. He loves his job, you can tell. She is just so worried about losing him.

I wonder what the surprise is, that Chela has cooked up for Enzzo. I loved how Concepcion was oogling them while they were kissing and she even sighed lol.

Freddy has finally grown up a bit, but he should have listened to Pancho before he went off.

I like Sebastian, way better for Sebsai to be VP of Avon than Vins.

Monica did NOT look happy about the ring.

Thanks for the recap JP. I completely understand regarding computer problems. I just found out there are various mal-ware lurking on my computer in spite of my anti-virus software :(

Julia - Yes, fighting for your love only makes sense if BOTH parties love one another. Otherwise its stalking (with the poster children for this being Adrian and Kari). Ick!

Madelaine - Lupe is going to have to learn who to cope as Tomas does love his job.

Blue Lass - Moni did not look happy at all. Another fight on the horizon, really!?

I think it's kind of obnoxious for Pepe to propose marriage to Moni when she's made it clear she is NOT ready to get married, assuming that's what happens. It's a question you shouldn't ask unless you're pretty sure you know the answer, IMO. At least you shouldn't make such a big production of it unless you know the answer.

JP, Thank you so much for writing the recap for us. I am grateful to have had the time to prepare photos to mount for the art studio tour this weekend.

It seems like Kari, Moni, Ana and even the sainted Lupita are so concerned with how they want their universe to twirl that they are not considering what the men in their lives need. Ana bores me so much I can't imagine that two men are going to hang on her decision. Maybe Pepe will be consoled by Frida again, Moni should be a bit conscious that she just made Pepe give up his interest in someone who really, really wanted him. Although I don't advocate being obliged to marry anyone ever, don't get me wrong. It's just that these ending plot details are so maddening especially when the beginning of this telenovela was so well written.

Tomas is going to be bored stupid if he gives up his fought for job but isn't it odd that intelligence work is being equated only to SWAT team violent actions? Seems like he could use his brain quietly at a desk at least part of the time? Oh, well, never mix reality with telenovela think, it just doesn't work right.

Mostly I am liking Gael Garcia Bernal on the Gillette commercials every night. It goes nicely with the one in English they are doing with Adrien Brody. Very clever filming.

Team Frieda forever!

JP- Thanks for getting us such a great recap despite all the computer problems.

I also don't think Pepe should have proposed when Moni has made it clear that she's not ready for marriage. I don't think Frida is the answer, but I also don't see what's the rush to get married so young like all the youngsters in this show do.

Vince was getting on my nerves telling his (false) version of things to Sandra and Freddy and getting them worked up. He has a LOT of growing up to do, and I hope he does some of it on this little trip of his.

JP, sorry for the belated comment but I just now caught up on a week's worth of Familia. Great job powering through your internet and blogger problems. I missed watching this episode (blame William Levy and DWTS) so I truly appreciate your great translation and explanation.

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